Activities, exercises, warming up, energizers IP

Activities, exercises, warming up, energizers IP Activities, exercises, warming up, energizers IP
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Activities, exercises, warming up, energizers IPIcebreakers to start:Make a big circle and hold hands. Look at each other, to really see your with, today.Walk around now and say hello to the one you want to greet, with your elbow, your knee, your hand,high five, your hip, your ….Make a snake, by standing in a line. The first person is the head of the snake and makes somemovements. All the other will follow. Then the head turns off and go to the tail. Another head will makesome movements…Make groups of 6 people in 10 seconds, make groups of the same color of trousers in 10 seconds,make full mix groups of the schools in 10 seconds, etc.Workshop Manja:Warming up• Standing Circel (how is it different from the big circel – what does it mean to you)• ”Hey” (ball around in the circle, throw to each other while saying “hey”Intro Space – warming upPersonal space• Stand some where where you really like to stand (sense you self)• Stand some where you don´t like to stand (sense you self)Reflexion – how did it feel?`• Walk in the room. Different ways of walking ( feet, legs, hips, back, arms) (copy theothers) (Mo horizon´s; Drum n´bogaloo)• Make the room smaller – what happens, sense yourself• Make it bigger – what happens• Free movement (quick movements, big, small, light, chaotic etc.) (Magic carpetride, variations 1- 4)• 3&3 – movement in the 3 levels (Simply red; sunrise)• 3 &3 movement in 3 zones (soul man)• Find a spot for your self - make a circle around you with the robe• Standing awareness (clap you self all over the body, sense you self, feet, theground, your body, your breath, sense the circle around you) – can you focus onyour own personal space. Leave other things behind)• Stretching in the circle. What is in front of you, next to you, behind you, under you,above you. Explore without being disturbed (Harmony; Mozart: Concerto in C forflute)• How does it feel to fill out your own space?Observe Keeping contact with the personal space• Mirror exercise (chose a partner close / far away from you) one Is A one Is B. A willmake movements and B will copy – always be aware still to feel your own personal

<strong>Activities</strong>, <strong>exercises</strong>, <strong>warming</strong> <strong>up</strong>, <strong>energizers</strong> <strong>IP</strong>Icebreakers to start:Make a big circle and hold hands. Look at each other, to really see your with, today.Walk around now and say hello to the one you want to greet, with your elbow, your knee, your hand,high five, your hip, your ….Make a snake, by standing in a line. The first person is the head of the snake and makes somemovements. All the other will follow. Then the head turns off and go to the tail. Another head will makesome movements…Make gro<strong>up</strong>s of 6 people in 10 seconds, make gro<strong>up</strong>s of the same color of trousers in 10 seconds,make full mix gro<strong>up</strong>s of the schools in 10 seconds, etc.Workshop Manja:Warming <strong>up</strong>• Standing Circel (how is it different from the big circel – what does it mean to you)• ”Hey” (ball around in the circle, throw to each other while saying “hey”Intro Space – <strong>warming</strong> <strong>up</strong>Personal space• Stand some where where you really like to stand (sense you self)• Stand some where you don´t like to stand (sense you self)Reflexion – how did it feel?`• Walk in the room. Different ways of walking ( feet, legs, hips, back, arms) (copy theothers) (Mo horizon´s; Drum n´bogaloo)• Make the room smaller – what happens, sense yourself• Make it bigger – what happens• Free movement (quick movements, big, small, light, chaotic etc.) (Magic carpetride, variations 1- 4)• 3&3 – movement in the 3 levels (Simply red; sunrise)• 3 &3 movement in 3 zones (soul man)• Find a spot for your self - make a circle around you with the robe• Standing awareness (clap you self all over the body, sense you self, feet, theground, your body, your breath, sense the circle around you) – can you focus onyour own personal space. Leave other things behind)• Stretching in the circle. What is in front of you, next to you, behind you, under you,above you. Explore without being disturbed (Harmony; Mozart: Concerto in C forflute)• How does it feel to fill out your own space?Observe Keeping contact with the personal space• Mirror exercise (chose a partner close / far away from you) one Is A one Is B. A willmake movements and B will copy – always be aware still to feel your own personal

