Embedded Computing, I/O Solutions Catalogue(Complete, 23MB)

Embedded Computing, I/O Solutions Catalogue(Complete, 23MB) Embedded Computing, I/O Solutions Catalogue(Complete, 23MB)

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DEPEND ON ACROMAG I/OPhoto credit: U.S. Air ForceExperience counts –especially when engineeringthe right I/Osolution. And withmore than 50 yearsof I/O experience,Acromag can helpyou reduce yourcosts and increaseyour productivity.Acromag: The I/O LeaderAcromag is a customer-driven manufacturerfocused on developing embeddedI/O products that provide the best longterm value in the industry. Compareand you’ll find that Acromag productsoffer an unmatched balance of price,performance, and features.50 Years of I/O ExperienceWith 50 years of industrial I/O designexperience, Acromag stands alone in thehigh-performance bus-board market.Developing VMEbus I/O boards since1984, we combine our process controlexpertise with extensive experience inembedded computing. This backgroundgives us unrivaled insight to many uniqueconcerns when interfacing computersystems to various sensors and controllersin many applications.Acromag I/O boards are commonly usedin the following industries:• military/defense • aerospace• transportation • manufacturing• semiconductors • medical devices• communication • astronomy• utilities/energy • research labsQuality You Can Count OnWe take every measure to guarantee youdependable operation. State-of-the-artmanufacturing with industrial andcommercial-grade components addsextra ruggedness. Multi-level inspectionsand specialized testing further ensurethat Acromag I/O boards perform at orbeyond their rated specifications.Technical AssistanceDrawing on our wealth of industrial I/Oexperience, our application engineersare well qualified to help you design anddevelop your I/O system. Our sales staffis highly experienced in recommendingproducts for applications ranging fromsimulators to machine control and countlessother industrial processes.Global RepresentationGreat care has been put into building ateam of highly skilled representatives anddistributors. They are located around theworld to service your needs.Online OrderingFor your convenience, we provide fullproduct documentation and pricinginformation online. You can get quotesand even order directly on our website.Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

EMBEDDED COMPUTING SOLUTIONSProduct IndexFPGA <strong>Computing</strong><strong>Embedded</strong> I/OIndustrial PCsFPGA <strong>Computing</strong>Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOVPX Modules . . . . . . . . . . GOXMC Modules . . . . . . . . . . GOPMC Modules . . . . . . . . . . GOIP Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . GOVPX ModulesIP ModulesI/O Server PCsCarrier Cards . . . . . . . . . . . GOI/O Extension Modules . . . GOSoftware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO<strong>Embedded</strong> I/OOverview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOXMC ModulesPMC ModulesIOS ModulesIP Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . GOPMC Modules . . . . . . . . . . GOPCI Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . GOCompactPCI Boards . . . . . GOPMC ModulesPCI BoardsCarrier Cards . . . . . . . . . . . GOAccessories . . . . . . . . . . . . GOSoftware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOIndustrial PCsOverview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOIP ModulesCompactPCI BoardsI/O Server Industrial PCs . . GOIOS Modules . . . . . . . . . . . GOSoftware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GOCarrier CardsCarrier CardsI/O Extension ModulesVisit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Cover photo credit U.S. Missile Defense Agency


FPGAs on VPX, XMC, PMC, Industry PackCustom <strong>Embedded</strong> <strong>Computing</strong>with Re-Configurable FPGAs onOff-the-Shelf Mezzanine ModulesAcromag’s line of configurable FPGA modules in VPX,XMC, PMC, and Industry Pack formats offer the ability tocreate I/O boards with customized logic. Just downloadinstruction sets to the module’s FPGA. You can use yourown application program to control the module’s analogor digital I/O channels for simulation, communication,diagnostics, image processing, and other applications.Faster and easier developmentTo help speed your development of custom programs,Acromag offers an Engineering Design Kit. This kitprovides utilities to communicate with all devicesconnected to the FPGA. Kits include a compiled FPGAfile and example VHDL code for the local bus interface,read/writes, interrupts, and DMA transfers to the CPU.Industry PacksEntry-level FPGA computingapplications are well-servedwith Industry Pack solutions.An integrated digital I/Ointerface speeds up logicresponse.Carrier CardsCarriers are available for VPX,VME, PCI, and CompactPCIbus systems. Some cards havemultiple mezzanine slots soyou can mix FPGAs with I/O.I/O ExtensionModulesAcromag’s AXM modules offera front-end analog and digitialI/O interface. The AXM plugsdirectly onto the FPGA card(Virtex-4/5 and Spartan-6).www.acromag.com/ip_fpgawww.acromag.com/carrierswww.acromag.com/axm101213VPX ModulesFor maximum-performanceFPGA computing, Acromagoffers a variety of VPX bussolutions with a high-speedPCIe interface.www.acromag.com/vpx_fpga4FPGA EngineeringDesign KitsThese software developmentkits help you quickly programthe FPGA. Example VHDL codesaves you time and effort.www.acromag.com/edk14XMC ModulesAcromag’s XMC solutionsdeliver high-performance withthe flexibility of deploymenton VPX, VME, CompactPCI, orother bus carrier cards.www.acromag.com/xmc_fpga6Software LibrariesFunction routine C librariessimplify integrating the FPGAmodules with your applicationprograms. Source code andexamples are included.15PMC Modules8www.acromag.com/librariesSelect from cost-effectivePMCs with FPGAs optimizedfor logic, DSP, or co-processorapplications. Pick the size andperformance for your needs.www.acromag.com/pmc_fpgaCover photo credit: U.S. NavyAll trademarks are the property of their respective ownersVisit www.acromag.com/fpga or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com3

VPX FPGA MODULESPhoto credit: U.S. Air ForceAcromag’s newVPX modules usethe most advancedbus technologiesto attain maximumcomputing speedsfor high-performanceembedded systems.VPX FPGAs for Militaryand High-Speed SystemsThe VPX bus provides the ultimateplatform for high-performance FPGAcomputing applications. Take advantageof high-speed serial interconnects andmulti-gigabyte connectorsAcromag offers several Virtex-5 FPGAmodels with varying logic capacities forthe most complex computations. Or,choose a Spartan-6 FPGA version forcost-sensitive applications. Both FPGAplatforms offer plenty of logic resourcesfor algorithm acceleration and customcomputing.High-Speed PCI Expess InterfaceOur high-bandwidth PCIe bus 4-laneinterface ensures fast data throughput.High-Performance MemoryDual-port SRAM enables high-speedDMA transfers to/from the CPU whilesimultaneously writing data to memory.Large, high-speed buffers rapidly movedata in/out of the FPGA. DDR2 SDRAMmemory gives the FPGA quick access toI/O port data.Conduction-Cooled OptionsDesigned for very demanding defenseapplications, Acromag’s VPX FPGAmodules are ready for deployment inthe most hostile conditions. Select anair-cooled or a conducton-cooled versionwith a -40 to 85°C range. VPX-REDIcarrier cards are also available for extracooling and maintenance requirements.AXM Plug-in I/O Interface CardsConfigurable and customizable I/Ointerfaces are handled on a separatemezzanine card that plugs into the FPGAbase board. A variety of these externalI/O cards offer an interface for youranalog and digital I/O signals.• 16-bit A/D • RS485 differential I/O• LVDS I/O • CMOS/RS485 combo• CustomEngineering Design KitAcromag provides software utilities andexample source code to simplify yourprogramming tasks and get you startedquickly. A JTAG interface allows you toperform on-board VHDL simulation.4 Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

Re-configurable FPGAs on a VPX BoardSpartan-6 FPGAVirtex-5 FPGACarrier CardsFront-end I/OVPX-SLX150These FPGA modules are idealfor cost-sensitive applications.The Spartan-6 FPGA providesplenty of computing plus aPCIe interface and dual-portSRAM for fast data transfers.Air-cooled and conductioncooledversions are availableVPX-VLX85/110/155Virtex-5 FPGA modules offermore computing power andmore memory to make quickwork of complex logic routinesand algorithms. Several FPGAsizes offer a choice of logiccapacities to economicallymatch your requirements.VPX4810VPX carrier cards are availablein three versions: air-cooled,conduction-cooled and REDIVITA 48. These 3U carriershold one XMC or PMC moduleand provide a high-speedinterface to a VPX system.See Page 12 for more info.AXM Extension I/OAXM modules add analog ordigital I/O signal processingcapabilities to FPGA modules.The AXM plugs into the FPGAmodule’s front mezzanineto perform A/D, differential,CMOS or LVDS I/O functions.See Page 13 for more info.NEW!NEW!VPX Spartan-6 FPGA ModulesModel FPGA Logic Cells DSP Memory Temperature RangeVPX-SLX150 XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Air-cooled, 0 to 70°CVPX-SLX150-CC XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CVPX Virtex-5 FPGA ModulesModel FPGA Logic Cells DSP Memory Temperature RangeVPX-VLX85 XC5VLX85T 82,944 48 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Air-cooled, 0 to 70°CVPX-VLX85-CC XC5VLX85T 82,944 48 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CVPX-VLX110 XC5VLX110T 110,592 64 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Air-cooled, 0 to 70°CVPX-VLX110-CC XC5VLX110T 110,592 64 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CVPX-VLX155 XC5VLX155T 155,648 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Air-cooled, 0 to 70°CVPX-VLX155-CC XC5VLX155T 155,648 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O Module97 I/OXC6SLX150FlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus(4 lanes)Front Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O ModuleDDR2SDRAM32M x 16DDR2SDRAM32M x 1697 I/OXC5VLX85TXC5VLX110TXC5VLX155TFlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus(4 lanes)Block diagram of VPX-SLX models with Spartan-6 FPGA.Block diagram of VPX-VLX models with Virtex-5 FPGA.Visit www.acromag.com/fpga or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com5

XMC FPGA MODULESPhoto credit: U.S. ArmyAcromag’s newXMC modules offergreat flexibility andprocessing power forhigh-performanceFPGA computingapplications on VPX,VME or CompactPCI.XMC FPGAs for Fast DataRates with Bus FlexibilityXMCs add high-speed, multi-lane serialinterconnects to a popular mezzanineformat. Combining powerful FPGAs witha PCIe interface, Acromag has developedhigh-performance computing engines foruse on VPX, VME or cPCI carrier cards.Select from several Virtex-5 FPGA modelswith varying logic capacities for the mostcomplex computations. Or, choose aSpartan-6 FPGA version for cost-sensitiveapplications. Both FPGA platforms offerplenty of logic resources for algorithmacceleration and custom computing.High-Speed PCI Expess InterfaceOur high-bandwidth PCIe bus 4-laneinterface ensures fast data throughput.High-Performance MemoryDual-port SRAM enables high-speedDMA transfers to/from the CPU whilesimultaneously writing data to memory.Large, high-speed buffers rapidly movedata in/out of the FPGA. DDR2 SDRAMmemory gives the FPGA quick access toI/O port data.AXM Plug-in I/O Interface CardsConfigurable and customizable I/Ointerfaces are handled on a separatemezzanine card that plugs into the FPGAbase board. A variety of these externalI/O cards offer an interface for youranalog and digital I/O signals.• 16-bit A/D • RS485 differential I/O• LVDS I/O • CMOS/RS485 combo• CustomTypical ApplicationsWith power, speed and flexibility,these XMC modules are well-suitedfor many applications. Common usesinclude signal intelligence, simulation,communication, and imaging. The PCIeinterface is ideal for distributed systemsin aerospace, naval, and army vehicles.Engineering Design KitAcromag provides software utilities andexample source code to simplify yourprogramming tasks and get you startedquickly. A JTAG interface allows you toperform on-board VHDL simulation.6 Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

Re-configurable FPGAs on an XMC ModuleSpartan-6 FPGAVirtex-5 FPGACarrier CardsFront-end I/OXMC-SLX150These FPGA modules are idealfor cost-sensitive applications.The Spartan-6 FPGA providesplenty of computing plus aPCIe interface and dual-portSRAM for fast data transfers.Extended temperature versionsare availableXMC-VLX85/110/155Virtex-5 FPGA modules offermore computing power andmore memory to make quickwork of complex logic routinesand algorithms. Several FPGAsizes offer a choice of logiccapacities to economicallymatch your requirements.VPX4810VPX carrier cards are availablein three versions: air-cooled,conduction-cooled and REDIVITA 48. These 3U carriershold one XMC or PMC moduleand provide a high-speedinterface to a VPX system.See Page 12 for more info.AXM Extension I/OAXM modules add analog ordigital I/O signal processingcapabilities to FPGA modules.The AXM plugs into the FPGAmodule’s front mezzanineto perform A/D, differential,CMOS or LVDS I/O functions.See Page 13 for more info.NEW!NEW!XMC Spartan-6 FPGA ModulesModel FPGA Logic Cells DSP Memory Temperature RangeXMC-SLX150 XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CXMC-SLX150E XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CXMC-SLX150-1M XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CXMC-SLX150E-1M XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CXMC Virtex-5 FPGA ModulesModel FPGA Logic Cells DSP Memory Temperature RangeXMC-VLX85 XC5VLX85T 82,944 48 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CXMC-VLX85E XC5VLX85T 82,944 48 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CXMC-VLX110 XC5VLX110T 110,592 64 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CXMC-VLX110E XC5VLX110T 110,592 64 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CXMC-VLX155 XC5VLX155T 155,648 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CXMC-VLX155E XC5VLX155T 155,648 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O Module97 I/O1.0VPowerSupply1.8VPowerSupply2.5VPowerSupplyXC6SLX150FlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus (4 lanes)Rear 64 I/O PointsFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O ModuleDDR2SDRAM32M x 16DDR2SDRAM32M x 1697 I/O1.0VPowerSupply1.8VPowerSupplyXC5VLX85TXC5VLX110TXC5VLX155T2.5VPowerSupplyFlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus (4 lanes)Rear 64 I/O PointsBlock diagram of XMC-SLX models with Spartan-6 FPGA.Block diagram of XMC-VLX models with Virtex-5 FPGA.Visit www.acromag.com/fpga or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com7

PMC FPGA MODULESPhoto credit: U.S. NavyAcromag’s popularPMC FPGA modulesare a cost-effectivesolution for customcomputing and logicapplications on avariety of embeddedbus architectures.Cost-Effective PMC FPGAsOnly Acromag wraps a reconfigurableFPGA with just the features you need forfast, affordable implementation. We adda high-speed I/O interface and plentyof memory for efficient data handling.High-performance FPGA computing isnow within reach for many applications.Select from a choice of Virtex-5, Virtex-4,or Spartan-6 FPGAs optimized for logic,DSP, or co-processor applications. Thislets you match the FPGA’s resources andcapabilities to your requirements.High-Performance MemoryDual-port SRAM enables high-speedDMA transfers to/from the CPU whilesimultaneously writing data to memory.Large, high-speed buffers enable rapiddata movement in and out of the FPGA.DDR2 SDRAM memory receives datafrom the I/O ports for the FPGA.High-Speed PCI-X InterfaceThe high-bandwidth PCI-X interface(Virtex-5 FPGA models) ensures fastdata throughput. This interface supports100MHz and 66MHz PCI bus modes.AXM Plug-in I/O Interface CardsConfigurable and customizable I/Ointerfaces are handled on a separatemezzanine card that plugs into the FPGAbase board. A variety of these externalI/O cards offer an interface for youranalog and digital I/O signals.• 16-bit A/D • RS485 differential I/O• LVDS I/O • CMOS/RS485 combo• CustomTypical ApplicationsCommon uses include DSP acceleration,simulation, communication, imaging,and co-processing. The Virtex-5 FPGAis ideal for offloading of intensivecomputations or complex logic routines.Conduction cooling and extendedtemperature ranges enable use inhostile environments. A ChipScope Prointerface provides further flexibility.Engineering Design KitAcromag provides software utilities andexample source code to simplify yourprogramming tasks and get you startedquickly. A JTAG interface allows you toperform on-board VHDL simulation.8 Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

Re-configurable FPGAs on a PMC ModuleSpartan-6 FPGAVirtex-5 FPGAVirtex-4 FPGAFront-end I/OPMC-SLX150These FPGA modules are idealfor cost-sensitive applications.The Spartan-6 FPGA providesplenty of computing plus aPCI-X interface and dual-portSRAM for fast data transfers.Extended temperature versionsare availablePMC-VLX85/110/155Virtex-5 FPGA modules offermore computing power andmore memory to make quickwork of complex logic routinesand algorithms. Several FPGAsizes offer a choice of logiccapacities to economicallymatch your requirements.PMC-LX40/LX60/SX35The mature Virtex-4 FPGAprovides a low-cost platformfor reconfigurable computingapplications. Extend yourexisting designs or use thelarge base of available IPresources for a quick path todevelop new systems.AXM Extension I/OAXM modules add analog ordigital I/O signal processingcapabilities to FPGA modules.The AXM plugs into the FPGAmodule’s front mezzanineto perform A/D, differential,CMOS or LVDS I/O functions.See Page 13 for more info.NEW!PMC Spartan-6 FPGA ModulesModel FPGA Logic Cells DSP Memory Temperature RangePMC-SLX150 XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-SLX150E XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC-SLX150-1M XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-SLX150E-1M XC6SLX150 147,433 180 DSP48A1 slices Two banks of 1M x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC Virtex-5 FPGA ModulesModel FPGA Logic Cells DSP Memory Temperature RangePMC-VFX70 XC5VFX70T 71,680 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-VFX70E XC5VFX70T 71,680 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC-VLX85 XC5VLX85T 82,944 48 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-VLX85E XC5VLX85T 82,944 48 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC-VLX110 XC5VLX110T 110,592 64 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-VLX110E XC5VLX110T 110,592 64 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC-VLX155 XC5VLX155T 155,648 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-VLX155E XC5VLX155T 155,648 128 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC-VSX95 XC5VSX95T 94,208 640 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC-VSX95E XC5VSX95T 94,208 640 DSP48E slices Two 32M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM, Two 256K x 32-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, -40 to 85°CPMC Virtex-4 FPGA ModulesModel FPGA Logic Cells DSP Memory Temperature RangePMC-LX40 Xilinx Virtex-4 41,472 64 XtremeDSP slices 32Mb x 32-bit DDR DRAM, 256Kb x 36-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-LX60 Xilinx Virtex-4 59,904 64 XtremeDSP slices 32Mb x 32-bit DDR DRAM, 256Kb x 36-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CPMC-SX35 Xilinx Virtex-4 34,560 192 XtremeDSP slices 32Mb x 32-bit DDR DRAM, 256Kb x 36-bit dual-port SRAM Conduction-cooled, 0 to 70°CVisit www.acromag.com/fpga or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com9

INDUSTRY PACK FPGASPhoto credit: Peter Ginter, Stanford SynchrotronRadiation LaboratoryAcromag’s IndustryPack FPGA modulesprovide a low-costmethod to applycustom logic routinesand signal processingalgorithms to digitalI/O signals.Entry-level ConfigurableFPGA <strong>Computing</strong>Acromag’s Industry Pack FPGA modulesfeature a user-customizable Altera ®Cyclone ® -II FPGA. These modules allowusers to develop and store their owninstruction sets in the FPGA for a varietyof adaptive computing applications.User application programs aredownloaded through the JTAG port orvia the IP bus directly into the FPGA.A pre-programmed internal CPLDfacilitates initialization by acting as thebus controller during power-up andwhile the program is downloading.This bus controller is limited tofunctions necessary for power-upand downloading. After the programdownloads, the FPGA takes control ofthe IP bus and the CPLD disables.Typical ApplicationsCommon FPGA applications includespecialized communication systemsover RS422/485 networks, test fixturesimulation of signals over TTL-switchedlines, and analysis of acquired data usingadvanced mathematical formulas suchas those developed with MathWorks ®MatLab ® software.Altera Cyclone-II FPGA• 18,752 logic elements• 239,616 distributed RAM bits• 52 4Kb block RAMs• 26 18 x18 embedded multipliers• 4 digital PLL clock managersEngineering Design KitAcromag provides software utilities andexamples to simplify your programmingand get you started quickly.I/O Capabilities• Bi-directional TTL I/O• Bi-directional RS485 differential I/O• Combination TTL and differential I/O• Bi-directional LVDS I/O10Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

Re-configurable FPGAs on an IP ModuleAltera Cyclone-II,JTAG-configuredCarrier Cards forIndustry PacksIndustrial PCswith Plug-in I/OIP-EP200 SeriesThe Cyclone-II FPGA on thesemodules can control up to 48TTL or 24 RS485 I/O signals ora mix of both types. Anothermodel interfaces 24 LVDS I/Ochannels. Application code isdownloaded through the JTAGport or via the IP bus directlyinto the FPGA.VME, PCI, CompactPCIAcromag offers a variety ofcarrier cards to interface an IPmodule to your system. Selectfrom 3U, 6U, and other formfactors. The boards can carryup to five IP modules. Modelsoffer a choice of front or rearcable connections.See Page 12 for more info.I/O Server Industrial PCBased on Acromag’s IndustryPack modules, the I/O Serveris an industrial PC with anintegrated carrier card. Youcan mix and match FPGAmodules along with analog,digital, and serial I/O modules.See Bulletin 8400-540 oracromag.com for more info.Industry Pack User-Configurable FPGA with Digital I/OModel FPGA Logic Cells TTL I/O Differential I/O LVDS I/O Memory Extended Temperature RangeIP-EP201 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 48 - - - - 64K x 16 RAM 0 to 70°CIP-EP201E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 48 - - - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIP-EP202 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - 24 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM 0 to 70°CIP-EP202E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - 24 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIP-EP203 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 24 12 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM 0 to 70°CIP-EP203E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 24 12 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIP-EP204 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - - - 24 64K x 16 RAM 0 to 70°CIP-EP204E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - - - 24 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIOS-EP201E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 48 - - - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIOS-EP202E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - 24 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIOS-EP203E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 24 12 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIOS-EP204E Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - - - 24 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CI/O Circuits-------------------TTLDifferential RS485TTL/Diff ComboLVDSFlashConfigurationMemoryJTAGHeaderConfigurationCPLDSRAM64Kb x 16EP2C20F256C8PLLVisit www.acromag.com/fpga or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com11

CARRIER CARDSPhoto credit: Peter Ginter, CERNCreate custom I/Oboards by mixing andmatching mezzanineI/O modules on acarrier card forVME, VPX, PCI, orCompactPCI systems.Non-intelligent CarriersAcromag’s mezzanine carrier cards offergreat value. They provide an unsurpassedcombination of features, performance,and price. Choose from a wide selectionof sizes and bus platforms to match yourapplication requirements.Benefits• Mix or match I/O functions on a carrier card• Very high channel density can be achieved ona single carrier board to save card cage slots• Modular format provides a cost-effectivesolution to develop custom I/O configurationsFor more information, visit www.acromag.comXMC/PMC Module Carrier CardsModel Bus # of Slots Field Connectors NotesAPC-PMC PCI half-length 1 x PMC Front/rear 64-pin header 32-bit 66 MHz; PCI interfaceAPMC4110 Busless 1 x PMC Front and rear Provides power to PMC modulesAcPC4610CC CompactPCI 3U 1 x PMC Rear J1 & J2 32-bit, 33/66MHz, conduction-cooledAcPC4610E CompactPCI 3U 1 x PMC Front or rear J1 & J2 32-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4620CC CompactPCI 6U 2 x PMC Rear J3 & J5 32/64-bit, 33/66MHz, conduction-cooledAcPC4620E CompactPCI 6U 2 x PMC Front or rear J3 & J5 32/64-bit, 33/66MHzVPX4810 VPX 3U 1 x PMC/XMC Front or Rear P2 64-bit, 66/133MHz, PCIe x8 interfaceVPX4810-CC VPX 3U 1 x PMC/XMC Rear P2 Same as VPX4810 plus conduction frameVPX4810-REDI VPX 3U 1 x PMC/XMC Rear P2 Same as VPX4810 plus REDI VITA 48 coverIndustry Pack Module Carrier CardsModel Bus # of IP Slots Field Connectors NotesAVME9630/9660 VMEbus 3U or 6U 2 or 4 Front 50-pin headersAVME9668 VMEbus 6U 4 Front SCSI-2 connectors Supports 8, 32MHz IP clocksAVME9670/9675 VME64 6U 2 or 4 Rear P0 & P2 high-density Jumper or geographical addressingAcPC8625 CompactPCI 6U 4 Rear J4 & J5 Transition module availableAcPC8630/8635 CompactPCI 3U 2 Front CHAMP or rear J2 Transition module availableAPC8620A/21A PCI full/half-length 5 or 3 50-pin headersAPCe8650 PCI Express 4 50-pin headers12Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

I/O EXTENSION MODULESPhoto credit: Peter Ginter, FermilabPlug-in I/O modulesprovide a convenientmethod for directconnection of theI/O to the FPGA withoptimal performance.AXM Plug-in I/O Modules(for PMC/XMC FPGA cards)Configurable and customizable I/Ointerfaces are handled on a separatemezzanine card that plugs into the FPGAbase board. A variety of these externalI/O cards offer a front-end interface foryour analog and digital I/O signals.AXM-A30Analog I/O plug-inextension module.AXM-D0xDigital I/O plug-inextension module.Custom I/O functionsCall the factory to discuss developmentof custom AXM modules to meet yourunique requirements.I/O Extension Cards for FPGA ModulesModel Analog I/O Digital I/O Compatible FPGA ModulesAXM-A30 Two channels of 16-bit A/D - - Virtex-4/5, Spartan-6 FPGAsAXM-D02 - - 30 RS485 differential I/O lines Virtex-4/5, Spartan-6 FPGAsAXM-D03 - - 16 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O lines Virtex-4/5, Spartan-6 FPGAsAXM-D04 - - 30 LVDS I/O lines Virtex-4/5, Spartan-6 FPGAsAXM-??? Acromag can develop custom I/O function modules. Consult factory for details.AXM-EDKTest board with JTAG port. Included with Spartan-6 and Virtex-4/5 Engineering Design Kits (EDK).Visit www.acromag.com/fpga or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com13

ENGINEERING DESIGN KITAcromag’s softwaredesign kits simplifythe process ofdeveloping customFPGA programs.EDK SoftwareOne key to the success of yourFPGA project is how quicklyyou learn to control thecapabilities of the FPGA andits interaction with othercomponents on the module.To save time in this stage,Acromag provides extensiveexample VHDL code coveringall of the major functions ofthe FPGA module. This code isprovided as both source codeand as compiled code in theEngineer Design Kit.Additionally, example code ispre-loaded into flash memoryon the FPGA module. Thislets you exercise the moduleand all of its functionalityimmediately out of the box.The Engineering Design Kitprovides the basic informationrequired to develop a customFPGA program for downloadto the FPGA. Utilities helpyou load VHDL into the FPGAand establish DMA transfersbetween the FPGA and theCPU. It is recommended thatusers be familiar with Xilinx ®or Altera ® development tools.Engineering Design Kitincludes:• Parts list and location• Schematics• Compiled FPGA file• Example VHDL code(provided as selectableblocks of code)» Local Bus:example of interfacebetween PCI acceleratorand FPGA» SRAM:example for read andwrite transfers to SRAM» SDRAM:example for read, writeand refresh to SDRAM» Interrupts:examples of change-ofstatemonitoring andinterrupts to the PCI bus» Field I/O:examples of directioncontrol and I/O read/write» Pin definitions:configuration file definingall user I/O pins communicatingwith the FPGAFor Virtex-5 FPGAsPMC-VLX-EDKPMC-VSX-EDKPMC-VFX-EDKXMC-VLX-EDKEach package includes theAXM-EDK test board.For Spartan-6 FPGAsPMC-SLX-EDKXMC-SLX-EDKIncludes AXM-EDK test board.For Virtex-4 FPGAsPMC-LX-EDKPMC-SX-EDKEach package includes theAXM-EDK test board.For Cyclone-II FPGAsIP-EP200-EDK.14Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

SOFTWARE SUPPORTPhoto credit: Peter Ginter, FermilabAcromag softwaredevelopment toolsfor your OS save youtime and effort.Function RoutineC LibrariesThese softwaredevelopment toolssimplify the integrationof Acromag I/O boardswith your applicationprograms.Acromag offers a libraryof function routinestargeted for a VxWorks ®operating system. Theseroutines and exampleprograms help developthe interface betweenAcromag I/O boards andyour application program.C source code is includedfor easy customization.DLL drivers simplifythe interface betweenthe I/O boards andyour Windows ® -basedapplication program.This package providesDLL driver level supportfor Acromag’s completeline of PMC, PCI andCompactPCI products.Also, the C source codedemonstration programsprovide easy-to-use toolsto test operation of yourI/O modules.A free Linux ® exampleapplication programminginterface is available fordownload on Acromag’swebsite to assist opensourcedevelopers. Thissoftware provides I/Ofunction routines forAcromag’s mezzaninemodules and carriercards. Includes C sourcecode.VxWorksIPSW-API-VXWFor Industry PacksPMCSW-API-VXWFor PMC, XMC, PCI, cPCI, VPXWindows DLLIPSW-API-WinFor Industry PacksPCISW-API-WinFor PMC, XMC, PCI, cPCI, VPXLinuxIPSW-LinuxFor Industry Packs(free download only)PCISW-LinuxFor PMC, XMC, PCI, cPCI, VPX(free download only)Visit www.acromag.com/fpga or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com15


