1930-1959 Officers - Royal Marines

1930-1959 Officers - Royal Marines

1930-1959 Officers - Royal Marines


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Alder-Smith B D Capt 1956 Leaving as Adjutant RMFVR Tyne 1956/83Aldrich P B B 2Lt 1951 Corps Commission 1951/55Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1942 Left RMMS for Gunnery Course 1942/233Aldridge D L S St M Lt 1946 OC RM Guard Singapore 1946/226Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1947 Adjt 40 Cdo 1947/216Aldridge D L S St M Capt 1949 Adjt Stonehouse 1949/344Aldridge D L S St M Capt 1950 Adjt RMB Ply to be 2 i/c 41 Indep Cdo 1950/213Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1952 At presentation of Drysdale portrait from USMC 1952/217*Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Aldridge D L S St M Maj 1958 With 42 Cdo soccer team 1958/37*Alexander D C Lt 1952 Receiving Queen's Colour of 45 Cdo on presentation1953/FebCover*.Alexander D G Lt 1956 Laying up 1894 Eastney Colours1956/JunCover*,Alexander D G Lt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/114*Allan J H B Proby 2Lt 1939 Corps Commission 1939/42Allan J H B Capt 1945 Relieved as OCRM "Phoebe" by Capt D S Brooks 1945/1651947/132,Allan J H B Capt 1947 At Small Arms School Hythe255Allan J H B Capt 1947 Bisley 1947/174*Allan J H B Capt 1948 Joins HMS Illustrious from SASRM 1948/281EngagementAllan James Capt 1946 (J H B ?) 1946/356Allcroft W M 1941 Letter in praise of Gen Sir Campbell Hardy <strong>1959</strong>/98,Allen E G B Lt 1952 Corps Commission 1952/211Allen E G B Ty 2Lt 1957 Winning team Empire Day Challenge Cup 1957/193*Leaves Depot to be ADC to the Governor of SouthernAllen E G B Capt <strong>1959</strong> Rhodesia <strong>1959</strong>/329Allen J A Capt 1944 Birth of a daughter 1944/203Allen J S Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Allen J S Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/44Allen M H Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/349

Allenby E A Maj 1953 PRORM Corps Re-union Day Parade 1953/135*Allingham P H Ty Lt 1945 Awarded C-in-C 21 Army Gp Commendation 1945/190Alltimes W A Supt Clerk 1945 With 19 Bn Boxing Team 1945/146*Alvey Jack 2Lt 1940 Corps Commission 1941/25Alvey Jack Lt 1945 Marriage 1945/255Alvey Jack Lt 1945 Repatriated as POW 1945/141Alvey Jack Lt 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/98Alvey Jack Capt 1955 RAF Staff Course 1955/45Aman Dudley Maj <strong>1930</strong> Conferred with a Peerage <strong>1930</strong>/54Ambrose H B Lt 1945 Engagement to daughter of Supt Clerk S Youngson 1945/62Amy D O Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/168Anders J R Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/99Anders J R Cd Rectr 1957 Derby Recruiting Office 1957/166*Anderson P K WS Maj 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Andrews A Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Andrews R A Capt RMFVR 1956 Awarded Iraqi Order of Al Rasidhain 5th Class 1956/227Andrews R A Capt RMFVR 1956 Guard of Honour for King Feisal of Iraq 1956/227*Andrews R D Lt RMFVR 1953 Commanding no 4 SBS - awarded MBE 1953/187,Andrews R D Lt 1954 Architectural scholarship in America 1954/239Canoeing at Maidenhead Regatta/SBS City of LondonAndrews R D A Lt RMFVR 1951 RMFVR 1951/245340,Andrews R D A Capt RMFVR 1955 Post graduate Architecture in US and training with USMCR 1955/229*,Angell R L A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Arbuthnot W P Lt Col 1922 Editor of the G & L 1945/129Arbuthnot W P Col 1931 Daughter's engagement 1931/249Archdall Mervyn Lt 1931 Training RM Field Gun Crew 1932/351Archdall Mervyn Lt 1932 Portsmouth Div Rugby Team 1932/151*Archdall Mervyn Lt 1934 Grave of "Tiki" 1934/218-Archdall Mervyn Lt 1934 HMS Diomede Concert Party 1934/15

Archdall Mervyn Capt 1934 Letter from South African Veteran's Association 1934/133Archdall Mervyn Lt 1935 Lands with Diomede det. For musketry training 1935/172Archdall Mervyn Capt 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56Archdall Mervyn Capt 1939 Guard of Honour at Chatham 1939/114Archdall Mervyn Capt 1939 Point-to-Point 1939/214*Archdall Mervyn Maj 1941 "The Battle of Crete" (OC Manding Coy) 1945/36Archdall Mervyn Col 1954 "The Commandant General's Visit to the USMC" 1954/53Archdall Mervyn Col 1954 ADC to HM The Queen 1954/99Archdall Mervyn Col 1955 DOPAR awarded CBE 1955/26Archdall Mervyn Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Requesting copies of Brtain's Sea Soldiers <strong>1959</strong>/336Archdall Mervyn Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> With Captain General in the Museum <strong>1959</strong>/160+*Archer A H Lt 1943 Engagement - serving 3RM 1943/108Arkwright R St C Lt 1937 "Iron Duke" detachment Tactical Training 1937/296Arkwright R.St.C. Capt 1935 Leaves "Rodney" 1935/321Armitage C M Chaplain 1942 Junior Xchaplain at Plymouth 1942/210Armour S G B Capt 1949 US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228*Armour S G B Capt 1950 Second stage of the King's Prize at Bisley 1950/230Armour S G B Maj 1952 Small Bore Team 1952/111*,Armour S G B Capt 1957 Receiving shooting trophy at Bisley 1957/243*Armour S G B Maj 1958 Article - "Cumberland Fort……………………" 1958/275Armstrong John Chaplain 1943 ChaplainHQ RM Div - Marriage 1943/136Armstrong John Chaplain 1945 Senior Chaplain Cdo Gp 1945/244Armstrong John Chaplain 1947 Walcheren Commemoration Service 1947/279*Armstrong John Chaplain 1948 Tree planting ceremony on Walcheren 1949/4Armstrong John Chaplain 1950 Appointed to RMB Eastney 1950/200Armstrong John Rev 1952 Unveiling Commando Memorial Spean Bridge 1952/214*1943/189,Armstrong N A D Lt Col 1943 Commandant RM Snipers' School251Armstrong N A D Lt Col 1951 Book - "Fieldcraft and Stealth" 1951/52, 72Armstrong N A D Lt Col 1945 Sniping Wing RMSAS 1945/281

Bamford Edward Maj 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47<strong>1930</strong>/152*,Bamford Edward Capt <strong>1930</strong> Grave in Shanghai and tablet in Depot Church362*Bamford Edward Capt 1957 Attempts to trace his VC 1957/166Bamford J A Lt 1938 "The Shining Mountain - an attempt on Mount Kilimanjaro 1938/408*Bamford J A Capt 1942 Birth of a son 1942/271Bamford J A Capt 1944 Birth of a son 1944/47Bamford J A Maj (Ret) 1948 Birth of a son 1948/33Bamford J A Capt 1949 Letter - Wotton House Preparatory School 1949/262*Band L B SM 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Band L B SSM 1942 Joins RMMS 1942/38Band L B Capt (ret) 1954 Letter - Sea Trout Inn, Staverton 1954/61, 91Band L B Capt (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Deal Wrens Reunion <strong>1959</strong>/153Band L B Capt (ret) 1958 Advertisement - Sale of business 1958/208Bankes Lt.Col 1934 Policing Waitangi celebrations 1934/276Banks M E B Lt 1949 Article - "Buffavento" The Story of a First Ascent 1949/221Banks M E B Lt 1949 Climbing in the Alps 1949/291Banks M E B Capt 1950 Adjutant RMFVR City of Glasgow 1950/292Banks M E B Capt 1951 Adjutant RMFVR Glasgow 1951/24Banks M E B Capt 1951 Arctic trials in Norway 1951/63Banks M E B Capt 1952 Article - "Arctic Summer" 1952/58*Banks M E B Capt 1953 Article "Exploring Greenland" 1953/202*Article - "A Second Polar Year" [British North GreenlandBanks M E B Capt 1954 Expedition] 1954/257*Banks M E B Capt 1954 Article - "Granite" 1954/54*Banks M E B Capt 1954 Lecture at Eastney - "Life in the Polar regions" 1955/24*Banks M E B Capt 1955 Article on Snow Training in Norway 1955/147*Banks M E B Capt 1955 Book - "Commando Climber" 1955/237Banks M E B Capt 1957 Article - "A Marine Gets High" [Climbing Rakaposhi] 1957/3*1957/206,Banks M E B Capt 1957 Book - "High Arctic" - Review and Advertisement234

Banks M E B Capt 1958Article - "Rakaposhi Conquered: A CommonwealthAchievement" 1958/209*Banks M E B Capt <strong>1959</strong> Author - "Rakaposhi" <strong>1959</strong>/283Banks M E B Capt 1957 Nominated to lead Himalayn Expedition 1957/253Banks M E B Capt 1958 Article - "Cliff Climbving and Snow Training" 1958/53*Banks M E B Capt 1958 Book Review - "High Arctic" 1958/34Banks M E B Capt 1958 Cold Weather Training - Extract from "The Times" 1958/83Banks M E B Capt 1958 Talking to Sir Gerald Templer 1958/154Banks P C Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Barbour A 2Lt 1941 Birth of a son 1941/334Barker C F Capt <strong>1959</strong> Retiring as Victualling Officer at ITCRM <strong>1959</strong>/252Barker E H Lt 1892 Marches from Okehampton to Keyham in 12 hours 1958/303Barker Kenneth Surg Lt(D) 1946 Leaving RNSM 1946/123Barlow H T Lt 1944 With HMS St Mathew football team 1944/122*CaptBarnard P[Gordons] 1945 With 45 Commando 1945/395Barnby A C Col 1934 Work on new Chatham Divisional Institute 1934/18Barnby A C Col (ret) 1937 Daughter married Lt F B Clifford 1937/322Barnes B C Lt 1947 Directed band at the funeral of King of Denmark 1947/120Barnes G W Capt 1945 OCRM HMS Byrsa 1945/274BarnesHarryLt ColRMFVR 1954 CO RMFVR Merseyside 1954/249*BarnesHarryLt ColRMFVR 1955 Retirement from Merseyside 1955/228,BarnesHarryLt ColRMFVR 1956 Retirement at RMFVR Merseyside presented candelabra 1956/38,Barnett C H Capt 1946 Leaving Plymouth for RNSM 1946/82Barnett C H Capt 1950 King's Badgeman No 44 Squad 1950/325Barnett D Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Barry J F Capt RInnisF 1947 Joins Commando Cliff Assault Centre 1947/215Barry J F Capt RInnisF 1948 Awarded R Humane Society Bronze Medal 1949/32

Barry J F Capt RInnisF 1950 On summit of Cairn Gorm 1950/122*Barton D G Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Barton D G Lt 1948 Marriage 1948/396Barton F C Capt 1935 Member Plymouth Division Boxing Team 1935/145*Barton F C Maj 1937 Joins "Ramilles" 1937/174Barton F C Lt 1953 From CSRM to Quantico 1953/228Barton F C 2Lt 1938 Dis-embarks "Ramilles" for P&RT <strong>Officers</strong> course 1938/41Barton F C Lt 1940 Birth of a daughter 1940/410-Bashall W E V Capt <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a daughter <strong>1930</strong>/90Bass H A Maj 1934 New Cover design for the Globe and Laurel1934/100-,138-Bass H A Maj 1938 Cartoons1938/1-, 40-,72-, 112-, 164-, 374-,Bass H A Maj 1938 Cartoon - Annual Clothing 1938/458*Bass H A Maj 1938 Cartoon -"Scran Bag" 1938/464*Bass H A Maj 1939 Cartoon - "………………….Wherever You Are Be a Marine" 1939/1-,Bass H A Maj 1939 Cartoon - "My Hat!" 1939/459*Bass H A Maj 1939 Relinquishes Editor G&L 1939/46-Bass H A Maj 1944 Editor G & L 1944/2411944/273,Bass H A Maj (Ret) 1944 Figures first appeared on Editorial Page and cartoon 302,Bass H A Lt Col 1945 Cartoon - Saluting 1945/217*Bass H A MajSee alsoGENERALINDEX -IllustrationsBass H A Capt 1947 Cartoon - "Peace - Perfect Peace!" 1947/17*Bass H A 1947 Reinquishes Editor of G&L 1947/55Bass H A Lt Col 1948 Illustrations in "A Short History of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>" 1948/236Bass H A Maj 1948 Relinquishing Editor G&L 1948/65Bass H A Maj One time Editor G&L 1945/130

Bassett S J Maj 1938 Photograph with "Baby Swallow" 1938/247*Bassett S J Col 1957 Completed 50 years service 1957/100,1956/266,Bate R S Ty Lt USADF Officer seconded - Memorial tablet at Eastney 281.Bateman R. Capt 1944 Rejoins 543 Flotilla 1946/339Bates P E Maj RMFVR 1956 CO RMFVR Merseyside 1956/38Bates Capt [RIASC] 1947 Leaving 3 Cdo Bde 1947/187Bath J A Capt 1934 Visit by brother to Memorial at Volvo 1934/130Batten Lt 1947 Relieved in "Jamaica" by Lt Cooper 1947/16Bavin R J E Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Bavin R J E Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Baxter George Lt 1816 Sea Chest presented to the Corps 1950/308*Baxter Peter 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1058/99Bayfield-Davis F M Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Bayly Jones Peter Lt 1948 Request for volunteers for amateur dramatics in Portsmouth 1948/173Bayly Jones Peter Capt <strong>1959</strong> In "The Young Elizabeth" <strong>1959</strong>/156Bayly-Jones Peter Lt 1949 40 Cdo 1949/346Bayly-Jones Peter Capt 1954 OCRM HMSNewfoundland 1954/271Baynham D H Capot RSigs 1950 R Sigs Officer at RM Signal School 1950/93Bazalgette George Capt 1860 San Juan Island 1956/199Beadle I N N Maj 1944 E Troop 45 Cdo 1945/59Beadle I N N Capt 1945 45 Commando 1945/395Beadle J C Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Beadle J C Capt 1953 40 Cdo Coronation Det for Cal Zone Parade 1953/171Beadle J C Capt 1957 First Sea Lord's visit to Deal 1957/285*Beal N A G Capt 1949 Relieved in "Devonshire" by Capt E D Stroud 1949/147Beale C D Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Beale C D Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Bearcroft E C L Col Father' of the RM Signal Branch 1949/113Bearcroft E C L Capt 1931 Birth of a daughter 1931/333

Bearcroft E C L Capt 1935 Birth of a son 1935/190Bearcroft E C L Lt Col (Ret) 1947 Appointed High Sheriff of Worcestershuire 1947/75Bearcroft E C L Lt Col 1947 High Sheriff of Worcestershire 1952/130Beasley G W Maj 1943 Eldest daughter's wedding 1943/42Beaton L E Lt 1949 40 Cdo 1949/346Beaton L E Lt 1952 Marriage at Littleham 1952/198Beaton L E Capt 1954 Article - "Evacuation from Haiphong" 1954/191*Beattie J H Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/283Beaumont G PChaplainRNVR 1945 MID with 5 RM AA Brigade 1946/29Beaumont G PChaplainRNVR 1944 Awarded MBE with 5 RM AA Bde 1944/204Beazley G W Maj 1942 Daughter's Engagement 1942/267Beazley G W Maj 1954 Sword presented to 2Lt Stevens 1954/215Beckett W T Lt 1949 Joins NCOs' School 1949/344Beckett W T Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Beechy F R Lt Col <strong>1930</strong> Death <strong>1930</strong>/122Beeman P Maj 1945 Relieves Maj T A H Scott in "Robertson" 1946/141943/124,Beeman Philip Capt 1943 Marriage126Beeman Philip Capt 1944 Burma Camp, Towyn 1944/106Beeman Philip Maj 1947 Gunnery School 1947/294Beeman Philip Maj 1954 Commmandant Gunnery School 1954/80, 163,Beeman Philip Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Beere H E Capt (ret) 1920 Commanded White Russian Refugees Camps in Serbia 1955/66Beeston D Cd Pilot RN 1950 In HMS Theseus - King's Badgeman 226 Squad 1950/86*Beeston D A/Lieut RN 1952 Only Naval Officer with King's Badge 1952/76Begbie F 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> 1932/290*Bell F R Lt 1945 30 Bn - Island of Alem 1945/304Bell H A D Lt 1938 Dis-embarks"Newcastle" for small-arms course 1938/471Bell Lt 1944 Proceeds home from 543 Flotilla, relieves Capt R.Bateman 1946/339

Bishop J N Capt 1956 Third generation to work in the Eastney Musketry Hut 1956/215Bishop J N Capt 1956 RMRA at Browndown 1956/170*Bishop Capt 1950 Leaving 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/2591947/55, 194,Bisiker E J Lt 1947 Provided article on Battle of Iwo Jima197.Black D Capt RMFVR 1956 OC Amphibious Wing RMFVR Clyde 1956/228Black D Anderson Chaplain 1957 Chaplain RMFVR Clyde [Wartime 41 Cdo] 1957/89Blackah F R 2Lt 1954 Corps Commission 1954/235Blackham A J A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Blackledge D H Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/248Blackledge D H Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Blackledge D H 2Lt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission 1955/1401946/161,Blake A L Maj 1945 Assumed command of 45 Cdo171Blake A L Lt Col 1946 Appointed Assistant Secretary RMA 1946/168Blake A L Lt Col 1947 To become Secretary 1946/331Blake A L Lt Col 1948 Retring as General Secretary RMA 1948/324Blake A L Lt Col 1958 Lord Mayor of Portsmouth - Sergeants Mess Ball1958/298*,315.Blake A L Lt Col <strong>1959</strong>Proposal as Lord Mayor to bestow Freedom of Portsmouth toRM<strong>1959</strong>/30, Juncover*,Blake Ernest Capt 1944 Letter - KIA at Brac - Grave at Vis 1945/268Blake G M Capt 1947 Embarks "Rosneath" 1947/105Blake J F H Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Blake J F H Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Blake J P Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*1944/200,Blake J P A/Ty Capt 1944 Citation - MC - 43 Cdo260,Blandford H C G Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Revenge Cutters Crew <strong>1930</strong>/289*Blandford H C G Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Revenge Tug-o'-war team <strong>1930</strong>/290*Blandford H C G Capt 1934 China Fleet Range Staff 1934/233Blandford H C G Capt 1938 With HMS Enterprise detachment 1938/134*

Blandford H C G Capt 1935 Plymouth Division Shooting Cups and Trophies 1935/312*Blandford H C G Capt 1937 Combined GoH for KG VI proclamation 1937/60Blandford H C G Lt Col 1942 Relibquishes command of 2RM 1942/189Bleasdale N H C Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/287.Bleeck M J Capt 1957 Retired on medical grounds 1957/47Blood J H Capt 1943 Embarks "London" 1943/224Blood J H Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Blood J H Capt 1951 Edinburgh Tattoo 1951/316Blount C R Capt 1941 Escape from Crete 1945/72Blount Harold Lt Col <strong>1930</strong> On "Sunbeam" in Malta <strong>1930</strong>/243*Blount Harold Col 1934 2nd Commandant Chatham. Attends RM Police Dinner 1934/87Blount Harold Col 1934 RE Drag Hunt at Chatham 1934/84Blount Harold Brig 1934 Assumes Colonel Commandant Plymouth 1934/164Blount Harold Brig 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25Blount Harold Brig 1936 RM Point-to-Point 1936/187*Blumberg H E Capt 1900 Adjutant at the Depot in 1900 1935/306Blumberg H E Gen <strong>1930</strong> Hon Colonel Commandant Chatham Division <strong>1930</strong>/267<strong>1930</strong>/312,Blumberg H E Gen <strong>1930</strong> History of Colours published with the G&L344Blumberg H E Gen 1931 Wife's death 1932/60Blumberg H E Gen 1932 Letter - "Horse <strong>Marines</strong>" 1932/363Blumberg H E Gen 1934 AGRM attends funeral 1934/336-Blumberg H E Gen 1934 Attended Annual Dinner Portsmouth OCA 1934/86Blumberg H E Gen 1934 Letter ref flogging and Barrack Women 1934/56Blumberg H E Gen 1936 Medals bequeathed to the Plymouth Collection 1936/147Blunt G A C Capt 1947 Relieves Capt C G H Miers as OCRM "Commonwealth" 1947/169Blunt G A C Capt 1949 Selected for Army Staff College 1948/298Blunt G A C Capt 1953 Guard of Honour - HMS Illustrious 1953/62*Blunt G A C Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Boa A F Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99

Board D A Lt [QM] 1934 2nd Quartermaster at Plymouth 1934/49Boardley J G Ty Capt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RE 1952/260Bodenham C A Lt 1944 Relieved in "Birmingham" by Lt Parker 1944/49Bodenham C A Capt 1950 Accepting historic relics presented to the Corps 1950/308*Bodenham C A Capt 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*Bodenham C A Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Boffey T Capt 1943 19th Battalion 1943/46, 108,Bohun R A Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/211Bolinbroke John Capt 1951 OCRM HMS Vengeance 1951/178Bolton J B Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*1936/296+(SBonnet E F H SM 1936 RSM for King's visit to Eastneyupplement)Bonnet E F H Lt 1941 Relinquishing Adjutant RNSM 1941/186Bonnet E F H Maj 1943 Relinquishes Adjutant RNSM and promotion 1943/52Bonnet E F H Maj (ret) 1952 Letter - Suggesting Corps marching song 1952/176Bonnet E F H Maj (ret) 1958 Parade Marshal - RM Association Church Parade, London 1958/189,Boothby C E Maj 1944 OCRM "Renown" 1944/244Boothby C E Maj 1945 Article - "Occupation of Sabang……………" 1946/8*Boothby C E Maj 1945 Article - "Occupation of Sabang……………" 1946/8*Boothby C E Maj 1949 2 i/c 40 Cdo 1949/246Boothby C E Maj 1952 OC Boys Wing RMSM 1952/112Borrowman B S Lt 1954 Resigns commission 1954/287Bott J A Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/287.Botterill F O Capt 1944 Retirement at Portsmouth 1944/282Boultbee N L M Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/147Boultbee W R P Maj 1934 SORM A & WI Station 1934/79Boultbee W R P Lt Col 1943 Retires as Barrackmaster at Chatham 1944/10Bourne A G B Maj Gen 1938 AGRM's inspection of Portsmouth Division 1938/399*1936/283*,Bourne A G B Brig 1938 Bayonet Combat amd Tug-o'War Teams284*

Bourne A G B Maj Gen 1939 Appointed AGRM 1939/234-Bourne A G B Lt Gen 1939 Audience with HM as AGRM 1940/1-Bourne A G B Maj Gen 1939 Serious operation 1939/379-Bourne A G B Lt Gen 1941 Birth of a grandaughter 1941/229-Bourne A G B Gen 1943 Portrait photograph 1943/63*Bourne A G B Gen 1943 Retirement - Farewell message 1943/31Bourne A G B Gen 1943 Vice President of the National Rifle Association 1943/3Bourne A G B Gen 1951 Letter re the RM Division 1951/123Bourne A G B Gen 1952 Article - "A Marine and the Mahdi" 1952/99Bourne A G B Gen 1952 Letter - Increments of Pay for <strong>Officers</strong> 1952/95Bourne A G B Col 1934 Attended RMA Sergeants' Mess Reunion 1934/166Bourne A G B Brig 1935 Assumed Command of Portsmouth Division 1935/350-Bourne A G B Gen (ret) 1958 A reminisence - "Tom Butt - Boxer" 1958/3191958/174,Bourne A G B Gen (ret) 1958 Tribute to Captain Petley314Bourne A G B Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Achievements of the past <strong>1959</strong>/97,Bourne A G B Gen (ret) History of the <strong>Officers</strong>' Mess - Letter 1952/53Boutbee N L M Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Bowcock Arthur Lt 1947 British Team fior World Shooting Championships 1947/247*Bowcock Arthur Lt 1947 Colquhoun Cup at RMRA Central Meeting 1947/162*Bowen H F S Lt 1935 Joins "Shropshire" 1935/3241936/242*,Bowen H F S Lt 1936 HMS Shropshire Cutter's Crew387*Bowen H F S Lt 1937 Departs "Shropshire" for Fleet Air Arm 1937/9Bowen H F S Capt 1943 Visit to Derby on behalf of "Kenya" 1943/65Bowen H F S Capt 1945 Commandant Beacon Hill Camp 1945/380Bowen-Jones J A Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Bowes I H Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/252Bowie W W 2Lt 1941 Escape from Crete 1945/72Bowring Edwin Maj 1936 Relinquish Brigade Major Plymouth Division 1936/320Bowring Edwin Maj 1936 Wife (?) in RM Ladies Miniature Shooting Club 1936/286*

Bowring Edwin Maj 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Bowring Edwin Col 1945 CO Holding Bn 1945/242Boycott N S Lt 1938 Joins "London" 1938/83Boycott N S Capt 1949 Birth of a son 1949/128Boycott N S Capt 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*Boyd L N Capt 1944 Birth of a daughter 1944/241Boyd L N Capt 1948 Adjt TTCRM 1948/48Boyd L N Capt 1957 Retired at own request 1957/304Boyd Sidney Lt (QM) 1951 Receiving Unit Championship Shooting Cup in Malaya 1951/276*Boyle Robert Maj Gen c1858 Medals presented to Plymouth Collection 1944/284Brace G G W Lt 1957 HMS Jamaica - Receiving Gibraltar cup 1957/111*Brackley A G Capt 1946 RM Guard Singapore 1946/226Bradley A C Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Braham K F Lt 1943 Dis-embarks "Suffolk" 1943/4Bramall F M Lt Col 1942 Commanding RMMS 1942/158Bramall F M Lt Col 1943 Relinquishes CO RMMS 1943/105Bramble J J Maj Service in the Sudan 1951/128Brandom J M Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.1948/92*,Brandon H J B Capt 1948 OC RM Pageant Party,272,Brandon J M Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Brandt R C Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Bream G L 2Lt(QM) 1957 Promoted from RSM 1957/252Breen E R Maj 1943 Asst Provost Marshal in Sicily 1945/103Breen E R Maj 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [Detschment 385] 1945/298Breeze A J Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Brennan J Capt 1945 Serving Support Squadron Eastern Flank 1945/140*Brewer H R Maj (Retd) 1933 Marriage 1933/305Brewin Capt REME 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Brewster D J Lt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/116*Brewster G J 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*

Bridges E R Capt 1943 3 RM - Birth of a daughter 1943/166Bridges E R Lt 1943 Joins staff of RMMS 1943/250Bridges E R Capt 1951 Stirring the Christmas Pudding 1952/63Bridges E R Capt 1945 Leaves RMMS 1945/144Bridges F D Col 1938 Marriage of daughter in South Africa 1938/299Bridges F D Col (ret) 1954 Obituary - RMS South Africa 1954/97Bridges E R Maj 1953 Executive Officer HMS <strong>Royal</strong> Prince 1953/269Bridges E R Capt 1946 Adjutant Holding Bn 1946/86Brierley H W Chaplain 1947 At Eastney 1947/291Brierley H W Chaplain 1948 Serious Operation 1948/47Brierlyy H W Chaplain 1950 Leaving RMB Eastney 1950/200Brighouse D J 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated 1953/196Briscoe L D Maj 1940 Hon Sec RMRA. Recalled for service 1940/50-, 68Briscoe L D Lt Col 1942 Editor 1942/1Briscoe L D Lt Col 1944 Relinquishes Editorship 1944/71, 95Briscoe L D Lt Col One time Editor G&L 1945/130Bristowe F H Capt 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/140Bristowe F H Lt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo in Malaya 1950/291Bristowe F H Maj <strong>1959</strong> AW Ops Officer and OCRM HMS Bulwark <strong>1959</strong>/70Brittan C G Capt 1892 Birth of the Globe & Laurel 1945/129Brittan C G Capt 1892 Joint First Editor 1938/195-1939/134-,Brittan C G Maj Gen 1939 Death - First Editor G&L169, 213,Broadbent C J A/Lt 1957 Resigned commission 1957/304Broadbent J B Lt 1948Regimental Colour Officer for Guards of Honour atPortsmouth1948/145,146*, 202*,210, 212*,244,Broadbent Lt 1946 2i/c "Leander " detachment 1946/274Broadhead E R Capt 1944 RMTG sister's marriage to MO 22nd Trg Bn 1944/38Brock D S Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Phoebe] 1945/298Brocklebank M C Capt 1945 45 Commando 1945/395

Brockman B M Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/100Brockman E St J Col 1946 First CO RM Barracks, Stonehouse [sic] 1947/8Brockman E St J Col 1948 CO RMB Plymouth 1948/214Brockman E St J Col 1948 Retires from Plymouth 1949/17Brockman Stephen Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Brooke-Short Cecil Maj 1936 Relieves Major Brown as F.R.M.O. 1936/225Brooke-Short Cecil Maj 1937 Funeral in China 1937/379*Brookman E St J Brig 1945 SORM to VAQ Australia in Singapore 1946/59Brooks D S Capt 1945 OCRM "Phoebe" vice Capt J H B Allan 1945/165Brooks R A D Capt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Brooks R A D Maj Gen 1945 At Eastern Warfare School 1945/87*, 991945/312,Brooks R A D Brig 1945 Col Comdt Chatham340*Brooks R A D Maj Gen 1946 Leaving Chatham in Sedan Chair 1946/144*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1946 Presenting prizes at RMRA Central Meeting 1946/228*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1946 Presenting the Mead Cup 1946/2561946/67,Brooks R A D Maj Gen 1946 To be Commandant General137*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1947 Bristol RMA Inaugural Ball 1947/6*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1947 CGRM Visit to Home Fleet 1947/121Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1947 Inspecting the <strong>Royal</strong> Tour Detachment at Eastney 1947/41*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1947 RMRA Central Meeting 1947/163*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1947 Visit to "Dido" 1947/207Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1947 Visit of First Lord to Chatham 1947/289*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1947 Visit to the RNSM 1947/266*Brooks R A D Gen 1948 Captained RN Golf 1948/162Brooks R A D Maj Gen 1946 Leaving Chatham in Sedan Chair 1946/144*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1946 Presenting prizes at RMRA Central Meeting 1946/228*Brooks R A D Lt Gen 1946 Presenting the Mead Cup 1946/2561946/67,Brooks R A D Maj Gen 1946 To be Commandant General137*Brooks R A D Gen 1948 Attended Chatham Bn <strong>Officers</strong> 1915 Reunion 1948/162

Brooks R A D Gen 1948 Presenting Trophy at Cadets Shooting Competition 1948/198*Brooks R A D Gen 1948 With Lady Brooks and daughter at RMA Ball 1948/391*Brooks R A D Gen 1949 Presenting Argyll Bowl at Deal 1949/104*Brooks R A D Gen 1951 Cricket in Australia 1951/4Brooks R A D Gen 1952 Second anniversary as Governor of Victoria 1952/8Brooks R J Lt (QM) 1947 With Portsmouth Division Soccer Team 1947/181*Brooks R J Gen 1953 Extension as Governor of Victoria, Australia 1953/251Brooks R A D Gen (ret) 1954 Awarded KCVO - <strong>Royal</strong> Tour 1954/49Brooks R A D Gen (ret) 1955 "An Australian Ceremony" [USMC] 1955/27*Brooks R A D Gen (ret) 1957 Awarded the Silver Wolf by Boy Scout Movement 1957/103Brounger R M Lt 1948 Fell off his bike 1948/13Brounger R M Lt 1949 Small Raids Wing 1949/209Brounger R M Capt 1954 OC 1 SBS 1954/156Brounger R M Lt 19551955/94, 111,Assistance with film "Cockleshell Heroes" - "The Lisbon Story" Aug Cover*,Brown A E Col 1955From Director RMFVR to CO RMB Eastney - Visit to ClydeCentre1955/94,219*, 227*,Brown A G Cd SM 1951 Permanent staff City of London RMFVR 1951/144Brown A H Lt 1944 538 LCA Flotilla 1944/153*Brown C T Maj 1936 Relieved as F.R.M.O. by Major Brooke-Short 1936/225Brown C T Lt Col 1940 Relinquishing command of 23 LAA Battery 1940/460Brown C T Brig 1948 Wren daughter cometing in shooting event 1948/255*Brown C T Brig 1954 Daughter's marriage 1954/15Brown C T Col <strong>1959</strong> Death of widow <strong>1959</strong>/195Brown D W Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Brown E A Lt Col 1944 Superintendent of Signalling 1944/258Brown E A Lt Col 1952 Receiving Tennis cup 1952/203*Brown E A Lt Col 1954 Opening of Tyne Centre RMFVR 1954/248*1957/283*,Brown E A Col 1957 Sgts Mess Ball & The CO bids farewell to Eastney284*Brown E A Col 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/113*

Brown G F Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Brown J B Lt (SD) 1951 Appointed O2E 3 Cdo Bde 1951/140Brown J B Cd Gnr 1955 Commissioned from QMS 1955/239Brown M R W Chaplain 1945 Leaves Deal 1945/82Brown P T R Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Brown R A Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/252Brown V C Lt Col 1939 Regimental Point-to-Point 1939/166*Brown V C Col 1936 Member of the Imperial Defence College on "Furious" 1936/259Brown Lt 1943 Disembarks "Berwick" 1943/152Bruce H G Capt 1949 OCRM "Ganges" 1949/172Bruce H G Capt 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Bruce H G Capt 1947 Canoeing, Chatham to London 1947/152Bruce H G Capt 1951 The Channel Canoe Record 1951/262Bruce H G Capt 1952 Article - "Escape By Tunnel" (Prisoners of War) 1952/179Bruce H G Capt 1952 Article - "Surf" 1952/232*Bruce H G Capt 1953 Liaison visit to US Underwater Demolition Team 1953/115Bruce H G Maj 1954 Cross-Channel canoe record 1954/265Bruce H G Maj 1957 Mention-in-Despatches - Cyprus - 40 Cdo 1958/49Bruce H G Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/204Bruce N M Maj RMFVR 1949 First CO Glasgow RMFVR 1949/217Buchanan A R M Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/86Buchanan A R M Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Buckett J M Capt 1952 Birth of a son 1952/148Buckley A H R Capt 1935 HMS Shropshire Cutters Crew 1935/387*Buckley A H R Capt 1937 Relieved by Capt. J.S.S.Tuppen on "Dolphin" 1937/412Buckley A H R Maj 1943 Churchill's Orderlies in Cairo and Tehran 1943/268Buckley A H R Maj 1943 Party Med - Churchill's Orderlies 1943/268Buckley A H R Maj 1944 Article - "Major F J Ricketts" 1944/169Buckley A H R Maj 1945 Death of wife 1945/241Buckley A H R Maj 1945 Relinquishes Adjutant at Plymouth 1945/50

Buckley A H R Maj 1946 Marriage to 3/O WRNS 1946/292Buckley A H R Maj 1946 OC Boys Company RNSM 1946/385Buckley A H R Maj 1946 Road Accident 1947/23, 48,Buckley A H R Maj 1947 Birth of a son 1947/275Buckley A H R Maj 1948 Relinquishes G&L Correspndent RNSM and retires 1949/231946/343,Buckley A H R Maj 1946 Ends Plymouth correspondent of the G&L376Buckley A H R Maj 1950 Chief Instructor at <strong>Royal</strong> Hospital School, Holbrook 1950/198Buckley T H Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/991951/219,Budgen P K Lt 1951 KIA - 42 Cdo in Malaya - funeral235Budgeon Paul Lt 1953 Memorial Salver in 45 Commando 1953/219*Bull M V Lt 1958 Article - "Widdicombe Fair" 1958/255,Bullock R C Maj 1943 Barrackmaster at Chatham 1944/10Bullock-Webster S A G S Capt 1944 Birth of a son 1945/29Bullock-Webster S A G S Capt 1945 Birth of a son 1945/8Bullock-Webster S A G S Capt 1945 With HMS Arethusa Football Team 1945/238*Bunyan D'A A 1932 Article - "<strong>Royal</strong> Marine Police" 1932/360Bunyan D'A A Capt 1934 Son's engagement 1934/32Bunyan D'A A Capt 1936 Daughter's marriage 1936/208Burch A R Lt 1932 Leaves HMS Warspite 1932/299Burch A R Maj 1947 42 Cdo - Cartoon 1947/299*Burch A R Capt 1939 Relieves Maj Caffyn in "Glasgow" 1939/6Burch A R Capt (Ty Maj) 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/86Burch A R Maj 1955 Retires as Barrackmaster RMB Plymouth 1955/74Burden G R CdSM 1950 King;'s Badgeman 170 Squad 1950/325Burge D F Maj 1945 LCV(P) Squadron Commander 1945/1101939/422,Burge H E K Proby 2Lt 1939 Corps Commission429Burge H E K Capt 1951 "The Blue Beret in Korea" - HMS Ceylon 1951/186Burge N O Lt Col 1935 Son appointed Adjutant of 1st Bn R Warwickshire Regiment 1935/136

Burge N O Lt Col 1940 Son [R Warwickshire Regiment] missing in action 1940/371Burgess R S Lt Col 1944 FOGD at Chatham 1944/282Burke Edmund WS Maj 1954 Appointment terminated on appointment in RMFVR 1954/235Burke Edmund Maj RMFVR 1954 Opening of Tyne Centre RMFVR - First CO 1954/248Burnett A G Capt 1947 Marriage 1947/24Burnett G F Lt 1932 Portsmouth Division Rugby Team 1932/151*Burnett G F Lt 1936 Return to UK from "Queen Elizabeth" 1936/80Burnett G F Capt 1939 OCRM "Caradoc" 1939/389Burnett G F Capt 1941 Birth of a son 1941/334Burnett G F Maj 1945 OCRM "Howe" 1945/336Burnett G F Maj 1945 Relieves Lt Col G W Ross as OCRM "Howe" 1945/234Burnett G F Maj 1950 Secretary RM Golf Society 1950/296Burnett G F Lt 1934 HMS Queen Elizabeth Det football team 1934/107*Burnett G F Maj 1947 Birth of a son 1947/55Burnett Maj 1946 Relieved as OCRM "Howe" by Capt H L C Fraser 1946/140Burrowes A L S Ll Col 1897 Commanded RMA Battalion for Diamond Jubilee, 1897 1935/345Burton C A Cd SM 1954 Promotedfrom QMS(C) 1954/235Burton J E Lt 1950 Joining 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/259Burton J E Capt 1957 In charge of Duke of Edinburgh's World Tour Exhibition 1957/190Burton J G Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Burton R E Capt 1947 Commanding Guard of Honour for Gen Foster at Chatham 1947/231*Burton R E Capt 1952 OCRM RN Rhine Squadron 1952/109Burton R E Capt 1949 With HMS King George V Cutter's Crew 1949/236*Burton T H Capt 1939 In Memoriam 1939/328Burton T H Capt (Retd) 1940 "In Memoriam" 1940/337Burton T H Capt 1934 AGRM's Inspection Plymouth RM Police - i/c Plymouth Area 1934/122*1936/335-,Burton T H Capt 1936 Death - Superintendent RM Police Plymouth357Burton Lt 1938 Relieves Lt Cheesman on "<strong>Royal</strong> Sovereign" 1938/470Burton Capt 1943 Relieved in "Caradoc" by Capt Owen 1943/201Burton R E Capt 1949 OCRM "King George V" 1949/6

Burton R E Capt 1949 OCRM combined detachments "K G V" & "Duke of York" 1949/3371947/215,Buscall J A Maj 1947 Camp Commandant HQ 3 Cdo Bde216Bustard Peter Capt 1951 Letter - Visit to Imperial War Museum 1951/314Butcher E C Lt 1944 Takes command of Italian Corvette "Gabbiano" 1944/7Butler-Porter P Capt 1934 Appointed BM 1st Bde ACF (SA) 1935/1-Butt A C Lt Col 1941 CO RM Auxiliary Battalion 1941/382Butt A C Lt Col 1943 CO 19th Battalion and retirement 1943/46, 231Butt A C Lt Col (ret) 1950 Daughter's marriage 1950/340Bye F C E Capt 1953 Birth of a daughter 1953/216Bye F C E Capt 1955 Army Staff Course 1955/141Caffyn F D Maj 1939 Relieved by Capt Burch in "Glasgow" 1939/6Caffyn F D Maj 1942 Return to Plymouth from HMS Edinburgh 1942/210Cairncross J C Lt Col 1945 First CO RM MT School 1945/214Cairncross J C Maj 1948 2 i/c TTCRM 1948/13Cairncross J C Lt Col 1949 CO TTCRM 1949/111,Caldbeck Harry Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang 1945/298Cameron D B Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/349Camp F E Maj 1946 OC MT Training Wing 1946/247Camp F G E W Maj 1946 OC MT Training Wing 1946/247Camp F G E W Maj 1948 Leaving TTCRM 1948/13Camp F G E W Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Campbell C J B Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295Campbell G M Maj Gen 1933 Medals presented to the Eastney Collection 1933/365*Campbell G M 1920 Adjutant RMA Jul - Nov 1920 <strong>1930</strong>/336*Campbell George Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Rodney tug-0'-war teams<strong>1930</strong>/96*,97*, 208*,223*Campbell George Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Rodney Whalkers Crew <strong>1930</strong>/224*Campbell George Maj 1936 Relieves Maj Hayman on board "Orion" 1936/421Campbell George Maj 1939 Dis-embark "Southampton" 1939/5

Campbell George Maj 1940 Editor 1940/209-Campbell George Lt Col 1942 Ceases as Editor 1942/1Campbell George Maj 1942 One time Editor G&L 1945/130Campbell George Lt Col 1945 CO Burma Camp 1945/244Campbell H R Maj 1933 With HMS Delhi Winners of the Gunnery Cup 1933/95*Campbell J Lt 1807 Insulted aboard the Santa Margarita 1938/292Campbell J H Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/99Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke of 1954/123,Campbell R A Lt 1954 Edinburgh160,Campbell R H Maj 1934 RE Drag Hunt at Chatham 1934/84Campbell R H Maj Gen 1942 Passed HO 15 Cadet Course for duty 1942/286Campbell R H Brig 1943 Commanding Holding Bn 1943/781943/207,Campbell R H Brig 1943 From Commandant at Deal to Depot Devon229,Campbell R H Maj Gen 1946 Last Maj Gen i/c Administration 1946/332Campbell R H Maj Gen 1946 Retirement speech at Chathm dinner 1946/340Campbell R HMaj Gen(Ret) 1948 At RMA Ball 1948/391*Campbell R HMaj Gen(Ret) 1948 President RM Association 1948/27Campbell R HMaj Gen(Ret) 1949 Letter - Chinstraps 1949/196Campbell R H Maj Gen (ret) 1954 Laid wreath at the Cenotaph, Hamilton, Bermuda 1954/117*Campion C M G Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Campion C M G Lt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> RMFVR London - Mortar Team <strong>1959</strong>/221*Cantrell A C Lt 1908 Assistant Adjutant at Eastney 1957/1851957/126,Cantrell A S Capt 1916 OCRM HMS Collingwood - letter found at Eastney166Capito J E Ty 2Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1952/211Capito J E Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/184Carless G P Lieut 1934 2ic RM Company Kings birthday parade Hamilton, Bermuda 1934/273Carless R P Lt <strong>1959</strong> Corps Hickey Team <strong>1959</strong>/47*

Carless G P Capt 1936 Commanded Guard of Honour at Dover 1936/360Carless G.P. Capt 1939 I of S.A. Stonecutters Island 1939/436Sub Div InspCarltonFRMP 1946 Daughter's Marriage 1946/230Carpenter F T H Lt (SD) 1955 RMB Eastney 2nd Quartermaster 1955/167Carpenter George Capt 1912 Commandant Ascension Island 1949/3Carpenter George Brig Gen <strong>1930</strong> Congratulating HMS Rodney tug-o'-war team <strong>1930</strong>/208*Carpenter George Lt Gen 1933 Death of son 1933/245Carr Albert Cd SM 1955 Commissioned from QMS 1955/239Carr R C Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Carrie D A Capt 1956 School of Infantry, Small Arms School, Hythe 1956/28,Carrington C W Col Silver Bugle in memory 1944/303Carroll T E Lt 1957 OCRM HMS Loch Fyne 1957/126Carter C M SSM 1948 "Nicodemus" on Ex Crusoe 1949/37*Carter D.B Capt 1935 Relieved as OCRM Resolution by Capt P.Picton Phillipps 1935/51939/166*,Carter J L Lt 1939 Regimental Point-to-Point(214*?)Carter J L Maj 1943 Birth of a daughter 1944/3Carter J L Maj 1945 Birth of a son 1945/255Carter J L Maj 1955 Joint Services Staff Course 1955/141,Carter R P Capt 1951 Mention in despatches in 45 Cdo 1951/167Carter R P Capt 1954 Norwegian Army Winter Warfare Course 1954/49Carter R P Maj 1957 Guard of honour at the Depot for Captain General 1958/3*Carter R P Maj 1957 Leaves Adjutant RMFVR Bristol 1957/69Carter Lt 1939 Joins "Resolution" 1939/382Cartwright-Taylor M C Col 1858 To be Commandant at ITCRM 1958/137,Cartwright-Taylor M C Lt 1935 Member Plymouth Division Boxing Team 1935/145*Cartwright-Taylor M C Lt 1935 Relieved by Lt Ford "Hood" 1935/46Cartwright-Taylor M C Maj 1948 Corps Drafting Officer 1948/209Cartwright-Taylor M C Maj 1951 OCRM HMS Bermuda 1951/148Cartwright-Taylor M C Lt Col 1953 COS Portsmouth Group 1953/130

Cartwright-Taylor M C Col 1958 Commandant ITCRM 1958/241,Cavan M D 2Lt 1958 Corps Commission 1958/48Cawley-Way J H Lt Col 1944 CO 19th Battalion 1944/1971945/277,Cawley-Way J H Lt Col 1945 CO Holding Bn on sick list313Challess C J N Capt 1950 Letter from father - Refused award of MSM 1950/108Challis R L Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Chambers A G Capt(QM) 1953 Retiring 1953/228*Chambers A G T Cd SM 1953 Promoted from QMS Cd 1953/147Chandler R A Lt 1944 At Iceland Camp, Towyn 1944/132Channer H W Maj 1917 Asst Editor of the G & L 1945/129Channer H W Lt Col 1943 Daughter's marriage 1943/93Channer H W Col 1944 Birth of grand daughter 1944/273Channer H W Col WWI Medals in Plymouth <strong>Officers</strong> Mess Collection 1949/290Chapman G G Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Chapman G G Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the RMFVR 1954/99Charles J W Lt 1944 "Glee Club" in Signal Holding Coy` 1944/3201957/61*,Charles Lt 1944 Photograph recognition142Charlton Lt 1807 Court Martial for "Wilful Murder" 1938/292Chase J A C Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Chase J A C 2Lt 1955 Canoeing round Malta 1955/63*Chater A R Capt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Chater A R Loc Lt Col <strong>1930</strong> Article - Sudan Defence Force <strong>1930</strong>/179Chater A R Maj 1931 Article - "A Short Holiday in Palestine" 1931/107Chater A R Maj 1934 RE Drag Hunt at Chatham 1934/841936/296+(SChater A R Bt Lt Col 1936 2i/c Battalion for the King's visit to Eastneyupplement)Chater A R Lt.Col. 1936 Departs "Rodney" 1936/257Chater A R Maj 1936 Letter: Report 'Chronometers Wound' 1936/197Chater A R Lt.Col. 1936 Platton Battle Practice 1936/165Chater A R Maj 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56

Chater A R Brig 1940 Commander of the Forces in Somaliland 1940/402*Chater A R Brig 1940 Gen Wavell's despatch on Somaliland 1946/206Chater A R Brig 1941 Awarded CB 1941/100Chater A R Brig 1941 "Horn of Africa" [East Africa Force - Somaliland] 1950/302*Chater A R Brig 1943 Commandant at Portsmouth 1943/247Chater A R Maj Gen 1944 Relinquishing Commandant at Chatham 1944/126*Chater A R Brig 1944 With Group of Seconded South African officers 1944/81*1944/177,Chater A R Maj Gen 1944 With 1913 Batch of 2Lts and War Service189*Chater A R Maj Gen 1945 Passing 426 (?) Squad for duty 1945/381*Chater A R Maj Gen 1946 First MGRM Chatham Group 1947/8Chater A R Maj Gen 1946 Passed Out Cadets at Sandhurst 1946/270Chater A R Maj Gen 1946 Relieving Gen Brooks at Chatham 1946/144*Chater A R Maj Gen 1947 Visit of First Lord to Chatham 1947/289*Chater A R Maj Gen 1948 Letter - Mess Dress 1948/223Chater A R Brig 1940 Gen Wavell's despatch on Somaliland 1946/206Chater A R Maj Gen 1946 Passed Out Cadets at Sandhurst 1946/270Chater A R Maj Gen 1948 Attended Chatham Bn <strong>Officers</strong> 1915 Reunion 1948/1621948/108,Chater A R Maj Gen 1948 Retires from Chatham172*Chater A R Maj Gen 1948 To be Colonel Commandant Somaliland Scouts 1948/396Chater A R Maj Gen (ret) 1950 Appointed Hon Col Comdt The Camel Corps, SDF 1951/27Chater A R Maj Gen 1950 In Field Marshall the Earl Wavell's funeral procession 1950/158Chater A R Maj Gen 1950 On duty for Garter Ceremony - Gentleman at Arms 1950/137Chater A R Maj Gen 1950 Opening RM Section of Imperial War Museum 1950/136*Chater A R Maj Gen 1951 At Reading RMA 1951/83*Chater A R Maj Gen (ret) 1951 Attended SDF War Memorial unveiling in Khartoum 1951/128Chater A R Maj Gen (ret) 1952 Gentlemen-at-Arms - promoted Harbinger 1952/132Chater A R Maj Gen 1953 Gentleman-at-Arms - Coronation 1953/104*

Chater A.R. Maj Gen (ret) 1953 Rough Diary of Chatham Bn presented to PRORM 1953/135Chater A.R. Maj Gen (ret) 1956 Elected Chairman RM <strong>Officers</strong>' Dinner Club 1956/234Cheesman V B G Lt 1938 Dis-embarks "<strong>Royal</strong> Sovereign" for flying duties 1938/470Cheesman V B G Maj 1943-45 Article - "Norway to the North Pacific" [1770 NAS] 1948/66*Chichester F B Col 1936 Memorial window in Church at Deal 1936/233Child C B 2Lt RMFVR 1956 RMFVR Commission 1956/87,Childs Surg Lt 1945 Joins RNSM 1945/150Chivers F J Lt 1943 Funeral 1943/206Chowne H J Cd Rectr 1957 Northampton Recruiting Office 1957/166*Chowne H J Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/99Christie A C 2Lt 1957 Corps Commission 1957/47Christie A C C Lt <strong>1959</strong> With tracker dogs in Cyprus <strong>1959</strong>/257*Cicholl C G Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Clapson D J 2Lt 1958 Corps Commission 1958/152Clare J B S/Lt RNVR 1944 538 LCA Flotilla 1944/153*Clark D B Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Clark F F Lt 1936 Relieved by Lt Pigot on "Hermes" 1936/390Clark F F Capt 1937 Commands "Furious" detachment at Coronation 1937/257Clark F F Capt 1937 Marriage 1937/352Clark F F Capt 1937 Relieves Capt Hawkins aboard "Furious" 1937/131Clark F F Capt 1938 Relieved as OCRM "Furious" by Capt R.Madoc 1938/339Clark F F 1939 Article - "Castaways" 1939/368Clark F F Capt 1939 JNCO Course Instructor at "St Angelo" 1939/298Clark F F Maj 1947 Relieves Capt L C Hockey as OCRM "Glasgow" 1947/172Clark F F Maj 1947 Relieves Col Dewhurst as CRMEI 1947/125Clark F F Capt 1940 With the last promotion course in the Med Fleet 1940/210*Clark F F Capt 1943 Awarded bar to DSC 1943/35Clark F F Capt DSC 1943 Relieved in "St Angelo" by Capt J R Garrett 1943/96Clark F F Lt Col 1944 At RMTG (Wales) 1944/38

Clark F F Lt Col 1944 Birth of a son 1944/47, 87,Clark F F Lt Col 1945 Deputy Provost Marshal London 1945/124Clark F F Lt Col 1941-42 Article - "RM Lt AA Bofors Battery" 1944/8Clark F M Capt 1946 Marriage 1946/247Clark F M Capt RMFVR 1951 City of London, Commando Wing 1951/340Clark H J Lt 1943 11th Bn in the desert 1943/137*Clark J A M A Col 1935 Death and Funeral 1935/1-A/CdClarkJ C Recruiter 1951 Promotion from CSgt 1951/27Clarke E A Lt 1946 RM Guard Singapore 1946/2261956/266,Clarke E D Ty Capt USADF Officer seconded - Memorial tablet at Eastney 281.Clarke J F E Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Clarke J F E Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Bulwark 1954/271Clarke Malcolm Lt 1932 Colour Officer at Plymouth 1932/315ChaplainClarkeRoger RNVR 1944 Chaplain 44 Commando 1944/323Clarke S J S Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Claxton Lt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Clayton V G Maj 1938 GoH for HM the King in Hood 1938/306Clayton V G Maj 1939 Dis-embarks "Hood" for Depot RM Deal 1939/236Clayton V G Maj 1939 TEWT from "Hood" 1939/58Clayton V G Capt 1933 Birth of a daughter 1933/242Clayton V G Maj 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Commands "Hood" & "Repulse detachments at GhainClayton V.G. Maj 1937 Tuffieha 1937/332Cliffe D J Capt 1950 Opening RM Section of Imperial War Museum 1950/136*Cliffe D J Capt 1951 Promotion to Maj 1951/1Cliffe D J Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Cliffe D J Lt Col 1953 Chief Staff Officer to Flag Officer Germany 1953/269Cliffe D J Lt Col 1953 Presented with Diploma after training with USMC 1953/241*

