Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft

Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft

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86 Physiology SymposiumO PH.11 (Sa) - ENWhen the brain goes diving: neuroglobin and hypoxia tolerance of the seal brainStephanie A. Mitz 1 , Stefan Reuss 2 , Lars P. Folkow 3 , Arnoldus S. Blix 3 , Jan-Marino Ramirez 4 , ThomasHankeln 5 , Thorsten Burmester 61Institute of Zoology, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz; 2 Department of Anatomy andCell Biology, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz; 3 Department of Arctic Biology, Universityof Tromsø, Norway; 4 Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago,USA; 5 Institute of Molecular Genetics, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz; 6 Institute ofZoology and Zoological Museum, University of HamburgDiving mammals experience exposure to hypoxic conditions in their natural environment. The HoodedSeal (Crystophora cristata) can dive to more than 1,000 m depth and stay submerged for about1 hour. During these dives, arterial oxygen tension drops to levels that are lethal to terrestrial mammals.However, it is unknown how the seal brain tolerates this severe hypoxia. Intra- and extracellularrecordings from isolated neocortical slices of hooded seals showed that seal neurons displaya remarkable tolerance to hypoxia. We therefore compared the distribution of neuroglobin (Ngb)in mouse and seal brains. Ngb is a neuronal oxygen-binding protein of vertebrates and althoughits main function is still elusive, there is strong evidence that Ngb is linked to the oxidative energymetabolism. Immunofluorescence studies showed that in the hypoxia-sensitive mouse, Ngb is exclusivelylocalised in neurons whereas Ngb is predominantly expressed in glial cells of the sealbrain. The Hooded Seal thus is the first mammal in which the expression of Ngb is not restricted toneurons. We further showed that, in mice, the mitochondrial marker cytochrome c is located mainlyin neurons, confirming that neurons of terrestrial mammals largely rely on aerobic metabolism. Inseals, however, mitochondria are most predominant in astrocytes. We therefore hypothesise thatneurons of the seal brain are hypoxia-tolerant because they largely rely on anaerobiosis, whereasglial cells employ aerobic metabolism.O PH.12 (Mo) - ENAllosterism of Nautilus pompilius hemocyanin as deduced from 8 Å cryo-EM structuresobtained under oxy and deoxy conditionsArne Moeller, Christos Gatsogiannis, Frank Depoix, Ulrich Meissner, Jürgen MarklJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzHemocyanins are the blue copper-containing respiratory proteins of many molluscs. Nautilus pompiliushemocyanin (NpH) is a decamer composed of ten copies of a 350 kDa polypeptide subunit,consisting of seven O 2-binding functional units (FUs, NpH-a to NpH-g). Ten copies of the subunitsegment NpH-a to NpH-f form the cylinder wall, whereas NpH-g build the internal collar. Recentlywe published a 9Å cryo-EM structure and molecular model of NpH that solved the principal architectureof this protein [1]. Hemocyanins are highly allosteric, and the cooperativity of oxygenbinding should be transferred between functional units by conformational changes. In this context,we try to monitor structural changes caused by the reversible oxygen binding process. Our approachis to prepare the specimens in their fully oxy- and deoxygenated state, respectively, and to performindependent 3D reconstructions of both states. To achieve this, we developed an automated plungefreezeapparatus for flash freezing the specimen in liquid ethane under controlled atmospheric conditions.This led to two independent NpH datasets resulting in two 3D reconstructions with resolutionsof 7.8 and 8.4 Å, respectively. A correlative analysis shows significant structural differences

