Reading with 3 to 6 year olds Ukufunda nezingane ... - Nal'ibali

Reading with 3 to 6 year olds Ukufunda nezingane ... - Nal'ibali Reading with 3 to 6 year olds Ukufunda nezingane ... - Nal'ibali

S<strong>to</strong>ry starsConnecting <strong>with</strong> my sonthrough s<strong>to</strong>riesJama Wezo from Heidelberg in Gauteng loves reading <strong>to</strong> histhree-<strong>year</strong>-old son Orifha (Ori) Unathi Jama. In fact, he sayshe started engaging <strong>with</strong> his son long before he was born,singing <strong>to</strong> him when he was still in his mother’s tummy. “Thiscontinued after Ori was born and has become a habit for us,”says Jama. “And now that he is older, I’m encouraged by thefact that he asks for s<strong>to</strong>ries before he goes <strong>to</strong> bed every night.”What s<strong>to</strong>ries do you tell your son?I make up some of the s<strong>to</strong>ries. Others are from The Bible and others are folktalesthat I was <strong>to</strong>ld as a child.Some people think reading <strong>to</strong> children should be done by women. What doyou think of this?I don’t agree. Any parent can read <strong>to</strong> a child!Do you think reading in your home language is important?When we read s<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>to</strong> our children in their home language, we instill pride intheir spoken language.What does it feel like when you read <strong>to</strong> your son?It feels like a conversation because Ori imitates, responds or disagrees whereverhe feels like it!What difference does being read <strong>to</strong>make in Ori’s life?He learns a rich vocabulary and how <strong>to</strong>use words when I read him s<strong>to</strong>ries.What is your advice <strong>to</strong> other dadsthinking about reading <strong>to</strong> theirchildren?Listening <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ries develops children’simagination. So, if fathers want <strong>to</strong> helptheir children develop, one of the thingsthey can do is <strong>to</strong> read <strong>to</strong> them whilethey are still young.Moeletsi MabeNoodleAbavelele ezindabeniUkuxhumana nendodana yamingezindabaUJama Wezo wase-Heidelberg eGauteng uyathandaukufundela indodana yakhe eneminyaka emithathu u-Orifha(Ori) Unathi Jama. Empeleni uthi waqala ukufundela indodanayakhe ingakazalwa, wayeyiculela ngesikhathi isesesiswinisikamama wayo. “Lokhu kwaqhubeka nangemuva kokubau-Ori esezelwe futhi sekungumkhuba wethu,” kusho uJama.“Futhi manje usekhulile, kuyangikhuthaza ukuthi ucelaukufundelwa izindaba njalo ebusuku ngaphambi kokubaayolala.”Umxoxela ziphi izindaba undodana wakho?Ngiyaziqambela izindaba. Ezinye ziqhamuka eBhayibhelini kanti ezinyeziyizinganekwane engangizixoxelwa ngiseyingane.Abanye abantu bacabanga ukuthi ukufundela izingane kumele kwenziweabantu besifazane. Ucabangani ngalokhu?Angivumelani nakho. Noma imuphi umzali kumele afundele ingane!Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi ukufunda ngolimi lwakho lwasekhaya kubalulekile?Uma sifundela izingane zethu izindaba ngolimi lwazo lwasekhaya sizenzaziziqhenye ngolimi ezilukhulumayo.Uzizwa kanjani ngesikhathi ufundela indodana yakho?Kuzwakala sengathi siyaxoxa ngoba u-Ori ulingisa lokho engikushoyo,aphendule noma angavumelani nami umaezwa kuthi akenze kanjalo!Pho<strong>to</strong> of Jama Wezo and his sonNgabe kwenza mehluko muniukufundelwa empilweni ka-Ori?Ufunda ulwazi lwamagama olunothilenokuthi angawasebenzisa kanjaniamagama uma ngimfundela izindaba.Ungabacebisa uthini obaba abacabangaukufundela izingane zabo?Ukulalela izindaba kuthuthukisa ukuzakhelaizithombe zomqondo kwezingane. Ngakhouma obaba bethanda ukusiza izingane zaboukuthi zithuthuke, enye yezin<strong>to</strong>abangazenza ukuthi bafundeleizingane zabo zisencane.S<strong>to</strong>p!Yima!If you aren’t going <strong>to</strong> use this supplement,please give it <strong>to</strong> someone who will! Deliverit <strong>to</strong> a school, community centre, library orsomeone you know.Uma ungeke usisebenzise lesi sithasiselo sicelausinikeze umuntu ozosisebenzisa. Sihambiseesikoleni, esikhungweni somphakathi,kumtapowolwazi noma kumuntu omaziyo.To read more about Jama Wezo go <strong>to</strong> the S<strong>to</strong>ry Starssection on www.nalibali.orgIf you know of a reading club, parent, caregiver ororganisation working hard <strong>to</strong> root reading and writingin<strong>to</strong> children’s daily lives, tell us about them or and we couldfeature them here!Ukuze ufunde kabanzi ngoJama Wezo yiya engxenyeniye-S<strong>to</strong>ry Stars kuwebhusayithi ethi www.nalibali.orgUma wazi ithimba lokufunda, umzali, umnakekelinoma inhlangano ethile esebenza ngokuzikhandlaukugxilisa ukufunda nokubhala empilweni yezinganensuku zonke, sitshele ngabo futhi singalushicilela udabalwabo lapha!Create your own mini-book1. Take out pages 3 <strong>to</strong> 6 of thissupplement.2. Fold it in half along the blackdotted line.3. Fold it in half again.4. Cut along the red dotted lines.Zenzele ibhukwana lakho1. Khipha ikhasi 3 ukuya ku 6 kulolu shicilelo.2. Lisonge libe nguhhafu lapho kunomugqa(ulayini) wamachashaza amnyama khona.3. Lisonge libe nguhhafu futhi.4. Sika lapho kunomugqa wamachashazaabomvu khona.2