Clifford F B 2Lt 1934 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1935/63Clifford F B Lt 1939 Birth of a son 1939/125Clifford F B Capt 1939 With Depot Boxing Team 1940/27*Clifford F B Capt 1941 Relibnquishing PT Officer at RM Reserve Deppot 1941/297*Clifford F B 1937 Marriage to daughter of Col Barnby 1937/322Clifford F B Capt 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/216Clifford F B Maj 1945 Brigade Major at Deal 1945/82Clifford F B Capt 1946 Promotion and 2 i/c 45 Cdo 1946/381Clifford F B Maj 1950 Leaving Ghain Tuffieha 1951/37Clifford F B Maj 1951 Naval Staff Course 1951/95Clifford F B Maj 1954 Joint Services Staff College & leaves NCOs' School 1954/49, 130Clifford R C Lt 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56Clifford Capt 1945 Relieved in "Kent" by Capt Peyton-Jones DSC 1945/8Clooney J F P Cd SM 1955 Promoted from QMS 1955/192Clover A H Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Clover A H Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Clover A H 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Clowes W S Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/99Clutterbuck N S Col 1919 With Sergeants Mess 1st RM Bn 1953/191*Cochrane J A 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted from QMS 1968/99Coildstream P J A Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Coke J C d'E Capt 1944 Relieves Capt K I Morrison as OCRM "Mauritius" 1944/150Coke J C d'E Lt Col 1951 Joining Rhine Flotilla 1951/230Coke J C d'E Capt 1951 Promotion to Maj 1951/1Coke N P de O Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Coke N P deO Capt 1949 Selected for Army Staff College 1948/248Coldstream P J A Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/147Cole J S Lt 1942 Leaves RMMS 1942/62Cole Leslie Capt 1946 Paintings of Commandos in action 1946/154

Coleby J M Lt 1952 Cartoon - "40 Commando Amphibious Training 1952/238*Coleby J M Lt 1957 Sketch of HMS Ickford 1957/277*Coleman B R Lt [R Sussex] 1952 Instructor at NCOs School 1952/246Coleridge P D Lt 1881Killed when Adjutant of Plymouth. Father of Maj GenColeridge IA 1933/186-Collet M H Lt Col 1951Retires as Paymaster at Plymouth to be Civil DefenceController 1951/243Collier D A Lt Col 1946 With Holding Battalion Football Team 1946/54*Collier D A Lt Col 1946 Last CO of Holding Bn 1946/189Collier D A Col 1949 RM Association Ball 1949/158*Collin D A H Lt 1951 Joined 41 Cdo 1951/32Collingwood Frank 2Lt(SD) 1957 Promoted from QMS 1957/252Surg LtCollingwood W P RNVR 1942 Birth of a son 1943/25Collins A T Maj Gen 1757 Medals in Plymouth <strong>Officers</strong> Mess Collection 1949/290Collins A T Maj Gen 1783 Father of Col David Collins "The Man who founded Hobart" 1954/193"The Man who founded Hobart" [son of Maj Gen Arthur TookerCollins Davis Col 1786 Collins] 1954/193*Collins H E Ty Capt 1948 Portsmouth Councillor 1948/108Collis R W O Capt 1943 Relieves Capt R D Roberts as OCRM "Argus" 1943/64Colthurst T J A Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/211Colville P A Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Coneybeare C B Capt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Congdon C H Maj 1933 Birth of a son 1933/305Congdon C H Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Memorial stained glass window dedicated at Deal <strong>1959</strong>/157Congdon E C L Col 1892 Assistance to Globe & Laurel on first publishing in 1892 1935/117-Congdon J N Lt 1939 Relieved in "Shropshire" by Lt Lankester 1939/99Congdon J N Capt 1946 Marriage when 2 i/c NCOs' School 1946/315Congdon J N Capt 1946 Marriage when 2 i/c NCOs' School 1946/315Congdon J N Capt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Congdon J N Capt 1952 Transfer to <strong>Royal</strong> Signals 1952/45

Congdon T C E Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/248Connew T F Capt 1940 Daughter's marriage 1940/408Connew T F Maj 1944 Retirement 1944/318Connew T F Capt With 3rd Squad RMA as First Drill 1958/43*Connolly V StG T Lt 1938 Embarks "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak" vice Lt N W Jones 1938/469Connolly V StG T Capt 1945 Embarks "Sussex" 1945/139Connolly V StG T Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Sussex] 1945/298Connoly V StG T Capt 1949 With Deal RMVCC shooting team 1949/287*Coode C H Maj 1922 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Coode C H Lt Col 1934 RE Drag Hunt at Chatham 1934/84Coode C H Lt Col 1936 Farewell Dinner - Horse in the <strong>Officers</strong> Mess 1937/18Coode C H Lt Col (ret) 1942 Daughter's engagement 1942/244Coode C H Lt Col 1942 Daughter's marriage 1943/25Coode C H Lt Col 1943 Daughter (?) a VAD 1943/73Coode C H Lt Col 1944 Daughter's engagement 1944/241Coode C H Lt Col 1945 Third daughter's marriage 1945/327An original RM Schoolmaster - Move from Eastney toCook F E Instr Lt Cdr 1954 Plymouth Group 1954/125Cook F E Lt Cdr 1954 Relinquishes Hon Treasurer G&L 1954/101Cooke F G E Maj 1944 With Tug-o'-War Team, Ceylon 1945/25*Cooke T F V Maj <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a daughter 1931/51Cooke T F V Maj [Ret] 1945 Letter from Jersey 1945/189Cooke T F V Lt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Cooksey R W G Lt 1950 Medical retirement at CSRM 1950176Coole T C G Capt 1944 Admin Officer 44 Cdo 1944/197Coole T CG Capt 1944 Leaves AO 44 Cdo 1944/323Coop J B Lt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo in Malaya 1950/2911951/136,Coop J B Lt 1951 KIA in 40 Cdo in Malaya152Coop J B Lt Named on 40 Cdo Malayan Memorial at Kuala Kangsar 1954/123Cooper H N Lt 1951 Mention in despatches in 40 Cdo 1951/166

Cooper H N Lt 1951 Wedding 1951/87Cooper H N Lt 1952 Methuen Cup Winners 1952/201*Cooper H N Lt 1952 Small Bore Team 1952/111*,Cooper H N Capt 1956 Represented GB in the Empuire Trophy Match at Bisley 1956/197Cooper J B M Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/235Cooper K L M Lt Col 1942 With F ootball Team 12 S/L Regt 1942/188*Cooper K L M Lt Col 1947 Hon Sec & Treas RM <strong>Officers</strong>'Dinner Club 1947/105Cooper K L M Lt Col 1948 CO TTCRM 1948/13Cooper K L M Lt Col 1948 Vacates UJC Council & Sec and Treas RM Dinner Club 1948/34Cooper K L M Lt Col 1948 With Motor Cycle Trials team 1948/385*Cooper K L M Lt Col 1949 2 i/c Eastney 1949/149Cooper K L M Lt Col 1949 Presenting Safe Driving diplomas at TTCRM 1949/112*Cooper K L M Col 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Cooper K L M Col 1952 Letter - Captain Robert Hayes 1952/5Cooper K L M Lt Col 1943 Birth of son 1943/296Cooper W J M Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Cooper Lt 1947 Relieves Lt Batten in "Jamaica" 1947/16Cope P M Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Coppard F T Cd SM 1953 Promoted from QMS(C) 1953/295Corbet A V Maj Gen 1933 Death of widow 1933/151Corbett L Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RE 1952/168Cordeaux J Lt 1945 RM Provost Singapore 1946/5Cordeaux J E Lt 1944 Marriage 1944/236Cordeaux J K Lt Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Member of Parliament <strong>1959</strong>/276Corden Gilbert G E C Lt 1953 Embarked HMS Striker with 3 Assault Squadron 1953/115Corden-Gilbert G E C Lt 1953 Flood Relief in East Anglia 1953/50,Cordner A A Maj 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Cordwell Lt 1946 Disembarks "Robertson" 1946/79Cormack R C Lt <strong>1959</strong> OCRM HMS Reggio <strong>1959</strong>/201Cornelious D G Lt 1933 Soccer for England 1933/26-Cornelius D G Lt 1936 Base Defences Mediterranean 1936/177

Cornelius D G Capt 1937 HMS Penelope Tug-o'-War team 1937/261*Cornelius D G Maj 1945 Relieves Maj Milliken in "Rodney" 1945/106Cornelius D G Capt 1939 TEWT from "Penelope" 1939/58ChaplainCornellF W RNVR 1944 Relinquishes Chaplain 44 Commando 1944/323Cornish J E Maj 1936 Returned to UK with ill-health from "Carlisle" 1936/393Cornish J E Capt 1935 HMS Carlisle Guard of Honour and Machine Gun Teams 1935/297*Cornwall R F Capt 1932 Article "A Gallipoli Visit" 1932/320Cornwall R F Capt 1932 OCRM HMS Sussex 1932/334Cornwall R F Capt 1932 Article "A Gallipoli Visit" by R F C(?) 1932/321Cornwall R F Capt 1935 Chatham Division Football Team 1935/249*Cornwall R F Capt & Adjt 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Cornwall R F Maj 1937 Birth of a son 1937/73Cornwall R F Maj 1937 Letter of complaint as Depot Correspondent 1937/3521944/197,Cornwall R F Col 1944 Visit to 44 Cdo - former CO288,Cornwall R F Col 1945 Col (Trg) 1945/245*Cornwall R F Lt Col 1945 With GOCRM - Support Squadron Eastern Flank 1945/140*Cornwall R F Lt Col 1947 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/58Cornwall R F Lt Col 1947 FRMO in "Duke of York"Cornwall R F Lt Col 1947 Relieved as FRMO Home Fleet by Lt Col Ross 1947/249Cornwall R F Lt Col 1947 CO SASRM 1947/255Cornwall R F Lt Col 1948 Commandant SASRM 1948/77Cornwall R F Lt Col 1948 Wife presenting prizes at Browndown 1948/174*Cornwall R F Col 1949 DOPAR 1949/340Cornwall R F Col 1949 Leaves CO RMB Stonehouse 1949/289Cornwall R F Lt Col 1949 Presenting prize at Browndown 1949/86*Cornwall R F Col 1950 DOPAR 1950/142Cornwall R F Maj Gen 1951 MGRM Plymouth 1951/333Cornwall R F Col 1951 With PRORM Football Club 1951/210*Presented to HM The Queen at <strong>Royal</strong> Show and with BoxingCornwall R F Maj Gen 1952 Team 1952/154*,

Cornwall R F Maj Gen 1952 Visit of USMC Commanding General to Plymouth 1952/93*Cornwall R F Maj Gen 1954 Battalion Ceremonial at ITCRM 1954/275*Cornwall R F Maj Gen 1954 Dedication of RMA Torbay standard 1954/143*Cornwall R F Maj Gen (ret) 1956 Presenting LS&GC Medal to Chief PO Wren at PRORM 1956/109*Corps G H B Maj 1953 Resigns from Executive Committee of the RM Association 1953/95Cory R C E Lt 1945 "A Forgotten Hero" - LCpl E Harden RAMC 1958/318Cory R C E Lt 1945 45 Commando 1945/395Cory R C E Lt 1945 A Tp 45 Cdo - LCpl Harden's VC 1949/303Cory R C E Capt 1948 GIII 3 Cdo Bde 1948/521949/289,Cory R C E Capt 1949 GIII (Cdos) Plymouth Gp316,Couchman Samuel Lt 1749 "The Mutiny on His Majesty's Ship Chesterfield" 1951/96Coulshaw A K Chaplain 1947 Leaving Eastney to be Chaplain of the Fleet 1947/291Coulshaw L Chaplain 1941 Chaplain at the Reserve Depot 1941/71Coulshaw Chaplain 1942 Chaplain at Depot [Exton] 1942/258Coulson D T A Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/252Coulson D T A Lt 1958 Finishing the Patrol Race - Skiiing 1958/69*Coulson D T A Lt 1958 OC No 2 SBS 1958/2778Coulson S L Lt 1944 POW in Oflag IXA 1944/63<strong>1959</strong>/231,.Coulter J J S Lt <strong>1959</strong> Citation for Mention-in-despatches262Coulter S P S Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/52Courtenay H A Capt 1945 Leaves RM MT School 1945/282Courtice G W A Capt 1942 "Escape By Tunnel" (Prisoners of War) 1952/179Cousins T F Lt 1943 disembarks "Cumberland" 1943/180Coventry E W DCapt [ELancs] 1945 With 45 Commando 1945/395Coventry W E DCaptELancsR 1945 "A Forgotten Hero" - LCpl E Harden RAMC 1958/318Cowdy E R Lt 1944 Artist of G & L cover 1944/177Cowton T M Lt 1945 With Queen Mother of Belgium 1945/129*

Cox D P Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Cox Frank Capt 1945 Article - "RM Provost in Singapore" 1946/5Cox Frank Capt 1945 Article - "<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> in Rangoon" 1945/230*Cox Frank Capt 1945 Article "<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> Re-occupy Penang" 1045/298*Cox J G Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Cox J G Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Cox Robert Maj [RAMC] 1945 Silver Salver presented to Po Div Offrs Mess 1946/10Cox Maj Buffs 1953 Joins <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1953/285Cox Maj Buffs 1953 Staff of <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1953/139Cox G A Lt Col 1929 Death <strong>1930</strong>/1Coy P E B Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Coy P E B Capt 1956 OCRM HMS Ark <strong>Royal</strong> 1956/266Craig A M Maj 1931 Visit to USMC Quantico 1932/24*Craig A M Lt.Col 1937 Relieved as F.R.M.O. by Maj Teek 1937/229Craig A M Col 1940 Daughter's engagement and marriage1940/244,337Craig A M Maj Gen 1944 Daughter's engagement1944/241,273,Craig A M Maj Gen 1944 Retires as Commandant at Chatham 1944/157Craig A M Maj Gen 1946 Marriage of daughter 1946/198Craig A M Maj Gen 1948 Board of Air Survey Co & Aerographics Surveys Ltd 1948/362Craig A M Maj 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Craig A M Col 1941 2nd Commandant Portsmouth 1941/349Craig A M Col 1942 Birth of grandson 1942/143Craig A M Col 1942 Leaving Portsmouth - 2nd Commandant 1942/128Craig D S Lt 1945 Embarks "Illustrious" 1945/232Craig D S Lt 1948 Wedding at Eastney 1948/.108Craik M D Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/173Crane B A Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Crane T W Lt 1943 With Plymouth Division Football Team 1943/133*Crawford A D Capt 1946 OCRM "Black Prince" 1946/42

Crawford A D Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/991932/30, 86*,Crease J F Col 1881 "Amphibious Operations"122/3Crease J F Col 1881 "Col Crease's Smoke Screen" 1932/501945/222,Crease J F Col 1891 "Snob" nickname252Cribb N L Chaplain 1945 Chaplain at Deal 1945/82Crick Thomas Chaplain 1944 Dean of Rochester - one time Chaplain at Chatham 1944/125Cridland G A H Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/132Critchton D A Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/320Crocket A J S Lt 1938 Joins "Sussex" 1938/84Crocket Maj 1946 FRMO Far East 1946/373Crockett A J S Lt 1939 Relieved in "Sussex" by Lt M L Richardson 1939/146Crockett A J S Capt 1942 Joins RMMS 1942/259Crockett A J S Capt 1943 Leaves RMMS to be Adt at Eastney and marriage 1943/105Crockett A J S Capt 1944 Birth of a son 1945/29Crockett A J S Capt 1944 Relinquishes Adjutant at Portsmouth 1944/313Crockett A J S Capt 1945 Son Baptised at Eastnety 1945/48Crockett A J S Maj 1953 Coronation Guard of Honour` 1953/56Crockett A J S Maj 1954 Author of "Green Beret Red Star" 1954/248Crockett A J S Maj 1954 Joint Services Staff College 1954/2371957/206,Crockett A J S Lt Col 1957 Novel - "The Perimeter Fence"268Croft Edward Lt 1943 Embark "Kestrel" 1943/278Crombie R D Lt 1938 Dis-embarks "Shropshire" for Small Arms Course 1938/342Crombie R D Capt 1951 Seconded to the King's African Rifles 1951/219Crombie R D Capt 1951 To East Africa on secondment 1951/111Crombie R D Maj 1955 rmb Eastney Chief Instructor 1955/167Crombie R D Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> CO 42 Cdo <strong>1959</strong>/210Crombie T 2Lt RMFVR 1953 RMFVR Commission from CPL 1953/196Croneen [Army ?] Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [Detachment 385] 1945/298

Crookes J H Lt 1945 HMS Robertson C ricket Team 1945/236*Crookston W H K Lt 1945 At Rangoon 1945/230Croome J M Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/86Croome J M Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Crosbie A B Gen Silver Bugle in memory 1944/303Cross B J Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/152Cross C H SM <strong>1930</strong> <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> VIII <strong>1930</strong>/271*Cross C H Sgt Maj 1935 Plymouth Division Shooting Cups and Trophies 1935/312*Cross Leonard Lt 1944 Letter - KIA at Brac - Grave at Vis 1845/268Crossley J E Capt 1945 287 Personnel Flotilla 1946/286Guernsey herd in Hampshire and sheep farm in WesternCrosthwaite-Eyre O E Col (ret) 1955 Highlands 1955/177Crosthwaite-Eyre O E Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Member of Parliament <strong>1959</strong>/276Crowther G R S Capt RAMC 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Culber E G 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/295Cullinan P C F Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/44Cullinan P C F Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Cunningham William A/Ty Capt 1943 DSO and brother of "Cat's Eye" RAF 1944/3Cunningham Capt RASC 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Cunningham W Capt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Curridge N A N Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/139Curtin Morris Lt 1915 Killed at Gallipoli 1948/162Curtis I R H Ty Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Curtis I R H Lt RMFVR 1951 Taking legal appointment in Abyssinia 1951/341,Curtis Lt 1945 Obstacle course with "Newcastle" detachment 1945/451950/218,Cutcher G E Lt [Ret] 1904 Letters - RM Legation Guard at Seoul and food at Deal 241Cutcher G E Lt [Ret] 1940 Article - "How the King and Duke of Windsor were 'kept fit' " 1940/287*Cutcher G E Lt (Ret) 1944 Letter 1944/149Cutcher G E Lt (Ret) 1947 Daughter's (3/O WRNS) marriage 1947/98Cutcher G E Lt (Ret) 1948 Letter - Corps Song 1949/74

Cutcher G E Lt (Ret) 1949 Letter - <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament 1949/239Cutler S G Capt 1934 With HMS Suffolk's Tug-o'-War Teams 1934/419*Cutler S G Maj 1938 Article - "A Raid on Tirreh (EL Tira) Palestiine" 1938/365Cutler S G Maj 1938 OC Naval & RM Org in Haifa 1938/341Cutler S G Lt Col 1944 Relieves Lt Col P O H Penfold in"St Mathew" 1944/280Cutler S G Capt 1936 Command of Combined RN RM Battalion 1936/471Cutler S G Lt Col 1945 Relieved in "St Mathew" by Lt Col P G Solbe 1945/106D'Albiac J H [Air Cdre] 1940 Appointed AOC in Greece 1940/480-Dalrymple I S W Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1951/27Dalrymple I S W Ty 2Lt 1952 Commissioned in the RMFVR 1952/126Daniels J W Capt 1954 In charge of Buglers in Boys Wing 1954/164Daniels J W Capt 1955 First OCRM HMS Protector 1955/241,Daniels J W Capt 1956 Article - "Antarctica" 1956/93*Darby B E Lt 1943 Engagement 1943/177Darby B E Lt 1944 Candidates training in "Ramilles" 1944/310Darby B E Capt 1951 Arctic trials in Norway 1951/63Darby B E Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Darley H La T Col [Ret] 1944 Letter - Change of title for G&L 1944/39Darley H la T Col (ret) 1952 Letter - Silver Bugles and History of Eastney <strong>Officers</strong>' Mess 1952/4Darling P H Lt 1946 Disembarks "Glasgow" 1946/372HMS Eagle - with HRH Prince Olaf of Norway inspectingDarling P H Capt 1955 guard 1955/253*Darling P H Capt 1955 OCRM HMS Eagle 1955/241958/109*,Darling P H Capt 1958 Letter - 5oth Anniversary of Signals Training Wing[58],Darters W H J SSM 1939 <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament Cartoon 1939/280-*Darwall F C Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Darwall M G R Lt 1954 Article - "Pot-holing with a purpose" 1954/87Darwall M G R Lt 1954 Joined HMS Bermuda 1954/153Darwall M G R Lt 1954 Leaving <strong>Officers</strong> School for HMS Bermuda 1954/214Darwall R H 1920 Service in the Sudan 1951/128

Darwall R H Brig 1934 Colonel Commandant at Chatham 1934/195Darwall R H Brig 1934 Colonel Commandant Chatham Division 1934/83Darwall R H Gen 1957 Memorial plaque dedicated at St Andrews Eastney 1957/74Darwall M M G R Lt 1951 45 Cdo patrol killed Bde's 50th and 100th bandits 1951/234Dauntsey W B Lt Col Letter referring to his obituary 1937/116Davenport D G O Lt 1939 Joins "Sheffield" 1939/95Davidson R Mac D Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/304Davidson V W Lt 1943 With Depot Devon Football Team 1943/188*,Davidson V W Maj 1958 Letter - "Cri du Cœur" 1958/50, 109Davidson V W Maj 1958 Letter - Reminiscences 1958/314Davidson V W Maj (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - "<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> Association" <strong>1959</strong>/187,Davies C Chaplain 1943 Senior Chaplain Depot Devon married to Wren 1943/229Davies David 1st Lt 1827 High Sheriff of Pemrokeshire 1952/95Davies E O Surg Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Davies H D Proby 2Lt 1939 Corps Commission 1939/42Davies L Chaplain 1948 42 Cdo Chaplain 1949/19Davies Lawrence Chaplain 1950 Leaving 40 Cdo 1950/291Davies R M Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Davies R M Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Davies J O Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/173Davis J P 2Lt 1954 Corps Commission 1954/48Davis M H Capt 1943 Marriage, serving in 1RM 1943/801951/212,Davis M H Capt 1951 Seconded to the King's African Rifles252,Davis M H Maj 1955 Commanding Guard for Captain General at ITCRM 1955/171*Davis M H Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Davis P G Lt 1950 Leaving Small Raids Wing 1950/62Davis P G Lt 1951 Leaving Rhine Flotilla 1951/230Davis P G Capt 1955 Discussing para jump with Capt Stickley and Comdt ASRM 1955/159*Davis P G Capt 1958 Birth of son 1958/208

Davis P G Capt 1958 With the Band of HMS Eagle 1958/15*Davis P G Capt <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Leopard skin presented to RM Band of HMS Eagle <strong>1959</strong>/98*Davis R J L Lt 1942 Plymouth Argylls 1945/364Davis W N Lt 1945 Tour of RNSM Band to Northern Germany 1945/249Davis P G Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Eagle 1957/74Davison R D G Lt 1948 ADC to MGRM Chatham 1948/150Davison R D G Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Glasgow 1954/126Davison R D G Capt 1955 Article - "On Risking my Neck" 1955/11*Dawes William 1762-1836 Book Review "William Dawes RM 1762-1836" <strong>1930</strong>/278Dawson A P Lt Col 1926 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Dawson A P Brig 1932 With Portsmouth Division Rugby Team 1932/151*Dawson A P Capt 1934 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1935/63Dawson A P Maj 1935 Letter as FRMO: RM in route march through Alexandria 1935/409Dawson A P Lt Col 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/561940/329*,Dawson A P Lt Col 1940 Col Comdt Reserve Depot, Exton358, 457*Dawson A P Brig 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Dawson A P Brig 1941 CO RM Depot Devon 1941/357Dawson A P Maj Gen 1943 Retires - employed by John Lewis & Co 1943/229Dawson A P Maj Gen 1943 With Depot Devon Football Team 1943/188*,Dawson A P Maj Gen (ret) 1953 Attended unveiling South African Heavy Artillery Memorial 1953/99Dawson A P Maj Gen (ret) 1954 RMA South Africa Branch Remembrance Day Dinner 1954/187*Dawson J L Lt 1943 Birth of a son 1943/124Dawson J L Capt 1943 Relieves Capt J E M Ruffer in "Norfolk" 1943/242Dawson J L Capt 1944 OCRM "Norfolk" 1944/277Dawson J L Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Dawson P R Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofDawson P R Lt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/ 123Day H F Lt 1945 QM RM Provost 1945/245

Day H M A Wg Cdr 1939 POW 1939/503-Day H M A Wg Cdr 1940 At Dulag Luft POW Camp 1940/136*Day J E Lt 1943 Engagement 1943/25Day J E Capt 1946 Article - "Normandy - 6th June 1946" 1946/2861946/251,Day J E Capt 1946 Instructor to the French Commandos and wedding317,Day J E Capt 1948 Parachure demonstration at Netheravon 1948/214Day J E Capt 1951 Retires - Colonial Service in Malaya 1951/50Day J E Capt 1945 45 Commando 1945/395Day J E Capt 1947 Assisting with the training French Fusiliers Marins and article 1947/48, 68Day J J Capt 1945 i/c 150 <strong>Marines</strong> on parade 13th May in "St Mathew" 1945/166Day J J Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Article - "The Army of the Federation of Rhodesia andDay J J Maj <strong>1959</strong> Nyasaland" <strong>1959</strong>/359*De' Ath I D Maj 1953 Comdt SASRM 1953/134de Berry H A P Lt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47de Berry H A P Maj 1946 2 i/c Cdo Trg Unit 1946/26de Berry H A P Maj 1946 2 i/c Cdo Trg Unit 1946/26De Courcey-Ireland B W 1937 Leading aircraft in Coronation Review fly past 1937/234De Courcey-Ireland B W Maj 1946 RM Method of Instruction Team 1946/351de Courcy-Ireland B W Maj 1945 45 Commando 1945/396de Courcy-Ireland B W Major 1949 Squadron <strong>Royal</strong> Marine Officer Med Fleet 1949/42de Courcy-Ireland B W Major 1949 Transfers from"Newcastle" to "Liverpool" 1949/71de Courcy-Ireland B W Maj 1950 Ends SRMO 1st CS 1950/141de Courcy-Ireland B W Maj 1951 Commandant NCOs' School 1951/178de Courcy-Ireland B W Lt Col 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254

de Courcy-Ireland B W Lt Col 1952 CO 42 Cdo 1952/18de Courcy-Ireland B W Lt Col 1953 Leaving 42 Cdo 1954/23de Courcy-Ireland B W Maj 1946 RM Method of Instruction Team 1946/351de Courcy-Ireland B W Capt 1947 OCRM HMS Ajax - Visit of CGRM to Malta 1948/6*de Coury Ireland B W Lt Col 1954 Commandant <strong>Officers</strong> School 1954/214de E Coke J C Capt 1949 Relieves Major R W Madoc in "Vanguard" 1949/72de E Coke J C Capt 1949 Joins Home fleet as SRMO 1949/336de M Leathes R C Maj 1947 OCRM "Vanguard" during <strong>Royal</strong> Tour 1947/76de Stacpoole Derek Maj 1944 Walcheren 1953/198Deane ? Capt 1934 HMS Dorsetshire 1934/114Deane R P Capt 1931 With HMS Calypso Cutters Crew 1931/317*Deane R P Maj 1937 With Chatham Division Shooting Team 1937/322*Deane R P Maj 1944 Instructor of Small Arms - Harford Bridge Camp 1944/131Deane V H Maj (Ret) 1947 Daughter's engagement 1947/142Deane Maj 1939 I/c Machine gun shoot with "Sussex" & "Devonshire" 1939/336Deane Maj 1939 SRMO in "Arethusa" 1939/245Dear I C B A/Lt 1957 Resigned Commission 1957/95De'Ath I D Lt 1940 Citation for DSO 1940/151De'Ath I D Capt 1941 OC Cadets' Wing RMMS 1941/354De'Ath I D Capt 1941 Promoted at RM OCTU 1941/172De'Ath I D Maj 1946 Film - "Top Secret" 1946/191De'Ath I D Maj 1947 Engagement 1947/158De'ath I D Maj 1953 Commandant SASRM, B rowndown 1957/58De'Ath I D Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Planning Team - Op Bleriot - Air Race <strong>1959</strong>/269Denyer H F Lt The Denyer Family 1933/306Denyer M H Lt 1958 Adjutants Course and Adjutant at Deal 1958/133Denyer M H Lt 1956 OCRM HMS Loch Killisport 1956/173Derrman J S 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> 1932/290*

Deuchar David Lt 1943 Engagement 1943/221Deuchar David Lt 1944 Marriage 1044/23Deuchar David Lt 1944 Singing with the band of HMNZS Achilles 1944/215Deuchar David Lt 1948 Letter - Suggestion for RM Writers' Circle 1948/101Deuchar Capt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo in Malaya 1950/291Devereaux R K WS Maj 1954 Commission terminated 1954/235Dewhurst F W Maj 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25Dewhurst F W Maj 1939 F R M O Africa Station in "Neptune" 1939/2031940/127,Dewhurst F W Maj 1940 CO Reserve Depot, Exton183*Dewhurst F W Lt Col 1941 CO RM Military School 1941/354Dewhurst f w Lt Col 1942 Relinquishes command of RMMS 1942/158Dewhurst F W Col 1943 Chief Instructor at Plymouth 1943/2481945/19, 20,Dewhurst F W Col 1944 From CO Depot Devon to CO at Deal82.Dewhurst F W Lt Col 1945 New sign for RMOCVA Club Deal 1945/183*Dewhurst F W Col 1947 CO Chatham 1947/210Dewhurst F W Col 1947 Visit of First Lord to Chatham 1947/289Dewhurst F W Col 1948 Birth of a daughter 1948/116Dewhurst F W Capt 1934 HMS Eagle - Exercise in Hong Kong 1934/74Dewhurst F W Maj 1936 RM Point-to-Point 1936/187*Dewhurst F W Maj 1938 Northern Command Tattoo 1938/330Dewhurst F W Col 1946 Birth of a son 1946/324Dewhurst F W Col 1946 Birth of a son 1946/324Dewhurst F W Col 1946 Commander RMEI 1946/284Dewhurst F W Col 1946 Leaves Deal for the Far East 1946/84Dewhurst F W Col 1948 Relinquishes CO RMB Chatham 1948/76Dewhurst F.W Maj 1935 OCRM 's promotion 1935/79Dewhurst Colonel 1947 Relieved as CRMEI by Maj F F Clark DSC 1947/125Dewhurst Colonel 1947 Visit to "Jamaica" 1947/58Dick L T M A/Lt RMFVR 1952 Granted RM commission as 2 Lt 1952/260

Dick L T M Lt 1956 Killed in action in Cyprus 1956/168,Dicketts B Lt 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947/314Dicketts B J Lt 1951 Joined 41 Cdo 1951/32Dicketts B J Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/259CaptDickinsonDSO*DSC 1949 Relieved in "Victorious" as OCRM by Capt J A Grimble CBE 1949/283Dickson Capt RUR 1948 Staff of <strong>Officers</strong>' Training Wing 1948/214Dickson Capt RUR 1950 DS <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1950/175Digby-Bell H A Maj 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Digby-Bell H A Lt Col 1954 "The Commandant General's Visit to the USMC" 1954/53Digby-Bell H A Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Dillon D Capt 1952 Relievd as OCRM HMS Mauritius 1952/13Dillon D 1956 Olympic Games - Sailing 1956/265Dixon A J Lt Col 1938 Funeral 1938/4401948/156,Dixon A J Lt Col (QM) 1948 Death of widow159Dixon R P 2Lt 1952 Corps Commission 1952/211Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke of 1954/ 123,Dixon R P Lt 1954 Edinburgh160,Dobbins Dunstan Chaplain 1943 Article - "An Appreciatiion" '[ RC Chaplain MNBDO(I)] 1943/264Dobson P H C Ty Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RCAF 1953/48Dobson Capt 1944 Walcheren 1953/200also inOTHERRANKSDoddsR R INDEXDodds R R Lt 1955 Canoeing round Malta 1955/63*Dodds Lt 1955 With officers of a Norwegian Course 1955/272*Doggett D H A Lt 1958 Resigned commission 1958/48Doidge A E Capt 1948 Leaving TTCRM 1948/13Donald A J Lt 1950 Promoted 1950/184

Donald A J Lt 1954 Eagle Housemaster RMSM 1955/26Donald A J Lt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Donald A J Capt 1958 With RMVCC Plymouth cup winners 1958/250Donald A J Capt <strong>1959</strong> CO Plymouth RMVCC <strong>1959</strong>/49,Donald A J Capt <strong>1959</strong> Relieved as CO RMVCC Plymouth <strong>1959</strong>/120Donald A T Capt RMFVR 1951 Broadcast on Scottish Home Service - "The Vines are Heavy" 1951/342,Donald A T Maj RMFVR 1956 Training Officer RMFVR Clyde 1956/183,Donald A T Capt RMFVR 1952 Glasgow SBS 1952/120Donald R V C Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Donne L P Capt 1943 Retires 1943/294Donne L P Supt Clerk 1938 Awarded MBE - Promotion to Lt 1938/57, 94Donnell P M Lt Col 1945 RMTG(W) 1945/244Donnell P M Lt Col 1946 With RMTG(W) Football Team 1946/52*Donnell Lt 1938 Departs "Cornwall" for "Revenge" 1938/77Donnell Lt 1938 Joins "Revenge" 1938/75Donnelly M J Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Dorofeeff K V Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Douglas J P 2nd Lt 1949 Joins and leaves "Diadem" 1949/236Douglas J P Lt 1958 Colour Officer 40 Cdo Guard of Honour <strong>1959</strong>/20,Douglas J R Lt 1949 Small Raids Wing 1949/209Douglas J R Lt 1947 Article - "Christmas Cruise, 1947" 1948/40Douglas J R Maj 1955 "First Dead Sea Lord" - Arab Legion 1955/159Dowding T W Lt RMLI 1878 Zulu War 1948/273Dowding T W Lt Col 1897 Commanded RMLI Battalion for Diamond Jubilee, 1897 1935/345Dowell G D Lt 1855 "The Bronze Cross" 1956/146Dowell G D Lt Col 1957 Location of his VC traced 1957/166Dowling M G Lt 1951 KIA Malaya (40 Cdo) 1951/55Dowling M G Lt Named on 40 Cdo Malayan Memorial at Kuala Kangsar 1954/123Dowling M J Lt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo 1950/231

Downham Maurice Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang 1945/2981953/131,Downs P G Lt 1953 Trooping the Colour at Eastney132*Downton A P Lt 1955 Direct Commission from SNCO 1955/44Drake H D RMA 1931 Obituary 1931/372Drake-Brockman L A Maj` 1918 Letter mentioning his service in North Russia 1937/116Drummond-Murray I M 2Lt RMFVR 1953 Commission terminated 1953/196Drummond-Murray J M Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/156Drummond-Murray J M Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Drury W P Col (ret) 1947 Story - "How Pagett won the MBE" 1947/10Drury W P Maj 1898 In Crete 1947/194Drury W P Maj 1917 Editor of the G & L 1945/129Drury W P Lt Col 1932 Presented buttons (1745-77) to Plymouth <strong>Officers</strong> Mess 1932/44Drury W P Lt Col 1934 President Plymouth RMOCA 1934/165Drury W P Lt Col 1943 "How Pagett Became Butler to the Admiral" 1943/243Drury W P Col 1946 Letter - Appreciation of the G&L 1946/368Drury W P Lt Col (Ret) 1946 Letter - RM Association 1946/102Drury W P Lt Col (Ret) 1948 Taking salute of Plymouth RMA 1948/352*Drury W P Lt Col 1949 Death 1949/87, 91,Drury W P Lt Col Books presented to <strong>Officers</strong>' Mess Plymouth - Drury Room 1949/290Drury W P Lt Col Mayor of Saltash 1943/257Drury, W P Lt Col 1934 Speech at RMOCA London Annual Dinner 1935/19Drury, W P Lt Col 1935 Novel; "King's Blood" 1935/409Drysdale D B Maj 1942 Visit to the USMC 1942/272*Drysdale D B 1944 Article - "On the Buirma Front" 1944/262Drysdale D B Lt Col 1950 CO 41 Cdo 1951/44*1950/213,Drysdale D B Lt Col 1950 CO 41 Indepoendent Commando256,

Drysdale D B Lt Col 1952 Painting presented by USMC1952/173,217*,Drysdale D B Lt Col 1953 Presented with the Pearce Trophy 1953/120*Drysdale D B Maj 1954 Commandant NCOs School 1954/130Drysdale D B Lt Col 1954 Leaving USMC Quantico 1954/49Drysdale D B Maj 1955 Presented with US Silver Star 1956/47*Drysdale D B 2Lt 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Drysdale D B Lt Col 1951 Appointed to USMC Schools, Quantico 1951/333Drysdale D B Lt Col 1957 Presidential Unit citation fore 41 Indep Cdo presented 1957/100*Drysdale D B Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> In TV film "Spearhead" <strong>1959</strong>/230Drysdale D L Maj 1956 Presented with rosette by Queen at Windsor Horse Show 1956/224*Drysdale D L S Lt Col 1954 Unveiling 41 Independent Commando memorial at Bickleigh 1954/102*Drysdale Lt 1938 Dis-embarks "Sheffield" 1938/340Drysdale Maj 1947 RM Regimental Race 1947/107*Drysdale Maj 1950 Contempt for sports not including horses 1950/203Drysdale Lt Col 1956 Winning the open event at Dalditch 1957/40Dun E B Capt 1939 Transfers from "Neptune" to "Amphion" 1939/67Dun E.B Capt 1935 OCRM "Delhi" 1935/391Dun Capt 1935 Leaves "Arethusa" 1935/327Dun E B Capt 1935 HMS Delhi Whalers Crew 1935/391*Duncan D L C Lt 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Duncan D L C Maj 1948 Birth of a son 1948/116Duncan J B Ty Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the NZ Army 1953/48Dunkerley P M Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Dunkerley P M Capt 1952 Article - "Beginner's Luck" 1952/181Dunkerley P M Capt 1952 In Bermuda and Transatlantic sailing race 1952/125Dunkerley P M Capt 1954 Brixham to Belle Isle Sailing Race in Sea Soldier 1954/.190Dunkerley Piers Lt 1944 Letter as POW 1945/16Dunkerley Capt 1950 ADC to MGRM Portsmouth 1951/18Dunn Edwin Capt 1944 Walcheren 1953/198

Dunn F V Maj 1947 Crossing the line "Vanguard" 1947/761936/296+(SDunn F V Lt 1936 DOM for the King's visit to Eastneyupplement)Dunn F V Maj 1949 Arrangement of Fratton Park Anthem - "Pompey Chimes" 1949/84Dunn F V Maj 1949 RM Band in Canada and USA 1949/306*Dunn F V Maj 1953 Move from Portsmouth to RMSM Deal 1953/49, 84,Dunn F V Lt 1935 King's Birthday Parade Massed Bands at Portsmouth 1935/243Dunn F V Maj 1949 Portsmouth Gp Band visit to Canada and USA 1949/306*1953/49, 84,Dunn F V Maj 1953 Appointment to Deal and vcalete from Portsmouth100Dunn F V Maj 1954 With <strong>Royal</strong> Yacht Band aboard SS Gothic 1954/73*Dunn F V D Maj 1953 Noted in Corps Gazette as appointed 'Corps' Director of Music 1953/100Dunn F V D Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Daughter, Leonie, in "The Young Elizabeth" <strong>1959</strong>/156Dunn F V D Capt 1945 Speech in Dutch 1945/277Dunn F V D Lt Col 1956 Daughter, Rosemary, presented bouquet to Queen Mother 1956/142,Dunn Vivian Lt 1938 Searchlight Tattoo Fratton Park 1938/340Dunn Capt 1946 With RMTG(W) Football Team 1946/52*1954/150,Dunn F V Lt Col 1954 Article - "The Commonwealth Tour"166*Durham C E Lt (Ret) 1948 Parson - Zeebrugge Commemoration Service in Liverpool 1948/175Durham G E SM (ret) 1936 Ordained Curate 1935/41-Durham G E Lt 1935 President Liverpool Branch RMOCA, baptism of daughter 1935/246Durnford E C L Lt Col 1851-77 From an RE Family 1933/311-Durston E R Cd SM 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Dutton P W Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Dutton P W Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Dutton C L Capt 1944 Letter - KIA at Brac - Grave at Vis 1945/268Dwyer John Capt 1945 Commanding 650 LCM Flotilla at Rangoon 1945/230*Dyer G J Cd Rectr 1957 Leicester Recruiting Office 1957/166*

Dyer G J Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired1958/99,149*,Dykes O C T Capt 1937 Former RM - 1st/6th Gurkha Rifles - Awarded MC 1937/275S/Lt (E)EadeC L F RNVR 1944 563 LCA Flotilla 1944/184*Eades G A M Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/236Eades G A M Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/236Eagles C E Maj 1918 "The Resting Place of a Distinguished Officer" 1932/212Eagles C E C Maj 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Eagles C E C Maj <strong>1930</strong> Widow's Marriage to Maj Gillespie <strong>1930</strong>/250Eagles C E J Capt 1941 Marriage 1941/84Eagles C E J Maj 1945 Birth of a daughter 1946/61Eagles C E J Capt 1949 Birth of a daughter 1949/276Eagles C E J Capt 1950 From SC(A) Portsmouth Group to HMS Devonshire 1951/47Eagles C E J Capt 1951 HMS Devonshir Detachment landed in Grenada during riots 1951/95Eagles H C Gen 1932 Daughter's wedding 1932/269Eagles H C Gen 1957 Daughter's Silver Wedding 1957/296Eagles H E Gen 1932 Daughter's engagement 1932/127Eagles Lt 1938 Relieves Lt Pounds in "Sussex" 1938/482Eames C H F 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted 2Lt (QM) 1958/152Easterbrook A L Lt 1953 Receiving Pentathlon trophy 1953/233*Easterbrook A L 2 Lt 1952 First appointment from 11 Para (TA) 1952/168Easterbrooke A L Lt <strong>1959</strong> Corps Hckey Team <strong>1959</strong>/47*Eastman N I Maj 1934 Superintendent RNSM - Junior NCO's Club Depot RM 1934/121*Eastman N I Maj 1935 Superintendent RNSM 1935/138Eastman N I Maj 1936 Commanded Chatham Street Lining Party at <strong>Royal</strong> Funeral 1936/71Eastman N I Lt Col 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Ebsworth A E Maj 1945 Camp Commandant at Dalditch 1945/242Recruiting Staff Officer Manchester Passed out 683 Squad atEbsworth A E Maj 1958 Deal 1958/133Ecrepont E W A/Ty Capt 1944 Citation - MC - 40 Cdo 1944/200Edds W E Lt <strong>1930</strong> Article - "The Rendition of Wei-hai-Wei" 1931/48*

Edds W F Capt 1940 Engagement 1940/480-Edds W F Capt 1941 Marriage 1941/274+Edds W F Lt Col OBE 1944 Relieves Lt Col C N S Smith in "Helder" 1944/4Edds W F Lt Col 1944 Takes command of HMS Woolverstone 1946/76<strong>1930</strong>/293*,Edds W F Lt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Kent Shooting team & Whalers and cutters crews 355*Edds W F Capt 1936 C.O. Carlisle 1936/438Edds W F Lt Col 1944 Birth of a son 1944/47Edds W.F Lt 1935 2i/c "Resolution" Detachment 1935/5Edds Capt 1937 Relieves Maj Gumm ON "Despatch" 1937/337Edmonds A B L Lt 1949 40 Cdo death in traffic Accident in Hong Kong 1949/318Edmondson John A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Edmondson R.A. Capt 1935 GoH for HE Sir Stewart Spencer Davis CMG Gov.St Helena 1935/241Edmondson R.A. Capt 1935 Relieves Lt Col.C.A.C. Lucas O.B.E 1935/242Edmunds H W Lt 1944 Concert Party supervisor in KGV 1944/72Commission terminated - commissioned in the 10 GurkhaEdwardes J S M Ty Lt 1952 Rifles 1952/260Edwards A B H Capt RMFVR 1952 Guard of Honour at Lonon Guildhall 1952/162*Edwards B J Lt 1954 Leaving 42 Cdo for HQ 3 Cdo Bde 1954/72Edwards B L Capt 1955 Amateur Dramatics in 3 Cdo Bde HQ 1955/112Edwards C C Capt 1956 Retired on medical grounds 1956/195Edwards C C Capt 1956 Retires with gratuity 1956/87,Edwards C F Capt 1933 With HMS Shropshire's Cutter's Crew 1933/30*Edwards C F Capt 1933 With HMS Shropshire's Gibraltar Cup Team 1933/31*Edwards C L Capt 1932 Birth of a daughter 1932/127Edwards C L A/Lt Col 1946 Birth of a son 1947/51Edwards C L Lt Col (ret) 1951 Daughter's marriage 1951/258Edwards D V Chaplain 1943 Chaplain at Eastney 1943/247Edwards J R Capt 1943 Ends appointment as Adjt RMMS and forthcoming marriage 1943/16Edwards L P F Lt 1946 Regt Colour Offr Guard of Honour for CGRM 1946/118Edwards R D Lt 1956 Wounded at Port Said Operation 1956/242

Edwards R D Lt <strong>1959</strong> CG Squad and New Entries Junior Wing Depot RM <strong>1959</strong>/248Edwards Lt 1943 Embarks "Berwick" 1943/152Edwards J R Capt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Edye L Maj 1890 A' Section RM Depot Cyclists 1933/277*Eley Brian Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/304Elliot B N Lt Col 1949 Widow - Vice-President Leicester Branch RMA 1949/123*Elliot B N Lt Col 1958 Widow President Leicester RM Association 1958/95*Elliot B N Lt Col 1956 Widow - President Leicester Branch RMA 1956/135*Elliot B N Lt Col 1957 Widow - President Leicester Branch RMA 1957/41*Elliott B N Lt Col 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Elliott B N Lt Col Silver Bugle in memory 1944/303Elliott T Col 1852 Presentation of Bell to Eastney 1942/147Ellis Charles Lt 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Ellis C J Medals presented to Plymouth Collection 1939/512Ellison E J O Lt Col (ret) 1951 Daughter's marriage 1951/230Ellison E J O Lt Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> President South Africa Branch RM Association <strong>1959</strong>/304Ellison E.J.O. Maj 1937 Relieved by Capt F.C.Horton aboard "Ajax" 1937/95Ellison J F Maj 1943 Medals presented to Plymouth Collection 1943/229Ellison J F Maj 1897 Talk to RMOCA on service in Uganda, East and Central Africa 1935/138Ellison James Maj 1896 Letter - "The Original RM Tattoo" 1935/372Ellison James Maj 1897 Article - Benin Expedition 1938/148Ellison James Maj 1898 Letter - "The Original RM Tattoo" 1935/345Ellison James Maj (Retd) 1933 Letter - "The Horse Marine" 1933/48*Ellison Maj 1939 Relieves Maj Sincock-Teek asF.R.M.O. IN"Devonshire" 1939/336Ellison James Maj (Ret) 1914 Letter - Unidentified BBug aboard HMS Revenge 1914 1935/152,187Ellis-Smith R Surg Lt 1942 Marriage 1942/108Elvy B Capt 1955 OCRM HMS Kenya 1955/219,Elvy B P Lt 1944 Disembarks "Suffolk" due to illness 1944/52Elvy B P Capt 1957 Retires with gratuity 1957/147

Elvy Bryan 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/51Elvy Lt 1943 Uckers challenge in "Suffolk" 1943/238Elvy Lt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo in Malaya 1950/291Elwes T Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Elworthy A E SM 1932 Obituary 1932/158Emms B H A/Ty Capt 1945 Awarded C-in-C 21 Army Gp Commendation 1945/190Emslie H B Capt 1955 Training Film - "Troop in the Encounter Battle" 1955/224Emslie H B Capt 1956 Cold Weather Warfare Course in Canada 1956/75, 120,Emslie Capt 1955 Snow Training with the Norwegian Army 1955/148Enderby J D Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92England J P Capt 1947 Leaves Camp Commandant HQ 3 Cdo Bde 1947/215England J P Capt 1954 Sportsman of the Month [Rugby] 1954/176*England J P Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/991956/266,England W H Ty Lt USADF Officer seconded - Memorial tablet at Eastney 281.England Lt 1951 Married 1951/140Ennor P G A Maj (ret) 1952 Letter - Suggesting Britain Sea Soldiers Vol 4 1952/176Ennor P G A Maj 1949 Letter - Uniform of Colonel-in-Chief 1949/188Ephraums R Capt 1954 Adjutant RMFVR Merseyside 1955/35Ephraums R J Capt 1957 Leaves Admuitant RMFVR Merseyside 1957/196Lt ColEssexN E RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> CO City of London RMFVR <strong>1959</strong>/352Estlick N J D Lt <strong>1959</strong> "Look, Mum - muddy boots!" <strong>1959</strong>/91*Euphraums R J Capt 1956 Marriage when Adjutant RMFVR Merseyside 1956/39,Eurich Richard Capt 1941 Temporary Hionorary Commission on the "Unattached List" 1941/192Eustace F Lt Col 1950 CO ITCRM 1950/330Eustace F A Lt 1934 HMS Eagle 1934/8Eustace F A Col 1956 CO RMB Plymouth inspecting Plymouth Branch RMA 1956/135*Eustace F A Capt 1939 OCRM "Kent" conducts TEWT 1939/62

Eustace F A Lt Col 1954Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofEdinburgh 1954/160Eustace F A Col 1957 Retires from Stonehouse Barracks 1957/287Eustace Lt 1935 Lands 1 & 2 Platoons "Eagle" for Route March 1935/80Eustace Capt 1938 dis-embarks "Adventure" 1938/54Eustace Capt 1943 Embark "Northney" 1943/279Eustace Lt Col 1945 OCRM HMS St Mathew 1945/272Evans C G J Chaplain 1958 Retires as Chaplain RMB Plymouth 1958/35Evans G D Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Evans H C Lt Col 1905 Edited 2nd Cruiser Squadron Gazette 1940/253-Evans J E C Ty Capt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the TA 1953/48Evans J M Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Evans K Chaplain 1947 RNSM 1947/302Evans Kenneth Chaplain 1948 Leaves RNSM & Birth of a daughter 1948/320Evans M D Capt 1953 Inited Services Point-to-Point 1953/61*Evans S M Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95Evans Lt 1947 RM Regimental Race 1947/107*Evans W J Cadet 1941 Interesting biographical notes 1941/144Evendon Ty 2Lt Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Everatt A C Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Everatt A C Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Everell Herbert 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> 1932/290Eyre A A Capt 1958 Birth of a son 1958/302Eyre A A Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Eyre 2nd Lt 1949 Relieved in "Cleopatra" by 2nd Lt O'Kelly 1949/283Facey E SSM 1940 With the last promotion course in the Med Fleet 1940/210*Facey Cd SSM 1947 Bisley 1947/174*Faden Lt 1807 Adjutant at Portsmouth - Bayonet training 1945/35Fairfield Samuel Capt 1935 DOM - Retirement at own request 1935/338Fairfield Samuel Maj (ret) 1936 Appointed Director of Music to St Hilda's Professional Band 1936/235Fairfield Samuel Maj (ret) 1955 Composition - "Music of the Dales" 1955/264

Fairrie R G J Capt 1951 Arctic trials in Norway 1951/63Fairrie R G J Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/204Faithfull W E Capt 1938 First RMB rank to be commissioned - details of service 1938/57, 94Farleigh W H Headmaster 1950 Letter - Appreciation of the magazine 1950/26Farleigh W H Lt (HM) 1950 Son's marriage 1950/132Farleigh W H HdMaster 1954 Headmaster at Eastney 1932-1940 1954/12Farmer D W H Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/287.Farmer E Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/212Farmer E Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/212Farmer E T N Col 1950 Attended laying up Chatham Colours 1950/187Farmer J P Schmaster <strong>1930</strong> With Chatham Division Football Teams <strong>1930</strong>/174*Farmer J P Instr Cdr 1947 Visit to RNSM and 3 Cdo Bde 1948/15, 177Farmer E T N Col 1937 Corps rep at <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament 1937/125-Farnhill J G Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/252Farquarson-Roberts D A Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Farquharson-Roberts D A Capt 1944 Marriage 1944/241Farquharson-Roberts D A 1949 Article - "The Rose Pink City" A Visit to Petra 1949/168Farquharson-Roberts Capt 1946 OCRM "Cleopatra" 1946/309Farquharson-Roberts Capt 1947 i/c GoH for KIng George Vl in "Cleopatra" 1947/103Farquharson-Roberts Capt 1948 Birth of a son 1948/9Farr A C D Capt 1945 Squadron Adjutant "Quebec" 1945/42Farrand R A Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Farrand R A Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Farrar Frederick A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from Sgt 1958/99Farrer D C O Capt 1944 Relieves Capt A P Willasey-Wilsey as OCRM "Furious" 1944/155

