SBCT Final EIS -

SBCT Final EIS - SBCT Final EIS -
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Chapter 2 ⎯ Description of the Proposed Action and AlternativesTable 2–14 Unit Equipment Comparisons — 4/25 th IBCT and 2/25 th SBCTParameterFort Richardson4/25 th IBCT 2/25 th SBCTSoldiers 3,538 4,105Intelligence, Surveillance, & ReconnaissanceUnmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) 19 4VehiclesWheeled Support Vehicles 926 588Combat Vehicles 0 317 Strykers (27 MGS incl.)Tracked Vehicles 0 0Direct Fire SystemsMobile Gun Systems 0 27Javelins 80 121Anti-Tank Guided Missile 0 9Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ITAS) 28 0Indirect Fire SystemsMortars: 120 mm/81 mm/60 mm 12/8/14 36/12/18Howitzers: M119 (105 mm) 16 0Howitzers M777 0 18Cantonment Infrastructure: Facilities vacated by the 4/25 th would initially support a majority of thecritical facilities for the 2/25 th SBCT, including office space, housing, and parking and maintenancespace. Fort Richardson currently has administrative office buildings and temporary relocatable facilitiesthat are being used to support the 4/25 th . Although these facilities are outdated and smaller thanthe square footage of standard BCT space required, they would support the near-term administrativegarrison operations of the 31 companies that comprise the 2/25 th until they could be renovated andnew ones constructed where necessary in the 2012 time frame. Currently, the construction of new unitoffice space for the 4/25 th is programmed and planned. Stationing of the SBCT at Fort Richardsonwould require the programming of one to two additional administrative office buildings, above whatis currently planned.Fort Richardson currently possesses the extra enlisted barracks space initially required to accommodatethe 200 to 300 extra single enlisted Soldiers of the 2/25 th SBCT requiring barracks space as partof this alternative. The existing facilities are outdated and smaller than standard facilities, but theywould meet the initial stationing requirements of the 2/25 th until new facilities could be programmedin 2012. Due to a lack of on-post Family housing to support the additional Families of the 2/25 th , itwould be anticipated that a majority of single officers and married enlisted Soldiers would live offpostwhere there is adequate housing available in the surrounding community for the 300 to 400 additionalSoldiers and their Families. Currently, the renovation of barracks for the 4/25 th is programmedand planned. The stationing of the SBCT would require the construction of a larger barracks spaceabove what is currently planned.At Fort Richardson, the 4/25 th uses a combination of improved surface military vehicle parking spaceand graveled parking space (Figure 2–7). There is a plan to construct an additional 1,086,516 squarefeet of improved parking space in 2012 and space is available next to the existing military vehicleparking area to build the additional combat vehicle parking space. Until this time, however, two ormore battalions of the SBCT would be required to park on unimproved surface. In addition, some ofthe units of the 2/25 th would be required to conduct maintenance activities on unimproved surface forFebruary 2008 2–31 2/25th SBCT Final EIS

Chapter 2 ⎯ Description of the Proposed Action and AlternativesFigure 2–7Existing Configuration of Garrison Infrastructure to Support the 2/25thSBCTseveral years until an extension of the motor pool facility could be completed. In the interim, vehiclemaintenance operations and parking would be constrained, particularly given the extended coldweather of the Alaskan winter. The construction of indoor vehicle maintenance facilities would needto be expedited to support the 2/25 th SBCT’s fleet of Stryker vehicles. In implementing Alternative B,SBCT vehicles would need to be winterized, receiving chains and other winter equipment as well asadding heavier weight engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and other petroleum and lubricantsto the vehicles.Training Range and Training Support Infrastructure Construction: Fort Richardson currentlypossesses a majority of the training ranges and facilities required to support the live-fire training activitiesof the 2/25 th SBCT. Fort Richardson training infrastructure includes the full suite of trainingranges required to maintain SBCT training readiness standards, with the exception of the BAX,MPMG, and UAC. Fort Richardson would use its MPTR as a substitute for the anti-armor trackingrange, which is an acceptable substitute under Army training doctrine (TC 25–8 Training Ranges).Because Fort Richardson does not have the required training space to accommodate construction of aBAX, the 2/25 th would use the BAX at DTA that has already been programmed to support the trainingof the 1/25 th SBCT stationed at Fort Wainwright. A CACTF is also being constructed at DTA.Construction of the BAX and CACTF are slated for completion in 2008 and should be available foruse by the 2/25 th SBCT when it completes its deployment in 2009. The BAX and CACTF ranges havethe capacity to support the training requirements of both the 1/25 th and 2/25 th SBCT. To accommodatethe full measure of SBCT training requirements of the 2/25 th SBCT, an MPMG range and anUAC would be constructed at Fort Richardson to implement the Proposed Action under AlternativeFebruary 2008 2–32 2/25th SBCT Final EIS

