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that pass through the infrared lightcreate different absorption reactionsand oscillation frequenciesthat form unique changes in thelight spectrum which can be used toidentify the pollutant type and concentration.When combined with awind indicator, the source of the airpollution can also be determined.Compared to the active FTIRmethod that emits infrared light, thepassive FTIR method does not needa reflector. The infrared light that isalready present in the environmentis used to monitor the air, whichimproves operational flexibility.Current applications include remotemonitoring of volcanic gases, studyof the atmospheres on distant planets,and analysis of unknown wasteand ground pollution during excavationwork. Passive FTIR is moreeasily affected by environmentalfactors and more sensitive to temperaturedifferences.The special feature of this technologyis that it can cover a widetesting area and perform remotesensing at a safe distance from thesource of the pollution. Since theanalytical instrument is combinedtogether with the main unit, resultscan be obtained in less than 10minutes after the sample is takenfor analysis. Continuous monitoringcan be done to prevent possibleerrors from single point or singletime sampling. The unit can measureover 8000 types of organic andinorganic pollutants to the accuracyof less than one part per million.In order to broaden the use ofOSIS, GEL also announced thedevelopment of a stepwise sourcesearching method to identify unknownpollution sources. First,the odor components and sourcedirection at the petitioned area areanalyzed to incrementally definethe polluted region and reduce thepollution. Then the informationregarding the pollution sources iscompared to process attributes andpollutants from nearby factories toidentify the real offender.Reducing Costs for Businessesand SocietyMany private enterprises suchas semiconductor foundries andoptoelectric and display panelplants have hired <strong>ITRI</strong> to assistwith the testing for internal andexternal escape of gaseous pollutants.One application designed forindoor spaces utilizes the exhaustair analysis method. For example,by placing the exhaust air cylinderin the work area, it can be determinedif there are any harmfulsubstances in the indoor air. Anotherapplication is the monitoringof production processes for gas orother leaks. Although to the outsideworld, escaped gas is considered asa pollutant, to a factory, it may bea resource and its loss may carrya financial cost. Such costs can bereduced or avoided through the useof <strong>ITRI</strong>’s new system. By improvingenvironmental monitoring, themanpower expenditures and socialcosts resulting from environmentalprotests can also be reduced. OSISwill therefore aid industrial developmentwhile protecting quality oflife and human rights.<strong>ITRI</strong>’s StepwiseSource-searchingMethod:1st: Define the odor componentsand source directionat the petitionedarea.2nd: Define the pollutedregion and reduce thesurvey area.3rd: Draw out the pollutantsfrom the nearby factoriesto identify the real offender.<strong>ITRI</strong> <strong>TODAY</strong>▂Summer 2010 Quarterly▂9

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