Farrer D C O Capt 1947 OCRM "Vengeance" 1947/38Farrer D C O Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Farrington G B O A/Maj 1944 Letter - POW in Hong Kong 1944/41Farrington G.B.O. Capt 1939 Dis-embarks "Resolution" 1939/382Farrington Capt 1938 OCRM "Resolution" 1938/470Fearon A I Capt 1945 Brother 5/14th Punjabis POW 1945/92Feast R B Chaplain 1945 19 Bn 1945/146Fellowes H D Lt 1932 Wedding in Nice 1932/162Fellowes H D Maj 1940 Relinquishes OC Survey Section 1940/394Fellowes H D Lt Col 1944 CO at Matapan Camp, Towyn 1944/107Fellowes H D Brig 1946 Relinquishes command of 3 Cdo Bde 1946/3621952/93*,Fellowes H D Lt Col 1952 Comdt CSRM - Visit of USMC Commanding General 115,Fellowes H D Lt Col 1952 Inspecting RMA Tavistock 1952/123Fellowes H D Col 1954 With Depot Parade Staff 1954/128*Fellowes H D Maj Gen 1955 Freedom of Plymouth parade 1955/116*Fellowes H D Lt 1934 Colour Officer with Guard of Honour 1934/84Fellowes H D Col 1953 With the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Depot 1953/87*Fellowes H D Maj Gen 1957 Leaves Plymouth Group Commander 1957/205Fellowes Lt Col 1949 Commandant CSRM 1949/244Fellowes Lt Col 1950 CO CSRM visit to Belgian Commandos 1950/213,Fennell R J Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/320Ferguson P G Capt 1956 OCRM HMS Albion at Eastney 1956/69,Ferguson-Warren A G Col 1951 Chief of Combined Operations representative in Washington 1951/95Ferguson-Warren A G Col 1951 Presentation of Canton Bell to USMC 1951/94*Ferguson-Warren A G Col 1951 With CGRM on visit to the USMC 1951/311*Ferguson-Warren A G Col 1950 Article - "Return Journey"1950/130,154, 182,210, 234,Ferguson-Warren A G Col 1950 Letter - Pacific-Union Club, San Francisco 1950/26

Fernyhough J L SSM 1939 <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament Cartoon & leaving Depot1939/280-* &314Fernyhough J L Capt 1943 Commanding Guard of Honour 1943/205*Fernyhough Capt 1945 Adjutant at Chatham 1945/141Fernyhough Capt 1950 Seriously ill in hospital 1950/223Festing Col 1874 Ashanti Campaign 1947/341935/188,Field C F Col 1935 Book - "Echoes of Old Wars"192-Field Cyril Col <strong>1930</strong> Daughter's marriage to Maj Gillespie [Widow of Maj Eagles] <strong>1930</strong>/250Field Cyril Col 1934 Extract from 1882 Diary in Egypt 1934/29Field Cyril Col 1938 Article - Some Marine Duels 1938/290Field Cyril Col 1938 Letter - Horse Furniture 1938/64Field Cyril Col [Retd] 1940 Book Review "Old Times Under Arms" 1940/270FIELD Cyril Col (Retd) - Book Review - “Old Times Afloat” 1933/75Field S A Maj 1938 Memorial unveiled in Eastney Church & Subscriptions1939/28, 30,79, 104,420*, 456 .Field S A Ca;pt <strong>1930</strong> <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> VIII <strong>1930</strong>/271*Field S A Maj 1938 Death 1938/93Field S A Maj 1938 Departs St Helena 1938/50Field S A Maj 1938 Letter - Ref Obituary 1938/148Field S A Maj 1938 Proposal for a 'Field' Memorial Shooting Trophy 1938/407Field S A Maj 1938 Report of his death 1938/136Field S A Maj 1939 The 'Field' Memorial 1939/420*Field S.A. Maj 1934 FRMO South Africa 18th December 1935/57Field Capt 1931 With winners Atlantic Fleet Bayonets 1931/90*Field Cyril Col (ret) 1936 Letter ; Lack of Paintings in <strong>Officers</strong> Messes 1936/109Fielding W E Sgt Maj 1934 Junior NCO's Club - Depot RM 1934/121*Fielding W E SM 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Fielding W E Staff SM 1937 Biographical details on retirement 1937/152Fiennes C W Capt 1944 OCRM "Sheffield" 1944/6Finch N A Lt (QM) 1943 QM 22nd Trg Bn 1943/109

Finch N A Lt 1945 Leaving Holding Bn 1945/243Finch N A Lt (ret) 1946 Yoeman of the Guard - Awarded MSM 1947/8Finch N A Lt 1952 Yoeman of the Guard 1952/54Finch N A Lt 1950 On duty for Garter Ceremony - Yoeman of the Guard 1950/137Finch N A Lt 1952 Meeting Gen Wildman-Lushington 1952/124*,1953/104*,Finch N A Lt 1953 Yoeman of the Guard - Coronation161Finch N A Lt (ret) <strong>1959</strong> With Captain General - Freedom of Portsmouth <strong>1959</strong>/137*Fisher J G Lt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Queen Elizabeth Whjalers Crew <strong>1930</strong>/318*Fisher J G Lt 1933 Attached to The Loyal Regiment 1933/338Fisher L W B Capt 1947 OCRM "Theseus" 1947/14Fisher L W B Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/204Fisher Capt 1937 Coronation Procession Marshalling Officer 1953/56Fisher Lt 1939 Joins "Sheffield" 1939/95Fisk B K Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/283Fitchie J F Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RA 1952/168Fitzgerald C G 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/295Fitzgerald J D E Lt 1942 Joins RMMS 1942/62Fitzgerald J D E Capt 1943 Marriage to RMMS Wren in Thurlestone Church 1943/44, 78Fitzgerald J D E Capt 1943 Relieves Capt F N Grant in "Suffolk" 1943/152Fitzgerald J D E Capt 1943 Uckers challenge in "Suffolk" 1943/238Fitzgerald J D E Capt 1951 Leaves 40 Cdo for Bde HQ 1951/276Fitzgerald J D E Capt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo 1950/231Fitzgerald J D E Maj 1958 CO RMB Plymouth 1958/185,Fitzgerald Lt 1797 A duel with Lt Swarrington of the 25th Regiment 1938/291Fitzgerald Warrant B/M 1949 Fleet Bandmaster Med.Fleet 1949/42Fitzgerald J D E Maj 1958 With RMVCC Plymouth cup winners 1958/250*Fitzjohn P V Ty 2Lt 1940 [Killed at Fort Cumberland] 1940/441Fitz-Patrick J W M Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Fitz-Patrick J W M Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99

Fitzroy-SmithFitzroy-SmithCapt GreenHowards 1953 Keaves staff of Occiers' School 1953/90Maj GreenHowards 1953 Leaving <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1953/285Flamank H J Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/100Flawn F J Capt (Retd) 1940 Daughter's marriage 1940/4081958/149,Flawn F J Capt 1958 Golden Wedding and letter175, 203,Fleay M Lt 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Fleming E B Cd SM 1951 Promoted from QMS 1951/184Fleming N C Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Fletcher H A A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Fletcher Lionel Lt Col 1941 Letters - Chairman Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs 1942/3Fletcher Lionel Lt Col 1946 Presented painting to Portsmouth <strong>Officers</strong>' Mess 1946/170Fletcher Lionel Lt Col 1948 Chairman of the ational Small Bore Rifle Association 1948/58Fletcher Lionel Lt Col (ret) 1951 "Guard and Band" in Tanganyika 1951/275*Fletcher Lionel Lt Col 1951 Migrating to South Africa 1951/62, 83,Fletcher Lionel Lt Col (ret) 1954 At 78 still serving as Special Contable in Tanganyika 1954/49Fletcher Lionel Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Honoured by International Shooting Union <strong>1959</strong>/152Floater A Capt 1945 Letter - "Rubbings from an Old Brass" 1945/88*Flory J R Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/192Flory A J Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/140Flower Dick 1944 Walcheren 1953/2001951/214,Flunder D J Maj RMFVR 1951 Commando Wing - RMFVR City of London340,Flunder D J Maj RMFVR 1954 48 (City of London) Commando 1954/241Flynn B P Capt (Ret) 1946 Birth of a son 1946/230Foley J E Lt Col RAMC <strong>1959</strong> At Pekin in 1900 <strong>1959</strong>/304Ford P H W Capt 1938 Death at Plymouth and Funeral1938/235,254*<strong>1930</strong>/280*,Ford R V T Maj Gen <strong>1930</strong> Adjutant General - portrait photograph - biographical notes 302

Ford R V T Lt Gen 1931 AGRM presenting Navy Cup 1931/143*Ford R V T Gen 1949 Funeral 1949/176Ford R V T Capt Adjutant RMA <strong>1930</strong>/336*Ford Reginald [Maj Gen] <strong>1930</strong> RASC formerly RMLI -Dunlop Rubber Company <strong>1930</strong>/92Ford Richard Gen 1933 Attended investiture 1933/118-Ford Richard Gen 1933 Inspecting Guard of Honour - former RMA ranks 1933/265*Ford Richard Gen 1934 Attended Annual Dinner Portsmouth OCA 1934/86Ford Stransham Lt 1944 South African Offr relative of Gen Stransham 1944/47Ford W C G Lt Cdr 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Ford Lt 1935 Relieves Lt Cartwright-Taylor "Hood" 1935/46Ford Lt 1937 Coronation Guard of Honour` 1953/56Ford D R Capt 1954 Falkland Islands force 1954/189Ford-Young A Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/100Forester-Bennett R Lt 1953 Colour Officer - Guard of Honour Westminster Abbey 1953/161Forester-Bennett R Lt 1956 Wounded in Khandria-Agros ambush in Cyprus 1956/105*1937/405-,Formby ER Capt 1937 Article "Shooting in Bulgaria"443Formby R Lt 1934 Depot Boxing Team Photo 1934/92*Formby R Lt 1936 RM Boys Boxing Team 1936/144*Formby R Capt 1937 HMS Delhi's Cutters Crew 1937/301*Formby Capt 1937 Departs "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak" for "Delhi" 1937/174Formby Capt 1937 Guard at Government House Gibraltar 1937/125Formby Lt 1937 Relieves Capt Walker as OCRM on "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak" 1937/85Forrest A G S Lt 1939 Dis-embarks "Barham" 1939/99Forrest A G S Maj 1947 Marriage (2/O WRNS) 1947/143Forrest A G S Capt 1951 Commanding Landing Craft Wing 1951/172Forrest A G S Capt 1951 Dedication of 601 LCM Flotilla Memorial Seat at Itchenor 1951/264*Forrest A G S Capt 1952 Atom Bomb trials in Australia 1952/71Forrest A G S Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Forrest A G S Capt 1952 Commanding Landing Craft in the Monte Bello Islands 1952/182

Forrow P H C Capt 1954 CO LCT 407 1954/641958/DecForrow P H C Capt 1958 G&L Cover designcover*Forrow P H C Lt 1953 Commended by C-in-C Nore - Flood Relief 1953/52Forrow P H C Capt 1956 OCRM HMS Newfoundland 1956/173Forster A L Lt Col 1934 Attended RMA AA Bde Reunion 1934/22Forster A L Maj Gen 1939 Leaving Chatham Division 1940/13Forster A L Lt Gen 1950 Relinquishes Col Comdt Chatham Gp 1950/2991934/120,Forster A L Lt Col 1934 Visit of First Sea Lord to the Depot and golf121Forster A L Lt Gen 1949 To be Honorary Colonel Commandant, Chatham Group 1949/40Forster A L Gen (ret) 1957 At the RM Artillery Reunion 1957/208*Forster A L Lt Adjutant RMA <strong>1930</strong>/336Forster T 2Lt RMFVR 1954 RMFVR Commissioin from Cpl 1954/235Forster Brig 1937 With Chatham Division Shooting Team 1937/349*Forster Maj One time Editor G&L 1945/130Foster A L Lt Col 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Foster H W A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from Sgt 1958/99Foster R C Surg Cdr RN 1953 Leaving ITCRM 1954/31<strong>1930</strong>/171*,Foster R F C Col <strong>1930</strong> Laying wreath abord the <strong>Royal</strong> Iris and with RMOCA 172*Foster R F C Col Comdt 1932 With Chatham Div Football Team 1932/176*Foster R F C Maj Gen 1934 AGRM's Inspection Plymouth RM Police 1934/122*Foster R F C Lt Gen 1934 As AGRM attends Levee 1934/138-Foster R F C Lt Gen 1934 Attended RMA Sergeants' Mess Reunion 1934/1661935/220-,Foster R F C Lt Gen 1935 Appointed KCB260-Foster R F C Lt Gen 1935 Final Inspection at Chatham 1936/3951936/297-,Foster R F C Lt Gen 1936 Relinquished AGRM379-Foster R F C Lt Gen 1936 Final visit to Plymouth 1936/396Foster R F C Lt Gen 1936 RM Point-to-Point 1936/187*

Foster R F C Lt Gen 1937 Launch of HMS Afridi - named by Lady Foster 1937/253-Foster R F C Gen 1938 Accepted appointment as Colonel of the East Surrey Regt 1938/419-Foster R F C Gen 1939 To be Colonel of the East Surrey Regiment1939/4, 42,169,Foster R F C Gen 1945Visit to Deal as Hon Col Comdt Chatham and Col East SurreyRegt 1945/175Foster R F C Gen 1945 Presentation of Colours to the 2nd Bn East Surrey Regt 1946/58*Foster R F C Gen 1946 Relinquishes Colonel of the East Surrey Regiment 1946/237Foster R F C Gen 1946 Visit to Chatham as Hon Col Comdt 1946/244*Foster R F C Gen 1947 Inspecting Guard of Honour at Chatham 1947/231*Relinquishes Honorary Colonel Commandant, ChathamFoster R F C Gen 1949 Group 1949/40Foster R F C Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter re obituary of Lt Col Prynne <strong>1959</strong>/335Foster R M M Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/140Foster R T Lt Col 1933 Commandant Kenya Defence Force 1933/108Foster T E R Lt 1939 Joins "Barham" 1939/99Fothergill J C M Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Fothergill J C M Capt <strong>1959</strong> Article - "Driving a Car Home Malta to UK" <strong>1959</strong>/125Foulkes W H Maj 1945 Training Officer RM MT School 1945/214Fowke B H Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Fowke Lt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Francis T Capt 1950 Retirement at Chatham 1950/223Francis Thomas Lt 1939 <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament Cartoon 1939/280-*Francis Thomas Lt 1943 Member of ENSA Advisory Music Council 1943/2571947/142,Frankis W W Lt Col (late) 1947 Son's marriage to daughter of Col Owen155Frankland Lt 1945 With 34 Amph Sp Regt Football Team 1945/247*Franklin Charles Maj 1937 Franklin Cricket Shield Competition at the RNSM 1937/321Franklin Charles Maj 1942 Details of Service 1942/137Franklin Charles Major Musical Director RNSM 1941/77Franklin George Lt 1790 Imprisonment for sending a challenge for a duel 1938/291Fraser H L Lt 1936 Relieved by Lt C.J.Terry 1936/389

Fraser H L C Lt 1936 Article "The Trans-Siberian Rail Route"1936/379-,411Fraser H L C Maj 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/257Fraser H L C Maj 1945 CO Signal Holding Company 1945/282Fraser H L C Capt 1946 Relieves Maj Burnett as OCRM "Howe" 1946/140Fraser H L C Maj 1949 Relieves Maj B B Keen as OCRM and FRMO in "Norfolk" 1949/72Fraser H L C Maj 1949 OCRM "Mauritius" 1949/204Fraser H L C Maj 1956 Retires as 2 i/c 1956/178Fraser I M 2Lt RMFVR 1955 Commissioned in the RMFVR 1955/239Fraser Maj 1947 Promoted in "Howe" and relieved by Capt R O Paterson 1947/59Freedman Barnett Capt 1941 Granted Temporary Commission on the Unattached List 1941/369Freeland J G Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Freeman J H Maj 1945 2i/c 27 Bn - MID 1945/180Freeman R F Col 1944 Poem - "Farewell to Arms" 1944/203Freeman R J Lt Col 1948 First CO RMFVR London 1948/334Freeman R JLt ColRMFVR 1951 CO RMFVR City of London greeting Prince Philip 1952/36*,Freeman R JLt ColRMFVR 1951 Founder member of RMFVR awarded OBE 1951/214Frossard H L Capt 1939 Pensioner <strong>Royal</strong> Guard of Honour 1939/495Frost D C Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/168Frost G Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Fuller J M Capt 1933 Relinquishes Adjutant Portsmouth Division 1933/331Fuller J M Capt 1934 Plymouth Children's' Christmas Party 1934/49Fuller J M Capt 1934 Presented Prize to RMVCC Plymouth 1934/20Fuller J M Col 1946 Relinquishes AAG 1946/362Furlong D F Capt 1943 Relieves Capt T K West as OCRM "Euryalus" 1943/34Furlong D F Maj 1951 RM reprtesentation "Meet the Navy" exhibition 1951/32Furlong T P Capt 1945 OCRM SS Fort Louisbourg 1946/46Furlong T P Capt 1946 Adjutant ITC RM 1946/86Furlonge T P Maj 1952 Tennis 1952/203*Furlonge T P Capt 1954 Commission terminated on transfer to <strong>Royal</strong> Signals 1954/235

Furlonge Lt 1943 Embarks "London" 1943/180Fynmore Lt 1816 Invented priming tube for guns 1954/260Gaitskell W J Col 1934 Attended Annual Dinner Portsmouth OCA 1934/86Gaitskell W J Col (ret) 1935 Gift of new Cricket Pavailion at Eastney 1935/274*Gaitskell W J Col 1939 Death (New Cricket Pavilion) 1939/351Gaitskell Col 1882 Amjusing reminiscences of Egypt told to RMOCA 1936/135Gale H E D Surg Lt 1942 Leaving RM Siege Regiment 1941/111Galloway B M Capt 1943 Birth of a son 1943/86Gambier M G 2Lt 1954 Regimental Colour Officer - Eastney Guard of Honour 1954/78Gamble Lt 1786 A duel with Lt Mollison 1938/291Gardener Lt 1944 Promotion in "Helder" 1944/98Gardiner B C Col 1931 Relinquishing Editorship 1931/86, 116Gardiner J K Proby Lt 1939 Presented with a sword 1939/277Gardiner J K Lt 1941 Birth of a daughter 1941/157-Gardiner John Capt 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/151Gardner W Capt 1945 Guard from Chatham for UN Conference 1945/380Gardner W V G Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/204Gardner-Brown A T Capt 1944 Relieved by Capt D.C.Mahoney in "Illustrious" 1944/307Gardner-Brown A T Capt 1949 Selected for Army Staff College 1948/248Garloch I F Lt 1944 538 LCA Flotilla 1944/153*Garner T C Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Garnier Walter Maj (Ret) 1948 At Lucas-Tooth Boys Institute 1948/347Garratt J L S Capt 1950 Commanding draft to 3 Cdo Bde 1950/203Garret R. Capt. 1937 OCRM "Frobisher" 1937/47Garrett G D Maj 1948 Attended Chatham Bn <strong>Officers</strong> 1915 Reunion 1948/162Garrett J L Lt 1947 King's Colour Officer for <strong>Royal</strong> Visit to Plymouth1947/257,280 DecCover*Garrett J L S Capt 1956 Leaving School of Infantry, Small Arms School, Hythe 1956/28Garrett J R Capt 1943 Birth of a son 1943/221

Garrett J R Capt 1943 Relieves Capt F F Clark DSC in "St Angelo" 1943/96Garrett R Capt 1937 Transfers to "Vindictive" from "Frobisher" 1937/410Garrett R Capt 1939 Birth of a daughter 1939/232Garrett R Maj 1941 The Battle of Crete and escape 1945/72Garrett R Lt Col 1945 CO MT School RM 1945/346Garrett R Lt Col 1946 CO 34th Amphibian Support Regiment 1948/134Garrett R Lt Col 1947 CO 34 Amph Sp Regt at Clyde Naval Fleet Review 1947/168Garrett R Lt Col 1948 Resumed command of Amphibious School after illness 1948/212Garrett R Lt Col 1951 Retirement at Eastney - tribute 1951/107Garrett Ralph Maj 1941 The Battle of Crete 1954/4Garrett Ralph Lt Col 1945 CO 1 HAA Regt 1945/86Garrett Ralph Maj Painting of Escape from Crete 1944/275Garrod A C Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Garrod Martin 2Lt 1954 Presented with Lt Col Jerram's sword 1954/133Gaskell A J Surg Cdr RN 1953 Joined ITCRM 1954/31Gates C H Capt 1948 Staff Capt A 3 Cdo Bde 1948/52Gates C H J Capt Staff Capt 'A' 3 Cdo Bde - RC Priest as Robert Gates <strong>1959</strong>/304Gates J A Lt 1943 Son [PO] presumed killed - HMS Fidelity 1943/2961947/264,Gates Capt 1947 Presented three pythons to Regents Park Zoo299.Gathercole Y S Lt 1945 Birth of a daughter 1946/30Gatliff Lt Col 1898 Medals in Plymouth <strong>Officers</strong> Mess Collection 1949/290Gavin A D Lt 1951 Awarded MV in 45 Cdo 1951/284Gavin A D 2Lt RMFVR 1952 First appointment - Bristol 1952/86Gavin A D Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/103Gavin A D Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/103Geldard R J Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/173Genders B H S Lt 1945 RMO II "Swiftsure" 1945/206Gerry A E H Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Gibbon Percival` Maj 1918 Account of the Raid on Zeebrugge 1936/65Gibson D A Instr Lt 1947 Leaving RNSM 1947/266

Giddy R M Capt 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Giddy R M Maj 1945 Marriage 1945/94Giddy R M Maj 1947 Birth of a son 1947/275Giffard N H M Capt 1940 OC Survey Section 1940/394Gilbert-Harris Capt 1943 3 RM - Birth of a son 1943/166Gilchrist D Maj Devons 1958 Leaves staff of <strong>Officers</strong> Trg Wing 1958/138Giles M L Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Giles R C Lt Col 1948 Leaves 2 i/c Depot - Japanese POW 1948.76Giles R C Capt 1933 With HMS Dauntless Cutters Crew 1933/202*Giles R.C Capt 1936 Disembarks "Shropshire" 1936/83Giles R R C Lt Col 1948 Deputy Director Pay and Records 1948/209Gilks J A Maj 1956 Presenting prizes at Nee Soon 1956/158*Gilks J A Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/81, 152,Gilks J A Capt 1944 mentioned-in-despatches "Jamaica" 1944/119Gilks J A Maj 1954 Letter - Trout Fishing 1954/12, 61,Gilks Lt 1939 Joins "Devonshire" 1939/336Gilks Maj 1950 SRMO 1st CS 1950/141Gillespie Edward Maj <strong>1930</strong> Marriage to widow of Maj Eagles / daughter of Col Field <strong>1930</strong>/250Gillespie H E Lt Col <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Division Shooting team <strong>1930</strong>/331*Gillespie H E Col 1938 Letter - Ref Obituaries 1939/148Gillespie H E Col 1934 Plymouth Division - Cadet Prizegiving 1934/19Gillespie H E Col 1935 Vacated chairmanship of the RMRA 1936/58Gillespie H E Col 1936 Giving up as Colonel 2nd Commandant, Plymouth 1936/135Gillespie J M Lt RMFVR 1952 First appointment 1952/86Gillespie J McG Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/103Gillespie J McG Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/103Gillmore A Capt Suffolks 1954 Instructor at SASRM 1954/31Gillmore Capt Suffolks 1953 Staff of SASRM 1953/134Glossop G B Capt 1944 Birth of a son 1945/29

Glossop G B Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Glossop Capt 1945 OCRM - now a proud father 1945/202Glover W W A/Maj (QM) 1946 Appreciation 1946/94Glunicke R C A Maj 1933 Marriage 1933/279Glunicke R C A Lt Col 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Glunicke R C A Maj Gen 1941 Relinquishing Colonel Commandant Plymouth 1941/350Glunicke R C A Maj Gen (ret) 1953 Appointed Deputy Lieutenant for Bedford 1953/105Commission terminated - commissioned in the Somerset LightGoddard D R Ty Lt 1952 Infantry 1952/126Goddard E C M Lt 1956 Swiss High Mountain Course 1956/120Goddard E C M Lt 1955 "The Raid on Zuara Marina" [Ex Radex Able] 1955/119*Goddard E C M Lt 1957 Night Raid on RNAS Culdrose 1957/189,Goddard J C Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/235Godfray A D B Maj 1941 Relinquishes 22 LAA Battery Commander 1941/25Godfrey W W Gen 1939 Relinquishes AGRM 1939/234-Godfrey W W Gen 1940 Vice President of the NRA 1940/50-Colonel Commandant Portsmouth attended Annual DinnerGodfrey W W Brig 1934 RMOCA 1934/86Godfrey W W Brig 1934 Commandant Portsmouth Division 1934/48Godfrey W W Brig 1934 Lecture on Gallipoli to Portsmouth RMOCA 1934/1231935/350-,Godfrey W W Maj Gen 1935 Ended Command of Portsmouth Division360Godfrey W W Maj Gen 1936 Appointed AGRM 1936/297-Godfrey W W Gen 1940 Appointed Hon Col Comdt Plymouth Divisiion 1940/253-Godfrey W W Gen (Ret) 1945 Birth of grand'daughter 1945/191Godfrey W W Gen 1945 Hon Col Comdt Plymouth 1945/278Godfrey WW Brig 1935 Portsmouth Division Bayonet Team 1935/251*1937/329-,Godfrey WW Lt Gen 1937 Wedding of daughter346*Godfrey W W Brig 1934 Attends RMVCC dance 1934/119Godfrey W W Maj Gen 1936 Daughter's engagement 1936/245

Godingham C S Maj One time Editor G&L 1945/130Goldingham C S Maj [Retd] 1939 Water-colours in an Exhibition 1939/113Goldingham C S Maj <strong>1930</strong> Marriage <strong>1930</strong>/154Goldingham C S Maj 1936 Rejoined from the Retired List and Editor of G&L 1936/162-Goldsmith W J Capt RMFVR 1949 Letter - Portrait of Capt Wolfram Cornewall (1670) 1949/74Goldsmith W J Capt RMFVR 1958 Exploration at Salisbury Hall 1958/146Gongdon T C E Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Gooch J D Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/44Good J A Capt 1955 Relieved as Housemaster Gloucester House RMSM 1955/170Good Lt 1950 Regimental Signals <strong>Officers</strong>' Course 1950/323Goodchild D I Capt 1953 Trooping the Colour at Eastney 1953/131Goodchild D I Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Goodier R Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Goodiuer R Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Gordon H T Sup Clerk 1943 Serving 19th Battalion 1943/108,[Air CdreGordonRobert RAF] WWI Medals in Plymouth <strong>Officers</strong> Mess Collection 1949/290Gore A E Lt Col 1895-1915 Member of the Honourable Corps of Gentleman-at-Arms 1947/202Gosling Charles SM 1933 Obituary from The Hampshire Telegraph 1933/310Gosling Capt 1945 OCRM "Glory" 1945/168Goss J M Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Goss J M Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/2911956/139,Goss W Lt (ret) 1956 Sns Cd Master Tailor retired with rank of Lieutenant175,Gosselin Hyde Chaplain 1937 Chaplain at Eastney and with MNB at Alexandria 1937/273Gosselin Hyde Chaplain 1937 Farewell Message on retirment 1937/329-Goulding Cyril Maj 1948 Birth of a daughter 1948/396Gourlay B I S Capt 1948 Leaves Adjt 45 Cdo 1948/113Gourlay B I S Capt 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*

Gourlay B I S Maj 1955 Brigade Major 3 Cdo Bde 1955/68Gourlay B I S Capt 1953 Sportsman of the Month [Cricket] 1953/234*Gourlay B I S Maj <strong>1959</strong> 2 i/c 42 Cdo <strong>1959</strong>/210Gover T E Chaplain 1953 Senior Chaplain at the Depot 1953/87Gover T E Chaplain 1954 Chaplain at Deal 19565/191938/373,Gowney D Maj 1893 Letter - Saving Lord Jellicoe when Victoria sunk467Gowney D J Maj 1932 Acting Vice-President Hants Football Association 1932/355*Gowney D J Maj 1936 Death - Pekin Legation - Adjutant Portsmouth Division RMLI 1936/335-Gowney D J Maj 1958 Sporting achivements at Forton under him 1958/282Gowney D J Maj (Retd) 1933 First Secretary Portsmouth RMOCA 1933/43Gowney D J Maj 1938 Medals added to the Eastney Collection 1938/56Grace A W Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Graham C F O Maj 1938 Mayor of Gosport 1938/492Graham C O Maj 1945 Altar in his memory dedicated 1945/78Graham E Cd SM 1953 Promoted from RSM 1953/248Graham H M Brig Gen Presented Silver Bugle 1944/303Graham R J M 2Lt 1958 Withdrawn from training 1958/152Graham R O B Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99, 204.Graham Maj 1939 Mayor of Gosport 1939/445Granger P Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Granger P Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Grant A W Lt 1942 POW 1942/79Grant A W Lt 1945 Repatriated as POW 1945/141Grant F N 2Lt 1935 Member Plymouth Division Boxing Team 1935/145Grant F N Lt 1937 Landed at Durban from "Amphion" appendicitis 1937/382Grant F N Lt 1937 Returns to "Amphion" 1937/464Grant F N Lt 1938 Guard for South African President in "Amphion" 1938/392Grant F N Maj 1944 Birth of a son 1944/84Grant F N Capt 1949 Joins CCAW 1949/291

Grant F N Capt 1943 Relieved in "Suffolk" by Capt J D E Fitzgerald 1943/152Grant F N Maj 1950 Visit to the Chasseurs Alpins 1950/68Grant F N Maj 1951 Birth of a daughter 1951/95Grant F N Maj 1951 Chief Instructor CSRM 1951/22Grant G B Lt 1932 With HMS Revenge Tug-o'-War Team 1932/276*Grant G B Lt Col 1945 Force ROMA in Penang 1945/298*Grant G B Lt Col 1945 Command of Force Roma 1945/378Grant G B Col 1955 Comdt ASRM with Captains Stickley and Davis 1955/159*Grant G B Col 1956 With Anita Ekberg at Poole Film Premiere 1956/17*Grant G B Capt 1937 Usher at Parks-Smith wedding 1937/322Grant G B Capt 1939 With HMS Devonshire's Cutter's Crew 1939/12*Grant G B Lt Col 1945 Watching Beat Retreat in Colombo 1946/6*Grant G B Lt Col 1951 Birth of a daughter 1951/134Grant G B Maj 1951 Promotion to Lt Col 1951/1Grant G B Brig 1957 Chairman RM Canoe Club 1957/77,Grant G B Col 1957 Comdt JSAWC accepting pictures from USMC 1957/19*Grant H G Maj Gen 1939 Retired to Tavistock 1939/219Grant H G 1918 Adjutant of the Depot 1951/29Grant H G Lt Col 1934 Plymouth Children's' Christmas Party 1934/49Grant H G Maj Gen 1939 With the committee of RMOCA Plymouth 1939/266*Grant H G Maj Gen 1948 Son's marriage 1948/396Grant H G Capt Commandant Ascension Island 1949/3Grant Harold Lt Gen 1953 Plaque unviled at Depot Church 1953/87Grant R H Capt 1958 Climbing in the Himalayas 1958/137Grant R H Lt 1951 Attachment to study snow warfare 1951/142Grant R H Lt 1952 "The Cliff Assault Wing's Visit to the Alps" 1952/177Grant R H Lt 1954 Attached to the Canadian Army for Snow Warfare Course 1954/49Grant R H Capt 1958 Rakaposhi Conquered 1958/209*Grant R H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Abseling down cliff <strong>1959</strong>/265*Grant W D Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Gray E O B Maj 1858 Death of two sisters. Son of T B Gray 1934/95

Gray G D Lt 1938 OCRM "Argus" 1938/3781947/136,Gray H R Chaplain 1947 42 Commando in Hong Kong and Malta238Gray M K Col [Retd] 1941 Son (RN) klled in actiion 1941/120Gray M K Lt Col 1939 Retires at Chatham 1939/114Gray M P H 1st Lt 1860 Death of two sisters. Son of T B Gray 1934/95Gray P J Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Gray R F Lt 1956 OCRM HMS Loch Fada 1957/32,Gray R F Proby 2Lt 1950 Corps Commission 1950/24Gray R F Lt <strong>1959</strong> In the Trucial States <strong>1959</strong>/148Gray R F V Lt 1958 Article - "<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> with the Sultan's Forces in Oman" 1958/207*Paymaster Ply Div. Death of two daughters. Father of E O B &Gray T B Lt Col 1854 MP H 1934/95Gray T M Lt Col 1944 CO 22nd (Trg) Bn 1944/286Gray T M Lt Col 1948 Relinquishes CO 45 Cdo 1948/82Gray T M Maj 1948 Selected for JSSC 1948/98Gray T M Maj 1951 Relinquishes Commandant <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1951/50Gray T M Lt Col 1956 Leaviong 40 Cdo as CO 1956/104Gray T M Proby 2Lt 1935 Award of a sword 1935/71Gray T M Lt Col 1944 CO 46 Cdo 1945/22Gray T M Lt Col 1946 CO 45 Cdo in Hong Kong 1946/192Gray T M Maj 1949 Commandant <strong>Officers</strong> School 1949/1511946/161,Gray W N Lt Col 1945 Wounded when commanding 45 Cdo171Gray W N Col 1948 Inspector General Palestine Police 1948/303Gray W N Col 1948 To be Commissioner of Police, Malaya 1948/266Gray W N Col (Ret) 1949 Awarded King's Police and Fire Services Medal 1949/220Gray W N Col (Ret) 1949 Commissioner of Police in Malaya 1949/191Gray W N Lt Col 1945 CO 45 Commando 1945/395Gray W N Col 1946 Chief Constable Palestine 1946/206Gray W N Col 1957 President Newmarket Branch RM Association 1957/92Gray Lt 1935 Leaves "Shropshire" 1935/324

Gray E O B Maj 1934 Served 1858-1882. Death of two sisters 1934/95Gray G D Lt 1934 HMS Shropshire 1934/56Gray M P H 1st Lt 1934 Served from 1860. Died 1873. Death of two sisters 1934/95Gray T B Lt Col 1934 Death of two daughters 1934/95Greasley W C Cd BM 1955 Commissioned from Staff BM 1955/239Greatorex C J B Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295Green A C Cd BM 1935 Composed "Jubilee Fanfare" 1935/195Lt MBEGreenA C LRAM 1939 Embarked "Repulse" for <strong>Royal</strong> Tour 1939/188Green A C WO(BM) 1934 Beat Retreat in Malta - Performance of his setting of 'Sunset' 1934/226Green A C WO (BM) 1934 Beating Retreat in Gibraltar 1934/143Green A C Cd BM 1935 Awarded MBE 1935/277Green A C Lt 1935 Promotion to Lt 1935/338Green A C Lt 1936 Death of wife 1936/279Green A C Capt 1943 Retirement 1943/253Green A.C. Cd BM 1935 Massed Bands 1st B.S. Beat Retreat in Malta 1935/195Green A.C. Cd BM 1935 Massed Bands Beat Retreat at Gibraltar 1935/161Gregory W Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*<strong>1959</strong>/191*,Gregory W D Capt <strong>1959</strong> Articles - "Let's Talk about Photography"245, 272*Grey D G Lt 1931 Birth of a daughter 1931/51Grey D J Lt 1929 Marriage <strong>1930</strong>/1Grice P W Ty Lt 1944 Returned to SAUDF 1944/172Grieff S A Lt <strong>1959</strong> Superintendent Tanganyika Police <strong>1959</strong>/369Grierson A G W 1920 Married daughter of Lt Col A E Bewes RMLI 1951/183Griffith H O Maj 1948 Markham College boys school in Peru 1948/352Griffiths E H Capt 1951 "PARM's Joke" - OCRM in HMS Glory 1951/325*Griffiths E H Capt 1954 Army Staff Course 1954/237Griffiths E H Lt 1943 Relieved in "Newcastle" by Lt Curtis 1943/153Griffiths E H Lt 1947 Gunnery School 1947/294Griffiths E H Capt 1954 Leaving RMFVR Merseyside presented a sports cup 1955/34,

Griffiths E H Capt 1954 Son of Lt Gen F H Griffiths 1954/46Griffiths E H Maj 1958 Son of Lt Gen F H Griffiths 1958/186,1939/445,Griffiths F H Lt Gen 1939 Mayor of Winchester530Griffiths F H Gen 1940 Further term as Mayor of Winchester 1940/453Griffiths F H Lt Gen 1944 Seventh year in succession as Mayor of Winchester 1944/293*Griffiths F H Brig <strong>1930</strong> With Chatham Division Football Teams <strong>1930</strong>/174*1938/492,Griffiths F H Lt Gen 1938 Mayor of Winchester495Griffiths F H Lt Gen 1943 Sixth year as Mayor of Winchester 1943/257Griffiths F H Lt Gen 1943 Son's marriage 1943/216Griffiths F H Lt Gen (ret) 1953 Freeman of Winchester 1953/145*,Griffiths F H Lt Gen (ret) 1954 Father of Capt E H Griffiths 1954/461939/503-,Griffiths G B K Lt 1939 POW - Letter534 (543?)Griffiths G B K Lt 1940 "Flying Marine" 1940/469Griffiths G B K Lt 1940 At Dulag Luft POW Camp 1940/136*Griffiths G B K Lt 1940 Cartoons - as a POW in Germany1940/101-*,154*, 323*,376,Griffiths G B K Capt 1941 "In Germany - Our Prisoners of War" 1941/97*Griffiths G B K Capt 1941 "Our Prisoners of War at Dulag Luft" 1941/133*Griffiths G B K Capt 1941 Cartoon - "Old friends in a new setting" 1941/201*1941/5, 311,Griffiths G B K Capt 1941 News as a POW403,Griffiths G B K Capt 1943 Fifth Christmas as POW 1944/41, 234Griffiths G B K Capt 1951 Cartoon - "The Ops Room in full blast" 1951/326*Griffiths G B K Capt 1951 "PARM's Joke" - OCRM in HMS Glory 1951/325*Griffiths G B K Capt 1952 Editor Globe and Laurel 1952/215Griffiths G B K Capt 1958 Tribute on retiring as Editor G&L 1958/101Griffiths G B K Capt 1942 Letter from Stalag Luft on the Baltic 1942/79, 226

Griffiths G B K Capt 1943 POW in Stalag-Luft 3 1943/191Griffiths N L R Lt 1938 Relieves lt Wall in "Devonshire" 1938/482Griffiths N L R Capt 1945 Adjutant Deal 1946/21Griffiths N L R Capt 1949 Relieved in "Vengeance" by Capt W J G Acton 1949/142Griffiths N L R Capt 1949 Birth of a son 1949/191Griffiths N L R Capt 1952 Birth of a daughter 1952/148Griffiths N L R Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Griffiths Patrick Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Griffiths Patrick Lt 1951 Awarded MC - 45 Cdo in Malaya 1951/167Griffiths Patrick Lt 1954 Joining <strong>Officers</strong> School staff 1954/215Griffiths Patrick Lt With X Tp 45 Cdo in Malaya 1953/3*Griffiths R F V Lt 1932 Joins HMS Warspite 1932/299Griffiths R F V Lt 1932 Portsmouth Division Rugby Team 1932/151*Griffiths R F V Lt 1936 Carried King's Colour at <strong>Royal</strong> Funeral 1936/71Griffiths R F V Lt 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56Griffiths R F V Lt 1939 Joins "Devonshire" 1939/336Griffiths R F V Capt 1944 OCRM "Bermuda" 1944/25Griffiths R F V Maj 1948 Relinquishing Commandant PT School 1948/46Griffiths R F V Maj 1951 "PARM's Joke" - FRMO in HMS Glory 1951/325*Griffiths R F V Lt Col 1954 Aboard HMS Eagle with CGRM 1954/113*Griffiths R F V Lt 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham - King's Coloour Officer 1936/319*Griffiths R F V Lt Col 1953 Coronation Plymouth Street Lining Battalion 1953/56Griffiths R F V Lt Col 1953 Trooping the Colour at ITCRM 1953/137Griffiths R F V Lt Col 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Griffiths R W G Maj RMFVR 1955 CO Merseyside RMFVR 1955/239Griffiths R W G Maj RMFVR 1956 Leaving RMFVR Merseyside 1956/38Griffiths W J Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Griffiths W J Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/126Relieves Capt Dickinson DSO* DSC as Captain HMSGrimble J A Capt RN 1949 Victorious 1949/283

Grover E D Lt 1945 Chief Instructor "Quebec" 1945/42Grover G W M Capt 1933 Guard of Honour for AGRM 1933/265*Grover G W M Maj` 1934 Relinquished editorship of the Globe and Laurel 1934/370-Grover G W M Major 1935 F.R.M.O. East Indies1935/168,240Grover G W M Col 1944 Editor G & L1944/71, 95,209, 241,Grover G W M Brig 1944 Relinquishes Command of RMTG (Wales) 1944/86Grover G W M Capt 1944 One time Editor G&L 1945/130Grover G W M Col 1945 Queen Mary's Visit to Union Jack Club 1945/267Grover G W M Col 1946 Writing Short History 1946/270Grover G W M Col 1947 Story - "The Assassination of the Commandant" 1947/2811948/236,Grover G W M Col 1948 Author - "A Short History of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>"240Grover G W M Col (Ret) 1949 Article - "The Tangier Regiments" 1949/256Grover G W M Col (Ret) 1949 Secretary R Humane Society 1949/188Grover G W M Col (ret) 1950 "Ghost Stories of a Staff Officer" 1950/312Grover G W M Col (ret) 1951 Article - "The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> Light Infantry" 1951/330Grover G W M Col (ret0 1951 Article "The Brigade of Guards and the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>"1951/189,221Grover G W M Col (ret) 1958 Letter -Silver in Church at Bathpool1958/282,<strong>1959</strong>/31Grover J G M Ty 2Lt 1953Commission terminated - commissioned in the R AustralianInfantry 1953/248Grylls W M J 2Lt 1955 Resigns commission 1955/192Gumm A P Maj 1940 Relinquishing Hon Sec RMRA 1940/50-Gumm A P Maj 1953 Retiring as Recruiting Staff Officer, Liverpool 1953/240,Gumm A P Maj 1947 At wreath laying on <strong>Royal</strong> Iris at Liverpool 1947/151*Gumm A P Maj 1948 Service aboard "<strong>Royal</strong> Daffodil II" in Liverpool 1948/188*Gumm A.P. Capt 1937 Commands RM at Combined Services Review 1937/263Gumm A.P. Maj 1937 Departs "Despatch" 1937/375Gumm A.P. Capt 1937 OCRM Despatch 1937/225Gumm A.P. Capt 1937 Promoted Major 1937/337

Gumm R J Capt 1934 AGRM's Inspection Plymouth RM Police -Chief Inspector 1934/122*Gumm Capt 1936 <strong>Royal</strong> Guard Proclamation of King Edward VIII 1936/79Gutherie Donald 2Lt (BM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/295Guttridge C H Lt 1948 Daughter's engagement 1948/32H Daulman H Instr Lt 1948 Death as 3 Cdo Bde Education Officer 1948/177Haddon J H Maj 1946 Chairman Chatham Branch+E2214 RM Association 1946/180Haddon J H Maj 1948 Attended Chatham Bn <strong>Officers</strong> 1915 Reunion 1948/162Haddon Maj 1945 Engagement of daughter 1945/62Haddon Maj 1945 Tranpost Officer at Chatham 1945/141Hague A C Chaplain 1941 At RM Division Reinforcement Depot 1941/173Haines G T Maj (Ret) 1948 Emigrating to New Zealand 1948/47Haines G T Lt 1936 Carried Regiment Colour at <strong>Royal</strong> Funeral 1936/71Haines G T Lt Col 1944 RM Line Company 1945/247Haines R A Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/235Hale D S M Maj 1939 On Promotion 1939/234Hale R D Capt [Retd] 1939 Letter - G&L Subscriptions 1939/49Hale R D Maj 1944 Hon Treasurer RM Help Society 1944/156Hale R D Capt [Ret] 1946 Family Photograph 1946/196*Hale R D Lt Col 1946 Family Photograph 1946/196*Hale R D Lt 1946 Family Photograph 1946/196<strong>1959</strong>/336Hale R D Maj (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Seagull in Flight[272]Hale Capt 1937 OCRM "Nelson" vice Capt Pym 1937/45Hale R D [Sgt] 1894 Golden Wedding 1944/203Hale R D Lt 1945 Commanded detachment in march though Sutton and Cheam 1945/313Hales J U Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/147Halford J M Capt 1958 OCRM - "The New Victorious" 1958/13Hall D E Lt 1948 With C Coy ITC Boxing Team 1948/136*Hall J T Lt Col 1941 "The Battle of Crete" - (AA&QMG) 1945/36Hall J T Capt 1936 Base Defences Mediterranean 1936/176-7

Hall J T Col (ret) 1952 Letter - History of Eastney <strong>Officers</strong> 'Mess 1952/4Hall J T Col 1952 Letter - RM <strong>Officers</strong> as High Sheriffs 1952/95, 130Halliday F A Maj Grandfather of Gen L S T Halliday <strong>1959</strong>/218Halliday F A T 2Lt 1939 Serving son of Gen Halliday 1939/452Halliday L S T Gen 1855 Letter - RM commanded Mortar Boats1943/244,257,Halliday L S T Lt 1900 "As a Subaltern"; "The Bronze Cross"1956/145*,146,Halliday L S T Gen 1900 Returning to UK in the Jelunga 1939/50<strong>1930</strong>/248*,Halliday L S T Gen <strong>1930</strong> Portrait photograph and details of service273Halliday L S T Gen 1932 Home in Guernsey 1932/217Halliday L S T Gen 1933 Appointed Gentleman Usher to Sword of State 1933/114.Halliday L S T Gen 1934 Honorary Colonel Commandant, Plymouth Division 1934/191934/280,Halliday L S T Gen 1934 Visit to Plymouth as Honorary Colonel Commandant 281*Halliday L S T Gen 1936 Appt Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State 1936/331Halliday L S T Gen (ret) 1936 Letter; Visit to UK by Gen Myers USMC 1936/291Halliday L S T Gen 1937 Appt Gentleman Usher to Sword of State 1937/168Halliday L S T Gen 1937 Meeting USMC NCOs at Stonehouse 1937/350Halliday L S T Gen 1937 Trooping the Colour at Plymouth 1937/470Halliday L S T Gen 1939 Fifty Years with the Corps 1939/452Halliday L S T Gen 1944 DL for Devon 1944/33Halliday L S T Gen 1944 Passed out HO 24 [not 23] Course at RMMS 1944/108Halliday L S T Gen 1944 Trophy donated to Depot Lympstone 1944/86Halliday L S T Gen 1945 Passing out squads at Lympstone 1945/318Halliday L S T Gen 1948 Letter - The Peking Cup 1948/165Halliday L S T Gen (Ret) 1949 Letter - Request for Cover photograph caption 1949/263Halliday L S T Gen 1957 Letter - The RM Memorial in the Mall 1957/61Halliday L S T Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - "Some Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" <strong>1959</strong>/218<strong>1959</strong>/218,Halliday L S T Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letters - Amalgamation and titles245, 335.