MEZZANINE MODULES AND BUS BOARDSIndustry Pack I/OIndustry Pack (IP) Modulesmodules plug into connectorson carrier boards for VME,CompactPCI ® , PCI, and othercomputer buses. They enablequick and easy developmentof low cost, custom I/Oboards.Acromag offers more than100 IP modules and carriercards to meet your I/O needs.www.acromag.com/industrypackCompactPCI I/OThe AcPC series features3U boards that plug into aCompactPCI (cPCI) card cage.Each board has a dedicatedfunction, or set of functions.This offers a cost-effective I/Osolution for applications withmodest I/O requirements thatdo not need to preserve theavailability of backplane cardslots.4 10www.acromag.com/cpci_ioPMC I/OModulesPMC modules plug intosockets on VMEbus orCompactPCI processor boardsor carrier cards. They providea secure and easy method foradding I/O capabilities to asystem.Acromag PMC modulescomply with PCI local busspecs for compatibility withhundreds of vendors offeringCPU, DSP, and carrier boards.www.acromag.com/pmc_io6Carrier CardsMezzanine carrier cards holdup to five Industry Pack or upto two PMC modules. Selectfrom carriers for VME, PCI,and CompactPCI bus systems.A variety of models offer frontor rear I/O connections andstandard or extended temperatureratings. Conductioncoolingis also available.12www.acromag.com/ip_carrierswww.acromag.com/pmc_carriersPCI I/O BoardsAcromag’s APC series of halflengthPCI boards plug directlyinto a standard desktop orruggedized computer crates.Each board has a fixed I/Ofunction, or mix of functions.This offers a more economicalsolution for applications thatdo not require the flexibilityor high channel density madepossible with mezzaninemodules and carrier cards.www.acromag.com/pci_io8FPGA ModulesUser-configurable FPGA I/Omodules in PMC and IndustryPack formats offer the abilityto create custom I/O boardsby downloading your owninstruction sets into the FPGA.Use your application programto control on-board analog ordigital I/O for hardware simulation,in-circuit diagnostics,protocol conversion and more.See FPGA I/O <strong>Solutions</strong>Brochure 8400-467www.acromag.com/fpga_ioAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Cover photo credit U.S. Navy.Visit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com3

INDUSTRY PACK I/O MODULESPhoto credit: U.S. NavyCreate custom I/Oboards by mixing andmatching IndustryPack mezzanine I/Omodules on a carriercard for VME, PCI, orCompactPCI systems.Acromag’s Industry Pack (IP) I/O modulesand carrier cards deliver the market’sbest value. They offer an unsurpassedcombination of features, performance,and price. Choose from a wide selectionfor data acquisition, measurement andcontrol, counter/timer, and high-speedserial data transfer applications.Benefits• Mix or match I/O functions on a carrier card• Very high channel density can be achieved ona single carrier board to save card cage slots• Modular format provides a cost-effectivesolution to develop custom I/O configurationsFor more information, visit our website atwww.acromag.com/industrypack.VME 3U/6U Carriers PCI Carriers cPCI 3U/6U Carrierswww.acromag.com/ip_carriers www.acromag.com/ip_carriers www.acromag.com/ip_carriersNEW!Carrier CardsModel Bus # of IP Slots Field Connectors Ext. Temp. NotesAVME9630/9660 VMEbus 3U or 6U 2 or 4 Front 50-pin headers optionalAVME9668 VMEbus 6U 4 Front SCSI-2 connectors optional Supports 8, 32MHz IP clocksAVME9670 VME64 6U 2 or 4 Rear P0 & P2 high-density optional User-defined addressingAVME9675 VME64 6U 2 or 4 Rear P0 & P2 high-density optional Geographical addressingAcPC8625 CompactPCI 6U 4 Rear J4 & J5 optional Transition module availableAcPC8630/8635 CompactPCI 3U 2 Front CHAMP or rear J2 optional Transition module availableAPC8620A PCI full-length 5 50-pin headers optionalAPC8621A PCI half-length 3 50-pin headers optionalAPCe8650 PCI Express 4 50-pin headers optionalNOTE: All Acromag Industry Pack Carrier Cards are available with extended temperature range option.4 Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

ANSI/VITA-4 MODULES AND CARRIERSAnalog I/ODigital I/O andCounter/TimersSerial I/OUser-configurableFPGA I/Owww.acromag.com/ip_digitalwww.acromag.com/ip_analog www.acromag.com/ip_counters www.acromag.com/ip_serialwww.acromag.com/ip_fpgaAnalog I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Scan/Settling Time Memory Extended Temp. RangeIP220A 8 or 16 channels 12-bit D/A 11µS optionalIP230A 4 or 8 channels 16-bit D/A 10µS optionalIP231 8 or 16 channels 16-bit D/A 13µS optionalIP235/236 4 or 8 channels 16-bit D/A 10µS RAM or FIFO buffers optionalIP320A 20DI or 40SE 12-bit A/D 5.2µS optionalIP330 16DI or 32SE 16-bit A/D 15µS 1 sample per channel optionalIP340/341 16 differential 12 or 14-bit A/D 8µS for 8 chan. simultan. 512 samples optionalDigital I/O and Counter/TimersModel Digital Input Digital Output Counter/Timers Voltage Isolation Extended Temp. RangeIP400 40 inputs 0 to 60V optionalIP405 40 outputs 0 to 60V optionalIP408 32 bi-directional input/output channels 0 to 60V optionalIP409 24 differential bi-directional I/O channels differential RS422/485 optionalIP440A 32 input channels ±60V AC/DC optical isolation optionalIP445 32 output channels ±60V AC/DC optical isolation optionalIP470A 48 bi-directional input/output channels TTL optionalIP480 16 or 32-bit counters TTL optionalIP482/3/4 up to 10 counters, 16-bit TTL, RS422 differential optionalSerial CommunicationModel # of Data Ports Protocol Data Rate FIFO per channel Options Extended Temp. RangeIP500A Quad (4) EIA-232 512 Kbps 16-byte custom crystalIP501 Quad (4) EIA-422 1 Mbps 16, 64, 128-byte custom crystal optionalIP502 Quad (4) EIA-485 1 Mbps 16-byte custom crystalIP511 Quad (4), isolated EIA-422 1 Mbps 16, 64-byte custom crystalIP512 Quad (4), isolated EIA-485 512 Kbps 16, 64-byte custom crystalIP520 Octal (8) EIA-232 1 Mbps 64-byte custom crystal optionalIP521 Octal (8) EIA-422 1 Mbps 64-byte custom crystal optionalIP560 Dual-channel CAN bus 1 Mbps 64-byte optical isolation optionalIP570 Single or dual-channel MIL-STD-1553 1 Mbps choice of buffer options – – optionalNOTE: For Industry Pack modules with user-configurable FPGAs, please see FPGA I/O <strong>Solutions</strong> Brochure 8400-467.Visit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com5

PMC I/O MODULESPhoto credit: U.S. Air ForcePMC modules offerthe modular flexibilityof IP modules, butwith the higher datatransfer rates madepossible by the PCIinterface.Our new PMC modules are based ontechnology and circuit designs with timetestedreliability in thousands of installations.Many models are available for avariety of analog, digital and serial I/Ofunctions. Each one offers an unmatchedbalance of features, performance, andprice for the best value in PMC I/O.Acromag PMC modules are well-suitedfor COTS and industrial projects. Greateffort goes into selecting high-performanceparts to withstand the demandsof military, aerospace, and manufacturingapplications. Most models are availablewith extended temperature ranges forreliable operation in harsh environments.Acromag products are also designed forthe long lifecycles required for OEM anddefense projects.Benefits• Modular format lets you mix or match multipleI/O functions on a single carrier card• High channel density modules save money• Multi-function I/O modules can replace up tofour single function boards• Versatile counter/timer modules can performmany functions including quadrature positionmeasurement• Rugged design and long product lifecycles areideal for COTS applications• Software development tools for a variety ofoperating systems speed hardware/softwareintegration• One stop shopping for termination panels andcables saves timeFor more information, visit our website atwww.acromag.com/pmc._ioAnd to simplify the implementation ofAcromag I/O modules, a variety of softwaredevelopment tools are available.Function libraries provide exampleroutines to integrate Acromag’s I/O withyour application code and establishcommunication to your other embeddedcomputer boards.6 Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

PCI MEZZANINE CARDSAnalog I/ODigital I/O andCounter/TimersMultifunction I/OSerial I/Owww.acromag.com/pmc_digitalwww.acromag.com/pmc_analog www.acromag.com/pmc_timer www.acromag.com/pmc_multi www.acromag.com/pmc_serialAnalog I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Scan/Settling Time Memory Extended Temp. RangePMC230 8 channels 16-bit D/A 10µS optionalPMC330 16DI or 32SE 16-bit A/D 15µS 1 sample per channel optionalPMC341 * 16 differential 14-bit A/D 8µS for 8 chan. simultan. 512 samples optionalDigital I/O and Counter/TimersModel Digital I/O (bi-directional) Counter/Timers Voltage Quadrature Extended Temp. RangePMC408 32 high-voltage input/output channels 0 to 60V optionalPMC424 * 16 TTL I/O and 24 differential I/O four 16-bit or two 32-bit differential optionalPMC464 * 64 TTL input/output channels four 16-bit or two 32-bit TTL optionalPMC482 * ten 16-bit TTL X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalPMC483 * four 16-bit or two 32-bit 4 TTL and 4 differential X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalPMC484 * six 32-bit differential X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalMulti-Function I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Digital I/O Counter/Timer Extended Temp. RangePMC730 * 16DI or 32SE 8 channels 16-bit A/D & D/A 16 bi-directional TTL I/O one 32-bit optionalSerial CommunicationModel # of Data Ports Protocol Data Rate FIFO per channel Custom Crystal Extended Temp. RangePMC520 * Octal (8) EIA-232 1 Mbps 64-byte in & out optional optionalPMC521 * Octal (8) EIA-422 1 Mbps 64-byte in & out optional optional* These PMC modules are available with front or rear I/O connectors.NOTE: For PMC modules with user-configurable FPGAs, please see Bulletin 8400-467NEW!Carrier CardsModel Bus # PMC Slots Field Connectors Operating Temperature NotesAPC-PMC PCI half-length 1 Front or rear 64-pin header -40 to 85°C 32-bit 66 MHz; PCI InterfaceAPMC4110 Busless 1 Two 50-pin headers -40 to 85°C For use with processor or FPGA PMC modulesAcPC4610CC CompactPCI 3U 1 Rear J1 & J2 Conduction-cooled Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4610E CompactPCI 3U 1 Front or rear J1 & J2 -40 to 85°C Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4620CC CompactPCI 6U 2 Rear J3 & J5 Conduction-cooled Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32/64-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4620E CompactPCI 6U 2 Front or rear J3 & J5 -40 to 85°C Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32/64-bit, 33/66MHzVisit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com7

PCI I/O BOARDSHigh-performanceI/O on a desktop PCIplatform offers aneconomical solutionwith all the supportof a Windows ® -readyinterface.Our PCI boards are based on technologyand circuit designs with time-tested reliabilityin thousands of installations. Manymodels are now available for a variety ofanalog and digital I/O functions. Thesemodules offer an unmatched balance offeatures, performance, and price for thebest value in PCI I/O.Acromag PCI boards are well-suited forCOTS and industrial projects. Great effortgoes into selecting high-performanceparts to withstand the demands ofmilitary, aerospace, and manufacturingapplications. Most models are availablewith extended temperature ranges forreliable operation in harsh environments.Acromag products are also designed forthe long lifecycles required for OEM anddefense projects.Benefits• High channel density saves money and slots• Independent A/D and D/A converters on eachchannel improve performance• Multi-function I/O board can replace up tofour single function boards• Versatile counter/timer boards can performmany functions including quadrature positionmeasurement• Rugged design and long product lifecycles areideal for COTS applications• Software development tools for a variety ofoperating systems speed system integration• One stop shopping for termination panels andcables saves timeFor more information, visit our website atwww.acromag.com/pci_ioAnd to simplify the implementation ofAcromag I/O modules, a variety of softwaredevelopment tools are available.Function libraries provide exampleroutines to integrate Acromag’s I/O withyour application code and establishcommunication to your other embeddedcomputer boards.8Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

DESKTOP PCI CARDSAnalog I/ODigital I/O andCounter/TimersMultifunction I/OCarrier Cardswww.acromag.com/pci_digitalwww.acromag.com/pci_analog www.acromag.com/pci_timer www.acromag.com/pci_multi www.acromag.com/pci_carriersAnalog I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Scan/Settling Time Memory Extended Temp. RangeAPC330 16DI or 32SE 16-bit A/D 15µS 1 sample per channel optionalAPC341 16 differential 14-bit A/D 8µS for 8 chan. simultan. 512 samples optionalDigital I/O and Counter/TimersModel Digital I/O (bi-directional) Counter/Timers Voltage Quadrature Extended Temp. RangeAPC424 16 TTL and 24 differential I/O channels four 16-bit or two 32-bit TTL, differential optionalAPC464 64 TTL input/output channels four 16-bit or two 32-bit TTL optionalAPC482 ten 16-bit TTL X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalAPC483 four 16-bit or two 32-bit 4 TTL and 4 differential X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalAPC484 six 32-bit differential X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalMulti-Function I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Digital I/O Counter/Timers Extended Temp. RangeAPC730 16DI or 32SE 8 channels 16-bit A/D & D/A 16 bi-directional TTL I/O one 32-bit optionalNEW!Carrier CardsModel # of IP slots # of PMC slots Bus Field Connectors Operating Temperature NotesAPC8620A 5 — PCI full-length 50-pin headers 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C Full IP module register/data accessAPC8621A 3 — PCI half-length 50-pin headers 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C Full IP module register/data accessAPCe8650 4 — PCI Express 50-pin headers 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C Full IP module register/data accessAPC-PMC — 1 PCI half-length Front or rear 64-pin header -40 to 85°C 32-bit 66 MHz; PCI InterfaceAPC-PMC64x — 1 PCI half-length Front or rear 64-pin header -40 to 85°C 64-bit 133 MHz; PCI-X InterfaceVisit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com9

COMPACTPCI I/O BOARDSPhoto credit: U.S. ArmyFor a more ruggedsolution with all thebenefits of a PCI businterface, try our 3UCompactPCI I/O cardsto manage a widevariety of analog anddigital I/O functions.Our CompactPCI boards are based ontechnology and circuit designs with timetestedreliability in thousands of installations.Many models are now availablefor a variety of analog and digital I/Ofunctions. These modules offer anunmatched balance of performance,features, and price for the best valuein CompactPCI I/O.Acromag CompactPCI boards are wellsuitedfor COTS and industrial projects.Great effort goes into selecting highperformanceparts to withstand thedemands of military, aerospace, andmanufacturing applications. Most modelsare available with extended temperatureranges for reliable operation in harshenvironments. Acromag products are alsodesigned for the long lifecycles requiredfor OEM and defense projects.And to simplify the implementation ofAcromag I/O modules, a variety of softwaredevelopment tools are available.Function libraries provide many exampleroutines to help integrate Acromag’s I/Owith your application code and establishcommunication to your other embeddedcomputer boards.Benefits• High channel density saves money and slots• Independent A/D and D/A converters on eachchannel improve performance• Multi-function I/O board can replace up tofour single function boards• Versatile counter/timer boards can performmany functions including quadrature positionmeasurement• Rugged design and long product lifecycles areideal for COTS applications• Software development tools for a variety ofoperating systems speed system integration• One stop shopping for termination panels andcables saves timeFor more information, visit our website atwww.acromag.com/cpci_io10Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

RUGGEDIZED PCI CARDSAnalog I/ODigital I/O andCounter/TimersMultifunction I/OCarrier Cardswww.acromag.com/cpci_digitalwww.acromag.com/cpci_analog www.acromag.com/cpci_timer www.acromag.com/cpci_multi www.acromag.com/cpci_carriersAnalog I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Scan/Settling Time Memory Extended Temp. RangeAcPC330 16DI or 32SE 16-bit A/D 15µS 1 sample per channel optionalAcPC341 16 differential 14-bit A/D 8µS for 8 chan. simultan. 512 samples optionalDigital I/O and Counter/TimersModel Digital I/O (bi-directional) Counter/Timers Voltage Quadrature Extended Temp. RangeAcPC424 16 TTL and 24 differential I/O channels four 16-bit or two 32-bit TTL, differential optionalAcPC464 64 TTL input/output channels four 16-bit or two 32-bit TTL optionalAcPC482 ten 16-bit TTL X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalAcPC483 four 16-bit or two 32-bit 4 TTL and 4 differential X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalAcPC484 six 32-bit differential X1, X2, X4 decoding optionalMulti-Function I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Digital I/O Counter/Timers Extended Temp. RangeAcPC730 16DI or 32SE 8 channels 16-bit A/D & D/A 16 bi-directional TTL I/O one 32-bit optionalCarrier CardsModel # IP slots # PMC slots Bus Field Connectors Operating Temperature NotesAcPC4610CC — 1 CompactPCI 3U Rear J1 & J2 Conduction-cooled Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4610E — 1 CompactPCI 3U Front or rear J1 & J2 -40 to 85°C Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4620CC — 2 CompactPCI 6U Rear J3 & J5 Conduction-cooled Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32/64-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4620E — 2 CompactPCI 6U Front or rear J3 & J5 -40 to 85°C Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32/64-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC8625 4 — CompactPCI 6U Rear J4 & J5 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C Transition module availableAcPC8630/8635 2 — CompactPCI 3U Front CHAMP or rear J2 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C Transition module availableVisit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com11

MEZZANINE CARRIER CARDSAcromag carriercards provide aneasy-to-use methodfor interfacing I/O onmezzanine moduleswhen slots are notavailable on SBCs.Mezzanine modules are a very effectivemethod for interfacing I/O signals to anembedded computer system. However,slots may not always be available on theprocessor board. In this case, a carrierboard with slots for up to five IndustryPack or two PMC modules is an idealsolution.Choose from a variety of configurationswith front or rear I/O access. Boards withmultiple mezzanine slots allow mixing offunctions to create custom I/O cards withextremely high channel density. ThirdpartyIP and PMC modules are supportedoffering virtually unlimited possibilities.Acromag carrier cards are non-intelligentslave boards that act simply as an adapterto route I/O signals to and from thebus. Some carrier cards offer support forinterrupts. Carriers are available for VME,PCI, and CompactPCI bus systems.To simplify deployment, Acromag providesa full line of transition modules, cablesand termination panels. Software supportlibraries are also available for faster setup.Benefits• Industry-standard IP or PMC module interfaceIndustry Pack Module Carriers:- VME 3U/6U, VME64 6U- CompactPCI 3U/6U- PCI full/half-length,PMC Module Carriers:- CompactPCI 3U/6U, conduction-cooled- PCI half-length• Accepts IP and PMC modules from othermanufacturers• Front or rear panel connectors for field I/O• Supports interrupt channels• 32/64-bit 33/66 MHz PCI interface or64-bit 133 MHz PCI-X interface• Accommodates 8MHz and 32MHz IP clocks• Provides individually fused and filtered powerline to each module• Supports both 5V and 3.3V signalling• C libraries of function routines for VxWorks,QNX, Linux, and Windows operating systemsFor more information, visit our website atwww.acromag.com/ip_carrierswww.acromag.com/pmc_carrier12Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

INDUSTRY PACK AND PMC CARRIERSIP on VME IP on PCI/cPCI PMC on PCI PMC on cPCIwww.acromag.com/ip_vmewww.acromag.com/ip_pciwww.acromag.com/ip_cpciwww.acromag.com/pmc_pciwww.acromag.com/pmc_cpciNEW!Industry Pack Module Carrier CardsModel Bus # of IP Slots Field Connectors Operating Temperature NotesAVME9630/9660 VMEbus 3U or 6U 2 or 4 Front 50-pin headers 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optionalAVME9668 VMEbus 6U 4 Front SCSI-2 connectors 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optional Supports 8, 32MHz IP clocksAVME9670 VME64 6U 2 or 4 Rear P0 & P2 high-density 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optional User-defined addressingAVME9675 VME64 6U 2 or 4 Rear P0 & P2 high-density 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optional Geographical addressingAcPC8625 CompactPCI 6U 4 Rear J4 & J5 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optional Transition module availableAcPC8630/8635 CompactPCI 3U 2 Front CHAMP or rear J2 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optional Transition module availableAPC8620A PCI full-length 5 Front 50-pin headers 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optionalAPC8621A PCI half-length 3 Front 50-pin headers 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optionalAPCe8650 PCI Express 4 Front 50-pin headers 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C optionalNEW!PMC Module Carrier CardsModel Bus # of PMC Slots Field Connectors Operating Temperature NotesAPC-PMC PCI half-length 1 Front or rear 64-pin header -40 to 85°C 32-bit 66 MHz; PCI InterfaceAPMC4110 Busless 1 Two 50-pin headers -40 to 85°C For use with processor or FPGA PMC modulesAcPC4610CC CompactPCI 3U 1 Rear J1 & J2 Conduction-cooled Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4610E CompactPCI 3U 1 Front or rear J1 & J2 -40 to 85°C Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4620CC CompactPCI 6U 2 Rear J3 & J5 Conduction-cooled Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32/64-bit, 33/66MHzAcPC4620E CompactPCI 6U 2 Front or rear J3 & J5 -40 to 85°C Transparent PCI/PCI bridge, 32/64-bit, 33/66MHzVisit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com13

HARDWARE ACCESSORIESAcromag terminationproducts simplify theconnection of fieldsignal cabling to saveyou time and effort.Termination andcablingAcromag provides abroad selection of hardwareaccessories to simplifythe use of our I/Oboards. This collectionof termination panels,cables, and adaptersfacilitate field wiringand cable connectionsbetween boards withinthe card cage.Termination panels providescrew terminals foreasy field signal wiring. Acable connector providesa clean interface to theI/O board or mezzaninemodule. Many terminationpanels have acompact footprint andmount neatly on a DINrail strip. Other panels aredesigned for mountingdirectly onto a standard19-inch rack.Transition modules providea solution for controllingthe location ofyour cabling within thecard cage. These adaptersrepeat field I/O connectionson Acromag’s VME,VME64, and cPCI carrierboards for front or rearexit from the card cage.Acromag also provides alarge selection of signalcables to complete theconnection of the fieldwiring on the terminationpanel to the I/O board.For more information, visitwww.acromag.com/ip_hardwarewww.acromag.com/pmc_hardwareAccessoriesTermination PanelsDIN rail or 19-inch rack mountTransition ModulesFor VME and CompactPCIcard cagesCablesShielded, unshielded, roundSCSI-2/3 or flat ribbon14Call 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 for technical assistance.

SOFTWARE SUPPORTPhoto credit: U.S. Air ForceAcromag softwaredevelopment toolssave you time andeffort.Function RoutineC LibrariesThese software developmenttools simplify theintegration of AcromagI/O boards with yourapplication programs.Acromag offers a libraryof function routinestargeted for VxWorks andQNX operating systems.These routines andexample programs helpyou develop the interfacebetween Acromag I/Oboards and your applicationprogram. C sourcecode is included for easycustomization.DLL drivers simplify theinterface between theI/O boards and yourWindows-based applicationprogram. Thispackage provides DLLdriver level support forAcromag’s complete lineof PMC, PCI and cPCIproducts. Also, the Csource code demonstrationprograms provideeasy-to-use tools to testoperation of your I/Omodules.A free example applicationprogramminginterface is available fordownload on Acromag’swebsite to assist Linuxusers. This softwareprovides I/O functionroutines for Industry Packmodules and carriers.Includes C source code.For more information, visitwww.acromag.com/ip_softwarewww.acromag.com/pmc_softwareVxWorksIPSW-API-VXWFor Industry PacksPMCSW-API-VXWFor PMC, PCI, Compact PCIWindows DLLIPSW-API-WinFor Industry PacksPCISW-API-WinFor PMC, PCI, Compact PCILinuxIPSW-LinuxFor Industry PacksPCISW-LinuxFor PMC, PCI, Compact PCIVisit www.acromag.com or e-mail us at solutions@acromag.com15

M O N I T O R I N G & C O N T R O L S O L U T I O N SI/O ServerIndustrial PCFanless DesignConduction-CooledIntegrated I/OA Compact, RuggedIndustrial PC withPlug-in I/O Modules8400-540d

Acromag I/O ServerIOS-7000 Series The Industrial PC with Plug-in I/O ModulesIntroducing:The only ruggedIndustrial PC withtruly integratedplug-in I/O —Acromag’s I/O ServerAn industrial PC made for I/OAcromag’s Industrial I/O Server is arugged industrial PC with truly integratedsupport for user I/O. A built-in carriercard interfaces up to four plug-in I/Omodules to the CPU. The embeddedcomputer supports video, audio,Ethernet, serial, and USB devices. A widevariety of I/O modules provides mix andmatch flexibility, high channel density,and a clean cable interface.■ Intel ® Atom ® N270 1.6GHz CPU orAMD ® Geode ® LX800 500MHz CPURugged DesignThe I/O Server’s fanless design employsadvanced thermal technology and highperformancecomponents to accommodatea wide operating temperature range-40 to 75°C. Conduction cooling platesand thermal pads wick internal heataway to the aluminum enclosure whereexternal cooling fins dissipate the heat.Units are shock/vibration resistant andsealed to IP40 standards to ensure longterm reliability in a variety of applications.Dozens of plug-in I/O modulescustom-made for the I/O ServerThis combination of industrial PC withfully integrated I/O offers a compact,yet powerful monitoring and controlsolution. Unlike many box PC systemsthat offer few I/O interface options orlimit you to a single I/O card, Acromag’sI/O Server integrates four I/O modulesinside the chassis. A tight footprint ismaintained, four plug-in I/O modules ofany mix are supported, and high densityconnectors provide clean signal wiring.Ideal for manufacturing, defense,research and mobile applicationsThe compact, shock/vibration resistantdesign is well-suited to harsh factoryenvironments and outdoor installations.■ Machine control, factory automation■ Military and homeland security systems■ Transportation and mobile servers■ Outdoor signage and display systems■ Test & measurement, data acquisition■ Scientific research and simulationAcromag, Incorporated ■ 30765 South Wixom Road ■ Wixom, Michigan 48393 ■ USA– 2 –

Plug-in I/O ModulesIOS Modules Compact Mezzanine I/O ModulesDependable I/O OperationWith more than 50 years of industrial I/O designexperience, Acromag stands alone in the highperformanceembedded computing market.Developing VMEbus I/O boards since 1984,we combine our process control expertise withextensive experience in embedded systems. Thisbackground gives us unrivaled insight to manyunique concerns when interfacing computersystems to various sensors and controllers inmany applications.The I/O Server’s plug-in I/O modules reflectAcromag’s experience with a truly ruggedand reliable design. We start with industrialgradecomponents for superior integrity andperformance. Next, we assemble the boardsin our AS9100 / ISO 9001-certified factory foroptimum quality control. Then we subject thefinished I/O module to extensive inspection andtesting to ensure each unit is free of defects.Industrial-grade 50-pin receptacle headersprovide high-integrity connections. When the I/Omodule carrier card is inserted into the chassis,the modules are securely held in place for shockand vibration resistance. Additionally, there areno internal cables for higher reliability.UL Class I Div 2 approval permits use in locationswith volatile liquids, gases, or vapors, such asgas, oil, chemical, and mining facilities. Thisallows installation of the I/O Server closer tosensors and actuators to reduce installation costs.Conduction-Cooled I/OThe I/O modules are all rated for -40 to 85°Coperation. However, to eliminate excessive heatinside the enclosure, the I/O modules employadvanced thermal technologies. A thermal padwicks heat away from the module and transfersthe energy to a friction plate that makes contactwith a large heat spreader plate. Heat moves tothe enclosure walls where it is dissipated by theexternal cooling fins.Above: A bottom view shows the heat spreader platethat removes heat from the I/O modules.Below: A cut-away view of the heat sink methodology.Enclosure WallsHeat spreaderFriction plateThermal gap padPC boardComponentsMix & Match I/O FlexibilityAcromag offers more than 20 I/O modules toperform analog, digital, counter/timer, and serialI/O functions. User-configurable FPGA modulesallow you to execute custom signal processingalgorithms and logic routines on TTL, differential,or LVDS I/O signals.With four I/O module slots on the carrier card,you can install any mix of I/O module types tomeet your unique I/O interface requirements. Youcan also insert up to four modules of the sametype to achieve extremely high channel densities.■ 4 plug-in I/O module slots provide easy, lowcost interface to instrumentation■ High-density, interchangeable I/O modulesenable mix and match flexibility■ 20+ I/O modules available for a wide variety ofanalog, digital, and serial I/O functionsTelephone: 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 ■ Fax: 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com– 3 –

Industrial PC with Plug-in I/OIOS Server Industrial PC with I/O Mezzanine Carrier CardFront ViewEthernetPorts x 2USB Ports x 4I/O Slots x 4Serial Ports x2Audio OutputMicrophone InputVGA VideoField I/O x 4Rear ViewCompactFlash DriveInternal Solid-State Drive(user-installed option)Power Supply ConnectorTelephone: 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 ■ Fax: 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com– 4 –