Chapter 2 ⎯ Description of the Proposed Action and AlternativesTable 2–14 Unit Equipment Comparisons — 4/25 th IBCT and 2/25 th <strong>SBCT</strong>ParameterFort Richardson4/25 th IBCT 2/25 th <strong>SBCT</strong>Soldiers 3,538 4,105Intelligence, Surveillance, & ReconnaissanceUnmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) 19 4VehiclesWheeled Support Vehicles 926 588Combat Vehicles 0 317 Strykers (27 MGS incl.)Tracked Vehicles 0 0Direct Fire SystemsMobile Gun Systems 0 27Javelins 80 121Anti-Tank Guided Missile 0 9Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ITAS) 28 0Indirect Fire SystemsMortars: 120 mm/81 mm/60 mm 12/8/14 36/12/18Howitzers: M119 (105 mm) 16 0Howitzers M777 0 18Cantonment Infrastructure: Facilities vacated by the 4/25 th would initially support a majority of thecritical facilities for the 2/25 th <strong>SBCT</strong>, including office space, ho<strong>us</strong>ing, and parking and maintenancespace. Fort Richardson currently has administrative office buildings and temporary relocatable facilitiesthat are being <strong>us</strong>ed to support the 4/25 th . Although these facilities are outdated and smaller thanthe square footage of standard BCT space required, they would support the near-term administrativegarrison operations of the 31 companies that comprise the 2/25 th until they could be renovated andnew ones constructed where necessary in the 2012 time frame. Currently, the construction of new unitoffice space for the 4/25 th is programmed and planned. Stationing of the <strong>SBCT</strong> at Fort Richardsonwould require the programming of one to two additional administrative office buildings, above whatis currently planned.Fort Richardson currently possesses the extra enlisted barracks space initially required to accommodatethe 200 to 300 extra single enlisted Soldiers of the 2/25 th <strong>SBCT</strong> requiring barracks space as partof this alternative. The existing facilities are outdated and smaller than standard facilities, but theywould meet the initial stationing requirements of the 2/25 th until new facilities could be programmedin 2012. Due to a lack of on-post Family ho<strong>us</strong>ing to support the additional Families of the 2/25 th , itwould be anticipated that a majority of single officers and married enlisted Soldiers would live offpostwhere there is adequate ho<strong>us</strong>ing available in the surrounding community for the 300 to 400 additionalSoldiers and their Families. Currently, the renovation of barracks for the 4/25 th is programmedand planned. The stationing of the <strong>SBCT</strong> would require the construction of a larger barracks spaceabove what is currently planned.At Fort Richardson, the 4/25 th <strong>us</strong>es a combination of improved surface military vehicle parking spaceand graveled parking space (Figure 2–7). There is a plan to construct an additional 1,086,516 squarefeet of improved parking space in 2012 and space is available next to the existing military vehicleparking area to build the additional combat vehicle parking space. Until this time, however, two ormore battalions of the <strong>SBCT</strong> would be required to park on unimproved surface. In addition, some ofthe units of the 2/25 th would be required to conduct maintenance activities on unimproved surface forFebruary 2008 2–31 2/25th <strong>SBCT</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIS</strong>

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