Vision Of Prosperity - Memon Point

Vision Of Prosperity - Memon Point

Vision Of Prosperity - Memon Point


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Times Gujarati Page No. 02Karachi’s Bohras attendbroadcast of Syedna MuhammadBurhanuddin’s sermonKARACHI: Anold and frail man with asnowy white beard alldressed in white appearedprojected on aneight-foot wall to followerswho were watchingwith rapt attention as theyfervently prayed for hislong life and health. OnWednesday, the sermonof his Holiness Dr SyednaMuhammad Burhanuddin(TUS) from Ujjain, India,was broadcast in mosquesall around the world. TheDawoodi Bohras gatheredto listen to a manwho has seen a centurypass and yet possessesthe oratory skills to makehundreds of thousandsacross the globe weep.The 52nd Dai of theDawoodi Bohra communitywill turn one hundredyears on 20th RabiulAkhar as per the Bohracalendar. The centennialcelebrations of the spiritualleader of the communitymark an epoch in itshistory as SyednaBurhanuddin (TUS) hasled his community formore years than any otherDai before him. Given thelove that his followershave for him, it is an eventwhich is a unique blessingfor many to witness.“We are very happy thatin our lives we get to seeour dai celeberate his hundredthbirthday. It is ourgreat fortune that fate hasbestowed this blessingupon us,” said ZakiaBy Fatima ShabbirAbid, a devout 72-yearold Bohra woman whooffered all her prayers inthe same mosque duringRamazan and after eachnamaz she would pray forher Dai’s long life.Across the globe, allDawoodi Bohras areunited in celebrating thisauspicious occasion. Tojoin in the happiness of thecentennial birthday celebrations,ceremonies ofsamoo lagan (mass Bohriweddings) are takingplace all over the city. Onesuch ceremony took placeon March 6 in Hyderiwhere about 40 couplestied the knot.“Samoo lagan denotesunity, a wedding is an occasionwhere everyonejoins in to celebrate,” saidJuzer, one of the bridegrooms.“The differencesof wealth and rank becomeirrelevant as we celebrateat an individual,family and communitylevel.” He said “I do” lastSunday.Bohri brides usually donot limit themselves towearing the traditional redat their weddding, optinginstead for the entirespectrum. However, thistime the theme for bridalclothes at the samoo laganwas red and whitesince red is SyednaBurhanuddin’s (TUS) favouritecolour. Deckedout in a red and white rida(a traditional bohri dress),each bride attended hernikkah ceremony in a colourthat symbolised theirlove for the dai.And the colour red is notlimited to brides alone asother Bohri girls andwomen also favourshades of scarlet. “It is asource of happiness forme to wear my Dai’s favouritecolour, especiallythis close to his 100th cel-ebrations,” said RashidaMoiz, a 17-year old girlwho recently had a redrida stitched.The Burhani CentennialTrade Expo at theKarachi Expo Centrewas held from January 28to January 30 to felicitateSyedna Burhanuddin(TUS). Among the dignitarieswho attended wasPrime Minister YousufRaza Gilani who inauguratedthe exhibition. Thiswas one among theseveral exhibitionsheld across the globefor the purpose ofwishing SyednaBurhannuddin (TUS) ahappy birthday.Courtesy By: TribuneMessageI am pleased to facilitate to themanagement of Times Gujarati”” on theoccasion of it’s newly publication withEnglish Section.Times Gujarati is a harbinger of GujaratiCommunity who is well known for theirpeace loving nature all over the world.Manawer Lal VaswaniMember National Assembly&PetronMinorities Families NewspaperT U R A B