I/O Server IOS-7000 SeriesGeneral Operation and Performance SpecificationsModel IOS-7400Model IOS-7200Processor SystemCPU <strong>Embedded</strong> Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz. <strong>Embedded</strong> AMD Geode LX800 500MHz.System Memory1GB installed. 200-pin SODIMM socket,DDR2 400/533MHz.512MB installed. 200-pin SODIMM socket,DDR 400MHz.System Chipset Intel 945GSE / ICH7M chipset 533MHz FSB. AMD CS 5536.BIOS AWARD 8Mbit Flash BIOS. AWARD 4Mbit Flash BIOS.Ethernet Chipset Intel 82562GZ 10/100Mbps Ethernet chip. Intel 82551ER 10/100Mbps Ethernet chip.Display Chipset Intel 945GSE. AMD Geode LX800/CS 5536.Display Resolution Up to 2048 x 1536. 1024 x 768 @ 85Hz.Operating System Supports Windows <strong>Embedded</strong> Standard and Linux. Supports Windows <strong>Embedded</strong> Standard and Linux.Interface ConnectionsVideo 1 x VGA connector. Resolution CPU-dependent. 1 x VGA connector. Resolution CPU-dependent.Audio 1 x speaker out. 1 x mic in. AC97 2.3 compliant. 1 x speaker out. 1 x mic in. AC97 2.3 compliant.Hard Disk Drive / Solid-State Drive User-installed option, 2.5” HDD/SSD PATA. User-installed option, 2.5” HDD/SSD PATA.Removable Memory 1 x CompactFlash slot. 1 x CompactFlash slot.Serial Ports 1 x RS232. 1 x RS232/422/485. 1 x RS232. 1 x RS232/422/485.USB Ports 4 x USB 2.0 compliant ports. 4 x USB 2.0 compliant ports.Ethernet Ports 2 x 10/100 BaseT (unmanaged switch). 2 x 10/100 BaseT (unmanaged switch).I/O Module CarrierNumber of I/O Slots Holds up to four Acromag IOS I/O Modules. Holds up to four Acromag IOS I/O Modules.Thermal Control Conduction-cooled I/O modules. Conduction-cooled I/O modules.Connectors SCSI-II 50-pin connector for each I/O module. SCSI-II 50-pin connector for each I/O module.Physical & EnvironmentalSize 11.8” x 3.0” x 7.3” (299.7mm x 76.2mm x 182.9mm). 11.8” x 3.0” x 7.3” (299.7mm x 76.2mm x 182.9mm).Weight 5.95lbs (2.7kg). 5.95lbs (2.7kg).Operating Temperature -30 to 75°C (-22 to 167°F). -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F).Storage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F). -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F).Operating Humidity 0% - 90% relative humidity, non-condensing. 0% - 90% relative humidity, non-condensing.Shock Resistance 50g rms per IEC-68-2-27, half-sine, 11mS duration. 50g rms per IEC-68-2-27, half-sine, 11mS duration.Vibration Resistance5g rms per IEC-68-2-64, random, 5-500MHz,1 oct/min, 1hr per axis.5g rms per IEC-68-2-64, random, 5-500MHz,1 oct/min, 1hr per axis.Power Supply Voltage 9 - 32V DC ±10% @ 60W max. 9 - 32V DC ±10% @ 60W max.Power Usage Depends on configuration. 30W typical. Depends on configuration. 30W typical.Approvals CE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups ABCD. CE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups ABCD.FCC Compliance FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A Digital Device. FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A Digital Device.MTBF 450,000 hours. 348,000 hours.Software SupportWindows <strong>Embedded</strong>Optional licensed Windows <strong>Embedded</strong> Standard 2009 Optional licensed Windows <strong>Embedded</strong> Standard 2009image installed on CompactFlash card.image installed on CompactFlash card.Win32 DLL driversOptional Windows® Win32 development package.Includes CD-ROM with API development software,example programs with source code, Win32 DLL drivers.Optional Windows® Win32 development package.Includes CD-ROM with API development software,example programs with source code, Win32 DLL drivers.Linux Optional Linux function libraries software. Optional Linux function libraries software.Telephone: 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 ■ Fax: 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com– 5 –

Plug-in I/O ModulesIOS Modules Compact Mezzanine I/O ModulesAnalog I/ODigital I/O andCounter/TimersSerial I/OUser-configurableFPGA I/OAnalog I/OModel Analog Input Analog Output Resolution Scan/Settling Time Memory Operating Temp. RangeIOS-220 8 or 16 channels 12-bit D/A 11µS -40 to 85°CIOS-231 8 or 16 channels 16-bit D/A 13µS -40 to 85°CIOS-320 20DI or 40SE 12-bit A/D 5.2µS -40 to 85°CIOS-330 16DI or 32SE 16-bit A/D 15µS 1 sample per channel -40 to 85°CIOS-341 16 differential 14-bit A/D 8µS for 8-ch simultaneous 512 samples -40 to 85°CDigital I/O and Counter/TimersModel Digital Input Digital Output Counter/Timers Voltage Isolation Operating Temp. RangeIOS-408 32 bi-directional input/output channels 0 to 60V -40 to 85°CIOS-409 24 differential bi-directional I/O channels differential RS422/485 -40 to 85°CIOS-440 32 input channels ±60V AC/DC optical isolation -40 to 85°CIOS-445 32 output channels ±60V AC/DC optical isolation -40 to 85°CIOS-470 48 bi-directional input/output channels TTL -40 to 85°CIOS-48x up to 10 counters, 16-bit TTL or RS422 differential -40 to 85°CSerial CommunicationModel # of Data Ports Protocol Data Rate FIFO per channel Options Operating Temp. RangeIOS-520 Octal (8) EIA-232 1 Mbps 64-byte custom crystal -40 to 85°CIOS-521 Octal (8) EIA-422 1 Mbps 64-byte custom crystal -40 to 85°CIOS-560 Dual-channel CAN bus 1 Mbps 64-byte optical isolation -40 to 85°CIOS-570 Single or dual-channel MIL-STD-1553 1 Mbps choice of buffer options - - -40 to 85°CUser-Configurable FPGA with Digital I/OModel FPGA Logic Cells TTL I/O Differential I/O LVDS I/O Memory Operating Temperature RangeIOS-EP201 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 48 - - - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIOS-EP202 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - 24 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIOS-EP203 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 24 12 RS485 - - 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CIOS-EP204 Cyclone II EP2C20 18,752 - - - - 24 64K x 16 RAM -40 to 85°CTel: 877-295-7092 or 248-295-0310 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 S Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USA8400-540d © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011

VPX BoardsVPX-SLX VPX module with User-Configurable Spartan-6 FPGA64 I/O or 32 LVDSFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O Module97 I/OXC6SLX150FlashMemory16MBDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus(4 lanes)VPX 3U card with PCIe interface ◆ Logic-optimized Spartan-6 FPGA ◆ Air and conduction-cooled modelsDescriptionAcromag’s cost-effective VPX-SLX boards featurea user-configurable Xilinx ® Spartan ® -6 FPGAenhanced with high-speed memory and ahigh-throughput PCIe interface. The result is apowerful and flexible logic processor module thatis capable of executing your custom instructionsets and algorithms.The logic-optimized FPGA is well-suited for abroad range of applications. Typical uses includehardware simulation, communications, in-circuitdiagnostics, military servers, signal intelligence,and image processing.Large, high-speed memory banks enable efficientdata handling. The dual-port SRAM facilitateshigh-speed DMA transfers between the FPGAand the rest of the system. A high-bandwidthPCIe interface ensures fast data throughput.64 I/O lines are accessible through the rear (P2)connector. Additional I/O processing is supportedon a separate mezzanine card that plugs intothe FPGA base board. A variety of these externalAXM I/O cards are available to interface youranalog and digital I/O signals.Take advantage of the conduction-cooled versionfor use in hostile environments. Conductionefficiently dissipates heat if there is inadequatecooling air flow.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit providessoftware utilities and example VHDL code tosimplify your program development and getyou running quickly. A JTAG interface enableson-board VHDL debugging.Conduction-cooled versionKey Features & Benefits■ Reconfigurable Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA with147,433k logic cells■ PCIe bus 4-lane Gen 1 interface■ 1M x 64-bit dual-ported SRAM provides directlinks from the PCIe bus and to the FPGA■ Supports both front and rear I/O connections■ 64 I/O or 32 LVDS lines direct to FPGA via rear(P2) connector■ Plug-in I/O extension modules are available forthe front mezzanine■ FPGA code loads from the PCIe bus or fromon-board flash memory■ Supports dual DMA channel data transferto/from the rest of the system■ Support for Xilinx ChipScope Pro interface■ Air-cooled (0 to 70°C) and conduction-cooled(-40 to 85°C) modelsPlug in an AXM analog or digital I/O module foradditional I/O signal processing capabilities.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-628b

VPX BoardsVPX-SLX VPX module with User-Configurable Spartan-6 FPGAPerformance Specifications■ GeneralForm Factor3U VPX bus 6.299” (160mm) x 3.937” (100.0mm).PitchVPX-SLX150 (air-cooled): 0.80” pitch.VPX-SLX150-CC (conduction-cooled): 0.85” pitch.Chassis CompatibilityCompatible VITA 65 module / slot profiles:MOD3-PER-2F-16.3.1-3 / SLT3-PER-2F-14.3.1MOD3-PER-1F-16.3.2-2 / SLT3-PER-1F-14.3.2MOD3-PAY-1D-16.2.6-1 1 / SLT3-PAY-1D-14.2.6MOD3-PAY-2F-16.2.7-1 1 / SLT3-PAY-2F-14.2.7Note 1: Board is compatible with payload profiles buthas no hosting capabilities.FRU EEPROM with temperature monitor.PCI Express InterfaceVITA 46.4 fat pipe (x4) PCIe Gen 1 interface.■ FPGAFPGA DeviceXilinx Spartan-6 FPGA.Model XC6SLX150-3FG676 FPGA with 147,433 logiccells and 180 DSP48A1 slices.FPGA configurationDownload via PCIe bus or flash memory.Example FPGA programVHDL provided for bus interface, front & rear I/Ocontrol, SRAM read/write interface logic, and SDRAMmemory interface controller. See EDK kit.FRONT PANELMEZZANINEBUSAXMMODULEREARI/O+3.3V10KUSERoJTAG / CHIPSCOPECONTROL LINESI/O64 I/O■ I/O ProcessingAcromag AXM I/O modules:AXM modules plug into the FPGA board’s frontmezzanine for additional I/O lines. Analog and digitalI/O AXM modules are sold separately.Rear I/O64 I/O (32 LVDS) lines supported with a directconnection between the FPGA and the rear I/Oconnector (P2).■ Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required todevelop a custom FPGA program. Kit must be orderedwith the first purchase of a VPX-SLX board(see www.acromag.com for more information).■ EnvironmentalAir-Cooled Operating Temperature0 to 70°C (air flow requirement as measured to begreater than 200 LFM).Conduction-Cooled Operating Temperature Range-40 to 85°C (board must operate in a fully-installedconduction-cooled rack).Storage Temperature Range-55 to 100°C.Relative Humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Vibration0.05g RMS (20 - 2000Hz) random,operating 6g RMS per Hz spectrum.Shock30g each axis, 11ms.MTBFConsult factory.125 MHz64-BITSPARTAN-6 FPGAFRONT I/OCONTROL / INTERRUPTLOGICSPARTAN-6DIGITAL CLOCKMANAGERDUAL-PORT SRAMINTERFACE / INTERRUPTCONTROL & LOGICLOCAL BUSINTERFACE LOGICAIR TEMPERATURESENSORFLASHCONFIGURATION MEMORY16M X 8-BIT■ Power RequirementsCarrier-Only Power Requirements+3.3V DC: 0.9A typical plus any additional powerconsumed by PMC/XMC (4A max).+5V DC: 0.9A typical plus any additional powerconsumed by PMC/XMC (4A max).+12V DC and –12V DC provided to PMC site fromVPX backplane.Ordering InformationNOTE: XMC-SLX-EDK is required to configure FPGA.■ VPX BoardsVPX-SLX1503U VPX card with user-configurable Spartan-6 FPGA,air-cooledVPX-SLX150-CC3U VPX card with user-configurable Spartan-6 FPGA,conduction-cooled■ AXM Plug-In I/O Extension ModulesFor more information, see www.acromag.com.AXM-A302 analog input 100MHz 16-bit A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.■ SoftwareFor more information, see www.acromag.com.XMC-SLX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software support packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)CRYSTAL125MHZPLL CLOCKFROM FPGA10CLOCKMULTIPLEXERLOW SKEWCLOCK DRIVERSFPGA CLOCKSRAM 1 CLOCKSRAM 2 CLOCKLOCAL BUSCLOCKDUAL-PORTSRAM256k x 64 (STD)1M x 64 (-1M)125 MHz64-BITLOCAL BUS32-BITVIRTEX-5 LX30T PCIe INTERFACECONFIGURATIONCONTROL LOGICCONTROL LOGICDMA CH 0 AND 14LANESPCIe BUSINTERFACEINTERRUPT LOGICTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 4/2011.

VPX BoardsVPX-VLX VPX Board with User-Configurable Virtex-5 FPGAFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O ModuleDDR2SDRAM32M x 16DDR2SDRAM32M x 1697 I/OXC5VLX85TXC5VLX110TXC5VLX155TFlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus(4 lanes)VPX 3U card with PCIe interface ◆ Logic-optimized Virtex-5 FPGA ◆ Air and conduction-cooled modelsDescriptionVPX-VLX85: 85k logic cellsVPX-VLX110: 110k logic cellsVPX-VLX155: 155k logic cellsAcromag’s VPX-VLX 3U VPX boards feature aconfigurable Xilinx ® Virtex ® -5 FPGA enhancedwith multiple high-speed memory buffers and ahigh-throughput PCIe interface. The result is apowerful and flexible logic processor module thatis capable of executing your custom instructionsets and algorithms.Three models provide a choice of logic-optimizedFPGAs to match your performance requirements.Although there is no limit to the uses for theseboards, several applications are ideal. Typical usesinclude hardware simulation, military servers,communications, in-circuit diagnostics, signalintelligence, and image processing.Large, high-speed memory banks provideefficient data handling. Generous DDR2 SDRAMbuffers store captured data prior to FPGAprocessing. Afterward, data is moved to dualportSRAM for high-speed DMA transfer to/fromthe rest of the system. A high-bandwidth PCIeinterface ensures fast data throughput.64 I/O lines are accessible through the rear (P2)connector. Additional I/O processing is supportedon a separate mezzanine card that plugs intothe FPGA base board. A variety of these externalAXM I/O cards are available to interface youranalog and digital I/O signals.Take advantage of the conduction-cooled versionfor use in hostile environments. Conductionefficiently dissipates heat if there is inadequatecooling air flow.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit providessoftware utilities and example VHDL code tosimplify your program development and getyou running quickly. A JTAG interface enableson-board VHDL debugging.Conduction-cooled versionPlug in an AXM analog or digital I/O module foradditional I/O signal processing capabilities.Key Features & Benefits■ Reconfigurable Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA■ PCIe bus 4-lane Gen 1 interface■ Supports both front and rear I/O connections■ 64 I/O or 32 LVDS lines direct to FPGA via rear(P2) connector■ Plug-in I/O extension modules are available forthe front mezzanine■ FPGA code loads from the PCIe bus or fromon-board flash memory■ 1M x 64-bit dual-ported SRAM provides directlinks from the PCIe bus and to the FPGA■ 32M x 32-bit DDR2 SDRAM is directly accessedthrough the FPGA■ Supports dual DMA channel data transferto/from the rest of the system■ Support for Xilinx ChipScope Pro interface■ Designed for conduction-cooled host card or-40 to 85°C operation in air-cooled systemsTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-627

VPX BoardsVPX-VLX VPX Board with User-Configurable Virtex-5 FPGAPerformance Specifications■ GeneralForm Factor3U VPX bus 6.299” (160mm) x 3.937” (100.0mm).PitchVPX-VLXxxx (air-cooled): 0.80” pitch.VPX-VLXxxx-CC (conduction-cooled): 0.85” pitch.Chassis CompatibilityCompatible VITA 65 module / slot profiles:MOD3-PER-2F-16.3.1-3 / SLT3-PER-2F-14.3.1MOD3-PER-1F-16.3.2-2 / SLT3-PER-1F-14.3.2MOD3-PAY-1D-16.2.6-1 1 / SLT3-PAY-1D-14.2.6MOD3-PAY-2F-16.2.7-1 1 / SLT3-PAY-2F-14.2.7Note 1: Board is compatible with payload profiles buthas no hosting capabilities.FRU EEPROM with temperature monitor.PCI Express InterfaceVITA 46.4 fat pipe (x4) PCIe Gen 1 interface.■ FPGAVPXModelVirtex-5FPGA DeviceLogicCellsDSP48ESlicesVPX-VLX85 XC5VLX85T 82,944 48VPX-VLX110 XC5VLX110T 110,592 64VPX-VLX155 XC5VLX155T 155,648 128FPGA configurationDownload via PCIe bus or flash memory.Example FPGA programVHDL provided for bus interface, front & rear I/Ocontrol, SRAM read/write interface logic, and SDRAMmemory interface controller. See EDK kit.FRONT PANELMEZZANINEBUSAXMMODULEREARI/OCRYSTAL125MHZPLL CLOCKFROM FPGA+3.3V1010KCLOCKMULTIPLEXERUSERoLOW SKEWCLOCK DRIVERSJTAG / CHIPSCOPECONTROL LINESI/O64 I/OFPGA CLOCKSRAM 1 CLOCKSRAM 2 CLOCKLOCAL BUSCLOCKDUAL-PORTSRAM1M X 64■ I/O ProcessingAcromag AXM I/O modules:AXM modules plug into the FPGA board’s frontmezzanine for additional I/O lines. Analog and digitalI/O AXM modules are sold separately.Rear I/O64 I/O (32 LVDS) lines supported with a directconnection between the FPGA and the rear I/Oconnector (P2).■ Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required todevelop a custom FPGA program. Kit must be orderedwith the first purchase of a VPX-VLX module(see www.acromag.com for more information).■ EnvironmentalAir-Cooled Operating Temperature0 to 70°C (air flow requirement as measured to begreater than 200 LFM).Conduction-Cooled Operating Temperature Range-40 to 85°C (board must operate in a fully-installedconduction-cooled rack).Storage Temperature Range-55 to 100°C.Relative Humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Vibration0.05g RMS (20 - 2000Hz) random,operating 6g RMS per Hz spectrum.Shock30g each axis, 11ms.MTBFConsult factory.125 MHz64-BIT125 MHz64-BITVIRTEX-5 FPGADDR 2 SRAMINTERFACE / CONTROLLOGICFRONT I/OCONTROL / INTERRUPTLOGICVIRTEX-5DIGITAL CLOCKMANAGERDUAL-PORT SRAMINTERFACE / INTERRUPTCONTROL & LOGICLOCAL BUSINTERFACE LOGICLOCAL BUS32-BITVIRTEX-5 LX30T PCIe INTERFACECONFIGURATIONCONTROL LOGICCONTROL LOGICDMA CH 0 AND 1INTERRUPT LOGIC4LANESDOUBLE DATA RATE 2SDRAM 32M X 16DOUBLE DATA RATE 2SDRAM 32M X 16FLASHCONFIGURATION MEMORY16M X 8-BITPCIe BUSINTERFACE■ Power RequirementsCarrier-Only Power Requirements+3.3V DC: 0.9A typical plus any additional powerconsumed by PMC/XMC (4A max).+5V DC: 0.9A typical plus any additional powerconsumed by PMC/XMC (4A max).+12V DC and –12V DC provided to PMC site fromVPX backplane.Ordering InformationNOTE: XMC-VLX-EDK is required to configure FPGA.■ VPX BoardsVPX-VLX853U VPX, Virtex-5 FPGA, 85k logic cells, air-cooledVPX-VLX85-CCSame as VPX-VLX85 except conduction-cooledVPX-VLX1103U VPX, Virtex-5 FPGA, 110k logic cells, air-cooledVPX-VLX110-CCSame as VPX-VLX110 except conduction-cooledVPX-VLX1553U VPX, Virtex-5 FPGA, 155k logic cells, air-cooledVPX-VLX155-CCSame as VPX-VLX155 except conduction-cooled■ AXM Plug-In I/O Extension ModulesFor more information, see www.acromag.com.AXM-A302 analog input 100MHz 16-bit A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.■ SoftwareFor more information, see www.acromag.com.XMC-VLX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows® DLL software support packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 4/2011.

XMC ModulesXMC-SLX User-Configurable Spartan-6 FPGA Modules with Plug-In I/O64 I/O or 32 LVDSFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O Module97 I/O1.0VPowerSupply1.8VPowerSupply2.5VPowerSupplyXC6SLX150FlashMemory16MBDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus (4 lanes)Rear 64 I/O PointsXMC module with PCIe interface ◆ Logic-optimized Spartan-6 FPGA ◆ I/O extension mezzanine modulesDescriptionAcromag’s cost-effective XMC-SLX modulesfeature a user-configurable Xilinx ® Spartan ® -6FPGA enhanced with high-speed memory and ahigh-throughput PCIe interface. Field I/O interfacesto the FPGA via the rear J4/P4 connectorand/or with optional front mezzanine plug-in I/Omodules. The result is a powerful and flexible I/Oprocessor module that is capable of executingcustom instruction sets and algorithms.The logic-optimized FPGA is well-suited for abroad range of applications. Typical uses includehardware simulation, communications, in-circuitdiagnostics, military servers, signal intelligence,and image processing.Large, high-speed memory banks enable efficientdata handling. The dual-port SRAM facilitateshigh-speed DMA transfers to the bus or CPU. Ahigh-bandwidth PCIe interface ensures fast datathroughput.64 I/O lines are accessible through the rear (J4)connector. Additional I/O processing is supportedon a separate mezzanine card that plugs intothe FPGA base board. A variety of these externalAXM I/O cards are available to interface youranalog and digital I/O signals.Take advantage of the conduction-cooled designfor use in hostile environments. Conductionefficiently dissipates heat if there is inadequatecooling air flow. Optional extended temperaturemodels operate reliably from -40 to 85°C.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit provides softwareutilities and example VHDL code to simplifyyour program development and get you runningquickly. A JTAG interface enables on-board VHDLdebugging.Plug in an AXM analog or digital I/O module foradditional I/O signal processing capabilities.Key Features & Benefits■ Reconfigurable Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA with147,433 logic cells■ PCIe bus 4-lane Gen 1 interface■ 256k x 64-bit dual-ported SRAM providesdirect links from the PCIe bus and to the FPGA(optional 1M x 64-bit)■ Supports both front and rear I/O connections■ 64 I/O or 32 LVDS lines direct to FPGA via rear(J4) connector■ Plug-in I/O extension modules are available forthe front mezzanine■ FPGA code loads from the PCIe bus or fromflash memory■ Other memory options available (call factory)■ Supports dual DMA channel data transfer tothe CPU/bus■ Support for Xilinx ChipScope Pro interface■ Designed for conduction-cooled host card or-40 to 85°C operation in air-cooled systemsVPX air-cooled and REDI versions are availableTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-588

XMC ModulesXMC-SLX User-Configurable Spartan-6 FPGA Modules with Plug-In I/OPerformance Specifications■ FPGAFPGA DeviceXilinx Spartan-6 FPGA.Model XC6SLX150-3FG676 FPGA with 147,433 logiccells and 180 DSP48A1 slices.FPGA configurationDownload via PCIe bus or flash memory.Example FPGA programVHDL provided for bus interface, front & rear I/Ocontrol, SRAM read/write interface logic, and SDRAMmemory interface controller. See EDK kit.■ I/O ProcessingAcromag AXM I/O modules:AXM modules plug into the XMC module’s frontmezzanine for additional I/O lines. Analog and digitalI/O AXM modules are sold separately.Rear I/O64 I/O (32 LVDS) lines supported with a directconnection between the FPGA and the rear I/Oconnector (J4).FRONT PANELMEZZANINEBUSAXMMODULEREARI/OCRYSTAL125MHZPLL CLOCKFROM FPGA+3.3V1010KCLOCKMULTIPLEXERUSERoLOW SKEWCLOCK DRIVERSJTAG / CHIPSCOPECONTROL LINESI/O64 I/OFPGA CLOCKSRAM 1 CLOCKSRAM 2 CLOCKLOCAL BUSCLOCKDUAL-PORTSRAM256k x 64 (STD)1M x 64 (-1M)■ Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required todevelop a custom FPGA program. Kit must be orderedwith the first purchase of a XMC-SLX module (seewww.acromag.com for more information).■ XMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Express 1.1a electrical and protocolstandards. 2.5Gbps data rate per lane per direction.Complies with ANSI/VITA 42.0 specification for XMCmodule mechanicals and connectors.Complies with ANSI/VITA 42.3 specification for XMCmodules with PCI Express interface.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions).Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Power3.3V (±5%): 700mA typical, 840mA maximum.12V (±5%): 640mA typical, 804mA maximum.MTBFContact the factory.125 MHz64-BIT125 MHz64-BITSPARTAN-6 FPGAFRONT I/OCONTROL / INTERRUPTLOGICSPARTAN-6DIGITAL CLOCKMANAGERDUAL-PORT SRAMINTERFACE / INTERRUPTCONTROL & LOGICLOCAL BUSINTERFACE LOGICLOCAL BUS32-BITVIRTEX-5 LX30T PCIe INTERFACECONFIGURATIONCONTROL LOGICCONTROL LOGICDMA CH 0 AND 14LANESAIR TEMPERATURESENSORFLASHCONFIGURATION MEMORY16M X 8-BITPCIe BUSINTERFACEOrdering InformationNOTE: XMC-SLX-EDK is required to configure FPGA.■ XMC ModulesXMC-SLX150User-configurable Spartan-6 FPGA, 150k logic cells,256 x 64-bit dual-port SRAMXMC-SLX150ESame as XMC-SLX150 with extended temp. rangeXMC-SLX150-1MUser-configurable Spartan-6 FPGA, 150k logic cells,1M x 64-bit dual-port SRAMXMC-SLX150E-1MSame as XMC-SLX150-1M with extended temp. range■ VPX BoardsFor more information, see www.acromag.com.VPX-SLX150VPX board with integrated XMC-SLX150-1M module(see VPX4810 carrier data sheet #8400-626)VPX-SLX150REDIVPX REDI board with integrated XMC-SLX150E-1Mmodule (see VPX4810 carrier data sheet #8400-626)■ AXM Plug-In I/O Extension ModulesFor more information, see www.acromag.com.AXM-A302 analog input 100MHz 16-bit A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.■ SoftwareFor more information, see www.acromag.com.XMC-SLX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software support packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)INTERRUPT LOGICTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 1/2011.

XMC ModulesXMC-VLX User-Configurable Virtex-5 FPGA Modules with Plug-In I/OFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O ModuleDDR2SDRAM32M x 16DDR2SDRAM32M x 1697 I/O1.0VPowerSupply1.8VPowerSupplyXC5VLX85TXC5VLX110TXC5VLX155T2.5VPowerSupplyFlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM1M x 32XC5VLX30TDual PortSRAM1M x 32PCIe Bus (4 lanes)Rear 64 I/O PointsXMC module with PCIe interface ◆ Logic-optimized Virtex-5 FPGA ◆ I/O extension mezzanine modulesDescriptionModelsXMC-VLX85: 85k logic cellsXMC-VLX110: 110k logic cellsXMC-VLX155: 155k logic cellsAcromag’s XMC-VLX mezzanine modules featurea configurable Xilinx ® Virtex -5 FPGA enhancedwith multiple high-speed memory buffers and ahigh-throughput PCIe interface. Field I/O interfacesto the FPGA via the rear J4/P4 connectorand/or with optional front mezzanine plug-in I/Omodules. The result is a powerful and flexible I/Oprocessor module that is capable of executingyour custom instruction sets and algorithms.Three models provide a choice of logic-optimizedFPGAs to match your performance requirements.Although there is no limit to the uses for theseboards, several applications are ideal. Typical usesinclude hardware simulation, military servers,communications, in-circuit diagnostics, signalintelligence, and image processing.64 I/O lines are accessible through the rear (J4)connector. Additional I/O processing is supportedon a separate mezzanine card that plugs into theFPGA base board. A variety of these external I/Ocards are available to interface for your analogand digital I/O signals.Large, high-speed memory banks provide efficientdata handling. Generous DDR2 SDRAMbuffers store captured data prior to FPGA processing.Afterward, data is moved to dual-portSRAM for high-speed DMA transfer to the bus orCPU. Our high-bandwidth PCIe interface ensuresfast data throughput.Take advantage of the conduction-cooled designfor use in hostile environments. Conductionefficiently dissipates heat if there is inadequatecooling air flow. Optional extended temperaturemodels operate reliably from -40 to 85°C.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit provides softwareutilities and example VHDL code to simplifyyour program development and get you runningquickly. A JTAG interface enables on-board VHDLdebugging.Plug in an AXM analog or digital I/O module foradditional I/O signal processing capabilities.Key Features & Benefits■ Reconfigurable Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA■ PCIe bus 4-lane Gen 1 interface■ Supports both front and rear I/O connections■ 64 I/O or 32 LVDS lines direct to FPGA via rear(J4) connector■ Plug-in I/O extension modules are available forthe front mezzanine■ FPGA code loads from the PCIe bus or fromflash memory■ 1M x 64-bit dual-ported SRAM provides directlinks from the PCIe bus and to the FPGA■ 32M x 32-bit DDR2 SDRAM is directly accessedthrough the FPGA■ Other memory options available (call factory)■ Supports dual DMA channel data transfer tothe CPU/bus■ Support for Xilinx ChipScope Pro interface■ Designed for conduction-cooled host card or-40 to 85°C operation in air-cooled systemsTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-588

XMC ModulesXMC-VLX User-Configurable Virtex-5 FPGA Modules with Plug-In I/OPerformance Specifications■ FPGAFPGA DeviceXilinx Virtex-5 FPGA.Model XMC-VLX85:XC5VLX85T-1FF1136 FPGA with 82,944 logic cells and48 DSP48E slices.Model XMC-LX110:XC5VLX110T-1FF1136 FPGA with 110,592 logic cellsand 64 DSP48E slices.Model XMC-LX155:XC5VLX155T-1FF1136 FPGA with 155,648 logic cellsand 128 DSP48E slices.FPGA configurationDownload via PCIe bus or flash memory.Example FPGA programVHDL provided for bus interface, front & rear I/Ocontrol, SRAM read/write interface logic, and SDRAMmemory interface controller. See EDK kit.■ I/O ProcessingAcromag AXM I/O modules:AXM modules plug into the XMC module’s frontmezzanine for additional I/O lines. Analog and digitalI/O AXM modules are sold separately.Rear I/O64 I/O (32 LVDS) lines supported with a directconnection between the FPGA and the rear I/Oconnector (J4).■ Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required todevelop a custom FPGA program. Kit must be orderedwith the first purchase of a XMC-VLX module (seewww.acromag.com for more information).■ XMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Express 1.1a electrical and protocolstandards. 2.5Gbps data rate per lane per direction.Complies with ANSI/VITA 42.0 specification for XMCmodule mechanicals and connectors.Complies with ANSI/VITA 42.3 specification for XMCmodules with PCI Express interface.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions).Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Power3.3V (±5%): 700mA typical, 840mA maximum+12V (±5%): 820mA typical, 984mA maximumMTBFContact the factory.DOUBLEDATARATE 2SDRAM32M X 16DOUBLEDATARATE 2SDRAM32M X 16Ordering Information■ XMC ModulesXMC-VLX85User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA, 85k logic cellsXMC-VLX85ESame as XMC-VLX85 with extended temp. rangeXMC-VLX110User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA, 110k logic cellsXMC-VLX110ESame as XMC-VLX110 with extended temp. rangeXMC-VLX155User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA, 155k logic cellsXMC-VLX155ESame as XMC-VLX155 with extended temp. rangeXMC-VLX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)■ AXM Plug-In I/O Extension ModulesFor more information, see www.acromag.com.AXM-A302 analog input 100MHz 16-bit A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.FRONT PANELMEZZANINEBUSAXMMODULEREARI/O+3.3V10KUSERoJTAG / CHIPSCOPECONTROL LINESI/O64 I/O125 MHz64-BITVIRTEX-5 FPGADDR 2 SRAMINTERFACE / CONTROLLOGICFRONT I/OCONTROL / INTERRUPTLOGICVIRTEX-5DIGITAL CLOCKMANAGERDUAL-PORT SRAMINTERFACE / INTERRUPTCONTROL & LOGICLOCAL BUSINTERFACE LOGICFLASHCONFIGURATION MEMORY16M X 8-BIT■ SoftwareFor more information, see www.acromag.com.PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows® DLL software support packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)CRYSTAL125MHZ1FPGA CLOCKSRAM 1 CLOCKDUAL-PORTSRAM1M X 64LOCAL BUS32-BITPLL CLOCKFROM FPGA0CLOCKMULTIPLEXERLOW SKEWCLOCK DRIVERSSRAM 2 CLOCKLOCAL BUSCLOCK125 MHz64-BITVIRTEX-5 LX30T PCIe INTERFACECONFIGURATIONCONTROL LOGICCONTROL LOGICDMA CH 0 AND 14LANESPCIe BUSINTERFACEINTERRUPT LOGICTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2010. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 8/2010.

