15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party 15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


Manmohan Singh for hisstatement that: “I am not asmuch as a culprit as I am beingmade out” and asked him tospecify, “what is the percentageof his culpability.” Takingexception to Dr. Singh blamingcoalition politics for not beingable to take stern action withrespect to several issues, hewondered why the coalitiondharma should come in the wayof prevention of corruption andacting against corrupt people.Alleging that the scamsinvolving the UPA governmentwere to the tune of Rs 4 lakhcrore as against the centralbudget size of Rs. 10 lakh crore,he said the UPA’s image wasdented with these scams.He said Shri Yeddyurappa,who recently led the BJP to aresounding victory in thepanchayat elections willcomplete his full term in office.Shri Gadkari also praised ShriYeddyurappa for his pro-peoplepolicies - including farm loansat 1 per cent interest and creationof more job avenues by attractinginvestment of around Rs 7 lakhcrore.He urged the party workersin Karnataka to take a pledge toensure that the party swept allContinued on page 30March 1-15, 2011 10Highlights of Kamalada Mane – Pradarshini(House of Kamala – an exhibition)• An exhibition was planned during the convention.• The Pradarshini was named as Kamalada Mane (House ofLotous) & it was spread over an area of 60,000 sq.ft.• The Government departments were invited to put up stalls toshowcase their achievements.• Three wings were there in the Pradarshini – Vichara, Vikasaand Anthyodaya.Vichara: This depicted BJP’s history, Growth, Struggles,Programmes, Publications, Periodicals, Cartoons & rare Photos.Almost a hundred political cartoons were written by SriRamadhyani, our Chitradurga MPSri Janardhana Swamy & othersenior artists were exhibited at theexhibition, displayed. A wing wasdedicated to Kannada poets &Kingdoms of Karnataka.Vikasa : This wing consisted of22 stalls depicting achievements ofKarnataka BJP Government the Stallshad sufficient information regardingthe performance of differentdepartments.Anthyodaya: In this section theconcept of Anthyodaya and alsosome of the projects undertaken by our senior workers were exhibited.• The Inauguration was itself eventful. Traditional lamp was litby BJP National General Secretary Sri Ananth Kumar.Chitradurga MP Sri Janardhana Swamy drew a cartoon aboutthe agricultural budget. State BJP President Sri K.S. Eswarappaunveiled the Chart that consisted the names of all Presidentssince Bharatiya Jana Sangha days.• More than 60,000 workers visited the ‘Kamalada Mane’. Manywere in tears & the atmosphere was nostalgic.• Workers from IT Cell, Mahila & Yova Morcha workers workedas volunteers in ‘Kamalada Mane’• There were two theaters each with 200 seating capacity. In onetheater Party videos viz., Sri Atalji speeches, CDs of variousother Programmes, CDs on Kashmir, Ayodhya, Naxalisam wereexhibition. In another theaters Advertisements of Governmentwere shown.• BJP National President Sri Nitin Gadkari, BJP national generalsecretary and Karnataka Prabhari Sri Dharmendra Pradhan,BJP national general secretary Shri V. Sathish & the entire cabinetmembers of the legislative visited the exhibition.The exhibition won the hearts of workers, drew the attention ofmedia and made everyone go through the bylanes of history of BJP.

Coalition dharma doesn’t meanoutsourcing a department : GadkariBJP National President ShriNitin Gadkari reacting onPrime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh’s Pressconference, said, “The PrimeMinister’s press conference wasvery disappointing and showshis helplessness. Coalitiondharma cannot mean support tocorruption. And coalition isrelated only to 2-G. What is therelation between coalition andthe case of ISRO (S-bandallocation), CommonwealthGames and Adarsh cases?”“In a way, an effort has beenmade to cover-up corruption. Hehas accused the media andopposition of spreadingmisinformation whilemaintaining that all is well. Hehas expressed his helplessness.”He termed as “laughable”the Prime Minister’s charge thatthe BJP was attacking thegovernment to vent its anger atthe action taken against aGujarat Minister (Amit Shah).“On JPC issue, he (PM) hastried to blame the opposition fornot allowing Parliament tofunction. If today the governmenthas indicated that it is ready tothink of a JPC, then why did itwaste one month (wintersession),” Gadkari said.“Why did you not agree to it(JPC) earlier? If you are ready toappear in front of anycommittee... That you areagreeing to now... Had you donethis earlier this situation wouldnot have arisen,” Gadkari said.Shri Gadkari alleged that thePrime Minister had failed toMarch 1-15, 2011 11check corruption inhis government andwas trying toindirectly shieldformer telecomminister A Raja.“To supportcorruption in thismanner in the nameof coalition dharmaand to ‘outsource’ adepartment to acoalition partner....For the first time, PMhas said all decisionstaken by A Raja hadthe support of the FinanceMinister. What support is thereof the UPA and the Congress inthis? This means everybody isresponsible,” Gadkari said. Heinsisted that as head of Group ofMinisters, it was the PrimeMinister’s responsibility to checkBJP NationalPresident'sresponse to PrimeMinisterManmohan Singh'sPress Conferenceon February 16this.“Was just writinga letter once (to Raja)his solution?...This ishis failure,” Gadkarisaid.“He has acceptedwith an open heart thathe is helpless, not ableto take decisions, thereis pressure of coalitionpartners, and (he is)not able to stop thiscorruption. This is avery honest expressionfrom him. I appreciateit,” Shri Gadkari said. The BJPalso said the comparison of the2-G Spectrum prices withsubsidy for fertilizers, gas andoil, foodgrain is unfair andmaintained that 2-G spectrumallocation was not subsidy but away of making money. (FOC) •BJP upset over delayin revision of teachers’ payThe Manipur unit of BJP has demanded the resignation ofChief Minister O Ibobi Singh alleging that he had failed to keep uphis word on the issue of payment of revised pay bands of the SixthPay Commission to teachers. Interacting with media persons onFebruary 20, 2011 in Imphal state BJP President Shri Shanti kumarsaid that while the Chief Minister had agreed to pay the revisedpay to the teachers a year ago in January, he has now washed hishands off the case saying there was no money to execute thepromise. He recalled that after the signing of the MoU between thestriking employees and the Government, the Chief Secretary hadissued an order on January 16, 2010 regarding the implementationof revised pay bands recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission.Shri Shanti kumar said, “How could the Chief Minister objectto the payment of revised pays to the teachers without revoking theorder of the Government? This shows that the CM is talkingirresponsibly” he added.

