[ COLLABORATIONS ]ITRI TODAY▂Summer 2010 Quarterly▂12ITRI and ULto Co-developSafety VerificationTechnologies forEV Power SystemsThrough co-work with UL, ITRI will establish new and environmentally positive milestonesfor Taiwan’s Green Industry development.Photograph by HUNG-MOU TSAIITRI recently announced the signingof a Letter of Intent with UnderwritersLaboratories (UL), theglobally renowned organization forsafety standards and certification,to co-develop testing technologiesand regulations for electronic vehiclepower systems, and also forlong-term safety verification of thedeterioration of lithium batteriesand solar cells. The cooperationbetween ITRI and UL will assistTaiwanese companies in developingtechnologies and products thatcomply with international GreenProduct Standards, and thus gain anadvanced entrance into the market,ahead of other competitors.UL is an internationally recognizedorganization for safetystandard certification and test verification.Gary Savin, vice presidentand general manager of UL's globalpower & controls business, notedthat UL had already announcedstandard regulations for vehiclepower chargers in the US in 1998,focusing mainly on the security ofpower distribution systems for electricvehicles, as well as safe usageof device parts, and they have continuedsince then to develop relatedverification techniques.The joint endeavor for developmentof safety standard verificationtechnology for electronic vehiclepower systems will allow ITRI toassist Taiwanese manufacturers toenhance their know-how, and subsequentlyproduce products which areflawless in both functionality andsafety. UL will contribute its wealthof expertise and experience in standarddevelopment, to assist Taiwanin establishing safety standards andverification systems that are alignedwith international requirements. Itis also anticipated that Taiwanesemanufacturers will participate inupcoming events related to the standardizationof safety regulationsconcerning electronic vehicle powersystems.Deputy General Director JamesWang of ITRI's Mechanical & SystemsResearch Laboratories (MSL)stresses that ITRI has already establishedits own integration platformfor electronic vehicle technology.While UL is clearly the expert concerninginternational safety regulationstandards for electric vehicles,the new collaboration will allowboth parties to gain advanced insightinto international developmenttrends in this growing sector. Earlierdevelopment of safety designs andverification techniques for electronicvehicle safety will benefit localmanufacturers by helping them toestablish verification systems thatare acknowledged both locally andinternationally, thus enhancing thequality of domestically producedelectronic vehicles, and elevatingTaiwan’s competitive edge in this

market. ITRI plans to work with ULin the next five years on technologicaldevelopment, such as power rechargesystems, mobile battery sets,and power systems for electronicvehicles.Since 2005, ITRI’s Material &Chemical Research Laboratories(MCL) has been working with ULon modifying standard regulationsfor lithium batteries, to ensurestandard conformity in quality andreliability of battery design andmanufacturing. In addition, ITRI’sCenter for Measurement Standards(CMS) has plans to work furtherwith UL on developing solar cellmodule safety verification techniquesas well as safety regulationsfor module material. These developmentswill help both ITRI andUL to gain a firm hold on futuretrends of safety standards for solarmodules.Moreover, UL has also announcedits establishment of a“Technology Research Center forSafety Verification of AdvancedEnergy Sources” in Taiwan. Thisshows that UL’s determination to investin safety research for advancedtechnology is not only focused onverification technology for electronicvehicles, but will also includeother energy sources such as solarand wind-generated power. ITRIwill continue its efforts on developingvarious sources of green energy,and will also actively participate inthe establishment of related internationalregulations.[ COLLABORATIONS ]CIE-Taiwan:A Force forInnovation in theLED IndustryCIE-Taiwan will make efforts to move the industry from the position of followers to that ofstandard setters.(Third left:Dr. Hengstberger, the chairman of the CIE; forth left:Dr. Hsin-Sen Chu, CIE-Taiwan’s first president and ITRI’s vice president.) Photograph by HUNG-MOU TSAICIE-Taiwan was establishedto promote the developmentof Taiwan’s Lighting Industry andhelp expand its global market presence.CIE-Taiwan will endeavor toencourage and reinforce industry,government, and academic interactionand create a platform for cooperation.At the same time, CIE-Taiwan will actively participate ininternational optics, lighting technologyand product standardizationactivities. Through CIE-Taiwan’sefforts, domestic industry will havea common voice and direction, toassist local lighting companies asthey upgrade from the position offollowers to that of standard setters.CIE (la Commission Internationalede l´Eclairage) is an internationalscientific authority on optics, lighting,and color, which is primarily involvedin the formulation of international industrystandards and scaling. BecauseTaiwan has long occupied a prominentposition in the lighting industry,from early development of lampproducts to more recent innovationsin semiconductor lighting, it makessense for Taiwan to be involvedwith the formulation of internationalstandards. Taiwan’s acceptanceas a CIE member can be seen as amilestone in the development of thedomestic lighting industry.ITRI TODAY▂Summer 2010 Quarterly▂13

market. <strong>ITRI</strong> plans to work with ULin the next five years on technologicaldevelopment, such as power rechargesystems, mobile battery sets,and power systems for electronicvehicles.Since 2005, <strong>ITRI</strong>’s Material &Chemical Research Laboratories(MCL) has been working with ULon modifying standard regulationsfor lithium batteries, to ensurestandard conformity in quality andreliability of battery design andmanufacturing. In addition, <strong>ITRI</strong>’sCenter for Measurement Standards(CMS) has plans to work furtherwith UL on developing solar cellmodule safety verification techniquesas well as safety regulationsfor module material. These developmentswill help both <strong>ITRI</strong> andUL to gain a firm hold on futuretrends of safety standards for solarmodules.Moreover, UL has also announcedits establishment of a“Technology Research Center forSafety Verification of AdvancedEnergy Sources” in Taiwan. Thisshows that UL’s determination to investin safety research for advancedtechnology is not only focused onverification technology for electronicvehicles, but will also includeother energy sources such as solarand wind-generated power. <strong>ITRI</strong>will continue its efforts on developingvarious sources of green energy,and will also actively participate inthe establishment of related internationalregulations.[ COLLABORATIONS ]CIE-Taiwan:A Force forInnovation in theLED IndustryCIE-Taiwan will make efforts to move the industry from the position of followers to that ofstandard setters.(Third left:Dr. Hengstberger, the chairman of the CIE; forth left:Dr. Hsin-Sen Chu, CIE-Taiwan’s first president and <strong>ITRI</strong>’s vice president.) Photograph by HUNG-MOU TSAICIE-Taiwan was establishedto promote the developmentof Taiwan’s Lighting Industry andhelp expand its global market presence.CIE-Taiwan will endeavor toencourage and reinforce industry,government, and academic interactionand create a platform for cooperation.At the same time, CIE-Taiwan will actively participate ininternational optics, lighting technologyand product standardizationactivities. Through CIE-Taiwan’sefforts, domestic industry will havea common voice and direction, toassist local lighting companies asthey upgrade from the position offollowers to that of standard setters.CIE (la Commission Internationalede l´Eclairage) is an internationalscientific authority on optics, lighting,and color, which is primarily involvedin the formulation of international industrystandards and scaling. BecauseTaiwan has long occupied a prominentposition in the lighting industry,from early development of lampproducts to more recent innovationsin semiconductor lighting, it makessense for Taiwan to be involvedwith the formulation of internationalstandards. Taiwan’s acceptanceas a CIE member can be seen as amilestone in the development of thedomestic lighting industry.<strong>ITRI</strong> <strong>TODAY</strong>▂Summer 2010 Quarterly▂13

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