PMC ModulesPMC-VFX70User-ConfigurableVirtex-5 FPGA Moduleswith Plug-In I/O■ XC5VFX70T FPGA: 71,680 logic cells and embeddedPowerPC 440 processor 32-bit RISC coreDescriptionAcromag’s PMC-VFX boards feature a reconfigurableXilinx ® Virtex -5 FPGA enhanced with multiple highspeedmemory buffers and a high-throughput PCI-Xinterface. Field I/O interfaces to the FPGA via the rearJ4/P4 connector and/or with optional front mezzanineplug-in I/O modules. The result is a powerful andflexible I/O processor module that is capable ofexecuting your custom instruction sets and algorithms.The on-board FPGA has a hard core PowerPC 440 blockto handle the most complex and memory-intensivecomputing applications. Offload your CPU-intensiveoperations such as video and 3D data processing orfixed-point math for superior system performance.The PowerPC core also enables system-on-chipfunctionality with real-time processing capabilities.64 I/O lines are provided via the rear (J4) connector.Additional I/O processing is supported on a separatemezzanine card that plugs into the FPGA base board.A variety of these external I/O cards offer an interfacefor your analog and digital I/O signals. See the AXM I/OCard data sheet (Bulletin 8400-458) for more details.Large, high-speed memory banks provide efficientdata handling. Generous DDR2 SDRAM buffers storecaptured data prior to FPGA processing. Afterward,data is moved to dual-port SRAM for high-speed DMAtransfer to the system. Our high-bandwidth PCI-Xinterface ensures fast data throughput.Take advantage of the module’s support of conductioncooling for efficient dissipation of heat in environmentswith inadequate cooling air flow. Optional extendedtemperature models operate from -40 to 85°C.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit provides softwareutilities and example VHDL code to simplify yourprogram development and get you running quickly.A JTAG interface enables on-board VHDL simulation.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Download your own programs into the reconfigurable FPGA to quickly create custom I/O module. Optional I/O modules. plug into the front mezzanine.Features■ Reconfigurable Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA■ PCI-X bus 100MHz 64-bit interface■ Supports both front and rear I/O connections■ 64 I/O or 32 LVDS lines direct to FPGA via rear (J4)■ Plug-in I/O modules available for front mezzanine■ FPGA code loads from PCI bus or 32MB flash memory■ Two banks of 256K x 32-bit dual-ported SRAM■ Two banks of 64M x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAM■ Other memory options available (contact factory)■ Supports dual DMA channel data transfer to CPU/bus■ Supports 3.3V signalling■ Support for Xilinx ChipScope Pro interface■ Conduction-cooled or -40 to 85°C operating rangePlug-in AXM I/O or use base board for conduction-cooled applications.Plug-in modules sold separately for analog and digital I/O functions.SpecificationsFPGAFPGA: Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA XC5VFX70T FPGA with71,680 logic cells and PowerPC processor blockFPGA configuration: Download via PCI bus or flash memory.Example FPGA program: VHDL provided for local bus interface,control of front & rear I/O, SRAM read/write interfacelogic, and SDRAM memory interface controller. See EDK kit.I/O ProcessingAcromag AXM I/O modules: for front mezzanine:AXM modules attach to the board for additional I/O lines.Analog and digital I/O AXM modules are sold separately.Rear I/O:64 I/O (32 LVDS) lines supported with a direct connectionbetween the FPGA and the rear I/O connector (J4).Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required to develop acustom FPGA program. Kit must be ordered with the firstpurchase of a PMC-VFX module (see Catalog 8400-139).PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 3.0 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.PCI Bus Modes: Supports PCI-X at 100MHz, 66MHz andStandard PCI at 66MHz and 33MHzPCI-X Master/Target: 32-bit or 64-bit interfaceSignaling: 3.3V compliant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions)Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: Consult factory. Operates from 3.3V supply.MTBF: Consult factory.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • e-mail: solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-499 Printed in USA 12/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O ModuleDDR2SDRAM64M x 16DDR2SDRAM64M x 1697 I/O1.0VPowerSupply1.8VPowerSupply2.5VPowerSupplyXC5VFX70TFlashMemory32MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM256K x 32XC5VLX30Dual PortSRAM256K x 32P3 – PCI/PCI-X BusP1 – PCI/PCI-X BusP4 – Rear 64 I/O PointsP2 – PCI/PCI-X BusOrdering InformationPMC ModulesPMC-VFX70User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA with 71,680 logic cellsand PowerPC processor blockPMC-VFX70ESame as PMC-VFX70 with extended temperature rangePMC-VFX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)AXM Plug-In I/O Extension ModulesFor more information, see AXM data sheet 8400-458.AXM-A302 analog input 105MHz 16-bit A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.SoftwareSee software documentation on our website for details.PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • e-mail: solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-499 Printed in USA 12/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC-VLX85/110/155User-ConfigurableVirtex-5 FPGA Moduleswith Plug-In I/OPMC Modulesn PMC-VLX85: 82,944 logic cells (XC5VLX85T)n PMC-VLX110: 110,592 logic cells (XC5VLX110T)n PMC-VLX155: 155,648 logic cells (XC5VLX155T)DescriptionAcromag’s PMC-VLX boards feature a reconfigurableXilinx ® Virtex -5 FPGA enhanced with multiple highspeedmemory buffers and a high-throughput PCI-Xinterface. Field I/O interfaces to the FPGA via the rearJ4/P4 connector and/or with optional front mezzanineplug-in I/O modules. The result is a powerful andflexible I/O processor module that is capable ofexecuting your custom instruction sets and algorithms.Three models provide a choice of logic-optimizedFPGAs to match your performance requirements.Although there is no limit to the uses for these boards,several applications are ideal. Typical uses includehardware simulation, communications, military servers,in-circuit diagnostics, signal intelligence, and imageprocessing.64 I/O lines are provided via the rear (J4) connector.Additional I/O processing is supported on a separatemezzanine card that plugs into the FPGA base board.A variety of these external I/O cards offer an interfacefor your analog and digital I/O signals. See the AXM I/OCard data sheet for more details.Large, high-speed memory banks provide efficient datahandling. Generous DDR2 SDRAM buffers store captureddata prior to FPGA processing. Afterward, data ismoved to dual-port SRAM for high-speed DMA transferto the bus or CPU. Our high-bandwidth PCI-X interfaceensures fast data throughput.Take advantage of conduction cooling for use in hostileenvironments. Conduction efficiently dissipates heat inenvironments with inadequate cooling air flow. Optionalextended temperature models operate from -40 to 85°C.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit provides softwareutilities and example VHDL code to simplify yourprogram development and get you running quickly.A JTAG interface enables on-board VHDL simulation.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Download your own programs into the reconfigurable FPGA to quickly create custom I/O module. Optional I/O modules plug into the front mezzanine.Featuresn Reconfigurable Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAn PCI-X bus 100MHz 64-bit interfacen Supports both front and rear I/O connectionsn 64 I/O or 32 LVDS lines direct to FPGA via rear (J4)n Plug-in I/O modules are available for front mezzaninen FPGA code loads from PCI bus or flash memoryn Two banks of 256Kb x 32-bit dual-ported SRAMn Two banks of 32Mb x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAMn Other memory options available (contact factory)n Supports dual DMA channel data transfer to CPU/busn Supports 3.3V signallingn Support for Xilinx ChipScope Pro interfacen Conduction-cooled or -40 to 85°C operating rangePlug-in AXM I/O or use base board for conduction-cooled applications.Plug-in modules sold separately for analog and digital I/O functions.SpecificationsFPGAFPGA: Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAPMC-VLX85: XC5VLX85T FPGA with 82,944 logic cellsand 48 DSP48E slicesPMC-LX110: XC5VLX110T FPGA with 110,592 logic cellsand 64 DSP48E slicesPMC-LX110: XC5VLX110T FPGA with 155,648 logic cellsand 128 DSP48E slicesFPGA configuration: Download via PCI bus or flash memory.Example FPGA program: VHDL provided for local bus interface,control of front & rear I/O, SRAM read/write interfacelogic, and SDRAM memory interface controller. See EDKkit.I/O ProcessingAcromag AXM I/O modules: for front mezzanine:AXM modules attach to the board for additional I/O lines.Analog and digital I/O AXM modules are sold separately.Rear I/O:64 I/O (32 LVDS) lines supported with a direct connectionbetween the FPGA and the rear I/O connector (J4).Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required to develop acustom FPGA program. Kit must be ordered with the firstpurchase of a PMC-VLX module See Engineering Design Kit.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 3.0 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.PCI Bus Modes: Supports PCI-X at 100MHz, 66MHz andStandard PCI at 66MHz and 33MHzPCI-X Master/Target: 32-bit or 64-bit interfaceSignaling: 3.3V compliant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions)Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: Consult factory. Operates from 3.3V supply.MTBF: Hours at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2VLX-85: 633,360; VLX-10: 624,625; VLX-155; call factory.PMC ModulesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-483c Printed in USA 8/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC ModulesFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O ModuleDDR2SDRAM32M x 16DDR2SDRAM32M x 1697 I/O1.0VPowerSupply1.8VPowerSupply2.5VPowerSupplyXC5VFX70TXC5VLX85TXC5VLX110TXC5VLX155TXC5VSX95TFlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM256K x 32XC5VLX30Dual PortSRAM256Kb x 32PCI/PCI-X BusPCI/PCI-X BusRear 64 I/O PointsPCI/PCI-X BusPMC ModulesOrdering InformationPMC ModulesPMC-VLX85User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA with 82,944 logic cellsPMC-VLX85ESame as PMC-VLX85 with extended temperature rangePMC-VLX110User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA with 110,592 logic cellsPMC-VLX110ESame as PMC-VLX110 with extended temperature rangePMC-VLX155User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA with 155,648 logic cellsPMC-VLX155ESame as PMC-VLX155 with extended temperature rangeAXM Plug-In I/O Extension ModulesFor more information, see AXM data sheet.AXM-A302 analog input 100MHz 16-bit A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.Software(see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)PMC-VLX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-483c Printed in USA 8/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC-VSX95User-ConfigurableVirtex-5 FPGA Moduleswith Plug-In I/OPMC Modulesn PMC-VSX95: 94,208 logic cells and 640 DSP48Eslices (XC5VSX95T)DescriptionAcromag’s PMC-VSX boards feature a reconfigurableXilinx ® Virtex -5 FPGA enhanced with multiple highspeedmemory buffers and a high-throughput PCI-Xinterface. Field I/O interfaces to the FPGA via the rearJ4/P4 connector and/or with optional front mezzanineplug-in I/O modules. The result is a powerful andflexible I/O processor module that is capable ofexecuting your custom instruction sets and algorithms.The on-board FPGA is a DSP-optimized version of theVirtex-5 FPGA. Although there is no limit to the uses forthese boards, several applications are ideal. Typical usesinclude hardware simulation, communications, militaryservers, in-circuit diagnostics, signal intelligence, andimage processing.64 I/O lines are provided via the rear (J4) connector.Additional I/O processing is supported on a separatemezzanine card that plugs into the FPGA base board.A variety of these external I/O cards offer an interfacefor your analog and digital I/O signals. See the AXM I/OCard data sheet (Bulletin 8400-458) for more details.Large, high-speed memory banks provide efficient datahandling. Generous DDR2 SDRAM buffers store captureddata prior to FPGA processing. Afterward, data ismoved to dual-port SRAM for high-speed DMA transferto the bus or CPU. Our high-bandwidth PCI-X interfaceensures fast data throughput.Take advantage of conduction cooling for use in hostileenvironments. Conduction efficiently dissipates heat inenvironments with inadequate cooling air flow. Optionalextended temperature models operate from -40 to 85°C.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit provides softwareutilities and example VHDL code to simplify yourprogram development and get you running quickly.A JTAG interface enables on-board VHDL simulation.Download your own programs into the reconfigurable FPGA to quickly create custom I/O module. Optional I/O modules plug into the front mezzanine.Featuresn Reconfigurable Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA (VSX95T)n PCI-X bus 100MHz 64-bit interfacen Supports both front and rear I/O connectionsn 64 I/O or 32 LVDS lines direct to FPGA via rear (J4)n Plug-in I/O modules are available for front mezzaninen FPGA code loads from PCI bus or flash memoryn Two banks of 256Kb x 32-bit dual-ported SRAMn Two banks of 32Mb x 16-bit DDR2 SDRAMn Other memory options available (contact factory)n Supports dual DMA channel data transfer to CPU/busn Supports 3.3V signallingn Support for Xilinx ChipScope Pro interfacen Conduction-cooled or -40 to 85°C operating rangePlug-in AXM I/O or use base board for conduction-cooled applications.SpecificationsFPGAFPGA: Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAPMC-VSX95: XC5VSX95T FPGA with 94,208 logic cellsand 640 DSP48E slicesFPGA configuration: Download via PCI bus or flash memory.Example FPGA program: VHDL provided implements localbus interface, control of front and rear I/O, SRAM read/write interface logic, and SDRAM memory interfacecontroller. Program requires user proficiency with Xilinxsoftware tools. See Engineering Design Kit.I/O ProcessingAcromag AXM I/O modules: for front mezzanine:AXM modules attach to the board for additional I/O lines.Analog and digital I/O AXM modules are sold separately.Rear I/O:64 I/O (32 LVDS) lines supported with a direct connectionbetween the FPGA and the rear I/O connector (J4).Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required to develop acustom FPGA program. Kit must be ordered with the firstpurchase of a PMC-VSX module See Engineering Design Kit.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 3.0 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.PCI Bus Modes: Supports PCI-X at 100MHz, 66MHz andStandard PCI at 66MHz and 33MHzPCI-X Master/Target: 32-bit or 64-bit interfaceSignaling: 3.3V compliant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions)Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: Consult factory. Operates from 3.3V supply.MTBF: 630,959 hours at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2PMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Plug-in modules sold separately for analog and digital I/O functions.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-484c Printed in USA 8/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC ModulesFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O ModuleDDR2SDRAM32M x 16DDR2SDRAM32M x 1697 I/O1.0VPowerSupply1.8VPowerSupply2.5VPowerSupplyXC5VFX70TXC5VLX85TXC5VLX110TXC5VLX155TXC5VSX95TFlashMemory16MB64 I/O or 32 LVDSDual-PortSRAM256K x 32XC5VLX30Dual PortSRAM256Kb x 32PCI/PCI-X BusPCI/PCI-X BusRear 64 I/O PointsPCI/PCI-X BusPMC ModulesOrdering InformationPMC ModulesPMC-VSX95User-configurable Virtex-5 FPGA with 94,208 logic cellsPMC-VSX95ESame as PMC-VSX95 with extended temperature rangePMC-VSX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)AXM Plug-In I/O Extension ModulesFor more information, see AXM data sheet.AXM-A302 analog input 100MHz 16-bit A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.Software(see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-484b Printed in USA 1/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC-LX40/LX60User-configurableVirtex-4 FPGA Moduleswith plug-in I/O■ PMC-LX40: 41,472 logic cells (XC4VLX40)■ PMC-LX60: 59,904 logic cells (XC4VLX60)Download your own logic programs into the user-configured FPGA to quickly create a custom I/O module. Shown with optional plug-in I/O module.DescriptionAcromag’s PMC-LX boards use a high-performanceXilinx® Virtex-4 FPGA, but maintain a relatively lowprice point.They are optimized for high-performancelogic, featuring a high logic-to-feature ratio and a highI/O-to-feature ratio Two modules let you select anFPGA to match your logic requirements.Although there is no limit to the uses for Acromag’sFPGA boards, several applications are ideal for this newtechnology.Typical uses include hardware simulation,communication processing, in-circuit diagnostics,military servers, and telecommunication.I/O processing is handled on a separate mezzanine cardthat plugs into the FPGA base board. A variety of theseexternal I/O cards offer an interface for your analog anddigital I/O signals. See the AXM I/O Card data sheet(Bulletin 8400-458) for more details. Additionally, 64 I/Olines are supported via the rear (J4) connector.Plenty of DRAM memory is available for receipt andtransfer of high-speed data from the I/O data ports onthe front and rear of the board. Dual Ported SRAMmemory is supplied for storage of data to be passed, viaDMA transfer, to the PCI bus. One of the dual ports isattached to the FPGA and the other to the local bus.The PCI bus interface is handled by a PLX® PCI 9656device which provides 64-bit 66MHz bus masteringwith dual-channel DMA support.Take advantage of the optional conduction coolingfor use in hostile environments. Conduction coolingprovides efficient heat dissipation in environmentswhere there is inadequate cooling air flow.Acromag provides software utilities and examples tosimplify your programming and get you started quickly.A JTAG interface enables on-board VHDL simulation.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Features■ Customizable FPGA (Xilinx Virtex-4 XC4VLX40/60)with up to 60K logic cells and 64 XtremeDSP slices■ Supports both front and rear I/O■ Plug-in I/O modules are available for front mezzanine■ 64 I/O lines supported with direct connection toFPGA via rear (J4) connector■ FPGA code loads from PCI bus or flash memory■ 256K x 36-bit dual-ported SRAM■ 32Mb x 32-bit DDR DRAM■ Supports dual DMA channel data transfer to CPU■ Supports both 5V and 3.3V signalling■ Conduction cooled or 0 to 70°C operating rangeThe base board is ready for conduction-cooled applications.Plug-in AXM modules sold separately for analog and digital I/O.SpecificationsFPGAFPGA: Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGAPMC-LX40: XC4VLX40 FPGA with 41,472 logic cellsand 64 DSP slicesPMC-LX60: XC4VLX60 FPGA with 59,904 logic cellsand 64 DSP slicesFPGA configuration: Downloadable via PCI bus or from flashmemory.Example FPGA program: VHDL provided implements interfaceto PCI bus IC, interface to dual port SRAM, PLL control, ADC,and DAC control. Program requires user proficiency withXilinx software tools. See Engineering Design Kit.I/O ProcessingAXM modules: for front mezzanine:Acromag AXM modules attach to the board to provide I/O.A variety of modules are available and are sold separately.Rear I/O:32 LVDS I/O lines supported with a direct connectionbetween the FPGA and the rear I/O connector (J4).Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required to develop acustom FPGA program. Kit must be ordered with the firstpurchase of a PMC-LX module. (see Design Kit for details)PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.PCI bus clock frequency: 66MHz.64-bit PCI Master: Implemented by PLX PCI 9656 device.Signaling: 5V and 3.3V compliant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°CStorage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: Consult factory. Operates from 3.3V supply.MTBF: Hours at 25°CMIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2PMC-LX40 773,246; PMC-LX60 870,489Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-456c Printed in USA 07/07 Copyright © 2007 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC Modules64 I/O or 32 LVDSFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O Extension ModuleSystemMonitorChipscope / JTAGControl Lines64 I/OXC4VLX40XC4VLX60XC4VSX35FlashMemoryDual PortSRAM256Kb x 32Local BusProgrammingControllerPCI BusInterface64-bit66MHzJN4 - Rear I/OJN1JN2 JN3DDR DRAM32Mb x 16DDR DRAM32Mb x 16PowerManagementCircuitOrdering InformationPMC ModulesPMC-LX40User-configurable Virtex-4 FPGA with 41,472 logic cellsPMC-LX60User-configurable Virtex-4 FPGA with 59,904 logic cellsPMC-LX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)AXM Plug-In I/O ModulesFor more information, see AXM data sheet 8400-458.AXM-A302 16-bit 100MHz A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.Software (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-456b Printed in USA 03/07 Copyright © 2007 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC-SX35User-configurableVirtex-4 FPGA Moduleswith plug-in I/ODescriptionAcromag’s PMC-SX boards use a high-performanceXilinx® Virtex-4 FPGA, but maintain a relatively lowprice point.They are optimized for high-performancedigital signal processing to help you build custompre/post/co-processing hardware or high-performancefilters. You can create more than 40 different functions(MACs, multipliers, adders, and muxes).Although there is no limit to the uses for Acromag’sFPGA boards, typical applications include sonar andradar processing.I/O processing is handled on a separate mezzanine cardthat plugs into the FPGA base board. A variety of theseexternal I/O cards offer an interface for your analog anddigital I/O signals. See the AXM I/O Card data sheet(Bulletin 8400-458) for more details. Additionally, 64 I/Olines are supported via the rear (J4) connector.Plenty of DRAM memory is available for receipt andtransfer of high-speed data from the I/O data ports onthe front and rear of the board. Dual Ported SRAMmemory is supplied for storage of data to be passed, viaDMA transfer, to the PCI bus. One of the dual ports isattached to the FPGA and the other to the local bus.The PCI bus interface is handled by a PLX® PCI 9656device which provides 64-bit 66MHz bus masteringwith dual-channel DMA support.Take advantage of the optional conduction coolingfor use in hostile environments. Conduction coolingprovides efficient heat dissipation in environmentswhere there is inadequate cooling air flow.Acromag provides software utilities and examples tosimplify your programming and get you started quickly.A JTAG interface enables on-board VHDL simulation.Download your own logic programs into the user-configured FPGA to quickly create a custom I/O module. Shown with optional plug-in I/O module.Features■ Customizable FPGA (Xilinx Virtex-4 XC4VSX35) withup to 34K logic cells and 192 XtremeDSP slices■ Supports both front and rear I/O■ Plug-in I/O modules are available for front mezzanine■ 64 I/O lines supported with direct connection toFPGA via rear (J4) connector■ FPGA code loads from PCI bus or flash memory■ 256K x 36-bit dual-ported SRAM■ 32Mb x 32-bit DDR DRAM■ Supports dual DMA channel data transfer to CPU■ Supports both 5V and 3.3V signalling■ Conduction cooled or 0 to 70°C operating rangeThe base board is ready for conduction-cooled applications.SpecificationsFPGAFPGA: Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA XC4VSX35 with 34,560 logic cellsand 192 DSP slices.FPGA configuration: Downloadable via PCI bus or from flashmemory.Example FPGA program: VHDL provided implements interfaceto PCI bus IC, interface to dual port SRAM, PLL control, ADC,and DAC control. Program requires user proficiency withXilinx software tools. See Engineering Design Kit.I/O ProcessingAXM modules: for front mezzanine:Acromag AXM modules attach to the board to provide I/O.A variety of modules are available and are sold separately.Rear I/O:32 LVDS I/O lines supported with a direct connectionbetween the FPGA and the rear I/O connector (J4).Engineering Design KitProvides user with basic information required to develop acustom FPGA program. Kit must be ordered with the firstpurchase of a PMC-SX module. (see Design Kit for details)PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.PCI bus clock frequency: 66MHz.32-bit PCI Master: Implemented by PLX PCI 9056 device.Signaling: 5V and 3.3V compliant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°CStorage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: Consult factory. Operates from 3.3V supply.MTBF: 869,686 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Plug-in AXM modules sold separately for analog and digital I/O.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-457b Printed in USA 03/07 Copyright © 2007 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC Modules64 I/O or 32 LVDSPMC ModulesFront Panel Mezzanine BusAXM I/O Extension ModuleSystemMonitorChipscope / JTAGControl Lines64 I/ODDR DRAM32Mb x 16XC4VLX40XC4VLX60XC4VSX35DDR DRAM32Mb x 16FlashMemoryDual PortSRAM256Kb x 32Local BusProgrammingControllerPCI BusInterface64-bit66MHzPowerManagementCircuitJN4 - Rear I/OJN1JN2 JN3PMC ModulesOrdering InformationPMC ModulesPMC-SX35User-configurable Virtex-4 FPGA with 34,560 logic cellsPMC-SX-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)AXM Plug-In I/O ModulesFor more information, see AXM data sheet 8400-458.AXM-A302 16-bit 100MHz A/D channelsAXM-D0230 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.Software (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-457b Printed in USA 03/07 Copyright © 2007 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP-EP200JTAG-ReconfigurableCyclone II FPGADigital I/O ModulesThis series of plug-in mezzanine modules provides auser-customizable Altera ® Cyclone II FPGA on anIndustry Pack (IP) module. The module allows users todevelop and store their own instruction set in the FPGAfor adaptive computing applications. Typical usesinclude specialized communication systems overRS422/485 networks, test fixture simulation of signalsover TTL-switched lines, and analysis of acquired datausing specialized mathematical formulas such as thosedeveloped with MathWorks’s MatLab ® software.The FPGA on Acromag’s IP-EP200 modules can controlup to 48 TTL or 24 RS485 I/O signals or a mix of bothtypes. Another model interfaces 24 LVDS I/O channels.User application programs are downloaded through theJTAG port or via the IP bus directly into the FPGA. Apre-programmed internal CPLD facilitates initializationby acting as the bus controller during power-up andwhile the program is downloading. This bus controller islimited to functions necessary for power-up and downloading.After the program downloads, the FPGA takescontrol of the IP bus and the CPLD disables.Features■ Altera Cyclone II EP2C20 FPGA■ Four models available:IP-EP201: 48 TTL I/O linesIP-EP202: 24 differential RS485 I/O linesIP-EP203: 24 TTL and 12 RS485 I/O linesIP-EP204: 24 LVDS I/O lines■ FPGA programmable via JTAG port or IP bus■ Local static RAM (64K x 16) under FPGA control■ LVTTL external clock connected directly to the FPGA■ Supports 8MHz and 32MHz IP bus■ Programmable PLL-based clock synthesizer■ Example FPGA design code provided as VHDL- 8MHz IP bus interface- Digital I/O control register- others■ Hardware support for DMA and memory spaceThese modules support adaptive computing applications with an FPGA running custom programs to control system communication.SpecificationsFPGAFPGA: Altera Cyclone II EP2C20.FPGA configuration: Downloadable via JTAG port or IP bus.Clock: Cypress CY22150 (or equivalent).Generates frequencies from 250kHz to 100MHzInput/output signals:IP-EP201: 48 TTL linesIP-EP202: 24 differential RS485 linesIP-EP203: 24 TTL lines and 12 RS485IP-EP204: 24 LVDS linesAll models: LVTTL external clock inputIP bus clock frequency: Supports 8 and 32MHz clocks.ID space: 8-bit data.I/O space: 8 or 16-bit data.Memory space: Wired to FPGA but not supported withexample FPGA design firmware.Interrupt support: Two IP request levels.DMA support: Wired to FPGA but not supported with exampleFPGA design firmware.IP logic interface: CPLD maintains ID space and two locationsin IO space for FPGA configuration. Remaining IO spaceand INT space are defined by the configured FPGA.Example FPGA program: VHDL provided implements IP businterface to IO, ID, and INT space. Requires user proficiencywith VHDL and Altera Quartus ® II software tools. SeeEngineering Design Kit.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported: Input/output (IOSel*),ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select (INTSel*).Access times (8MHz or 32MHz clock):ID space read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).Registers read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).Interrupt read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E models).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Engineering Design KitEngineering Design Kit: Provides user with basic informationrequired to develop a custom FPGA program for downloadto the Altera FPGA. This kit must be ordered with the firstpurchase of an IP-EP200 module.Kit on CD-ROM includes:Schematics (.pdf)Parts list and part location drawing (.pdf)Example VHDL source file (.vhd)Example assignments file (.qsf)Example configuration file (.hex)Programming guide (.pdf)Only one Design Kit purchase is required. User should befluent in use of Altera Quartus design tools. Additionally,user should also purchase either the IPSW-API-VXW(VxWorks source code library) or the IPSW-API-WIN(Windows DLL driver package). These programs includeimportant driver support programs to assist in transferringdeveloper code between user's processor and EPC20 FPGA.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP-EP201: 48 TTL I/O linesIP-EP201E: Same as above w/extended temperature rangeIP-EP202: 24 differential RS485 I/O linesIP-EP202E: Same as above w/extended temperature rangeIP-EP203: 24 TTL and 12 RS485 I/O linesIP-EP203E: Same as above w/extended temperature rangeIP-EP204: 24 LVDS I/O linesIP-EP204E: Same as above w/extended temperature rangeIP-EP2-EDK: Engineering Design Kit (one kit required)Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL driver software support pkg.IPSW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400- 463b Printed in USA 1/08 Copyright © 2006 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

