Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft

Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft

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188 Physiology PostersP PH.3 - ENExpression of YFP under control of a heterologous microneme promoter in Eimeriapapillata Ernst, Chobotar and Hammond, 1971 (Apicomplexa, Coccidia) sporozoites.Stefanie Wiedmer 1 , Michael Kurth 2 , Rolf Entzeroth 11Institute of Zoology, TU Dresden; 2 Molecular Biotechnology, Department of Biology, TU DresdenSpecies of the genus Eimeria give rise to coccidiosis, an important enteric disease in domesticatedanimals like poultry and cattle. Eimeria papillata is a monoxenous apicomplexan parasite whichparasitizes the small-intestinal epithelium of the domestic mouse (Mus musculus). The aim of ourstudy was to apply a transfection system, established with E. tenella, a parasite pathogen of chicken,and E. nieschulzi, a rat specific parasite, to E. papillata. The yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) undercontrol of a heterologous MIC1-promoter from Eimeria tenella pmic1YFPmutYFPact3´ was expressedin transfected E. papillata sporozoites. The transfected parasites invade VERO cells, growup and differentiate into YFP expressing trophozoites, meronts and merozoites of the first and secondgeneration. This new transient transfection system allows further functional studies of specificgenes in the life cycle and parasite-host-cell relationship.P PH.4 - ENCryo TEM-based 3D reconstruction of the recombinant expressed human zincpeptidase MeprinPhilipp Arnold, Arne Moeller, Frank Depoix, Christoph Becker-Pauly, Walter Stöcker, UlrichMeissner1Molekulare Tierphysiologie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzMeprins are astacin-type zinc endopeptidases, which have been observed so far exclusively in vertebrates.Typically, meprins are expressed in brush border membranes of intestine and kidney tubules,intestinal leukocytes, and certain cancer cells. This suggests a role in epithelial differentiation andcell migration. For human meprin two subforms are described: Meprin α and Meprin β. They showmarked differences in activation, substrate specificity; most drastical deviations are seen in theirquaternary structures. From negatively stained electron micrographs it is known that meprin α formsring- and chain shaped oligomers. Since meprin β forms homodimers, it was used in the experiments.Homogeneous preparations of soluble meprin β were purified from the supernatant of HiFiveinsect cells that had been infected with Baculoviruses carrying a mutated meprin β cDNA resultingin a secreted protein lacking a membrane anchor. Preliminary data of meprin β quaternary structurenow are available: Therefore specimens were plunge-frozen in liquid ethane and micrographs ofpure recombinantly expressed meprin β were obtained using a Tecnai-F20 electron microscope ata magnification of 62000x and an acceleration voltage of 200kV. From the acquired data of about7500 single asymmetric particles a preliminary 3D reconstruction was performed with a resolutionof 10Ǻ (½-bit). A first rigid body fitting of the different known domains from X-ray data showedgood correlation of size and orientation.

Physiology Posters 189P PH.5 - ENDifferential gene expression in the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum duringanhydrobiosisMarkus Grohme 1 , Brahim Mali 1 , Martina Schnölzer 2 , Thomas Dandekar 3 , Dirk Reuter 4 , RalphSchill 5 , Marcus Frohme 11University of Applied Sciences Wildau; 2 German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg 3 Universityof Würzburg; 4 Oncoscience AG; 5 University of StuttgartIn a functional genomics approach utilizing subtractive techniques and microarrays we are exploringdifferential gene expression in the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum during anhydrobiosis. Expressedsequence tags (ESTs) are being bioinformatically analysed to identify stress response genesbut also to elucidate potential anhydrobiotic regulatory pathways. Regulated transcripts betweendifferent stages that might play a role in cryptobiotic survival are being identified using cDNArepresentational difference analysis (cDNA-RDA). RDA, like other PCR based subtractive methodsdoes not rely on prior sequence knowledge and can therefore be applied in parallel while sequencedatabases are being established. Furthermore we will perform microarray experiments and complementthem with RDA-derived probe-sequences to identify additional candidate genes. Followingtheir discovery some years ago it has been shown that microRNAs (miRNA) play an importantregulatory role in many physiological and developmental processes. Therefore we attempt to clonetardigrade specific miRNAs to test whether gene expression is regulated by this type of noncodingRNAs during anhydrobiosis. Resulting data from RDA, microarrays and miRNAs together will helpto gain deeper insight into differential gene expression during anhydrobiosis. Establishing this tardigradespecies as a cryptobiotic model organism will help to develop new ways of preserving variousbiological samples from degradation.P PH.6 - ENEvidence of the epithelial sodium channel delta subunit in human nasal epitheliumNadine Bangel-Ruland, Kristina Kusche-Vihrog, Hanna Langhorst, Dominik Kentrup, Wolf-Michael WeberInstitute of Animal Physiology, University of MünsterThe epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) mediates the first step in Na + reabsorption in epithelial cellssuch as kidney, lung, and colon and may consist of four homologous subunits (α, β, γ, δ). Predominantly,the α-subunit is expressed in these epithelia and it usually forms functional channels with theβ- and γ-subunit. The δ-subunit was first found in human brain and kidney but the expression wasalso detected in human cell lines of lung, pancreatic and colonic origin. When co-expressed with βand γ accessory subunits in heterologous systems the two known isoforms of the δ-ENaC subunit(δ1 and δ2) can build amiloride-sensitive Na + channels. In the present study we investigated the expressionof the δ-subunit in human nasal epithelium. We cloned and sequenced the full-length cDNAof the ENaC δ-subunit and showed that in nasal tissue at least isoform 1 is expressed. Furthermore,we carried out Western blot and immunofluorescence analyses to study the expression of the δ-ENaC in human nasal epithelium. Additionally, we showed a functional expression of the δ-ENaCsubunit with measurements in modified Ussing chambers. Thereby, we demonstrated that Evansblue, a δ-subunit-specific antagonist, inhibits the activity of δ-ENaC in human nasal epithelium.These findings raise the question if the δ-subunit possesses important regulatory function and if itinteracts with other ENaC subunits or members of the DEG/ ENaC family in the human respiratoryepithelium.

