15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party 15 March, 2011 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party


Atal Khadyan Yojana launched in UttarakhandEradicate poverty, provide food, clothand shelter to everyone : GadkariTo distribute low cost foodgrains to BPL and APLfamilies in UttarakhandBJP National President ShriNitin Gadkari launched ‘AtalKhadyan Yojana’ in Dehradun onFebruary 18, 2011.Launching the Yojana,which envisages providingwheat at Rs ` per kg and rice at` 3 per kg to the people, ShriGadkari said it would benefitaround 30 lakh in the State andhas a potential to emerge as amodel scheme for other States.“If you are in politics, your aimshould not be to just become anMLA, a Minister, or a ChiefMinister. Instead, you shouldaim at eradicating poverty andproviding each and every personwith food, clothing, and shelter,”he said. Referring to the rottingof grain worth ‘58,000 crore dueto lack of storage space, ShriGadkari said it only reveals theextent of misrule by the Congressled UPA Government.Shri Gadkari said he isproud to launch the scheme onthe punyatithi of Pandit DeenDayal Upadhyay. Citing theprogress witnessed byUttarakhand since its inceptionwith its GDP shooting from 2.1to 9.41 per cent and per capitaincome growing from ‘14,000 to‘42,000, he expressed hope thatthe Government will ensure leakproofexecution of the scheme sothat the citizens can reap itsbenefits.The BJP National Presidentoffered the example ofMarch 1-15, 2011 24From Our CorrespondentChhattisgarh, where the publicdistribution system has won theappreciation of the PrimeMinister. He asked the State foodand supply department to followthe Chhattisgarh model whileimplementing the scheme. Tomake this scheme successful ifyou need to increase thecommissions of PDS dealers thenyou increase their commission,Shri Gadkari said.Addressing the gatheringState Chief Minister Shri RameshPokhariyal ‘Nishank’ said theGovernment is committed toensure that every citizen gets asquare meal. Under the newlylaunched scheme, a BPLcardholder will be entitled to get25 kg of rice at ` 3 per kg and 10kg of wheat at ` 2 per kg. Thosehit by natural disasters havebeen unable to cope with thecurrent price rise and it is theywho will be benefited by thisscheme.Speaking on the occasionformer Chief Minister Maj GenBC Khanduri said that theprogramme of providing rationsat cheaper price began duringthe regime of NDA headed byAtal Bihari Vajpayee. FormerChief Minister Shri ND Tiwarialso expressed his happiness atthe naming of the scheme.Food and Civil SupplyMinister Shri Diwakar Bhatt saidthat the Government is dedicatedto implementing this scheme onthe ground level. To ensure leakproofdistribution, it has madepreparations at the district level.Following inauguration ofthe scheme, Shri Nitin Gadkari,Chief Minister Shri RameshPokhriyal Nishank and othersdistributed 35 kg of foodgrain tobeneficiaries. Cheques were alsodistributed to a few Atal AwasYojana candidates. •

