SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

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Chapter 1 ⎯ Purpose and Needclosed installations to other high-priority locations. It also allows the Army to optimize the operationalcapacity necessary to support warfighting capabilities and enhance the opportunities for jointactivities. Among other things, BRAC will optimize military value, advance the Army Modular Force(AMF) conversion, accommodate the re-stationing of overseas units, enable the transformation ofboth the active and reserve components, rebalance the force structure, and contribute to joint operations.In terms of impacts on Army infrastructure, BRAC includes 12 major base closures, six major realignments,and the closure of 211 National Guard and 176 Reserve facilities. BRAC is inextricablytied to Army transformation. The closure and realignment of forces are directed by Congress throughthe BRAC Commission’s recommendations and are, therefore, non-discretionary. Installations closingor realigning are preparing separate site-specific NEPA documentation to implement BRAC directives,but the Congressional decision with regard to the list of installations to be closed or realignedis not subject to NEPA as a matter of law. BRAC recommendations affect the number of sitesavailable for home stationing of the 2/25 th and this <strong>EIS</strong> has considered its mandates and effects whenevaluating potential alternative stationing locations for the 2/25 th <strong>SBCT</strong>.1.4.2 Global Defense Posture and RealignmentThe U.S.’ global defense posture is characterized by the size, locations, types, and roles of forwardmilitary forces. In the past, the Army has depended heavily on its forward-based presence in the Pacificand in Europe to project power and undertake military actions overseas. Transformation andQDR directives provide guidance to restructure the military for rapid deployment from within theU.S. while reducing the presence in, and reliance of U.S. forces on, foreign nations. As part of theoverall transformation effort, the Army is in the process of realigning 44,500 Soldiers back to theU.S. between 2004 and 2011 and downsizing overseas facilities to support the expeditionary visioncontained within the QDR.Although the U.S. will retain some transformed, forward-positioned forces in Europe and Korea,many Soldiers and their units will be realigned to Army installations in the U.S. This realignment willcreate a greater demand on training ranges and facilities at these installations. The strategy will enablethe Army to restructure in a manner that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of response toemerging threats. The decisions of the GDPR are assumed to be part of the baseline environment foralternatives analysis conducted within this document. Since initial GDPR announcements, the Armyhas decided to activate and retain two HBCTs in Germany to meet the increased mission requirementsof the European Command (EUCOM). The return of these Brigades to the U.S. has been delayed until2012 and 2013 as was disc<strong>us</strong>sed in the ROD for Army Growth and Force Structure Realignment(Army 2007c).1.4.3 Army Modular Force (AMF)The Army has embarked on a 30-year process to transform its forces. This transformation includesthe modernization of its doctrine, equipment, leadership, organizational structure, facilities, b<strong>us</strong>inessprocesses, and virtually every component of its operations. As part of its overall transformation effort,the Army has decided to transition to a modular or standardized force structure at all levels of its organization.This process of modular standardization means a transition of the Army from large powerful,fixed organizations constituted at the Division level to an Army designed around smaller, selfcontained,logistically supportable BCTs. The units within these BCTs will be identical in theirequipment and manning. The modular initiative allows for greater levels of planning and organizationalefficiency.February 2008 1-12 2/25th <strong>SBCT</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIS</strong>

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