IOS ModulesIOS-EP200 Re-configurable FPGA Module with Digital I/OJTAG-reconfigurable Cyclone-II FPGA ◆ 48 TTL, 24 RS485, 24 TTL + 12 RS485, or 24 LVDS I/O linesDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.The IOS-EP200 series of I/O modules providesa user-customizable Altera ® Cyclone ® II FPGA.The module allows users to develop and storetheir own instruction set in the FPGA foradaptive computing applications. Typical usesinclude specialized communication systems overRS422/485 networks, test fixture simulation ofsignals over TTL-switched lines, and analysis ofacquired data using specialized mathematicalformulas such as those developed withMathWorks MatLab ® software.The FPGA on Acromag’s IOS-EP200 modules cancontrol up to 48 TTL or 24 RS485 I/O signals ora mix of both types. Another model interfaces24 LVDS I/O channels. User application programsare downloaded through the JTAG port or via thebus directly into the FPGA. A pre-programmedinternal CPLD facilitates initialization by actingas the bus controller during power-up and whilethe program is downloading. This bus controlleris limited to functions necessary for power-upand downloading. After the program downloads,the FPGA takes control of the bus and the CPLDdisables.Key Features & Benefits■ Altera Cyclone II EP2C20 FPGA■ Four models available:IOS-EP201: 48 TTL I/O linesIOS-EP202: 24 differential RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP203: 24 TTL and 12 RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP204: 24 LVDS I/O lines■ FPGA programmable via JTAG port or bus■ Local static RAM (64K x 16) under FPGAcontrol■ LVTTL external clock connected directly to theFPGA■ Supports 8MHz and 32MHz bus■ Programmable PLL-based clock synthesizer■ Example FPGA design code provided as VHDL- 8MHz bus interface- Digital I/O control register- others■ Hardware support for DMA and memory space■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-EP20148 TTL I/O linesIOS-EP20224 differential RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP20324 TTL and 12 RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP20424 LVDS I/O linesSoftware SupportIP-EP-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-566c

IOS ModulesIOS-EP200 Re-configurable FPGA Module with Digital I/OPerformance Specifications■ FPGAFPGAAltera Cyclone II EP2C20.FPGA configurationDownloadable via JTAG port or bus.ClockCypress CY22150 (or equivalent).Generates frequencies from 250kHz to 100MHz.Input/output signalsIOS-EP201: 48 TTL linesIOS-EP202: 24 differential RS485 lines.IOS-EP203: 24 TTL lines and 12 RS485.IOS-EP204: 24 LVDS lines.All models: LVTTL external clock input.Bus clock frequencySupports 8 and 32MHz clocks.ID space8-bit data.I/O space8 or 16-bit data.Memory spaceWired to FPGA but not supported withexample FPGA design firmware.Interrupt supportTwo request levels.DMA supportWired to FPGA but not supported with example FPGAdesign firmware.Logic interfaceCPLD maintains ID space and two locations in IO spacefor FPGA configuration. Remaining IO space and INTspace are defined by the configured FPGA.Example FPGA programVHDL provided implements bus interface to IO, ID,and INT space. Requires user proficiency with VHDLand Altera Quartus ® II software tools. See EngineeringDesign Kit.Data RatesTTL: propagation time 6.3nS maximum.EIA485: 20MB per second.LVDS: 100MHz.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz or 32MHz clock):ID space read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).Register read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).Interrupt read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.MTBFConsult factory.■ Engineering Design KitEngineering Design Kit: Provides user with basicinformation required to develop a custom FPGAprogram for download to the Altera FPGA. This kitmust be ordered with the first purchase of anIOS-EP200 module.Kit on CD-ROM includes:• Schematics (.pdf)• Parts list and part location drawing (.pdf)• Example VHDL source file (.vhd)• Example assignments file (.qsf)• Example configuration file (.hex)• Programming guide (.pdf)Only one Design Kit purchase is required. User shouldbe fluent in use of Altera Quartus design tools.Additionally, user should also purchase either theIOSSW-DEV-WIN (Windows DLL driver package) orthe IOSSW-API-LNX (Linux Libraries). These programsinclude important driver support programs to assist intransferring developer code between user’s processorand EPC20 FPGA.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

PMC CarriersAPC-PMCPCI Non-intelligentPMC Carrier CardPMC CarriersDescriptionThis board provides an easy and low cost solutionthat enables use of a PMC mezzanine I/O module in astandard PCI computer system. The carrier card actssimply as an adapter to route PCI bus signals to andfrom the PMC module through the PCI card slot edgeconnector. All Acromag PMC modules and those fromother vendors are supported.Features■ Half-length PCI cardThis carrier card converts a PMC module to a PCI board form factor for easy use in a PC-based computer.SpecificationsEnvironmentalOperating temperature: -40 to 85°C.Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5-95% non-condensingMTBF: 3,526,342 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationCarrier CardAPC-PMCPCI bus carrier card for one PMC modulePMC Carriers■ Holds one PMC card■ 32-bit 66 MHz; PCI Interface■ Front or rear connection I/O access■ Supports both 5V and 3.3V signallingPhysicalPhysical configuration: PCI CardLength: 6.600 inches (167.64 mm)Height: 4.200 inches (106.68 mm)Board thickness: 0.062 inches (1.59 mm)Maximum component height: 0.380 in. (9.65 mm)Max. height under IP modules: 0.180 in. (4.57 mm).Rear connector (carrier field I/O): 64-pin male headerPCI Bus ComplianceThe carrier card may compromise signal integrity at 66 MHz(due to longer trace lengths).All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-401 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC Module CarriersAPMC4110 Busless PMC Module Carrier CardJ1J2P1P2J3J4JTAGPOWERRESET+5V –12V +12V CHolds one PMC module ◆ Delivers power to PMC module ◆ Enables a trouble-free start-up sequenceDescriptionThis PMC module carrier card allows use of aPMC module in an independent stand-alonemode. The carrier card delivers power to thePMC module and regulates the PCI bus start-upsequence to prevent a system lock-up by theconnection to the local bus.As a non-intelligent carrier, the board acts simplyas an adapter to route signals to and from thePMC module. The user has full access to the fieldI/O via two 50-pin ribbon cable connectors.Using an external power supply, this carrier cardallows use of any industry-standard PMC module.The on-board DC-DC converter creates +3.3VDCfrom the external +5VDC source, lowering thenumber of external power connections required.For troubleshooting, a 14-pin Xilinx JTAGconnector facilitates boundary scan debugging.Also, a manual reset button allows the user toforce an RST# signal when needed.Key Features & Benefits■ Single-slot PMC carrier card■ Stand-alone design does not require expensivecard cage or other computer chassis■ Ideal for custom computing solutions based onconfigurable FPGA modules■ On-board DC-DC converter provides +3.3V DCto the PMC module from a +5V power source■ Users can optionally provide a ±12V DC source■ Manual reset button initiates a PCI reset atuser’s discretion■ Voltage monitor designed to prevent codeexecution errors during power-up, powerdown,or potential brown-out conditions when+5V DC supply dips too low■ A standard 14-pin Xilinx JTAG connection isavailable for utilizing the TDI, TDO, TCK, andTMS signals■ Front or rear connection I/O accessTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-622b

PMC Module CarriersAPMC4110 Busless PMC Module Carrier CardPerformance Specifications■ PMC CompatibilityPin assignment conforms to PCI Bus Specification,Revision 3.0.■ PhysicalPhysical ConfigurationHeight: 3.300 inches (83.820 mm).Depth: 3.520 inches (89.408 mm).Board Thickness: 0.063 inches (1.600 mm).Unit Weight: 0.107 lbs. (0.053 kg).ConnectorsP1, P2 (Field I/O): 50-pin, ribbon cable, male receptacleheaders.P3: 4-pin power header.P4: 14-pin Xilinx JTAG port.J1 - J4: 64-pin PMC module connectors.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 120°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Power+5V (±5%): 66mA, typical.+12V (±10%): 0mA, used by PMC module only.-12V (±10%): 0mA, used by PMC module only.Note that 3.3V is generated from the 5V supply.Power requirements do not include the PMC module.±12.0V DC is optional based on user’s needs.IsolationNon-Isolated. PCI interface and field commons have adirect electrical connection.MTBFContact the factory.Ordering InformationCarrier CardAPMC4110Stand-alone powered PMC module carrier card.Accessories5025-550-xFlat ribbon cable, non-shielded, 50-pin connector atboth ends. Specify x = length, in feet (12ft. max.).5025-551-xFlat ribbon cable, shielded, 50-pin connector at bothends. Specify x = length, in feet (12ft. max.).5025-552Termination panel, DIN rail-mount, 50 screw terminals,50-pin ribbon cable connector.PMC ModulesSee www.acromag.com for more information.Software Development ToolsSee www.acromag.com for more information.RIBBON CABLE CONNECTORSPMC MODULE CONNECTORSCOMPONENT SIDE OF PMC CARRIERJTAG POWERCOMPONENT SIDE OF PMC MODULEMOUNTING STANDOFFRESETPMC CARRIER CONNECTORSTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2010. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 9/2010.

PMC CarriersAcPC4610CCCompactPCINon-intelligentPMC Carrier Card(conduction-cooled)PMC CarriersDescriptionThis board provides an easy and low cost solutionthat enables use of a PMC mezzanine I/O module in astandard 3U CompactPCI computer system. The carriercard acts simply as an adapter to route PCI bus signalsto and from the PMC module through the CompactPCIcard slot edge connector. All Acromag PMC modulesand those from other vendors are supported.This board uses a PLX Technology PCI6540 transparentPCI/PCI bridge for data transactions from the PCI bus(system host) to the PMC site. The bridge deviceprovides a 32-bit 33/66 MHz PCI interface.A heat frame enables conduction cooling in applicationswhere ambient or forced air can’t provide adequatecooling. This unit is ideal for airborne systems, deploymentin battleground equipment, and other situationswith advanced thermal management requirements.Field I/O signals are routed through the carrier card’srear J2 connector.An air-cooled rear transition board, Acromag ModelTRANS-C4610, is available to map the field I/O on thePMC module to the rear of the CompactPCI system.Featuresn 3U CompactPCI cardn Holds one PMC cardn 32-bit 33/66 MHz PCI Interfacen Transparent PCI/PCI bridge for data transactionsfrom the PCI bus to PMC modulen Rear connection I/O accessn Supports both 5V and 3.3V signallingThis conduction-cooled carrier card interfaces a PMC module to a CompactPCI computer system.SpecificationsEnvironmentalOperating temperature: -40 to 85°C (conduction-cooled.)Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5-95% non-condensingAmerican National Standard for 2mm Connector EquipmentPractice on Conduction Cooled Euroboards:ANSI/VITA 30.1-2002.American National Standard for Conduction Cooled PMC:ANSI/VITA 20-2001(R2005).Power (received from the CompactPCI 3U Back Plane):3.3V DC (±5%)*: 135mA typical, 150mA max.5.0V DC (±5%)*: 50mA typical, 70mA max.±12V DC (±5%)**: Per PMC module.* With no PMC module installed, ±12V DC not used.** Max. power 7.5W (total all supplies) per PMC standard.MTBF: Call factoryPhysical: CompactPCI Carrier CardPhysical configuration: 3U CompactPCI Card100 x 160mm.Rear CompactPCI connectors: 2mm J1 & J2 connectors.PMC connectors: Three 1mm connectors.The conduction-cooled model (AcPC4610CC) uses a conduction-cooledframe with wedge-loks ® and thermo bars.Physical: Transition ModulePhysical configuration: Half-length 3U CompactPCI Card100 x 80mm.Connectors: 2mm RJ2 connector which maps the rear I/Osignals to a SCSI-3 connector. This model also uses astandard rear front panel assembly with a SCSI-3 connectorcutout.PMC and CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI specification version 2.3, CompactPCI specificationPICMG 2.3 R1.0, and PMC specification P1386.1.Meets PCI specification version 2.3, CompactPCI specificationPICMG 2.3 R1.0, and PMC specification P1386.1.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts: CompactPCI bus INTA# interrupt signal.PCI Interface: PLX Technology PCI6540 transparent PCI/PCIbridge for data transactions from the PCI bus (system host)to the PMC site. The bridge device provides a 32-bit 33/66MHz PCI interface.Ordering InformationCarrier CardsAcPC4610CCCompactPCI bus carrier card for one PMC module,conduction-cooledAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)TRANS-C4610: Transition module, air-cooled5028-432: Shielded cable, SCSI-3 68-pin connector, 2mlong.5025-288: Termination panel, DIN rail-mount,68 screw terminals, SCSI-3 connector.AcPC4610CCPMC 1PCIControllerJ11J12J14J1 J2PMC Carriersn Conduction-cooled -40 to 85°CAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 486c Printed in USA 09/09 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC CarriersAcPC4610ECompactPCINon-intelligentPMC Carrier Card(air-cooled)PMC CarriersDescriptionThis board provides an easy and low cost solutionthat enables use of a PMC mezzanine I/O module in astandard 3U CompactPCI computer system. The carriercard acts simply as an adapter to route PCI bus signalsto and from the PMC module through the CompactPCIcard slot edge connector. All Acromag PMC modulesand those from other vendors are supported.This board uses a PLX Technology PCI6540 transparentPCI/PCI bridge for data transactions from the PCI bus(system host) to the PMC site. The bridge deviceprovides a 32-bit 33/66 MHz PCI interface.Front and rear-panel access to field I/O signals areaccommodated. The carrier card’s front panel cut-outprovides access to a PMC module’s front I/O connector.Alternatively, all I/O signals can be routed through thecarrier card’s rear J2 connector.An air-cooled rear transition board, Acromag ModelTRANS-C4610, maps the field I/O on the PMC moduleto the rear of the CompactPCI system.Featuresn 3U CompactPCI cardn Holds one PMC cardn 32-bit 33/66 MHz PCI Interfacen Transparent PCI/PCI bridge for data transactionsfrom the PCI bus to PMC modulen Rear connection I/O accessn Supports both 5V and 3.3V signallingn -40 to 85°CThis carrier card interfaces a PMC module to a CompactPCI computer system.SpecificationsEnvironmentalOperating temperature: -40 to 85°C.Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5-95% non-condensingPower (received from the CompactPCI 3U Back Plane):3.3V DC (±5%)*: 135mA typical, 150mA max.5.0V DC (±5%)*: 50mA typical, 70mA max.±12V DC (±5%)**: Per PMC module.* With no PMC module installed, ±12V DC not used.** Max. power 7.5W (total all supplies) per PMC standard.MTBF: Call factoryPhysical: CompactPCI Carrier CardPhysical configuration: 3U CompactPCI Card100 x 160mm.Rear CompactPCI connectors: 2mm J1 & J2 connectors.PMC connectors: Three 1mm connectors.The air-cooled model (AcPC4610E) uses the standard frontpanel assembly with a PMC bezel cutout.Physical: Transition ModulePhysical configuration: Half-length 3U CompactPCI Card100 x 80mm.Connectors: 2mm RJ2 connector which maps the rear I/Osignals to a SCSI-3 connector. This model also uses astandard rear front panel assembly with a SCSI-3 connectorcutout.PMC and CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI specification version 2.3, CompactPCI specificationPICMG 2.3 R1.0, and PMC specification P1386.1.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts: CompactPCI bus INTA# interrupt signal.PCI Interface: PLX Technology PCI6540 transparent PCI/PCIbridge for data transactions from the PCI bus (system host)to the PMC site. The bridge device provides a 32-bit 33/66MHz PCI interface.Ordering InformationCarrier CardsAcPC4610ECompactPCI bus carrier card for one PMC module,air-cooledAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)TRANS-C4610: Transition module, air-cooled5028-432: Shielded cable, SCSI-3 68-pin connector, 2mlong.5025-288: Termination panel, DIN rail-mount,68 screw terminals, SCSI-3 connector.AcPC4610EPMC 1PCIControllerJ11J12J14J1 J2PMC CarriersAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-485b Printed in USA 9/09 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC CarriersAcPC4620CCCompactPCINon-intelligentPMC Carrier Card(conduction-cooled)PMC CarriersDescriptionThis board provides an easy and low cost solutionthat enables use of a PMC mezzanine I/O module in astandard 6U CompactPCI computer system. The carriercard acts simply as an adapter to route PCI bus signalsto and from the PMC module through the CompactPCIcard slot edge connector. All Acromag PMC modulesand those from other vendors are supported.This board uses a PLX Technology PCI6540 transparentPCI/PCI bridge for data transactions from the PCI bus(system host) to two PMC sites. The bridge deviceprovides a 32 or 64-bit PCI interface with 33 or 66MHzbus frequencies.A heat frame enables conduction cooling in applicationswhere ambient or forced air can’t provide adequatecooling. This unit is ideal for airborne systems, deploymentin battleground equipment, and other situationswith advanced thermal management requirements.Field I/O signals are routed through the carrier card’srear J3 and J5 connectorsAn air-cooled rear transition board, Acromag ModelTRANS-C4620, maps the field I/O on the PMC moduleto the rear of the CompactPCI system.Featuresn 6U CompactPCI cardn Holds two PMC cardsn 32 or 64-bit PCI Interface at 33 or 66 MHzn Transparent PCI/PCI bridge for data transactionsfrom the PCI bus to PMC modulen Rear connection I/O accessn Supports both 5V and 3.3V signallingn Conduction-cooled -40 to 85°CThis conduction-cooled carrier card interfaces two PMC modules to a CompactPCI computer system.SpecificationsEnvironmentalOperating temperature: -40 to 85°C (conduction-cooled.)Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5-95% non-condensingAmerican National Standard for 2mm Connector EquipmentPractice on Conduction Cooled Euroboards:ANSI/VITA 30.1-2002.American National Standard for Conduction Cooled PMC:ANSI/VITA 20-2001(R2005).Power (received from the CompactPCI 3U Back Plane):3.3V DC (±5%)*: 135mA typical, 150mA max.5.0V DC (±5%)*: 50mA typical, 70mA max.±12V DC (±5%)**: Per PMC module.* With no PMC module installed, ±12V DC not used.** Max. power 7.5W (total all supplies) per PMC standard.MTBF: Call factoryPhysical: CompactPCI Carrier CardsPhysical configuration: 6U CompactPCI Card233.35 x 160mm.Rear CompactPCI connectors: 2mm J1, J2, J3, J5 connectors.PMC connectors: Eight 1mm connectors.The conduction-cooled model (AcPC4620CC) uses a conduction-cooledframe with wedge-loks ® and thermo bars.Physical: Transition ModulePhysical configuration: Half-length 6U CompactPCI Card233.35 x 80mm.Connectors: 2mm RJ2 connector which maps the rear I/Osignals to a SCSI-3 connector. This model also uses astandard rear front panel assembly with a SCSI-3 connectorcutout.PMC and CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI specification version 2.3, CompactPCI specificationPICMG 2.3 R1.0, and PMC specification P1386.1.Meets PCI specification version 2.3, CompactPCI specificationPICMG 2.3 R1.0, and PMC specification P1386.1.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts: CompactPCI bus INTA# interrupt signal.PCI Interface: PLX Technology PCI6540 transparent PCI/PCIbridge for data transactions from the PCI bus (system host)to the PMC site. The bridge device provides a 32-bit 33/66MHz PCI interface.Ordering InformationCarrier CardsAcPC4620CCCompactPCI bus carrier card for two PMC modules,conduction-cooledAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)TRANS-C4620: Transition module5028-432: Shielded cable, SCSI-3 68-pin connector, 2mlong.5025-288: Termination panel, DIN rail-mount,68 screw terminals, SCSI-3 connector.ACPC4620CCPMC 2PMC 1PCIControllerJ21J23J11J13J22J24J12J14J1 J2 J3 J5PMC CarriersAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-490c Printed in USA 09/09 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC CarriersAcPC4620ECompactPCINon-intelligentPMC Carrier Card(air-cooled)PMC CarriersDescriptionThis board provides an easy and low cost solutionthat enables use of a PMC mezzanine I/O module in astandard 6U CompactPCI computer system. The carriercard acts simply as an adapter to route PCI bus signalsto and from the PMC module through the CompactPCIcard slot edge connector. All Acromag PMC modulesand those from other vendors are supported.This board uses a PLX Technology PCI6540 transparentPCI/PCI bridge for data transactions from the PCI bus(system host) to two PMC sites. The bridge deviceprovides a 32 or 64-bit PCI interface with 33 or 66MHzbus frequencies.Front and rear-panel access to field I/O signals areaccommodated. The carrier card’s front panel cut-outprovides access to a PMC module’s front I/O connector.Alternatively, all I/O signals can be routed through thecarrier card’s rear J3 and J5 connectorsAn air-cooled rear transition board, Acromag ModelTRANS-C4620, maps the field I/O on the PMC moduleto the rear of the CompactPCI system.Featuresn 6U CompactPCI cardn Holds two PMC cardsn 32 or 64-bit PCI Interface at 33 or 66 MHzn Transparent PCI/PCI bridge for data transactionsfrom the PCI bus to PMC modulen Rear connection I/O accessn Supports both 5V and 3.3V signallingn -40 to 70°CThis carrier card interfaces two PMC modules to a CompactPCI computer system.SpecificationsEnvironmentalOperating temperature: -40 to 85°C.Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5-95% non-condensingPower (received from the CompactPCI 3U Back Plane):3.3V DC (±5%)*: 135mA typical, 150mA max.5.0V DC (±5%)*: 50mA typical, 70mA max.±12V DC (±5%)**: Per PMC module.* With no PMC module installed, ±12V DC not used.** Max. power 7.5W (total all supplies) per PMC standard.MTBF: Call factoryPhysical: CompactPCI Carrier CardPhysical configuration: 6U CompactPCI Card233.35 x 160mm.Rear CompactPCI connectors: 2mm J1, J2, J3, J5 connectors.PMC connectors: Eight 1mm connectors.The air-cooled model (AcPC4620E) uses the standard frontpanel assembly with a PMC bezel cutout.Physical: Transition ModulePhysical configuration: Half-length 6U CompactPCI Card233.35 x 80mm.Connectors: 2mm RJ2 connector which maps the rear I/Osignals to a SCSI-3 connector. This model also uses astandard rear front panel assembly with a SCSI-3 connectorcutout.PMC and CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI specification version 2.3, CompactPCI specificationPICMG 2.3 R1.0, and PMC specification P1386.1.Meets PCI specification version 2.3, CompactPCI specificationPICMG 2.3 R1.0, and PMC specification P1386.1.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts: CompactPCI bus INTA# interrupt signal.PCI Interface: PLX Technology PCI6540 transparent PCI/PCIbridge for data transactions from the PCI bus (system host)to the PMC site. The bridge device provides a 32-bit 33/66MHz PCI interface.Ordering InformationCarrier CardsAcPC4620ECompactPCI bus carrier card for two PMC modules,air-cooledAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)TRANS-C4620: Transition module5028-432: Shielded cable, SCSI-3 68-pin connector, 2mlong.5025-288: Termination panel, DIN rail-mount,68 screw terminals, SCSI-3 connector.ACPC4620EPMC 2PMC 1PCIControllerJ21J23J11J13J22J24J12J14J1 J2 J3 J5PMC CarriersAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-490b Printed in USA 9/09 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

VPX Carrier CardsVPX4810 VPX Carrier Cards for XMC or PMC ModulesPMC I/OXMCPCIe to PCI-XBridgePCI-XXMCExpansionSitePCIe x8XMCVPXBackplaneConnectorConfigurationJumperPCIe x4PCIe x8PCIe x4Low LatencyPCIe MuxPCIe x4PCIe x4Low LatencyPCIe MuxPCIe x4PCIeSwitchAir-cooled, conduction-cooled and REDI versions ◆ 3U ◆ One PMC/XMC slot ◆ PCIe x8 Gen 2 interfaceDescriptionThese 3U mezzanine carrier cards provide asimple and cost-effective solution for interfacinga PMC or XMC module to a VPX computersystem. The carrier card routes power and bussignals to a plug-in mezzanine module throughthe VPX card slot connector. Industrial I/O andconfigurable FPGA modules from Acromag orother vendors are supported.These carriers are ideal for high-performanceindustrial, defense, scientific research, andtelephony systems requiring high-speed I/Oexpansion. The VPX4810 is available in threeversions: air-cooled, conduction-cooled and aRuggedized Enhanced Design Implementation(REDI VITA 48).Key Features & Benefits■ 3U VPX carrier board delivers 25W of power toone PMC/XMC site■ PMC/XMC site uses 64-bit, 66/133MHz PLXtechnology with a PCIe to PCI-X bridge■ PCIe bus 8-lane Gen 1 or 2 interface■ Jumper-selectable fat pipe (x4) or double-fatpipe (x8) PCI Express interface■ Supports standard PMC/XMC modules(IEEE 1386.1)■ Conforms to VPX VITA 46.0, 46.4 and 46.9specifications and optionally VITA 48■ Supports front or rear panel PMC/XMC I/O■ Supports 64 I/O lines (P14, VITA 46.9) via theP2 VPX connector■ 3.3V PCI-X signaling PMC site■ +12V and –12V provided to PMC/XMC site■ Monitors FRU information and moduletemperatureConduction-cooled versionVPX REDI VITA 48 versionTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-626

VPX Carrier CardsVPX4810 VPX Carrier Cards for XMC or PMC ModulesPerformance SpecificationsNOTE: Specifications for VPX4810 only.■ GeneralForm Factor3U VPX bus 6.299” (160mm) x 3.937” (100.0mm).PitchVPX4810 (air-cooled): 0.80” pitchVPX4810CC (conduction-cooled): 0.85” pitchVPX4810REDI (conduction-cooled REDI): 1.00” pitchVPX Carrier InterfaceVITA 46.4 fat pipe (x4) or double-fat pipe (x8) PCIExpress interface is jumper selectable.Compatible VITA 65 module / slot profiles:MOD3-PER-2F-16.3.1-3 / SLT3-PER-2F-14.3.1MOD3-PER-1F-16.3.2-2 / SLT3-PER-1F-14.3.2MOD3-PAY-1D-16.2.6-1 1 / SLT3-PAY-1D-14.2.6MOD3-PAY-2F-16.2.7-1 1 / SLT3-PAY-2F-14.2.7Note 1: Board is compatible with payload profiles buthas no hosting capabilities.FRU EEPROM with temperature monitor.PMC/XMC InterfaceOne IEEE 1386.1 PMC/XMC module in single VPX slot.PMC site is PCI 3.0 compliant, 32/64-bit, 33/66MHz,up to 1GB/s.PMC site is PCI-X 1.0b compliant, 64-bit,66/100/133MHz, up to 1GB/s.XMC site is PCIe Gen. 2.0 and 8 lanes wide.3.3V, 5V and ±12V provided for PMC modules via theVPX backplane.Front or rear panel I/O support for the PMC sitewith 64 I/O lines, or 32 differential pairs. Rear I/O iscompliant to VITA 46.9 P2w1-P64s.■ Power RequirementsCarrier-Only Power Requirements+3.3V DC: 0.9A typical plus any additional powerconsumed by PMC/XMC (4A max).+5V DC: 0.9A typical plus any additional powerconsumed by PMC/XMC (4A max).+12V DC and –12V DC provided to PMC site fromVPX backplane.MTBFMIL Spec 217-F @ 105,000 hours.■ EnvironmentalAir-Cooled Operating Temperature0 to 70°C (air flow requirement as measured to begreater than 200 LFM).Conduction-Cooled Operating Temperature Range-40 to 85°C (board must operate in a fully-installedconduction-cooled rack).REDI (VITA 48) Operating Temperature Range-40 to 85°C (board MUST operate in a fully-installedconduction-cooled, REDI supported rack).Storage Temperature Range-55 to 100°C.Relative Humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Vibration0.05g RMS (20 - 2000Hz) random,operating 6g RMS per Hz spectrum.Shock30g each axis, 11ms.Ordering InformationCarrier CardsVPX4810VPX carrier card, 3U, one PMC/XMC slotVPX4810CCConduction-cooled version of VPX-4610VPX4810REDIRuggedized enhanced design implementation(REDI VITA 48) version of VPX-4810AccessoriesSee www.acromag.com for more information.Software Development ToolsSee www.acromag.com for more information.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 3/2011.

