Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft

Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft

Abstracts - Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft


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164 Morphology PostersP MO.28 - ENKinematic analysis of target reaching in the rat: How cortical ischemia in the forelimbmotor cortex affects the accuracy of limb positioning?Manuela Schmidt 1 , Marcel Knieling 2 , Bernd Faenger 3 , Dirk Arnold 3 , Diana Niehardt 1 , FranziskaBuch 1 , Hans-Christoph Scholle 3 , Martin S. Fischer 1 , Otto W. Witte 21Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,2Klinik für Neurologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; 3 Klinik für Unfall-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie,Friedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaThe study focuses on the forelimb kinematics during target reaching in adult Wistar rats. Nine femaleanimals were habituated to reach for food pellets placed on a shelf. Twenty trials for eachindividual were recorded using biplanar high-speed digital radiography in lateral and dorsoventralview. A normal-light camera filmed the animals in frontal view. Frame frequency of all cameras was500 frames per second. After these experiments, a focal photothrombotic lesion was induced in theforelimb sensorimotor cortex of the animals. Starting on day 3 postoperative, reaching kinematicswas recorded continuously up to 3 weeks after lesion. Kinematic data on the angular movement offorelimb segments and joints were captured from the films using SIMI Motion. Before we were goingto compare intact and lesion rats, we estimated the variability of reaching performance of theintact rats. It turns out that the final (target) position of the limb is highly uniform and independentfrom the starting configuration. Except of the hand, all limb elements show the same low degree ofvariance indicating that no singular element but the entire limb configuration determines reachingsuccess. Cortical lesion affected forelimb movement to a lower degree than expected from previousobservations. Only small deviations from the pre-lesion pattern sometimes produced inaccuracy inhand positioning. Most affected were grasping, withdrawn and supination of the hand.P MO.29 - ENShine a light: comparative morphology of genital structures in Lantern Bugs (Insecta:Hemiptera: Fulgoridae)Sophia Seidel 1 , Andreas Wessel 1 , Markus Kühbacher², Hannelore Hoch 11Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin; ² Abteilung Spurenelemente, Helmholtz-ZentrumBerlin für Materialien und Energie, BerlinThe Fulgoridae are conspicuous, fairly large (up to 10 cm), brightly coloured insects, which usuallysit and feed on trees. At present ca. 600 species are described worldwide.Despite their conspicousness– many species display spectacular head prolongations -, the taxonomic and systematic treatmentof the group must be regarded unsatisfactory. The majority of existing species descriptions isbased on external morphology and coloration only, and generic concepts are outdated. There is asingle publication dealing with the morphology of internal female genital structures of Fulgoroidae.Male genital structures have never been studied in detail, and are only occasionally mentionedin species descriptions, although they are known to display specific configurations in many otherFulgoromorpha taxa. Preliminary observations on fulgorid specimens from various collections assignedto Penthicodes farinosa which is supposedly widespread throughout SE Asia revealed an extraordinarilyhigh geographic variation. We aim to answer the following questions: 1. Is P. farinosaindeed a single, widespread species, or is the degree of speciation higher than previously assumed?2.Do male and female genital structures display species-specific characters? 3. What is the rangeof intra- and interspecific variation? This study is the first comparative morphological analysis ofexternal and internal male and female genital structures in Fulgoridae.

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