ST3617 - Sunrom Technologies

ST3617 - Sunrom Technologies ST3617 - Sunrom Technologies


Pin Details1-VDD2-IR3-TXD4-N/CST36178-GND7-DAT6-CLK5-RDYPin# Pin Name Type Notes1 VDD Supply 3 to 5V DC regulated power supply input2 IR Input Connect IR receiver output to this pin3 TXD Output Outputs serial UART data at 9600 bps at TTL level4 N/C Not Used Not Connected, This pin is not used and should be left unconnected5 RDY Output Ready Signal Output of Serial Shift Interface6 CLK Input Clock Input of Serial Shift Interface7 DAT Output Data Output of Serial Shift Interface8 GND Ground Power Supply GroundData Interface for ST3617 RC5 DecoderThere are two ways you can get the output from ST3617. For each output the data is two bytes longcontaining total 16 bits RC5 data.Two types of Interface for reading RC5 data from ST3617C1100nFU3TSOP1738GNDVCC32IR1+5V1234U2ST3617VDDIRTXDN/CGND 87DAT6CLK5RDYInterface #1Serial Shift InterfaceDATCLKRDYInterface #2Serial Data at 9600bpsTXDThere are two type ofInterface to get decodedRC5 data from ST3617, Anyone of it can be used inthe application.Interface #1 is SerialShift Interface, whichconsist of three pins. Inthis interface you haveto monitor RDY pin togo low which meansnew RC5 data hasarrived. Then you shiftoutput data using DATand CLK pins. You canuse any I/O of yourapplicationmicrocontroller.Interface #2 is SerialData at 9600 bps isparticular useful whenyou have a dedicatedserial input pin availableon your applicationmicrocontroller to getthe 2 bytes of data. You can also use the serial data to interface to PC using MAX232 levelconvertor for serial port or use USB-TTL chip to get a virtual serial port on PC to which manysoftware like Hyperterminal can be connected. Custom software can also be made to monitor theincoming data.2Sunrom Technologies Your Source for Embedded Systems Visit us at

Philips RC5 ProtocolLet us review the RC5 protocol to understand the RC5decoder IC ST3617 better. The RC5 code from Philips ispossibly the most used protocol by hobbyists, probablybecause of the wide availability of cheap remote controls.RC5 Protocol Remote Control Handset protocol is well defined for different device typesensuring compatibility with your whole entertainment system.Features of Protocol• 5 bit address and 6 bit command length• Bi-phase coding (aka Manchester coding)• Carrier frequency of 36kHz or 38kHz• Constant bit time of 1.778ms (64 cycles of 36 kHz), Different timing for 38Khz, Should beadjusted in decoder part by monitoring first two bits.• Manufacturer PhilipsModulationRC5 Modulation The protocol uses bi-phase modulation (or so-called Manchester coding) of a36kHz IR carrier frequency. All bits areof equal length of 1.778ms in thisprotocol, with half of the bit time filledwith a burst of the 36kHz carrier and theother half being idle. A logical zero isrepresented by a burst in the first half ofthe bit time. A logical one is represented by a burst in the second half of the bit time. Thepulse/pause ratio of the 36kHz carrier frequency is 1/3 or 1/4 which reduces power consumption.ProtocolThe drawing below shows a typical pulse train of an RC-5 message. This example transmitscommand $35 to address $05.RC-5 Pulse TrainThe first two pulses are the start pulses, and are both logical "1". Please note that half a bit time iselapsed before the receiver will notice the real start of the message.3Sunrom Technologies Your Source for Embedded Systems Visit us at

Pin Details1-VDD2-IR3-TXD4-N/C<strong>ST3617</strong>8-GND7-DAT6-CLK5-RDYPin# Pin Name Type Notes1 VDD Supply 3 to 5V DC regulated power supply input2 IR Input Connect IR receiver output to this pin3 TXD Output Outputs serial UART data at 9600 bps at TTL level4 N/C Not Used Not Connected, This pin is not used and should be left unconnected5 RDY Output Ready Signal Output of Serial Shift Interface6 CLK Input Clock Input of Serial Shift Interface7 DAT Output Data Output of Serial Shift Interface8 GND Ground Power Supply GroundData Interface for <strong>ST3617</strong> RC5 DecoderThere are two ways you can get the output from <strong>ST3617</strong>. For each output the data is two bytes longcontaining total 16 bits RC5 data.Two types of Interface for reading RC5 data from <strong>ST3617</strong>C1100nFU3TSOP1738GNDVCC32IR1+5V1234U2<strong>ST3617</strong>VDDIRTXDN/CGND 87DAT6CLK5RDYInterface #1Serial Shift InterfaceDATCLKRDYInterface #2Serial Data at 9600bpsTXDThere are two type ofInterface to get decodedRC5 data from <strong>ST3617</strong>, Anyone of it can be used inthe application.Interface #1 is SerialShift Interface, whichconsist of three pins. Inthis interface you haveto monitor RDY pin togo low which meansnew RC5 data hasarrived. Then you shiftoutput data using DATand CLK pins. You canuse any I/O of yourapplicationmicrocontroller.Interface #2 is SerialData at 9600 bps isparticular useful whenyou have a dedicatedserial input pin availableon your applicationmicrocontroller to getthe 2 bytes of data. You can also use the serial data to interface to PC using MAX232 levelconvertor for serial port or use USB-TTL chip to get a virtual serial port on PC to which manysoftware like Hyperterminal can be connected. Custom software can also be made to monitor theincoming data.2<strong>Sunrom</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong> Your Source for Embedded Systems Visit us at

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