Times Gujarati Page No. 03rent leadership of <strong>Memon</strong>Federation is taking communityto the path of successwith great passionand I do believe thatFifth Expo Exhibition willalso be successful likeprevious four Exhibitionsorganized by <strong>Memon</strong>Federation. Due to badpolitical situation in countrythe wheel of tradingand industries hasstopped. There is alarmingsituation of peace inthe city and it need to beattended urgently by thegovernment.The political parties needto seat together andmanage the peace in thecity So that economicalwheel should not stop.Dr. Ishrat Ul Ibad said inhis speech “The <strong>Memon</strong>Community is engaged inbusiness all over thecountry and specially inSindh. They played amajor role in the economicalstructure of ourPakistan. At the sametime they have rendereda remarkable services inthe field of Educationand Welfare activities.They deserved to bepraised for thier hardwork and dedicated services.I assure you thatSindh Government willgive special attention toresolve the problems ofindustrialists and Businesscommunity.The Ex. Federal MinisterFarooq Sattar mentionedin his speech “<strong>Memon</strong>MessageMega EventCont. Page No. 01Community have alwaysstruggled hard for theprosperity of people ofPakistan. The communityis working hard forthe uplift of economicalactivities and at the sametime engaged in welfareand educational activities.Today no doubt we need“Chartered of Democracy”.For the pride anddefense of Pakistan It isvery necessary to givesupport Political andDemocratic activities. Ifwe all want to stand thiscountry firmly and wewant to run the democracyin our country, weneed to continue democraticallyactivities.After the speeches twopersonalities of <strong>Memon</strong>Community Mr. HajiIbrahim Pakolawala andMr. Abdul Razzak Gandhi(ARY) were honored bythe Life AcheivementGold Medal and Shield bythe Honorable GovernorDr. Ishrat Ul Ibad.Hon. Governor alsohonoured the Gold Medaland Shield to the Directorsof Sponsors of theCompanies. Then afterGovernor Sindh InauguratedThe Exhibition andput the stone of Buildingof Sports Complex.At The End Mr. IbrahimMamdani thanks all theGuests and present thereception.?????????Being a educationalist andbelong to GujaratiCommunity I must say thatit is the need of the day toinclude Gujarati Languagein Educational Institutions ofGujarati Communityotherwise it will be critical blow on our futuregeneration.Meanwhile I humbly request the GujaratiCommunity and Industrialists in particular tosupport the Journals and periodicals working forthe uplift of Gujarati language.A. Majeed AbdaniChairman : Iqra Educational Welfare SocietyMOST POLLUTED CITIESOF THE WORLDPollution is never be a simple problem. Careless government and peoplecontribute to every gram of pollutant that fly on the air or floating on theirwater resources.Next here‘s 10 most polluted cities on earth.New Delhi, IndiaIn another part of city New Delhi, there are some areaswhere people dump their trash and dirt bag. Infantmorbidity in New Delhi is high and main cause are thesepollutions. Everyday, 1000 new vehicles run on the roadsof Delhi and 3,000 tons of pollutant from industries fill theair of the city. It is not surprise that Delhi is known as 4thmost polluted city in the world.close to Indian ocean.The ugly thins is the cityhas bad sewage treatmentand waste removalsystem.Moscow,RussiaDespite one of the mostexpensive city in theworld, Moscow is alsoknown as the most pollutedcity in this planet.Because of the air pollution,many people sufferLung disease andCholera. Sanitation facilityis apparently excludedfrom the expensivecost of living inMoscow.?????Maputo,MozambiqueMaputo is the capital cityof Mozambique and it isa resident of 60,000families. The city is veryMexico-City, MexicoAround 70 years ago, Mexico city was known asthe cleanest city in the world. The fact is changethis moment. In 1940, the average visibility was100 km ad now down to 1,5 km. Snow-capedmountains is scarce and the oxygen is pollutedwith high percentage of Nitrogen dioxide.Lagos, NigeriaLagos is a home of 12 millions families and many industries.From the air tothe soil, Pollutionsfill every gap ofempty space in city.You can visit thecountry if you wantto approve it. Watchthe Nigerian scam ifyou travel here.