Halliday L S T Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> With Captain General - Freedom of Portsmouth<strong>1959</strong>/137*,218,Hallliday F E Gen Cousin of Gen L S T Halliday <strong>1959</strong>/218Hamer F A Maj 1933 Speech at a Gunnery reunion - origins if RM Artillery 1933/91Hamer F A Maj 1932 With HMS Revenge Tug-o'-War Team 1932/276*Hamer F A Lt Col 1939 Paymaster at Plymouth - son (LT RN) in Devonshire 1939/244Hames J M Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Hamilton C J L Lt 1945 Retired for ill health 1945/150Hamilton Noel Sgt Maj` 1935 Death 1935/339Hamilton S Proby Lt 1937 Award of Sword 1937/288Hamilton S Maj 1944 "Robertson" Concert Party 1944/278Hamilton-Meikle G Lt 1950 Article - "A Trawling Cruise in "Ocean Lux" [Fishing] 1950/168Hamilton-Meikle G A Capt 1957 HMS Birmingham's Guard for CGRM 1957/270*Hamilton-Meikle G A Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Birmingham 1957/74Hamilton-Meikle Lt 1955 Snow Training with the Swiss Army 1955/148Hancock F Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Hankey M P A Lt Col 1939 Peerage 1939/81, 128.Hankey Maurice Col 1935 On board HMS Neptune for <strong>Royal</strong> Review 1935/264Hankey Maurice Col 1938 Biography by Lt Col L C Hollis 1938/364*Hankey Col 1942 Elected a Fellow of the <strong>Royal</strong> Society 1942/147Hankey 1943 Visit to Portsmouth 1944/11Hankey Col Lord 1949 Visit to 42 Cdo in the Canal Zone 1949/116,Hankey, Lord M P A Col (ret) 1957 Letter from CGRM on 80th Birthday and brief service record 1957/97, 100,Harden E T Capt <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a son 1931/51Harden Maj 1939 <strong>Royal</strong> GoH for King Haakon VII of N orway 1939/53Harding A I G Maj 1945 2 i/c RMITC 1945/212Harding H Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Hardy C R Lt 1932 Portsmouth Division Rugby Team 1932/151*Hardy C R Lt 1933 Sports Editor of the G&L 1933/1-Hardy C R Capt 1935 Commanded Guard of Honour 1935./21

Hardy C R Lt 1935 Portsmouth Division Bayonet Team 1935/251*Hardy C R Lt Col 1944 Relinquishes CO 46 Cdo 1945/22Hardy C R Brig 1945 Letter - Japanese welcome to 42 Cdo in Hong Kong 1945/372*1949/18,Hardy C R Brig 1948 Assumes command of 3 Cdo Bde and visit of CGRM 162*Hardy C R Bri 1950 Receiving Inter Services Challenge Cup in Hong Kong 1950/84*Hardy C R Col 1951 CO Depot RM 1951/288,Hardy C R Lt Col 1951 Promotion to Colonel 1951/1Hardy C R Brig 1951 Visit to 41 Cdo 1951/63Hardy C R Maj Gen 1952 COS to CGRM 1952/125,Evening Reception - Buckingham Palace & HMS VangaurdHardy C R Maj Gen 1953 Dinner 1953/161Hardy C R Maj Gen 1954 Letter - Green Beret presented to 19th Hyderabad Regiment 1954/61Hardy C R Lt Gen 1955 Presenting BEM to First Drill Briars 1955/271*Hardy C R Lt Gen 1955 Appointed CGRM - Brief details of service 1955/195Hardy C R Maj Gen 1955 Presenting Boxing Trophy 1955/79*Hardy C R Lt Gen 1955 Promoted and Apppointed CGRM 1955/45Hardy C R Lt Gen 1955 The Commandant General - Record of service 1955/195*,Hardy C R Lt Gen 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/113*Hardy C R Lt Gen 1956 With Mrs Elliot, President Leicester Branch RMA 1956/135*Hardy C R Lt Gen 1956 Audience with the Queen on appointment as CGRM 1956/45Hardy C R Gen 1957 Knighted and invested with the KCB at Buckingham Palace 1957/49Hardy C R Gen 1957 Presenting Boxing trophy 1957/83*,Hardy C R Gen 1957 Promoted General 1957/252Hardy C R Gen 1958 Annual Dinner Leicester Branch RM Association 1958/95*Hardy C R Gen 1958 Eastney Sergeants Mess Ball 1958/289*Hardy C R Gen <strong>1959</strong> Biography on retirement <strong>1959</strong>/2*, 98,Hardy C R Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Appointed Chairman of the Council of the RUSI <strong>1959</strong>/70Hardy C R Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Birmingham RM Association AGM <strong>1959</strong>/57*,Hardy C R Gen <strong>1959</strong> Pressented with silver cigarette box by ITCRM SNCOs <strong>1959</strong>/112Hardy J Lt 1956 HMS Superb guard of Honour at Eastney 1956/27,

Hardy J C Brig 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofHardy J C Lt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/160Harfield A B Lt <strong>1959</strong> Leaves OCRM HMS Reggio <strong>1959</strong>/201,Hargreaves M Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Harmar C D'O Col 1943 Son's [RA] Marriage 1943/237Harmer D'Oyley Col 1946 Son's marriage 1946/94Harold S W Sgt Maj 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/88Harrington G Capt 1945 Chairman Nottingham & District BrANCH <strong>Royal</strong> Naval OCA 1945/352Harris A S Capt 1955 Army Staff Course 1955/141,Harris C W Maj RMFVR 1956 Leaves RMFVR Bristol as CO 1956/79Harris D S R 2Lt 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Harris D.S.R. Lt 1937 Departs "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak" 1937/450Harris H H A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Harris H H Rect Offr <strong>1959</strong> Letter -0 Last of the Red <strong>Marines</strong> <strong>1959</strong>/31Harris J A Lt 1944 Relieves Lt Agnew in "Mauritius" 1944/150Harris L A Capt 1948 Relinquishes Adjut 40 Cdo for RAF Staff College 1948/318Harris L A 1951 Joint Services Staff College 1951/124Harris L A Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Harris P le S Capt 1945 Relieves Capt I V Major as Flot Offr 542 LCA Flotilla 1945/166Harris P le S Capt 1948 Article - "Journey to Jerusalem" 1948/302*Harris P le S Capt 1950 Adjt 42 Cdo - Article - "Thoughts on leaving Hong Kong" 1950/162Harris P le S Capt 1950 Adjutant RMFVR Merseyside 1950/.292Harris P le S Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Harris P leS Capt <strong>1959</strong> RMFVR Merseyside Adjutants' "gimkicks" <strong>1959</strong>/117Harris W M Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Harris Lt 1949 Dis-embarks "King George V" 1949/61956/215,Harris L A Maj 1956 First RM officer to be trained as a helicopter pilot265.Harris L A Capt 1940 "Flying Marine" 1940/469Harrison Guy Maj (ret) 1954 Responsible for RM adoption by Stationers Company 1954/1

Harrison H C [Lt Col] 1932 To command 1st Bn The Green Howards 1932/326Harrison H C [Lt Col] 1934 CO Green Howards former RMA Officer 1934/218Harrison H C [Brig] Played Rugger for both the Army and Navy 1940/251*Harrison I H Maj 1956 Comdt Signal School 1956/28,Harrison I S Maj 1945 Birth of a daughter 1945/156Harrison I S Maj 1945 OC Signal Holding Coy 1945/320Harrison I S Capt 1948 Attend Staff College on passing qualifying exam 1948/34Harrison I S Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Harrison I S Maj 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Harrison I S Maj 1957 Article - "HM The Queen, The States And The Ark" 1957/150Harrison I S Maj 1957 In Washington for Naval Review at Jamestown 1957/149*Harrison Lt 1783 A duel with a Dutch officer 1938/291Harrison Capt 1915 Served with SA Heavy Artillery 1953/99Harrold S W SSM 1939 With Portsmouth Football Team 1939/270*Harrold S W Capt 1943 Adjutant RNSM 1943/52Harte M J Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/140Hartland A E S Cd SM 1953 Promoted from QMS 1953/100Hartley B G Lt 1944 Marriage whilst serving in "Illustrious" 1944/307Hartley B G Lt 1945 Re-joins "Illustrious" after recovering from his injuries 1945/232Harverson C A 2Lt <strong>1930</strong> Son of Pensioner Clerk at Deal Infirmary 1830/363Harvey A J Lt 1936 Base Defences Mediterranean 1936/176Harvey A J Col 1944 Birth of a daughter 1944/2411954/177*,Harvey A J Col 1954 With Pentathletes and presenting trophy278*.Harvey A J Lt Col 1948 Member of the UJC Council & Sec and Treas RM Dinner Club 1948/34, 107Harvey A J Lt Col 1950 Opening RM Section of Imperial War Museum 1950/136*Harvey A J Col 1953 CO ITCRM 1954/26*Harvey A J Col 1955 Relinquishes CO ITCRM 1955/94Harvey F J W Maj 1916 VC at Jutland - mention in book review 1951/315Harvey F J W Maj 1937 Widow at renaming "Promenade George V" at Menton 1937/179

Harvey F W J Maj 1916 "The Bronze Cross" and Letters1956/146,202, 245,Harvey M G Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Harvey Martin Chaplain 1941 Chaplain to 1st RM Bn 1955/269Harvie J W Capt 1946 Disembarks "Robertson" 1946/79Harvie J W Lt 1945 OCRM LCG(L)10 during HM King George V1 inspection 1945/10Harwood J G Lt Grave on Yodo Island, Wonsan Harbour 1953/146Harwood J G Lt 1951 KIA - Korea 1951/302Haslar H G MajSee alsoGENERALINDEX -OperationFrankton &Film"CocklshellHeroes"Hasler A S Capt 1946 Disembarks "Robertson" 1946/79Hasler H G A/Maj 1943 Returned to UK having been previously reported missing 1943/129Hasler H G Lt Col 1946 Article - "Ocean Racing" 1946/302Hasler H G Lt Col 1946 Article - "The Value of Sailing and Small Boat Work.." 1946/353Hasler H G A/Lt Col 1946 Letter - "Ocean Racing 1946" 1946/197Hasler H G Lt Col 1946 Won Small Class Southsea to Plymouth sailing race 1946/270Hasler H G Lt Col 1947 President Canoe Campers of Great Britain 1947/61Hasler H G Lt Col 1948 New York-Bermuda Race 1948/230Hasler H G Lt Col 1949 Small Raids Wing 1949/209Hasler H G Lt Col 1954 Lecture at Eastney - "Small Raiding" 1955/24Hasler H G 1955 "The Lisbon Story" [Film "Cockleshell Heroes"] 1955/111*Hastings M C Maj [D&D} 1951 Assumes BM 3 Cdo Bde 1951/202Hastings M C Maj (Devons) 1951 Brigade Major 3 Cdo Bde 1951/63Hastings P H Lt 1945 OCRM HMS Goldfish 1945/205Hastings P H Lt 1948 Birth of a son 1948/296

Hastings P H Lt 1948King's Colour Officer for King's Birthday Parade atPortsmouthj1948/210,212*Hastings P H Lt 1948 Regt Colour Officer and birth of a son 1948/281Hastings P H Lt 1952 ADC to Governor of the Bahamas 1952/211Hastings P H Capt 1956 Leaving RMFVR City of London as Adjutant 1956/80,Haszard G F Col 1944 CO Technical Training Depot [TTD] 1944/192Haszard G F Col 1950 Appointed Sheriff of Staffordshire 1950/305Haszard G F Col 1952 High Sheriff of Staffordshire 1952/95President Sgts Mess Mex Camp Base DefencesHatfield R W SM 1936 Mediterranean 1936/314*Hatter A W Lt 1945 2 i/c London Det RM Provost 1945/124Hatton Capt 1915 Killed at Gallipoli 1948/162Haward G A Maj 1941 Promoted at RM OCTU 1941/172Haward G A Lt Col 1945 Relieves Lt Col B W Knowles in "Cricket" 1945/308Haward G A Maj 1946 OCRM "Rosneath" 1946/306Haward G A Lt Col 1948 Commandant PT School 1948/46Haward G A Lt Col 1951 Letter - Future of Corps Sport 1951/314Haward Capt 1938 OCRM "Birmingham" 1938/15Haward Maj 1943 Embark "Northney" 1943/279Hawker D G Maj 1944 Marriage 1944/273Hawkey H C M Lt Last duel in England 1957/58Hawkey H C M Lt 1846 Last duel fought in England by Englishmen 1938/292Hawkins A J J Instr Lt 1952 Editor 42 Cdo's "Jungle Journal" 1952/22*Hawkins G Lt Col 1954 With Duke of Edinburgh at Bisley 1954/221*Hawkins G R Lt Col 1943 CO NCOs' School 1943/230Hawkins G R Lt Col 1948 Presentation to Deputy Lady Mayoress 1948/31Hawkins G R Maj 1941 OC NCOs' Wing RMMS 1941/354Hawkins G R Maj 1944 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Hawkins G R Lt Col 1947 Bristol RMA Inaugural Ball 1947/6*Hawkins G R Lt Col 1948 Appointed Chief Range Officer, Bisley 1947/1981949/38*S,Hawkins G R Lt Col 1948 Chief Range Officer Bisley231*

Hawkins G R Lt Col (ret) 1951 Chairman Bristol RMA 1951/53Hawkins M P Maj Dorsets 1958 Staff of <strong>Officers</strong> Trg Wing 1958/138Hawkins Capt 1937 Relieved by Capt.F.F.Clark aboard "Furious" 1937/131Hawley J A 2LT 1953 Corps Commission 1953/48Hay R C Lt 1939 Dis-embarks Devonshire for Fleet Air Arm 1939/101Hay R C Capt 1948 Skippered Sea Scamp for Plymouth-Belle Ile race 1948/324Haycock J E Lt 1948 Sniping Officer, Flying Course and Conversion Course 1948/342Haycock Lt 1948 With markers from SASRM at Bisley for Olympics 1948/281Haydock T A 2Lt 1942 Leading man in Corps film ["HM Jollies" ?] 1942/107Haydock T A Capt 1956 "MGB 5002 to Scheveningen" 1956/166Haydock T A Capt 1958 Retired on medical grounds 1958/99Haydock T A Lt 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Haydon P H Capt 1944 "Commandoson Walcheren" 1945/40Haydon P H Lt 1944 Award of the DSO 1944/47*Haydon P H Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Haydon Peter Capt 1944 Walcheren 1953/198Hayes R Capt 1807 Sword and miniature painting 1952/5Hayman Maj 1936 Relieved on board "Orion" by Maj G.Campbell 1936/421Haynes J L Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Haynes J L Capt 1944 563 LCA Flotilla 1944/184*Haynes J L Capt 1950 Article - "The Transport Mystery" 1950/50*Hayter J.O. Capt 1936 Memorial service for Earl Beatty - Guard Officer 1936/162Hayter R O G Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95Hayward N A W Lt 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/151Hayward W R Capt 1946 Disembarks "Robertson" 1946/79Head C J H Lt Col (ret) Article - "The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> and the Brigade of Guards" 1951/35Heady R Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Heald V A J Maj 1948 BM 3 Cdo Bde. Article - "Last Days in Palestine" 1948/232Heald V A D Maj [Dorsets] 1947 Brigade Major 3 Cdo Bde 1947/21

Heald V A J Maj (Dorsets) 1949 BM 3 Cdo Bde awarded MBE and leaving Bde HQ 1949/89, 156Hedley J Maj 1956 RMRA at Browndown 1956/170*1957/189*,Hedley J Maj 1957 Salute at last parade at ITCRM190,Hedley J N Maj 1952 Aldershot Cup Winners 1952/201*Hedley J N Capt 1947 Corps Champion shot 1947/162*Hedley J N Capt 1949 Articles - "Competition Shooting with a Battle Purpose" 1949/166Leaving Blarrick Camp - Best Revolver shot in the Corps -Hedley J N Capt 1949 POW 1949/290Hedley J N Capt 1949 OCRM HMS Belfast 1949/290Hedley J N Capt 1949 US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228*Hedley J N Capt 1951 Promotion to Maj 1951/1Hedley J N Maj 1953 Trooping the Colour at ITCRM 1953/137Hellings P W C Lt 1940 Model of "<strong>Royal</strong> Sovereign" class battleship 1940/307*Hellings P W C Lt Col 1946 CO 42 Cdo 1946/87, 192Hellings P W C Lt Col 1955 Presented with Corps Anniversary Cake by USMC 1956/47.Hellings P W C Maj 1947 OC NCOs' School 1947/48Hellings P W C Maj 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947314Hellings P W C Maj 1949 Brigade Nmajor 3 Cdo Bde 1949/156Hellings P W C Maj 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Hellings P W C Maj 1951 Relieved as BM 3 Cdo Bde 1951/63Hellings P W C Lt Col 1954 Staff of USMC at Quantico 1954/49<strong>1959</strong>/255,Hellings Brig <strong>1959</strong> From CO 40 Cdo to Commander 3 Cdo Bde259,Hellis S C Capt 1944 Joins 44 Cdo as AO 1944/323Helme Rodney 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> Unique entry into Corps - CS recruit & Direct entry Officer <strong>1959</strong>/333Helps Charles Sgt Maj 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Hempstead N A Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/252Hennessey G H Lt 1946 Chatham Regimental Colour Officer parading at Deal 1946/269*Hennessy G H Lt 1947 IO 40 Cdo 1947/216

Hennessy G H Lt 1948 Wedding in Malta 1948/346Hennessy G H Capt 1953 Chief Instructor Gunnery School 1953/1801949/293,Hennessy G H Lt 1949 Birth of a son300,Hennessy G H Capt 1953 Birth of a son 1953/255Hennessy G H Capt 1954 With Gunnery school ranks in period uniforms 1954/127Hennessy G H Capt 1955 "The Raid on Zuara Marina" [Ex Radex Able] 1955/120*Hennessy G H Capt 1957 Article - "Thirty Thousand <strong>Marines</strong>" 1957/163*Henry R V 2Lt (QM) 1956 Promoted from QMS 1956/283Hepburn David Lt Col 1761 Painting presented by great-grandson 1952/54Herd P S Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/100Herford Lt 1915 Killed at Gallipoli 1948/162Herman B J Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/144Herman B J Lt 1955 Article - "A Visit to Moscow" 1956/12*Herman B J Lt 1958 Engagement to daughter of Col J M Phillips 1958/56Heron J Lt 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947/314Herron J Lt 1951 Wounded in Malaya 1951/235Herron J Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Bulwark 1957/74Hewitt J A Lt 1947 RM Regimental Race [Hewett ?) 1947/107*Hewitt J A Lt 1950 Relinquishes ADC to MGRM Portsmouth 1951/18Hewitt J A Lt 1951 H H Point-to-point 1951/95Hewitt J A Lt 1951 Modern Pentathlon Championships at Aldershot 1951/338*Hewitt J A Lt 1952 Led Pentathlon Team 1952/28Hewitt J A Lt 1950 ADC to MGRM Portsmouth 1950/119Hewitt J A Lt 1951 Corps Steeplechase 1951/127*Hewitt J A Lt 1952 Corps Steeplechase 1952/116*Hewitt J A Lt 1952 Modern Pentathlon 1952/161*Hewitt J A Capt 1957 Briefing the riding event at the Pentathlon 1957/244*Hicks J S Capt <strong>1930</strong> Director of publishers of Corps History Sheet <strong>1930</strong>/312Hicks J S Capt 1932 Designed new cover of the G&L 1932/1-Hicks J S Capt 1934 Old Cover design for the Globe and Laurel 1934/100-

Hicks J S Capt (ret) 1936 Letter ; Infiormation on military dress in the RUSI 1936/109Hicks J S Capt 1939 New G&L Cover design 1939/279-Hicks J S Maj 1941 Design for cover destroyed 1941/85-Hicks J S Maj 1946 Book - "Salvos from a Stone Frigate" 1946/79Hickson G R S Col Comdt 1932 With Portsmouth Division Rugby Team 1932/151*Hickson G R S Col Comdt 1932 With Portsmouth Division Tug-o'-War Team 1932/267*Hickson G R S Maj Gen 1933 Valedictory address in St Andrews Church 1933/137Hickson G R S Lt Gen 1942 Appointed Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Division 1942/266Hickson G R S Lt Gen 1943 Appointed Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Div 1932/12Hickson G R S Lt Gen 1944 Passed 420 King's Squad for duty 1944/223*Hickson G R S Lt Gen 1946 Secretary KGV Fund fior Sailors 1946/216Hickson G R S Lt Gen 1948 Depuity Lieutenant County of London 1948/98Relinquishes Honorary Colonel Commandant, PortsmouthHickson G R S Lt Gen 1949 Group 1949/40, 84*Hickson G R S Lt Gen 1949 RMA Ball 1949/158*Hickson J S Capt [Retd] 1933 <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> Corps Album published 1933/311-Higginson E P Lt RNVR 1944 538 LCA Flotilla 1944/153*Highett R T Lt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Nelson] 1945/298Highett R T Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RN 1952/260Highett Lt 1946 Relieved in "Nelson" ny Lt T H J Morris 1946/273Higson A Capt <strong>1959</strong> Adjutant RMFVR London - with greyhound <strong>1959</strong>/179*Hill A J Lt Col 1891-1914 Member of the Honourable Corps of Gentleman-at-Arms 1947/202Hill B A RMA 1940 Letter - Played for both the Navy and the Army at rugby 1940/294Hill C E 1903 Article - "The Forton Ghost" 1948/160Hill C E Lt Col (Ret) 1948 Shooting medal presented to RMRA 1948/153Hill Chandos Lt Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Death of widow <strong>1959</strong>/31Hill Charles Maj (Ret) 1948 Shooting Medals presented to RMRA by widow 1948/153Hill J Capt 1947 Winner of the Woodcock Trophy 1947/254Hill J C O Lt 1944 Leaving RMMS and marriage 1944/196Hill R A K Maj 1940 Birth of Daughter 1941/84Hill R A K Lt Col 1944 Birth of a daughter 1944/236

Hill R A K Lt Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Article - "Those Were the Days" <strong>1959</strong>/59, 97,Hill R A K Capt One time Editor G&L 1945/130Hill R A K Capt 1938 Relinquishing Editor Globe and Laurel 1938/73-Hill Ty 2Lt Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Hill W B Ty 2Lt 1957 RMFVR Commission 1957/47Hill J C O Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Hillard E A P Ty 2Lt 1940 [Killed at Fort Cumberland] 1940/441Hills J E Capt 1947 Birth of a son 1947/51Hnorton F C Lt Col 1952 Relinquishes Commandant Amphibious School 1952/233Hoar E C Capt 1934 OCRM HMS Exeter 1934/79Hoar E C Capt 1936 Impending marriage 1936/354Hoar E C Capt 1936 Marriage 1936/361Hoar E C Lt Col 1944 Relinquishes CO at Matapan Camp, Towyn 1944/104Hoar E C Lt Col 1945 Birth of a son 1945/62Hoar E C Lt Col 1945 CO HMS Lanmdseer (MOLCAB III) 1945/134Hoar R 2Lt 1956 Commission terminated - medically unfit 1956/43Hoare E C Maj 1939 F R M O America & W I 1939/204Hoare E C Maj 1939 F.R.M.O. America & West Indies 1939/68Hoare R R Capt 1939 Relieved in "Excellent" by Capt G W Wilson 1939/55Hoare R R G Lt 1934 HMS Cumberland 1934/7Hoare R R G Maj 1947 Chief Instructor Gunnery School 1947/294Hobhouse C E Ty 2Lt 1940 [Killed at Fort Cumberland] 1940/441Hockey L C Capt 1947 Relieved as OCRM "Glasgow" by Maj F F Clark 1947/172Hockey L C Capt 1956 Leaving RMFVR Clyde as Adjutant 1956/37,Hocking A T C Ty 2 Lt 1940 [Killed at Fort Cumberland] 1940/441Hodge Lt 1943 Embark "Kestrel" 1943/278Hodges P F A 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted from Sgt 1958/48Hogg E J Capt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Hogg E J Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/259

Hogg James A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Holford C Lt Col 1954 Sword presented to 2Lt Weller 1954/133Holford Capt <strong>1930</strong> Wedding present from RM Det <strong>1930</strong>/188Holgate R Lt 1950 Marriage 1950/176Holgate R M Lt 1951 Rugger for the Navy 1951/95Holgate Lt 1947 Relieved in "Liverpool" by Lt Robertshaw 1947/15Holle Frank Cd RM Gnr 1937 Obituary 1937/364Hollins E Lt 1948 With 42 Cdo Tug-o'-War Team 1948/120*Hollins Eric Capt 1958 Death in road accident 1958/82Hollins Lt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Hollis L Lt Gen 1951 With Sir Winston Churchill at Deal 1951/277*Hollis L C Maj 1936 Daughter's marriage 1937/73Hollis L C Lt Col 1938 Biography of Col Sir Maurice Hankey 1938/365*Hollis L C Maj Gen 1944 Sec to Chiefs of Staff Committee - Passed Out King's Squad 1945/18Hollis L C Maj Gen 1946 Passed King's Squad for duty at Chatham 1946/180Hollis L C Lt Gen 1948 Next Commandant General - profile 1948/299*Hollis L C Lt Gen 1948 With Lady Hollis at RMA Ball 1948/391*Hollis L C Lt Gen 1950 Message as CGRM 1950/75Hollis L C Lt Gen 1950 Opening RM Section of Imperial War Museum 1950/136*Hollis L C Lt Gen 1950 Visit to 3 Cdi Bde inb Malaya 1950/318*Hollis L C Capt 1934 Attend RMOCA Smoking Concert 1934/21Hollis L C Maj 1936 Appointed Sec Committee of Imperial Defence 1936/206Hollis L C Lt Gen 1949 Corps Collective Weapon Training Week 1949/222*Hollis L C Lt Gen 1949 Receiving Deal Civic Medal 1949/312*1949/129,Hollis L C Lt Gen 1949 Takes over as Commandant General158Hollis L C Lt Gen 1949 Visit to Malta as CGRM 1949/162*Hollis L C Lt Gen 1949 Watching exercise from Landing Craft 1949/254*Hollis L C Lt Gen 1949 With RMFVR 1949/232*Hollis L C Lt Gen 1949 With US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228*Hollis L C Gen 1952 Cartoon - "Your bus tickets, Sir!" 1952/133*

Hollis L C Gen 1952 Retirement - service record 1952/89*1952/May/JuHollis L C Gen 1952 With Gen Shepherd USMCn Cover*Hollis L C Gen 1956 Author of "One Marine's Tale" 1956/172Hollis L G Lt Gen 1951 Presentation of Canton Bell to USMC 1951/2*Hollis Leslie Maj Gen 1947 Appointed Chief Staff Officer to the Minister of Defence 1947/8Hollis Leslie Lt Gen 1949 Visit "Liverpool" 1949/202Hollis Leslie Lt Gen 1949 Visit "Vanguard 1949/203Hollis Leslie Lt Gen 1951 Article - "The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>" from the Naval Review 1951/90Holloway C W Lt (QM) 1958 Daughter's engagement to son of Cap (QM) R P Jones 1958/208Holmes Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Holmes Capt RE 1950 SORE 3 Cdo Bde 1950/65Holroyd G T Surg Lt Cdr 1943 At RMMS 1943/105Holt S C Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/140Homer I L Col [Ret] 1945 Letter - "The Suther Redoubt 1945/252Homer J L Col (Ret) 1948 Shooting Medals presented to RMRA 1948/153Homer J L Col History of the <strong>Officers</strong>' Mess - Letter 1952/53, 95,Homer J L 1894 Married daughter of Gen Sir Hentry Tuson 1954/229Homer J L Col (ret) 1954 Celebrating Diamond Wedding 1954/229Homer W W Lt 1944 Married to a Wren at Deal 1944/227Homer W W (Bill) Capt (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Deal Wrens Reunion <strong>1959</strong>/153Homfray J R H Lt Col 1935 Marriage 1935/376Honnor T P Capt 1937 Wedding in Malta 1937/322Honnor T P Maj 1948 Selected for RN Staff Course 1948/266Honnor T P Lt Col 1950 Vacating Deputy Director RMFVR 1950/264Honnor T P Lt Col 1955 Retires at Deal 1955/26Honor T P Maj 1950 Deputy Director RMFVR 1950/148,Hook R S Chaplain 1945 Commemorative Service at Walcheren 1945/370Hook Ross Chaplain 1944 Chaplain of 43 Cdo - Rector of Chelsea Parish Church 1952/148Hooper Lt 1935 Commanded <strong>Royal</strong> guard on "Curacoa" 1935/291Hope Lt 1941 Escape from Crete 1945/72

Hopkins Fred Capt [Retd] 1939 See also GENERAL INDEX - PoetryHore F J B Lt Col (QM) 1933 Retires as First Quartermaster, Plymouth Division 1933/332Horne Capt 1945 Retirement from Burma Camp 1945/244Horner K W Maj 1945 2i/c Holding Bn 1945/346Horner K W Capt 1947 Disembarks "Rosneath" for Palestine 1947/105Horsfall W A C Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Horsfall W A C Lt 1949 Joins NCOs' School from HMS London 1949/344Horsfall W A C Lt 1949 Guard commander "London" & "Belfast" detachments 1949/146Horsfall W A C Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Horsfall W A C Lt 1950 <strong>Officers</strong>' School staff 1950/203Horton F C Col 1944 CO Eastern Theatre - Gave bride away - wedding of Lt Rider 1945/22Horton F C Maj Gen 1955 Appointed Chief of Staff 1955/45Horton F C Maj Gen 1956 Commodore RM Sailing Club 1956/36,Horton F C Maj Gen 1957 President RM Canoe Club 1957/77Horton F.C. Capt 1937 Relieves Maj E.J.O Ellison aboard "Ajax" 1937/95Horton H E Capt 1947 Marriage 1947/48Horton Lt Col 1951 Comdt Amphibious School 1951/107,Houghton R D Lt 1937 With Chatham Division Shooting Team 1937/349*Houghton R D Capt 1939 Captains wardroom shooting team on "Woolwich" 1935/198Houghton R D Capt 1939 Climbs Rock of Gibraltar with ranks from "Woolwich" 1935/198Houghton R D Capt 1939 OC No 3 Coy for Adjutant General's parade 1939/198Houghton R D Capt 1941 Birth of a daughter 1941/122Houghton R D Lt Col 1947 Commanding 44 Cdo 1947/69, 91Houghton R D Lt Col 1953 Commandant CSRM 1953/228Houghton R D Lt Col 1955 To be DRMFVR 1955/225Houghton R D Lt Col 1956 Director RMFVR 1956/183*Houghton R D Brig 1957 Assumes command 3 Cdo Bde 1957/230<strong>1959</strong>/255,Houghton R D Brig <strong>1959</strong> Leaves 3 Cdo Bde256*Houghton R D Capt 1939 O C Camp with "Warspite""Barham""Woolwich" 1939/333Houghton R D Lt Col 1955 Commanded parade for Freedom of Plymouth 1955/101,

Houghton R D Lt Col 1955 Director RMFVR 1955/94Houghton R D Lt Col 1955 On Commando Ridge 1955/271*Houghton R D Brig 1958 Visit of C-in-C Med to 3 Cdo Bde 1958/26*Houghton T G Cd SM 1953 Promoted from QMS 1953/147Houghton T G Cd Gnr 1956 Herbert Trust Fund Award 1956/173Houghton Lt Col 1947 With C-in-C Med 1947/238*Houghton Surg Lt 1950 MO 45 Cdo 1950/98Houghton R D Col <strong>1959</strong> Commandant at Deal <strong>1959</strong>/329Hovatter E M Capt USMC 1954 First USMC officer attached to the Corps 1954/1Howard A J Capt 1944 Gunnery Officer "Robertson" 1944/278Howard R E F Proby 2Lt 1939 Corps Commission 1939/422Howarde-Willis H C Capt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Howe G Ty Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/196Howell J B Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/283Hubbard A M Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/152Hubbard A M Ty 2Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RASC 1952/211Huddleston J W Brig 1935 Plymouth Division Boxing Team 1935/145*Huddleston J W Brig 1934 Colonel Commandant Plymouth Division - Cadet Prizegiving 1934/19Hudleston J W Brig 1934 Opened new room at Plymouth RMOCA 1934/165Hudleston J W Brig 1935 Plymouth Division Football Team 1935/253*Hudleston J W Brig 1935 Plymouth Division Shooting Cups and Trophies 1935/312*Hudlestone J W Brig 1936 Giving up as Colonel Commandant, Plymouth 1936/134Hudson D P M Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/152Hudson L E Lt 1955 Direct Commission from SNCO 1955/44Hudson M D Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commisasion 1958/204Hudspith J C Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*1944/200,Hudspith J C D A/Ty Capt 1944 Citation - MC - 43 Cdo260Hughes Caradoc Chaplain 1949 Chaplain 45 Cdo 1949/215Hughes E J Maj <strong>1930</strong> (FRMO) With HMS Kent shooting team <strong>1930</strong>/293*

Hughes E J Maj 1945 Retirement 1945/113Hughes J H B Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Hughes K Capt 1945 At SASRM 1945/84Hughes R J Lt RMFVR 1955 Tyne RMFVR SBS 1955/228*Hulton G A Capt (Ret) 1949 Letter - Request for officers' appointments to be published 1949/263Hulton G A Lt 1942 Plymouth Argylls 1945/364Hume J A Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Hume J G Capt 1932 With HMS Effingham's Cutter's Crew 192/170*Hume J G Maj 1948 Leaving TTCRM 1948/13Hume J G Lt Col (Ret) 1948 Pageant Master for Eastney Tattoo 1948/198Hume J H Maj 1947 Commanded RM Guard for funeral of King of Denmark 1947/120*Hume J H Maj 1947 Funeral of King of Denmark 1948/2Hume Capt 1935 Relieved as OCRM Frobisher by Capt.J.M. Phillipps 1935/122Humphreys M N Lt 1934 Rejoined Furious after P&RT course 1934/38Humphreys M N Capt 1937 Best Man to Capt Parks-Smith 1937/322Humphreys M N Capt 1940 Missing possibly POW 1940/338Humphreys P K N Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Humphreys P K N Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/248Humphreys Lt 1935 Guard & Band for Admiral Superintendent "Furious" 1935/227Humphreys Lt 1935 Guard and Band for RearAdmiral (A) 1935/76Humphries Capt 1939 Injured whilst playing rugby placed on sick list 1939/81945/186*,Hungerford T G Maj 1945 Serving at RNSM350Hungerford T G Maj 1940 Joined RNSM 1940/76Hunt K Lt Col 1946 CO ITC RM 1946/281Hunt Kenneeth Lt Col 1944 Relieved by Lt Col W S North in "Robertson" 1944/278Hunt Kenneth Capt 1936 Adjutant for King's Visit to Eastney 1936/335-1936/283*,Hunt Kenneth Capt 1936 Bayonet Combat and Tug-o'-War Teams284*Hunt Kenneth Lt Col 1949 Director RMFVR 1949/158Hunt Kenneth Col 1950 DRMFVR 1950/181

Hunt Kenneth Col 1952 Retirement 1952/151Hunt Kenneth Col 1952 With Gen Wildman-Lushington and Lt Finch 1952/124*,Hunt Capt 1939 SRMO inspection of "Devonshire" 1939/12Hunt Lt 1947 Joins "Phoebe" 1947/78Hunt Col 1950 Relinquishes Director RMFVR to be CO Eastney 1951/24, 47Hunt Lt <strong>1959</strong> Corps Hickey Team <strong>1959</strong>/47*Hunt Kenneth Capt 1933 Adjjutant Portsmouth Division 1933/331Hunter D P L Capt 1942 "Escape By Tunnel" (Prisoners of War) 1952/179Hunter D P L Capt 1946 OCRM "Illustrious" 1946/173Hunter D P L Capt 1951 Awarded MC - 45 Cdo in Malaya 1951/167Hunter D P L Capt 1952 Commanding 2nd Raiding Squadron at Kalafrana 1952/182Hunter W Capt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Huntingford D Lt 1946 Relieved in "Howe" by Lt Pearson 1946/140Huntingford D Lt 1948 LO G 3 Cdo Bde 1948/52Huntingford D G Lt 1946 Presented a Japanese sword 1946/170Huntingford D G Lt 1948 Best man to Lt Hennessy 1948/346Huntingford D G 2Lt 1942 Corps nomination - son of Lt Col W L Huntingford 1942/243Huntingford D G Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Huntingford D G Capt 1958 Birth of a daughter 1958/42Huntingford W L Lt Col 1934 Memorial unveiled in St Andrews Church Eastney 1934/395Huntingford W L Lt Col 1942 Son awarded orps Nomination for a commission 1942/243Huntingford Maj One time Editor G&L 1945/130Huntingord D G Capt 1956 Adjutant RMFVR City of Londoon 1956/80Huntington-Whiteley Capt 1943 Landed with the Commando in Sicily 1943/258Hunton Kenneth Capt 1934 Adjutant, Portsmouth Division and CO RMVCC 1934/119Hunton T Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Visited Bristol RMFVR <strong>1959</strong>/178,Hunton T D Proby 2Lt 1939 Corps Nomination fir Commission 1939/422Hunton T D Lt 1946 Absent during father's farewell at Plymouth 1946/118Hunton T D Lt 1948 Wedding at Saltash 1948/282

Hunton T D Lt 1943 Party Med - Churchill's Orderlies 1943/268Hunton T D Lt 1946 Best man to Maj Buckley 1946/292Hunton T G Brig 1939 With Portsmouth Football Team 1939/270*Hunton T L Lt Col 1934 Commanding Battalion for inspection at Chatham 1934/84Hunton T L Brig 1939 With Depot Boxing Team 1940/27*Hunton T L Maj Gen 1941 Inspecting guard at RM Division Reinforcement Depot 1941/68*Hunton T L Lt Gen 1943 Appointed AGRM 1943/31Hunton T L Lt Gen 1943 Passing Out 410 Squad 1943/99*Hunton T L Lt Gen 1944 GOCRM 1944/23*Hunton T L Lt Gen 1944 Visits "Robertson" 1944/278Hunton T L Brig 1938 Visiting RMA Centenarian 1938/442*Hunton T L Brig 1941 Farewell dance in Sergents Mess Portsmouth 1941/349Hunton T L Lt Gen 1945 At Eastern Warfare School 1945/87*Hunton T L Gen 1945 Inspecting Support Squadron Eastern Flank 1945/140*Hunton T L Gen 1945 Inspection of 27 Bn 1945/245*Hunton T L Gen 1945 Special Message 1945/161*Hunton T L Lt Gen 1945 With Brig and Mrs Jameson 1945/78*Hunton T L Gen 1945 With Chatham RMOCA 1946/17*Hunton T L Gen 1946 Retirement 1946/67, 99*Hunton T L Gen 1946 Unveiling Hunter Memorial at Lympstone 1946/103Hunton T L Gen 1946 Visit to Chatham 1946/70, 71*1949/40,Hunton T L Gen 1949 To be Honoary Colonel Commandant, Portsmouth Group 148*,Hunton T L Gen 1950 Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Group 1950/142Hunton T L Gen 1950 Relinquishes Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Gp 1950/299Hunton T L Gen 1951 Retires as Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Group 1951/4, 18,Hunton Lt 1943 Disembarks "Berwick" 1943/152Hurley C E SSM 1942 Leaves RMMS 1942/38Hurrell F E Capt 1946 Disembark "Robertson" 1946/142Hussey L W Ty Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment in the TA (RA) 1954/235

Hutchinson A R H Gen 1931 Proposed memorial plaque at Deal1931/149,216Hutchinson A R H Gen 1929 Hon Colonel Commandant Plymouth Division <strong>1930</strong>/340*Hutchinson A R H Gen <strong>1930</strong> Death <strong>1930</strong>/282Hutton G T Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/211Hutton R W Capt 1917 An account of his death when seconded to the Egyptian Army 1931/109*Hyman J A Ty 2 Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/48Hyman J A 2Lt RMFVR 1954 Commission terminated - residence abroad 1954/255Hyman J A Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment in RMFVR 1954/144Icke J M Capt 1943 OCRM "Birmingham" 1943/260Icke J M Capt 1952 Marriage at Littleham 1952/198Ingleton R M Maj 1945 Grave in Kranji Cemetery <strong>1959</strong>/354*Ingleton R M Maj 1944 Ill fated expedition to Singapore 1946/334Ingleton R M Maj 1944Article "The Headstone" [Grave in Singapore] (Article -"Suicide)1958/2*(1958/317)Ingleton R M MajMemorial to the Services Reconnaisance Department inAustralia 1955/65*Inglis J S V Lt 1939 Embarks "Penelope" 1939/149Inglis J S V Capt 1949 Guard of Honour at Stonehouse 1949/151Ingram J Capt 1945 Camp Comdt 19 Bn 1945/146Ingram R L 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted 2Lt (QM) 1958/259Ings W Capt 1945 HMS Robertson C ricket Team 1945/236*Ireland 2Lt <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Division Shooting team <strong>1930</strong>/331*Iremonger H E W Lt Col 1938 Letter - Addition to Obituary 1938/33Jackson C D Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/173Jackson O W Capt 1944 SORM LCG(L) Flotilla 1944/7Jackson O W Capt 1945 SORM LCG(L)s & LCS®s 1945/140Jacquet J Capt 1950 SC(A) Portsmouth Group 1951/47Jacquet J Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/81, 90Jacquet J L Capt 1945 Albert Hall Pageant and leaving Chatham 1945/141

James D G Capt 1832 High Sheriff of Kent 1952/951951/115,James J Capt 1951 Adjutant RMFVR Bristol145James J Capt 1954 First Adjutant Bristol RMFVR 1954/244Jameson H G Ty 2 Lt 1940 [Killed at Fort Cumberland] 1940/441Jameson T H Col 1919 Letter - Flew White Ensign in Siberia 1943/244Jameson T H Col 1940 Daughter's marriage 1940/3701943/197,Jameson T H Brig 1943 Chairman RMRA221,Jameson T H Brig 1945 Photograph with wife and GOCRM 1945/78*Jameson T H Maj 1935 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Jameson Col 1939 Relieves Col Noyes as F.R.M.O. Home Fleet 1939/380Jameson Brig 1945 With Veteran Tailors 1945/172*Jameson T H Brig 1944 Commandant at Deal 1944/162Jameson T H Brig 1944 Commandant at Portsmouth 1944/313Jameson T H Brig 1944 Relinquishing Commandant at Plymouth 1944/1261944/177,Jameson T H Brig 1944 With 1913 Batch of 2Lts and War Service189*Jaquet J L Capt 1949 Relieved in "Cleopatra" by Capt R B Stacey 1949/260Jaquet J L Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Jarvis E C CdSM <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Miniature Rifle Club <strong>1930</strong>/115*Jarvis E C Maj (QM) 1938 Retirement 1938/93Jarvis E G A SSM 1946 Birth of a son 1946/292Jarvis CdSM <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Division Shooting team <strong>1930</strong>/331*Jeffrey W J Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RE 1952/86Jemmett C C W Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/47Jemmett J H Cd BM 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*Jeneid M 2Lt 1955 Corps Commission 1955/44Jenkins D W Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/43Jenkins P K Lt RMFVR 1952 First appointment - Bristol 1952/86Jenkyn P H Capt 1946 Commanding LCI(S) 2503 at Amph Trg Wing 1946/247

Jennings Peter Lt 1957 HMS Birmingham's Guard for Admiral Baslini 1957/270*Jerram C F Maj 1941 OC <strong>Officers</strong> Wing RMMS 1941/354Jerram C F Maj 1942 Letter - Photographs of Military Classes 1942/57Jerram C F Lt Col (ret) 1943 Letter - "Birkenhead Drill" 1953/91945/144,Jerram C F Col 1945 Leaves RMMS154,Jerram C F Lt Col 1945 Presentation of 1914/18 War Diaries & Corps Military Library 1945/154Jerram C F Lt Col (Ret) 1947 Letter - Farming 1947/167Jerram C F Lt Col 1950 Letter -"Traffics and Discoveries" by Kipling 1950/78Jerram C F Col (ret) Letter - HMS Raleigh cup for tug-0'-war at Chatham 1952/5Jerram C F Lt Col 1954 Sword presented to 2Lt Garrod 1954/133Jerram C F Col (ret) 1955 Letter - "What's in a Name?" 1955/10Jerram C F Col 1957 Letter - LCpl Parker's VC 1957/9Jerram C F Col (ret) 1957 Letter - Origin of the Corps entry in the Mounted Infantry Race 1957/142Jerram C F Col 1958 Letter - "Small Boats Detachments" and "Anzac" 1958/8, 175*,Jerram C F Col (ret) 1958 Letter - Lt Conybeare, Maj Law and Gallipoli 1958/315Jerram C F Lt Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Criticising the Globe and Laurel magazine<strong>1959</strong>/336;1960/29, 94..Jerram C F Lt Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - The Passsing of a Soldier Servant" <strong>1959</strong>/153Jerram C F Lt Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter correct titles - RMA and RMLI <strong>1959</strong>/244Jerram C F Lt Col (Retd) 1884 Letter - McNeill's Zareba, 1884 1935/110Jerram C F Lt Col 1938 "Impressions on being Recalled to the Colours" 1938/468Jervis J Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/173Jessop G L Chaplain 1943 Chaplain 11th Searchlight Regt 1943/109Jetten H F Supt Clerk 1945 Promotion when Barrack QMS 1945/821951/308,Jewers J S Capt 1951 Accompanied CGRM on visit to USMC312*Jewers J S Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Jewers Capt 1948 Staff Capt (Q) 3 Cdo Bde, birth of a daughter 1948/346

Joel L H Lt 1947 Regimental Colour Officer with Guard in Paris 1947/292*Johns H E Maj 1944 Promotion 1944/14Johns H E Lt Col 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Johns H E Maj 1946 Leaving Chief Traing Officer at Lympstone 1946/346Johns H E Maj 1947 Bisley 1947/174*1949/12 etJohns H E Maj 1949 Articles - "Competition Shooting with a Battle Purpose" seqJohns H E Maj 1949 Commandant SASRM 1949/47Johns H E Maj 1949 Commandant SASRM, B rowndown 1957/58Johns H E Maj 1949 US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228Johns H E Maj 1950 Corps VIII 1950/217*Johns H E Lt Col 1955 Parade Commander Trooping the Colour at Eastney 1955/123Johns H E Lt Col 1955 Placing in the final stage of "The Queens" at Bisley 1955/233Johns Maj 1951 Leaving SASRM 1951/335Johnson E E Col 1948 CO RMB Chatham 1948/76Johnson E E Capt 1934 HMS Queen Elizabeth Det football team 1934/107*Johnson E.E. Maj 1936 Leaves "Queen Elizabeth" 1935/4Johnson H E Proby 2Lt 1934 Award of a sword 1934/33,Johnson M Britton Maj RMFVR 1953 Presentation of Candlesticks 1953/93Johnson M Britton Maj RMFVR 1954 First CO Bristol RMFVR 1954/244Johnson M M Maj 1945 HMS Robertson Cricket Team 1945/236*Johnson P S 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*1951/167,Johnson P S Lt 1951 42 Cdo - Wounded in action203,Johnston R N M Ty 2Lt 1958 To be 2Lt 1958/204Johnston Lt 1939 Dis-embarks "Resolution" 1939/3821936/296+(SJohnstone J G Lt Col 1936 Commanded Battalion for the King's v isit to Eastney upplement)Johnstone J G Maj 1933 Marriage 1933/373Johnstone J G Lt Col 1940 Birth of daughter 1940/442-Johnstone J G Lt Col (ret) 1958 Letter - Learnt ro ride at RMC Sandhurst 1958/282Johnstone J R Maj Gen 1933 Son's marriage 1933/373

Johnstone J R Maj Gen 1936 Medals presented to the Plymouth Collection 1936/147Johnstone R N M Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Johnstone R V S Maj 1943 CO 19th Battalion 1943/231Johnstone R.V.S. Maj 1937 Joins "Malaya" as SRMO 1937/414Johnstone Maj 1941 Recovered the colours at Plymouth after the blitz 1946/314Jole L H Capt 1951 Marriage to widow of Maj Pugh in Penang 1952/38Jole L H Capt 1950 Relinquishes Adjutant SASRM 1950/94Jole L H Capt 1955 OCRM HMS Newcastle 1955/265Joliffe Lt 1938 Dis-embarks "Birmingham" 1938/487Jolley N K Maj 1934 Attend RMOCA Smoking Concert 1934/21Jolley N K Brig 1942 Visit to the USMC 1942/272*Jolley N K Brig 1943 Article - "Round the World on 44lb" 1943/204Jolley N K Brig 1943 Commandant at Deal 1943/207Jolley N K Brig 1943 Visit to USA 1943/128Jolley N K Brig 1944 Relinquishes Commandant at Deal 1944/162Jolly W A Col (Ret) 1946 Son's engagement to the late Col Ozanne's daughter 1946/356Jolly Lt Col 1936 Sister's g olden wedding anniversary 1936/399Jones A D H Capt 1943 OCRM "Scylla" 1943/201Jones A D H Capt 1944 Joins "Westcliff" 1944/98Jones A D H Capt 1945 At SASRM 1945/84Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofJones A D H Capt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/160Jones A D H Maj 1956 DAA&QMG Plymouth Group 1956/178Presenting Commando fighting knife to Captain ofJones A D H Maj 1956 Birmingham 1956/57*Jones A D H Capt 1945 Leaving SASRM 1945/114Jones A D H Capt 1947 <strong>Royal</strong> Guad of Honour at London Guildhall 1947/130*Jones A D H Maj 1957 Leading Stonehouse Barraks Choral Society 1957/79,Jones Ben SM 1944 Parade SM at Portsmouth 1944/313Jones D L P Capt 1939 OCRM Coventry 1939/507Jones E R Surg Lt 1944 At RMTG [Wales] Burma Camp 1944/106

Jones F R Maj <strong>1930</strong> With HMS R evenge Tug-o'-war team <strong>1930</strong>/290*Jones F R Maj <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Revenge Cutters Crew <strong>1930</strong>/289*Jones F R Lt Col (ret) 1956 Letter - Major Harvey VC 1956/202,Jones H A Brig <strong>1930</strong> Presenting inter-company football cup <strong>1930</strong>/176*Jones H A H Brig <strong>1930</strong> With Portsmouth Division Shooting Team <strong>1930</strong>/331*Jones H L Lt Col (ret) 1952 Letter - The Late Pte Saunders 1952/53Jones H L Lt Col (ret) 1950 Letter - Title '<strong>Royal</strong>' and RM Legation Guard at Seoul 1950/241Jones H L Lt Col 1951 Article "Chatham Revisited" 1951/328Jones H S Col 1885 Commanding parade at the Depot for inspection by DAG 1935/400Jones J W Capt (Retd) 1940 Charirman of Associated Road Operators 1940/410-Jones J W Capt (Retd) 1941 2nd year asChairman of Associated Road Operators 194/309Jones L O Lt Col 1947 CO TTDRM 1947/18Jones L O Lt Col 1948 Leaving TTCRM for Chatham 1948/13Jones N W Lt 1938 Dis-embarks "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak" 1938/469Jones Owen 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> 1932/290*Jones P H Lt 1943 11th Bn in the desert 1943/137*Jones R J 2Lt RMFVR 1956 RMFVR Commission 1956/87,Jones R P Capt (ret) 1958 Son's engagement to daughter of Lt (QM) C W Holloway 1958/208Jones W T C Capt 1904 Commanding RM Legation Guard at Seoul 1950/218Jones Lt Col 1922 Editor of the G & L 1945/129Jones F R Lt Col 1936 Farewell Dinner 1937/18Jones H A H Lt Gen 1937 Daughter's engagement 1937/352Jones W H Capt 1937 Letter from son 1937/11619371837/40Jones Lt 1937 Joins "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak"6Joquin Lt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Ceylon] 1945/298Joss A R W Ty Lt 1954 Commission terminated on transfer to the Regular Army 1954/235Judd C J G Cd SM 1954 Promoted from RSM(T) 1954/235Jukes A G H Lt 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*Jukes A G H Lt 1953 Guard of Honour for Captain Genetal 1953/150Jukes Lt 1947 Relieved in "Implacable" by Lt Smith 1947/228

Jukes Lt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Jukes A G H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Article - "What Kind of a Side Will We Have?" [Cricket] <strong>1959</strong>/175Juster Maj 1946 Disembarks "Robertson" 1946/79Kay P R Capt 1951 Army Staff Course 1951/10Keating N W Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/44Keen B B Capt 1947 OCRM "Norfolk" 1947/122Keen B B Maj 1949 Relieved in "Norfolk" by Major H L C Fraser 1949/72Keen G C Lt 1942 Cartoon - "Oh, Listen to the Band" 1942/91*Keen G C Maj 1946 Retirement from Junior Wing RNSM 1946/157Keen W B Capt 1952 Aldershot Cup Winners 1952/201*Keen W P Capt 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947/315Keen Lt 1938 Dis-embarks "Glasgow" 1938/422Keen Capt 1944 Birth of a son 1944/191Keen Capt 1952 Ten gallon Stetson 1952/246Keep L C Cd SM 1955 Promoted from QMS 1955/192Kellard A A/Cd Rectr 1952 Promoted from CSgt Rectr 1952/260Kelly R R E U Proby Lt 1940 "Upton Kelly" Memorial Fund 1940/372-Kelly J P Lt Col 1944 Visit to RM Line Company 1945/247Kelly J P Capt 1952 Letter - Book of Poems by Lt Pugh 1952/95Kelsey C G C Capt 1945 QM Chembur Camp 1945/321*Kemp S T Cd Gnr 1955 Promoted from QMS 1955/44Kempton H J Supt Clerk 1945 With RNSM Shooting Team 1945/186*Kendle G H Lt Col 1939 Paymaster - Invalided 1939/351Kennedy J A 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Kennedy J A C Lt 1955 Regt Colour officer Trooping the Colour at Eastney 1955/123*Kent J F Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Kenward H Capt 1947 With Dr Malcolm Sargent at RNSM 1947/61*Kenward Herbert Capt 1948 Elected member of the <strong>Royal</strong> Philharmonic Society 1948/249Kenward Herbert Capt 1950 Retirement from the RM Band Service 1950/179,Kidd D Capt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> Poole Detachment RMFVR Bristol <strong>1959</strong>/278

Kilvert R E Capt Adjutant RMA <strong>1930</strong>/336*Kimpton H F C 1949 RM Band visit to Canada and USA 1949/307*Kimpton H Lt Col 1955 FRMO with CGRM inspecting HMS Albion 1955/57*Kimpton H F C Lt 1936 Appointment as Coy Officer at RNSM 1936/278Kimpton Col 1958 Senior <strong>Officers</strong> of Portsmouth Group 1958/261*Kinchin W R Capt 1947 AO 40 Cdo 1947/216Kinchin W R Capt 1951 With PRORM Football Club 1951/210*King Barnett Capt 1891-1940 Letter - Record of Service 1942/75,104King E W Capt 1947 Presented with the Meldon Cup 1947/235*King E W Capt 1949 US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228*King E W Capt 1951 Success at Bisley 1951/274King E W Capt 1952 Methuen Cup Winners 1952/201*King E W Capt 1953 HMS Euryalus 1953/68*King E W Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48King R H E Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152King Lt 1944 Disembarks "Jamaica" 1944/27Kinnear W A Maj 1945 With Queen Mother of Belgium 1945/129*Kirby R H Maj 1945 45 Commando 1945/395Kirby R H W 2Lt 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25Kirby R H W Lt Col 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Kirby R M W Capt 1942 Engagement 1942/71Kirby T T Lt 1934 Daughter's wedding 1934/169Kirby Lt 1938 Embarks "Courageous" 1938/43Kirby Maj 1945 Repatriated as POW 1945/142Kitch M J Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/152Knight P F 2Lt 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25Knight P F Maj 1953 Comdt Signal School receiving the Gosport Cup 1953/281*Knight P F Maj 1954 Leaving Signal School 1954/272Knight P F Maj 1955 OCRM HMS Gambia 1955/60*

Knight P F Maj 1944 OC RM Line Company (Signals) 1945/246Knight P F A Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Knight P R Maj 1944 OC Cadet Wing RMMS 1945/20Knight Maj 1956 FROM with "Gambia" Tug-o'-war team 1956/14*Knight P F 2Lt 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Knight-Jones George Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95Knock D A Surg Lt RN 1951 Postumous Mention-in-Despatches - Korea 1951/184Knott George Capt 1934 Sheerness RM Police. Attends Chatham Dinner 1934/87Knowles B W Lt Col 1945 Relieved in "Cricket" by Lt Col G A Haward 1945/308Knox T E N Lt 1931 Memorial Tablet unveiled in St Andrews Church Eastney 1931/54Komrover A G Lt Col 1946 Leave CBTC as CO 1946/54Laidlaw I D Capt 1944 Letter - KIA at Brac - Grave at Vis 1945/268Lambert G H Col 1935 Daughter's wedding 1935/115Lambert H R Capt 1918 Marriage [Silver Wedding notice] 1943/57Lambert H R Maj 1934 Attended RMA AA Bde Reunion 1934/22Lambert H R Brig 1942 Son also awarded DSC 1942/97, 171Lambert H R Maj Gen 1944 Letter - Dispersal of Sports Fund 1944/78Lambert H R Maj Gen 1944 New Commandant at Chatham 1944/126*1944/177,Lambert H R Maj Gen 1944 With 1913 Batch of 2Lts and War Service189*Lambert L T 2Lt (BM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/2951944/312*,Lambert Maj Gen 1944 With HM The King at Portsmouth and retirement313,Lambert Maj Gen (ret) 1957 Son Lt Cdr commanding HMS Bold Pathfinder 1957/259Lamont J D C 2Lt 1833 Court Martial 1933/108Lampen J Lt 1934 HMS Ramilles 1935/48*Lampen J Lt 1936 Departs Valiant for Base Defences 1936/303Lampen J Lt 1936 Ships concert party "Valiant" 1936/82Lampen J Capt 1943 Joins staff of RMMS 1943/250