Industry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAVME9630/60VMEbus 3U/6U,Non-intelligent,IP Carrier CardsIndustry Pack CarriersThe AVME9630 and AVME9660 are non-intelligentslave boards that interface IP modules to the VMEbus.The full-height (6U) board holds four IP modules, andthe half-height (3U) board holds two. All field I/Oconnections are made to the carrier board.Features■ 6U VMEbus card holds four IP modules,3U model holds two modules■Industry-standard IP module interface■ Front panel connectors for field I/O signals■ Supports two interrupt channels per IP■ Provides individually isolated and filtered +5V,+12V, and -12V DC power lines to each IP module■ Accepts other manufacturers’ IP modules■ Locking front panel connectorsBenefits■ Full IP module data access enables convenient softwareconfiguration and control of the IP modules.■ Front panel LEDs simplify debugging with a visualindication of successful IP accesses.■ Front panel connectors provide ribbon cable accessto field I/O without interference from boards inadjacent slots.Mix and match plug-in modules with different I/O functions to quickly create custom I/O boards with hundreds of channels.OperationAcromag’s carrier boards provide full data access to theIP module’s I/O, ID and memory spaces. With full accessto the programmable registers, you can easily configureand control the operation of the IP modules from theVMEbus.Up to two interrupt requests are supported for eachIP module. The VMEbus interrupt level is softwareprogrammable.Individual passive filters on each IP module powersupply line provide optimum filtering and powerisolation between the IP modules and the carrier board.SpecificationsIP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.Electrical/mechanical interface:Supports single or double size IP modules.32-bit IP modules are not supported.I/O space and ID space supported.Memory space: Supports 1MB to 8MB per IP module.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP module andinterrupt acknowledge cycles, D16/D08(O).VMEbus ComplianceMeets VME specifications per revision C.1 dated October 1985,IEC 821-1987 and IEEE 1014-1987.Data transfer bus: A24/A16:D16/D08(EO) DTB slave; supportsRead-Modify-Write cycles.Interrupts: Creates I(1-7) programmable request levels (up totwo requests sourced from each IP module). D16/D08(O)interrupter (interrupt vectors come from IP modules).Carrier registers are for control and status monitoring.Interrupt release mechanism is Release on Register Access(RORA) type.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (AVME9630/60)or -40 to 85°C (AVME9630E/60E models).Storage temperature: -25 to 85°C (AVME9630/60)or -40 to 85°C (AVME9630E/60E models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 275mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Plus IP module load.MTBF: 453,851 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAVME9630: not available for new designs3U carrier. Holds two IP modules.AVME9630E: not available for new designsSame as AVME9630 plus extended temperature range.AVME9660: not available for new designs6U carrier. Holds four IP modules.AVME9660E: not available for new designsSame as AVME9660 plus extended temperature range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-550: Cable, unshielded, 50-pin header both ends5025-551: Same as 5025-550 except shielded5025-552: Termination panel, 50-pin connector,50 screw terminalsTRANS-GP: Transition moduleAVME9630 3U CarrierAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 408 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAVME9668VMEbus 6U,Non-intelligent,IP Carrier CardsIndustry Pack CarriersThe AVME9668 is a non-intelligent slave board thatinterfaces IP modules to the VMEbus. The full-height(6U) board holds four IP modules. All field I/Oconnections are made through the front panel of thecarrier board.This carrier card is ready for rugged, high-performanceapplications.The front-panel SCSI-2 connectors providescrew-down or spring latch connections to hold cablessecurely. And with support for 8MHz and 32MHz clocks,you can process data at very high speeds.Features■ 6U VMEbus card holds four IP modules■Industry-standard IP module interface■ Front panel SCSI-2 connectors for field I/O signals■ Supports two interrupt channels per IP■ Provides individually fused and filtered +5V,+12V, and -12V DC power lines to each IP module■ Accepts other manufacturers’ IP modules■ Accommodates 8MHz and 32MHz IP clocks■ Up to 8MB of memory space per IP moduleBenefits■ Full IP module data access enables convenient softwareconfiguration and control of the IP modules.■ Front panel connectors provide shielded SCSI-2cable connections to field I/O for maximum noiseimmunity.■ SCSI-2 cables lock down for secure connections.■ 32MHz clock support allows faster data processing.This carrier card is ideal for applications requiring high-speed processing and secure connections to withstand shock and vibration.OperationAcromag’s carrier boards provide full data access to theIP module’s I/O, ID and memory spaces. With full accessto the programmable registers, you can easily configureand control the operation of the IP modules from theVMEbus.Up to two interrupt requests are supported for eachIP module. The VMEbus interrupt level is softwareprogrammable.Individual passive filters and fuses on each IP modulepower supply line provide optimum filtering betweenthe IP modules and the carrier board.SpecificationsIP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.Electrical/mechanical interface:Supports single or double size IP modules.32-bit IP modules are not supported.I/O space and ID space supported.Memory space: Supports 1MB to 8MB per IP module.8 and 32MHz IP modules are supported.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP module andinterrupt acknowledge cycles, D16/D08(O).VMEbus ComplianceMeets VME specifications per revision C.1 dated October 1985,IEC 821-1987 and IEEE 1014-1987.Data transfer bus: A24/A16:D16/D08(EO) DTB slave; supportsRead-Modify-Write cycles.Interrupts: Creates I(1-7) programmable request levels (up totwo requests sourced from each IP module). D16/D08(O)interrupter (interrupt vectors come from IP modules).Carrier registers are for control and status monitoring.Interrupt release mechanism is Release on Register Access(RORA) type.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (AVME9668)or -40 to 85°C (AVME9668E models).Storage temperature: -25 to 85°C (AVME9668)or -40 to 85°C (AVME9668E models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): Consult factory.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Plus IP module load.MTBF: 2,602,547 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-21F, Notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAVME96686U carrier. Holds four IP modules.AVME9668ESame as AVME9668 plus extended temperature range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support pkg.IPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-438Cable, SCSI-2 to SCSI-2, shielded.5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector, 50 screw terminals.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 399c Printed in USA 3/07 Copyright © 2007 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAVME967xVME64, Non-intelligent,IP Carrier CardsIndustry Pack Carriers■ AVME9670:■ AVME9675:With user-defined addressingWith geographical addressingThe AVME9670 and AVME9675 are non-intelligent slaveboards that interface up to four IP modules to theVMEbus. The only difference is that the AVME9675adds fully implemented geographical addressing. Bothare full-height (6U) IP carrier cards that use VME64-compliant connectors to increase the quantity of rearI/O connections beyond that of standard VME.When used with a VME64 backplane, the AVME9670brings all 200 I/O points out the rear P0 and P2connectors. This convenience eliminates messy cablesfrom hanging out the front of the cage. In addition to acleaner cage design, it is also much easier to insert andreplace boards into the system.Features■ Four industry-standard IP module slots(two IP slots on AVME9675-2 models)■ 200 I/O points with rear access■ VME64x high-density rear connectors■ Full geographical addressing (AVME9675 only)■ Two interrupts per IP module■ Individually filtered and fused power to each IP■ Front panel status LEDsAVME967xIP DIP CIP BIP AVME64x BackplaneTRANS-200All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Mix and match plug-in modules with different I/O functions to quickly create custom I/O boards with hundreds of channels.OperationAcromag’s carrier boards provide full data access to theIP module’s I/O, ID and memory spaces. With full accessto the programmable registers, you can easily configureand control the operation of the IP modules from theVMEbus.Up to two interrupt requests are supported for eachIP module. The VMEbus interrupt level is softwareprogrammable.Individual passive filters on each IP module powersupply line provide optimum filtering and isolationbetween the IP modules and the carrier board.SpecificationsIP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 and ANSI/VITA4.1-1996 for I/O mapping.Electrical/mechanical interface:Supports single or double size IP modules.32-bit IP modules are not supported.I/O space and ID space supported.Memory space: Supports 1MB to 8MB per IP module.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP module andinterrupt acknowledge cycles, D16/D08(O).VMEbus ComplianceMeets VME64 specifications per ANSI/VITA 1-1994 andVME64x specifications per ANSI/VITA 1.1-1997.Data transfer bus: A24/A16:D16/D08(EO) DTB slave; supportsRead-Modify-Write cycles.Interrupts: Creates I(1-7) programmable request levels (up totwo requests sourced from each IP module). SupportsD16/D08(O) round-robin hardware interrupt prioritizationof IP sources. Carrier registers support interrupt control andstatus monitoring. Interrupt release mechanism is Releaseon Register Access (RORA) type.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (AVME9670/75)or -40 to 85°C (AVME9670E/75E models).Storage temperature: -25 to 85°C ( AVME9670/75)or -40 to 85°C (AVME9670E/75E models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 525mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Plus IP module load.MTBF: 474,104 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAVME9670: VME64x 6U carrier. Holds four IP modules.AVME9670E: Same as AVME9670 plus extendedtemperature range.AVME9670-2: Same as AVME9670 except it holds twoIP modules (no P0 connector).AVME9670-2E: Same as AVME9670-2 plus extendedtemperature range.AVME9675-4: Same as AVME9670 plus geographicaladdressing. Holds four IP modules.AVME9675-4E: Same as AVME9675-4 plus extendedtemperature range.AVME9675-2: Same as AVME9675-4 except it holds twoIP modules (no P0 connector).AVME9675-2E: Same as AVME9675-2 plus extendedtemperature range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL driver software support pkg.IPSW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-438: Cable, SCSI-2 to SCSI-2, shielded.5028-378: Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminalsTRANS-200: Transition moduleAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 272b Printed in USA 3/07 Copyright © 2007 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAcPC8625CompactPCI ® ,Non-intelligent,IP Carrier CardIndustry Pack CarriersThe AcPC8625 is a non-intelligent slave board thatinterfaces four IP modules to the CompactPCI (cPCI) bus.All 200 I/O points are brought out the rear J4 and J5connectors. This convenience eliminates messy cablesfrom hanging out the front of the cage. In additionto a more efficient cage wiring design, it is also mucheasier to insert and replace boards. And with Acromag’s80mm transition module (TRANS-C200), all 200 I/Opoints are easily ported out the back of the cage.Featuresn Four industry-standard IP module slotsn Board resides in memory space andn Supports IP module I/O, ID and INT spacesn 200 I/O points with rear accessn High-density rear connectorsn Compatible with all CompactPCI CPUsn Plug-and-play carrier configuration andinterrupt supportn Two interrupts per IP modulen Front panel LEDsn Supervisory circuit for reset generationn Individually filtered and fused power to each IPn Ruggedized with ESD strip and EMC front paneln Easily integrate IPs with your software usingRTOS VxWorks, QNX, Linux, or Win DLL forWindows® 95/98/2000/XP.Benefitsn Clean system cabling.n Easy board replacement.n Simplified debugging with status LEDs.Mix and match plug-in modules with different I/O functions to quickly create custom I/O boards with hundreds of channels.OperationAcromag’s carrier boards provide full data access tothe IP module’s I/O, ID and interrupt spaces. With fullaccess to the programmable registers, you can easilyconfigure and control the operation of the IP modulesfrom the CompactPCI bus.Up to two interrupt requests are supported for each IPmodule. All board interrupts are mapped to PCI busINTA# signal.Individual passive filters on each IP power supply lineprovide optimum filtering and noise isolation betweenthe IP modules and the carrier board.SpecificationsIP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specs per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (8MHz operation only)and IP I/O mapping to PICMG 2.4 R1.0.Electrical/mechanical interface:Supports single or double size IP modules.32-bit IP modules are not supported.IP Module I/O space, ID space, and INT space supported.Memory space: Not supported.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP moduleand interrupt acknowledge cycles via access to IP INTspace.CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.1 and PICMG 2.0, R2.1.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation 32-bit read/write accesses are implementedas two 16-bit transfers to the IPs.Interrupts: CompactPCI bus INTA# interrupt signal. Up to tworequests sourced from each IP mapped to INTA#. Interruptvectors come from IP modules via access to IP moduleINT space.Plug-and-Play: The system maps the base address into thePCI bus 32-bit memory space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: -25 to 85°C (AcPC8625)or -40 to 85°C (AcPC8625E models).Storage temperature: -25 to 85°C (AcPC8625)or -40 to 85°C (AcPC8625E models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 250mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Plus IP module load.MTBF: 409,808 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAcPC8625: CompactPCI carrier. Holds four IP modules.AcPC8625E: Same as AcPC8625 plus extended temp. range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL driver software support pkg.IPSW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-438: Cable, SCSI-2 to SCSI-2, shielded.5028-378: Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminalsTRANS-C200: Transition moduleACPC8625cPCI BackplaneTRANS-C200All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 265 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAcPC8630CompactPCI ® ,Non-intelligent,3U IP Carrier CardIndustry Pack CarriersThe AcPC8630 is a non-intelligent slave board thatinterfaces two IP modules to the CompactPCI ® (cPCI)bus. All 100 I/O points are brought out the frontconnectors for easy cable access.Featuresn Two industry-standard IP module slotsn Board resides in memory spacen Supports IP module I/O, ID and INT spacesn 100 I/O points with front accessn High-density front connectorsn Compatible with all CompactPCI CPUsn Compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit CompactPCI ® andPXI backplanen Plug-and-play carrier configuration andinterrupt supportn Two interrupt channels per IP modulen Front panel LEDsn Supervisory circuit for reset generationn Individually filtered and fused power to each IPn Ruggedized with ESD strip and EMC front paneln Easily integrate IPs with your software usingRTOS VxWorks, QNX, Linux, or Win DLL forWindows® 2000/XP/Vista/7 32-bit systems.Benefitsn Easy access to I/O cables.n Quick development of custom I/O boards.n Flexibility to mix and match I/O functions asrequirements change.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Mix and match plug-in modules with different I/O functions to quickly create custom I/O boards.OperationAcromag’s carrier boards provide full data access tothe IP module’s I/O, ID and interrupt spaces. With fullaccess to the IP module’s programmable registers, youcaneasily configure and control their operation from theCompactPCI bus.Up to two interrupt requests are supported for each IPmodule. All board interrupts are mapped to PCI busINTA# signal.Individual passive filters on each IP power supply lineprovide optimum filtering and noise isolation betweenthe IP modules and the carrier board.SpecificationsIP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specs per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (8MHz operation only)and IP I/O mapping to the front panel.Electrical/mechanical interface:Supports single or double size IP modules.32-bit IP modules are not supported.IP Module I/O space, ID space, and INT space supported.IP Module Memory space: Not supported.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP moduleand interrupt acknowledge cycles via access to IP INTspace.CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.1 and PICMG 2.0, R2.1.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation. 32-bit read/write accesses are implementedas two 16-bit transfers to the IPs.Interrupts: CompactPCI bus INTA# interrupt signal. Up totwo requests sourced from each IP mapped to INTA#.Interrupts come from IP modules via access to IP moduleINT space.32-bit memory space: Upon power-up the system autoconfigurationprocess (plug & play) maps the carrier’s baseaddress (for a 1K byte block of memory) into the PCI bus32-bit memory space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (AcPC8630 model)or -40 to 85°C (AcPC8630E model).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 200mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Plus IP module load.MTBF: Consult factory.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAcPC8630CompactPCI carrier. Holds two IP modules.AcPC8630ESame as AcPC8630 with extended temperature range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-372Cable, SCSI-2 to CHAMP connection5028-378: Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminalsAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 311c Printed in USA 10/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

F1A1A1F1TP1GNDSLOT A SLOT BIndustry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAcPC8635CompactPCI ® ,Nonintelligent,3U IP Carrier CardIndustry Pack CarriersThe AcPC8635 is a nonintelligent slave board that interfacestwo IP modules to the CompactPCI ® (cPCI) bus.All 100 I/O points are brought out the rear J2 connector.This convenience eliminates messy cables fromhanging out the front of the cage. In addition to amore efficient cage wiring design, it is also much easierto insert and replace boards.Featuresn Two industry-standard IP module slotsn Board resides in memory spacen Supports IP module I/O, ID and INT spacesn 100 I/O points with rear accessn High-density rear connectorsn Compatible with 32-bit CompactPCI ® backplanen Plug-and-play carrier configuration andinterrupt supportn Two interrupt channels per IP modulen Front panel LEDsn Supervisory circuit for reset generationn Individually filtered and fused power to each IPn Ruggedized with ESD strip and EMC front paneln Easily integrate IPs with your software usingRTOS VxWorks, QNX, Linux, or Win DLL forWindows® 2000/XP/Vista/7 32-bit systems.Benefitsn Clean system cabling.n Easy board replacement as I/O needs change.n Simplified debugging with status LEDs.n Quick development of custom I/O boards.n Flexibility to mix and match I/O functions asrequirements change.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Mix and match plug-in modules with different I/O functions to quickly create custom I/O boards.OperationAcromag’s carrier boards provide full data access tothe IP module’s I/O, ID and interrupt spaces. With fullaccess to the programmable registers, you can easilyconfigure and control the operation of the IP modulesfrom the cPCI bus.Up to two interrupt requests are supported for each IPmodule. All board interrupts are mapped to PCI busINTA# signal.Individual passive filters on each IP power supply lineprovide optimum filtering and noise isolation betweenthe IP modules and the carrier board.SpecificationsIP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specs per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (8MHz operation only)and IP I/O mapping to J2 per PICMG 2.4 R1.0.Electrical/mechanical interface:Supports single or double size IP modules.32-bit IP modules are not supported.IP Module I/O space, ID space, and INT space supported.IP Module Memory space: Not supported.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP moduleand interrupt acknowledge cycles via access to IP INTspace.CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.1 and PICMG 2.0, R2.1.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation. 32-bit read/write accesses are implementedas two 16-bit transfers to the IPs.Interrupts: CompactPCI bus INTA# interrupt signal. Up totwo requests sourced from each IP mapped to INTA#.Interrupts come from IP modules via access to IP moduleINT space.32-bit memory space: Upon power-up, the system autoconfigurationprocess (plug & play) maps the carrier’s baseaddress (for a 1K byte block of memory) into the PCI bus32-bit memory space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (AcPC8635 model)or -40 to 85°C (AcPC8635E model).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 200mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Plus IP module load.MTBF: Consult factory.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAcPC8635: CompactPCI carrier. Holds two IP modules.AcPC8635E: Same as AcPC8635 with extended temp. range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL driver software support pkg.IPSW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-550: Cable, unshielded, 50-pin header both ends5025-551: Same as 5025-550 except shielded5025-552: Termination panel, 50-pin connector,50 screw terminalsTRANS-C100: Transition moduleD1P3P1BAACPC8635P2 P4F22J2 A22F1 F25J1A25CompactPCIBackplaneA22A1F22TRANS-C100J2P1Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 312b Printed in USA 10/10 Copyright © 2006 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAPC8620APCI BusIP Carrier CardIndustry Pack CarriersThis board interfaces industry-standard Industrial I/OPack (IP) modules to a PCI bus on a PC-based computersystem.Five IP module slots give you the freedom to mix avariety of I/O functions (A/D, D/A, digital in, digital out,serial I/O, etc.) on a single board. Or, combine modulesof the same type for hundreds of channels on a singlecard. Either way, the APC8620A saves your preciouscard slots and reduces your costs.Select I/O modules from Acromag’s offering of morethan forty models or use any third-party IP mezzanineANSI/VITA 4 modules.Featuresn Five industry-standard IP module slotsn Board resides in memory spacen Supports IP module I/O, ID, INT, and MEM spacesn Plug-and-play carrier configuration andinterrupt supportn Two interrupt channels per IP modulen Supervisory circuit reset generationn Individually filtered and fused powerBenefitsn Quickly create custom I/O boards by mixing andmatching I/O functions.n Conveniently configure and control the I/O modulesthrough software with full IP module register/dataaccess.n Easily integrate IPs with your software usingRTOS VxWorks, QNX, Linux, or Win DLL forWindows® 2000/XP/Vista/7 32-bit systems.The APC8620A carrier card holds up to five plug-in I/O modules for extremely high channel density.SpecificationsIP Module Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets or exceeds all written IP specifications per ANSI/VITA4-1995 for 8MHz or 32MHz operation.Supports Type I and Type II ID space formats.Electrical/mechanical interface: Supports five single-size IPmodules (A-E), or two double-size and one single-size IPmodule.IP module I/O space, ID space, INT, and MEM spacesupported.IP module I/O space: 16 and 8-bit; supports 128 byte valuesper IP module.IP module ID space: 16 and 8-bit; Supports Type I 32 bytesper IP (consecutive even byte addresses) and Type II 32words per IP via D16 data transfers.IP module memory space: 16 and 8-bit; supports up to 8Mbytes of memory space per IP module.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP and interruptacknowledge cycles via access to IP INT space.PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated December 1998.System base address: This board operates in PCI memoryspace. It requires 1K of memory space for mapping thecarrier controls, and IP module ID, INT, and I/O space. Anoptional 64MB of PCI memory space is required to use IPmodule memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation. 32-bit read or write accesses implemented astwo 16-bit transfers to IP modules.Interrupts (PCI bus INTA# interrupt signal):Up to two requests sourced from each IP mapped to INTA#.Interrupt vectors come from IP modules via access to IPmodule INT space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (APC8621A)or -40 to 85°C (APC8621AE model).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5-95%non-condensingPower: +3.3 Volts (±10%): 130mA, typical; 50mA max.+5 Volts (±5%): 30mA, typical; 50mA, max.±12 Volts provided to each IP module.MTBF: 413,003 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2PhysicalPhysical configuration: PCI universal card (3.3V or 5V)Length: 12.283 inches (312.0 mm)Height: 4.200 inches (106.68 mm)Board thickness: 0.062 inches (1.59 mm)Maximum component height: 0.380 in. (9.65 mm)Max. height under IP modules: 0.180 in. (4.57 mm).Connectors:A-E (carrier field I/O): 50-pin male headerOrdering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAPC8620ANon-intelligent PCI bus carrier board.Holds five IP modules.APC8620AESame as APC8620A plus extended temperature range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL driver software support pkg.IPSW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-550: Cable, unshielded, 50-pin header both ends5025-551: Same as 5025-550 except shielded5025-552: Termination panel, 50-pin connector,50 screw terminalsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 205b Printed in USA 10/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack CarriersIndustry Pack CarriersAPC8621APCI Bus Half-LengthIP Carrier CardIndustry Pack CarriersThis board interfaces industry-standard Industrial I/OPack (IP) modules to a PCI bus on a PC-based computersystem. The half-length card is ideal for use in smallerPC chassis.Three IP module slots give you the freedom to mix avariety of I/O functions (A/D, D/A, digital in, digital out,serial I/O, etc.) on a single board. Or, combine modulesof the same type for dozens of channels on a singlecard. Either way, the APC8621A saves your preciouscard slots and reduces your costs.Select I/O modules from Acromag’s offering of morethan forty models or use any third-party IP mezzanineANSI/VITA 4 modules.Featuresn Half-length card for smaller PC chassisn Three industry-standard IP module slotsn Board resides in memory spacen Supports IP module I/O, ID, INT, and MEM spacesn Plug-and-play carrier configuration andinterrupt supportn Two interrupt channels per IP modulen Supervisory circuit reset generationn Individually filtered and fused powerBenefitsn Quickly create custom I/O boards by mixing andmatching I/O functions.n Conveniently configure and control the I/O modulesthrough software with full IP module register/dataaccess.n Easily integrate IPs with your software usingRTOS VxWorks, QNX, Linux, or Win DLL for2000/XP/Vista/7 32-bit operating system.The APC8621A offers high channel density and modular flexibility in a half-length PCI carrier card.SpecificationsIP Module Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets or exceeds all written IP specifications per ANSI/VITA4-1995 for 8MHz or 32MHz operation.Supports Type I and Type II ID space formats.Electrical/mechanical interface: Supports three single-sizeIP modules (A-C), or one double and one single-size IPmodule. 32-bit IP modules are not supported.IP module I/O space, ID space, INT, and MEM spacesupported.IP module I/O space: 16 and 8-bit; supports 128 byte valuesper IP module.IP module ID space: 16 and 8-bit; Supports Type I 32 bytesper IP (consecutive even byte addresses) and Type II 32words per IP via D16 data transfers.IP module memory space: 16 and 8-bit; supports up to 8Mbytes of memory space per IP module.Interrupts: Supports two interrupt requests per IP and interruptacknowledge cycles via access to IP INT space.PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated December 1998.System base address: This board operates in PCI memoryspace. It requires 1K of memory space for mapping thecarrier controls, and IP module ID, INT, and I/O space. Anoptional 64MB of PCI memory space is required to use IPmodule memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation. 32-bit read or write accesses implemented astwo 16-bit transfers to IP modules.Interrupts (PCI bus INTA# interrupt signal):Up to two requests sourced from each IP mapped to INTA#.Interrupt vectors come from IP modules via access to IPmodule INT space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (APC8621)or -40 to 85°C (APC8621E model).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5-95% non-condensingPower: +3.3 Volts (±10%): 130mA, typical; 50mA max.+5 Volts (±5%): 30mA, typical; 50mA, max.±12 Volts provided to each IP module.MTBF: 413,003 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2PhysicalPhysical configuration: PCI universal card (3.3V or 5V)Length: 6.600 inches (167.64 mm)Height: 4.200 inches (106.68 mm)Board thickness: 0.062 inches (1.59 mm)Maximum component height: 0.380 in. (9.65 mm)Max. height under IP modules: 0.180 in. (4.57 mm).Connectors:A-C (carrier field I/O): 50-pin male headerOrdering InformationIndustry Pack CarriersAPC8621ANon-intelligent PCI bus carrier board.Holds three IP modules.APC8621AESame as APC8621A plus extended temperature range.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL driver software support pkg.IPSW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-550: Cable, unshielded, 50-pin header both ends5025-551: Same as 5025-550 except shielded5025-552: Termination panel, 50-pin connector,50 screw terminalsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 409b Printed in USA 10/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack Module CarriersAPCe8650 PCI Express Carrier Cards for Industry Pack ModulesPCIe GraphicsPowerConnectorPeripheralPowerConnector+12V+12VPower SourceSelect JumperDC/DCConverter+12V–12V+5VIP Module AField I/OAPCIeBus+12VTxRxRefclkSerialFLASHAlteraCyclone IVFPGALevelShiftersIPBUSIP Module BIP Module CField I/OBField I/OCResetIP Module DField I/ODFour Industry Pack mezzanine module slots ◆ Non-Intelligent carrier card ◆ PCIe x1 interfaceDescriptionThis board interfaces standard Industry Pack (IP)mezzanine modules to a PCI Express bus on aPC-based computer system.Four IP module slots give you the freedom to mixa variety of I/O functions (A/D, D/A, digital in,digital out, serial I/O, etc.) on a single board. Or,combine modules of the same type for hundredsof channels on a single card. Either way, theAPCe8650 saves your precious card slots andreduces your costs.Select I/O modules from Acromag’s offering ofmore than forty models or use any third-partyANSI/VITA 4 compliant IP modules.Key Features & Benefits■ Four IP module slots (ANSI/VITA 4 mezzanine)support any combination of I/O functions■ Board resides in memory space■ Supports IP’s I/O, ID, INT, and MEM spaces■ Plug-and-play carrier configuration andinterrupt support■ Two interrupt channels per IP module■ Supervisory circuit reset generation■ Individually filtered and fused power■ Full IP module register and data access forconvenient configuration or control of the I/Omodules through software■ Non-volatile ID register to identify carrier■ Software development tools for VxWorks,Linux, and Windows environmentsAPCe8650 shown with four IP modules inserted.Acromag offers more than 40 IP modules to performanalog I/O, digital I/O, serial communication, CAN bus,Mil-Std-1553, and configurable FPGA functions.50-PIN HEADERSA B C DIP MODULE A+12V PWR4-pin AuxPeripheralIP MODULE CPOWERSOURCEJUMPER+12V PWR6-pin PCIeGraphicsIP MODULE BIP MODULE DTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-636

Industry Pack Module CarriersAPCe8650 PCI Express Carrier Cards for Industry Pack ModulesPerformance Specifications■ IP Module ComplianceMeets or exceeds all written IP specifications perANSI/VITA 4-1995 for 8MHz or 32MHz operation.Supports Type I and Type II ID space formats.Electrical/mechanical interfaceSupports four single-size IP modules (A-D).IP module I/O space, ID space, INT, and MEM spacesupported.IP module I/O space16 and 8-bit; supports 128 byte values per IP module.IP module ID space16 and 8-bit; Supports Type I 32 bytes per IP(consecutive even byte addresses) and Type II 32 wordsper IP via D16 data transfers.IP module memory space16 and 8-bit; supports up to 8M bytes of memoryspace per IP module.InterruptsSupports two interrupt requests per IP and interruptacknowledge cycles via access to IP INT space.PCI Express Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 1.1 dated March 28, 2005.System base addressThis board operates in PCI memory space. It requires256 bytes for mapping the PCI configuration registersand 64M bytes for IP module ID, IO, INT and memoryspace.Data transfer busSlave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transfer operation.32-bit read or write accesses implemented as two16-bit transfers to IP modules.Interrupts (PCI bus INTA# interrupt signal)Up to two requests sourced from each IP mapped toINTA#. Interrupt vectors come from IP modules viaaccess to IP module INT space.■ PhysicalPhysical ConfigurationPCIe x1 laneLength: 12.283 inches (312.0 mm)Height: 4.380 inches (111.25 mm)Board thickness: 0.062 inches (1.59 mm)Max. height under IP modules: 0.110 in. (2.80 mm).ConnectorsA-D (carrier field I/O): 50-pin male header.Power: Auxilliary +12V power■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature0 to 70°C (APCe8650)or -40 to 85°C (APCe8650E model).Storage temperature-55 to 100°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Power+3.3 Volts (±10%): 190mA, typical; 220mA max.+12 Volts (±5%): 130mA, typical; 150mA max.All IP module power is derived from the +12V powersupply. +5V, +12V, and –12V are supplied to IPmodules. The +12V power can be supplied from thePCIe bus or optionally from either of two auxiliarypower connectors.MTBFContact the factory.Ordering InformationCarrier CardAPCe8650PCI Express carrier card for Industry Pack modulesAPCe8650ESame as APCe8650 plus extended temperature rangeAccessories5025-550-xFlat ribbon cable, non-shielded, 50-pin connector atboth ends. Specify x = length, in feet (12ft. max.)5025-551-xFlat ribbon cable, shielded, 50-pin connector at bothends. Specify x = length, in feet (12ft. max.)5025-552Termination panel, DIN rail-mount, 50 screw terminals,50-pin ribbon cable connectorIndustry Pack ModulesSee www.acromag.com for more information.Software Development ToolsSee www.acromag.com for more information.IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux ® support (website download only)Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