Times Gujarati Page No. 04Recent disturbances inTunisia, Egypt, Libya,Yemen etc within a spanof not more than sixmonths have raised manyquestions in the mind ofyouth of the MuslimCountries all over theworld. They are watchingthe recent developmentfrom more subjective approach.They feel likethat the recent politicaldevelopments in thesecountries have been maneuveredby certain objectivesthat led thepresent unrest in thecountries.Economical crisis, povertyand denial of humanrights are common phenomenaof almost lastthree decades in manycountries of the world.But no countries otherthan the Muslim countrieshave any disturbancesover there.After the end of SecondWorld War, the new geopoliticalset up was forcedto be accepted in somepart of the world. SovietUnion, East & West Germany,North and SouthKorea, Divided Kashmir,Occupied Palestine andIsrael have become theleft over issues of the SecondWar. It is very soonLondon CallingWaves of unrest inMuslim Countriesafter the war that SovietUnion was broken inpieces and Germany wasunited in compliance withnatural geopolitical compulsions.However, Kashmir, Palestineand Israel remainedunsolved problems thatput thepeaceo f world at stake.Amid these, the attack onIraq was criticized all overthe world. After nineeleven, a new global warlike development in Afghanistan,have made ahard blow to world peaceat large. The follow up ofBone Conference have sofar not brought any positiveresult.During the years the regimeofmost oft h eMuslimcountries remain underthe pressure of big powersfor the lust ofpower‘’Germany Will BecomeIslamic State’’Says Chancellor MerkelBy Ayub Zumla(United Kingdom)a n dthat gradually developedthe distances betweenthe regime andpeople in some of theMuslim Countries.The recent developmentin Tunisia, Egypt, Libyaand Yemen are seen in thebackground of this historicalevent and Muslimyouth all over the worldhave serious reservationsabout the present internationalscenario particularlythe vawes of unrest inMuslim countries includ-ing Afghanistanand Pakistan.Inthis respect sometimesthey quote the followingfigures with the quotationof German Chancellor.Chancellor AngelaMerkel said that Germanshave failed to grasp howMuslim immigration hastransformed their countryand will have tocome to terms with moremosques than churchesthroughout the countryside,according to theFrankfurter AllgemeineZeitung daily.”Our country is going tocarry on changing, andintegration is also a taskfor the society taking upthe task of dealing withimmigrants,” Ms. Merkeltold the daily newspaper.“For years we’ve beendeceiving ourselves aboutthis. Mosques, for example,are going to be amore prominent part ofour cities than they werebefore.”Germany, with a populationof 4-5 million Muslims,has been divided inrecent weeks by a debateover remarks by theBundesbank’s ThiloSarrazin, who arguedTurkish and Arab immigrantswere failing to integrateand were swampingGermany with a higherbirth rate.The Chancellor’s remarksrepresent the first officialacknowledgement thatGermany, like other Europeancountries, is destinedto become a strongholdof Islam. She hasadmitted that the countrywill soon become astronghold.In France, 30% of childrenage 20 years andbelow are Muslims. Theratio in Paris and Marseillehas soared to 45%. Insouthern France, thereare more mosques thanchurches.The situation within theUnited Kingdom is notmuch different. In the last30 years, the Muslimpopulation there hasclimbed from 82,000 to2.5 million. Presently,there are over 1000mosques throughoutGreat Britain - - many ofwhich were convertedfrom churches.In Belgium, 50% of thenewborns are Muslimsand reportedly its Islamicpopulation hovers around25%. A similar statisticholds true for The Netherlands.It’s the same story in Russiawhere one in five inhabitantsis a Muslim.Muammar Gaddafi recentlystated that “Thereare signs that Allah willgrant victory to Islam inEurope without sword,without gun, without conquest.We don’t need terrorists;we don’t needhomicide bombers. The50 plus million Muslims(in Europe) will turn it intothe Muslim Continentwithin a decad.some of the muslim youthshave reasons to supposethat something goingwrong against the Muslimworld besides the factualposition of the worldorder.