space. If you lose it, notice it and try to focus on you self again. Shift A/B (ToriAmos; Winter)• Sense your own circle again• Free movement: Start walking out from your circle (focus on the closest zone,middle zone, far away, levels etc. (Sacral nirvana) Feel how you bring yourpersonal space with you. Once in a while go back to your own circle. No one mayocc<strong>up</strong>y others circles• After a while invite/ do not invite others into your personal space(express you selfwithout words)• Go back to your own circle, feel the personal space, take away the robe, can youstill feel the personal space?ReflexionHow was it for you to work with space?- For your grounding?- For your breathing?- For your centering?- For your contact with you self and the outer world?- How can you be able to be in contact with both things at the same time?- Can you relate the experiences to everyday life ?- Can you relate your experiences to your practice as a PMT ?Workshop Pauline:• Playing football, everyone has its own brick standing right <strong>up</strong> the floor.With 2 or more balls, you try to let tumble down another one’s brick and to keep <strong>up</strong> your own.When falling down; choose your solution to do now…• Playing football, you can choose whether you want to play alone or want to play in apair/groep. Choose also how many and where you put on your brick(s). When falling down;choose your solution to do now…• Playing football; alone, in a pair or a small gro<strong>up</strong>. Choose your amount of bricks. You’ve foryour bricks together ‘5 lives’, when 1 is falling down, you have ‘4 lives’ left, after that you’ve ‘3lives’ left, etc.• Jumping the rope: the goal is to come to the other side of the rope; you pick your own way todo this.• Jumping the rope: now you do the same, but not on your own…• Jumping the rope: the same, but only one has his eyes open• Jumping the rope: the same, choose doing it alone or together; but all eyes closed• Jumping the rope: the same, but there is no noise of the rope anymore…• Playing the game with the big ball:x . | . . | . xx . | . O | . xx . || . xx . | . . . . | . xteam A tries to hit the big ball with the little tennisballs, so the big one is getting over the line ofteam B. But team B is tries to hit the big ball also, the get is over the line of team A.

Warming <strong>up</strong> HAN:• Make pairs; A is giving B an little massage, by tickling, bouncing, striking, etc. B can tell to Awhat he/she likes, must it be stronger or faster or…Warming <strong>up</strong> Zwolle:• Make a circle of all persons and hold hands, by crossing over 1 person. Then open hands andgrip de hands of the person directly near you.• Do the same with eyes closed• Make a circle of all persons and hold hands, by crossing over 2 persons. Then open handsand grip the hands of the person by crossing over 1 person… and then the person near you.Warming <strong>up</strong> Portugal:• Walk around on your own, in the tempo you like.• Choose to slow down your walking or to fasten <strong>up</strong>… and more… and more• And then change your speed; when you were fast slighted down, when you were slowly speed <strong>up</strong>• Make a pair; one is leading the movement of the head of the other person, with moving his/herhand• The same, with two following persons; by leading with two hands. As a follower, you just haveto look and follow the handWarming <strong>up</strong> France:• Make a circle with 1 person standing in the middle of it. The music starts and the one in themiddle start to scratch him/herself… all others are walking around him/her. Switch after awhile.• Make a circle of all persons and turn to the right. Hold the hips of your neighbor. Walk aroundon the music, and when the music stops, you have to grip the hips of the person in front ofyour neighbor. Again; you grip the hips of 2 persons away from you. And then when the musicstops you bend over behind and sit on the knees of the person at your back.Warming <strong>up</strong> der Schweiz:Make a circle of all people. Pretend you’re driving a horse and follow the leader horse: it can go sloweror faster, you can have to go the right or the left, you can have to jump over bushes, or obstacles, youcan arrive a waterfall, or…..Warming <strong>up</strong> Denmark:• Make a circle, hold hands and close your eyes. A few people start to give a signal through thewhole gro<strong>up</strong> by grapping tight te hand of te person next to him/her.• Look for a place of your own in the room. Listen to your body and to the music, what yourbody need to do now… move like your body wishes to do, stand <strong>up</strong>, lay down, do anythingyou want to, or your body needs.

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