“Journalism and Deendayal Upadhyay” releasedEfforts should be made to understand themindset of new generation : GadkariFrom Our CorrespondentReleasing a book named“Journalism andDeendayal Upadhyay”on Pundit Deendayal UpadhyayPunyatithi on 11 February 2011.BJP National President ShriNitin Gadkari said, “The mostpolluted field is that of politicsand for this, not individuals butpolitical parties are at fault”.“An effort should be madeto understand the mindset of thenew generation. They also havepotential. If they are not workingproperly, it is not their fault, it isours,”he said.He said that evencommunism has changed acrossthe world.”I do not want tocomment on any ideology.Communism had fallen in itsown backyard.It (communism) haschanged in Beijing. But inKolkata, it has not changed. Maybe because of political reasons.“Nehru was an intellectual.But his economic model did notgive the required focus todevelopment of villageeconomy, irrigation and manyMarch 1-15, 2011 25key areas and we are nowwitnessing the consequences ofit,” he added.On the present economicscenario in the country, hesaid,”Government is buying Rs70,000 crore aeroplanes whenpeople are starving and farmerscommitting suicide”.Shri Gadkari said thereshould be no gag on the media.Pandit Deendayalji alwaysthought for the welfare ofeconomically deprived people,villagers, farmers and labourers.He wanted the policies in theCourtesy : Asian Agecountry should ensurebetterment of these people. If thecountry had followed this visionand thinking of Deendayalji,there would not have been theeconomic imbalance that we seetoday,” added, Shri NitinGadkari.The book was edited by Dr.Mahesh Chandra Sharma.Published under the DeendayalSamagrah, a project started by theBJP recently, the book highlightsthe contribution and vision ofDeendayalji in journalism. Apartfrom a galaxy of senior leadersintellectuals, writers andscholars, former Governor ShriKidarnath Sahni, Leader ofOpposition in Delhi AssemblyProf. Vijay kumar Malhotra , BJPNational General Secretary Smt.Vasundhara Raje, Delhi BJPPresident Shri Vijendra Guptaand National Convenor ofDeendayal Samagrah Dr. MaheshChandra Sharma were alsopresent on the occasion. •

Atal Khadyan Yojana launched in UttarakhandEradicate poverty, provide food, clothand shelter to everyone : GadkariTo distribute low cost foodgrains to BPL and APLfamilies in UttarakhandBJP National President ShriNitin Gadkari launched ‘AtalKhadyan Yojana’ in Dehradun onFebruary 18, <strong>2011</strong>.Launching the Yojana,which envisages providingwheat at Rs ` per kg and rice at` 3 per kg to the people, ShriGadkari said it would benefitaround 30 lakh in the State andhas a potential to emerge as amodel scheme for other States.“If you are in politics, your aimshould not be to just become anMLA, a Minister, or a ChiefMinister. Instead, you shouldaim at eradicating poverty andproviding each and every personwith food, clothing, and shelter,”he said. Referring to the rottingof grain worth ‘58,000 crore dueto lack of storage space, ShriGadkari said it only reveals theextent of misrule by the Congressled UPA Government.Shri Gadkari said he isproud to launch the scheme onthe punyatithi of Pandit DeenDayal Upadhyay. Citing theprogress witnessed byUttarakhand since its inceptionwith its GDP shooting from 2.1to 9.41 per cent and per capitaincome growing from ‘14,000 to‘42,000, he expressed hope thatthe Government will ensure leakproofexecution of the scheme sothat the citizens can reap itsbenefits.The BJP National Presidentoffered the example of<strong>March</strong> 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 24From Our CorrespondentChhattisgarh, where the publicdistribution system has won theappreciation of the PrimeMinister. He asked the State foodand supply department to followthe Chhattisgarh model whileimplementing the scheme. Tomake this scheme successful ifyou need to increase thecommissions of PDS dealers thenyou increase their commission,Shri Gadkari said.Addressing the gatheringState Chief Minister Shri RameshPokhariyal ‘Nishank’ said theGovernment is committed toensure that every citizen gets asquare meal. Under the newlylaunched scheme, a BPLcardholder will be entitled to get25 kg of rice at ` 3 per kg and 10kg of wheat at ` 2 per kg. Thosehit by natural disasters havebeen unable to cope with thecurrent price rise and it is theywho will be benefited by thisscheme.Speaking on the occasionformer Chief Minister Maj GenBC Khanduri said that theprogramme of providing rationsat cheaper price began duringthe regime of NDA headed byAtal Bihari Vajpayee. FormerChief Minister Shri ND Tiwarialso expressed his happiness atthe naming of the scheme.Food and Civil SupplyMinister Shri Diwakar Bhatt saidthat the Government is dedicatedto implementing this scheme onthe ground level. To ensure leakproofdistribution, it has madepreparations at the district level.Following inauguration ofthe scheme, Shri Nitin Gadkari,Chief Minister Shri RameshPokhriyal Nishank and othersdistributed 35 kg of foodgrain tobeneficiaries. Cheques were alsodistributed to a few Atal AwasYojana candidates. •

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