Times Gujarati Page No. 06Memnology Development & Research Centre<strong>Memon</strong>olgy a new termonolgy that isgoing to appear in world lexicographyBy; Abdul SattarKhamoshThe present generationof <strong>Memon</strong> Communityhavelittleidea that what a remarkableand accommodatingfacility theyhave been gifted fromtheir elders unless theyvisit <strong>Memon</strong>ology Centre,a amazing dreamthat came into reality after35 years completelytargeted struggles of ateam of <strong>Memon</strong> Community.I remember the yearswhen some boys runninga free small library(lending books) underthe stairs of an old buildingbesidesArfat PrintingPress of <strong>Memon</strong> Alam,Kaghazi Bazar, Karachi.It was a gift to that areaand the community boyswere getting benefitsfrom the library. Itcarved the path of advancementfor the studentsof the locality,some of whom are todayour communityleaders in the field ofEducation, Business andPolitical arena of Pakistan.This time, In order topace withthepresent eraof advanced technologyand science and worldwidespeedy communicationa team of <strong>Memon</strong>Book Foundation haverightly created a marvelouscentre under thebanner of “<strong>Memon</strong>olyCentre” near ShaheenComplex, Karachi. forresearch and study withample opportunities’ formemon youth. This isagain the result of the 35years old dream of ateam which gathered atan office of an organizationnear Achi QaberBombay Bazar, Karachi.That dream came intoreality through a colossalproject that will definitelyopen the broadand wide vision to thenew generation of thecommunity.As Mr. UsmanBatliwala, the Director& Chief Organizer of<strong>Memon</strong>ology Development& Reasrech Centre,highlights the backgroundand objectives ofthe centre, said “ The<strong>Memon</strong>ology Centrehave the unique andnoble cause of preservingand maintaining thehistory, heritage and enterprisinggoodwill of<strong>Memon</strong>s so as to showand inspire the wholeworld specially the newgeneration.The centre, at the initialstage, developing theGalleries of (1) World<strong>Memon</strong> Organisation (2)<strong>Memon</strong>s in FreedomMovement of Pakistan(3) <strong>Memon</strong>s in federaland provincial govts. (4)<strong>Memon</strong>sin print &electronicmediaand advertising.( 5 )<strong>Memon</strong>sin medicalprofession.( 6 )<strong>Memon</strong>businessand industrial groups.(7) <strong>Memon</strong> women indifferent fields.A total of 60 Galleriesare proposed to be installedto achievecompletion of this remarkableproject at desirablelevel. The centreis designed to take anew shape with newstructure and presentationin due course oftime. The proposed 60Galleries include a widerange of program for theyouth in the field of researchwork in Science,Technology, Education,Industries etc In fact wemay say that this is aperfect centre which isgoing to build the futureleaders of the community.The <strong>Memon</strong>ology Centrewill prove to be amilestone in the <strong>Memon</strong>World with specialreference to history, cultureand heritage of<strong>Memon</strong>s in every field oflife. It is the live exampleof scientificallyorganized system ofmemon community. Areally ideal venture thatother communitiesshould also to follow.?????