Lampen J Maj 1954Memorial Certificate presented to widow awarded by CarnegieTrust 1954/189Lampen John Capt 1941 Marriage 1941/397Lampen John Maj 1945 Birth of a daughter 1945/400Lampen L C Lt Gen 1941 Father of Capt John Lampen 1941/397Lampen L C Brig <strong>1930</strong> Presenting Championship Cup <strong>1930</strong>/333*Lampen L C Brig 1931 Laying wreath aboard the <strong>Royal</strong> Iris 1931/172*Lamplough C R W Lt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Lamplough C R W Lt 1918 First to land at Zeebrugge 1946/145Lamplough C R W Maj 1929 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Lamplough C R W Capt <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Division Shooting team <strong>1930</strong>/331*Lamplough C R W Bt Maj 1932 Hion Sec RMRA 1932/46Lamplough C R W Maj 1932 With HMS Rodney's Cutter's Crew 1932/215*Lamplough C R W Maj 1934 Lecture to Greenwich RMOCA on Gallipoli 1934/201Lamplough C R W Lt Col 1940 First CO Reserve Depot, Exton 1940/126Lamplough C R W Col 1945 2nd Commandant at Portsmouth 1945/277Lamplough C R W Col 1946 Acting Commandant At Portsmouth 1946/1451946/145,Lamplough C R W Col 1946 Daughter assisting with inauguration of RMA Portsmouth 185Lamplough C R W Maj Gen 1946 First MGRM Plymouth Group 1947/8Lamplough C R W Col 1946 Letter - Request for Paintings and Trophies 1946/170Lamplough C R W Col 1946 Promotion to Maj Gen and leaves Portsmouth 1946/374Lamplough C R W Col 1946 Relinquishes ADC to HM The King 1946/362Lamplough C R W Maj Gen 1947 Daughter's engagement to Lt W McConnell 1947/316Lamplough C R W Capt 1948 Daughter's wedding to Capt McConnell 1948/176*Lamplough C R W Maj Gen 1948 Service aboard "<strong>Royal</strong> Daffodil II" in Liverpool 1948/188*Lamplough C R W Maj Gen 1948 With C-in-C Plymouth and Gen Shepherd USMC 1948/175*Lamplough C R W Maj Gen 1949 Retires at Plymouth 1950/13, 14,Lamplough C R W Maj Gen (ret) 1956 President Zeebrugge (1918) Association 1956/45,Lamplouigh C R W Maj Gen (ret) 1957 Relinquishes Hon Col Comdt Plymouth Group 1957/79

Lander P A Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/1001944/189*,17Lane C H R Capt 1944 On his retirment with 1913 Batch of 2Lts7Lane C H R Capt 1944 Relinquishes Adjutant and G&L correspondent at Chatham 1944/222Lang John 1954 Opening new RMA Club in Eaton Square, London 1954/279*Lang John 1957 Visit to HMS Eagle with First Lord of the Admiralty 1957/66*Lang R G S Capt 1942 Plymouth Argylls 1945/364Lang R G S Capt 1945 Letter - Survivors of the Plymouth Argylls returning 1945/349Lang R G S Maj 1949 Birth of a son 1949/128Lang Sir John 1957 At the RM Artillery Reunion 1957/208Lang W Lt 1948 Marriage 1948/15Lang W. Com. B/M 1946 DoM "King George V" at Torquay 1946/214Lang Capt 1951 Edinburgh Tattoo 1951/316Langdon J B Lt 1944 538 LCA Flotilla 1944/153*Langford A G C Capt 1938 OCRM "Hood" 1938/4Langford A G C Maj 1947 OC Sigs School 1948/12Langford A G C Maj 1949 Relinquishes Chief Signals Officer and Comdt Signal School 1949/341Langlet D L S Capt 1954 40 Cdo - Receiving Shooting Cup in the Canal Zone 1954/69*Langley D Lt 1952 Wounded on Op Broderick - Malaya 1952/68Langley D L S Lt 1951 Special Snipers Course 1951/108Lankester P Capt 1949 HMNZS Bellona - With RM Association, New Zealand 1949/297*Lankester P K R Capt 1957 Retired - own request 1957/252Lankester Lt 1939 Joins "Shropshire" vice Lt Congdon 1939/99Lankester Capt 1943 Congratulations on promotion in "London" 1943/180Lassen G Lt 1936 ADC to Governor of New South Wales 1936/253Latham P J B Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Lathbury G P Maj <strong>1930</strong> Article - "Military Situation in the Middle East" <strong>1930</strong>/212Lathbury G P Maj <strong>1930</strong> Article - Haifa <strong>1930</strong>/53Lathbury G P Maj 1958 Letter of appreciation 1958/58Law F C Maj 1944 Retiring at Plymouth 1944/126Law F C Capt <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a son <strong>1930</strong>/90

Law F C Maj 1936 Appointment as Coy Officer at RNSM1936/278,360Law F C Maj 1936 Placed on half pay 1936/397Lawrence J E S Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Lawrence P G Lt 1946 In HMS Leander as a Marine - Signal to Parents 1946/274Lawrence P G Lt 1957 AE Platoon 42 Cdo rescuing sheep from the River Dart 1957/40,Lawrence P G Lt <strong>1959</strong> 3 Cdo Bde Whaler sailing crew <strong>1959</strong>/348*Lawrie A J 1956 Commanding Guard of Honour for CGRM's visit to RMFVR 1956/37*Lawrie A J Capt RMFVR 1957 Social repertoire 1957/89Lawson J Capt 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Lawson J W Maj 1940 Paymaster RNSM 1940/463Laxton A L Maj 1947 Marriage 1947/219Laxton A L Maj 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Laxton A L Maj 1948 Article - "The King - Our Captain General" 1949/328*Laxton A L Maj 1951 Birth of a daughter 1951/951956/266,Layman W W Ty Lt USADF Officer seconded - Memorial tablet at Eastney 281.Le Coste C 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> 1932/290*Le Mesurier B H Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Le Mesurier B H S Lt 1957 ADC to MGRM Plymouth 1957/132Le Sage Harris Peter Capt 1945 Relieves Capt I V Major as Flot Offr 542 LCA Flotilla 1945/166Maj (LancsLeaG H Fus) 1951 Relieved as DDQMG 3 Cdo Bde 1951/63Lea 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Lean A B Lt 1957 Resigned commission 1957/204Lean A B Lt 1955 Ceremony of the Keys - Gibraltar 1955/56*Learoyd R H B Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/87Learoyd R H B A/Lt 1957 Pemanent Commission from NS 1957/47, 147Leatherbarrow W N Maj 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/98Leathes R C de Maj 1949 Gii (Trg) Plymouth Gp 1949/289

Leathes R C de M Maj 1947 OCRM HMS Vanguard for <strong>Royal</strong> Tour 1948/2Leathes R C de M Lt Col 1955 Commandant ASRM and wife with Mayor of Poole 1955/61*Leathes R D deM Lt Col 1952 Commandant Amphibious School 1952/233Leathes Lt Col 1951 With 45 Cdo shooting team 1951/283*Ledgard W Maj RMA 1915 Commanding No 3 Howitzer 1948/21Lee D G Capt 1944 Tug-o'-War Team, Ceylon 1945/25*Lee J K Lt 1943 Engagement 1943/237Lee J K Lt 1944 Marriage 1944/23Lee J K Capt 1946 Birth of a daughter 1947/24Lee J K Capt 1947 OCRM "King George V" 1947/15Lee J K Capt 1955 Article - "Winged Frogmen" 1955/259,Lee R Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259Lee R A Maj 1945 Birth of a daughter 1946/61,Leech Porter J E Lt Col First CO of 1 HAA Regt - Commanding RMTG(W) 1945/86, 213Leech Porter J E Maj 1937 Superintendent RNSM 1937/3861939/175*,Leech- Porter J E Maj 1939 With RNSM Boys' Football Teams176*Leech-Porter J E Maj 1936 Landed with "Valiant" detachment 1936/421Leech-Porter J E Maj 1940 Relinquishing Superintendent RNSM 1940/76Leech-Porter J E Col 1942 With F ootball Team 12 S/L Regt 1942/188*Leech-Porter J E Brig 1945 Passing out parade RM CTU 1945/244*Leech-Porter J E Col 1946 CO Chatham Barracks 1946/374Leech-Porter J E Col 1946 First CO RM Barracks, Chatham 1947/8Leech-Porter J E Col 1946 To be ADC to HM The King 1946/362Leech-Porter J E Brig 1946 To command RMTG(D) 1946/52Leech-Porter J E Col 1947 To be CO Depot RM 1947/186At unveiling of memorial to commemorate Antwerp AALeech-Porter J E Col 1948 Defence 1948/230Leech-Porter J E Col 1948 Presenting the Methuen Cup 1948/255*1948/312,Leech-Porter J E Col 1948 Promotion and appointment as MGRM Portsmouth341

Leech-Porter J E Col 1948 Unveiling Memorial to British Anti-Aircraft in Belgium 1948/306*Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1949 MGRM Plymouth 1950/13, 15*,Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1949 Visit to "St Vincent" 1949/8Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1950 Corps VIII 1950/217*Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1950 Inspecting draft for 3 Cdo Bde 1950/122*Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1951 Relinquishes MGRM Plymouth 1951/333Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen (ret) 1957 At the RM Artillery Reunion 1957/208Leech-Porter J E Capt <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Division Shooting team <strong>1930</strong>/331*Leech-Porter J E Capt <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Miniature Rifle Club <strong>1930</strong>/115*Leech-Porter J E Capt 1934 At Serowe 1934/30-32*Leech-Porter J E Capt 1934 HMS Carlisle 1934/114Leech-Porter J E Maj 1935 Father Christmas at Childrens' Party 1835/62Leech-Porter J E Maj 1935 Father Christmas at Childrens' Party 1835/62Leech-Porter J E Col 1947 Cahirman RMRA 1947/198Leech-Porter J E Col 1947 RMRA Central Meeting 1947/163Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1949 Retires as MGRM Portsmouth 1949/340Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1949 Watching exercise from Landing Craft 1949/254*Leech-Porter J E Maj Gen 1949 With US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228*Leech-Porter J L Brig 1943 OC Adv Party MNBDOII 1945/103Leech-Porter J.E. Maj 1935 Battalion Drill Exercise 1936/4Leech-Porter J.E. Maj 1936 SRMO Home Fleet 1936/79Leech-Porter J.E. Maj 1937 Joins "Barham" from "Valiant" as SRMO 1937/8Leech-Porter Capt 1931 With Portsmouth Div Shooting Team 1931/239Leech-Porter J E Col 1947 Bisley 1947/174*Lees L H O Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Letter from Col Macnair-Smith <strong>1959</strong>/98Leeson B L Lt 1946 Disembark "Robertson" 1946/142Legg T S Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Legg T S Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Leggate D I Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295

Leicester B W Capt 1936 Departs "Rodney for Staff College Camberley 1936/379Leicester B W Brig 1944 Walcheren 1953/198Leicester B W Brig 1946 Investiture of Legion d'Honneur in Paris 1946/281Leicester B W Brig 1946 To command RMTG(W) 1946/52Leicester B W Brig 1947 Relinquishes command of Commando Group 1947/2151950/305,Leicester B W Brig 1950 Appointed to Sudan Defence Force340Leicester B W 1951 Attended SDF War Memorial unveiling in Khartoum 1951/128Leicester B W Brig <strong>1959</strong> Birmingham RM Association AGM <strong>1959</strong>/57*,Leicester B W Capt 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Leicester B W Capt 1936 HMS Rodney tug-o-war teams 1936/211Leicester B W Brig 1946 Lord Mayor of London's Banquet 1946/281Leicester B W Brig 1946 To be Commander, Commando Group 1946/122Leicester B W Col 1949 CO ITCRM 1949/244Leicester B W Col 1950 Comdt ITCRM 1950/176Leicester B W Col 1950 Inspecting King's Birthday parade at ITCRM 1950/204*Leicester B W Col 1950 Opening RM Section of Imperial War Museum 1950/136*Leicester B W Brig (ret) 1958 DL for Worcestershire 1958/205Leighton Charles Maj 1749 High Sheriff of Shropshire 1952/95Lenham T Capt 1957 Retirement 1957/137*Lenham T M Capt 1948 Unveiling Memorial to British Anti-Aircraft in Belgium 1948/306*Lenham T M Maj 1945 In 1 HAA Regt 1945/86,Leonard F J Chaplain <strong>1959</strong> Chaplain at Deal <strong>1959</strong>/157Leppard F W 2Lt(QM) <strong>1959</strong> Promoted from CSgt <strong>1959</strong>/52Lesser Capt 1944 Sports Officer RMITC 1944/164*Lewington M Capt 1946 287 Personnel Flotilla 1946/286Liddell R Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Liddington J Lt 1951 With Portsmouth Group Water Polo team 1951/237*Lidiard H E Maj <strong>1930</strong> Marched with parade on the move of RNSM to Deal <strong>1930</strong>/327*Lidiard H E Maj 1942 80th Birthday 1942/116Lidiard H E Maj [Ret] 1944 Birthday 1944/112

Lidiard H E Maj 1945 83rd Birthday 1945/150Lidiard H E Maj (Ret) 1947 84th Birthday - aboard HMS Duke of York 1947/103*Light K E Lt 1943 Engagement 1943/210Light K E Capt 1949 From 3 Cdo Bde to Army School of Signals 1949/149Light K E Capt 1955 RAF Staff College 1956/!Light P F Maj 1950 Carried banner of Sir Leslie Wilson in St Paul's Cathedral 1950/133Lillywhite W A/Cd Rectr 1953 Promoted from CSgt Rectr 1953/100Lindsay H Maj 1944 CO RM LAA Regiment 1944/322Lindsay Hugh Lt Col 1945 Baptism of son 1945/320Lindsay Hugh Lt Col 1945 CO Burma Camp 1945/2441951/115,Lindsay Hugh Lt Col 1951 Letter - RM Display in Imperial War Museum144,Lindsell E F Capt 1936 Medals presented to the Plymouth Collection 1936/147Linnell T G Capt 1948 Organising 48 Commando reunion 1948/230Linnell T G Capt 1948Roll of Honour to 48 Cdo dedicated in Christ Church,Gravesend 1949/4Linnell T G WS Capt 1954Commission terminated on appointment to the R CanadianNavy 1954/99Lister J Lt 1949 QM CCAW to RNSM 1949/317Little A G Gen 1933 First President Portsmouth RMOCA 1933/42Little A G Gen 1943 Son (Lt RN) KIA at sea 1943/296Little A G Gen 1945 Letter - Contrbutions on WW2 Corps Achievements 1945/268Little F H Maj 1945 Provost Marshal - Malaya 1946./5Little F H Lt Col (Ret) 1949 Awarded OBE (Civil) - RN Police, Singapore 1949/220Little A G Gen 1934 President Portsmouth RMOCA - Presented Miniature Colours 1934/86*Littleton G H Lt Col 1934 Attended RMA AA Bde Reunion 1934/22Littleton G H Lt Col 1934 Attended RMA Sergeants' Mess Reunion 1934/166Littleton G H Lt Col 1934 Lecture to Portsmouth RMOCA 1934/202Littlewood W T A/Cd Rectr 1953 Promoted from CSgt 1953/295Livesey R J D Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Lloyd D C Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Lloyd J Lt 1951 Jungle patrol in 40 Cdo in Malaya 1951/276

LLoyd J E J Capt 1958 Letter - Drill 1958/225Lloyd J H N Lt 1938 Relieves Lt E F Scott in "Sheffield" 1938/477Lloyd J H N Capt 1948 Selected to attend RN Staff Course 1948/130Lloyd John Lt 1954 Receiving The Trotman and Trident trophies 1954/225*Lloyd P H Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Lloyd Capt 1945 Commanding 710 LCP(L) Flotilla at Rangoon 1945/230Lloyd Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Nigeria] 1945/298Lloyd Lt 1945 Marriage to Chief Wren at HBLO 1945/353Lloyd Lt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo in Malaya 1950/291Commission terminated - commissioned in the LancashireLloyd-Jones T D Ty Lt 1952 Fusiliers 1952/168Logan A R Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RASC 1952/86Long R G J Cd BM 1951 Appointed Far East Fleet Bandmaster 1951/141Longhurst J J Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Longhurst J J Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Longhurst J J 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Lordon F P C Capt 1931 With HMS <strong>Royal</strong> Sovereign Football team 1931/197*Lordon F P C Maj 1938 With HMS Newcastle Soccer Team 19238/214*Lordon Maj 1937 Relieves Capt.Wright on "Newcastle" 1937/366Loudon R D Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Loudoun R Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Loudoun R B Capt 1955 Naval Staff Course 1955/141,Lough R D H Lt Col 1932 FRMO Medi Fleet 1932/332Lough R D H Lt Col 1934 Commanding RM Brigade for Review in Gibraltar 1934/143Lovelace C Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Lovell A E Chaplain 1948 RNSM 1948/320Lovell J A F Lt 1947 Birth of a son 1947/142Loyd P H Capt 1947 Relieved in "Nigeria" by Maj G W Wilson 1947/106Loyd P H Capt 1956 Seconded for service with Federation of Malaya Forces 1956/87Lucas C A C Wife (?) 1936 RM Ladies Miniature Shooting Club 1936/286*

Lucas C A C Col 1940 Daughter married P L Norcock1940/410-,424Lucas C.A.C Lt.col 1935 Relieved by Capt.R.A.Edmondson 1935/2421940/410-,Lucas G A C Col 1940 Daughter's (Chatham Division Wren) marriageWrenLucas G B Lt 1948 Engagement 1948/33Lucas G B W Lt 1951 Birth of twin boys 1951/258Lucas G B W Capt 1953 Article - "Mainly on Rats" 1953/254Lucas G B W Lt 1950 Birth of a daughter 1950/48Lucas P T Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/211Lucas C A C Maj <strong>1930</strong> With St Helena Shooting Team - Acting Governor <strong>1930</strong>/266*Lukis W B F Maj 1933 With HMS Warspite Football Team 1933/120*Lukis W B F Maj 1934 Review in Gibraltar 1934/143Lukis W B F Lt Col 1937 Relinquishes Superintendent RNSM 1937/385-6Lukis W B F Brig 1944 Commandant at Plymouth 1944/1601944/177,Lukis W B F Brig 1944 With 1913 Batch of 2Lts and War Service189*Lukis W B F Maj Gen 1946 Vice Consul in Lausanne 1946/206Lukis W B F Maj 1935 Superintendent RNSM 1935/138Lukis W B J Maj Gen 1945 GOC RME 1945/388Lumsden B J D Lt 1931 With winners Atlantic Fleet Bayonets 1931/90Lumsden B J D Lt 1932 Portsmouth Division Rugby Team 1932/151*Lumsden B J D Lt 1935 P&RTO Plymouth Division - Boxing Team 1935/145*Lumsden B J D Wife 1936 RM Ladies Miniature Shooting Club 1936/286*Lumsden B J D Capt 1937 Commanded Guard of Honour at Westminster Pier 1937/173-Lumsden B J D Capt 1937 Relinquish appointment of P&RT Officer Plymouth 1937/621944/10,11,Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1943 Lecture Tour of RM Units14Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1944 Relinquishes CO 22nd (Trg) Bn 1944/2861946/332,Lumsden B J D Col 1946 CCO Rep in Washington and at Atom bomb tests380

Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1949 Relinquishes Director RMFVR 1949/158Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1950 CO 40 Cdo 1950/110Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1951 Leaves 40 Cdo 1951/276Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1951 With 40 Cdo Boxing Team 1951/136*Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1953 Accident to wife in Gibraltar 1953/63Lumsden B J D Lt Col 1953 Coronation Review Dinner in HMS Vanguard 1953/161Lumsden B J D Col 1956 With HM The Queen Mother at Deal1956/AugCover*Lumsden B J D Col (ret) 1958Appointed Common Crier asnd Sergeant-at-Arms for City ofLondon 1958/315Lumsden B J D Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Commandant The United Services Corps <strong>1959</strong>/275Lumsden B J D Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Sword Bearer to the Lord Mayor of London <strong>1959</strong>/276Lumsden B J D Lt Col First Director RMFVR 1952/37Lumsden B J D Lt 1935 Marriage 1935/285Lumsden B J D Lt 1935 Plymouth Division Football Team 1935/253*Lumsden B J D Maj 1951 Promotion to Lt Col 1951/1Lumsden F W Maj RMA 1915 Commanding 15" Howitzers in France 1948/21, 23Lumsden F W Maj 1917 "The Bronze Cross" 1956/147Lumsden JLS Capt 1944 OCRM "Cardiff" 1944/73Lumsden Capt 1938 Landed from "Sussex" at Marseilles with typhoid 1938/382Lumsden Capt 1939 Relievieved as OCRM "Sussex" by Capt T.West 1939/391Lumsden Capt 1939 Returns to "Sussex" 1939/11Lumsden Capt 1951 With Portsmouth Group Water Polo team 1951/237*Luscombe F L Capt 1956 Adjutant RMFVR Clyde 1956/37,Luxmoore C 1936 Letter: Brunswick Star 1936/197Luxmoore C M G Capt 1937 At School with the Duke of Gloucester 1937/470Luxmoore C M G Capt 1937 With HMS Ropdney tug-o'-war team 1937/127*Luxmoore C M G 1938 Letter - Request for Horse Furniture 1938/33Luxmoore Charles Letter - Coldstream Guards as <strong>Marines</strong> 1943/245Luxmoore Lt 1950 Regimental Signals <strong>Officers</strong>' Course 1950/323Luxmore C Capt <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a daughter <strong>1930</strong>/148

Luxmore C M G Capt 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936./24Luxmore C M G Capt 1938 Disembarks "Iron Duke" relieved by Capt W S North 1938/257Luxmore J C Capt <strong>1959</strong> OCRM HMS Bermuda in the Faroe Islands <strong>1959</strong>/199*,Luxmore Capt 1934 Command of Sunset Guard 1934/300Luxmore Capt 1936 Relieves Capt Leicester on "Rodney" 1936/379Lygo R E W 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted 2Lt (QM) 1958/152Lygo R E W 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Adjutant Chatham RMVCC <strong>1959</strong>/293Lynch Capt RAOC 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Lyon F A Cd Rectr 1957 Nottingham Recruiting Office 1957/166*Lyons C A Supt Clerk 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Lyons F A A/Cd Rectr 1954 Promoted from CSgt Rectr 1954/99Lyons-Montgomery L de W Capt 1945 Signal Holding Coy 1945/320Macafee J L A Maj 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/216Macafee J L A Maj 1944 Relinquishes 2 I/c 44 Commando 1944/288Macafee J L A Maj 1945 G2 RMTG(D) 1945/345Macafee J L A Maj 1946 Birth of a daughter 1946292Macafee J L A Lt Col 1958 With 42 Cdo soccer team 1958/37*Macafee T C H Capt 1950 Birth of a daughter 1950/282,Macafee T C H Capt 1949 OCRM HMNZS "Bellona" 1949/205Macafee TCH Capt 1947 OCRM HMNZS Bellona 1947/126Macafee Lt 1939 Chase after horses 1939/285Macan A V Capt 1947 40 Cdo 1947/216Macan A V Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Centaur 1954/27MacDonell R J R 2Lt 1956 Resigns commission 1956/43MacDonnell R Maj 1941 At the RMRD - small car 1941/257MacDonnell R Maj(Ret) 1947 British Consul Malmo Sweden 1947/204MacDonnell R Maj 1948 Attended Chatham Bn <strong>Officers</strong> 1915 Reunion 1948/1621951/17, 63,MacDonnell R Maj (ret) 1951 Letter re cup presented to 1 RM70,MacDougall Iain Lt 1956 Wedding 1956/213

MacfFarlane A Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Mackay P L Capt 1943 With the Tug-o'-War Team HMS Sirius 1943/179*Mackay P L Capt 1947 New colours for the RMVCC 1947/184Mackay P L Capt 1948 Organised Opening Ceremony for Sailing Olympics at Torquay 1948/282Mackay P L Capt 1953 Proposed memorial in Stonehouse church 1953/185Mackay P L Capt 1949 Relinquishes Adjt Stonehouse 1949/344Mackay P L Capt 1951 42 Cdo - Died of Wounds1951/167,176, 184,203,Mackay P L Capt 1953 Memorial dedicated at Stonehouse Barracks 1954/31*Mackenzie R G Capt 1944 With 48 Cdo on D Day 1944/210,Mackenzie Capt HLI 1950 DS <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1950/175Mackie A C H 2Lt 1957 Commissioned 1957/147MacKinnon J A Lt 1944 Died of Wounds in 44 Cdo 1944/197Macleod L H D Maj 1955 OC Boys Wing RMSM 1955/26Macleod L H D Maj 1957 Leaves Junior Wing 1957/76MacLeod L H D Maj 1957 With Gunnery School shooting team 1957/127*MacLuran J L R Capt RMLI 1892 Presented two silver Quaich - represented to A&SH 1948/252*Macnair Smith J Col (ret) 1958 Letter - Song "The Powder Monkey" to remember Nile date 1958/58Macnair-Sm ith J Col (ret) 1918 Letter - HMS Conqueror 1957/166Macnair-Smith J Col (Retd) 1924 Letter - Visit of HMS Delhi to Rio - Brazilian Marine Corps 1935/111Macnair-Smith J Lt Col 1932 Relieved as FRMO Med Fleet 1932/331Macnair-Smith J Col (Ret) 1944 Marriage of Daughter [1/O WRNS] 1944/171Macnair-Smith J Col (ret) 1957 Letter - "Small Boat Detachments" 1957/229Macnair-Smith J Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - "Tellit to the <strong>Marines</strong>" <strong>1959</strong>/98Macnair-Smith J Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Origin of "Colonel Bogey" <strong>1959</strong>/153Macnair-Smith J Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - September 1899 Batch of 2Lts <strong>1959</strong>/218Macnair-Smith J Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter in praise of Lt Col L H O Lees <strong>1959</strong>/98Macnair-Smith J P Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Sergeant Major Jolly <strong>1959</strong>/31Macnair-Smith John Col (ret) 1958 Letter - Origin of the name for football club 1958/224Macpherson A D Capt 1944 Relieved as OCRM "Delhi" by Capt K C Morris 1944/48

Macpherson A D Maj 1948 Article - "Pilgrimage to Petra" 1948/350*Macpherson A D Ty Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment in RMFVR 1954/144Macpherson A D Maj 1954 Presenting engraved sabre to Capt Harry RN 1954/173*MacPherson A D Maj 1957 OC Junior Wing 1957/76Macpherson A D Capt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission 1955/140Macpherson Lt 1941 Escape from Crete 1945/72Maddan G Capt 1947 Relieved as OCRM "Vanguard" by Capt M Pound 1947/77Maddan G H R Capt DSC 1946 OCRM KG V becomes a father 1946/371Maddan G H R Maj RMFVR 1957 OC Portsmouth Detaachment RMFVR 1957/41*Maddan Lt 1944 Disembarks "Valiant" 1944/6Madden Martin Maj (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Member of Parliament <strong>1959</strong>/276Madoc R R Lt Col 1950 CO 42 Cdo 1950/1471938/107,Madoc R W Capt 1938 Marriage253Madoc R W Capt 1938 OCRM "Furious" vice Capt FF Clark 1938/339Madoc R W Capt 1939 Commissioned "Courageous" 1939/54Madoc R W Maj 1941 The Battleof Crete 1945/72Madoc R W Maj 1947 Letter - Visit to Hermanville Cemetery 1947/2271948/280,Madoc R W Maj 1948 Vanguard detachment for the <strong>Royal</strong> Tour307,Madoc R W Major 1949 Relieved in "Vanguard" by Capt.J C d'E Coke 1949/72Madoc R W Col 1954 Wanted - Vos I and II of Britain's Sea Soldiers 1954/15Madoc R W Brig 1955 Presenting the Active Service Cup 1955/215*Madoc R W Maj Gen 1958 Presenting BEM 1958/81*,Madoc R W Capt 1935 ADC to Governor of Madras 1935/921939/183,Madoc R W Capt 1939 Birth of daughter234-Madoc R W Maj 1944 POW in Germany 1944/63Madoc R W Lt Col 1950 With 42 Cdo Football Team 1951/15*Madoc R W Lt Col 1952 Commandant CSRM 1952/115Madoc R W Lt Col 1952 Letter - Display Room at CSRM 1952/130

Madoc R W Lt Col 1952 Relinquishes command of 42 Cdo 1952/18Madoc R W Col 1955 Commander 3 Cdo Bde 1955/94,Madoc R W Maj Gen 1957 Plymouth Group Commander 1957/205Madoc R W Maj Gen 1958 With FM Sor John Harding on tarzan course 1958/241*<strong>1959</strong>/345;Madoc R W Maj Gen <strong>1959</strong> Committee of the <strong>Royal</strong> Naval Saddle Club1960/56Madoc R W Brig 1956 Commander 3 Cdo Bde at Port Said Operation 1956/238Maguire B W 2Lt RMFVR 1953 RMFVR Commission 1953/295Maguire G A M Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/168Mahoney D Lt 1944 Wedding 1944/191Mahoney D C Capt 1944 Relieves Capt Gardiner-Brown in Illustrious" 1944/307Mahoney D C Lt 1947 Birth of twin son and daughter 1947/95Mahoney D C Capt 1949 Guard of Honour at Plymouth 1949/290Mahoney D C Maj 1958 Chairmann RN Amateur Fencing Association 1958/156Mainwariing H J Ty 2Lt 1954 To be 2Lt (Regular Commission) 1954/287Mainwaring H J M Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/48Maitland R E A/Lt 1957 Resigned commission 1957/95Maitland- Ward J Lt 1951 Joining Rhine Flotilla 1951/230Maitland-Ward John Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Major I V Lt 1943 ADC to First Lord during visit to Portsmouth 1943/206Major I V Capt 1945 Relieved as Flot Offr 542 LCA Flotilla E2980by Capt P Harris 1945/166Major I V Maj 1946 To be RM rep <strong>Royal</strong> Ocean Racing Club and Chairman 1947/8, 61Major I V Capt 1948 Selected for RN Staff Course 1948/266Major I V Maj 1949 Small Raids Wing 1949/209Major Lt 1938 Report on raid Tirreh, with <strong>Royal</strong> West Kents & RMs 1938/342Major I V Maj 1947 OC COBBS 1947/294.Major I V Maj 1946 Corps sailing representative 1946/207Major I V Maj 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Mallett A W H Lt 1947 Cricket 'Blue' at Oxford 1947/222ChaplainMangerH C W RNVR 1944 Died of Wounds in 44 Cdo 1944/197

Mann G R Capt 1958 Retirement - "Last Serving Red Marine"1958/296*,<strong>1959</strong>/31Manners J.C. Lt 1937 Joins "Ramilles" 1937/174Mansell W B Lt 1949 Regimental Colour Officer with Guard of Honour 1949/266Mansell W B Lt 1953 Colour Officer - Trooping the Colour at ITCRM 1953/137*Mansell W B Lt 1954 DrillI Instructors Training officer 1954/171Mansell W B Lt 1951 Awarded MC in 40 Cdo 1951/166Mansell W B Capt 1958 From Adjutant Deal to OCRM HMS Birmingham 1958/133,Mansell W B Capt <strong>1959</strong> With HMS Birmingham Whalers Crew <strong>1959</strong>/235*Manual Lt 1946 2 i/c "Illustrious" detachment 1946/173Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofManuel G Capt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/ 122Manuel G U W Capt 1957 Leaves Staff Captain HQ RMFVR for HQ 3 Cdo Be 1957/90Manuel Lt 1947 Relieved in "Illustrious" by Lt Sluman 1947/228Marcel J P Lt 1949 ADC to GOC-in-C Hong Kong 1949/318Marcel J P H Lt 1951 ADC to GOC Hong Kong 1951/152Marcel J P H Capt <strong>1959</strong> RMFVR Merseyside Adjutants' "gimkicks" <strong>1959</strong>/1171956/170,Marchant M R Lt 1956 Winner RMRA Championships171*Marchant M R Lt 1957 45 Cdo Shooting Team 1957/281*Marchant Capt 1899 Took command of Naval Brigade at Graspan 1938/495Markham Rose J Col 1913 First RMA officer as Editor <strong>1930</strong>/60Markham Rose J Lt Col 1915 Commanded SA Heavy Artillery 1953/99Markham Rose J Col <strong>1930</strong> Letter - Errors in History of the RMA <strong>1930</strong>/241Markham Rose J Col (Retd) 1932 6th Edition of "Story of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>" puiblished 1932/273-Markham Rose James Col (Retd) 1933 Letter - "The Horse Marine" 1933/48Marks Charles Lt 1937 Retirement - last link with the old Naval Bands 1937/276Markwick John Lt 1957 Article - "In the Scottish Highlands" 1957/87,Marley [Lord] 1944 DL for Sussex 1944/33Marlow C E Lt 1945 Birth of a son 1945/62Marriott R A Lt RMA 1883 Raised Sudan Defence Force 1951/128Marsh A E Lt 1938 dis-embarks "Courageous" 1938/338

Marsh A E Lt 1940 Article - "Flying <strong>Marines</strong>" 1940/469Marsh A E Lt 1940 Marriage 1940/408Marsh A E Proby 2Lt 1934 Corps Commission 1935/711940/442-,Marsh A E 1940 Article - "Flying <strong>Marines</strong>"469Marsh A E Capt 1949 "Hunting for Trouple. Findinf it and Liking it" 1949/52*Marsh A E Capt 1949 Guard of Honour at Stonehouse 1949/344Marsh A E Capt 1952 Article - "Have You a Hobby?" 1952/15*Marsh A E Capt (ret) 1954 Sales Staff of Wadhams Bros Ltd 1954/91Marsh A E Capt (ret) 1958 Private Practice as Consultant Motor Engineer 1958/56Marsh E G D Lt 1940 Son's marriage 1940/408Marsh E L 2Lt 1941 Awarded service nomination for a commission for 1941 1941/369Marsh E L Lt 1949 Ex "Kiel-Elbe" 1949/288Marsh E L Capt 1947 ADC to General Festing 1947/91Marsh E L Lt 1950 Rubber planting in Malaya 1950/62Marsh E L Capt 1951 Messers Barlow & Co, Kuala Lumpur 1951/85Marsh L G Capt 1951 Leaves 41 Cdo 1951/284Marshall A R Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Marshall L G B A/Ty Capt 1944 Citation - Bar to MC 1944/139Marshall P E Ty Lt 1946 Marriage, released and sailing for Jamaica 1946/162Marston M Lt 1950 RM Deal cricket Team 1950/224*Martin C E Maj 1945 Adjutant Gibraltar Camp 1945/282Martin H F 2Lt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Martin W R N Lt 1931 With HMS <strong>Royal</strong> Sovereign Football team 1931/197*Martin H F Cd SM 1951 Promoted from RSM 1951/3491941/142,Martin-Harvey Ma\rtin Chaplain 1941 At RM Division Reinforcement Depot173Martini E I S Capt 1934 OCRM HMS Danae 1934/76Martyn G K Capt 1938 Birth of a daughter 1938/299Martyn G K Maj 1952 Aldershot Cup Winners 1952/201*Martyn G K Maj <strong>1959</strong> Recruiting Staff Officer and relinquishes CO Bristol RMFVR <strong>1959</strong>/178

Martyn G K Capt 1940 Birth of son 1940/442-Martyn G K Maj 1945 Relinquishes 2 i/c RMITC 1945/212Martyn G K Lt Col 1957 CO RMFVR Bristol 1957/89,Mascall G P Y Capt (ret) 1956 The Corps Cigarette - "Two <strong>Royal</strong>s" 1956/63Mascall J R Maj 1810 NGS Medal presented to Plymouth Collection 1940/426Mascall J R Capt 1940Baltic Medal presented to Plymouth by son, Capt G P YMascall 1940/426Mascall R G Ty Capt 1952Commission terminated - commissioned in the <strong>Royal</strong> PioneerCorps 1952/168Mascall R.G. Lt 1937 OCRM "Coventry" 1937/330Mason A E W 1949 Bequest for relief of distress for officers and dependants 1949/254Mason J R 2Lt (BM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/295Master-Curtis R Maj <strong>1959</strong> Commandant RMTC Med <strong>1959</strong>/324.Master-Curtis Robert Capt 1954 Naval Staff Course 1954/237Master-Curtis Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Mathew G Col Comdt 1932 RMOCA Chuirch Parade 1932/174*1934/49, 120,Mathew G Brig 1934 Commandant of the Depot121*Mathew G Brig 1934 Retires as Colonel Commandant of the Depot 1934/164Mathews A J D Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Mathews G Lt Gen 1943 Widow directing Officer's Kit Replacement Organisation 1943/ 93 [11]Matters P R 2Lt 1935 Member Plymouth Division Boxing Team 1935/1451946/380,Matters P R Lt Col 1946 2 i/c 45 Cdo to be CO 44 Cdo in Hong Kong381Matters P R Lt Col 1947 Relinquishing command of 44 Cdo 1947/69, 91Matters P R Maj 1947 Bisley 1947/174*Matters P R Maj 1947 Chief Instructor RMSAS 1947/132Matters P R Maj 1948 Joins HMS Glasgow from SASRM 1948/2811950/SepMatters P R Maj 1950 ```````````````Cover*,Matters P R Maj 1950 Marriage in Bermuda 1950/155Matters P R Maj 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118

Matthews B S A Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/47Matthews G E 1908 Service in the Sudan 1951/128Maude N S E Capt 1949 Selected for Army Staff College 1948/248Maude N S E Capt 1956 Wounded iun Cyprus 1956/169, SMaul R H L R H L Proby 2Lt 1938 Award of a Sword 1938/294Maxwell J Lt 1936 RM Point-to-Point 1936/187*Maxwell J Lt 1937 Departs "Ramilles" 1937/129Maxwell J Lt 1937 Relieves Lt Mascall on "Coventry" 10th July 1937/330Maxwell J Lt 1938 Relieved as OC "Coventry" detachment by Lt N H Tailyour 1938/170Maxwell J A/Maj 1946 Died in captivity 1946/356Maxwell John Maj 1945 Murdered by Japanese - Article - "Suicide" 1958/317Maxwell John Maj Grave in Kranji Cemetery <strong>1959</strong>/354*Maxwell Lt 1936 Return to UK from "Queen Elizabeth" 1936/80Maxwell Capt 1944 Relieved in "Anson" by Capt Baker Cresswell 1944/98Mayhew Douglas Lt 1954 Ski-ing in the Rhine Squadron 1954/65Mayhew J B C 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Mayhew Lt Col 1922 Editor of the G & L 1945/129Maynard Lt 1951 Married 1951/140Mayo P W F Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1956/43Mayo P W F Lt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> Travel Scholarship in his memory at Rugby School <strong>1959</strong>/307Mayston Maj 1943 RM Detachment 380/23 1943/263Mc Gill N H D Maj 1954 Leaving Gunnery School 1954/80McCahon J M Capt 1939 OCRM "Nelson" 1939/234McCann J Maj 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*McCarthy Edward Maj Adjutant RMA <strong>1930</strong>/336*McCarthy P W Lt 1956 40 Cdo The Military Funeral at Clayhall 1957/31*McCarthy P W Lt 1956 Killed in action at Port Said Operation 1956/242McCausland E L Gen 1933 Death of son in India 1933/52McCausland H L Maj 1933 Death of brother in India 1933/52McCausland H L M Lt Col 1943 Relinquishes Commandant RNSM 1943/271McCausland H L M Maj 1932 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57

McCausland H L M Lt Col 1936 Commanded Escort in <strong>Royal</strong> Funeral Procession 1936/92McCausland H L M Lt Col 1940 Recalled from retired list and Superintendent RNSM 1940/76McCleary C A Capt RAMC 1944 Relinquishes MO 44 Commando 1944/323McConnell William Lt 1947 Engagement to daughter of Gen Lamplough 1947/316McConnell William Capt 1948 Wedding to daughter of Gen Lamplough 1948/176*McConnell Capt 1945 Relieves Capt Smalley as OCRM "Orion" 1945/44McConville M A Lt 1947 Hitch-hiked from UK to visit 45 Cdo in Malta 1947/239McCrae J Lt 1951 With 45 Cdo shooting team 1951/283*McDonald L V Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291McDonald Chaplain 1947 With 42 Commando in Malta 1947/238McDonnell J M F Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/252McDonnell J M F Lt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> OC Commando Wing RMFVR B ristol <strong>1959</strong>/277McDougal J A 2nd Lt 1947 Joins "Leander" 1947/230McGarel Groves R J Capt 1946 OCRM "Venerable" Camp Cmdt Internment Camp Hong Kong 1946/47McGarel Groves R J Maj 1958 Senior <strong>Officers</strong> of Portsmouth Group 1958/261*McGarel-Groves Capt 1950 Leaving 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/259McGill N H D Lt 1939 Dis-embarks "Coventry" 1939/507McGill N H D Capt 1943 Adjutant RMMS 1943/231McGill N H D Maj 1944 Adjutant RMMS and marriage 1944/196McGill N H D Maj 1948 School of Combined Operations Visit to Canada and to USMC 1948/362McGill N H D Maj 1950 Joining 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/259McGill N H D Maj 1951 Appointed DDQMG 3 Cdo Bde 1951/63McGill N H D Maj 1953 Commandant Gunnery School 1953/37McGill N H D Maj 1953 Trooping the Colour at Eastney 1953/131McGill N H D Col 1958 Senior <strong>Officers</strong> of Portsmouth Group 1958/261*McGill N H D Col <strong>1959</strong> With PRORM Badminton Team <strong>1959</strong>/209*McGill N.H.D. Lt 1939 Relieves Lt Tailyour in "Coventry" 1939/384McGilliard A Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on transfer to the RAF 1954/235McGuire J P A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99

McIntyre Shepton R I Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/144McIver E D 2Lt 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25McIver E D Capt 1940 "Flying Marine" 1940/469McIver E D Capt 1940 Shot down over Bergen - funeral 1946/2051956/266,McKenzie G M C Ty Lt USADF Officer seconded - Memorial tablet at Eastney 281.McKenzie R A 2Lt 1956 Commission terminated on medical grounds 1956/87,McLachlan John Maj RMLI 1946 Death of son 1946/292McLean K A Capt 1953 Director of Music, Portsmouth 1953/49,McLean K A Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118McLean Capt 1950 Musical Director RNSM 1950/179McNab A J Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/140McNab Fraser I Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/144McNeill I M Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commisasion 1958/204McShane Neil Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/48McSlater H Maj 1936 Departs "St Angelo" 1936/477Meaby R E G Capt 1948 Birth of a son 1948/159Mead C F Ty Capt` 1915 Killed at Gallipoli - The Mdead Cricket Cup 1933/239*Mead C J H Lt Col 1947 Winner CGRM's Prize Eassay Competition 1948/34Mead C J H [Lt Col RE] 1948 Author - "Cornwall's <strong>Royal</strong> Engineers 1948/236Mead C J H Lt Col 1951 Book - "The History of the <strong>Royal</strong> Cornwall Yacht Club….." 1951/93Meadows R F G Capt 1956 MBE for gallantry in Cyprus presented by Governor of Malta 1957/2, 31,Meadows R E Lt 1948 With Portsmuth Group Tug-o'-War Teams 1948/242*Meagher D M C Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Meagher D M C Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the RMFVR 1954/99Medion Frederick Staff SM 1937 Obituary 1937/364Meldon A W Maj 1947 Presentation of the Meldon Cup by his mother and origin 1947/235*Meldon A W Maj 1953 MNBDO II _ Died at Quassasin - Meldon Trophy 1953/137Mence Lt 1947 42 Cdo - Cartoon 1947/299*HMS <strong>Royal</strong> Prince Guard of Honour for HRH PrincessMeny-Gibert M A Capt 1954 Margaret 1954/203*

Meny-Gibert M A Capt 1954 Rhine Squadron 1954/64Meny-Gibert Lt 1944 Marriage 1944/108Mercer David Maj Gen <strong>1930</strong> In Memoriam <strong>1930</strong>/186Mercer David Gen 1932 P``ortrait at Plymouth 1932/17Mercer L Capt 1931 Marriage 1931/293Mercer L Capt 1934 RE Drag Hunt at Chatham 1934/84Mercer L Maj 1935 HMS Barham Cutters Crew 1935/262*1936/296+(SMercer L Maj 1936 Coy Commander for the King's visit to Eastneyupplement)Mercer L Maj 1937 FRMO with HMS York cutters crew 1937/189*Mercer L Maj 1938 With HMS York Shooting Team 1938/222*Mercer Lawrence Capt 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Mercer Lawrence Maj 1939 Birth of twins 1939/378Mercer Lawrence Lt Col 1944 Letter - "<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>, Light Infantry" 1944/328Mercer Lt Col 1945 Paymaster at Plymouth 1945/241Meredith-Jones N J D Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Merrett T C Cd BM 1954 Promoted from Staff BM 1954/48Messers-Bennetts M Capt 1941 Birth of a son 1941/122Meynall G 2Lt 1953 Retired - medically unfit 1953/295Michell D W Capt 1957Troop in Londonderry (Confirmed bachelor -­‐ Amusing story) 1957/134Michell N G Capt 1946 Relieves Capt J T O Waters as OCRM "Newfoundland" 1946/42Michell N G Capt 1951 45 Cdo in Malaya 1951/234Miers C G H Capt 1947 Engagement 1947/55Miers C G H Capt 1947 Relieved as OCRM "Commonwealth" by Capt G A C Blunt 1947/169Miers C G H Capt 1946 Naval Party 2504 in Kure 1946/75Miers C G H Capt 1946 OCRM NP 2504 1946/75Milcrone K Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/52Miles R Capt 1945 Birth of a son 1945/276Miles R C Capt 1950 hms Queen Elizabeth reunion 1950/71

Miles R C Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/259Miles Capt 1947 Entertains ranks of USMC from USS Wilkes BarreMiles Capt 1947 OCRM "Anson" 1947/60Miller D D Surg Lt 1954 40 Commando - "The Hairy Killer" 1954/121*Miller D N Maj RMFVR 1951 Landing Craft Wing - RMFVR City of London 1951/214Lt ColMillerD N RMFVR 1957 Dined out as CO RMFVR London 1957/295Milliken Duncan Maj 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Nelson] 1945/298Milliken F A Maj 1944 Relieves Capt Teek as OCRM "Rodney" 1944/310Mills C C SM (ret) 1936 Appointed RNSM 1936/135Milne B A Lt Col 1929 Death <strong>1930</strong>/1Minster Lt 1801 Duel 1951/97Mirchell B G B Capt 1935 HMS Hermes Whaler's Crew 1935/196*Mirchell B G B Lt Col 1941 Birth of daughter 1941/369Mitchell A G 2Lt RMFVR 1955 Commissioned in the RMFVR 1955/239Mitchell A G Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/235Mitchell B G B Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Queen Elizabeth Whjalers Crew <strong>1930</strong>/318*Mitchell B G B Lt Col (ret) 1956 Appointed DL of Pembrokeshire 1956/197,Mitchell B.G.B. Capt 1936 Cornwall,Dorsetshire,Hermes dets. Under command 1936/227Mitchell C B H Lt Col 1899 Governor of Singapore - Memorial 1937/344*Mitchell C M Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/44Mitchell D Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Mitchell D A/Lt RMFVR 1952 To be 2Lt 1952/45Mitchell D Lt 1954 Cross-Channel canoe record 1954/265Mitchell D W Lt 1946 Beating Retreat in Melbourne - 1st Aircraft Carrier Sqn BPF 1946/112*Mitchell David Lt 1954 Winners Devizes-Westminsterr Canoe Race 1954/101Mitchell David Lt 1956 HMS Birmingham - Ceremony of the Keys in Gibraltar 1956/55,Mitchell J C Capt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> OC Initial Training Wing RMFVR Bristol <strong>1959</strong>/277Mitchell Capt 1936 Battalion Mnes & Seaman for CinC Coy Cdr 1936/275Mitchell Capt 1945 Adjutant Burma Camp RMTG(W) & baptism of son 1945/320

Moffatt J M Lt RMFVR 1958 Represented Great Britain in rifle team in Australia & NZ 1958/42Moffatt J M Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Article - "British Rifle Team's Visit to Australia and NewMoffatt J M Lt RMFVR 1958 Zealand 1958/187,Mollison Lt 1786 A duel with Lt Gamble 1938/291Molloy P Lt Gen (ret) 1952 Son's marriage 1952/113Montgomerie George 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/295Montgomery P J A 2Lt 1953 Corps Commission 1953/248Moon A J F Lt RMFVR 1955 Weddinig 1955/228,Moon J Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Moon J R 2Lt 1948 Ex Trek 1948/271*Moorby Surg Cdr 1956 Retires as Plymouth Group Medical Officer 1956/270Moore B S A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Moore J H Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/349Moore J W B Chap 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Moore R F Capt 1944 At Iceland Camp, Towyn 1944/132Moore R F Capt 1944 Marriage 1944/196Moore R F Capt 1944 Marriage 1944/203More-Nisbett Surg Lt Cdr 1942 MO School of Music 1942/293Moreton M J Lt 1957 Funeral of King Haakon VII of Norway 1957/255*Morgan A H Cd SM 1953 Promoted from QMS 1953/100Morgan A H 2Lt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Morgan C C Capt 1957 Article - "Small-Bore Sidelights" 1957/192Morgan C C CdSM 1952 RMFVR Bristol 1952/80Morgan F W Capt 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/55Morgan J C Cd SM 1951 Promoted from QMS(C) 1951/349Morgan John 2Lt 1749 "The Mutiny on His Majesty's Ship Chesterfield" 1951/96Morgan T C Capt 1947 To 3 Cdo Bde aboard the SS Ranchi 1947/67Morgan T D Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Morgan T D Capt 1949 Leaving 42 Cdo for Conversion Course 1949/157

Morris A W Lt 1944 With Tug-o'-War Team, Cey.lon 1945/25*Morris G R Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Morris H A Maj 1940 Joined 1894 - departed Brigade Depot 1940/507Morris H F Capt 1945 EVT Officer Holding Bn 1945/346Morris J H Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RA(TA) 1952/211Morris T H J Lt 1946 Relieves Lt Highett in "Nelson" 1946/273Morris K C Capt 1944 OCRM "Delhi" vice Capt Macpherson 1944/48Morrison I G Lt 1943 Letter - Coldstream Guards formed for sea service 1943/98Morrison J C D Col 1869-95 Member of the Honourable Corps of Gentleman-at-Arms 1947/202Morrison K I Capt 1944 Relieved by Capt J C d'E Coke as OCRM "Mauritius" 1944/150Morrison K I Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Morrison K I Capt 1950 OCRM HMS Euryalusa receiving the Gibraltar Cup 1951/36*Morrison K I Maj 1956 HMS Superb det training and guard of Honour at Eastney 1956/27, 69,Morriss K C Capt 1955 Naval Staff Course 1955/45Morriss T H J Capt 1954 Relief force for the Falkland Islands 1954/189Morriss Capt 1951 With HMS Vangaurd tug-o'-war teams 1951/100*Morton J N `` 1947 Leaves Commando Cliff Assault Centre 1947/215Mosely D E Capt 1946 Adjutant "Cricket 1946/461949/340,Mosely D E Capt 1949 Adjt Eastney resigns his commission and joins RMFVR 348Mostyn Richard Capt 1695 Duel in the 1st Marine Regiment 1938/290Mottram C W Lt 1956 OCRM HMS Loch Alvie 1956/173Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofMottram J F Lt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/ 123Mottram J F Lt 1957 Article - "Batinah Coast Patrol" [Gulf of Oman] 1957/225*Mottram J F Lt 1956 OCRM HMS Loch Lomond 1956/173Mottram J F Lt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/115*Mottram J F Lt 1958 Adjutants Course 1958/133Mottram Lt 1956 SBS - at Toulon 1956/19*Mould A M Lt 1947 HQ 3 Cdo Bde 1947/215Mould A M Capt 1948 GIII (Int) returning to UK overland for Conversion Course 1948/346

Mould Lt 1950 Regimental Signals <strong>Officers</strong>' Course 1950/323Moulton J F M Capt 1934 Presented Canopus Cup to RMVCC Plymouth 1934/.20Moulton J L Lt 1932 With HMS Glorious's Whaler's Crew 1932/279*Moulton J L Lt Col 1944 Walcheren 1953/198Moulton J L Lt Col 1944 "Commandoson Walcheren" 1945/40Moulton J L Lt Col 1946 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Moulton J L Lt Col 1946 Memorial service to 48 Cdo in Gravesenf 1946/154Moulton J L Lt Col 1947 Bisley 1947/174*Moulton J L Lt Col 1947 From CO SASRM to CO Commando School 1947/255Moulton J L Lt Col 1948 Article - Visit to D-Day Anniersary Cememonies in Normandy 1948/202Roll of Honour to 48 Cdo dedicated in Christ Church,Moulton J L Lt Col 1948 Gravesend 1949/4Moulton J L Col 1950 Opening RM Section of Imperial War Museum 1950/136*Moulton J L Col 1951 First Division Prize winner 1952/55Moulton J L Brig 1952 Display for HRH Duke of Edinburgh 1953/29*Moulton J L Brig 1952 To command 3 Cdo Bde 1952/1251954/119,Moulton J L Brig 1954 Leaving 3 Cdo Bde - assuming MGRM Portsmouth125,Moulton J L Maj Gen 1954 To be MGRM Portsmouth 1954/101Moulton J L Maj Gen 1954 With Admiral Sir John Edelston 1954/162*Moulton J L Maj Gen 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/113*1957/148,Moulton J L Maj Gen 1957 Chief of Amphibious Warfare205,Mounteney P H de R Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/259Mountsteven F H [Hon Col] Letter - On parade with CSgt Prettyjohns <strong>1930</strong>/278Moxham J F Lt 1934 Son's wedding 1934/169Moxham J H Capt 1932 Visit to the Roumanian Army 1932307Moxham J H Capt 1934 HMS Durban 1934/186Moxham J H Capt 1934 Wedding 1934/169Moxham J H Capt 1935 HMS Durban Cutters Crew 1935/392*Moxham J H Maj 1946 Retirement at Chatham 1946/340