In a time long, long ago, Hippopotamusand Fire were the best friends in the world.Hippopotamus would often visit Fire, but Firenever visited Hippopotamus.Kudaladala, uMvubu noMlilokwakungabangane abakhulu. Esikhathiniesiningi kwakuba uMvubu owayezaezovakasha kodwa uMlilo yenaengalubhadi kwaMvubu.236

Then, one day, Hippopotamus said: “I oftenvisit you, but you never visit me. Things can’tkeep on this way. If you don’t visit me soon, Iwill no longer be friends <strong>with</strong> you.”“I’d love <strong>to</strong> visit you,” said Fire, “but peopleare always frightened when I arrive in theirhomes. But, if you insist, I’ll be your guestnext Sunday.”Ngelinye ilanga uMvubu wathi, “Ngasosonke isikhathi yimina engiza lapha kuwenangizokuvakashela, kodwa wena awuziukuzongivakashela. Uma kuqhubeka lokhukwenzeka, ngibona sengathi buzophelaubungani bethu.”Umlilo wathi, “Ngingathandaukuzokuvakashela, kodwa abantu bayebethuke uma ngifika emizini yabo.Kodwa uma kusho wena, ngizofikangizokuvakashela ngeSon<strong>to</strong> elizayo.”457

Sunday arrived and, early in the morning,Fire started <strong>to</strong> make his way <strong>to</strong> whereHippopotamus lived.6Lase lifika iSon<strong>to</strong>. Kwathi ngovivi, uMlilowasuka elibangise kwaMvubu.Wherever Fire went, there were tears anddevastation. All the villages he passedthrough were burned. All the farms went upin smoke.Yonke indawo lapho ayedlula khona uMlilo,kwashabalala konke. Kwasha zonke izigodiadlula kuzona, kanti namapulazi ashaangqongqa.78

When Fire arrived atHippopotamus’ home, evenit started <strong>to</strong> burn.Kuthe lapho uMlilo esefikakwaMvubu, nendlu yakheuMvubu yaqala yasha.899

Hippopotamus ranand threw himself in<strong>to</strong>the river. The waterput out the fire, but itwas <strong>to</strong>o late <strong>to</strong> saveHippopotamus’ fur.12Wagijima uMvubuwayoziphonsa emfuleni.Amanzi awucima umliloowawukuyena kodwaayesephuzile ngobaawakwazanga ukusindisauboya bakhe. 1311

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