NRA Journal - Spring 2007 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Spring 2007 - National Rifle Association NRA Journal - Spring 2007 - National Rifle Association


NRA 100 RESURRECTEDby Carol PaintingThose who read the Journal carefully will be aware that NRA postal competitions were abandoned by theNRA last year for lack of support. A few of us enjoyed shooting the NRA 100 each year so we carried on withit in 2006 on a do it yourself basis. The NRA kindly agreed that we could present the trophy and have someof the cloth NRA 100 badges because there are plenty in stock.For those who are not familiar with this competition, it is a three positional TR shoot at 200 yards on scaleddown 300m targets. The course of fire is up to four sighters and ten to count at each position.The results of the 2006 competition are as follows:Key: SHGRPC 32nd/61st Surrey Home Guard Rifle and Pistol Club46WFBRCWandsworth Fullbore Rifle Clubp s k Total1 KB Hill WFBRC 92 68 75 2352 B Preece Pumas RC 95 33 77 2053 ME Barr Pumas RC 93 41 68 2024 J Photiades Radlett RC 90 56 55 2015 DF Robinson Pumas RC 91 61 48 2006 CA Painting Pumas RC 99 28 68 1957 J Wilson SHGRPC 88 39 59 1868 D Jessup SHGRPC 83 36 42 1619 M Mercer SHGRPC 93 32 34 15910 B Taylor SHGRPC 89 18 47 15411 S Wilson SHGRPC 84 23 37 144The SHGRPC shot their cards in July. Pumas RC and Radlett RC shot on 1 October by agreement with theother clubs. Although WFBRC tried to shoot in September, there was a problem with the booking; they hadthe wrong targets and could not shoot standing. Kevin Hill turned out for a second time on 1 October, andmanaged to beat us all by a convincing margin.We plan to continue with this competition in the future. Our current thoughts are to leave it as a postal matchat 200 yards, but to extend the period for shooting until the end of October. This might help those who are busywith other events to fit in a fun shoot later in the season. We also plan to make the third practice a kneelingor sitting shoot (see Rule 242). We believe this was one of the conditions in years gone by. Hopefully it willencourage others to join us.While this is a do it yourself competition a committee of three is handling the entries and results. We needresults in a spreadsheet submitted by e-mail. A small entry fee (probably £1 per head) will allow us to purchasemedals for the first three in the competition. If you are interested in taking part during 2007 please send ane-mail to You can shoot this at any range provided you use the correct targets, which areavailable from the NSC.THE BISLEY CLUBS EASTER MEETING(Including F Class)to be held at Bisley RangesSaturday 7 to Monday 9 April 2007organised byThe London & Middlesex Rifle AssociationProgramme and entry forms are available at - follow the links to‘Events and Matches’ and ‘Entry Forms’. Also on the NRA website at date for entries is Saturday 31 March 2007Issued RG ammunition will be used - F Class supply their own.

NRA TOUR TO THE CHANNELS ISLANDS 2006THE CAPTAIN’S PERSPECTIVEby Chris WhiteCaptainChris WhiteAdjutantDave DysonCoach/Vice CaptainDave DaviesCoachRobin HatcherShootersDaniel BlakeSimon DixonChris ClaridgeTom HorrocksEd JeensKenny MacDonaldPhilip OxnamSteve RobinsonAndrew WildeEd WoodNon-Travelling ReservesJohn HolmesIain MacDonaldDurhamYorkshireSussexSuffolkLondonSurreySussexLancashireGloucestershireScotlandNorthants, Leics & RutlandYorkshireSomersetNorfolkYorkshireLancashireThe tour appeared ill fated from the start with myappointment not being confirmed until after the 2005Imperial Meeting, thus losing the opportunity to get toknow potential applicants and to see them in action.I toured the Channel Islands in 2001 under the captaincyof Lou-Lou Brister - a very hard act to follow. However itgave me a flying start in selecting coaches. Dave Davieshad been a shooter on that team and had coached my2003 team v Continental Europe and Robin Hatcher hadbeen a coach on Lou-Lou’s team. When both graciouslyconsented to join the team a load was off my mind.In my opinion the Captain’s job is to ensure that the bestpossible team is selected and that the best possible useis made of that talent; his or her job is not to get boggeddown in unnecessary detail. The most crucial decision aCaptain will make is in the selection of Adjutant, closelyfollowed by the selection of coaches and I was delightedthat Dave Dyson agreed to be my Adjutant. He hit theground running and despite the tight time scale theadmin side of the team progressed smoothly.The Channel Islands tour is a learning platform foraspiring GB shots, of whatever age; for most it will betheir first tour. On return all the shooters should be clearon what international team shooting is about. Touringteams always face the challenge of shooting againstdetermined opposition performing on their own rangeand in a unit composed of individuals who have workedtogether many times before. This tour would be a perfectreflection of this.With the selection made and finalised there was onefurther difficulty - the issue of non-travelling reserves. Iintended to hold a training weekend at Bisley before thetour and did not feel it fair that the reserves be expectedto meet the cost of this. Therefore they needed to beshooters with the experience and capability of droppinginto the team at the last minute and the maturity not toresent being left out of the first cut.After considering various options the training weekendwas fixed for 1 and 2 April. Briefing and introductionstook place in the ATSC clubhouse on Saturday morningwhen, in addition to the usual kit issue and tour outline,the team were made aware of my personal attitude toteam shooting. First and foremost that there are noindividual performances in a team; each individual’sscore in a match is a combination of the shooter’sability, the quality of the coach, whether or not they arecalled upon to fire a pilot shot and what conditions theyencounter at the time they shoot. For that reason noindividual scores in team events appear in this report.Plotting was sorted out and the team were made wellaware that if conditions dictated they would be expectedto shoot within five seconds of the coach’s call. Not onlythat but if they wished to progress as internationalsthat would need to be reduced to no more than threeseconds.I am not impressed by shooters who think the way toapproach a team match is stay up slonking and clubbinguntil the early hours of the morning before the match,keep everyone else waiting in the hotel car park andturn up late looking like they have just been draggedbackwards through a hedge.The message could not be got across more effectivelythan it was by quoting Andrew Tucker, “There are threethings up with which I will not put. One who is drunk,one who is late and one who is unshaven.” There wasone obvious exception to the shaving bit!The squad were made aware that short range matches,although usually won at 600 yards, are often lost at 300yards.On the grounds that whatever can go wrong will gowrong, the team were advised of various contingenciesand scenarios. The Captain, Adjutant and coaches werepretty straight shooters and may, if necessary, shoot,with the possibility that either or both the Captain andAdjutant coach. Whilst this was a perfectly feasiblescenario it was not, necessarily, a desirable one, but itdid apply pressure to the squad who knew they wouldhave to prove themselves.Saturday afternoon was intended to be a zero checkingexercise at 300 yards. Everyone was coached by eachof the coaches and all shooters plus the coaches werecoached by the Adj and the Captain. With the wind47