PMC ModulesAXM SeriesAnalog I/OExtension Modulesfor PMC FPGA BoardsDescriptionPMC ModulesAXM Series extension modules offer numerous I/Ooptions for Acromag’s PMC modules with configurableFPGAs. These extension modules plug into the frontmezzanine on Acromag’s PMC-LX/SX (Virtex®-4 FPGA),and PMC-VLX/VSX/VFX (Virtex-5 FPGA) modules.AXM-A30 Analog InputThis module features two 105MHz 16-bit A/D channels.An external clock and trigger can be used to controlsampling.An internal precision clock conditioner provides thefunctions of jitter cleaning/reconditioning, multiplication,and distribution of a reference clock.Each clock distribution block includes a programmabledivider, a phase synchronization circuit, and a programmabledelay. This allows multiple integer-related andphase-adjusted copies of the reference to be distributedto multiple system components.AXM extension modules attach to the configurable FPGA PMC module’s front mezzanine to provide I/O processing capabilities.SpecificationsAXM-A30 Analog InputInput configuration: Two differential channels using twoAnalog Devices AD9460 A/D converter.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input range: 3.4V peak-to-peak, centered at 0V, into a50 ohm load.External clock input: 3.3V peak-to-peak.Input clock range: 1-105MHz.Maximum throughput rate:1 channel (max.): 9.5nS (105MHz).2 channels (max.): 9.5nS (105MHz).A/D trigger: External source, FPGA controlled.Input clock controller: Precision clock conditioner combinesthe functions of jitter cleaning/reconditioning, multiplication,and distribution of a reference clock.Signal-to-noise ratio: 69dB (25°C) typical.Signal-to noise and distortion: 67dB (25°C) typical.General purpose I/O: Low voltage TTL.A/D Conv.105MHzPhysical DimensionsSize: 11.5 mm high x 31.0 mm deep x 74.0 mm wide(0.453 inches x 1.220 inches x 2.913 inches)Stacking height: 5.0 mm (0.197 inches).Complies with PMC Specification P1386.1 for a single-widthPMC module when installed on a supported PMC module.ConnectorsFront field I/O: Four SMA PCB jack female receptacleconnectors.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°CStorage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 4.5 Watts typicalMTBF: 1,972,542 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Ordering InformationAXM Plug-In I/O ModulesAXM-A302 analog input channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.PMC ModulesFor more information, see individual data sheetsPMC-LX, PMC-SX, PMC-VLX, PMC-VSX, PMC-VFXPMC ModulesA/D Conv.105MHzSoftware (see software documentation for details)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)ClockConditionerAXM modules attach to PMC Modules with user-configurable FPGAs.GeneralPurpose I/OAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 470c Printed in USA 8/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesAXM SeriesDigital I/OExtension Modulesfor PMC FPGA BoardsDescriptionAXM Series extension modules offer numerous I/Ooptions for Acromag’s PMC modules with configurableFPGAs. These extension modules plug into the frontmezzanine on Acromag’s PMC-LX/SX (Virtex®-4 FPGA),and PMC-VLX/VSX/VFX (Virtex-5 FPGA) modules.AXM-D02 RS-485 Differential I/OThis module provides 30 differential I/O channels. Datadirection, either input or output, on each channel isindependently controlled. Eight of the channels supportprogrammable change-of-state interrupts.AXM-D03 Digital I/O and RS-485 Diff. I/OThis module provides 16 CMOS and 22 RS-485 differentialI/O channels. Data direction, either input or output,on each channel is independently controlled. Eight ofthe channels support programmable change-of-stateinterrupts.AXM-D04 LVDSThis module provides 30 channels of low voltagedifferential signaling with independently configureddirection. Interrupts are programmable on eight of thechannels for any bit change of state or level.AXM modules attach to PMC Modules with user-configurable FPGAs.AXM extension modules attach to the configurable FPGA PMC module’s front mezzanine to provide I/O processing capabilities.SpecificationsAXM-D02Channel configuration: 30 bi-directional differential signalswith independently configured direction. Channels to theFPGA are buffered using EIA RS485/RS422 line transceivers.Differential driver output voltage:1.5V minimum., 3.3V maximum with 54 ohm load.AXM-D03Channel configuration: 16 bi-directional CMOS transceivers(input/output direction controlled as pairs of channels) and22 bi-directional differential signals with independentlyconfigured direction.Differential channels: Same as AXM-D02.CMOS I/O electrical characteristics:Voh: 3.8V minimum Vol: 0.55V maximumIoh: -32.0mA Ioh: 32.0mAVih: 3.5V minimum Vil: 1.5V maximumAXM-D04Channel configuration: 30 channels of low voltage differentialsignaling with independently configured I/O direction.LVDS I/O electrical characteristics:LVDS driver output voltage: 247m V min., 454mV max.Common mode output voltage: 1.37 V max.LVDS Input Threshold Voltage: -50mV min., 50mV max.Physical DimensionsSize: 11.5 mm high x 31.0 mm deep x 74.0 mm wide(0.453 inches x 1.220 inches x 2.913 inches)Stacking height: 8.0 mm (0.315 inches).Complies with PMC Specification P1386.1 for a single-widthPMC module when attached to the PMC front mezzanine.ConnectorsFront field I/O: 68-pin, SCSI-3, female receptacle header(AMP 5787394-7 or equivalent).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: -40 to 85°CStorage temperature: -55 to 150°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:1.5W typical (AXM-D02, AXM-D03)0.6W typical (AXM-D04)MTBF: Hours are at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2AXM-D02: 3,559,276 hoursAXM-D03: 3,921,522 hoursAXM-D04: 6,534,197 hoursOrdering InformationAXM Plug-In I/O ModulesAXM-D0230 RS-485 Differential I/O channelsAXM-D0316 CMOS and 22 RS485 differential I/O channelsAXM-D0430 LVDS I/O channelsAXM-??Custom I/O configurations available, call factory.PMC ModulesFor more information, see individual data sheetsPMC-LX, PMC-SX, PMC-VLX, PMC-VSX, PMC-VFXSoftware (see software documentation for details)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • e-mail: solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-458e Printed in USA 08/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice.