Coalition dharma doesn’t meanoutsourcing a department : GadkariBJP National President ShriNitin Gadkari reacting onPrime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh’s Pressconference, said, “The PrimeMinister’s press conference wasvery disappointing and showshis helplessness. Coalitiondharma cannot mean support tocorruption. And coalition isrelated only to 2-G. What is therelation between coalition andthe case of ISRO (S-bandallocation), CommonwealthGames and Adarsh cases?”“In a way, an effort has beenmade to cover-up corruption. Hehas accused the media andopposition of spreadingmisinformation whilemaintaining that all is well. Hehas expressed his helplessness.”He termed as “laughable”the Prime Minister’s charge thatthe BJP was attacking thegovernment to vent its anger atthe action taken against aGujarat Minister (Amit Shah).“On JPC issue, he (PM) hastried to blame the opposition fornot allowing Parliament tofunction. If today the governmenthas indicated that it is ready tothink of a JPC, then why did itwaste one month (wintersession),” Gadkari said.“Why did you not agree to it(JPC) earlier? If you are ready toappear in front of anycommittee... That you areagreeing to now... Had you donethis earlier this situation wouldnot have arisen,” Gadkari said.Shri Gadkari alleged that thePrime Minister had failed to<strong>March</strong> 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 11check corruption inhis government andwas trying toindirectly shieldformer telecomminister A Raja.“To supportcorruption in thismanner in the nameof coalition dharmaand to ‘outsource’ adepartment to acoalition partner....For the first time, PMhas said all decisionstaken by A Raja hadthe support of the FinanceMinister. What support is thereof the UPA and the Congress inthis? This means everybody isresponsible,” Gadkari said. Heinsisted that as head of Group ofMinisters, it was the PrimeMinister’s responsibility to checkBJP NationalPresident'sresponse to PrimeMinisterManmohan Singh'sPress Conferenceon February 16this.“Was just writinga letter once (to Raja)his solution?...This ishis failure,” Gadkarisaid.“He has acceptedwith an open heart thathe is helpless, not ableto take decisions, thereis pressure of coalitionpartners, and (he is)not able to stop thiscorruption. This is avery honest expressionfrom him. I appreciateit,” Shri Gadkari said. The BJPalso said the comparison of the2-G Spectrum prices withsubsidy for fertilizers, gas andoil, foodgrain is unfair andmaintained that 2-G spectrumallocation was not subsidy but away of making money. (FOC) •BJP upset over delayin revision of teachers’ payThe Manipur unit of BJP has demanded the resignation ofChief Minister O Ibobi Singh alleging that he had failed to keep uphis word on the issue of payment of revised pay bands of the SixthPay Commission to teachers. Interacting with media persons onFebruary 20, <strong>2011</strong> in Imphal state BJP President Shri Shanti kumarsaid that while the Chief Minister had agreed to pay the revisedpay to the teachers a year ago in January, he has now washed hishands off the case saying there was no money to execute thepromise. He recalled that after the signing of the MoU between thestriking employees and the Government, the Chief Secretary hadissued an order on January 16, 2010 regarding the implementationof revised pay bands recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission.Shri Shanti kumar said, “How could the Chief Minister objectto the payment of revised pays to the teachers without revoking theorder of the Government? This shows that the CM is talkingirresponsibly” he added.

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