Physiology Symposium 87especially concerning the spatial orientation of certain FU types. On the basis of the two resultingmolecular models it is now the task to interpret these differences in terms of allosteric interactionmechanisms, but also to reveal possible pitfalls.O PH.13 (Mo) - ENThe acid-stress response of Daphnia pulex: insights from a proteome analysisRalph Pirow 1 , Sebastian Benkhoff 1 , Johannes Madlung 2 , Claudia Fladerer 2 , Tobias Lamkemeyer 21Institut für Zoophysiologie, Universität Münster; 2 Proteom Centrum TübingenHow animals cope with environmental changes has been, and still is, a major question in organismalbiology. The increasing availability of whole-genome sequence information offers new opportunitiesto connect well-characterized organismal responses with variations in gene expression. By usingtwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we analyzed the molecular mechanismsof acid-stress acclimation in the planktonic microcrustacean Daphnia pulex, which is an emergingmodel for ecological and toxicological genomics. Compared to the control animals raised undercircumneutral pH conditions, animal acclimated to acidic conditions (pH 6.0) showed a reducedexpression of digestive enzymes (laminarinase, serine proteases), whereas vitellogenin (VTG), hemoglobin(Hb) and a glycolytic enzyme (enolase) remained constitutively expressed. In contrast, aninduction of digestive enzymes and a suppression of VTG and Hb expression was observed in pH5.5 acclimated animals. Most remarkable among the acid-sensitive protein expressions was the upregulationof proteins involved in the cellular stress response (prohibitin, glutathione S-transferase,carbonyl reductase) and in the cellular calcium metabolism (calcyphosine), as well as the downregulationof a protein involved in membrane turnover (GM2 gangliosid activator protein).O PH.14 (Mo) - ENThe role of polyamine synthesis in stress tolerance of Caenorhabditis elegansAlexander Heinick, Tim Schlesinger, Danica Spiess, Stefan Roth, Eva Liebau, Kai LüersenInstitut für Zoophysiologie, Universität MünsterThe polyamines putrescine and spermidine are simple aliphatic polycations found in all living organisms.It is well established that polyamines are crucial for biological processes such as developmentand growth. However, an increasing number of evidence indicates that they also function asprimordial stress molecules. Previous studies on polyamines and environmental stress have beenperformed mainly in prokaryotes and plants. To investigate the role of polyamines in stress tolerancein an animal model system, we used free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Its polyaminemetabolism encompasses a synthesis pathway consisting of the enzymes ornithine decarboxylase(ODC), S-adenosylmethionine decarboxlyase (SMD) and spermidine synthase (SPDS). The regulatoryODC converts ornithine into putrescine, the SMD together with the SPDS is essential forspermidine synthesis. Furthermore, the worms take up polyamines from the environment. C. elegansodc-1 and smd-1 null mutants as well as mutants with an impaired polyamine uptake system weretested against several environmental stressors. The odc-1 mutant exhibits a drastically reduced tolerancetowards heat stress at 32°C. Interestingly, neither the smd-1 mutant nor the polyamine uptakemutants showed an altered heat stress tolerance, indicating that putrescine but not spermidine isresponsible for the observed effect. Stress tolerance and the acute stress response will be correlatedwith the amounts of transcript and protein as well as with the polyamine content.

Physiology Symposium 87especially concerning the spatial orientation of certain FU types. On the basis of the two resultingmolecular models it is now the task to interpret these differences in terms of allosteric interactionmechanisms, but also to reveal possible pitfalls.O PH.13 (Mo) - ENThe acid-stress response of Daphnia pulex: insights from a proteome analysisRalph Pirow 1 , Sebastian Benkhoff 1 , Johannes Madlung 2 , Claudia Fladerer 2 , Tobias Lamkemeyer 21Institut für Zoophysiologie, Universität Münster; 2 Proteom Centrum TübingenHow animals cope with environmental changes has been, and still is, a major question in organismalbiology. The increasing availability of whole-genome sequence information offers new opportunitiesto connect well-characterized organismal responses with variations in gene expression. By usingtwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we analyzed the molecular mechanismsof acid-stress acclimation in the planktonic microcrustacean Daphnia pulex, which is an emergingmodel for ecological and toxicological genomics. Compared to the control animals raised undercircumneutral pH conditions, animal acclimated to acidic conditions (pH 6.0) showed a reducedexpression of digestive enzymes (laminarinase, serine proteases), whereas vitellogenin (VTG), hemoglobin(Hb) and a glycolytic enzyme (enolase) remained constitutively expressed. In contrast, aninduction of digestive enzymes and a suppression of VTG and Hb expression was observed in pH5.5 acclimated animals. Most remarkable among the acid-sensitive protein expressions was the upregulationof proteins involved in the cellular stress response (prohibitin, glutathione S-transferase,carbonyl reductase) and in the cellular calcium metabolism (calcyphosine), as well as the downregulationof a protein involved in membrane turnover (GM2 gangliosid activator protein).O PH.14 (Mo) - ENThe role of polyamine synthesis in stress tolerance of Caenorhabditis elegansAlexander Heinick, Tim Schlesinger, Danica Spiess, Stefan Roth, Eva Liebau, Kai LüersenInstitut für Zoophysiologie, Universität MünsterThe polyamines putrescine and spermidine are simple aliphatic polycations found in all living organisms.It is well established that polyamines are crucial for biological processes such as developmentand growth. However, an increasing number of evidence indicates that they also function asprimordial stress molecules. Previous studies on polyamines and environmental stress have beenperformed mainly in prokaryotes and plants. To investigate the role of polyamines in stress tolerancein an animal model system, we used free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Its polyaminemetabolism encompasses a synthesis pathway consisting of the enzymes ornithine decarboxylase(ODC), S-adenosylmethionine decarboxlyase (SMD) and spermidine synthase (SPDS). The regulatoryODC converts ornithine into putrescine, the SMD together with the SPDS is essential forspermidine synthesis. Furthermore, the worms take up polyamines from the environment. C. elegansodc-1 and smd-1 null mutants as well as mutants with an impaired polyamine uptake system weretested against several environmental stressors. The odc-1 mutant exhibits a drastically reduced tolerancetowards heat stress at 32°C. Interestingly, neither the smd-1 mutant nor the polyamine uptakemutants showed an altered heat stress tolerance, indicating that putrescine but not spermidine isresponsible for the observed effect. Stress tolerance and the acute stress response will be correlatedwith the amounts of transcript and protein as well as with the polyamine content.

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