SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

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Chapter 5 – Environmental Consequencesfamily ho<strong>us</strong>ing, schools, and other locations where children are concentrated cannot be identified.Therefore, this analysis evaluates the potential impacts to the children in general terms.Barriers and “no trespassing” signs would be placed around construction sites to deter children fromplaying in these areas, as well as to keep out other trespassers. All construction vehicles, equipment,and materials would be stored in fenced areas and secured when not in <strong>us</strong>e. During construction,safety measures stated in 29 CFR 1926, “Safety and Health Regulations for Construction,” and otherapplicable regulations and guidance would be followed to protect the health and safety of all residentson FTC, as well as construction workers. Impacts from Range ConstructionLess Than Significant ImpactsThe minor amount of range construction that would occur at FTC would not impact the localeconomy, population, or infrastructure.Environmental J<strong>us</strong>tice. No minority or low-income populations would be displaced by the proposedrange construction. Indirect effects, such as increased noise, fugitive d<strong>us</strong>t, or traffic from constructionor training activities are expected to have less than significant impacts on off-post populationsbeca<strong>us</strong>e the surrounding properties are uninhabited federal and state lands. Under implementation ofthis alternative, there would be no disproportionate impacts to low-income or minority populationswithin the ROI.Protection of Children. No construction projects would take place near schools, day care facilities, orother areas with large populations of children. Minor adverse indirect impacts on nearby schools orprivate residences would be similar to those described for cantonment construction; however, noadverse impacts to the health and safety of children are expected. Construction would take place inareas that are off-limits to the general public. No adverse effects to the protection of children areexpected under this alternative. No range construction would occur on PCMS; therefore, impactanalysis is not applicable. Impacts from Live-Fire TrainingLess Than Significant ImpactsThe increase in live-fire training that would occur at FTC would not impact the local economy,population, or infrastructure.Environmental J<strong>us</strong>tice. Indirect effects, such as increased noise, fugitive d<strong>us</strong>t, or traffic associatedwith live-fire training would have less than significant adverse effects on off-post properties. Theareas that would be affected are primarily uninhabited federal and state lands. Under implementationof this alternative, there would be no disproportionate impacts to low-income or minority populationswithin the ROI.Protection of Children. No live-fire training would take place near schools, daycares, or other areaswith large populations of children. No adverse effects to the health and safety of children are expectedunder this alternative.February 2008 5-158 2/25th <strong>SBCT</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIS</strong>

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