Moxham J H Maj 1947 Anglo-Egyptian Society 1947/105Moxham J.H. Capt. 1935 Delhi detachment landed for route march 1935/51Moxham J.H. Capt 1935 Returns to "Durban" 1935/51Moxham K H Maj 1946 Birth of a daughter 1946/198Moys Capt 1944 Walcheren 1953/200Mucklow A T Capt 1946 Relieved as OCRM "Leander" by Capt R B Stacey 1946/336Mucklow A T Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/81, 152,Mucklow A T Capt 1946 OCRM "Leander" 1946/274Mucklow Lt 1938 Relieves Lt Barton on "Ramilles" 1938/41Muir C M Capt 1947 ITCRM Bayonet Fencing Team 1947/214*Muir Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Muirhead M R Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Mulkern F T Capt 1943 OC Stevedores, 19th Batalion 1943/46,Mulkern F T Capt 1944 OC Stevedores, 19th Batalion 1944/197,Mulkern F T Maj 1945 19 Bn - ill health 1945/215Mulkern F T Maj 1945 With 19 Bn Boxing Team 1945/146*Mullan R G Lt Mayor of Stepney 1943/257Mullins G J H Gen 1934 To preside at RM Dinner Club 1934/169Mullins G J H Col 1936 Letter: The scene depicted on the Graspan Memorial 1936/148Mullins G J H Gen 1934 Presentation of cup for shooting at the Depot 1934/355Mullins J H Gen 1934 Presentation of flag to Plymouth RMOCA 1934/165Munn P Lt 1944 536 LCA Flotilla 1946/286Munro H Maj 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Musgrave H B 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Musto H B Lt 1948 Checking for limpet mines in Haifa 1948/283*1957/AprMusto H B Capt 1957 OC 6 SBS with Gen Sir Robert LaycockCover*Musto Henry Capt <strong>1959</strong> "Why con't Subalterns go in for SBS?" <strong>1959</strong>/367Musto Lt 1950 Leaving 40 Cdo 1950/291Musto Capt 1956 SBS - at Toulon 1956/19

Mylne R E A 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Narbeth Brian Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Nash John Capt 1941 Transfer from "Unattached List" with Temporary Commission 1941/192Neaves A W Capt 1949 Relieves Capt A E Toase in "Diadem" 1949/142Neaves A W Maj 1957 Sportsman of the Month - Fencing 1957.292*Neaves A W Maj 1956 Commanding Guard of Honour at Depot 1956/70,Nellist R V H Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95Neville P J 2Lt (BM) 1957 Promoted from Staff BM 1957/204Neville R A R Col 1944 FRMO in Malta 1944/74Neville R A R Col 1945 Med Fleet FROM 1945/274Neville R A R Col 1946 Col 2nd Comdt at Plymouth to CO RNSM 1946/278Neville R A R Col 1946 Presented cup for tennis at Plymouth 1946/278Neville R A R Col 1947 With Dr Malcolm Sargent at RNSM 1947/61*Neville R A R Col 1948 Leaving RNSM on promotion 1948/114Neville R A R Maj Gen 1948 Chatham Group Commander 1948/108Neville R A R Maj Gen 1948 Inspecting HMS Victorious Detachment 1948/209*Neville R A R Maj Gen 1948 Presenting Navy Cup to Chatham team 1948/144*Neville R A R Maj Gen 1949 Letter - Admiral Lord Nelson and Blue Colonels 1949/278Neville R A R Maj Gen 1949 Wife opening new NAAFI Restaurant and Tavern at Chatham 1949/82*Neville R A R Maj Gen 1949 Prime Minister at Farewell Luncheon in London 1951/4Neville R A R Maj Gen 1949 Letter - Letter appointing Nelson as Blue Colonel 1949/278Neville R A R Maj Gen 1949 Receiving Freedom of Chatham 1950/3*Neville R A R Maj Gen 1950 Appointed Governor of the Bahamas 1950/2961951/4, 6,Neville R A R Maj Gen 1950 Arriving as Governor of the Bahamas32*New G J Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/86Newbold G S T Lt Col 1945 Retirement as Superintendent of PT 1945/144Newbould J G B Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Newbould L G B Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Newburn A K Lt 1950 Article - "The Canoe Race" 1950/117

Newburn A K Lt RMFVR 1951 Canoeing1951/MayCover*, 144*,145, 154Newburn A K Maj RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> CO Bristol RMFVR <strong>1959</strong>/178,Newcombe W H Cd BM 1955 Commissioned from Staff BM 1955/239Newling G A Lt Col 1945 Commanding Burma Camp 1945/213Newman H T Maj 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25Newman H T Brig 1943 Brigadier General Staff 1943/221Newman H T Maj Gen 1945 MGRMEI with <strong>Officers</strong> RM Depot Trincomalee 1945/214Newman H T Maj Gen 1945 Watching Beat Retreat in Colombo 1946/6*Newman H T Maj 1934 Entered Shorncliffe Point to Point 1934/120Newman H T Maj 1934 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1935/63Newman H T Lt Col 1936 Staff of RNC Greenwich 1936/92Newman H T Lt Col 1937 Secretary of the RM Saddle Club 1937/1-Newman H T Maj Gen 1945 Inspecting USMC in Colombo and Visits 1946/59*Newman H T Maj Gen 1946 First MGRM Portsmouth Group 1947/8Newman H T Maj Gen 1946 Inspecting RMVCC Portsmouth 1946/277*Newman H T Maj Gen 1947 RM Regimental Race 1947/107*Newman H T Maj Gen 1947 RMRA Central Meeting 1947/163Lecture at the invitation of GOC Aldershot Command [GenNewman H T Maj Gen 1948 Baillon] 1948/172Newman H T Maj Gen 1948 Retires as MGRM Portsmouth 1948/341Newman H T Maj Gen 1948 With Director WRNS 1948/46*Newman H T Maj Gen 1948 With Portsmuth Group Tug-o'-War Teams 1948/242*Newman H T Maj Gen 1949 School Visitor, Wotton House Prep School 1949/262*Newman H T Maj Gen (ret) 1955 Appointed Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Group 1955/1Newman H T Maj Gen (ret) 1955 Presenting a medal at Eastney 1955/71*Newman H T Maj Gen 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/113*Newman H T Maj Gen 1958 Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Group taken ill visitng Poole 1958/77

Newman H T Maj Gen 1958 Retires as Honorary Colonel Commandant Portsmouth Group 1958/261*Newman L A A Capt 1948 HMS Sussex - Receiving the Pekin Cup 1948/104*Newman Maj Gen (ret) 1952 RMA Tunbriodge Wells Christmas Dinner 1952/83*Newsom Capt 1939 With HMS Barham Cutter's and Whalers Crews 1939/10*Newson A C Maj 1947 2 i/c 45 Cdo 1947/217Newson A C Maj 1950 Deputy Director RMFVR 1950/264Newson Capt 1938 GoH for CinC 1938/306Nicholas F H Capt 1950 Adjutant CCAW 1950/121Nicholl C J Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Nicholls W C Gen 1935 Death and Funeral 1935/1-Nicholls W C Gen Adjutant RMA 1911-1916 <strong>1930</strong>/336*Nicholson F H Lt Col 1946 NPM NW Europe. King's Badgeman 1946/253Nicholson F H Capt 1949 Adjt CCAW - St Ives Mayor's Sunday 1949/291Nicholson J W Ty Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the AER 1954/99Nicols C P Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Nieland A R Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Nightingale R J Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Nightingale R J Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Noel 2nd Lt 1947 Joins "Dido" 1947/229Nonweiler W I Capt 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25Nonweiler W I Maj 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Nonweiler W I Maj Gen 1951 Chief of Staff 1951/139Nonweiler W I Maj Gen 1953 Funeral 1953/87Nonweiler W I Capt 1934 OCRM HMS Cumberland 1934/7Nonweiler W I Capt 1934 OCRM HMS Cumberland 1934/157Nonweiler W J Col 1947 Visit of CGRM to Malta 1948/4*1940/410-,Norcock L Col [Retd] 1940 Son's marriage to a Chatham Division Wren424Norcock L Col 1948 Daughter's marriage (Sister of P L Norcock) 1948/262Norcock P L Lt 1937 Coronation Guard of Honour` 1953/56

Norcock P L Lt 1940 Marriage 1940/410-Norcock P L Capt 1943 Birth of a daughter 1943/237Norcock P L Capt 1943 Relieves Maj R D Sims as OCRM KGV 1943/200Norcock P L Capt 1943 Visiting Portsmouth 1943/267Norcock P L Maj 1945 Article - "Destination Tokyo" 1946/104Norcock P L Maj 1946 OCRM "King George V" 1946/74Norcock P L Capt 1946 Presented large pair of Japanese binoculars 1946/170Norcock P L Maj 1946 Settling in RNSM at Burford 1946/194Norcock P L Maj 1947 2 i/c 40 Cdo 1947/216Norcock P L Lt Col 1948 From CO 45 Cdo to 2 i/c 40 Cdo 1949/19Relinquishes Chief Instructor CSRM & to command GhainNorcock P L Maj 1951 Tuffieha 1951/22, 37Norcock P L Lt Col 1953 CO 42 Cdo 1954/23Norcock P L Lt Col 1954 Commandant SASRM, B rowndown 1957/58Norcock P L Lt Col 1955 To be CO 42 Cdo 1955/225Norcock P L Lt Col 1956 CO 42 Cdo at Port Said Operation 1956/238North W S Capt 1938 Relieves Capt C M G Luxmore as OCRM "Iron Duke" 1938/257North W S Capt 1940 Birth of a son 1940/116North W S Lt Col 1944 Relieves Lt Col K. Hunt in "Robertson" 1944/278North W S Capt 1936 HMS Shropshire Cutter's Crew 1936/342*North W S Col 1952 DOPAR 1952/72,1953/182*,North W S Col 1953 DOPAR with Basketball Team and Whaler's Crew183*North W S Col 1953 Wife presenting prozes at PRORM gymkhana 1953/225*North W S Col 1954 Retired at Chatham 1954/272North W.S. Capt 1936 O.C.R.M. Shropshire at Dekhaile Camp 1936/262North W.S. Capt 1936 OCRM "Shropshire" 1936/83Nott R J W Capt 1940 Missing possibly POW 1940/338Noyes E J B Brig 1941 Colonel Commandant Portsmouth 1941/349Noyes E J B Brig 1942 With Football Team Portsmouth Div 1942/282*Noyes E J B Brig 1943 First Lord's visit to Eastney 1943/205*

Noyes E J B Maj Gen 1947 Sudden death 1947/166Noyes E J B May 1934 Commanded Guard of Honour for Duke of Kent's wedding 1935/62Noyes E J B Maj 1934 Father Christmas at Children's party 1934/48Noyes G T Maj 1892 Joint First Editor 1938/165-Noyes Lt Col 1938 Relieves Lt Col Sturges as F.R.M.O. 1938/210Noyes Col 1939 Relieved by Col Jameson as F.R.M.O. Home Fleet 1939/380Nunns M R Capt 1958 OCRM HMS Protector 1958/156Nunns M R Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Nunns M R Capt 1954 Norwegian Army Winter Warfare Course 1954/49Nunns R G Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Nunns R N Lt 1950 Visit to Belgian Commandos 1950/214Nuttall T Lt(QM) 1944 RM Detachment 375 [RME] 1944/110<strong>1959</strong>/130,Nuttall Tom Capt (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Letter - "<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> Association"187,Oakley D A Lt 1953 CSRM Coronation night entertainment 1953/184Oakley D A Capt 1957 B Troop 42 Cdoi in Northern Ireland 1957/189Oakley D A Lt 1950 Article - "Ibans" 1950/260Oakley D A Lt 1951 Joins Commando School 1951/212Oakley D A Lt 1952 Birth of a son 1952/57Oakley D A Lt 1954 Birth of a son 1954/91Oakley D A Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Newcastle 1954/126Oakley D A Capt <strong>1959</strong> Captain Corps Hickey Team <strong>1959</strong>/47*Oakley D A Capt <strong>1959</strong> Wife in "The Young Elizabeth" <strong>1959</strong>/156Oakley Harold Capt (ret) 1958 Letter - "The Blue Pig" 1958/282Oakley P L Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Oakley P L Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the RMFVR 1954/99Oakley Lt (QM) 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Oatley E J 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/295O'Bien A W Capt 1947 In hospital for complicated sciatic nerve operation 1947/214O'Brien A P Lt 1944 Joins Eastern Theatre from 47 Cdo 1945/22O'Brien A P Capt 1949 Leaves CCAW 1949/291

O'Brien A P B Capt 1950 Retiurement from Cliff Assault Troop 1950/231O'Brien J P J A/Ty Capt 1944 Citation - MC 1944/139O'Brien 2Lt 1941 Recovered the colours at Plymouth after the blitz 1946/314Odendaal John Capt 1948 Retires to South Africa 1949/17Odendall J Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*O'Donnell B W 1937 Details of serbvice on the retirement of his brother P S G 1937/384O'Donnell B W Lt 1939 Death 1939/379-O'Donnell P S G Maj 1937 Retirement as Director of Music Chatham 1937/384O'Donnell R P Flt Lt 1937 Details of serbvice on the retirement of his brother P S G 1937/384Ogg A J Surg Lt 1947 42 Cdo - Cartoon 1947/299*Ogle F A 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> 1932/290*O'Gorman J P Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92O'Kelly 2nd Lt 1949 Embarks "Cleopatra" vice 2nd Lt Eyre 1949/283O'Kelly Surg Lt RN 1951 Leaving 42 Cdo after a long tour 1951/233Oldfield Thomas Maj 1799 Plaque at Acre, Palestine 1932/5*, 290Oldfield Thomas Maj 1799 Tablet on Town Wall in Acre 1936/170Oldfield Maj Gen 1948 Shooting medals in RMRA collection 1948/287Oldfield H Lt Col 1948 Presented brother's shooting medals to RMRA 1948/287Oldham Colin Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Ark <strong>Royal</strong> 1954/271Oldham Colin Capt 1956 HMS Ark <strong>Royal</strong> Guard of Honour - Queen Mother 1956/95*Oldham Colin Capt 1957 Staff Capt HQ RMFVR - Ex Adjutant RMFVR Bristol 1957/.90Oldham Colin Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Oldham Colin Capt <strong>1959</strong> Joins Bristol RMFVR <strong>1959</strong>/178,Oldham LT 1943 Embarks "KG V" 1943/64Oldham Lt 1945 i/c Embassy guard Tokyo 1946/12Onslow G T Maj 1892 Birth of the Globe & Laurel 1945/129Onslow G T Maj Gen 1934 Death of widow 1934297Onslow G T Maj Gen 1936 Medals presented to the Plymouth Collection 1936/147Orde Lt Col 1922 Editor of the G & L 1945/129Orman D H Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/235

Orme-Wilson Leslie Lt Col 1932 Appointed Governor of Queensland 1932/61-. 348Ormsby R D Lt Col 1946 Daughter's Marriage 1946/392Ormsby R D Lt Gen 1946 Death 1946/82Ormsby R D Lt Col 1948 Daughter's marriage 1948/296Ormsby Maj Gen WWI Medals in Plymouth <strong>Officers</strong> Mess Collection 1949/290Orpen H Lt 1951 Marriage 1951/212Orpen H Capt 1954 From 3 Cdo Bde HQ to G3 Malta Garrison 1954/67Orpen H H Capt 1955 Housemaster Gloucester House RMSM 1955/170Orpen H H Capt <strong>1959</strong> OC Chatham RMVCC <strong>1959</strong>/293,Osborne H J Lt 1942 Daughter's marriage 1942/267Osborne H J Lt [Ret] 1946 Death [WW2 Assistant Paymaster at Portsmouth] 1946/116Osborne-Lunt E G Lt 1944 Leaving NCOs School 1944/133Osmaston A F-H Lt Col Adjutant RMA <strong>1930</strong>/336Osmsby R D Maj Gen 1933 Relinquishes Commandant Plymouth Division 1933/331Otway-Ruthven R M B 2Lt 1950 RM Field Guns Crews 1950/228*Otway-Ruthven R M B Lt 1957 Treasurer G&L 1957/49Otway-Ruthven R M N Lt <strong>1959</strong> Colour Officer Freedom of Portsmouth parade <strong>1959</strong>/160+*Ovens P J Capt 1951 Transatlantic Race 1951/11Ovens P J Capt 1955 RAF Staff Course 1955/45Ovens P J Lt 1950 Sailing to Bermuda 1950/146Overton Alan Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295Owen J D Lt 1957 Resigned Commission 1957/95Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofOwen J I H Capt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/160Owen J I H Capt 1955 Army Staff Course 1955/141,Owen J I H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Letter - "Telling the Time by the Stars" <strong>1959</strong>/218,Owen John 1805-54 Letter - Biographical details 1952/4Owen John Col c1793 Medals presented to Plymouth Collection 1944/283Owen P Lt Col 1907 Wife attended first service at Depot Church 1957/74Owen Percival Maj <strong>1930</strong> Honorary Treasurer RM <strong>Officers</strong> Central Fund <strong>1930</strong>/60

Owen Percival Col (ret) 1947 Daughter's marriage to son of Col Frankis1947/142,155Owen Percy Col (ret) 1953 Birth of grandson (Wife of Lt Col J E Frankis) 1953/55Owen R P Capt 1946 Training Officer "Rosneath" 1946/336Owen R P Capt 1947 Disembarks "Rosneath" for "London" 1947/105Owen R P 1949 Story - "Dawn Over Fujiyama" 1949/76Owen R P 2Lt 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Owen R P Capt 1949 i/c Portsmouth RM during dock strike 1949/266Owen Capt 1943 Relieves Capt Burton in "Caradoc" 1943/201Owens J R Capt 1940 Missing possibly POW 1940/338Owens 2Lt 1935 Member Plymouth Division Boxing Team 1935/145*Ozanne H Col (Retd) 1933 Ends command of Harrow School OTC 1933/281Ozanne H Col 1941 2nd Commandant RM Depot Devon 1941/357Ozanne H Col 1945 Death 1945/82Ozanne H Col 1946 Daughter's engagement to Col Jolly's son 1946/356Ozanne Harold Maj 1916 CO 1st RM Battalion 1957/60Ozanne J A F 1949 Letter - Motto "Tam Mari Quam Terra" 1949/188Ozanne J A F 1954 Letter - "Leathernecks" [Rev one time RMLI Lt] 1954/245OzanneJ A FCapt(ret)[Rev] 1957 Letter - "Gerines". Death reported 1957/267Packshaw R D Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/86Packshaw R D Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Paine S G B Capt <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a son <strong>1930</strong>/1191936/296+(SPaine S G B Capt 1936 Coy Commander for the King's visit to Eastneyupplement)Paine S G B Lt Col 1941 CO RM OCTU 1941/172Paine S G B Lt Col 1944 CO Depot RM Devon 1945/19, 176Paine S G B Lt Col 1945 CO Depot Lympstone 1945/821946/148,Paine S G B Lt Col 1946 CO Depot Lympstone346Paine S G B Col 1946 To be AAG 1946/362

Paine S G B Col 1949 FRMO Med aboard USS Des Moines 1949/338Paine S G B Col 1949 FROM Med - Visit of CGRM 1949/162*Paine S G B Colonel 1949 FRMO - Med Fleet 1949/42Paine S G B Col 1950 FROM Mediterranean 1950/141Paine S G B Maj 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Paine S G B Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Barham Football Team <strong>1930</strong>/157*Paine S G B Lt Col 1941 Relinquishes command of OCTU 1941/354Palfrey A Capt 1943 Relinquishes Hon Treasurer G&L 1943/277Palfrey J Capt 1958 Letter - A Corps Trophy1958/224,282: <strong>1959</strong>/31Palfry A L Capt <strong>1959</strong> Letter - A Corps Trophy <strong>1959</strong>/31Palmby J R Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Palmer E C Lt Col 1946 With RMTG(W) Football Team 1946/52*Palmer E C Lt Col 1950 Westkapelle Memorial Service 1950/310Palmer E C E Capt 1939 Sudan Defence Force 1939/272Palmer E C E Lt Col 1944 "Commandoson Walcheren" 1945/40Palmer E C E Lt Col 1944 Painting leading Commando at Pont l'Eveque 1944/275Palmer E C E Lt Col 1954 Inspecting 617 King's Squad 1954/215*Palmer E C E Lt Col 1954 Retired at Plymouth 1954/273*Palmer E C T Lt Col 1945 GSO1 Commando Group 1945/116Palmer E CT Lt Col 1948 CO 45 Cdo 1948/82Palmer Eric Lt Col 1944 Walcheren 1953/198Palmer J M Capt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Palmly J R Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the RMFVR 1954/991945/282,Pantlin D H Maj 1945 CO Signal Holding Company320Panton Capt 1916 Defence of Port Stanley 1933/141Paris Archibald Maj Gen 1937 Obituary Editorial 1937/449-1939/4, 115,Paris Archibald Gen 1939 Memorial to be erected in Eastney Church208*,Paris Archibald Maj Gen <strong>1930</strong> Hon Colonel Commandant Portsmouth Division <strong>1930</strong>/201

Paris Archibald Maj Gen 1932 Relinquishes Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Division 1932/147Paris Archibald Maj Gen 1934 Article - "The Gallipoli Pilgrimage" 1934/208*Paris Archibald Maj Gen 1934 Attended Annual Dinner Portsmouth OCA 1934/86Parker E M C Maj 1934 Review in Gibraltar 1934/143Parker E.M.C. Maj 1935 OCRM "Arethusa" 1935/327Parker J M Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Parker Maj 1935 Departs "Durban" 1935/126Parker Maj 1935 Embarks "Delhi" with Flag of 3rd C.S. 1935/51Parker Maj 1935 Leaves "Delhi" 1935/391Parker Maj 1936 Departs "Arethusa" 1936/308Parker Capt 1936 HMS Arethusa athletics team 1936/266*Parker Lt 1944 Embarks "Birmingham" vice LT Bodenham 1944/49Parker Lt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Nigeria] 1945/298Parker AJ Lt 1949 Joining 40 Cdo 1949/318Parkinson M C Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Parkinson M C Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/1471955/141,Parkinson-Cumine R N Capt 1955 Details of annual memorial prize [See also GENERAL INDEX] 182,Parkman D J Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the RMFVR 1954/99Parkman D J Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Parkman D J 2Lt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission 1955/140Parks-Smith R G Lt 1934 HMS Adventure 1934/190Parks-Smith R G Lt 1934 With HMS Adventure Cutter's Crew 1934/312*Parks-Smith R G Capt 1937 Marriage to daughter of Col Sykes Wright 1937/322Parks-Smith R G Capt 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56Parks-Smith R G Capt 1939 With Portsmouth Football Team 1939/270*Parratt J R Lt Col 1945 CO Chembur Camp 1945/321*Parry-Ellis R Maj 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [Detachment 385] 1945/298Parson J F Capt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Parsons E Capt NZA 1952 Formerly Mess Sergeant at Deal 1952/40Parsons Edward Lt 1945 Cricket Secretary, Burma Camp 1945/244

Parsons Guy 1st Lt 1834 High Sheriff of Radnor 1952/95Parsons J F Capt 1949 <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1949/289Parsons R E H Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1952/45Partridge D F J Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/283Partridge R T Capt 1940 "Flying Marine" 1940/469Partridge R T Capt 1941 "In Germany - Our Prisoners of War" 1941/97*Partridge R T Capt 1941 News as a POW 1941/5Partridge R T Capt 1943 POW in Stalag-Luft 3 1943/191Partridge R W Ty Lt 1945 Naval Exhibition Amsterdam 1945/370Partridge R W Ty Lt 1946 Regimental Colour Officer at Chatham 1946/70, 71*Parvin J Capt RMLI 1948 RMRA medals presented by son 1948/190Passmore R H Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofPassmore R H Lt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/ 123Patch Oliver Maj <strong>1959</strong> Book - "Taranto" <strong>1959</strong>/357Lt ColPaterson G W L RMFVR 1958 CO RMFVR Scotland 1958/247Paterson H T S Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/100Paterson R O Capt 1939 Marriage 1940/116Paterson R O Capt 1947 Relieves Maj Fraser in "Howe" 1947/59Paterson R O Maj 1916 Relieved Major Harvey after Jutland 1956/202,Paterson Lt 1936 Departs " Renown" as they become Flagship 1936/79Patey T W Surg Lt 1958 Rakaposhi Conquered 1958/209*Patteson-Knight R D 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Pattison J R H Capt [Y&L R] 1952 Instructor at NCOs School 1952/246Pattison Maj Y&LRegt 1954 Staff of NCOs School 1954/83Peacock P Lt Col 1915 Served with SA Heavy Artillery 1953/99Pearce F R D Lt 1947 Relieved as OCRM "Sirius" by Capt O W Vowden 1947/1681957/74,Pearce F R D Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Kenya125*

Pearce F R D Local Capt 1952 Adjutant RMFVR Glasgow 1952/80Pearn A W C Lt 1944 Candidates training in "Ramilles" 1944/310Pearn A W C Capt 1947 Married in Hong Kong cathedral1947/113,136,Pearn A W C Lt 1948 Birth of a son1948/113,116Pearn A W C Lt 1951 First Division Prize winner 1952/551951/154,Pearn A W C Lt 1951 Three day event at Badminston177, 193*,Pearn A W C Lt 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*Pearn A W C Lt 1952 Corps Steeplechase 1952/116*Pearn A W C Capt 1954 United Services Point-to-point at Larkhill 1954/174*Pearn A W C Capt 1955 Winner of Home Fleet Race 1955/130*Pearn A W C Capt 1956 Gold Cup Competition at Sandown Park 1956/77Pearn A W C Capt 1956 Windsor Horse Show 1956/224*Pearn A W C Capt 1957 The Grand National 1957/40, 107Pearse T Surg Lt Cdr 1943 Leaves RMMS 1943/105Pearson A Lt 1946 Relieved by Lt R C Thorpe in "Howe" 1946/274Pearson D L Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Pearson Lt 1946 Relieves Lt Huntingford in "Howe" 1946/140Pease G Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Cartoon by Simon <strong>1959</strong>/73*Pease G P D Lt 1937 Usher at Parks-Smith wedding 1937/322Pease G P D Lt 1938 Article "Jamaica - A Flying Visit" 1938/150-56*Pease G P D Capt 1939 Engagement 1939/378Pease G P D Capt 1944 Chief Instructor at RMITC 1944/108Pease G P D Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Mounted for Freedom of Portsmouth parade <strong>1959</strong>/160+*Pease G P D Capt 1946 Beating Retreat in Melbourne - 1st Aircraft Carrier Sqn BPF 1946/112*1948/135,Pease G P D Maj 1948 Article - Upon the Moor"150.Pease G P D Maj 1948 With C Coy ITC Boxing Team 1948/136*Pease G P D Maj 1957 Captain Inter-Service shooting team 1957/103,

Pease G P D Lt Col 1957 Eastney Sgts Mess Ball 1957/284*Pease Lt Col 1957 With Winning team Empire Day Challenge Cup 1957/193*Peebles George 1 Lt 1807 Commanding Officer at Curacoa 1936/108Peebles George First Lt 1807 Garrison Orders Curacoa 1954/230Pegler V T 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Promoted from Sgt <strong>1959</strong>/111Pendock S B Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/152Pendock S B Ty 2Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1952/260Penfold P H O L Lt 1932 With Chatham Div Football team 1932/176*Penfold P H O L Brevet Maj 1938 OCRM "Malaya "vice Capt R D Sims 1938/307Penfold P H O L Maj 1941 Commanding NCOs Cadet Wing, RMMS 1941/420Penfold P H O L Lt Col 1944 OCRM "St Mathew" vice Lt Col Ransome 1944/122Penfold P H O L Lt Col 1944 Relieved by Lt Col S G Cutler in "St Mathew" 1944/280Penfold P H O L Lt Col 1944 With HMS St Mathew football team 1944/122*Penfold P H O L Maj 1946 2 i/c RNSM 1946/194Penfold P H O L Maj 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/191Penfold P H O L Maj 1947 With Dr Malcolm Sargent at RNSM 1947/61*Penfold Maj 1948 Leaving RNSM retiring to Lucas-Tooth Boys Instituute 1948/347Pennell Peter Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Pennell Peter Lt 1952 Op Helsby - 40 Cdo - Malaya 1952/68Pennell Peter Lt 1954 Accident on death slide at Bickleigh 1954/131Penney R Capt 1946 With Holding Battalion Football Team 1946/54*Penney R A F Capt 1945 Trg Officer Holding Bn 1945/346Penney Raymond Lt 1945 Marriage 1945/126Peretz S M Capt 1944 Burma Camp, Towyn 1944/106Peretz S P Lt 1942 Siege Regiment - engagement 1941/111Perkins G G C 1949 2 i/c B Coy RNSM 1949/248Perkins G C Lt 1945 HMS Robertson C ricket Team 1945/236Perkins G C Lt 1950 RM Deal cricket Team 1950/224*Perkins G C Lt 1951 Birth of a daughter 1951/258Perkins G C Capt 1956 Birth of a son 1956/16Perkins G C Capt 1958 Joins Birmingham Detaachment RMFVR Bristol 1958/308

Perkins G C Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/204Perkins G C Capt 1958 To be Capt RMFVR 1958/204Perry J L Capt 1944 KIA with 48 Cdo 1944/210,Peshall C J E Rev RN 1933 Appointed Chaplain of the Fleet (Details of service with RM) 1933/83-Peshall C J E Chaplain 1955 Chaplain of the Fleet and Chaplain of the 4th Battalion 1955/124Petley W E Capt 1945 Retirement 1945/209Petley W E Capt 1951 At Reading RMA 1951/83*Petley W E Capt 1947 Berkshire British Legion Standard Bearer 1947/200Petley W E Capt (ret) 1957 Subscriber to the G& L since 1898 1957/166Petley W E Capt (ret) 1958 Tribute from RM Association, obituary and associated letters1958/148,151, 174,224;<strong>1959</strong>/97,Peyton Jones D L Capt 1939 Marriage 1939/498Peyton Jones D L Maj <strong>1959</strong> With wife in "The Young Elizabeth" <strong>1959</strong>/156Peyton Jones D L Capt 1945 Birth of a son 1945/400Peyton Jones D L Maj <strong>1959</strong> Dined out at the Depot - lost 6" gun - Holy Orders <strong>1959</strong>/209,Peyton Jones D L Maj <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Suggesting Corps beagle pack <strong>1959</strong>/97,Peyton-Jones D L 2Lt 1935 Joined Plymouth Division from the Depot in their own boat 1935/174.186Peyton-Jones D L Proby Lt 1936 Award of a revolver 1936/110Peyton-Jones D L Capt 1945 OCRM "Glasgow" 1945/275Peyton-Jones D L Maj 1946 Ex German yacht from Kiel to UK 1946/219Peyton-Jones D L Capt 1946 Relieved in "Glasgow" by Capt L C Hockey 1946/372Peyton-Jones D L Capt 1948 Seeflake, Portsmouth Group yacht 1948/266Peyton-Jones D L Maj 1956 From CTO ITCRM to RMB Plymouth 1956/122,Peyton-Jones D L Capt 1945 Relieves Capt Clifford in "Kent" 1945/8Peyton-Jones D L Capt 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Peyton-Jones D L Maj 1951 Commanding Special Boat Wing 1951/172Phibbs P E O'H Maj 1945 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Phibbs P O'H Maj 1933 With HMS Nelson Bayonet Team 1933/153*

Phibbs P O'H Maj 1933 With HMS Nelson Tug-o'-War Teams 1933/152*Phibbs P O'H Lt Col 1946 Ex German yacht from Kiel to UK 1946/219Phibbs P O'H Lt Col 1949 CSO Plymouth Gp 1949/289Phibbs P O'H Lt Col 1954 "Off-shore in 'Olga' " 1954/178Phibbs P W O'H Maj 1938 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Phibbs P W O'H Bt Maj 1939 OCRM " Liverpool" 1939/17Phibbs P W O'H Lt Col 1945 CO at SASRM 1945/114Philips C F Col 1946 FRMO Far East inspects "Implacable" detachment 1946/174Phillip J P Lt Col 1954 Memorial unveiled at Deal 1955/19*Phillipps J P Lt Col 1942 First CO of 40 Cdo 1944/110Phillips C F Capt 1936 Landed with "Sussex" detachment to assist police 1936/431Phillips C F Lt 1934 Dartmoor Hunt Point-to-point 1934/190Phillips C F Lt 1934 Plymouth Garrison Point-to-Point 1934/164*Phillips C F Capt 1940 Camp Commandant at Exton 1940/75Phillips C F Brig 1945 Commander 116 Bde 1945/245*Phillips C F Col 1951 Appointment as Commander 3 Cdo Bde 1951/10Phillips C F Maj Gen 1952 From Commander 3 Cdo Bde to be MGRM Portsmouth 1952/125Phillips C F Maj Gen 1952 Leaving helicopter aboard HMS Implacable 1952/242*Phillips C F Maj Gen 1953 Evening Reception - Buckingham Palace 1953/161Phillips C F Maj Gen 1954 Appointed Chief of Amphibious Warfare 1954/101Phillips C F Maj Gen 1954 On dias at Eastney Barracks 1954/78*1957/150,Phillips C F Maj Gen 1957 Chief of Amphibious Warfare175*, 205Phillips C F Maj Gen 1957 Inspecting HMS GAnges detachment 1957/219Phillips F W Lt <strong>1930</strong> Son's marriage <strong>1930</strong>/148Phillips G A Cd SM 1953 Promoted from QMS(C) 1953/2481934/49,Phillips J M Capt 1934 Adjutant of the Depot121*Phillips J M Capt 1936 Departs "Frobisher" 1936/423Phillips J M Capt 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Phillips J M Col 1953 CO Eastney Barracks 1954/26*

Phillips J M Col 1956 "Britain's Sea Soldiers" for sale 1956/242Phillips J M Col (ret) 1958 Daughters engagement to Lt Herman 1958/56Phillips J P Capt 1936 Embarks " Queen Elizabeth" 1936/470Phillips J P Capt 1939 <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament Cartoon 1939/280-*Phillips J P Lt Col 1955 Memorial unveiled at Deal 1955/19*Phillips J.M. Capt 1935 OCRM "Frobisher" vice Capt.Hume 1935/122Phillips P Lt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Eagle Gibraltar Cup team 1931/5*Phillips S P S Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/320Phillips Lt Col 1943 On board "Warspite" to referee boxing match 1943/94Phillips Lt Col 1944 Walcheren 1953/198Phillips Brig 1951 Visit to X Tp 42 Cdo at Sungei Siput 1951/105*Phillipson C E Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295Pickering L S C Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Ceylon] 1945/298Pickering W H Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Pickford C J Schmaster <strong>1930</strong> Death <strong>1930</strong>/112Picton Phillipps P Capt 1935 OCRM Resolution vice Capt D.B.Carter 1935/5Picton Phillips J Capt 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Picton-Phillipps J A Lt Col 1942 To be Bt Major for Meritorious Service 30/6/42 1942/171Picton-Phillipps P A Lt Col 1942 To be Bt Major for Meritorious Service 30/6/42 1942/171Picton-Phillipps P Maj 1946 Birth of a daughter 1946/356Picton-Phillipps Lt Gen Father of J and P Picton-Phillipps 1942/171Pierson D M Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Pierson D M Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/196Piggott Chaplain 1950 Joining 40 Cdo in Malaya 1950/291Pigot R A 2Lt 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/25Pigot R A Maj 1951 Commandant <strong>Officers</strong>' School 1951/50Pigot Lt 1936 Relieves Lt Clark on "Hermes" 1936/390Pike H T Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RAF Regt 1952/168Pitman P J Ty Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Playne B A Surgeon 1915 MO with Portsmouth Battalion RN Division at Gallipoli 1p57/9Pocock A T G Lt 1946 RM Guard Singapore 1946/226

Pocock F L Chaplaiin 1939 With RNSM Boys' Football Teams1939/175*,176*Poe W Lt Col (Retd) 1932 Chief Constable <strong>Royal</strong> Marine Police 1933/44Poe W H Lt Col 1891 High Sheriff of Queen's County 1952/95Poe W S Col 1934 AGRM's Inspection Plymouth RM Police 1934/122*Poe W S Col 1934 Chief Constable RM Police. Attends Chatham Dinner 1934/87Poe W S Col 1934 Nephew of William Hutcheson Poe 1935/441945/143,Poe W S Col 1945 Retirement145,Poe W S Lt Col 1945 With Football Team HBLO 1945/83*Poe Lt 1880 Restoration of church on Ascension Island 1949/3Polden A R Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Pomery G O Lt 1943 Hon Treasurer G& L 1943/277Pontin A C Lt RMFVR 1952 First appointment - Bristol 1952/86Pontin A C Lt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission - Transfer to TA 1955/140Poole F G Capt 1945 OC London Det RM Plrovost 1945/124Poore F H 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> 1932/290*Pope D C Capt 1950 Serving with the Sudan Defence Force 1950305Pope H C Lt Col 1934 Supervisor of Sergeants' Mess Plymouth Division 1934/165Pope R W Chaplain <strong>1959</strong> Leave ITCRM <strong>1959</strong>/111Potter R Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/147Potter R Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Pottle A E Cd BM 1953 Promoted from Staff BM 1953/1471950/JanPotts E Lt 1949 With casket - Freedom of Chatham ParadeCover*Potts E Lt 1950 State Visit of Queen Juliana - Street Lining 1950/329Potts E Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth1951/254278*Potts E Capt 1954Adjutant Plymouth presents portrait of James II to <strong>Officers</strong>'Mess 1954/128Potts E Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Bermuda 1954/126Potts E Capt <strong>1959</strong> Adjutant 40 Cdo <strong>1959</strong>/259

Potts Edward Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Potts Edward Capt 1957 First Sea Lord's visit to Deal 1957/285*Potts Edward Capt 1957 RN Drama Festival at Deal 1957/130Potts H K Lt 1951 Joins Commando School 1951/212Potts H W Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Albion 1954/27Potts H W Capt 1955 OCRM HMS Albion with CGRM and FROM 1955/57*Potts Hiram Capt 1946 Pirate chasing with 42 Cdo in Hong Kong 1946/87Potts J W Capt 1946 "Hiram's Highway" in Hong Kong 1946/192Potts J W Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/1541949/246,Potts J W Lt 1949 Joins 40 Cdo from CCAW291,Potts J W Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Albion 1954/126Potts J W Lt 1949 Patrol in HMS Charity on the Yangtse 1950/38Potts J W Lt 1953 CSRM entertainment - "Captain Edward Oggie" 1953/184Pound M Capt 1947 Relieves Capt G Maddan as OCRM "Vanguard" 1947/77Pound M Capt 1949 Disembarks "Duke of York" 1949/6Pound Martin Lt 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56Pound Martin Capt 1941 23 LAA Battery Commander 1941/25Pound Martin Maj 1943 Death of father - AF Sir Dudley Pound 1943/257Pound Martin Maj 1952 Relinquished OC Boys Wing RMSM 1952/112Pound Lt 1939 Dis-embarks"Arethusa" 1939/245Pound Lt 1939 To Arethusa as OCRM vice Maj Smith 1939/11Pounds E G B Capt <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Telling the time by the stars <strong>1959</strong>/335Pounds E G D Lt 1948 SASRM as Sniping Officer 1948/342Pounds E G D Capt 1954 Article - "Belle Isle" {Brixham-Belle Isle sailing race] 1954/190*Pounds E G D Capt 1957 Relieved as Adjutant 45 Cdo 1957/182Pounds E G D Capt <strong>1959</strong> Planning Team - Op Bleriot - Air Race <strong>1959</strong>/269Pounds Lt 1938 Relieved by Lt Eagles in "Sussex" 1938/482Poupart R F Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Pow D J Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Powell A O Lt 1934 HMS Shropshire 1934/68

Powell A O Col 1958 Relieved at ITCRM due to ill health 1958/137,Powell A O Lt 1933 With HMS Shropshire's Cutter's Crew 1933/30*Powell A O Lt 1933 With HMS Shropshire's Gibraltar Cup Team 1933/31*Powell A O Capt 1937 Usher at Parks-Smith wedding 1937/322Powell A O Capt 1938 Article - "With the Sudan Camel Corps" 1938/459*Powell A O Capt 1938 To be seconded to the Sudan Defence Florce 1938/18Powell A O Capt 1939 Sudan Defence Force 1939/272Powell A O Lt Col 1950 Serving with the Sudan Defence Force 1950/305Powell A O 1951 Attended SDF War Memorial unveiling in Khartoum 1951/128Powell C N P Lt 1944 Escaped POW 1944/19Powell H J Lt 1942 "Diego Suarez - May 1942" 1954/60Powell H J Capt DSC 1949 Relieves Capt R B Smalley in "Implacable" 1949/260Powell H J Capt 1955 Naval Staff Course 1955/45Powell J G B Capt 1944 Accidental death in "Belfast" 1944/6Powell L S Capt 1944 Staff Officer RMTG [Wales] Burma amp 1944/106Powell Lt 1802 In a duel at the Cape of Good Hope 1938/292Powell C N P Lt 1946 Indexed Corps Military Library 1946/237Power C A Maj 1940 2 I/c Reserve Depot, Exton 1940/127Power C A Maj 1943 2 i/c 19th Battalion 1943/46Power C A Maj 1945 2 i/c RNSM 1945/389Power C A Capt 1936 O.C.R.M. "Capetown" 1936/390Power C.A Maj 1937 Commands Landing Party at Shanghai 1937/427Power C.H. Maj 1938 Relieved as F.R.M.O. by Maj A.N.Williams 1938/225Power G F M Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Power G F M Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/44Power Maj 1939 F.R.M.O. China Station 1939/299Pragnell Arthur Lt 1935 Appointed DOM RNSM 1935/338Pragnell Arthur Capt 1935 Promotion to Capt 1936/25Daughter's engagement and marriage to Bandmaster D H 1942/151,Pragnell Arthur Capt 1942 Cleife217, 220Pragnell Arthur Maj 1943 Details of service on promotion to Major 1943/19, 20*

Pragnell Arthur Maj 1945 Retirement as Musical Director RNSM 1945/390*Pratt A D G Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/47Prebble A H Lt 1951 Jungle patrol in 40 Cdo in Malaya 1951/276Preston R F Lt <strong>1959</strong> Corps Hickey Team <strong>1959</strong>/47*Preston S D N Ty 2 Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/48Pretty R D Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/47Pretty R D Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/47Previte K E Lt Col 1945 Member of the Honourable Corps of Gentleman-at-Arms 1947/202Previte K E Col (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Generous donation to RM Association funds <strong>1959</strong>/302Previte K E Capt 1922 Letter - HMS Hawkins in North China <strong>1930</strong>/148Previte K E Capt <strong>1930</strong> Engagement <strong>1930</strong>/1Previte K E Lt Col 1950 On duty for Garter Ceremony - Gentleman at Arms 1950/137Previte K E Col 1953 Gentleman-at-Arms - Coronation 1953/104*Previte Capt 1940 Brigade Major Portsmouth and an excellent cyclist 1940/69Previte J F K E Lt Col 1952 Gentlemen-at-Arms 1952/1321946/192,Price C L Lt Col 1946 CO 44 Cdo in Hong Kong380Price C L Proby 2Lt 1935 Award of a sword 1935/346,Price C L Maj 1943 Promotion and birth of a daughter 1943/291Price C L Lt Col 1955 Second-in-Command at Deal 1955/26,Price Martin 2Lt 1932 Portsmouth Division Rugby Team 1932/151*Price Martin Capt 1942 "Diego Suarez - May 1942" 1954/50*1942/199,Price Martin Maj 1942 Article - "Diego Suarez Fair"200Price Martin Capt 1942 Joins staff of RMMS 1942/286Price Martin Capt 1942 Landings at Madagascar - Letter from Gen Sturges 1955/65Price Martin Capt 1944 Birth of a son 1944/108Price Martin Lt Col 1946 CO CBTC 1946/54Price Martin Maj 1946 CO RMTC (Med) 1946/384Price Martin Maj 1947 Visit of CGRM to Malta 1948/4*Price Martin Maj 1949 Commandant NCOs' School 1949/151

Price Martin Maj 1951 From Comdt NCOs' School To command 40 Cdo1951/177,178, 276,Price Martin Lt Col 1952 Display for HRH Duke of Edinburgh 1953/29*,Price Martin Lt Col 1952 With King of Sweden 1952/239*Price Martin Lt Col 1953 Leaves 40 Cdo in the Canal Zone 1953/171,Price Martin Lt Col 1955 Commandant SASRM, Browndown 1957/58Price Martin Col 1958 Senior <strong>Officers</strong> of Portsmouth Group 1958/261*Price Martin Col <strong>1959</strong> Retires at Deal <strong>1959</strong>/329Priddle S R Lt <strong>1959</strong> Colour Officer Freedom of Portsmouth parade <strong>1959</strong>/160+*1952/112,Pridham William Ensign 1952 Portrait and diary presented [1794-1849]174*Priest F C T Capt <strong>1959</strong> Leavinhg Adjutant RMFVR Tyne <strong>1959</strong>/119Priest F C T Capt 1958 Adjutant RMFVR Tyne and Birth of a daughter 1958/146,Priest F C T Capt <strong>1959</strong> Planning Team - Op Bleriot - Air Race <strong>1959</strong>/269Priest Lt 1955 Snow Training with the Norwegian Army 1955/148Priest F C T Capt 1956 Adjutant RMFVR Tyne & Birth of a son 1956/83, 131,Priestley L Maj (ret) 1953 Article on South African Heravy Artillery Memorial 1953/99Priestley L. Capt 1935 Return to UK on Rangitata 1935/172Priestley N.P. Capt 1934 Policing Waitangi celebrations 1934/276Prigg J S Capt 1946 Performs at Guest Night in "Robertson" 1946/79Pringle R A Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/139Pringle Lt 1950 Joining 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/259Prior N F Capt 1943 RM Provost in Sicily 1945/103Pritchard C P Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Privett John Ty Capt 1948 Portsmouth Councillor 1948/108Pryer M K Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Prynne A H L Lt Col (ret) 1956 Presented Sailing Trophy 1956/36,Prynne A L Lt Col <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Lack of members in the RM Sailing Club <strong>1959</strong>/31Prynne T A L Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Pryor M K Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Puckle Kenneth Capt 1931 Birth of a daughter 1931/276

Pugh L R Lt 1952 Author of Book of Poems 1952/951948/JanPugh M G Maj 1947 Tomb of French Unknown WarriorCover*Pugh M G Maj 1951 Widow's marriage to Capt Jole 1952/38Pughe M Lt 1934 Depot Boxing Team Photo 1934/92*Pughe M G Capt 1943 With Depot Devon Football Team 1943/188*,Pughe M G Maj 1944 Relieves Maj Pym as OCRM "Indomitable" 1944/731947/291,Pughe M G Maj 1947 Guard in Paris (Last serving member to wear the 1914 star) 292*Pughe M G Maj 1949 Invalided 1949/314Pughe M G Capt 1936 Birth of a son 1936/71Pughe M G Capt 1936 Guard & Band for Cinc the Nore 1936/382Pughe M O G Capt 1941 PT Officer RM Reserve Depot 1941/296Pugsley R J W Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Punchard A Lt 1945 HMS Robertson C ricket Team 1945/236*Pym E L Gen 1936 Medals presented to the Plymouth Collection 1936/147Pym Edward Lt Second at Last duel in England 1957/58Pym F B Capt 1934 Letter re graves in South America 1934/167Pym F B Capt 1936 Commanded Guard for Accession Proclamation at Plymouth 1936/92Pym F B Capt 1936 Relinquish Adjutant of Plymouth on promotion 1937/19, 62Pym F B Capt 1935 Adjutant at Plymouth 1935/305Pym F B Lt Col 1946 Ciommanded RM in the Victory Parade 1956/52Pym F B Col 1946 Presentations from 2 RM to Po Div <strong>Officers</strong> Mess 1946/10Pym F B Lt Col 1946 To command RM contingent in London Victory Parade 1946/186Pym F B Lt Col 1948 Retires as CSO Plymouth Group 1948/245Pym F G Maj Gen 1943 Daughter's death 1943/57Pym J B Lt Col 1936 Medals presented to the Plymouth Collection 1936/147Pym J L R Capt 1934 Birth of daughter 1935/23Pym J L R Maj 1944 Relieved as OCRM "Indomitable" by Maj Pughe 1944/73Pym J L R Maj 1956 Daughter's marriage to Capt C G Richards 1956/224Pym L B Lt Col 1955 Death of widow 1955/53

Pym Capt 1937 Departs "Nelson" relieved by Capt. Hale 1937/45Quested D L Lt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/116*Quested D L Lt 1951 Corps Steeplechase 1951/126*Quill R H Capt Bt Maj 1934 Depot Boxing Team Photo 1934/92*Quill R H Maj 1938 Security control opening KG VI Dock Singapore 1938/227Quill R H Col 1950 Retires at Depot, Deal 1950/10Quill Maj 1934 Golf with the First Sea Lord 1934/121Quill Maj 1938 Referee for Tug-o-War 1938/316Visit of HM The Queen to Malta with HRH The Duke ofQuin A P W Lt 1954 Edinburgh 1954/ 123Quinlan Capt <strong>1930</strong> Stonecutters Rifle Club <strong>1930</strong>/199*Quinn A P W Lt <strong>1959</strong> Article - Exercise 'Mad Dog' HMS Loch Fyne in Dubai <strong>1959</strong>/239Rae John Ty Lt 1945 Marriage not to take place 1945/400Rae Capt 1808 Preparations for a duel on Southsea Common 1938/292Rae Lt 1944 Relieves Lt Shuldham in "Orion" 1944/50Raikes G L Maj Gen <strong>1930</strong> Leaves Plymouth <strong>1930</strong>/21Raikes G L Maj Gen 1934 Hon Treasurer RMA History Fund 1934/22Rainey A Maj 1949 Small Raids Wing 1949/209Rainey A W Capt 1948 Olympic Sailing trials 1948/230Rainey A W Maj 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Rainey Lt 1938 Sailing regatta with a crew from Hood 1938/307Rainworth J J Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/287.Ralfs B G Lt 1934 Assistant Editor The Globe and Laurel 1934/36-Ramsden B B Capt RMFVR 1955 Article - "Scene 1 - Bugler Sound the Fall In" 1955/135*Ramsden B B Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Ramsden B B Capt 1950 Suggesting establishment of Corps Museum 1950/6Ramsden B B Capt 1952 Letter - Memorial to LT Shove - Appeal 1952/4Ramsden B B Capt 1952 Letter - Richard Shove Memorial Appeal 1952/95Ramsden B B Capt RMFVR 1954 Story - "Out of Date" 1954/238Ramsden Bryce 1949 Prize Winning Story - "Cold Feet" 1949/77*

Randall L Capt 1945 RM Provost Singapore 1946/5Randall L J A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Rann A E [Supt RMP] 1933 Promoted from Chief Inspector to Superintendent RMP 1933/269Ransome C E C Capt 1938 Departs "Caledonia" for Naval Staff Course 1938/78Ransome C E C Lt Col 1944 Relieved as OCRM "St Mathew" by Lt Col P H O L Penfold 1944/122Ransome C E C Col Design of car flags for senior RM officers 1951/257Ransome C R Lt Col 1948 Relinquishes Deputy Director Pay and Records 1948/209Ransome C.E.C. Capt 1937 O.C.Guard for 1st Sea Lord in "Caledonia" 1937/412Ransome Capt 1937 Commands Caledonia Detachment for Street Lining 1937/2961950/287,Ravenshaw P Lt 1950 With draft to 3 Cdo Bde320, 329,Ravenshaw Philip Capt 1955 RMB Eastney - Killed in motoring accident 1955/168Rawl Peter Capt <strong>1959</strong> "Why con't Subalterns go in for SBS?" <strong>1959</strong>/367Rawll P Capt 1955 After a blizzard 1955/148*Rawll P L Lt 1952 Commanding 3 SBS 1952/109Rawll P L Lt 1949 Ex "Kiel-Elbe" 1949/288Rawll P L Lt 1951 Commanding 1 SBS 1951/172Rawll P L Lt 1951 Oxford and Cambridge Expedition to Spitzbergen 1951/154Rawll P L Capt 1956 Article - "Summer in Spitzbergen" 1956/90*,Rawll P L Capt 1956 Secomnded for service with 22 SAS Regt 1956/195Rawll Peter Capt 1958 Awarded MUID with 22 SAS Regt ijn Malaya 1958/261Ray J M Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/86Ray J M Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Ray J O H Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/283Rayers F W 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted 2Lt (QM) 1958/152Razzall R H Capt 1945 Parliamentary candidate for Scarborough 1945/280Reading A H E Maj 1934 Buglers' Christmas Part at Plymouth 1934/49Reading A H E Brig 1945 Relinquishing command of Training Group (Devon) 1945/212Reading P J T Capt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> OC Dundee Detachment RMFVR <strong>1959</strong>/181,Reading A H E Maj Gen 1946 Farewell dinner at Plymouth on retirement 1946/376

