SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

SBCT Final EIS - Govsupport.us

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Chapter 3 ⎯ Affected EnvironmentThe Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) and western rattlesnake are typical grassland reptilesfound at the PCMS. The Texas blind snake (Leptotyphlops dulcis) is found in canyons with pinyon-juniperslopes and grasslands on the canyon floor (Hammerson 1999). Wetlands support severalamphibian species found at the PCMS including the plains leopard frog and snapping turtle. Ninespecies of carnivores, ungulates, and small mammals and fifteen bird species are known to occur onPCMS (USACE 2007b).Threatened and Endangered Species/Species of ConcernFederally-Listed Species. Seven USFWS listed endangered, threatened, and candidate animal speciesoccur in Las Animas and Otero Counties (USFWS 2005a and USACE 2007a).No wildlife or plant species appear on the USFWS lists of federally listed endangered, threatened, andcandidate species for Las Animas or Otero Counties (USFWS 2005a and USACE 2007a). No federallylisted threatened or endangered plant species or candidate for federal listing is known to occur atthe PCMS.State-Listed Species. Thirteen state-listed special stat<strong>us</strong> wildlife species occur at the PCMS. The triploidcheckered whiptail is designated as a Species at Risk (SAR) by the Army. In the summer of2006, DECAM coordinated with CNHP to survey for the species at the PCMS. CNHP is developing ahabitat model for triploid checkered whiptails based on habitat characteristics at 12 species observationlocations (USACE 2007b).No state-listed threatened or endangered plant species are known to occur at the PCMS. Eight ColoradoPlant Species of Special Concern (as listed by CNHP) occur on the PCMS (DECAM 2002a).Of these Colorado species of special concern, both round-leaf four o’clock and dwarf milkweed arewell represented at the PCMS, both in terms of the number of known sites and numbers of individuals(USACE 2007b). In accordance with the Army’s SAR Program, DECAM has initiated surveys to determinepopulation numbers and the distribution of these and other sensitive plant species (DECAM2002a). Target species for SAR-sensitive plant species surveys on the PCMS in 2006 and 2007 includedwarf milkweed, pueblo goldenweed, round-leaf four o’clock, and Arkansas valley eveningprimrose (CNHP 2006, USACE 2007b).3.3.10 AIR QUALITY3.3.10.1 Air Quality StandardsLaws and regulations also exist to protect air quality in areas that are meeting the national standards.Any significant net increase of criteria pollutants for which the area is designated as “attainment”would subject the PCMS to the PSD review requirements (40 CFR 52.21). The Colorado Air QualityControl Commission (AQCC), which is within the CDPHE, administers the State of Colorado’sUSEPA-approved PSD program (59 FR 42500) by implementing Regulation 3, Part D, which regulatescriteria pollutants from new comb<strong>us</strong>tion sources.The AQCC also regulates the emissions of PM, smoke, CO, and sulfur oxides (SO X ) by implementingopacity and emission limits in AQCC Regulation No. 1. Opacity limits are set to ensure that visibilityis not impacted in the long term. Obscurants include smoke and other products <strong>us</strong>ed for military training.February 2008 3–175 2/25th <strong>SBCT</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>EIS</strong>

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