<strong>NRA</strong> 100 RESURRECTEDby Carol PaintingThose who read the <strong>Journal</strong> carefully will be aware that <strong>NRA</strong> postal competitions were abandoned by the<strong>NRA</strong> last year for lack of support. A few of us enjoyed shooting the <strong>NRA</strong> 100 each year so we carried on withit in 2006 on a do it yourself basis. The <strong>NRA</strong> kindly agreed that we could present the trophy and have someof the cloth <strong>NRA</strong> 100 badges because there are plenty in stock.For those who are not familiar with this competition, it is a three positional TR shoot at 200 yards on scaleddown 300m targets. The course of fire is up to four sighters and ten to count at each position.The results of the 2006 competition are as follows:Key: SHGRPC 32nd/61st Surrey Home Guard <strong>Rifle</strong> and Pistol Club46WFBRCWandsworth Fullbore <strong>Rifle</strong> Clubp s k Total1 KB Hill WFBRC 92 68 75 2352 B Preece Pumas RC 95 33 77 2053 ME Barr Pumas RC 93 41 68 2024 J Photiades Radlett RC 90 56 55 2015 DF Robinson Pumas RC 91 61 48 2006 CA Painting Pumas RC 99 28 68 1957 J Wilson SHGRPC 88 39 59 1868 D Jessup SHGRPC 83 36 42 1619 M Mercer SHGRPC 93 32 34 15910 B Taylor SHGRPC 89 18 47 15411 S Wilson SHGRPC 84 23 37 144The SHGRPC shot their cards in July. Pumas RC and Radlett RC shot on 1 October by agreement with theother clubs. Although WFBRC tried to shoot in September, there was a problem with the booking; they hadthe wrong targets and could not shoot standing. Kevin Hill turned out for a second time on 1 October, andmanaged to beat us all by a convincing margin.We plan to continue with this competition in the future. Our current thoughts are to leave it as a postal matchat 200 yards, but to extend the period for shooting until the end of October. This might help those who are busywith other events to fit in a fun shoot later in the season. We also plan to make the third practice a kneelingor sitting shoot (see Rule 242). We believe this was one of the conditions in years gone by. Hopefully it willencourage others to join us.While this is a do it yourself competition a committee of three is handling the entries and results. We needresults in a spreadsheet submitted by e-mail. A small entry fee (probably £1 per head) will allow us to purchasemedals for the first three in the competition. If you are interested in taking part during <strong>2007</strong> please send ane-mail to You can shoot this at any range provided you use the correct targets, which areavailable from the NSC.THE BISLEY CLUBS EASTER MEETING(Including F Class)to be held at Bisley RangesSaturday 7 to Monday 9 April <strong>2007</strong>organised byThe London & Middlesex <strong>Rifle</strong> <strong>Association</strong>Programme and entry forms are available at - follow the links to‘Events and Matches’ and ‘Entry Forms’. Also on the <strong>NRA</strong> website at date for entries is Saturday 31 March <strong>2007</strong>Issued RG ammunition will be used - F Class supply their own.

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