Reading A H E Maj 1934 Review in Gibraltar 1934/143Redmayne J D Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Reece M J 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> Corps Commission (from Sgt) <strong>1959</strong>/52Reece 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> Injured during training in Norway <strong>1959</strong>/252Reed P M Lt 1951 40 Cdo 1951/276Reed P M Lt 1957 Wedding in Cyprus to WRAC Signals Officer 1957/71Reed P M Lt 1958 "Putting the shine on 'Shibny Sheff' " 1958/233*Reed Peter Surg Lt(D) 1946 At RNSM 1946/123Reeves Brig 1939 RM Battalion at Hong Kong 1939/19Reid Donald Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/139Reid W G WS Maj 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the Regular Army 1954/99Reinhold K M Capt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RAEC 1952/211Reis N C Capt 1938 Relieves Capt N R M Skene as OCRM "Terror" 1938/391Reiss-Smith B R Capt 1932 Vacated post of Assistant Editor G&L 1932/273-Supervisor Sgts Mess Mex Camp Base DefencesReiss-Smith B R Capt 1936 Mediterranean 1936/314*Retter Lt 1941 The Battle of Crete 1945/72Reyne R M Loc Capt 1954 Seconded as ADC to the Governor of Victoria 1954/235Reyne R M Capt 1956 Retired at own request 1956/195Reynolds A G E Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/204Reynolds D L Capt 1952 "Add Two to the Score" 1952/20*Reynolds F Lt 1955 Article on Snow Training in Scotland 1955/147*Reynolds F Capt 1955 On Commando Ridge with CO 42 Cdo 1955/271*Reynolds F Capt <strong>1959</strong> Receiving a presentation at Seoul <strong>1959</strong>/367*Reynolds J H Cd BM 1955 Promoted From Staff BM 1955/44Reynolds M B Capt 1942 Joins RMMS from Ark <strong>Royal</strong> 1942/38Reynolds M B Lt 1943 Leaves RMMS for RMO 1943/250Reynolds M B Capt 1955 RMB Eastney Records Officer 1955/167Reynolds M B Capt 1957 At GCHQ Cheltenham 1957/166Reynolds Capt 1946 Serving in "Phoebe" wins jumping cup at local Gymkhana 1946/305Reynolds J E 1933 Letter from Col Markham Rose 1933/110

Reynolds J E Capt RMA Photograph 1933/81*, 117Rice A L G Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/43Richards A Cd RM Gnr 1950 With RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Richards Alex Cd RM Gnr 1948 Promoted from CSgt 1948/.7Richards C G Capt 1956 Marriage to daughter of Maj J L R Pym 1956/224Richards C G Capt 1955 OCRM HMS G lasgow 1955/265Richards E J Maj 1946 Return to civilian life 1946/46Richards J 2Lt 1934 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1935.63Richards J 2Lt 1934 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1935.63Commanded platoon at renaming "Promenade George V" atRichards J Lt 1937 Menton 1937/179*Richards J Col 1955 Letter - "Swagger Sticks"[to be carried by USMC] 1955/10Richards J Lt Col 1958 45 Cdo Polo team in Tripoli 1958/129Richards J Lt Col 1958 Visit of C-in-C Med to 3 Cdo Bde 1958/26*Richards J C C Lt 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947/314Richards J C C Lt 1953 Article - "Leave with an Object" 1953/6*Richards J C C Capt 1955 OCRM HMS Birmingham at Eastney 1955/167Richards Jack Lt Col 1957 Assumed command of 45 Cdo 1957/72Richards John Capt 1942 Birth of a daughter. Married to daughter of Sir Leslie Wilson 1942/271Richards John Lt Col 1957 Mention-in-Despatches - Cyprus - 45 Cdo 1958/49Richards John Lt Col 1958 Senior <strong>Officers</strong> of Portsmouth Group 1958/261*Richards W H P Capt Father of Capt John Richards 1942/271Richards W H P Capt Silver Bugle in memory 1944/303Richardson A W Lt 1957 Unveiled plaque to Lt Ufton 1958/1Richardson G S [Maj Gen] 1938 Died in New Zealand 1938/298Richardson J W F Capt RAMC 1944 MO 44 Commando 1944/323Richardson M L Lt 1939 Relieves Lt A J S Ccrocket in "Sussex" 1939/146Richardson M L Lt 1939 i/c 20 O Rs from "Sussex" armed guard for Refugees 1939/195Richardson M L Capt 1947 Sudden death in Malta 1947/187Richardson M L Capt <strong>1959</strong> Memorial Sailing Trophy <strong>1959</strong>/348

Richardson M N H Maj 1940 OC 23 LAA Battery 1940/313Richardson M N H Lt Col 1945 NPM Naples 1945/274Richardson P C 2Lt 1958 Withdrawn from training 1958/152Richer N C Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95Riches I R H Capt 1936 Adjutant at Plymouth 1937/20Riches I R H Capt 1936 Weddiing at Eastney 1936/396Riches I R H Lt Col 1945 CO 43 Cdo 1945/180Riches I R H Lt Col 1947 Ends appointment at OC Sigs School 1946/12Riches I R H Lt Col 1948 CO 42 Cdo 1948/81Riches I R H Lt Col 1948 With 42 Cdo Tug-o'-War Team 1948/120*Riches I R H Lt Gen <strong>1959</strong> Commandant General - Service Career <strong>1959</strong>/69*, 70,Riches I R H Maj Gen <strong>1959</strong> To be Commandant General 1958/261*Riches I R H Capt 1936 Wedding 1936/396Riches I R H Lt Col 1946 CO Signal School RM 1946/189Riches I R H Lt Col 1948 Article - "Tripolitania Travels" 1948/191Riches I R H Lt Col 1950 Relinquishes CO 42 Cdo 1950/147Riches I R H Brig 1954 To be Commander 3 Cdo Bde 1954/101Riches I R H Brig 1955 Commander 3 Cdo Bde with Captain General in Malta 1955/113*Riches I R H Col 1955 From Commander 3 Cdo Bde to CO ITCRM 1955/94, 270,Riches I R H Brig 1955 Invested as Hon Cpl 2eme Zouaves 1955/164*Riches I R H Maj Gen 1957 Group Commander vsiits PRORM Sergeants Mess 1957/287*Riches I R H Maj Gen 1957 Portsmouth Group Commander 1957/205Riches I R H Lt Gen <strong>1959</strong> With Hull Marine Detachment, Sea Cadet Corps <strong>1959</strong>/215*Richmond H S H Lt Col Memorial unvieled in Depot Church 1945/384Ricketts F J Maj 1940 "On the Retired List" 1940/180Ricketts F J Maj 1945 Death 1945/173Ricketts F J Maj 1944 Article on service by Maj Buckley 1944/169Ricketts F J Maj 1944 Retirement and choice of successor1944/127,128, 169, 170

Ricketts F J Maj 1944 <strong>Royal</strong>ties of his arrangement of Regt March donated 1944/118Ricketts Norman Maj 1951 Provided penguin mascot for RMFVR Bristol 1951/180Ridding R D Lt 1943 Uckers challenge in "Suffolk" 1943/238Ridding R D Lt 1944 Mail Officer in "Suffolk" 1944/52Ridding R D Lt 1948 Article - "HM Jumping Jollies" 1948/17*Ridding Lt 1943 Relieves Lt P G K Tredray in "Suffolk" 1943/152Rider H Capt 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Rider H S Maj 1942 Relinquishing commandof Holding Bn. 1942/132Rider H S Maj 1941 Commanding Holding Batalion 1941/322Rider P H Lt 1944 Marriage in Trincomalee 1944/331Rider P H Lt 1944 Marriage to 3/O Pamela Edgworth 1945/22Rider P H Lt 1943 Engagement - serving 3RM 1943/108Ridley A F Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Ridley A F Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Ries N C Lt Col 1944 Wounded 1945/4Ries N C Lt Col 1945 Relinquishes CO 33rd Bn to command OCTU 1945/388Ries N C Lt Col 1948 CO 45 Cdo - Commodore Akaba Yacht Club 1949/19, 215Ries N C Lt Col 1949 CO 45 Cdo Engagement 1949/319Ries N C Lt Col 1956 FROM Med Fleet with CGRM 1956/55*Ries N C Brig 1958 Birth of a daughter 1958/117Ries N C Lt 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56Presentation of mounted RM Officer's helmet plate toRies N C Col 1958 Museum 1958/154Ries Lt 1934 Visit Ghain Tuffieha 1934/265Rigby C N Lt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Rigot R A Maj 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth 1951/254Rigsby E E A Lt 1946 Died at Chatham 1946/81, 131Riley H Lt 1945 45 Commando 1945/395Rimer G F Maj 1945 2 i/c Chembur Camp 1945/321*Rising R P Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196

Rising R Lt 1957 HMS Ark <strong>Royal</strong> 1957/150Risk C J Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment in the TA 1954/188Ritson G A M Lt 1944 Disembarks "Valiant" 1944/61951/145,Ritson G A M Capt 1951 Adjutant RMFVR Bristol152Ritson G A M Capt 1954 CO LCT 404 1954/64Ritson G A M Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Roach Instr Lt 1947 45 Commando 1947/69Robarts C J Surg Cdr 1954 Commando course and volunteer for 40 Cdo 1954/131Robarts Surg Cdr 1956 Plymouth Group Medical Officer 1956/270Roberts D L Maj 1949 Leaves CCAW 1949/291Roberts G F D Lt 1950 Adjutant 41 Indep Cdo 1950/2131951/305,Roberts G F D Lt 1951 Awarded USA Bronze Star Medal348.Roberts G F D Lt 1952 Adjutant's Course at ITCRM 1952/246Roberts G F D Capt 1954 With Depot Parade Staff 1954/128*Roberts G F D Capt 1955 Appointed equerry to the Duke of Edinburgh 1955/45Roberts G F D Capt 1957 Extra Equerry to the Captain General1957/133,148RobertsR R BSurg CdrRNVR 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Roberts Lt 1939 Dis-embarks "Sheffield" 1939/95Roberts Capt 1951 Mention in despatches in 40 Cdo 1951/166Robertshaw Lt 1947 Relieves Lt Holgate in "Liverpool" 1947/15Robertshaw Capt <strong>1959</strong> Motor Cycle Display Team <strong>1959</strong>/246*Robertson A MacG Lt 1949 With HMS King George V Cutter's Crew 1949/236*Robertson A M Capt 1953 Course with USMC 1953/180Robertson A MacG Lt 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/142Robertson A MacG Lt 1949 Birth of a son 1949/220Robertson A MacG Lt 1949 2i/c "King George V" detachment 1949/6Robertson A MacG Capt 1951 Birth of a son 1951/258Robertson A McG Capt 1957 Letter - Marching off to 'Auld Lang Syne' 1957/267

Robertson A.M Maj 1937 Relieved as OCRM on Despatch 1937/225Robertson Capt 1951 Completed Long Gunery Course 1951/47Robinson A M Lt 1946 Chatham Regimental Colour Officer parading at Deal 1946/343Surg LtRobinson BRNVR 1944 MO 22 Trg Bn - Marriage to sister of Capt Broadhead 1944/38Robinson B S Capt <strong>1959</strong> OCRM new carrier HMS Hermes <strong>1959</strong>/345Robinson G V Col [Retd] 1939 Water-colours in an Exhibition 1939/113Robinson G V Capt RMLI 1949 Golden Wedding 1949/220Robinson G V Col [Retd] c1890 Letter on fire in pub at Deal 1942/104Robinson J Capt 1934 Departs St Angelo as 2/ic 1934/269Robinson J. Capt 1937 Departs "Terror" 1937/345Robinson W E Capt 1948 Adjt 49 Cdo 1948/318Robinson W E Capt 1950 Adjutant CSRM 1950/256Robinson W E Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Robinson W E Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Robinson Maj (Ret) 1946 Father of Lt A M Robinson 1946/343Robinson Capt 1946 With RMTG(W) Football Team 1946/52*Robson K B 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Robson W Capt 1954 Winner of all comers aggregate [shooting] 1954/221*Robson W Capt 1955 Placing in the final stage of "The Queens" at Bisley 1955/233Robson Surg Capt 1945 PMO Chatham 1945/112Roche N U Capt 1944 HMS Sirius "X" Turret's Crew 1944/154*Roche N U V Capt 1945 Capture of Cheduba Island 1945/130Roche N U V Capt 1946 OC Junior Wing RNSM 1946/224Roche T H deM Maj Gen 1939 Medals presented to Plymouth Collection 1939/512Roche Lt 1937 Departs "Repulse" 1937/457Capt R InnisRocheFus 1958 Staff of SASRM 1958/303Roche Capt RInnisF <strong>1959</strong> Instructor Small Arms Wing ITCRM <strong>1959</strong>/112

Roche Kelly M P Capt 1956 OCRM HMS Messina at Eastney 1956/69,Roche-Kelly M P Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Roche-Kelly Lt 1949 Regt Coloyur Officer for Guard of Honour at Stonehouse 1949/151Rodger A D Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Roeber R J C Ty 2 Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/48Roeber R J C Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment in RMFVR 1954/144Rogers Lt 1934 With HMS Suffolk's Tug-o'-War Teams 1934/419*Rogers Capt RAMC 1944 42 Commando Pipe Band 1948/253Rokison K S Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Rolland A D Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Rose J M Col 1704 Letter; Ref the Capture of Gibraltar 1935/409Rose J M Col 1914 Formed South African Heavy Artillery Brigade 1944/62Rose Markham Col 1935 7th Edition of "The Story of the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>" published 1935/350-Relieved as OCRM "Exeter" by Capt H R D Woods andRoss G W Capt 1938 marriage 1938/437Ross G W Maj 1945 OCRM "Howe" 1945/133Promoted Lt Col and relieved as OCRM "Howe"by Maj GRoss G W Maj 1945 Burnett OBE 1945/234Ross G W Lt Col 1947 FRMO Home Fleet 1947/228Ross G W Lt Col 1947 Relieves Lt Col R F Cornwall as FRMO Home Fleet 1947/249Ross G W Lt Col 1950 Letter - Disposal of Chatham Historic Possessions 1950/272Ross G W Lt Col 1952 Retiring as 2 i/c Deal 1952/31Ross J W Capt 1938 Letter - Origin of RM marching off the Quarterdeck 1938/104Ross K I Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295Ross R D Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/192Ross Thomas Lt 1758 Fought a dueld in Gibraltar 1938/291Routh R H C Lt 1953 Commended by C-in-C Nore - Flood Relief 1953/52Routledge N H 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/295Rowe D P Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/44Rowe R J C Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Roy D H Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commission 1958/320

Rudgard H Chaplain 1944 Leaving Chatham Division 1944/252Rushforth J N Maj 1944 Visit "Jackdaw" as Normandy veteran 1944/245Russell J F H Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/287.Russell W I Capt 1934 Chairman RMA AA Bde Reunion 1934/22Rutherford R B Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Rutherford R W Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Rutter Owen Maj [Wilts] 1944 Author - "The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>." -1944/29, 56,[160]Rutter Owen Maj [Wilts] 1944 Death1944/209,236,Sagrent C M Col 1945 In Singapore 1946/59Sales Capt 1943 Embark "Kestrel" 1943/278Salter C le R Capt 1935 HMS Barham Cutters Crew 1935/262*Salter G C Lt 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Salter I D H Lt 1938 Relieves Lt H A D Bell in "Newcastle" 1938/471Salter J D H Lt 1941 Marriage 1941/274+Salter J D H Capt 1942 Birth of a son 1942/244Salter J D H Capt 1942 Leaves RMMS 1942/38Salter J D H Maj 1954 Relieved as Commandant <strong>Officers</strong> School 1954/214Saltzberger J P Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Samain B Capt 1947 "One Year in 'Civvy Street' " A reporter looks back 1947/284Samain B C Lt 1946 Journalist with 45 Commando 1946/318Samain B C 2Lt 1944 Article - "Life in the Japanese Army" 1944/77Samain Bryan Lt 1948 Author - "Commando Men" 1948/237SandallSee also RMUNITSINDEX -ForceSandallSandall T B W Maj 1935 HMS London Whalers Crew 1935/390*Sandall T B W Maj 1939 Editor G&L 1939/49+Sandall T B W Maj One time Editor G&L 1945/130

Sandall T.B.W. Maj 1935 Guard of Honour for King of Biulgaria 1935/83Sandall Maj 1936 HMS London Whalers Crew 1936/386*Sandall Maj 1936 RMs 1st Cruiser Sqn landed for Route March 1936/82Sandall Lt Col 1940 Relinquishes Editor 1940/209-Sanders D H W Lt Col 1945 CO Cdo Trg Unit 1945/84Sanders D H W Lt Col 1945 RMTG(W) 1945/244Sanders D H W Col 1955 DOPAR 1955/222,Sanders D H W Col 1958 DOPAR - Dinned out and use of CXhatham Sedan chair 1958/300Roll of Honour to 48 Cdo dedicated in Christ Church,Sanders D W Maj 1948 Gravesend 1949/4Sanderson A G Lt Col 1934 AGRM's Inspection Plymouth RM Police 1934/122*Sanderson Lt 1943 Disembarks "KG V" on completion of training 1943/156Sanderson Lt 1943 Embarks "KG V" 1943/64Sanderson Lt 1946 2 i/c Fort Louisburg 1946/46Sandey W A Chaplain 1958 Chaplain RMB Plymouth 1958/35Sandford C M J Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Sandford R P Lt 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947/315Sandham M F Lt 1944 HMS St Mathew football team 1944/122*Sanford G P Capt 1956 "Helicopter Assault" 1956/203Sanford P Capt 1956 Liaison officer for US Training Squadron visit 1956/174Sanford P Capt 1951 Completed Long Gunery Course 1951/47Sankey R W Maj 1943 OC 'A' Company 11th Bn 1943/137Sankey R W Lt Col 1944 Visit "Orion" for lecture on 40 Cdo 1944/247Sankey R W Lt Col 1945 CO Depot Lympstone 1945/176Sankey R W Lt Col 1946 Formed RMA Branch in Bermuda 1946/298Sankey R W Lt Col 1946 Left Lympstone on retirement 1946/148Sankey Lt Col 1947 RMA Bermuda 1947/124Sargent C M Capt 1932 Guard accompanying remains of ex-King Manoel 1932/275Sargent C M Maj 1936 Base Defences Mediterranean 1936/177Sargent C M Col 1945 In Singapore 1946/59Sargent J E 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted 2Lt (QM) 1958/259

Sauderson Lt 1945 SS Fort Louisbourg 1946/46Saunders F Capt 1900 Commanded HMS Powerful detachment at Graspan 1936/148Saunders H G S Maj 1944 From 42 to 44 Cdo 1944/288Saunders H R Capt 1945 Adjutant 19 Bn 1945/146Saunders P J Lt <strong>1959</strong> Duke of Edinburgh trophy winning team <strong>1959</strong>/323*Savage John Maj Gen 1760-c1838 Article - "One of Britain's Sea Soldiers" 1956/128*Savile R 2Lt RMFVR 1954 Commission terminated - residence abroad 1954/255Savile R Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment in RMFVR 1954/144Savill J A Lt 1954 Joining 3 Cdo Bde from HMS Bermuda and birth of a son 1954/153Savill J A Lt 1957 OCRM HMS Loch Ruthven 1957/74Saville Richard Ty 2 Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/48Saville Richard 2Lt RMFVR 1956 RMFVR Commission 1956/87,Sawyer J Lt 1946 With Holding Battalion Football Team 1946/54*Scarf P H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Mone Carlo Rally <strong>1959</strong>/119Scarf P H Capt 1958 International Deutschland Rally 1958/190Scarf Capt 1955 Article on Snow Training in Canada 1955/148*Scholes J D Capt 1946 OCRM "Nile" 1946/47Scholes Capt 1946 Embarked in "Ajax" with 50 marines to enlarge the guard 1946/110Schooley R G Capt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Schultz F J A Lt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission 1955/140Scott A P B Lt 1950 Birth of a son 1950/132Scott C R J Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Scott D D 2Lt 1955 ASRM - Drowned 1955/238,Scott E F Lt 1938 Relieved by Lt J H N Lloyd in "Sheffield" 1938/477Scott E F Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Scott L R Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Commission terminated - commissioned in the IntelligenceScott M G Ty Lt 1952 Corps 1952/168Scott R D D Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/140Scott R M Maj 1945 Relieves Maj T K West as Chief Instructor in "St Mathew" 1945/238

Scott T A H Maj 1945 Relieved in "Robertson" by Maj P Beeman 1946/14Scott Lt 1943 Embarks "Cumberland" 1943/198Scott Lt 1945 i/c Embassy guard Tokyo 1946/12Scott Capt 1945 Relieved in "Roberts" by Capt Sketchley 1945/310Scott Dadson W F P Capt 1864-77 Member of the Honourable Corps of Gentleman-at-Arms 1947/202Scott-Langley D L Lt 1946 MTO "Commonwealth" 1946/373Scott-Willcox H V Capt 1936 Medals loaned to the Plymouth Collection 1936/147Scully P A Lt(QM) 1945 RM MT School 1945/282Seabrook W E Capt 1938 Article "The Return to Civilian Life" 1938/416Seale A Maj 1956 Funeral at Plymouth 1956/178,Seale T J Capt 1947 40 Cdo 1947/216Seale T J Capt 1947 With C-in-C Med 1947/238*Seale T J A Capt 1951 Promotion to Maj 1951/1Seale T J A Maj 1952 Small Bore Team 1952/111*,Seale T J A Maj 1953 Relinquishes Comdt SASRM 1953/134Seale T J A Maj 1951 Commandant SASRM, B rowndown 1957/58Sears D Capt 1953 Trooping the Colour at Eastney 1953/131Sears J R D Capt 1953 Guard of Honour for Captain Genetal 1953/150Sears J R D Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Sears J R D Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Birmingham 1954/126Seath G H Maj 1931 Visit to USMC Quantico 1932/24*Seath G H Maj 1932 With detachment HMS Delhi 1932/11*Seath G H Lt Col 1936 Relinquishing post of Editor G&L 1936/297-Seath G H Brig 1939 With Portsmouth Football Team 1939/270*Seath G H Brig 1940 Cartoon 1940/423Seath G H Lt Col 1942 Command of the Holding Bn 1942/132Seath G H Maj Gen 1942 Retired and recalled 1942/126Seath G H Lt Col 1943 CO at RMMS 1943/105Seath G H Col 1943 Relinquishing command of Holding Bn 1943/78Seath G H Maj Gen 1944 Relinquishes CO RMMS 1944/227Seath G H Lt Col One time Editor G&L 1945/130

Seccombe T Lt <strong>1959</strong> First Housemaster of Junior <strong>Marines</strong>' House (Barham) <strong>1959</strong>/41Seccombe Thomas Ty 2Lt 1954 To be 2Lt (Regular Commission) 1954/287Secombe T Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Seed A H Capt 1956 Winner Command Tennis Doubles 1956/175*Seed A H W Capt 1956 Retires at own request 1956/2351932/279*,Selby Tuppen J S Capt 1932 With HMS Glorious's Whaler's and Cutter's Crews280*Sellers Surg Lt 1945 Leaves RNSM 1945/150Sendall W R Cadet 1941 Journalist with the News Chronicle 1941/144 [59]Sendall W R Maj 1950 Book Review - "The <strong>Marines</strong> Were There" 1950/83Sendall W R Maj 1950 Relinquishing Editor 1950/157Sendall W R Maj 1944 Article - "Walcheren" 1953/198*Sendell W R Capt 1943 Article - "Landings of <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> in Sicily" 1943/222Sergeant C M Maj 1939 Letter - Tug-o'-War [Superintendent of PT] 1939/409Sergeant J J R Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1952/45Sergeant Lt Col 1940 Commando of 23 LAA Battery 1940/460Sexton G M Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/340Sexton G M Ty 2Lt 1952 Commissioned in the RMFVR 1952/168Shackleton H E F Maj 1957 Memorial plaque unveiled in St Michael's Church, Deal 1957/185Shackleton H E F Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Resolution Football Team <strong>1930</strong>/130*Shackleton H.E.F Capt 1936 Appointed OCRM "Dragon" 1936/89Shairp Capt 1780 Recruiting 1931/212Shallow J D Lt 1948 Regimental Colour Officer with Guard of Honour 1948/50Shallow J D Lt 1947 Joins "Leander" 1947/60Shallow J D Lt 1952 Marriage at Littleham 1952/198Shallow J D Capt 1958 OCRM - HMS Newfoundland 1958/17Shallow J D Capt 1955 Article - "The Changing scene at Dartmouth" 1955/142*Shallow J D Capt 1955 From Dartmouth to Eastney as P&RT Officer 1955/167Shallow J D Capt 1956 Presentation of Colours at Eastney 1956/118Shallow J D Capt 1958 Article - "To Singapore in Three and a Half Days" 1958/55

Shannon Capt 1945 Holding Bn 1945/243Sharp L Capt [RASC] 1947 Joins 3 Cdo Bde HQ 1947/237Sharp R A W Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commisasion 1958/204Sharpe C H M Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Shaw S E Maj 1948 HMS St Vincent 1948/48Shaw T W Lt RMFVR 1957 Article - "Lapland Journey" 1957/7*Shaw B J Capt 1946 Disembark "Robertson" 1946/142Shearer J J Capt 1947 Engagement 1947/98Shelwell G L F Maj 1916 Relieved Major Paterson in HMS Lion 1956/202,Shephard D A C Capt 1932 With Portsmouth Divison Tug-o'-War Team 1932/267*1934/180-,Shephard D A C Capt 1934 Boxing Record204*Shephard D A C Maj 1935 Attached to RNSM 1935/400Shephard D A C A/Lt Col 1943 mentioned-in-despatches 1943/35Shephard D A C Col 1946 Colonel 2nd Commandant at Chatham 1946/215Shephard D A C Col 1947 Visit of CGRM to Malta 1948/4*Shephard D A C Capt <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a son <strong>1930</strong>/148Shephard D A C Majj 1936 Leaving RNSM for Naval Provost Marshal, Malta 1936/135Shephard D A C Maj 1936 S.O.R.M. in "St.Angelo" 1936/309Shepton R L M 2Lt RMFVR 1955 Commissioned in the RMFVR 1955/239Sheridan G T B Lt 1942 Missing - mother seeking information 1942/247Sheridan G T B Lt 1942 Plymouth Argylls 1945/364Sherley-Price L D Chaplain <strong>1959</strong> Chaplain ITCRM <strong>1959</strong>/111Sherman C.C. Lt 1937 Departs "Devonshire" relieved by Lt P.H.P.Wall 1937/299Sherman G C Capt 1939 Marriage 1939/550Sherman G C Capt 1940 Birth of son 1940/442-Sherman Thomas Capt RMFVR 1954 RMFVR Merseyside 1954/249*Shields RM Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Shone Capt [REME] 1947 Leaving 3 Cdo Bde 1947/187Shove R G Lt 1952 Letter - Memorial Appeal 1952/4

Shove Richard Lt 1952 Letter - Memorial Appeal 1952/95Shoveller W K Capt 1878 Record of Service 1829-1878 1935/151Showell Rogers J Capt 1954 Brixham to Belle Isle Sailing Race in Sea Scamp 1954/190*Showell-Rogers J E Capt 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947/314Showell-Rogers J E Capt 1955 Letter - Amalgamation of RM with RAF Regiment 1955/245,Showell-Rogers J F Maj 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Showell-Rogers J F Capt 1954 Army Staff Course 1954/237Showell-Rogers Capt 1950 Joining 40 Cdo in Malaya 1950/291Shubrick C L Lt Col 1948 Attended Chatham Bn <strong>Officers</strong> 1915 Reunion 1948/162Shubrick C L Lt Col 1953 90th Birthday 1953/147Shuldham E T G Lt 1944 Relieved in "Orion" by Lt Rae 1944/50Shuldham E T G Capt 1948 USMC Birthday celebrations in London 1948/365*Shuldham E T G Maj 1957 RM instructor at Eaton Hall 1957/133Shuldham E T G Capt <strong>1959</strong> RMFVR Merseyside Adjutants' "gimkicks" <strong>1959</strong>/117Shuldham E T G Capt 1949 First Adjutant Merseyside RMFVR 1949/233Shuldham E T G Capt 1951 Joined 41 Cdo 1951/32Shuldham E T G Capt 1954 First Adjutant RMFVR Merseyside 1954/249Shuldham Capt 1950 First adjutant RMFVR Merseyside 1950/292Shutter R C Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/356Sillars D R G Capt 1945 OCRM "Jamaica" 1945/203Sillars D R G Capt 1949 First Adjutant Glasgow RMFVR 1949/217Sillars D R G Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99, 133,Sillars G Maj 1956 Lord Mayor's Show, London 1956/27*,Sillars Gordon Capt 1951 Adjutant RMFVR Glasgow 1951/24,Sillitoe F R Lt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Sillitoe F R Lt 1951 Birth of a son 1951/315Sillitoe F R Capt 1957 In a helicopter scoop in Malta 1957/49*Sills A O Chaplain 1945 Chaplain Burma Camp RMTG(W) 1945/320Simkin P L Lt RMFVR 1957 Article - "Lapland Journey" 1957/7*

Simmonds R W B Col 1955 Relinquishes CO RMB Eastney1955/94,219*,Simmonds T A de L Lt 1954 Norwegian Army Winter Warfare Course 1954/49Simmonds Lt 1947 RM Regimental Race 1947/107*Simonds R W B Lt 1936 Adjutant Depot at Blackpool with King's Sq.uad 1936/359*Simonds R W B Capt 1937 Coronation Procession Marshalling Officer 1953/56Simonds R W B Capt 1937 O I/c RM units at the <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament 1937/125-Simonds R W B Lt Col 1942 Assumes command of 2RM 1942/189Simonds R W B Lt Col 1944 Co 43 Cdo in the Adriatic 1953/220Simonds R W B Lt Col 1944 CO NCOs' School 1944/285Simonds R W B Lt Col 1944 Relinquishing command of 43 Commando 1944/259*Simonds R W B Col 1951 Appointed Director RMFVR 1951/28, 32,Simonds R W B Col 1954 CO Eastney Barracks 1954/78Simonds T A De L Capt 1958 International Deutschland Rally 1958/190Simpson D H A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Simpson H B Capt 1955 Seconded for service with the King's African Rifles 1955/291Simpson H W Maj Gen 1944 Audience with the King of Norway - Force Primrose 1944/1011944/177,Simpson H W Brig 1944 With 1913 Batch of 2Lts and War Service189*Simpson H W Maj Gen 1945 Relinquishes Col Comdt Chatham 1945/312Simpson H W Brig 1944 Commandant at Chatham 1944/157Simpson H W Maj Gen 1944 Selecting successor to Ricketts 1944/127Simpson H W Maj Gen 1945 Leaving Chatham Division in Sedan Chair 1945/340*Simpson H W Maj Gen 1948 Attended Chatham Bn <strong>Officers</strong> 1915 Reunion 1948/162Simpson I E Capt R Sigs 1958 Instructor at Signals Trg Wing 1958/30Simpson J F Lt 1943 Depot Devon Football Team 1943/188*CaptSimpsonRSignals <strong>1959</strong> At Signals Training Wing <strong>1959</strong>/328Sims R D Lt 1931 Marriage 1931/149Sims R D Maj 1943 Joins the "Bluenose Club" in "KG V" 1943/64Sims R D Maj 1943 Relieved as OCRM KGV by Capt P L Norcock 1943/200Sims R D Capt 1938 Relieved by Brevet Maj P H O L Penfold on "Malaya" 1938/307

Sinclair R Maj 1931 Granted permission to wear the Star of Ethiopia 1931/112Sinclair R Maj 1936 Medals loaned to the Plymouth Collefction 1936/147Sinclair R Maj 1944 Retirement at Plymouth 1944/194Sinclair W Col (ret) 1946 Deal Borough Councillor 1946/268Sinclair W P Col 1934 President RMOCA London 1935/20Sincock-Teek Maj 1939 Relieved as F.R.M.O. in "Devonshire" by Maj Ellison 1939/336Skene N R M Capt 1938 Relieved as OCRM "Terror" by Capt. N C Ries 1938/391Skene N R M Capt 1938 Promoted to Squadron Leader - "Terror" (First in Corps) 1938/346Sketchley M P F Proby 2Lt 1936 Award of a revolver 1936/292Sketchley Maj 1941 "The Battle of Crete" (LAA Bty) 1945/38Sketchley Capt 1945 Relieves Capt Scott in "Roberts" 1945/310Slater D N Lt 1949 Regimental Colour officer for Guard of Honour at Stonehouse 1949/344Slater David Capt` <strong>1959</strong> "Why con't Subalterns go in for SBS?" <strong>1959</strong>/367Slater H.McC Capt 1934 2/ic St Angelo 1934/269Slater H.McC Maj 1936 On Promotion 1936/309Slater W B Maj RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> New CO RMFVR Merseyside <strong>1959</strong>/354Founder member Oxford & Cambridge Far EasterenSlessor T Lt RMFVR 1955 Expedition 1955/229,Slessor T P Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1951/302Slocombe R C Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/100Sloley B J B Capt RMFVR 1954 48 (City of London) Commando 1954/241Mounted ADC to Admiral Lord Fraser for King's BirthdaySluman D W Lt 1948 Parade 1948/210Sluman D W Lt 1949 Commanding MFV 1567 1949/288Sluman W W Lt 1951 Commanding ML 2912 1951/172Sluman Lt 1947 Relieves Lt Manuel in "Illustrious" 1947/228Smalley R B Capt (ret) 1951 Point-to-Point successes 1951/63, 95Smalley R B Capt 1949 Relieved in "Implacable" by Capt H J Powell DSC 1949/260Smalley Capt 1945 Relieved as OCRM "Orion" by Capt McConnell 1945/44Smalley Capt 1947 Visit of CGRM to Malta 1948/4*Smith C N S Lt Col 1944 Relieved in "Helder" by Lt Col W F Edds OBE 1944/4

Smith C J Lt 1958 45 Cdo Polo team in Tripoli 1958/129Smith C M Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/87Smith C N Maj 1938 Relieves Maj West MC on"Arethusa" 1938/176Smith C N S Col 1945 In Singapore 1946/59Commission terminated - commissioned in East lancashireSmith D C Ty Lt 1953 Regiment 1953/48Smith G J C Lt 1945 Embarks "Sussex" 1945/139Smith H L Capt (Ret) 1947 Death 1947/49Smith Harrington Lt 1811 Drown aboard HMS Egmont in the Downs 1957/11Smith J A Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Smith J H S Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/147Smith J H S Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Smith P J Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Smith R B F Lt 1934 New commission HMS London 1934/185Smith R G F Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/86Smith R L Capt 1944 Retirement at RNSM 1944/64Smith S D Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Smith S D Lt 1948 Letter - Anzio Military Cemetery 1948/335Smith S D Capt 1953 Army Staff College Course 1954/1Smith S J A Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/192Smith Maj 1939 Relieved by Lt Pound in "Arethusa" 1939/11Smith Lt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Sussex] 1945/298Smith Lt 1945 Plays the bugle at raising of Colours 1945/378Smith Lt 1947 Relieves Lt Jukes in "Implacable" 1947/228Smith R G F Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/2481950/224*,Smith Hill Col 1950 With RM Deal Cricket Team and retires to Lake District 226,Smith-Hill P R Capt 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Smith-Hill P R Capt 1934 RE Drag Hunt at Chatham 1934/84Smith-Hill P R Capt 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/24Smith-Hill P R Col 1946 CO Lympstone 1946/346

Smith-Hill P R Col 1947 With ITCRM Bayonet Fencing Team 1947/214*Smith-Hill P R Brig (ret) 1955 County Comdt Cumberland ACF 1955/177Smith-Hill R B F Lt 1934 Plymouth Garrison Point-to-Point 1934/164Smythe A C Capt 1936 Death. Served in Japan 1870-1875 1936/71Smythe Capt 1929 With HMS Effingham Shooting Team <strong>1930</strong>/13*Snepp J W Lt Col One time Editor G&L 1945/130Snepp J W ` Lt Col 1931 Relinquishes Editorship 1931/311-1936/296+(SSnow J N 2Lt 1936 King's Colour Officer for King;s visit to Eastneyupplement)Snow J N Lt 1938 Funeral 1938/455*Snow J N Lt 1939 Announcement of death 1939/22Snow J N Proby 2Lt 1936 Award of a sword 1936/292Snow Lt 1812 A Duel on Southsea Common 1938/292Solbe P G Lt Col 1945 Relieves Lt Col S G Cutler inb "St Mathew 1945/106Solbe P G Maj 1949 FRMO - visit to "St Vincent" 1949/8Solbe P G Lt Col 1945 Relieves Lt Col W F Edds in "Woolverstone" 1946/76Solbe P G Maj 1953 Coronation Processional Unit 1953/56Solbe P.G Capt 1937 OCRM "Emerald" 1937/343Solbe P.G. Capt 1938 Comands mini tattoo in Columbo 1938/221Solbe Lt 1935 2i/c "Glorious" Detachment 1935/327Soleby Lt Col 1945 Relinquishes OCRM HMS St Mathew 1945/272Somershield J A Capt 1942 KIA - brother seeking information 1942/243Sparrow R G Lt 1943 Serving 19th Battalion 1943/108Sparrow C.P. Capt 1934 Kings birthday parade Hamilton, Bermuda 1934/273Spear I C Capt R Sigs 1958 Leaves Signals Trg Wing 1958/30Speed D C L Capt 1936 RM Point-to-Point 1936/187*Spencer C R Capt Map of Iceland presented to Po Div <strong>Officers</strong> Mess 1946/10Spencer Paul Capt 1944 Walcheren 1953/200Spencer-Smith S M Capt 1946 Camp Commandant HQ RMTG(D) 1946/85Spicer M H Lt Col 1941 Relinquishes CO RM Depot Devon 1941/356Spicer Maj 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56

Spicer M H Maj 1938 Dis-embarks "Courageous" for Chatham as Drafting Officer 1938/474Spicer M H Maj 1938 <strong>Royal</strong> Guard for King Haakon on board "Courageous" 1938/338Spicer M.H. Maj 1936 Leaves "Dragon" due to ill health 1936/53Spinl Bryan Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commisasion 1958/204Spitall P A Maj 1951 Naval Staff Course 1951/95Spittal P A Capt 1948 Attend Staff College on passing qualifying exam 1948/34Spittall P A Maj 1955 "The Raid on Zuara Marina" [Ex Radex Able] 1955/119*Spittall Lt 1938 To leave "Nelson" 1938/419Spittall Capt 1945 Promotion to Major in "Duke of York" 1945/306Spragett R W Capt 1919 With Sergeants Mess 1st RM Bn 1953/191*Spraggett R W Col 1946 First CO RM Barracks, Eastney 1947/8Spraggett R W Col 1948 With Portsmuth Group Tug-o'-War Teams 1948/242*Farewell at Eastney on retirement - Staff of Gen Sit DallasSpraggett R W Col 1949 Brooks 1949/177*Spraggett R W Col 1946 CO at Eastney 1946/375Spraggett R W Col 1947 Presenting new colour to the RMVCC1947/255*,256Spraggett R W Col (ret) 1954Private Sec & Controller to Gov Victoria - Awarded CVO -<strong>Royal</strong> Tour 1954/49Spray L C S Maj 1944 Photograph recognition1957/61*,142Spray L C S Capt 1954 Poem - "Date and Time of Origin" 1954/13Spray L C S Capt 1954 Retires from Signal School 1954/27Spray L C S Maj 1956 Trafalgar Day in South Australia 1956/42,Spray L C S Capt 1945 Leaving Signal Holding Company 1945/282Spurgeon P L Lt 1957 Leaves ADC to MGRM Plymouth 1957/132,Spurling D N Lt 1958 45 Cdo - KIA in Cyprus 1958/293Spurling Neville Lt <strong>1959</strong> Father, Maj Gen Spurling, passed 935 Squad for duty <strong>1959</strong>/211,Square J J E Capt 1956 Seconded for service with Federation of Malaya Forces 1956/87,Squires J Maj 1943 Home Guard in Barnstable 1943/161Squires James Maj 1934 Attended RMA Sergeants' Mess Reunion 1934/166St Clair Morford A C Maj Gen 1943 Commanding RMTGs 1943/250

St Clair Morford A C Col 1944 CO RMMS 1944/227St.Clair-Morford A C Ty Brig 1942 Gazette - Seconded for duty under India Office 1942/196St.Clair-MorfordMC Maj 1935 F.R.M.O. East Indies returns home 1935/240Stacey R B Capt 1951 Birth of a son 1951/258Stacey R B Capt 1946 Relieves Capt A T Mucklow as OCRM "Leander" 1946/336Stacey R B Capt 1948 Commanding Guards of Honour at Portsmouth1948/202*,210,Stacey R B Capt 1948 Guard of Honour for Gen Shepherd USMC1948/145,146*Stacey R B Capt 1949 Relieves Capt J L Jaquet in "Cleopatra" 1949/260Stacey R B Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Stacey R P Capt 1948 OCRM HMS Leander 1948/31Stagg A E WO Bmdr 1948 Promotion to WO brother of C/Sgt Stagg 1948/15Stagg A E J Cmd B/Mr 1949 Massed Bands Beat Retreat in Hong Kong 1949/146Stagg A J Cd BM 1951 Relinquishes Far East Fleet Bandmaster 1951/141Staines E N Instr Lt 1957 Relinquishes post of Treasurer G&L 1957/49Standing W J Capt 1945 19 Bn 1945/146Stansfield P A/Ty Capt 1945 Awarded C-in-C's Certificate for Good Service 1945/291Starkey R C A Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Starkey R C A Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on appointment to the RMFVR 1954/99Starrit J Capt 1945 RM Provost Singapore 1946/5, 7Stayt J M Ty 2Lt 1951 NS Commission 1952/45Stear M D Lt 1945 HMS Robertson C ricket Team 1945/236*Steer G M Lt 1953 1st Assault Squadron aboard HMS Reggio 1953/175,Steer G M Lt 1956 Resigns commission 1956/87,Steer Lt 1954 Hoineymoon in Malta 1954/66Stephen J A Lt 1945 Marriage 1945/156Stephens A W Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/47Stephens A W Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/47Stephens D W Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95

Stephens G H Maj 1944 Retires at Plymouth 1945/18Stephens J A Lt 1945 HBLO Detachment at Ilfracombe Thaksgiving Week Parade 1945/386*Stevens B F 2Lt 1954 Corps Commission 1954/48Stevens D G R Lt <strong>1959</strong> Corps Hickey Team <strong>1959</strong>/47*Stevens J P Capt 1945 With parents of Cpl Hunter at Investiture 1945/349*Stevens R G 2Lt 1954 Corps Commission 1954/144Stevens R W Surg Cdr(D) 1947 At Lympstone 1947/110Stevens T M P Capt 1947 To 3 Cdo Bde aboard the SS Ranchi 1947/67Stevens T M P Capt 1954 Army Staff Course 1954/237Stevens T M P Capt 1956 Article - "Helicopter Assault" 1956/203*Stevens T M P Capt 1957 Article - "The Helicopter Carrier" 1957/161*Stevens 2Lt 1954 Presented with Maj Beazley's sword 1954/215Stevenson V N Lt 1957 Sword awarded for 1953 Batch 1957/259Stewart D D Maj 1942 Commanding Transport Company 1942/133Stewart G G Lt 1945 HMS Robertson C ricket Team 1945/236*Stewart G H Capt 1938 Joins "Caledonia" 1938/78Stewart J A Col 1869.1901 Member of the Honourable Corps of Gentleman-at-Arms 1947/202Stewart J C Lt 1946 Marriage 1946/198Stewart J S Lt 1945 At SASRM 1945/84Stewart J S Lt 1948 4th Conversion Course Field Guns Crew 1948/211*Stewart J S Capt 1950 With RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*Stewart J S Capt 1952 Ceremony of the Keys in Gibraltar 1952/222*Stewart J S Capt 1956 Birth of second son 1956/242Stewart J S Capt (ret) 1958 Birth of a daughter 1958/13Stewart J S Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Stewart J S Capt 1954 Engagement 1954/91Stewart J S Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Newcastle 1957/74Stewart J S Capt (ret) 1958 Inspector of Special Constabulary 1958/315Stewart J S Capt (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Birth of a son <strong>1959</strong>/174Stewart W Lt 1944 563 LCA Flotilla 1944/184*Stewart Brown P H Maj 1945 FOGD at Deal 1945/82

Stickley P S Capt 1955 Discussing para jump with Capt Davis & Comdt ASRM 1955/159*Stickley P S Capt <strong>1959</strong> Duke of Edinburgh trophy winning team <strong>1959</strong>/323*Long range desert penetration and navigation exercise inStickley P S Capt <strong>1959</strong> Tripoli <strong>1959</strong>/322Stobbs S R Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/188Stock G G Lt 1956 HMS Eagle Guard being inspected 1956/157*Stockley G G Maj 1938 Promoted CVO 1936/72Stockley G H Lt Col 1944 CO Eastern Theatre 1945/22Stockley G H Lt 1936 Bayonet Combat Team 1936/283*Stockley G H Lt Col 1943 Article - "A <strong>Royal</strong> Marine in America" 1943/284Stockley G H A/Lt Col 1944 Letter - Visit to Australia and Poem 1944/54Stockley G H Maj 1944 2 I/c 44 Commando 1944/288Stockley Gordon Maj 1942 Birth of a son 1942/151Stockley H H F Maj 1931 To be Sergeant-at-Arms 1931/365Stockley H H F Maj 1936 Appt Sec Central Chancery Orders of Knighthood 1936/331Stockley H H F Maj 1937 Sec to Orders of Knighthood & Gentleman-at-Arms 1937/168Stockley H H F Maj 1946 Relinquished Secretary Central Chancery of Orders……. 1946/170Stockley Henry 1943 Included in Birthday Honours list - Sergeant-at-Arms 1943/177Stockley N H Lt 1938 Relieves Lt J Maxwell as OC "Coventry" detachment 1938/170Stockley Lt 1933 With HMS Nelson Bayonet Team 1933/153*Stockley H H F Maj 1931 Appointed Sergeant-at-Arms to the King 1931/365Stoddart Lt 1950 Leaving 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/320Stokes W N Capt Seconded to the Army Ordnance Department <strong>1959</strong>/218Stonehaven J I Maj 1947 Sailing for South Africa. President RMA Aberdeen1947/101,102*Stonehaven,Viscount Maj RME <strong>1959</strong> Notes of Interest <strong>1959</strong>/152*Stoneley R Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/871944/160,Stoner R H Lt 1944 New Director of Music at Plymouth167,Stoner R H Cd BM 1944 Promotion from WO BM 1944/89Stoner R H Lt 1945 Left Plymouth for the Far East with Plymouth Band ranks 1945/344

Stoner R H Lt 1916-44 "From Bandboy to Director of Music" 1944/1701945/241,Stoner R H Lt 1945 Marriage to Wren250,Stoner R H Capt (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Sierre Leone Police and Advisor to Ethiopian Government <strong>1959</strong>/275Commission terminated - commissioned in the DorsetStones E C Ty Lt 1952 Regiment 1952/260Storer J Lt 1944 563 LCA Flotilla 1944/184*Stott R M Capt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Stransham A B Gen 1757-1900 Great-great-great grandfather of LT Ford 1944/47Stransham A B Gen 1937 Commissions presented to the Corps by daughter 1937/45-Stransham A B Gen First RM officer to receive the GCB 1937/85-Stransham A B Gen 1941 Death of daughter [Mrs F G La Touche] 1941/307Stratford H E Capt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Stredder Chaplain 1942 Relinquishes Senior Chaplain at Plymouth 1942/257Street D G Ty Lt [Rev] <strong>1959</strong> Conducted Memorial service aboard "<strong>Royal</strong> Iris" <strong>1959</strong>/1801942/14*;Strong F L H [Lt Col] 1942 Unable to find Father's [H H] Grave. Obituary [RAPC] 1949/300Strong H H Maj 1882 Grave (Tel-el-Kebir? - see 1949/300) 1942/14*,Strong K H Lt 1942 Letter - Grandfather's [H H] Grave 1942/14*Stroud E D Capt 1945 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Stroud E D Capt 1949 Small Raids Wing 1949/209Stroud E D Capt 1949 Relieves Capt N A G Beal in "Devonshire" 1949/147Appointed for duty with Falkland Islands DependenciesStroud E D Capt 1951 Survey 1951/333Stroud E D Capt 1952 "Summer on Deception Island" 1952/145*Stroud E D Capt 1953 Article - "Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey" 1953/106*Stroud E Dacre Capt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [Detachment 385] 1945/2981935/350-,Stroud E J B Lt Col 1935 Funeral360Strouts B M Capt 1934 Memorial in Legation Church Pekin 1934/383Stuart W S Maj 1945 Son killed in action 1945/82Stuart WJ Maj [Ret] 1945 Presentation of Daffodil bulbs at Deal 1945/82

Studley A C CdSM 1949 US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228*Studley A C Cd SM 1952 Methuen Cup Winners 1952/201*Studley A C Capt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99, 135Sturges E M Capt 1944 Bestman to Lt Rider 1945/22Sturges R G Maj <strong>1930</strong> Birth of a son <strong>1930</strong>/148Sturges R G Maj 1932 Guarc of Honour at Plymouth 1932/315Sturges R G Maj 1932 Guard of Honour at Plymouth 1932/315Sturges R G Maj 1934 Entered Shorncliffe Point to Point 1934/120Sturges R G Maj 1934 Visit of First Sea Lord to the Depot 1934/120Sturges R G Maj 1935 Successes at Point-to-Point 1935/175Sturges R G Maj 1935 Proposal for a RM Regimental Race 1935/320-Sturges R G Lt Col 1936 F.R.M.O. Home Fleet 1936/297Sturges R G Maj 1936 First Subscriber to RM Regimental Race Club 1936/241936/186*,Sturges R G Lt Col 1936 Regimental Race on "Dubbulef"187*Sturges R G Lt Col 1936 Started RM Regimental Race 1936/162-Sturges R G Lt Col 1937 Coronation Street Lining Battaliuon 1953/56Sturges R G Lt Col 1938 Relieved as F.R.M.O. by Lt Col Noyes 1938/210Sturges R G Col 1939 <strong>Royal</strong> Tournament Cartoon 1939/280-*Sturges R G Col 1939 To Deal as Second Commandant 1939/217Sturges R G Col 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Sturges R G Maj Gen 1942 "Diego Suarez - May 1942" 1954/50Sturges R G Lt Gen (ret) 1942 Letter - "Illustrious and Diego Suarez" 1955/65Sturges R G Maj Gen 1943 Passed 409 King's Squad for duty 1943/75Sturges R G Lt Gen 1945 Salute at 2 Cdo Bde Parade and service in Winchester 1945/277Sturges R G Lt Gen 1946 Presented field gun from Madagascar 1946/170Sturges R G Maj Gen 1947 Letter - Article Drip (1946/392) 1947/9Maj GenSturgesR G (Ret) 1948 Relinquishing President RMA 1948/27Sturges R G Lt Gen 1949 RMA Ball and Hon Col Comdt Plymouth Group 1949/158*

Sturges R G Maj Gen (ret) 1950 Chief Judge at Corps Pentathlon Championships 1950/262*Sturges R G Maj Gen 1951 At Reading RMA 1951/83*1953/141,Sturges R G Maj Gen (ret) 1953 To command RM at Ex- Servocemen's Review194,Sturges R G Lt Gen (ret) 1955 "Per Mare, Per Terram, Per Caballum (Perhaps)" 1955/82Sturges R G Lt Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Serious illness <strong>1959</strong>/132Sturges Lt 1938 Embarks "Adventure" 1938/54Sturgis J R Capt 1947 Adjt 42 Cdo - Cartoon 1947/299*Sturgis J R Capt 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Sturgis J R Capt 1955 Article - "Eaton Hall" 1955/13*<strong>1959</strong>/367,Sturgis J R Maj <strong>1959</strong> Article - "Why don't Subalterns go in for SBS?"1960/30.Sturgis J R Capt 1954 First officer appointed to staff of Eaton Hall 1954/1Stutter A Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/252Sultzberger J P Lt 1944 "Gibraltar Gert" at 22nd (Trg) Bn 1944/286Sultzberger J P Capt RMFVR 1951 City of London RMFVR - Lord Mayor's Show 1951/340Commanded RMFVR Detachment - King's Funeral StreetSultzberger J P Capt RMFVR 1952 Lining 1952/80Sumner P A G 2Lt (BM) 1958 Promoted 2Lt (BM) 1958/259Sumner W V Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/211Suscor T P Ty 2Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1952/211Sutcliffe N Lt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> World Record Blue Shark <strong>1959</strong>/279*Sutcliffe P M Lt 1934 HMS Ramilles 1935/48*Sutcliffe P M Capt 1945 Relieves Maj Boothby as OCRM "Renown" 1945/133Sutcliffe P M Capt 1943 Relieved in "Newcastle" by Capt Roche 1943/153Sutcliffe W N M Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.1945/220,Suther G C Gen 1892 "The Suther Redoubt"222, 252Swaffield R H 2nd Lt 1861 High Sheriff of Dorset 1952/95Swallow N R Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Sykes J B Capt 1944 538 LCA Flotilla 1944/153*

