july 2006.pmd - Nahant, Massachusetts USA

july 2006.pmd - Nahant, Massachusetts USA

july 2006.pmd - Nahant, Massachusetts USA


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NAHANT HARBOR REVIEW • JULY 2006 • Page 20NAHANT PUZZLE PAGETrue Colorsby Rick KennedyACROSS1 Fools5 Web-like9 Civil rights grp.13 Red-shouldered___17 Women's magazine18 Shrek, e.g.19 White ___ (randomsounds)21 ___ Matisse22 Complain23 Competition at theGreek games24 White shark-like?25 Devoured26 Small particle27 Married woman28 Red, white andblue, e.g.29 Red distractor31 Soft white cheese33 Preoccupy35 Toronto's Blueteam36 White ___ (cigarbrand)38 Vote in favor1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 2122 23 24 2526 27 28 29 3031 32 33 34 3536 37 38 39 40 41 42 4344 45 46 47 48 49 5051 52 53 54 55 5657 58 59 60 61 62 6364 65 66 67 68 6970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7879 80 81 82 8384 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 9293 94 95 96 97 9899 100 101 102 103 104 105106 107 108 109 110111 112 113 114 115 116 117118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126127 128 129 130 131132 133 134 135136 137 138 139www.CrosswordWeaver.com39 Red or White tree40 Willie Stargell,familiarly44 Of this47 High naval rank(abbr.)49 Grand ___ Opry50 Part of Hispaniola51 __ voyage52 Smear54 Nobleman56 White ___ crime57 Stringed instrument59 Neck marker61 Question62 Bad start?63 Compass pt.64 Drug takers66 "Big Blue Marble"68 Arabic letter70 Strange71 Kingston group72 First place?75 Rope fiber79 Repeat81 ___ metabolism83 Red tree84 Nosh87 Putrefaction88 Free of89 Crimson rival92 Delta House dresscode93 139 Across, e.g.95 Red ___ (insidethe 20)96 "Blue ___Records"98 White tree99 Key100 Greet the villain101 Compass dir.104 Petrol rating106 Revolver inventor107 Univ. facultymember108 Loneliest number?110 Boston, familiarly111 Knots112 Reply115 Persia once118 Juan’s sister?122 Milne character123 Body part125 Iron and Bronze127 Single128 Dumpy130 Red or white drink131 Lifted upwards132 Red ___ (Bushcountry)133 Light cake134 Otherwise135 Realm136 ___ "R" Us137 Pod vegetables138 Blue woad andanil139 Red neighbor?DOWN1 Big rig2 Indifferent3 Blue ___ special4 Kerry or McCain5 Dirt6 Aggressive feelings7 "White Christmas"crooner8 Hankering9 Beef cattle10 Centers11 White ___ (fibs)12 Home of the "Red,White and Blue"13 Try14 Start to freeze?15 House or Marsh16 Face card20 Hydrocarbon21 Towel word28 Red___ (divingduck)30 Red ___ (lateflight)32 Reverent34 Red ___ (Moses'water body)35 Actress Clayburgh37 Loiter39 "The other whitemeat"40 Crony41 Fats42 School grps.43 Father44 The White ___45 Come on stage46 Mink or sable48 Red ___50 The whole > sum ofits parts51 LaBatt's ___53 51 Down, e.g.55 White or bluetrees56 Part of USC58 Pennsylvania port60 Randy's skatingpartner62 Blue ___ Group65 Clandestine67 Red springharbinger69 Arbitrary order71 Kid73 Red letter ___74 Zeal76 Eating utensil77 Component of111D78 Unauthorizeddisclosure80 Red ___ ChiliPeppers82 Gulf of ___84 "Beowulf", e.g.85 Too86 Latte size88 Red ___ Inn90 John of England91 Engrave94 www95 Animal parks97 Decorative needlecase100 Red part of 67Down102 Eat103 Compass pt.105 Biblical "father ofmany"107 Excavation109 Uncannily111 Red ___ (toxicbloom)112 Main artery113 Do, re, and mi114 Laundry cycle116 Ancientmarketplace117 Not ever118 Fitting119 Golden Rule word120 Not home121 Seines122 Read attentively124 Quilting andspelling126 The Seven ___129 School dance130 Newly ___, NearlyDead

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