15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


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Continued from page <strong>15</strong>...it lowered the national prestigeand image in the internationalarena.An investigation of theDefence ministry into the AdarshSociety scandal itself underlinedthe nexus between the builder,bureaucrat, politician and a fewsenior army officers. Theimpunity with which defenceland meant for war widows wasusurped for private purposeswithout a thought about itssecurity implication is serious.The ISRO- Devas has severaldimensions – a cabal driving afraud within the ISRO, a scarcenational resource given for free,diversion of public fund forbuilding custom-made satellitesfor private commercial use, etc.But the most frightening is thefact that a ‘golden band’ ofspectrum -2.6 GHz- used by theCoast Guard and Intelligencewas for the first time given forprivate commercial use! And thishas happened, withoutfollowing a transparent andaccountable procedure.The Department of Spaceunder who the ISRO functionsbelong to a Ministry held by thePrime Minister himself. It isunacceptable that the PM doesnot seem to care for the principleof first among equals to take theultimate responsibility for thecabinet decision. But in the S-Band scandal, it is a ministrydirectly under him. His silenceon this matter too raises seriousquestions of complicity andculpability.Just when the UPAgovernment was about towithdraw a case against OttavioQuattrocchi, an Income TaxAppelate Tribunal came out witha tax claim on the money earnedthrough the Bofors transaction.<strong>March</strong> 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 28In other words there werekickbacks given and taken.Media produced witnesses on MrQuattrochhi had unquestionedaccess to the first family of theCongress <strong>Party</strong>. The people ofIndia are still waiting foranswers on Bofors!In each case, we find that invarying ways, the checks andbalances built in the system havebeen by-passed or evaded. In afew cases, they have even beenbrazenly challenged! Butnothing made the UPA to assertor correct course. Till date theyhave no coherent answers fortheir failures. They are either ina denial mode or completelysilent. Their ministers speak outof turn, confuse and mislead –all aiming at covering up thescandals.Clearly, only a JointParliamentary Committee (JPC)can identify where the omissionsand commissions have takenplace- systemic failures, policyfailures, the role of lobbyists inre-designing regulations andexecuting policies, and their rolealso in taking away whatessentially is the prerogative ofthe PM-choosing his cabinet.Infrastructuredevelopment paralysedDuring the NDA ruleinfrastructure was given highpriority. The GoldenQuadtrilateral was built andcompleted in record time.Together with this the PradhanMantri Grameen SadakYojana (PMGSY) was alsotaken up as top priority. All thishas come to grinding halt, underthe UPA. In fact, the Congressmanifesto 2009 did not even talkabout rural infrastructure.At the end of UPA I nearlyconstruction of nearly 33000kmsunder the National HighwayDevelopment Project (NHDP)was stalled, as private investorsstayed away. The minister hadpromised 35000kms of highwaysin five years. This could havebeen achieved only if at least20kms/day was completedevery day. Now, not even 8kms/day is being completed. Therunning feud between theSurface transport and thePlanning Commission on targetachieving capability of theministry is well documented.Building of minor ports hasalso suffered, everywhere;Gujarat alone due to itsdynamism has succeeded incompleting several minor portsin the state.It is common knowledge thatAir India is suffering and it is asif it is left to suffer with onlyoccasional life saving cashinfusions. A comprehensivepackage to revive the nationalcarrier is absent. Even the privateairlines have seen strikes and airsafety continues to remain amatter of serious concern. It isreported that the IndianRailways, the largest employerin the world, is in deep financialcrisis. Freight charges are goingup but again passenger safetyhas been a continuing concern.The number of new linesawaiting clearance is growing,while those sanctioned are beingbuilt at snail’s pace.Indian Business PartlyMoving Out?The flip-flops in decisionmaking and the disconnectbetween the concernedministries such as Industries,Environment, Home and Financeis sending out wrong signals.Obstacles to obtainingpermissions are now becoming

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