Sykes R D Lt RMFVR 1958 Course at USMC Cold Weather Training Centre, California 1958/246,Sykes Richard Lt RMFVR 1958 Article - On Mount Masherbrum [Climbing in Kashmir] 1958/103*Sykes W A Capt R Sigs 1951 Birth of a son 1951/134Sykes Capt R Sigs 1950 Liaison Officer at Signal School 1950/144Sykes Wright C E Col (ret) 1937 Daughter married Capt Parks-Smith 1937/322Symington A P Ty 2Lt 1958 NS commission 1958/259Syms M H Capt 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*Synott J P Cd SM 1952 Promoted from RSM 1952/260Syrad S Lt 1958 Relinquishes command of No 1 SBS 1958/22,Syrad S L Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Syrad Stuart 2Lt 1954 Ski-ing in the Rhine Squadron 1954/65*Syrad Stuart 2Lt 1954 Winners Devizes-Westminsterr Canoe Race 1954/101Tailyour A E Maj 1938 Death 1938/400Tailyour N H Lt Col 1958 Leaves CO RMB Plymouth for USA 1958/185,Tailyour N H Maj 1946 Ex German yacht from Kiel to UK 1946/219Tailyour N H Maj 1948 Presentation of Trident Trophy to Plymouth Group 1948/49Tailyour N H Lt Col 1951 Leaving Rhine Flotilla for JSSC 1951/230Tailyour N H Lt Col 1955 CO 45 Cdo with Captain General in Malta 1955/113*,Tailyour N H Lt Col 1956 CO 45 Cdo at Port Said Operation 1956/238Tailyour N H Lt Col 1956 Wounded at Port Said Operation 1956/242Tailyour N.H. Lt 1939 From"Coventry " to <strong>Royal</strong> West African Frontier Force 1939/384Tailyour N H 2Lt 1934 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1935/63Tailyour N H 2Lt 1935 Joined Plymouth Division from the Depot in their own boat 1935/174,186Talbot H L Col Adjutant RMA <strong>1930</strong>/336*1957/131,Talling J E Capt 1957 Band embarked for Naval Review at Jamestown USA 149, 186*,Talling Cmd B/M 1946 Home Fleet Bandmaster vice LangTanner M M Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/287.Taplin J Lt Col 1945 CO 28 Bn 1945/78Taplin J Capt 1953 Trooping the Colour at Eastney - Adjutant 1953/131

Taplin J Capt 1957 Leading British Schoolboys Expedition 1957/206Taplin J A Maj 1946 OC RM Pre-OCTU 1946/121Taplin J A Capt 1953 Visit of Captain General to Eastney 1953/150*Taplin J A Capt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Taplin J A Maj 1945 Command of Pre-OCTU 1945/345Taplin J A Maj 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Taplin J A Lt 1948 Article - "Out in the Wilds" 1948/203Taplin J A Capt 1952 Corps Cricket Team 1952/202*Taplin J A Maj 1958 Letter - Visit to the Cemetery at Salerbno 1958/282Tate M R Capt 1945 OCRM "Bellona" 1945/335Tate M R Capt 1948 Advanced Handling Wing of SASRM 1948/282<strong>1959</strong>/153,Tate M R Capt <strong>1959</strong> Letter - Telling the Time by the Stars218,Tate Lt 1943 Disembarks "KG V" 1943/64Tate M R Capt 1950 Retired at CSRM 1950/203Tayler T M 2Lt 1957 Corps Commission 1957/147Taylor E Capt 1938 Zeebrugge veteran at wreath laying in Sydney 1938/271Taylor F R A D Capt 1951 Army Staff Course 1951/10Taylor F R A D Capt 1951 Wedding 1951/55Taylor F W Capt 1947 Plymouth Group Yacht "Sea Scamp" - August 1947 1947/315Taylor J A Cd SM 1951 Promoted from QMS(C) 1951/.302Taylor K C 2Lt 1954 Withjdrawn at parents request 1954/235Taylor R Wife (?) 1936 RM Ladies Miniature Shooting Club 1936/286Taylor R Maj (ret) 1951 Son's wedding - father of F R A D Taylor 1951/55Taylor T S Lt 1944 <strong>Officers</strong> of 43 Commando 1944/259*Taylor F R A D Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Taylor J A 2Lt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Teague B J A/Ty Capt 1945 Awarded C-in-C's Certificate for Gallantry 1945/61Teek Cuthbert Col 1938 Letter - Ref Obituary 1938/148Teek H S Capt 1934 Plymouth Garrison Point-to-Point 1934/164

Teek P H Capt 1944 Adjutant at Portsmouth 1944/313Teek P H C Lt 1936 Guard of Honour at Dover 1936/360Teek P H C Capt 1944 Marriage 1944/47Teek P H C Capt 1946 Birth of a daughter 1946/162Teek P H C Capt 1946 Guard of Honour for Lord Mountbatten in London 1946/246*Teek P H C Capt 1948 Winner in Gymkhana in Malta 1948/52Teek P H C Maj 1952 ITC <strong>Officers</strong>' Mess Scrapbook 1952/53Teek P H C Maj 1955 At Civic Reception for ASRM at Poole 1955/61*Teek R H S Capt <strong>1930</strong> Portsmouth Miniature Rifle Club <strong>1930</strong>/115*Teek R H S Wife (?) 1936 RM Ladies Miniature Shooting Club 1936/286*Teek R H S Maj 1942 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Teek R H S Lt Col 1944 Relinquishes Superintendent RMSAS 1944/2541945/277,Teek R H S Lt Col 1945 CO Holding Bn and 30th Bn352Teek R H S Lt Col 1945 With 19 Bn Boxing Team 1945/146*Teek R H S Capt 1935 Plymouth Division Shooting Cups and Trophies 1935/312*Teek R S Capt 1932 With HMS Revenge Tug-o'-War Team 1932/276*Teek Maj 1937 F.R.M.O East Indies 1937/229Teek Capt 1943 With HMS Rodney Shooting Team 1943/241*Teek Capt 1944 Relieved as OCRM "Rodney" by Maj Millikan 1944/310Teek R H S Lt Col 1951 Daughter's engagement 1951/134Teek 1951 Daughter's marriage in Manila 1951/230Teeling B Sgt Maj 1934 Depot Boxing Team Photo 1934/92*Temple R C Lt Gen 1943 Awarded Good Aservice Pension 1943/254Temple R C Gen (ret) 1957 At the RM Artillery Reunion 1957/208Terry C J Lt 1936 Relieves Lt H L Ffraser 1936/389Terry C J Lt 1939 With Portsmouth Football Team 1939/270*Terry C J Maj 1944 OC Pre-OCTU 1944/108Terry C J Maj 1945 Camp Commandant Gibraltar Camp 1945/2131951/233,Terry C J Maj 1951 Joins 42 Cdo in Malaya, wounded and moves to 40 Cdo 281

Terry C J Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Terry C J N Maj 1950 RM Deal cricket Team 1950/224*Terry Capt 1946 OCRM "Nelson" and PT & RT Officer 1946/242Thackeray N E Cd SM 1954 First Administration Officerm RMFVR Tyne 1954/248Thackeray N E Cd SM 1954 Promotedfrom QMS 1954/235Thackeray N E Cd SM 1955 Placing in the final stage of "The Queens" at Bisley 1955/233Thelwell G H 1859 Group of Woolwich <strong>Officers</strong> (Thelwall E D ?] 1932/290*Theunissen A E Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/204Thomas P R Lt 1947 Patrol in a Sea Otter in Hong Kong 1947/114Thomas P R Lt 1950 From NCOs' School to 41 Indep Cdo 1950/256Thomas T Lt 1944 A Troop 45 Cdo 1945/59Thomas T Lt 1945 "A Forgotten Hero" - LCpl E Harden RAMC 1958/318Thomas T Lt 1945 A Tp 45 Cdo - LCpl Harden's VC 1949/303Thomas T K Lt 1945 45 Commando 1945/396Thomas Thomas Capt 1946 Carried South African Flag in London Victory Parade 1946/205Thomas V D Maj 1939 Dis-embarks "Neptune" for UK 1939/203Thomas V D Maj 1939 F.R.M.O. African Station,from "Amphion" to"Neptune" 1939/66Thomas V D Maj Gen 1951 Elected Commodore of the RNSA 1951/32Thomas V D Capt <strong>1930</strong> Adjutant at Chatham <strong>1930</strong>/107Thomas V D Capt <strong>1930</strong> With Chatham Division Football Teams <strong>1930</strong>/174*Thomas V D Capt 1931 Relinquishes Adjutant Chatham 1931/11Thomas V D Capt 1931 Short Hisktory of Chatham Division 1931/30Thomas V D Maj 1934 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1935/63Thomas V D Maj 1935 With the West Street Hunt at Deal 1936/251937/329-,Thomas V D Maj 1937 Article : "A Trip to a shooting Camp at Sabi……."358Thomas V D Maj 1937 Coronation Processional Unit 1953/56Thomas V D Maj Gen 1946 First Chief of Staff at RMO 1946/332Thomas V D Maj Gen 1950 Rear-Commodore RN Sailing Association 1950/42Thomas V D Maj Gen 1950 To be Chief of Combined Operations 1950/299

Thomas V D Maj Gen 1950 To be Cjhief of Combined Operations 1950/158Thomas V D Maj Gen (ret) 1953 At Coronation Review of ex-servicemen 1953/193Thomas V D Maj Gen 1953 Chief of Combined Operations in Malta 1953/125*Maj GenThomas V D (Ret) 1954 Opening new RMA Club in Eaton Square, London 1954/279*Thomas V D Maj Gen (ret) 1955 At Birmingham RMA 1955/82*Thomas V D Maj Gen (ret) 1955 Attending <strong>Royal</strong> Film Premiere 1956/2*Thomas V D Maj Gen (ret) 1957 Assumes Hon Col Comdt Plymouth Group 1957/79Thomas V D Maj Gen 1957 Relinquishes President of the RM Association 1957/297Thomas D C Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/304Article "41 Independent Commando <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong>" [-Thomas P R Lt 1954 Memorial] 1954/102*Thomas R J R Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Thomas S R Ty Lt 1945 Awarded C-in-C 21 Army Gp Commendation 1945/190Thompson I C 2Lt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission 1955/140Thompson J A Lt Col 1951 Book - "Only the Sun Remembers" 1951/11, 32,Thompson J E Maj RMFVR 1956 CO RMFVR Bristol 1956/79,Thompson J E Maj RMFVR 1957 Leaves CO RMFVR Bristol - Headmaster in the Lake District 1957/89,Thompson J R Maj 1946 OC RM Guard at Lake Timsah 1946/270Thompson N C Ty 2Lt 1956 Transferred to Regular Commission 1956/87Thompson N C Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/92Thompson N T Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/44Thompson P M Lt 1953 Commended by C-in-C Nore - Flood Relief 1953/52Thompson P M Lt 1951 HMS Liverpool guard for Marshal Tito 1951/324*Thompson P M Lt 1954 CO ML(F) 6012 1954/64Thompson P N 2Lt 1953 Corps Commission 1953/248Thompson R C V Capt 1947 Birth of a daughter 1947/316Thomson UI C Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Thornley Chaplain 1951 Joins 45 Cdo in Malaya 1951/284

Thornton Derek Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/2111945/220,Thornton E E Capt 1945 Letter - Historical questions - Eastney Barracks222Thornton E G Capt 1943 Exhibits at <strong>Royal</strong> Horticultural Shows 1943/229Thorpe R C 1945 Birth of a daughter 1946/30Thorpe R C 1945 Birth of a daughter 1946/30Thorpe R C Lt 1946 Relieves Lt A Pearson in "Howe" 1946/274Thorpe R C Lt 1952 Transfer to RASC 1952/45Cmd StaffThrowerSgt Maj 1946 Fleet Sergeant Major 1946/242Thwaites E J A/Rct Offr 1958 Promoted from CSgt 1958/99Ticehurst G B Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Ticehurst Lt 1943 Embarks "Berwick" 1943/152Tiller D Lt 1952 Article - "The Cliff Assault Wing's Visit to the Alps" 1952/177Tindal C R M Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Tizard C N K Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Tizard C N K Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Toase A E Lt 1940 Citation for DSC 1940/151Toase A E Capt DSC 1949 Relieved in "Diadem" by Capt A W Neaves 1949/142Toase A E Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Toase A W Capt 1950 Joining 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/259Toase A E Capt 1952 OCRM HMS Mauritius 1952/13Tolhurst Surg Lt 1942 RM Siege Regiment 1941/111Tollemache H T Capt 1932 Lewis Gun Course for detachment in Edinburgh 1932/331Tollemache H T Capt 1934 Guard of Honour at Chatham 1934/84Tollemache H T Capt 1934 Instructor of Samll Arms Ghain Tuffieha -Brevet Major 1934/269Tollemache H T Maj 1936 Appointed Brigade Major Plymouth Division 1936/321Tollemache H T Maj 1939 With the committee of RMOCA Plymouth 1939/266Tollemache H T Col 1946 CO Depot Deal 1946/84Tollemache H T Col 1947 To be the first DOPAR 1947/186

Tollemache H T Maj Gen 1949 Relinquishes DOPAR to be MGRM Portsmouth 1949/340Tollemache H T Maj Gen 1951 To be promoted and nominated as CGRM1951/305,333,Tollemache H T Maj Gen 1952Appoimntment as CGRM cancelled due to ill health andretirement1952/67, 90,125Tollemache H.T. Maj Gen 1958 Honorary Colonel Commandant Portsmouth Group 1958/261*1956/JunTollemache R H T Ty 2Lt 1956 Laying up 1894 Eastney ColoursCover*,Tollemache R H T Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/87Tollemache Maj Gen (ret) 1950 Son adjutant at Eaton Hall <strong>1959</strong>/306*Tollemache Maj Gen 1952 With Gen Wildman-Lushington and Lt Finch 1952/124*Topley K J B Instr Lt Cdr 1954 Boys Wing RMSM 1954/164Torrance A Capt <strong>1959</strong> With Naval Beach Unit Rifle Team <strong>1959</strong>/312*Torrance Lt 1950 Leaving 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/320Tovey B M Lt Cdr <strong>1959</strong> CO 848 NA Sqdn - Article - "A week with the SBS" <strong>1959</strong>/25*Towers C H Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/139Townsend F C Cd SM 1956 Promoted to Cd SM 1956/43Trace Lt 1950 In 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/291Tracey H A Capt 1934 HMS Ramilles 1935/48*Tracey H A Capt 1938 Wreath Laying in Sydney from "Dorsetshire" 1938/271Traverse-Healy T H Lt 1947 Article - "Civvy Street" 1947/304Traverse-Healy T H Lt 1948 Article - "Close-up in the Centre" 1948/184Traverse-Healy T H Lt 1948 Article - "Metal Box <strong>Marines</strong>" 1948/85Traylen J F Maj 1949 US Challenge Cup Shooting Team 1949/228*Traylen J F Maj 1950 Corps VIII 1950/217*Traylen J F Maj 1950 Queen Mary's Prize at Bisley 1950/230Traynor W Surg Lt(D) 1944 Dentist at Burma Camp RMTG Wales - Marriage 1944/87Tredray P G K Lt 1943 Relieved in "Suffolk" by Lt Ridding 1943/152Tredray P G K Lt 1946 Regt Colour Officer at Chatham 1946/244*Tredray P G K Capt 1950 Second stage of the King's Prize at Bisley 1950/230

Tredray P G K Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Tredray P G K Lt 1943 Broken nose from boxing match in "Suffolk" 1943/5Trentham D G Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/144Trentham D G ] Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Trevelyan J F Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Trevelyan J F Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Trew E F Hon Brig Gen 1936 A Tribute by Gen Sir Harry Chauvel 1936/373Trickett Lt 1944 Dies as a reult of petrol explosion 1946/339Trimmer T W Cd BM 1935 Placed on the retired list 1936/25Tripp W H L Maj 1914 Formed South African Heavy Artillery Brigade 1944/62Tripp W H L Brig 1935 Chatham Division Football Team 1935/249*Tripp W L Maj 1915 Served with SA Heavy Artillery 1953/99Tripp W H L Lt Gen <strong>1959</strong> Appreciation <strong>1959</strong>/132Troman G C Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Trotman G K Capt 1945 Drafting Officer RM MT School 1945/214Trotter W F Col 1937 Marriage of son (Captain, Hyderabad Regiment) 1937/246Trotter W E 1933 Plaque in memory of son dedicated at St Andrews, Eastney 1933/24Troubridge E St V Lt 1957 Article - "Polo" 1957/87,Troubridge E StV A/Cpl 1951 Corps Commission 1951/55CaptTrueman Peter Cheshires 1953 Staff of SASRM 1953/134Tuck 2Lt 1955 Modern Pentathlon Championships of Great Britain 1955/277*Tuckey C P Capt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Tufton C C G [Ty Lt] 1958 Inducted at St Leonards Deal 1958/134Tuke J M Maj 1932 With HMS Nelson Tug-o'-War Team 1932/129*Tuke J M Maj 1931 With HMS Nelson Cutters Crews 1931/253*Tuke J M Lt Col 1934 Adjutant General's Inspection at Plymouth 1934/120Tuke Maj 1929 With HMS Effingham Shooting Team <strong>1930</strong>/13*Tulloch J A Capt [RAMC] 1946 Leaving 45 Commando 1946/318

Tulloch J A Capt [RAMC] 1945 1945 MO 45 Commando 1945/395Tupman J A <strong>1930</strong> Birth of grand-daughter <strong>1930</strong>/250Tupman J A Col 1937 Relinquishing Treasurer of Britain's Sea Soldiers Fund 1937/293-Tupman J A Col 1934 Britain's Sea Soldiers available 1934/22Tupman 1934 Birth of daughter to daughter (Joyce Thicknesse) 1935/23Tuppen Capt 1937 Disembarks "Resolution" 1937/256Tuppen Capt 1937 Relieves Capt Buckley in "Dolphin" 1937/412Turner A T Lt 1939 Awarded posthumous award of Albert Medal1939/402,422,Turner A T Lt 1939 Drowned off Malta; Obituary1939/169,183*Turner A T Lt 1940 Unveiling Memorials at Eastney and Plymouth 1940/187*Turner A T Lt See also GENERAL INDEX - MemorialsTurner I G W Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/147Turner I G W Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Turner Percy Sup Clerk 1943 Birth of twins 1943/216Turner Percy Maj (ret) 1957 Letter - "The Memorial in the Mall" 1957/167Turner Lt 1943 Embarks "Charybdis" 1943/126Turner Lt 1944 Forms RM Sports & Entertainments Committee in "Rodney" 1944/310Tuson Henry Gen 1894 Daughter married J L Homer 1954/229Tuson Henry Gen Sax-Ernestine Order, 1st Class 1953/149Tutton C C G Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RE 1952/86Tweed D G Lt Col 1956 CO 40 Cdo at Port Said Operation 1956/238Tweed D G Proby Lt 1937 Award of Sword 1937/168Tweed D G Maj 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Tweed D G Maj 1946 Sailing with Col Hasler 1946/302Tweed D G Maj 1950 2 i/c 42 Cdo 1950/147Tweed D G Maj 1954 Commandant Signal School 1954/272Tweed D G Lt Col 1956 CO 40 Cdo 1956/104Twining S H G Ty 2Lt 1952 NS Commission 1952/260Twining S H G 2Lt 1954 Article - "The New Zealand Air Race" 1954/14*

Tyler A W Capt 1945 Donation to 1939 War Fund in memory 1945/339Tyler N O Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/248Tyler N O Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Tyndale Biscoe Lt 1938 Guard Officer for Kings Birthday Parade in Hong Kong 1938/313Tyndall H M Lt 1947 3 Cdo Bde Sigs Offr 1947/215Tyndall H M Capt 1956 Retires at own request 1956/235Tyndall M H Lt 1944 2 i/c "Norfolk" detachment 1944/277Tyrell M Capt 1945 287 Personnel Flotilla 1946/286Ufton E A Lt 1957 Plaque unveiled at Burton-0n-Trent Grammar School 1958/1Ufton E A V Lt 1956 40 Cdo The Military Funeral at Clayhall 1957/31*Ufton E A V Lt 1956 Killed in action at Port Said Operation 1956/242Underhill G Lt 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Underhill G Maj 1945 Retirement as Camp Commandant, Dalditch 1945/242Superintendent RM Police. Attends Chatham Dinner &Underhill George Capt 1934 Smoking concert 1934/87, 121Uniacke J A C Capt 1952 Commando Display Room at Bickleigh 1952/247Uniacke J A C Capt 1954 Attached to the Canadian Army for Snow Warfare Course 1954/49Uniacke J A C Capt 1954 RAF Staff College 1954/101Unwin E H M Lt Col 1943 CO 11th Bn 1943/137Upton Kellysee alsoGENERALINDEX -FUNDSUre J S Ty Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/48Urwin Capt <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Eagle Gibraltar Cup team 1931/5*Vauqulin P A Lt 1945 Awarded Allied EF C-in-C's Commendation 1945/328Verdon C J Capt 1947 Birth of a son 1947/219Verdon C J Capt 1951 Army Staff Course 1951/10Verdon Charles Lt 1942 Plymouth Argylls 1945/364Cd SuptVernonC H Clerk 1947 Wife's death 1947/72Versluvs E Capt R Sigs 1944 Liaison Officer with RM Line Company 1945/247

Vickery A F Capt 1942 Siege Regiment - Sports Officer 1941/111Vickery A F Cd RM Gnr <strong>1930</strong> With HMS Rodney tug-0'-war teams <strong>1930</strong>/96*, 97*Vickery G G Surg Capt 1944 RMTG Wales 1944/38Vincent J T E Capt 1948 Transfer to the Army Catering Corps 1948/159Vincent Maj 1944 Walcheren 1953/200Viner G A [Brig RAOC] 1944 [Formerly RMA] Letter - Salerno Cemetery 1944/180Viner G A [Brig RAOC] 1955 Formerly RMLI 1955/245Viner G A Capt 1931 Transfer to RAOC 1931/112Vowden O W Capt 1947 Relieves Lt F R D Pearce as OCRM "Sirius" 1947/168Waddell G H Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/95Waddell W D Capt 1955 Seconded for service with the King's African Rifles 1955/291Waddell Lt 1950 Commanding Reinforcement Draft for 3 Cdo Bde 1951/22Walker C E Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Walker C E Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Walker C E Capt 1957 Adjutant 45 Cdo 1957/182Walker G R Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/140Walker H T C Lt 1918 Raid on Zeebrugge 1936/66Walker J J Surg Lt 1943 [RM Barracks Plymouth] Birth of a daughter 1943/124Walker R 2Lt 1952 Corps Commission 1952/451939/166*,Walker T K Capt 1939 Regimental Point-to-Point214*,Walker T K Capt 1935 Plymouth Division Shooting Cups and Trophies 1935/312*Walker T K Lt Col 1945 CO 30 Bn 1945/303Walker T K Lt Col 1946 OC NCOs' School 1946/2501939/175*,Walker W R Sup Clerk 1939 With RNSM Boys' Football Teams176*Walker Col 1840 Plaque at Acre, Palestine 1932/6Walker Capt 1937 Rejoins "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak" 1937/174Walker Capt 1937 Relieved by Lt Formby aboard "<strong>Royal</strong> Oak" 1937/85Wall P H B Lt 1937 Relieves Lt C.C.Sherman on "Devonshire" 1937/299Wall P H B Lt 1938 Relieved by Lt N L Griffiths in " Devonshire" 1938/482

Wall P H B Lt 1939 With HMS Devonshire's Cutter's Crew 1939/12*Wall P H B Capt 1944 Disembarks "Valiant" 1944/61948/280,Wall P H B Capt 1948 Vanguard detachment for the <strong>Royal</strong> Tour307,Wall P H B Maj RMFVR 1951 Adopted as Conservative Candidate for Cleveland 1951/340,Wall P H B Maj RMFVR 1952 CO 47 Cdo (VR) 1952/163Wall P H B Maj (ret) 1954 Elected Member of Parliament 1954/95Wall P H B Maj (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Member of Parliament <strong>1959</strong>/276Wall P H B Maj (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Parliamentary Secretary to the Chancellor of Exchequer <strong>1959</strong>/177Wall R P W Capt 1954 OCRM HMS Superb 1954/162Wallace H Lt 1947 Sigs Offr 45 Cdo 1947/217Wallace W W Lt 1945 Awarded DSC in "LCG(L)17" 1945/76Wallace W W Capt 1946 Letter - Suggesting Walcheren as Memorable Date 1946/10Wallace W W Capt 1946 Performs at Guest Night in "Robertson" 1946/79ChaplainWallisJ C RNVR 1943 Awarded DSC with 41 Cdo 1944/204Wallis J C Chaplain 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Walmsley H H Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Walsh Thomas Ty Capt <strong>1930</strong> Death 1931/11Walter J Lt 1954 HMS Newcastle jungle training 1954/263*Walter J R H Lt 1952 Plymouth Motor Rally 1952/155Walter J R H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Adjutant RMFVR Tyne and Monte Carlo Rally <strong>1959</strong>/119Walters Hugh Surg Lt 1949 MO 45 Cdo 1949/215Walters J R H Lt 1953 Colour Officer - Trooping the Colour at ITCRM 1953/137*Walton G.V Capt 1934 Leaving Ghanin Tuffieha as Instructor of Small Arms 1934/269Walton G.V. Maj 1939 Joins "Resolution" 1939/382Ward A Capt 1950 King's Badgeman No 12 Squad 1950/325Ward A C P Chaplain 1943 Chaplain of 1st RM Bn 1943/16Ward Arnold Lt 1946 Wife's death 1946/94Ward G M Capt 1946 OC RM Guard Singapore 1946/226Ward G M A/Ty Capt 1946 334 Support Flotilla. Letter - Painting of Walcheren 1946/355

Wardell G Cd RM Gnr <strong>1930</strong> Wife's death <strong>1930</strong>/342Wardell G Capt 1945 Death in 19 Bn 1945/146Wardell George Capt 1944 Leaves 19th Battalion - Camp Commandant 1944/319,Warden E J E Lt [Flt Lt] 1940 Letter suggesting arm badge 1941/20Ware D L A 2Lt 1950 RM Field Gun Crews 1950/228*1958/301,310Warn F D M Capt 1958 Competition - "How Good a Marine are your?".Warn G M Lt 1945 Subaltern "Devonshire" 1945/74Warren A G Capt 1931 Adjutant, Chatham Division 1931/11Warren A G Capt 1937 GSO III Gibraltar 1937/1251946/118,Warren A G Lt Col 1946 CO Infantry School, Bickleigh122Warren A G Lt Col 1947 CO 42 Cdo 1947/216Warren A G Lt Col 1947 CO 42 Cdo - Cartoon 1947/299*Commanding Combined services Guard for Duke ofWarren A G Lt Col 1947 Gloucester 1947/300Warren A G Lt Col 1948 Clommanded parade for unveiling of Roosevelt memorial 1948/133Warren A G Lt Col 1948 Committee of the Union Jack Club 1948/107Warren A G Lt Col 1948 Relinquishes CO 42 Cdo 1948/81Warren A G Col 1949 Portsmouth Gp Band visit to Canada and USA 1949/306*Warren E H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Edinburgh Tattoo <strong>1959</strong>/281Warren E H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Mounted for Freedom of Portsmouth parade <strong>1959</strong>/160+*Warren R J Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/195Warrington A J D Maj 1946 Paymaster RNSM - Death 1946/123Waters F H Lt Col 1945 Superintendent of PT 1945/144Waters Frank Maj [Retd] "Reminiscence" [ Guard Report discrepancy] 1933/306Waters Hugh Surg Lt 1950 Leaving 45 Cdo 1950/98Waters J C Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/99Waters J H Maj(QM) 1954 Retired at Chatham 1954/272Waters J T O Capt 1946 Relieved as OCRM "Newfoundland" by Capt N G Michell 1946/42Waters J T O A/Capt 1942 Birth of a son 1942/71Waters P J R Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Gambia 1957/74

Waters Lt 1944 Proceeds home from 543 Flotilla 1946/339Waters J T O Lt Col 1960 To command re-formed 41 Commando <strong>1959</strong>/306Wates M E Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/144Wates M E 2Lt RMFVR 1955 Commissioned in the RMFVR 1955/239Watherston W R A 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> Nijmegen Marches <strong>1959</strong>/299Watherstone A R A Ty 2Lt 1958 NS commission 1958/259Watkins C A Capt 1944 44 Cdo 1944/197Watkins C A Capt 1946 Granted Permanent Commission 1946/154Watkins C A Capt 1955 Naval Staff Course 1955/141,Watkins C A Capt 1958 Letter - Recruiting Proposition 1958/174,Watkins J D Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/99Cd SuptWatkinsT E Clerk 1947 Assiatant General Secretary RMA 1947/75, 87Watkiss H M Maj 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Watson C N 2Lt (QM) 1957 Promoted from QMS 1957/47Watson C S Lt 1931 With HMS Nelson Cutters Crews 1931/253*1936/296+(SWatson C S Lt 1936 Coy Commander for the King's visit to Eastneyupplement)Watson C S Capt 1936 Embarks "St Angelo" 1936/477Watts R G B Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/103Watts R G B Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/103Watts R G B Lt RMFVR 1952 First appointment 1952/86Watts Lt 1915 Wounded at Gallipoli 1948/162Waugh A E Ty Lt 1941 From Seconded List to Corps Duty 1941/369Waugh Evelyn Capt 1943 Extract from his "Put Out More Flags" 1943/136Waugh Evelyn Capt "Tale of a Parrot" from "The Loved One" 1949/92Webb Capt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> Winners of the Tom Hunter Bowl <strong>1959</strong>/221*Webber H A C Maj 1936 Farewell Dinner 1937/18Webber H A C Lt Col 1945 CO RM MT School 1945/214Webber R A K Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295Webber W E Capt 1934 Daughter's engagement 1934/32

Webster A A Lt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission 1955/140Webster A A Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/44Webster A L Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Weeks A W N Chaplain 1953 Assistant Chaplain at the Depot 1953/87Weightman R Capt 1945 536 LCA Flotilla 1946/286Weir H D Col 1941 Presentation of cigarette case by Lord Mayor of Portsmouth 1941/349Weir H D Brig 1943 Relinquishes Chairman RMRA 1943/1971943/248,Weir H D Maj Gen 1943 Retirement and move to RNSM as Col268, 271,Weir H D Brig 1943 With Plymouth Division Football Team 1943/133*Weir H D Col 1945 With RNSM Shooting Team 1945/186*Weir H D Col 1946 With RNSM .22 Rifle Team 1946/156*Weir H D Maj 1934 Plymouth Children's' Christmas Party 1934/491946/320,Weir H D Col 1946 Departure from RNSM321*Weldhen B A Lt 1953 Engagement to daughter of Col Beynon 1953/39,Weller B G Maj 1918 At Zeebrugge 1955/47Weller M E Lt <strong>1959</strong> Duke of Edinburgh trophy winning team <strong>1959</strong>/323*Weller 2Lt 1954 Presented with Lt Col Holford's sword 1954/133Wells D L Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/196Wells D L Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Wells J H Ty 2Lt 1958 NS Commisasion 1958/204Wells K H Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/304Wemyss T W Ty 2Lt 1953 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RMFVR 1953/248Werran G Rect Offr 1958 Retires extended service expired 1958/99West R H F Col 1945 Relinquishes 2nd Commandant at Portsmouth 1945/277West R H P Maj 1936 Embarks "Arethusa" 1936/308West R H P Lt Col 1942 Letter - The original Browndown 1942/125West R H P Maj 1936 Article - "The <strong>Royal</strong> Navy in Palestine, 1936" 1941/234West R H P Maj 1936 Landed with "Arethusa" detachment to assist police 1936/432West R H P Col 1944 Col 2nd Comdt at Portsmouth 1944/313

West R H P Col 1948 Letter - Chatham Colours in France 1918 1946/10West T Capt 1939 Relieves Capt Lumsden as OCRM in "Sussex" 1939/391West T K Capt 1943 Relieved as OCRM "Euryalus" by Capt D F Furlong 1943/34West T K Maj 1948 HMS Superb - Gibraltar rock for miniature colours 1948/156West T K Maj 1953 Flood Relief in East Anglia 1953/51West T K Maj 1955 Retires from PRORM 1955/73West T K Maj 1951 Letter - Future of Corps Sport 1951/314West Lt 1938 Joins "Revenge" 1938/75West Maj 1938 Relieved by Maj C N Smith on "Arethusa" 1938/176West Maj 1947 SRMO Second Cruiser Squadron 1947/228West R H P Maj 1938 Commandant SASRM Browndown 1957/57Westall J Col 1949 From CSO Plymouth Gp to CO RMB 1949/289Westall J Col 1951 With Sir Winston Churchill at Deal 1951/277*Westall J C Lt Col 1945 CO RMITC 1945/212Westall J C Lt Col 1946 CO ITC RM 1946/281Westall J C Col 1950 CO at Deal 1950/2261951/288,Westall J C Col 1951 Leaving Deal and presenting medal289*Westall J C Ll Gen 1954 Opening Tom Hunter Memorial Cottages, Edinburgh 1954/107*Westall J C Gen 1955 Freedom of Plymouth parade 1955/116*Westall J C Gen 1955 Lady Westall launching HMS Wrentham at Hamworthy 1955/61Westall J C 2Lt 1936 Trooping the Colour at Chatham 1936/319Westall J C Lt Gen 1952 "Our New Commandant General" [Service Record] 1952/131*,Westall J C Lt Gen 1952 Receives Drysdale portrait from USMC 1952/217*Westall J C Gen 1952 Talking to <strong>Officers</strong> of 45 Cdo in Malaya 1952/107*Westall J C Maj Gen 1952 To be CGRM 1952/67Westall J C Maj Gen 1952 Visit to 3 Cdo Bde as COS 1952/69Westall J C Lt Gen 1953 State Banquet - Buckingham Palace & HMS Vanguard Dinner 1953/161Westall J C Lt Gen 1953 With the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Depot 1953/87*1953/221*,Westall J C Lt Gen 1953 With the Captain General at Eastney227*

Westall J C Lt Gen 1954 "The Commandant General's Visit to the USMC" 1954/53*, 76*Westall J C Gen 1954 Opening new RMA Club in Eaton Square, London 1954/279*Westall J C Lt Gen 1954 Unveiling 41 Independent Commando memorial at Bickleigh 1954/102*1954/108*,Westall J C Lt Gen 1954 Visit to the Fleet and aboard HMS Vanguard & Eagle 113*Westall J C Gen 1955 On the bridge of HMS Ickford 1955/209,Westall J C Gen 1955 Retirement record of service 1955/144*Westall J C Gen (ret) 1956 Appointed a Governor of the Corps of Commissionaires 1956/1971953/22*,Westall J C C Lt Gen 1952 Presenation of Colours in Malta29*Western T A Capt 1956 Chairman Portsmoiuth RMA Branch 1956/266Weston C E Lt Col 1934 Attend RMOCA Smoking Concert 1934/21Weston E C Col 1939 With the committee of RMOCA Plymouth 1939/266*Weston E C Brig 1940 Commanding MNBDO 1940/174Weston E C Maj Gen 1941 "The Battle of Crete" 1945/36Weston E C Maj Gen 1941 Lecture on Crete 1941/309Weston E C Maj Gen 1954 The Battle of Crete 1954/4*1951/254,Weston J C Lt 1951 Presentation of Colours at Plymouth279*,Weston J C Capt 1958 Saluting with the left hand 1958/175,Weston J C Lt 1956 Wounded at Port Said Operation 1956/242Weston P J Ty 2Lt 1957 NS Commission 1957/147Weston Maj Gen 1950 Death and Obituary 1950/78Weston F C Lt Col 1936 Camp Comdt Mex Camp Base Defences Mediterranean 1936/314*Weston J C Lt 1954 Leaves RMSM as Eagle Housemaster 1955/29Westwood D M Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/43Westwood P J A Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/248Westwood P J A Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/235Weth J D 2 Lt 1953 Corps Commission 1953/295Weth J D A/Lt 1956 Resigns commission 1956/235

Wharfe W Lt 1951Attachment to the Chasseurs Alpins & made an HonoraryPrivate 1951/142Wharfe W H Capt <strong>1959</strong> CO RMVCC Plymouth <strong>1959</strong>/120Wharfe W H Capt <strong>1959</strong> Planning Team - Op Bleriot - Air Race <strong>1959</strong>/269Wharfe W H Lt 1946 RM Method of Instruction Team 1946/351Wharfe Lt 1943 Embarks "Cumberland" 1943/198Wharfe Lt 1950 3 Cdo Bde HQ <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*Wheatley F SW S/Lt RNVR 1944 538 LCA Flotilla 1944/153*Wheatley G N 2nd Lt 1949 Joins and leaves "Diadem" 1949/236Whenham H F Capt 1946 Marriage 1946/356White A O Cd BM 1948 3 Cdo Bde Band 1949/25White A O CdBM 1950 HQ 3 Cdo Bde <strong>Officers</strong> 1950/123*White H S N Lt 1884 Bravery of Pte Yerbury at El Teb <strong>1959</strong>/364White Maj (QM) 1929 Death <strong>1930</strong>/1Whitehead A P Lt 1951 40 Cdo 1951/276Whiteley P J F Capt 1956 Coordinating RM Items for VC Exhibition 1956/45, 245,Whiteley P J F Capt 1957 Letter - Success in tracing Dowell VC 1957/166Whiteley P J F Capt 1951 40 Cdo 1951/276Whitestone Peter Chaplain 1943 RC Chaplain to RM in Far East 1943/70Whitmarsh W F P Capt 1936 "S" Battery Base Defences Mediterranean Tug-o'-War Team 1936/312*Whitmarsh W F P Maj 1949 Leaves Home Fleet 1949/336Whitmarsh Maj 1947 SRMO Training Squadron 1947/228Whitty John Cd SM 1951 Promoted from RSM 1951/349Whitworth A Capt 1931 With HMS Hermes Football Team 1931/319*Whitworth Allan Maj 1934 Attends RM Police Dinner, Chatham 1934/87Wiener T D K Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/121Wier Maj 1935 SRMO's inspection of Curacoa 1935/382Wigmore Lt 1945 34 Amph Sp Regt Football Team 1945/247*Wilberforce M A Capt 1950 Joining 42 Cdo in Malaya 1950/259Wilberforce M A Maj 1954 Commandant SASRM, B rowndown 1957/58

Wilberforce M A Maj <strong>1959</strong> Leaving RMTC Med <strong>1959</strong>/324.Wilberforce M A Capt 1951 Wounded in Malaya 1951/203Wilberforce M A Maj 1954 Naval Staff Course 1954/49Wild Leslie Capt 1950 Wounded in action in Malaya 1951/44Wild Leslie Capt 1952 OC 3 Assault Squadron 1952/163Wild Leslie Capt 1953 Commended by C-in-C Nore - Flood Relief 1953/52Wild Leslie Capt 1954 Naval Staff Course 1954/49Wild Leslie Capt 1956 Adjutant RMFVR Bristol 1956/284Wild Leslie Capt 1957 Adjutant Bristol RMFVR 1957/69Wild Leslie Capt <strong>1959</strong> Presented with cigarette case by RMFVR Bristol <strong>Officers</strong> <strong>1959</strong>/116Wildey C E E Lt 1941 Adjutant and P&RTO at RNSM 1941/220Wildey C E E Capt 1946 Adjutant Depot RM Ceylon 1946/2845Wildman-Lushington G 2/O WRNS 1944 Leaving Deal 1944/162Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1946 Commanding School of Combined Operations 1946/349*Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1946 Relinquishing command of Commando Group 1946/122Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1947 Chief of Combined Operations - Extract from Sunday Times 1947/166Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1948 CCO inspecting 45 Cdo in Malta1948/329*,346Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1950 Hon Col Comdt Portsmnouth Group 1951/18Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1950 Opening RM Section of Imperial War Museum 1950/136*Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1950 Retires as Chief of Combined Operations 1950/158Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1950 To be Honorary Col Comdt Portsmouth Gp 1950/299Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1952 Greeting Norman Finch 1952/124*Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen (ret) 1953 Trooping the Colour at Eastney - Hon Col Comdt 1953/132

Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen 1955 Ceases Hon Col Comdt Portsmouth Group 1955/1Wildman-Lushington G E Maj Gen (ret) <strong>1959</strong> Birmingham RM Association AGM <strong>1959</strong>/57*,Wilkins F J Hd Master 1942 With Football Team Portsmouth Div 1942/282*Wilkins M C L Lt 1958 OC No 1 SBS 1958/22,Wilkinson A D A/Ty Capt 1943 Citation - MC - 41 Cdo 1944/200Wilkinson A D Capt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Willasey-Wilsey A P Capt 1944 Relieved as OCRM "Furious" by Capt D C O Farrer 1944/155Willasey-Wilsey A P Capt 1948 Attended Tree planting ceremony on Walcheren 1949/4Willder W Surg Lt RN 1951 Marriage 1951/212Williams A N Lt 1916 HMS Lion at Jutland 1956/202,Williams A N Maj 1938 Relieves Maj C.H. Power as F.R.M.O. 1938/225Williams A N Brig 1943 Commandant at Plymouth 1943/248Williams A N Brig 1944 Command of RMTG (Wales) 1944/861944/177,Williams A N Brig 1944 With 1913 Batch of 2Lts and War Service189*Williams A N Maj Gen 1946 Secretaryof the RM Association 1946/180Williams A N Maj Gen 1947 Daughter's marriage 1947/140Williams A.N. Maj Gen (ret) 1952 Letter suggestinf Britain's Sea Soldiers Vol IV 1952/130Williams B E Ty 2Lt <strong>1959</strong> NS Commission <strong>1959</strong>/295Williams Cuthbert Col <strong>1930</strong> With the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Marines</strong> VIII <strong>1930</strong>/271*Williams D F Cd SM 1956 Presented mallet to <strong>Officers</strong>' Mess RMFVR Bristol 1956/130Williams J W C Gen 1885 Inspection of Depot as DAG 1935/400Williams M A Capt 1943 Birth of a son 1943/216Maj GenWilliams N(Ret) 1947 Daughter's engagement 1947/51Williams N J D Capt 1947 Serving in 42 Cdo married in Hong Kong Cathedral 1947/91Williams P J Capt 1957 Wedding 1957/77,Williams Maj 1939 F.R.M.O. China Station in "Kent" conducts TEWT 1939/621945/212,Williams A N Brig 1945 Commanding Training Group (Devon)213,

Williams J B Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Williams R L Capt 1945 i/c courses at RMTC 1945/205Williams W G Lt 1945 With 19 Bn Boxing Team 1945/146*Williams Lt 1945 Force ROMA in Penang [HMS Nelson] 1945/298Williamson W C Ty 2Lt 1916 Article - "The Hat Trick" 1957/59Willis C H Col <strong>1930</strong> Son's marriage <strong>1930</strong>/154Willis Ian Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/87Willis J Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/291Willis C H Col 1897 Letter - Marching through City of London in 1897 1935/345Willows D A Ty Lt 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the Buffs 1952/168Wills C R Ty 2Lt 1956 NS Commission 1956/235Wills H G Maj 1936 Departs "Queen Elizabeth" 1936/470Wills J Maj 1937 Coronation Guard of Honour` 1953/56Wills J Lt Col 1945 CO 34th Amphibian Support Regiment 1948/134Wills J H Brig 1947 With C-in-C Med 1947/238*Wills J H Brig (ret) 1951 Letter - Future of Corps Sport 1951/261Wills J H Brig 1947 Acting as GOC Malta in his absence 1947/237Wills J H G Bt Maj 1936 HMS Queen Elizabeth's Cutter's Crew 1936/339*Wills J H G Capt 1936 Promoted Major 1936/80Wills J H G Maj 1940 Catalogued Medal Collection [BM Portsmouth] 1940/272Wills J H G Brig 1946 To command 3 Cdo Bde 1946/362Wills J H G Brig 1948 Relinquishes commandof 3 Cdo Bde - CO RMB Eastney 1949/18, 177Wills J H G Col 1951 Retirement at Eastney - tribute 1951/47Wills J H G Brig (ret) 1953 At Coronation Review of ex-servicemen 1953/194Wills J H G Brig (ret) 1953 Coopted on the executive Committee of the RM Association 1953/95Wills J H G Brig (ret) 1953 Letter - "Captain General" 1953/201Wills J H G Brig (ret) 1955 Letter - Apprecisation of present day RM 1955/245,Wills J H G Brig 1957 Oganising RM Artillery reunion 1957/145Wills T J Capt 1957 OCRM HMS Protector 1957/259Wills Lt 1956 Swiss High Mountain Course 1956/120

Wills J H G Brig (ret) 1958 Letter - "Those Were the Days" 1958/224,Wills T J Lt 1955 Direct Commission from SNCO 1955/44Wilson A T Capt RMFVR 1949 Second CO Glasgow RMFVR 1949/217Lt ColWilsonA T RMFVR 1957 With Civil Lord of the Admiralty opening Clyde Centre RMFVR 1957/195*Lt ColWilsonA T RMFVR 1958 Retiring from RMFVR Clyde 1958/145*Wilson G W Proby 2Lt 1933 Award of a sword 1933/243.Wilson G W Capt 1939 Relieves Capt R R Hoare in "Excellent" 1939/55Wilson G W Maj 1947 Relieves Capt P H Loyd in "Nigeria" 1947/106Wilson G W Maj 1950 Editor 1950/157Wilson G W Maj 1951 Editor of the G&L 1951/215Wilson G W Maj 1952 Birth of a daughter 1952/57Wilson G W Lt Col 1952 Relinquished Editor G&L 1953/1Wilson G W Maj 1952 Relinquishes Editor G&L 1952/215Wilson G W Lt Col 1953 Coronation Portsmouth Street Lining Battalion 1953/56Wilson G W Lt Col 1953 Trooping the Colour at Eastney 1953/131Wilson J H 2Lt (QM) <strong>1959</strong> Commissioned <strong>1959</strong>/2951943/227,Wilson J K Chaplain 1943 At Portsmouth appointed Chaplain of the Fleet247Wilson L O Col 1941 Inspecting USMC Guard of Honour in B risbane 1941/233*Wilson L O Col (ret) 1955 Death in Australia 1955/286.Wilson L R Col 1945 Inspecting Guard of Honour - HMS Nabreekie" 1945/372*Wilson Leslie Col 1934 Cutting from Australian Journal 1934/212*Wilson Leslie Col 1944 Extension as Governor of Queensland 1944/23Wilson Leslie Col 1946 Relinquishing Governor of Queensland 1946/206Wilson Leslie Col 1949 Treasurer and Chairman Humane Society 1949/188Wilson Leslie Lt Col 1950 Banner of GCMG affixed in St Paul's Cathedral 1950/133Wilson Leslie Col 1953 At Coronation Review of ex-servicemen 1953/193Wilson Leslie [Retd] Daughter married to Capt John Richards 1942/271

Wilson P Lt 1944 Photograph recognition1957/61*,142Wilson T J H Lt <strong>1959</strong> Leaves Junior Wing Depot RM <strong>1959</strong>/248Wilson T J M Lt 1955 Receiving the Active Service Cup 1955/215*,Wilson W V Capt R Fus 1945 Sniping Wing RMSAS 1945/281Wiltshire H Lt <strong>1959</strong> 3 Cdo Bde Whaler sailing crew <strong>1959</strong>/348*Winne R H Capt 1940 Golden Wedding 1940/410-Winston Peter Lt 1944 Article - "Escape via Bordeaux"1945/231*,262*Winston PS Lt 1945 KIA with 45 Commando1945/263,397Winter N J Capt 1945 Capture of Cheduba Island 1945/130Winthrop R W 2Lt (QM) 1958 Promoted 2Lt (QM) 1958/259Wise N J D Lt <strong>1959</strong> Article - "Cyprus Patrol" <strong>1959</strong>/82*Witter P S G Ty 2Lt 1955 NS Commission 1955/44Woellwarth H A 2Lt RMFVR 1952 Returns to RMFVR City of London 1952/809Woellwarth Lt 1951 40 Cdo 1951/276Wolstenholme Fred A/Capt 1919 Letter - formerly CSM 1933/306Wood C J Capt 1945 With 19 Bn Boxing Team 1945/146*Wood C S Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/100Wood C S A/Lt RMFVR 1955 Termination of Commission 1955/140Wood E A B Lt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/48Wood E J Capt 1940 Relinquished Hon Treasurer G&L on invaliding 1940/1`-Wood J P W 2Lt 1940 Joined FAA commissioned RM 1940/512Wood N P Lt Col 1946 CO 44 Cdo in Hong Kong 1946/380Wood T W M Lt [Retd] 1940 Re-employed RNSM 1940/188Wood T W M Lt 1940 Shown in 'Tatler' cartoon 1940/276*Wood W E Lt(QM) 1949 Leaving 42 Cdo 1949/347Wood Supt Clerk 1945 With Football Team HBLO 1945/83*Wood Lt 1946 With HBLO Rugger Team 1946/152*Woodhall R A [Capt RM] 1943 Visit to Depot Devon as Group Captain RAF 1943/104

Woodhouse A C W Cd Rectr 1904 Letter - Laying foundation stonme of St Andrews Church 1957/9, 61,Woodhouse A C W Cd Rctr (ret) 1952 Letter - Zeebrugge citation 1952/5Woodhouse A C W Cd Rectr 1957 RM Artillery NCOs' Dress 1957/266Woodhouse R C N Lt 1943 RM Provost in Sicily 1945/103Woodington E J Capt 1934 Attend RMOCA Smoking Concert 1934/21Woodington E J Lt Col 1943 RM Sub-Area in Sicily 1945/103Woodington E J Lt Col 1944 President Central Sports Committee 1944/140Woodington Capt 1931 With HMS Suffolk LMGTeam 1931.320*Woodington Lt Col 1954 Chairman Chatham Branch RMA 1954/128Woodruff R Cd SM 1956 Promoted to Cd SM 1956/43Woods D W Lt (QM) 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/152Woods F M Capt 1951 With HMS Phoebe Tug-o'-War team 1951/6*Woods F M Capt 1952 Birth of a daughter 1952/148Woods H G Capt <strong>1959</strong> RMFVR Merseyside Adjutants' "gimkicks" <strong>1959</strong>/117Woods H G Lt 1948 Recruiting Display in Leicester 1948/272Woods H G Capt 1957 Adjutant RMFVR Merseyside 1957/196Woods H R D Capt 1938 Relieves Capt G W Ross as OCRM on "Exeter" 1938/437Woods J W Capt 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Woods S M R Maj 1952 Commission terminated - commissioned in the RASC 1952/211Woolley A R Lt Col 1945 NPM Naples 1945/274Woolley S C Maj 1948 Commanding Guard for King's Birthday Parade at Portsmouth 1948/210Woolley S C Maj 1949 Retires to appointment in Civil Defence 1949/3141936/296+(SWoolley S C Capt 1936 Coy Commander for the King's visit to Eastneyupplement)Woolley Capt 1938 Dis-embarks "Hood" for Staff Course at Greenwich 1938/4Woollwarth H A Ty 2Lt 1950 NS Commission 1950/299Woolridge Lt 1816 At the Battle of Algiers 1933/276Worgan D J Maj 1946 Birth of a daughter 1946/61.Worgan D J H Maj 1945 Article - "Ocean Base" [Maldive Islands] 1945/301

Worlock Lt 1943 Embarks "Charybdis" 1943/2581940/480-,Worral J M Lt 1940 Journalist in civilian life - "Christmas"480Wragg A L Chaplain 1942 Senior Chaplain at Plymouth 1942/257Wrangham P J Ty 2Lt 1953 NS Commission 1953/295Wrangham Capt 1935 OCRM "Glorious" 1935/327Wray P P H Lt 1943 <strong>Officers</strong> of 41 Commando at Sicily Landings 1944/109*Wray R C Capt 1944 Birth of a son 1944/95Wright A J Proby 2Lt 1935 Corps Commission 1936/72Wright A J Capt 1936 HMS Coventry tug-o-war teams 1936/268*Wright A J Lt 1938 Joins "Southampton" 1938/75Wright A J Lt 1939 Dis-embark "Southampton" 1939/5Wright A J Col 1944 Relinquishes CO RM LAA Regiment 1944/322Wright A J Lt Col 1947 Commandant Gunnery School 1947/294With HM The Queen inspecting the detachment of HMSWright A J Maj 1954 Glasgow 1954/167*Wright A J Maj 1958 Premature Retirement Scheme (AFO1955/57)- Golden Bowler 1958/99Wright D Capt 1949 OCRM "Liverpool" 1949/11Wright Douglas Capt 1943 Marriage in USA 1943/237Wright E W J Lt 1942 With Football Team Portsmouth Div 1942/282*Wright K N 2Lt 1946 Corps Commission [Churchill's Orderly] 1946/51, 93.Wright K N Lt 1955 45 Cdo with the Captain General 1955/114*1956/266,Wright T D Ty Lt USADF Officer seconded - Memorial tablet at Eastney 281.Wright Capt 1937 Departs "Newcastle" relieved by Maj Lordon 1937/366Wyllys W G 2Lt RMFVR <strong>1959</strong> Poole Detachment RMFVR Bristol <strong>1959</strong>/278Wynne-Potts J Capt <strong>1959</strong> Article - "Saints and Sweepers" <strong>1959</strong>/169,Yates A H Lt 1954 Seconded to the Brigade of Gurkhas 1954/99Yates John Maj 1947 Assistance to RM Association 1947/101Yates Lt 1946 i/c search party from KG V for a a missing old lady 1946/371Yea RM Cd RM Gnr 1936 3.7" Howitzers at Plymouth Navy Week 1936/357

Young A D Ty 2Lt 1955 Commission terminated on appointment to RMFVR 1955/291Young A G B Ty 2Lt 1958 NS commission 1958/259Young W A Lt 1940 Invalided at the age of 63 1940/174Young A A D Ty 2Lt 1954 NS Commission 1954/235Young A B H F Ty 2Lt 1954 Commission terminated on Commission in RMFVR 1954/287.Youngson S Supt Clerk 1945 Engagement of daughter to Lt Ambrose 1945/62Youngson S Lt 1950 King's Badgeman No 60 Squad 1950/325

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