“Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit” (IRS REG-131491-10)

“Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit” (IRS REG-131491-10)

“Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit” (IRS REG-131491-10)

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NIHB Supplemental Submission - Definition of IndianInternal Revenue Service (―<strong>IRS</strong>‖) has not yet opined on this issue in any proposed rules,however representatives of <strong>IRS</strong> present at national Tribal consultation meetings did notcontradict CMS representatives who repeated the statements in the Exchange EstablishmentNPRM and Exchange Eligibility NPRM that for the purposes of the implementation of theACA, ―Indian‖ meant only members of Federally-recognized Tribes.‖ 21These statements are not consistent with the ACA and the statutory definitions of―Indian‖ that it cites. We elaborate below.3.1 The Plain Language of the Statutes Does Not Require Enrollment in aFederally-Recognized Indian Tribe.Section 4(d) of the ISDEAA defines ―Indian‖ as ―a person who is a member of anIndian tribe.‖ 22 Similarly, the IHCIA defines ―Indian‖ as ―any person who is a member of anIndian tribe, as defined in subsection [(13)] thereof.‖ 23 The IRC does not define ―Indian,‖but all of the references to the IRC are to a member of an Indian Tribe as defined in Sec.45A(c)(6). These consistent references to ―member of an Indian Tribe‖ beg the questionabout whether the definitions of Indian Tribe, relied upon in each of these statutoryprovisions, are different. They are not.The term ―Indian tribe‖ means any Indian tribe, band, nation, pueblo,or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Nativevillage or group or regional or village corporation as defined in orestablished pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act,which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and servicesprovided by the United States to Indians because of their status ofIndians.IHCIA Sec. 4(14), ISDEAA Sec. 4(d), AND IRC Sec. 45A(c)(6)IRC Sec. 45A(c)(6) onlyIHCIA Sec. 4(14) onlyThe definition of ―Indian tribe‖ includes redundancies to assure that it is comprehensive andnot misunderstood. The differences among the three definitions of ―Indian Tribe‖ arewithout meaning, especially when one considers that the HHS regulations implementing theISDEAA actually includes ―pueblos,‖ although they are not expressly referenced in thethe Affordable Care Act. This definition means an individual who is a member of a Federallyrecognizedtribe.‖).212223Tribal Consultation in Seattle, Washington, August 22, 2011.25 U.S.C. § 450b(d).Subsections (c) ―Indians or Indian‖ and (d) ―Indian tribe‖ of the IHCIA were redesignated asparagraphs (13) and (14) by Section <strong>10</strong>4(3) of S. 1790 as reported by the Senate Committee on IndianAffairs (―SCIA‖), which was incorporated by reference into the ACA pursuant to § <strong>10</strong>221.National Indian Health Board Page 6 of 24 October 31, 2011

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