Times Gujarati Page No. 07vf56[ hifz[v[sjl;dl ;nlgf i]udf+Ðjl z©f klv[ vg[hutgf v[s b}6fyl alðb}6f+ ;]wl dmaf?, omg4?G8zg[8 vg[ vGivfw]Lgs ;fwgmgl ;cfij0[ df6;m v[salðyl;lwf ;+5s>df= k[4 t[dhgji]ugl gjlLjrfzwfzfyl ,msm ;ðuy? zcif k[ Tifz[5[8fb+0gf s[8,fs :y/mv[cÐ 56 ,msm ;nlvm ð]gf;dfhdf+ Ðjg Ljtfj[ k[v[gm tfð[ nfb,m5fLs:tfggf+ L;=w %ñf+tgfv[s ufddf+ tfh[tzdf+ag[,m vf agfj 5}zm 5f0[k[L;+wgf vf+tLzsLj:tfz u-l if;lg gÐsh[safafn Ðgxzlo ,? vf bf0fg[ rf[zsmz o[zf oz[ k[p vg[ gÐsgfv[s j.³ 5f;[yl ;]sf 5f+n0fjl6l vfudf+ gf+bl vfuv[gl 5zfsfq8fv[ 5cm+rl k[v[jm ;+s[t v[ ,msmg[ vf5[k[p vg[ v[ ;fy[ ,msmgftfzlb !5 dfr>yl #! dfr> z_!! Ls+dt O !_ çL5if ?d[?,OE-mail: timesguj@yahoo.comDate: 15th March to 31st March 2011 Price : Rs. 10/-8m/f 5z v[s eihgsxf+Lt kjf? ði k[p8m/fdf+yl v[si]jfgg[ 5s0l v+ufz ez[,fbf0f vfu/ ,? hjfdf=vfj[ k[p i]jfggf rc[zf 5zLj¤fn vg[ eigl ,fu6ln[bf? zcl ctlp i]jfggfx,jfzgf= 5f+irf P5z szl5ugf 5uzbf sf-lgfbjfdf= vfJif vg[dha}t af+wfgf a[ df6;md/l dhs]z i]jfgg[wuwutf vÜUg ez[,fbf0fdf+ ws[,l n[ k[p i]jfgdha}t af+wfgf a[ df6;md/l dhs]z i]jfgg[wuwutf vÜUg ez[,fbf0fdf+ ws[,l n[ k[pt+þlO vp ;üfz bfdmx ;ct+þlO r+ÑsfGt røcf6Vol: 03 Issue : 01Gifigf 5znf 5fk/ b] Cv[s aszfgl a,l r-fjlv[gf uzd ,mclg[ tafsdf+gf+bl vfu 5f;[ zfbln[jfdf+ vfJi]+ ct]+pv[s s,fs ;]wli]jfggf a+g[ 5ug[ ,mcldf+zc[jf n[jfdf+ vfJifp v[nzLdifg 8m/f 5z døgkjf? ui]+p v[s s,fs 5klufdgf rfz j0fvm v[dgld}kmg[ j/ vf5tf i]jfggf,mcl bz0fi[,f a+g[ 5ug[tafsyl afcz sf-l v[g+]Lgzl³6 szjf vg[ ym0ls5/m 5kl vf rfzj0fvmdf+yl v[s[ ufdgfd]bl ;fy[ dXj[zm szl P+rlvjfh[ ðc[zft szl s[ i]jfgLgnm>¤ k[ v[gm sm? s;}zgylp vg[ v[ ;fy[ 8m/fdf+Pe[,f vwf>yl jw] ,msmv[c¤>gfn vg[ tf/lvm j0[ðc[zftg[ jwfjl ,lwl vg[i]jfgg[ be[ P5f0l gfrjf,fUifp hifz[ afslgf ,msmLj¤fn vg[ Lgzfxfgl,fu6l ;fy[ Ljb[zf? uifpP5zmst agfjL;+wgf vf+tLzs Lj:tfzdf+vfj[,f vg[s ufdmdf+%ñrLdfGi:yfgls %ñyf k[p P5zmst38gf 5fk/gl cslst v[k[ s[ vfhyl ,ueu !_ j¤>5c[,f u-l if;lg gÐss[8,fs vðíif df6;mv[5Gcmz sal,fgf v[s h6colH]8lgl L0Uñl d[/j[,m,msm h 5f,f>d[G8gl r}+86l,0l %ñwfg agl xstf ctfp;znfz d+H}z[ t[ jbt[colH]iv[s Uñ[hi]8 %ñf+Lts %ñwfggl d+ð]zl ;fy[ vg[ v[gfnlszfgl cfhzldf+ vfu a[,lgl zdt zdl 5f+r j¤>ð]gl cTifgf s[;gm r}sfnm vnf,tyl P5zj8 h?a[ þ6 s,fsdf+ szl n[jfdf+ vfJimp,lwm s[ v[s dLcgfgl v+nzcTifgf vfzm5l d]dtfHHBbzg[ vfu a[,lgfLzjfh vg];fz vfu 5zyl5;fz szl v[ nmL¤t k[ s[gcl+ v[g[ r}sfnm d[/jjmpvg[ ,ueu v[sdLcgfdf+ ;znfz d+H}z5Gcmzgf ufd vfnd bfg5Gcmz d]sfd[ ufdgl5+rfit4vfu a[,l h[g[ L;+wgfUñfDihgm vfugl ;mu+n 56sc[ k[p v[ ;nlvm ð]gl Gifiszjfgl v[s :yfgls %ñyf k[pcolH] ð]gl cTifgf vfs[;gm r}sfnm a[ þ6 s,fsdf+szl n[jfdf+ vfJimp vg[cTifgf vfzm5lg[ Lgnm>¤ðc[z szl cTifgf vf%ñsz6g[ c+d[x df8[ a+w szln[jfdf+ vfJimpvfu a[,lglsfdulzl 5}zl yif afn;znfz d+H}zgf nlszf dlzr+u[H bfg 5Gcmz[ Tif+cfhz 5þsfzm ;fy[ jftrltsztf+ atfJi]+ ct]+ s[ vfua[,l ysl ,msmg[ H05l vg[;:tm Gifi d/[ k[p Gifid[/jjfgl vf 5åLtjz;myl %ñrL¤ 5}zjfz yi[,fd]dtfH HBbz[ 5þsfzmg[h6fJi]+ s[ t[ a[u]gfc ctmv[8,[ vfu 5zyl c[db[d5;fz yimp hifz[colH]

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