Physiology Posters 189P PH.5 - ENDifferential gene expression in the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum duringanhydrobiosisMarkus Grohme 1 , Brahim Mali 1 , Martina Schnölzer 2 , Thomas Dandekar 3 , Dirk Reuter 4 , RalphSchill 5 , Marcus Frohme 11University of Applied Sciences Wildau; 2 German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg 3 Universityof Würzburg; 4 Oncoscience AG; 5 University of StuttgartIn a functional genomics approach utilizing subtractive techniques and microarrays we are exploringdifferential gene expression in the tardigrade Milnesium tardigradum during anhydrobiosis. Expressedsequence tags (ESTs) are being bioinformatically analysed to identify stress response genesbut also to elucidate potential anhydrobiotic regulatory pathways. Regulated transcripts betweendifferent stages that might play a role in cryptobiotic survival are being identified using cDNArepresentational difference analysis (cDNA-RDA). RDA, like other PCR based subtractive methodsdoes not rely on prior sequence knowledge and can therefore be applied in parallel while sequencedatabases are being established. Furthermore we will perform microarray experiments and complementthem with RDA-derived probe-sequences to identify additional candidate genes. Followingtheir discovery some years ago it has been shown that microRNAs (miRNA) play an importantregulatory role in many physiological and developmental processes. Therefore we attempt to clonetardigrade specific miRNAs to test whether gene expression is regulated by this type of noncodingRNAs during anhydrobiosis. Resulting data from RDA, microarrays and miRNAs together will helpto gain deeper insight into differential gene expression during anhydrobiosis. Establishing this tardigradespecies as a cryptobiotic model organism will help to develop new ways of preserving variousbiological samples from degradation.P PH.6 - ENEvidence of the epithelial sodium channel delta subunit in human nasal epitheliumNadine Bangel-Ruland, Kristina Kusche-Vihrog, Hanna Langhorst, Dominik Kentrup, Wolf-Michael WeberInstitute of Animal Physiology, University of MünsterThe epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) mediates the first step in Na + reabsorption in epithelial cellssuch as kidney, lung, and colon and may consist of four homologous subunits (α, β, γ, δ). Predominantly,the α-subunit is expressed in these epithelia and it usually forms functional channels with theβ- and γ-subunit. The δ-subunit was first found in human brain and kidney but the expression wasalso detected in human cell lines of lung, pancreatic and colonic origin. When co-expressed with βand γ accessory subunits in heterologous systems the two known isoforms of the δ-ENaC subunit(δ1 and δ2) can build amiloride-sensitive Na + channels. In the present study we investigated the expressionof the δ-subunit in human nasal epithelium. We cloned and sequenced the full-length cDNAof the ENaC δ-subunit and showed that in nasal tissue at least isoform 1 is expressed. Furthermore,we carried out Western blot and immunofluorescence analyses to study the expression of the δ-ENaC in human nasal epithelium. Additionally, we showed a functional expression of the δ-ENaCsubunit with measurements in modified Ussing chambers. Thereby, we demonstrated that Evansblue, a δ-subunit-specific antagonist, inhibits the activity of δ-ENaC in human nasal epithelium.These findings raise the question if the δ-subunit possesses important regulatory function and if itinteracts with other ENaC subunits or members of the DEG/ ENaC family in the human respiratoryepithelium.

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