PMC ModulesBlock DiagramPCI BusConnectorFPGAConfigurationCPLD16MBFlash Memory68PCI BusInterfaceControllerPLX9056FPGAVirtex II500K or 2MSystem GatesConfigurable I/O Transceivers• TTL I/O• Differential (RS-422) I/O• TTL/Differential combo• LVDS I/OPinConnectorPMC ModulesDC-to-DCPower Supply256K x 36RAM MemoryPMC ModulesEngineering Design KitThis kit provides you with the basic informationrequired to develop a custom FPGA program for downloadto the Xilinx FPGA. Utilities help you load VHDLinto the FPGA, and to establish DMA transfers betweenthe FPGA and the CPU. It is also recommended thatusers should be familiar with Xilinx development tools.Acromag’s Engineering Design Kit includes:n Parts list and locationn Schematicsn Compiled FPGA filen Example VHDL code provided as selectableblocks of codeLocal Bus – example interface between PLX PCI9056and FPGASRAM – example code for read and write transfersto SRAMInterrupts – examples of change-of-state monitoringand interrupts to the PCI busField I/O – examples of direction control and I/Oread/write capabilityPin definitions – configuration file containingdefinition of all user I/O pins communicating withthe FPGAAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400- 430d Printed in USA 1/07 Copyright © 2006 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Software SupportVxWorks ® Libraries(I/O Function Routines)VxWorks ®IPSW-API-VXWSupport for Industry Pack modules and carriersPMCSW-API-VXWSupport for PMC, PCI, and CompactPCI boardsApplication ProgrammingInterface (API)Acromag’s software development tools greatly simplifythe interface between the I/O boards and your softwareapplication program. VxWorks libraries are supplied as“C” source code. These libraries provide easy-to-usefunction routines that quickly integrate with yourapplication. Function routines are ready for use “as-is,”but they are also easily customized for your uniqueapplication.Featuresn Easy installation proceduren Readme files with step-by-step instructionsn Quickly creates libraries for any IP carrier board(supports third-party vendors)n Targeted support for Power PC, x86, and68000 series CPUsn Supports any CPU target with quick modificationThe VxWorks software libraries provide a simple API to quickly integrate Acromag’s I/O boards with your application program.Demonstration ProgramThis powerful program lets you fully exercise the librariesand your hardware before running the actual application.These diagnostics will save you hourstroubleshooting and debugging your applications. Youcan set addresses, set up registers, read real-worldinputs, or drive outputs. The demonstration programsteps you through the exact functions that are called inyour application.Ordering InformationIPSW-API-VXWVxWorks software support package for Industry Packproducts (supports all Acromag IP modules and carriers)The IPSW-API-VXW library package offers support forAcromag carriers. Other carriers are compatible, butrequire some minor modifications. Acromag uses a veryinnovative modular programming technique. This allowsnew carrier files to be created without affecting any of thecomplex IP module files or interrupt service routines.PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks software support package for PMC, PCI, andCompactPCI products (supports all Acromag PMC modulesand PCI or cPCI boards except IP carriers)User-Friendly LicensingAcromag’s VxWorks software libraries are provided with afull site license. This allows anyone at your location to usethis software without any additional charges. Additionally, norun-time license is required either.The VxWorks software libraries include support for the fullfamily of boards or modules, not just certain models. Forexample, the IPSW-API-VXW package includes support for allAcromag Industry Pack Modules and carriers.n API easily convertible for any operating systemSoftware SupportBenefitsn Source code provided to ensure maximumflexibility in implementing your applicationn Ability to verify operation of your Industry Packmodules and carriers with a demonstration programto ensure proper hardware operation before attachingyour applicationTarget any CPUAcromag provides direct support for VxWorks whenusing PowerPC, x86 and 68000 CPU boards. TheVxWorks C Library includes support for x86 PCI, MV167and MV2700 CPU boards. Each library containsdetailed information on integrating with the CPU’sBoard Support Package (BSP). The libraries also includeinstructions for implementing this software with othermanufacturer’s CPU board BSPs. Use with IndustryPack carriers from third-party board vendors is alsosupported.Software SupportAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-437b Printed in USA 4/11 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Software SupportWin32 DLL Drivers forWindows ®XP/2000 ® ista/7PCISW-API-WINSupport for PMC, PCI, and CompactPCI boards.IPSW-API-WINSupport for Industry Pack modules and carriers(except VMEbus carriers).The DLL drivers provide a simple API to quicly integrate Acromag’s I/O boards with your application program.Application Programming Interface (API)Acromag’s software development tools greatly simplifythe interface between the I/O boards and yourWindows-based application program. These packagesprovide DLL driver level support for Acromag’s lines ofPMC, PCI, CompactPCI, and Industry Pack products. Inaddition, “C” source demonstration programs provideeasy-to-use tools to test the operation of the module.Featuresn Easy installation proceduren Help files with step-by-step instructionsn Support for all Acromag PMC modules andPCI or CompactPCI boardsn Support for all Acromag Industry Pack modules andPCI or CompactPCI carrier cardsn Demonstration programn Driver level support for desktop and embeddedWindows level programming environmentsn Compatible with Windows XP <strong>Embedded</strong>applicationsDemonstration ProgramThis powerful program lets you fully exercise your hardwarebefore developing the actual application. Thesediagnostics will save you hours troubleshooting anddebugging your applications. You can set addresses,set up registers, read real-world inputs, or drive outputs.The demonstration program steps you throughthe exact functions that are called in your application.Ordering InformationPCISW-API-WINWindows DLL Driver and Demonstration software forPMC modules, PCI boards, and CompactPCI boards(see IPSW below for Industry Pack products)IPSW-API-WINWindows DLL Driver and Demonstration software forIndustry Pack modules, PCI carriers, and CompactPCIcarriersSoftware SupportBenefitsn Verify operation of your I/O boards and modules witha demonstration program to ensure proper hardwareoperation before attaching your applicationn Configuration program creates Windows systemregistry information for the Industry Pack, PMC, PCI,or CompactPCI cardUser-Friendly LicensingAcromag’s Windows DLL Driver and Demonstration softwareis provided with a full site license. This allows anyone at yourlocation to use this software without any additional charges.Additionally, no run-time license is required either.Each package supports the entire family of boards, eitherIndustry Packs or PCI-based (PMC, PCI, CompactPCI) products.You do not need to order additional software for differentmodels within the family. For example, the IPSW-API-WINpackage includes drivers for each and every Acromag IndustryPack module.Software SupportAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-439b Printed in USA 12/11 Copyright © 2005/2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Software SupportLinux Libraries(I/O Function Routines)IPSW-LINUXSupport for Industry Pack modules and carrier cards.PCISW-LINUXSupport for PCI/CompactPCI boards and PMC modules.Application ProgrammingInterface (API)Acromag's software development tools greatly simplifythe interface between the I/O boards and your softwareapplication program. The Linux libraries are supplied as“C” source code. These libraries provide easy-to-usefunction routines that quickly integrate with yourapplication. Function routines are ready for use “as-is,”but they are also easily customized for your uniqueapplication.This free software utility is available for download from Acromag’s website.Features■ Easy installation procedure■ Readme files with step-by-step instructions■ Programming tools for most Acromag I/O boards(excludes serial I/O and VME products)Software Support■ Demonstration Program■ Downloadable at no charge from the Acromagweb siteBenefits■ Source code provided to ensure maximum flexibilityin implementing your driver■ Verify operation of your I/O modules and carrier cardswith a demonstration program to ensure properhardware operation before attaching your applicationDemonstration ProgramThis powerful program lets you fully exercise thelibraries and your hardware before running the actualapplication. These diagnostics will save you hourstroubleshooting and debugging your applications. Youcan set addresses, set up registers, read real-worldinputs, or drive outputs. The demonstration programsteps you through the exact functions that are called inyour application.Ordering InformationNOTE: This unsupported software is available ONLYby download from Acromag’s website.IPSW-LINUXLinux example libraries for Industry Pack modules andPCI/CompactPCI carrier cards.PCISW-LINUXLinux example libraries for PCI, CompactPCI, andPMC modules.Software SupportAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-440 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP220A-x12-Bit D/A,Analog OutputThe IP220A outputs analog voltage signals to drive upto 16 devices. When used with a carrier that holds fourIP modules, up to 64 voltage outputs can be obtainedfrom a single card cage slot.Each output channel has its own 12-bit D/A converter(DAC). Individual DACs are faster, and they eliminateglitches typically caused by the re-acquisition process ofsample and holds found on multiplexed output boards.Individual channels also have double-buffered datalatches. You can select to update each output when it iswritten to, or to update all outputs simultaneously.Simultaneous outputs better simulate linear movementsin motion processes.The IP220A features individual D/A converters on each channel for better performance.Industry Pack ModulesFeatures■ 8 or 16 analog voltage output channels■ Independent 12-bit D/A converters per channel withan 11.0µS settling time■ Bipolar voltage (non-isolated) outputs:-10 to +10 volts■ Double-buffered DACs■ High load capability (5mA output current)■ Built-in calibration coefficientsBenefits■ Outputs reset to 0 volts.■ Internally stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.■ Software provides easy selection of transparent orsimultaneous output modes.■ Double-buffered DACs allow new data to be writtento each channel before the simultaneous triggerupdates the outputs.SpecificationsAnalog OutputsOutput configuration: 8 or 16 single-ended.D/A Resolution: 12 bits.Output range: Bipolar, -10 to +10V.Settling time: 11µS.Maximum throughput rate:Outputs can be updated simultaneously or individually.One channel: 11µS/conversion.Sixteen channels simultaneously: 17µS/16 channels.System accuracy: 0.025% of 20V span maximumcorrected error (i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with theoutput unloaded.Data format (left–justified): Bipolar Offset Binary.Output at reset: 0 volts.Output current: -2 to +2mA (maximum). This corresponds toa minimum load resistance of 5K ohms with a 10V output.Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*): DAC data, control registers,DAC offset and gain calibration coefficients.ID read (IDSel*): 32 x 8 ID PROM.Access Times (8MHz clock):ID EEPROM read: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).DAC channel data write: 1 wait states (375nS cycle).DAC offset/gain coeff. read: 1 wait states (375nS cycle).Control register access: 1 wait states (375nS cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP220-8/16)or -40 to 85°C (IP220-8E/16E models).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF: 4,094,686 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2Power: +5V: 33mA typical, 45mA Maximum+12V from P1: 150mA typical, 200mA maximum.-12V from P1: 133mA typical, 180mA maximum.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP220A-8Eight voltage outputsIP220A-8ESame as IP220A-8 plus extended temperature range.5089-8Same as IP220A-8 except requires the use of external±15V supply5089-8ESame as IP220A-8E except requires the use of external±15V supplyIP220A-16Sixteen voltage outputsIP220A-16ESame as IP220A-16 plus extended temperature range.5089-16Same as IP220A-16 except requires the use of external±15V supply5089-16ESame as IP220A-16E except requires the use of external±15V supplyAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 410 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP230A-x16-Bit D/A,Analog OutputIP230A modules have a 16-bit D/A converter (DAC) toprovide highly-accurate analog voltage outputs.Jumper-selectable output ranges give you the choice ofunipolar or bipolar voltage output. And for greaterflexibility, the IP230A module accepts conversion starttriggers from software commands, or from externalsources for synchronization to specific events.Featuresn IP230A-4: 4 analog voltage output channelsIP230A-8: 8 analog voltage output channelsn Individual 16-bit D/A converters per channeln 10µS settling time (100KHz throughput)n Three output ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0 to 10V(jumper-selectable)n Two trigger modes(software or external trigger)n External trigger outputn Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefitsn High channel density saves card cage slots.n Internally stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.n Flexible output control allows single cycle updatingof individual channels or all channels simultaneously.n Hardware jumpers allow output range selection onan individual channel basis.Independent D/A converters on each channel provide better performance and smoother operation.SpecificationsAnalog OutputsOutput configuration: 4 (IP230A-4/4E) or 8 (-8/8E).D/A Resolution: 16 bits.Output ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0 to 10V (jumper-selectable).Maximum throughput rate:Outputs can be updated simultaneously or individually.One channel: 100KHz (10µS/conversion)Four channels (IP235A-4): 100KHz (10µS/4 ch)Eight channels (IP235A-8): 100KHz (10µS/8 ch).DAC programming: Immediate (transparently programmedto DAC output); simultaneous (input latches of multipleDACs are loaded with new data before simultaneouslyupdating outputs).System accuracy: 0.0061% of 20V span maximumcorrected error (i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with theoutput unloaded.Output at reset: 0V for bipolar output, 5V for unipolar.Output current: -5 to +5mA (maximum).Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access Times (8MHz clock):All functions: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP230A-4/8)or -40 to 85°C (IP230A-4E/8E models).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingPower: +5V (±5%): 200mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: 150mA maximum.MTBF: 815,720 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP230A-4Four high-resolution voltage outputsIP230A-4ESame as IP230A-4 plus extended temp. rangeIP230A-8Eight high-resolution voltage outputsIP230A-8ESame as IP230A-8 plus extended temp. rangeAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 606 Printed in USA 7/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP231-x16-Bit D/A,Analog OutputThe IP231 outputs analog voltage signals to drive up to16 devices. When used with a carrier that holds fourIP modules, up to 64 voltage outputs can be obtainedfrom a single card cage slot.Each output channel has its own 16-bit D/A converter(DAC). Individual DACs are faster, and they eliminateglitches typically caused by the re-acquisition process ofsample and holds found on multiplexed output boards.Individual channels also have double-buffered datalatches. You can select to update each output when it iswritten to, or to update all outputs simultaneously.Simultaneous outputs better simulate linear movementsin motion processes.The IP231 features individual D/A converters on each channel for better performance.Industry Pack ModulesFeatures■ 8 or 16 analog voltage output channels■ Independent 16-bit D/A converters per channel withan 13µS settling time■ Bipolar voltage (non-isolated) outputs:-10 to +10 volts■ Double-buffered DACs■ High load capability (5mA output current)■ Built-in calibration coefficientsBenefits■ Outputs reset to 0 volts.■ Internally stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.■ Software provides easy selection of transparent orsimultaneous output modes.■ Double-buffered DACs allow new data to be writtento each channel before the simultaneous triggerupdates the outputs.SpecificationsAnalog OutputsOutput configuration: 8 or 16 single-ended.D/A Resolution: 16 bits.Output range: Bipolar, -10 to +10V.Settling time: 13µS.Maximum throughput rate:Outputs can be updated simultaneously or individually.One channel: 13µS/conversion.Sixteen channels simultaneously: 13µS/16 channels.System accuracy: 0.0305% of 20V span maximumcorrected error (i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with theoutput unloaded.Linearity error: ±2 LSB (maximum).Data format: Bipolar Offset Binary.Output at reset: 0 volts.Output current: -5 to 5mA (maximum). This corresponds to aminimum load resistance of 5K ohms with a 10V output.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*): DAC data, control registers,DAC offset and gain calibration coefficients.ID read (IDSel*).Access Times (8MHz clock):ID EEPROM read: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).DAC channel data write: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).DAC offset/gain coeff. read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Control register access: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP231-8/16)or -40 to 85°C (IP231-8E/16E models).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF: 3,445,793 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Power:+5V: 45mA.+12V: 200mA.-12V: 180mA.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP231-8Eight voltage outputsIP231-8ESame as IP231-8 plus extended temperature range.IP231-16Sixteen voltage outputsIP231-16ESame as IP231-16 plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 395 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP235A-816-Bit D/AAnalog Outputwith RAM BufferIP235A-8 modules have a 16-bit D/A converter (DAC)to provide highly-accurate analog voltage outputs. Aninternal RAM buffer enhances control over the transferof data to the DAC.Each channel has a dedicated 2K sample RAM buffer.All channels share a global clock. A start triggertransfers digital values from the buffer to the DAC.Four modes offer several choices for the data transfer.Continuous mode simultaneously updates all thechannels by cycling through the buffer until a softwarehalt command is received. Single-cycle modesimultaneously updates all channels but only cyclesthrough the buffer once for each start trigger.Featuresn 8 analog voltage outputsn Individual 16-bit D/A converters per channeln Waveform memory (2K samples/channel)n Global timer for all channels supportingclock rates of up to 100KHzn Software, external, or internal timer triggersn Interrupt capabilityn External trigger outputn User-programmable interval timern Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefitsn RAM buffer provides many options and generateswaveform signals.The IP235’s RAM buffer is useful for generating continuous waveform output cycles such as sine, triangle, or square signals.SpecificationsAnalog OutputsOutput configuration: 8D/A Resolution: 16 bits.Output ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0 to 10V(jumper-selectable).Data sample memory: 2K sample RAM buffer oneach channel.Maximum throughput rate:Outputs can be updated simultaneously or individually.One channel: 100KHz (10µS/conversion)Eight channels: 100KHz (10µS/8 ch).DAC programming: Immediate (transparently programmedto DAC output); simultaneous (input latches of multipleDACs are loaded with new data before simultaneouslyupdating outputs).System accuracy: 0.0061% of 20V span maximumcorrected error (i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with theoutput unloaded.Output at reset: 0V for bipolar output, 5V for unipolar.Output current: -5 to +5mA (maximum).Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interruptselect (INTsel*).Access times (8MHz clock): 1 wait state (375nS cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP235-8A)or -40 to 85°C (IP235A-8E models).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF: 815,720 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Power: +5V (±5%): 250mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: 150mA maximum.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP235A-8Eight voltage outputs with memory.IP235A-8ESame as IP235-8A plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack Modulesn Internally-stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.n Flexible output control allows single cycle orcontinuous updating of individual channels orall channels simultaneously.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 607 Printed in USA 7/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP236A-816-bit D/AAnalog Outputwith FIFO BuffersIP236A-8 modules have 16-bit D/A converters (DAC) toprovide highly-accurate analog voltage outputs. FIFObuffers enhance control over the transfer of data to theDAC and improve efficiency.Each channel has a dedicated 128 sample FIFO bufferand its own clock. A start trigger transfers digitalvalues from the buffer to the DAC. Three modes offerseveral choices for the data transfer on each channel.Continuous mode cycles data through the buffer for agiven channel and is ideal for waveform generation.As new data loads into the FIFO, the output signalinstantly updates without stopping the waveform.Single mode moves one value from the buffer to theconverter for each trigger. External trigger modesynchronizes channel conversions to an event or otherIP236A-8 modules.Featuresn 8 analog voltage outputsn Individual 16-bit D/A converter on each channeln Individual clock on each channel supporting rates ofup to 100KHzn FIFO memory buffers (128 samples/channel)n Software, external, or internal timer triggersn Interrupt capabilityn External trigger outputn Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefitsn FIFO buffers enable “on-the-fly” changes to theoutput waveform as new data is received.The IP236-8A is ideal for generating waveforms. Large FIFO buffers reduce CPU interactions for increased overall performance.SpecificationsAnalog OutputsOutput configuration: 8.D/A Resolution: 16 bits.Output ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0 to 10V(jumper-selectable).Data sample memory: 128 sample FIFO buffer on eachchannel.Maximum throughput rate:Outputs can be updated simultaneously orindividually.One channel: 100KHz (10µS/conversion)Eight channels: 100KHz (10µS/8 ch).DAC programming: Independent. Input registers and FIFOsare directly loaded.System accuracy: 0.0061% of 20V span maximumcorrected error (i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with theoutput unloaded.Output at reset: 0V for bipolar output, 5V for unipolar.Output current: -5 to +5mA (maximum).Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTsel*).Access Times (8MHz clock):All functions: 0 wait states (250nS cycle) exceptFIFO buffer write: 2 wait state (500nS cycle),Interrupt read/write: 2 wait states (250nS cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP236A-8)or -40 to 85°C (IP236-8E models).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingPower:+5V (±5%): 250mA maximum..±12V (±5%) from P1: 210mA maximum.MTBF: Consult factory.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP236A-8Eight voltage output channels.IP236A-8ESame as IP236A-8 plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack Modulesn Internally-stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.n Independent control of each channel enablesindividual updates and unique conversion rates.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 608 Printed in USA 7/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP320A12-Bit A/D,Analog InputThe IP320A monitors 20 differential or 40 single-endedinput channels. When used with a carrier that holdsfour IP modules, up to 160 inputs can be obtained froma single card cage slot.By installing multiple IP320As on one card, you can achieve extremely high channel density to reduce costs and preserve card slotsIndustry Pack ModulesA jumper offers a choice of three input voltage ranges.Using the software programmable gain, you can easilycustomize the input voltage on an individual channelbasis. The control register provides further flexibilitywith the option of single-ended or differential inputsand controlled channel selection. Software or externaltriggers enable synchronization of data acquisition toexternal events.Features■ 20 differential or 40 single-ended inputs■ 12-bit, successive approximation A/D converter(ADC) with an 4.5µS conversion time■ 200K samples per second maximum systemthroughput rate■ Three dip switch-selectable input ranges:-5 to 5V, -10 to 10V, and 0 to 10V■ Programmable gains of 1, 2, 4, and 8■ Built-in calibration referencesBenefits■ Software or external hardware inputs can triggerA/D conversions for synchronization to externalevents.■ On-board, precision voltage references enableaccurate software calibration of the modulewithout external instruments.■ The module supports both “wait” states(generated by the IP module) and “hold”states (generated by the carrier board).SpecificationsAnalog InputsInput configuration: 40 single-ended or 20 differential.A/D resolution: 12 bits.Input ranges (dip switch-selectable):Bipolar -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V (See Note 1), orUnipolar 0 to +10V (See Note 1).Note 1: Range requires ±15V external power supply. Clippingoccurs with ±12V supplies, typically to ±9V.Maximum throughput rate: 200KHz (5µS/conversion).Only one channel updates at a time.Programmable gains: x1, x2, x4, x8.A/D triggers: External and software.Maximum overall calibrated error at 25°C: See below.Input Range PGA ADC Range Max.Error(volts) Gain (volts) ±LSB (%span)0 to 10 1 0 to 10 3.2 (0.078)-5 to +5 1 -5 to +5 1.8 (0.044)-10 to +10 1 -10 to +10 2.8 (0.069)Data format (left-justified): Straight Binary.Input overvoltage protection: ±32V powered,-35 to +55 unpowered.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 71dB.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 71dB.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access Times (8MHz clock):All functions: 0 wait states (250nS cycle) exceptControl register write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle),Read ADC data: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).Conversion Request (write): 1 wait state (375nS cycle)EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP320A)or -40 to 85°C (IP320AE model).Storage temperature: -40 to 125°C (IP320A)or -55 to 105°C (IP320AE model).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF: 719,999 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2Power: +5V: 210mA maximum.+12V from P1 or +15V from P2: 25mA maximum.-12V from P1 or -15V from P2: 25mA maximum.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP320A40 single-ended or 20 differential inputs.IP320AESame as IP320A plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 449B Printed in USA 3/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP330A16-Bit A/DAnalog InputIP330A Industry Pack (IP) modules provide fast, highresolution A/D conversion.The IP330A has many features to improve your overallsystem throughput rate. You can scan all channels ordefine a subset for more frequent sampling. Burst modescans selected channels at the maximum conversionrate. Uniform mode performs conversions at userdefinedintervals. Both modes can scan continuously,or execute a single cycle upon receiving a trigger.“Mail box” memory allows the CPU to read the latestdata in 32 storage buffer registers without interruptingthe A/D converter.Features■ 16-bit A/D converter (ADC)■ 5µS conversion time (200KHz)■ 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V input ranges)■ Individual channel mailbox with one or twostorage buffer registers per channel■ Programmable scan control■ Four scanning modes■ User-programmable interval timer■ External trigger input and output■ Programmable gain for individual channels■ Post-conversion interruptsBenefits■ “Mailbox” memory eliminates scanninginterruptions for optimum throughput.■ Data register indicates new and missed(overwritten) data values in the mail box.Advanced memory management techniques allow the IP330A to operate with minimal interruption of the A/D converter.SpecificationsAnalog InputsInput configuration: 16 differential or 32 single-ended.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input ranges: ±5V, ±10V*, 0-5V, and 0-10V*.* Requires ±15V external supplies.Data sample memory: Individual channel mailbox with one ortwo storage buffer registers per channel.Maximum throughput rate:Only one channel can be updated at a time.One channel: 200KHz maximum (5µS/conversion)[66KHz (15µS/conversion) recommended]16 channels (differential): 4.2KHz (240µS/16 ch)32 channels (single-ended): 2.1KHz (480µS/32 ch).Programmable gains: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x.A/D triggers: External and software.System accuracy: 2 LSB (0.0030%) typical(SW calib., gain=1, 25°C).Data format: Straight binary or two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: Vss -20V to Vdd 40V withpower on, -35V to 55V power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported: Input/output (IOSel*),ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select (INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 1 wait state (375ns cycle).I/O space read/write: 1 wait states.Interrupt select cycle read: 1 wait state.Mail box I/O read: 1 wait state. 3 wait statesif ongoing internal mail box write.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP330A)or -40 to 85°C (IP330AE model).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power:+5V: 65mA typical, 200mA maximum.+12V: 14mA typical, 20mA maximum.-12V/-15V: 11mA typical, 15mA maximum.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP330A32 single-ended or 16 differential inputs.IP330AESame as IP330A plus extended temperature rangeAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack Modules■ Programmable interrupts simplify dataacquisition by providing greater control.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 473b Printed in USA 06/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP340 and IP341SimultaneousA/D ConversionAnalog InputIP340/341 Industry Pack (IP) modules provide fast,high resolution, simultaneous A/D conversion of up toeight channels.These modules have sixteen analog inputs which aresampled as two eight-channel banks. Eight A/Dconverters (ADCs) permit simultaneous conversion ofall eight channels in a bank. A FIFO buffer holds thefirst bank’s data while the second bank is converted.Conversion of each bank requires only 8µS, and all16 channels can be sampled in just 16µs.Flexible configuration options give you extensive controlover the conversion process. The channels or bank to beconverted, timing, scan mode, and other parameters areuser-programmable. Interrupt support adds furthercontrol to flag a FIFO that is full or filled to a userdefinedthreshold level.The IP340 is ideal for high-speed data acquisition. A large FIFO buffer reduces CPU interactions for increased overall performanceIndustry Pack ModulesFeatures■ 16 differential inputs (±10V DC input range)■ Eight 12 or 14-bit A/D converters (IP340/341) withsimultaneous multi-channel conversion■ 8µS conversion time (125KHz) for 8-channel bank■ FIFO buffer with 512 sample memorySpecificationsAnalog InputsInput configuration: 16 differential.A/D resolution: 12 bits (IP340), 14 bits (IP341).Input range: ±10V.Data sample memory: 512 sample FIFO buffer.Max. throughput rate:Eight channels can be simultaneously acquired.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)8 channels (same bank): 1MHz (8µS/8 channels)16 channels (high & low banks): 1MHz (16µS/16 ch. atminimum 2.2K ohm source resistance).Data sample memory: 512-sample FIFO memory buffer.A/D triggers: Internal timer, external, and software.System accuracy:IP340: 1.6 LSB (0.039%),IP341: 2.4 LSB (0.014%).Data format: Binary two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: ±25V with power on, ±40Vwith power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP340/341)or -40 to 85°C (IP340E/341E models).Storage temperature: -40 to 125°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: 594,898 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Power:+5V: 65mA (IP340/341), 76mA ( IP340E/341E).+12V from P1: 7mA.-12V from P1: -6mA.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP34012-bit A/DIP340ESame as IP340 plus extended temp. range.IP34114-bit A/DIP341ESame as IP341 plus extended temp. range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.■ Programmable conversion timer■ Programmable channel conversion control■ External trigger input and output■ Continuous and single-cycle conversion modes■ Interrupt generation for FIFO threshold conditions■ Precision calibration voltages stored on-boardBenefits■ Simultaneous channel conversion and on-boardmemory enable megahertz throughput rates.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported: Input/output (IOSel*),ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select (INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID space read: 0 wait states (250ns cycle).FIFO buffer read: 2 wait states maximum (500nS),1 wait state typical (375nS).Registers read/write: 0 wait states (250ns cycle).Interrupt read/write: 0 wait states (250ns cycle).Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.■ Programmable interrupts simplify dataacquisition by providing greater control.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-262 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP400High VoltageDigital InputThe IP400 can monitor the on/off (high/low) status ofup to 40 devices.Loopback monitoring of critical control signals is easilyaccomplished with the IP400 by reading the outputstates of Acromag’s IP405 Output Module. The twomodules share the same field interface pinouts fordirect loopback compatibility.Configuration is easy with software commands thateliminate confusing jumper settings and switches. Youcan configure interrupts for a change of state or leveldetection of any bit on up to 12 channels.Features■ 40 digital inputs■ 0 to 60V DC input range■ TTL input threshold with hysteresis■ Change-of-state/level interrupts(up to 12 channels)■ Loopback monitoring of output states(with IP405)Benefits■ Buffered inputs include hysteresis for increasednoise immunity.■ Interrupts can be generated for change of state orlevel detection.■ Loopback monitoring enables self-test and faultdiagnostics to detect open switches or shorts.■ High impedance inputs minimize loading of theinput source and input current.When used together, the IP400 input module and IP405 output module simplify loop-back monitoring of your critical signals.SpecificationsDigital InputsInput channel configuration: 40 noninverting buffered inputswith a common connection. For DC voltage applicationsonly, observe proper polarity.Input voltage: 0 to 60V DC, maximum.Input signal threshold: TTL compatible. 1.5V DC with 200mVof hysteresis, typical. Thus, Low-to-High threshold is 1.6VDC High-to-Low is 1.4V DC, typical. Limited to TTL levels of0.8V DC (maximum Low level) and 2.0V DC (minimumHigh level).Input resistance time: 100K ohms, typical.Interrupts: Change-of-state and level on channels 0-11.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access Times (8MHz clock): 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Interrupts:Handling format: An 8-bit vector is provided during interruptacknowledge cycles.Updates: Requires two 16-bit and one 8-bit reads to updateall channels.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP400)or -40 to 85°C (IP400E model).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF: 1,653,871 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Power:+5V (±5%): 30mA maximum.+12V (±5%) from P1: 8.5mA maximum.-12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA (not used).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP40040 input channels.IP400ESame as IP400 plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack Modules■ Faster data processing is achieved because only one“wait” state is required for a read or a write operation.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-417 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP405High VoltageDigital OutputThe IP405 controls up to 40 low-side switches(open-drain MOSFETs).Operation of this module is very simple. Writing a “0”bit to a channel data register opens the switch to turnoff a field device. Similarly, writing a “1” bit closes theswitch to turn on the device. Each register can be readback to verify the value.Loopback monitoring of critical control signals is easilyaccomplished by reading back output states usingAcromag’s IP400 Digital Input Module.To ensure safe, reliable control under all conditions, theoutput operation is “fail-safe.” That is, outputs arealways off on power-up and are automatically clearedfollowing a system software reset.Features■ 40 digital low-side switch outputs■ 0 to 60V DC output range■ High output current (up to 1A per channel)■ True logic operation■ Low drain-to-source ON resistance■ Failsafe power-up and system reset(open outputs)■ Output state readback capability (built-in)Benefits■ Latched buffers enable the user to read back theoutput channel registers for verification purposes.■ Loopback monitoring (with IP400) enables self-testand diagnostics to detect system faults.When used together, the IP400 input module and IP405 output module simplify loop-back monitoring of your critical signals.SpecificationsDigital OutputsOutput channel configuration: 40 open-drain DMOS MOSFETswith common source connection.Voltage range: 0 to 60V DC, maximum.Output ON current range: 0 to 1A DC, continuous (up to 10Atotal for all channels combined), 250mA DC, continuous (allchannels on). No deration required at elevated ambients.Turn on time: 320nS typical (varies with load).Turn off time: 500nS typical (varies with load).IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access Times (8MHz clock):All functions: 0 wait states (250nS cycle), exceptChannel register write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Updates: Requires two 16-bit and one 8-bit writes to updateall channels.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP405)or -40 to 85°C (IP405E model).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C (all models).Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF: 901,313 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Power:+5V (±5%): 350mA maximum.+12V (±5%) from P1: 8.5mA maximum.-12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA (not used).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP40540 output channels.IP405ESame as IP405 plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack Modules■ Low drain-to-source ON resistance ensures TTLlogic-low compatibility at high currents and reducespower dissipation.■ Individual channels sink up to 1A DC continuous. Noderation of output current required at high ambienttemperatures.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 418 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP408High VoltageDigital Input/OutputThe IP408 monitors or controls the on/off (high/low)status of up to 32 devices. Each channel can be used asan input or output.Input channels can be configured with interrupts for achange of state or level detection of any bit on up to 8channels. The TTL input threshold includes hysteresis forincreasing noise immunity.In order to ensure safe, reliable control under all conditions,output operation is “fail-safe.” That is, the outputsare always off upon power-up and are automaticallycleared following a software reset.Loopback monitoring of critical control signals is easysince the input and output circuitry are connected intandem to each channel.Features■ 32 digital input and/or output channels■ 0 to 60V DC input range,60V DC low-side switch outputs■ Outputs sink up to 1A per channel■ TTL-compatible input threshold with hysteresis■ Change-of-state/level interrupts (up to 8)Benefits■ Buffered inputs include hysteresis to increasenoise immunity.■ Interrupts are software-programmable for a changeof state or level detection.■ Loopback monitoring enables self-test and faultdiagnostics to detect open output switches or shorts.■ High impedance inputs prevent loading of the inputsource and minimize current.■ Individual outputs sink up to 1A DC continuous.No deration of output current required at elevatedtemperatures.The IP408 provides an easy method to perform loop-back monitoring of your critical control signals.SpecificationsDigital InputsInput channel configuration: 32 noninverting buffered inputswith a common connection. Input signal voltage range:0 to 60V DC, maximum.Input signal threshold: TTL compatible. 1.5V DC with 200mVof hysteresis, typ. Limited to TTL levels of 0.8V DC (max. lowlevel) and 2.0V DC (minimum high level).Input response time: 250nS minimum to 375nS max.Interrupts: Change-of-state and level on channels 0-7.Digital OutputsChannel configuration: 32 open-drain DMOS MOSFETs withcommon source connection.Output ON current range: 0 to 1A DC, continuous per channel(10A total for all channels combined). No deration requiredat elevated ambients.Turn on time: 320nS typical (varies with load).Turn off time: 500nS typical (varies with load).IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access Times (8MHz clock): 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Interrupt handling format: An 8-bit vector is provided duringinterrupt acknowledge cycles on D0 - D7.Updates: Two 16-bit read/writes to update all channels.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP408)or -40 to 85°C (IP408E).Storage: -55 to 125°C (all models).Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF: 1,317,013 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Power: +5V (±5%): 50mA max. +12V (±5%) from P1:8.5mA max. -12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA (not used).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP40832 bidirectional input/output channelsIP408ESame as IP408 plus extended temperature rangeAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-419 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP409DifferentialDigital Input/OutputThe IP409 provides 24 differential I/O channels withinterrupts. Each channel is programmable as an inputor an output on a bit basis, in any combination. Allchannels can generate change-of-state (COS), low, orhigh level transition interrupts.Each channel uses a robust RS485/422A transceiver thatsupports bi-directional data transfer in one direction ata time (half-duplex). Differential data transmissionenables reliable, high speed communication acrossdistances of up to 4000 feet, even through noisy environments.Differential transmission nullifies the effectsof ground shifts and noise signals which appear ascommon-mode voltages on the line.Features■ 24 digital input and/or output channels■ Output channels support readback monitoring■ Socketed termination resistors■ Ruggedized RS422A/485 transceivers■ Interrupt support on all channels- change-of-state- high or low level transition■ Positive and negative current limiting■ Parallel I/O for up to 24 bitsBenefits■ All channels programmable as inputs or outputs.■ Differential data transmission is ideal forhigh-speed, long distance communication innoisy environments.The IP409 has 24 channels with interrupts for reliable, high-speed serial or parallel data transfer across noisy environments.SpecificationsRS485 TransceiversBus common mode range: -7 to 12V.Channel configuration: 24 independent, non-isolatedRS485/422A serial ports with a common signalreturn connection.Data rate: 250K bits/second, maximum.Cable length: 4000 feet, maximum. Use of a signal repeatercan extend transmission distances.Termination resistors: 120 ohm resistors installed in boardsockets at network endpoints only.Differential output voltage: 5V, maximum. 1.5V minimum(with 27 ohm load).Common mode output voltage: 3V, maximum.Output short circuit current: 250mA, maximum.Rise/fall time: 250nS, minimum, 800nS, typical. 2000nS,maximum.Receiver input impedance: 12K ohms.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access Time (8MHz clock): 0 wait states (250nS cycle).Interrupt handling format: An 8-bit vector is provided duringinterrupt acknowledge cycles on D0 - D7.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP409) or-40 to 85°C (IP409E).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C (all models).Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingPower:+5V (±5%): 50mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: Not used.MTBF: 5,258,978 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP409Differential digital I/O moduleIP409ESame as IP409 plus extended temperature rangeAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentatin for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-420 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIP440A-xIsolated Digital InputIndustry Pack ModulesIP440A Industrial I/O Pack (IP) modules provide32 optically isolated inputs to safely monitor a widerange of digital input voltage levels.Isolation protects your computer system from noise,transient signals, and field wiring faults. The inputs aregrouped into four 8-channel ports. Ports are isolatedfrom the logic and each other.Change-of-state interrupts are supported usingpaired channels. Debounce eliminates spuriousinterrupts from noise and switching transients forerror-free edge detection.Closed-loop monitoring of critical control signals iseasily accomplished using the IP440A in conjunctionwith Acromag’s IP445 digital output module.Features■ 32 port-isolated input channels■ Three input ranges (different models):IP440A-1: ±4 to ±18V DC or AC peakIP440A-2: ±16 to ±40V DC or AC peakIP440A-3: ±38 to ±60V DC or AC peak■ Interrupt support for each channel■ High speed processing (0 wait states)■ Programmable polarity of event interrupts(low-to-high or high-to-low transitions)■ Programmable debounce■ Input hysteresis■ Reverse polarity protection■ Software configuration (no jumpers or switches)Benefits■ Software configuration allows “on-the-fly” changeswithout removing modules.■ Pins are compatible with IP445 output module forloopback monitoringWhen used together, the IP440A input module and IP445 output module simplify loop-back monitoring of your critical signals.SpecificationsDigital InputsInput channel configuration: 32 optically isolated inputs.Isolation: Logic and field connections are opticallyisolated. Individual ports are also isolated from each other.Input lines of individual ports share a common connectionand are not isolated from each other. Logic and field linesare isolated from each other for voltages up to 250V AC rms250V DC on a continuous basis (unit will withstand a1500V AC dielectric strength test for one minute withoutbreakdown).Bipolar input voltage range:IP440A-1: ±4 to ±18V DC or AC peak.IP440A-2: ±16 to ±40V DC or AC peak.IP440A-3: ±38 to ±60V DC or AC peak.Input low-to-high threshold:IP440A-1: ±2V typical.IP440A-2: ±6.8V typical.IP440A-3: ±13.75V typical.Input response time:On to off: 15µS typical.Off to on: 10µS typical.Interrupts: 32 channels configurable as below.High-to-low transitionsLow-to-high transitionsChange-of-state (two inputs required)Debounce: Selectable for 4µS,64µS, 1mS, or 8mS.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock): 0 wait states (250ns cycle).Updates: Requires four 8-bit reads to update all channels.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP440A-1/2/3)or -40 to 85°C (IP440A-1E/2E/3E models).Storage temperature: -55 to 150°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Contact the factory.Power:+5V (±5%): 150mA maximum, 65mA typical.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP440A-1Digital input, ±4 to ±18V input rangeIP440A-1ESame as IP440A-1 plus extended temperature rangeIP440A-2Digital input, ±16 to ±40V input rangeIP440A-2ESame as IP440A-2 plus extended temperature rangeIP440A-3Digital input, ±38 to ±60V input rangeIP440A-3ESame as IP440A-3 plus extended temperature rangeAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack Modules■ Loopback monitoring enables self-test and faultdiagnostics to detect open switches or shorts.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-421B Printed in USA 3/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIP445Isolated Digital OutputIndustry Pack ModulesIP445 modules provide 32 isolated solid-state relayoutputs to safely control discrete devices.A major IP445 advantage is its flexibility. The modulesupports wide range bipolar (AC or DC) voltageswitching. Each port can be configured for high orlow-side switches. The outputs are TTL-compatiblewhen configured as low-side switches using on-boardsocketed pull-up resistors.Isolation protects your computer system from noise,transient signals, and field wiring faults. Outputs aregrouped into four 8-channel ports. Ports are isolated viasolid-state relays from the logic and from each other.Readback buffers simplify output status monitoring.And for easy closed-loop monitoring of critical controlsignals, use the IP445 with an IP440 input module.Features■ 32 bipolar solid state relays■ High/low-side switch configuration■ Port-isolated output channels■ ±60V AC/DC voltage range■ High speed processing (0 wait states)■ TTL-compatible■ Failsafe power-up and system reset■ Output readback function■ Socketed pull-up resistors for low-sideswitching applications■ Current-limited solid-state relaysBenefits■ Unique ground reference points for each port permitsAC and DC switching on one module.■ Pin are compatible with IP440 input module forloopback monitoring.When used together, the IP440 input module and IP445 output module simplify loop-back monitoring of your critical signals.SpecificationsDigital OutputsOutput channel configuration: 32 isolated solid-state relayssupport AC or DC (high/low-side switching) operation.Isolation: Logic and field connections are optically isolated bysolid-state relays. Individual ports are also isolated fromeach other. Output lines of an individual port share acommon connection and are not isolated from each other.IP Logic and field lines are isolated from each other forvoltages up to 250V AC or 354V DC on a continuous basis(unit will withstand a 1000V AC dielectric strength test forone minute without breakdown).Voltage range: 0 to ±60V DC or peak AC.Output ON current range: 140mA maximum continuous(up to 1A total per port).Turn on time: 1mS typical, 2mS maximum.Turn off time: 1mS typical, 2mS maximum.Output pull-up resistors: 4.7K ohms, socketed.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access times (8MHz clock): 0 wait states (250ns cycle).Updates: Requires four 8-bit writes to update all channels.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP445)or -40 to 85°C (IP445E model).Storage temperature: -40 to 125°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: 713,455 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Power:+5V (±5%) all outputs on: 400mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP445Digital output module.IP445ESame as IP445 plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-422 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP470ATTL LevelDigital I/OIP470A Industrial I/O Pack (IP) modules provide48 general-purpose, bidirectional I/O points toeconomically monitor and control a large quantity ofdigital devices.Each channel has interrupt capability for detectinglow-to-high or high-to-low transitions. Changeof-stateinterrupts are supported using pairedchannels. Debounce eliminates interrupts fromnoise and switching transients for error-freeedge detection.IP470A outputs are full-featured. They have socketedpull-ups and provide closed-loop readback statusmonitoring. TTL level thresholds and 15mA sinkcapability allow a direct interface to standard relayracks. And for safety, outputs go to a failsafe state uponpower-up/reset without any instantaneous toggling toprevent false alarms.With four IP470A modules on a 6U VMEbus carrier card, you can monitor and control 192 devices from a single card slot.Industry Pack ModulesFeatures■ 48 bidirectional input/output channels■ TTL-compatible inputs■ CMOS-compatible open-drain outputs■ Interrupt support for each channel■ Input debounce■ Electronic overvoltage protection onindividual channels■ Open drain outputs with socketed pull-ups■ Output readback registersBenefits■ Output readback capability eliminates the need foradditional input channels to verify the outputchannel state.■ Pinouts are compatible with industry-standardisolated I/O racks.SpecificationsDigital InputsInput channel configuration: 48 buffered inputs.Input voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold: 1.5V typical.Input response time: 135nS.Digital OutputsOutput channel configuration: 48 open-drain CMOS outputs.Output voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output “ON” current range: 0 to 15mA DC.Output pull-ups: 4.7K ohms pull-ups installed in boardsockets. With pull-ups removed, integrated 47.5K ohmsnominal pull-ups are present.Turn on time: 125nS, typical.Turn off time: 3µS, typical.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock): 0 wait states (250ns cycle).Updates: Requires six 8-bit read/writes to update all48 channels.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP470)or -40 to 85°C (IP470E model).Storage temperature: -55 to 150°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Contact the factory.Power:+5V (±5%): 160mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA maximum (not used).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP470A48-channel digital I/O module.IP470AESame as IP470A plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.■ Output channels do not “glitch” after apower-up/reset to eliminate false alarms.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-423B Printed in USA 3/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIP480 Counter/TimerIP480 modules provide up to six counter/timer channelsfor counting events, generating waveform controlsignals, measuring pulse-widths or periodic rates, andmonitoring operations.Support for internal or external triggering simplifies thesynchronization of operations to specific events. Counterfunctions can use internally generated clocks or anexternally supplied clock.Features■ IP480-6: Six 16-bit (three 32-bit) counter/timersIP480-2: Two 16-bit (one 32-bit) counter/timers■ Event counters■ Output waveform generator- continuous pulse- single pulse- continuous square waveforms■ Pulse-width or periodic rate monitor■ Watchdog timer with isolated relay output■ Interrupt support:- watchdog timeout- event count complete- pulse-width or rate measurement complete- pulse wave complete- successive waveform generation■ Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefits■ Most configuration is handled by a singleregister which minimizes programming.■ Timer outputs support high voltage/currents.■ Built-in clamp diodes provide addedprotection when driving inductive loads.■ Pullups are socketed for easy adjustment.The IP480 is very flexible and available in several varieties to accommodate a broad range of counter/timer applications.SpecificationsCounter/TimersCounter/timer configuration:IP480-6: Six 16-bit counter/timer function groups.IP480-2: Two 16-bit counter/timer function groups.Any two 16-bit counters may be combined together tocreate a 32-bit counter.Speed (with 8MHz internal clock):Max. output pulse/square wave freq.: 4MHz.Minimum event pulse width: 130nS.Minimum pulse width measurement: 250nS.Minimum period measurement: 250nS.Mode accuracy (with external clocking):Waveform generation: Period is ±62nS.Watchdog: Timeout occurs within ±1 clock cycle.Pulse/period measurement: ±1 clock cycle.Internal clocks: Programmable 1, 4, or 8MHz.External clocks: Separate clock input for each counter supportsfrequencies up to 7MHz.Counter trigger: External inputs for triggering counter functions.Input level is TTL or CMOS compatible. Vih=2.0V,Vil=0.8V. Inputs are buffered and include 4.7K ohmpull-ups to +5V.Input voltage range: 0 to 5V.Input requirements: 2.0V DC minimum high level,0.8V DC maximum low level, 10µA maximum current.Output: Non-isolated open drains of N-channel mosfets withsocketed 4.7K ohms pull-up resistor SIP. Drains protected to60V DC and sink up to 250mA each.Output range (low side switch): 0 to 5V with internal supply.0 to 60V with pull-ups to external supply.Output open drain pull-ups: A 4.7K ohms pull-up resistor SIP.Power limited to 0.15W/resistor.Output relays:SPDT (Form C) electromechanical relays (oneper counter) controlled in watchdog timer mode. Contactsrated to 125V AC, 1A.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets all written IP specs per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported: Input/output (IOSel*),ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select (INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):Read/write cycles: 0 wait states (250ns cycle);1 wait state (375nS cycle) to read thecounter readback register.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP480-2/6) or-40 to 85°C (IP480-2E/6E).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C (all models).Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: +5V (±5%): 255mA max. (-6), 110mA (-2).±12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA max. (not used).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP480-2Two 16-bit (one 32-bit) counter/timersIP480-2ESame as IP480-2 plus extended temperature rangeIP480-6Six 16-bit (three 32-bit) counter/timersIP480-6ESame as IP480-6 plus extended temperature rangeFor Industry Pack Carrier Cards, see Page 5.Software (see Page 81)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-ATX-PCIActiveX ® /OLE Controls 2.0 software packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)For accessories information, see Page 87.Industry Pack ModulesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-624-1541 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com29

Industry Pack ModulesIP482/483/484Counter/TimersIndustry Pack Modules■ IP482:■ IP483:■ IP484:Ten 16-bit counters – TTLFive 16-bit counters – TTL, andTwo 16-bit counters – RS422Five 16-bit counters – RS422Several models with a variety of configurations provideup to ten counter/timer channels for counting events,generating waveform control signals, measuring pulsewidthsor periodic rates, and monitoring operations.Support for internal or external triggering simplifies thesynchronization of operations to specific events. Counterfunctions can use internally generated clocks or anexternally supplied clock.Features■ Up to ten 16-bit counter/timers (IP482)■ Available with both TTL and RS422driver interface (IP483 only)■ 8 or 32MHz clock time base■ Single counter/timer modes:- Event counting- Frequency measurement- Period/pulse-width measurement- Quadrature position measurement- Square wave/pulse train generation- Time/period interrupter- Pulse width generation■ Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefits■ Most configuration is handled by a singleregister which minimizes programming.■ Pullups are socketed for easy adjustment.These modules are very flexible and available in several varieties to accommodate a broad range of counter/timer applications.SpecificationsCounter/TimersCounter/timer configuration:IP482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTLIP483: Five 16-bit counters – TTLTwo 16-bit counters – RS422IP484: Five 16-bit counters – RS422Clock frequency: 8 or 32MHz depending on IP bus speed.Field I/O: Front panel SCSI-3 connector.8MHz carrier operation:Selectable internal clock frequency: 0.5, 1, 2, 4, or 8 MHz.External clock: 2MHz maximum frequency.Minimum input event: 125nS.Minimum pulse measurement: 125nS.Minimum period measurement: 300nS.Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 125nS.32MHz carrier operation:Selectable internal clock frequency: 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 MHz.External clock: 8MHz maximum frequency.Minimum input event: 31.25nS.Minimum pulse measurement: 31.25nS.Minimum period measurement: 150nS.Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 31.25nS.Mode accuracy (with external clocking):Waveform generation: Period is ±62nS.Watchdog: Timeout occurs within ±1 clock cycle.Pulse/period measurement: ±1 clock cycle.Interrupts: Supported for watchdog timer time-out, eventcount complete, pulse width or periodic rate measurementcomplete, pulse wave complete (one-shot mode), successivewaveform generation (continuous).Triggering/gate: Programmable via register write or externaltrigger. Minimum pulse width 125nS. Line may be usedfor gating of counter.Counter trigger: Interface for triggering counter functions.Input level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.Counter input: Interface for events and pulse/period measurements.Also triggers load of watchdog timer register. Levelis TTL or RS422 differential digital.TTL compatibility: V IH = 2.0V and V IL = 0.8V. inputs arebuffered and include 4.7K pull-ups to +5V.Counter output: Level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported: Input/output (IOSel*),ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select (INTSel*).Access times (8MHz or 32MHz clock):ID space read: 0 wait states (250ns cycle).Registers read/write: 1 wait states (500ns cycle).Interrupt read/write: 0 wait states (250ns cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temp.: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions)Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: Consult factory.MTBF: Hours at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2IP482 2,043,105; IP483 3,289,625; IP484 7,065,540Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTLIP482E: Same as IP482 plus extended temperature rangeIP83: Five 16-bit counters – TTL,Two 16-bit counters – RS422IP483E: Same as IP483 plus extended temperature rangeIP484: Five 16-bit counters – RS422IP484E: Same as IP484 plus extended temperature rangeAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrie r Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageIPSW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)See accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-425 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP500ASerial 232CommunicationThese modules provide asynchronous serial andparallel communication interfaces for your system.Software-configuration helps you quickly set baudrates, character-sizes, stop bits, and parity. Full signalsupport for modem control is also included.For more efficient data processing, each serial port isequipped with 16-character FIFO buffers on thetransmit and receive lines.The data ports generate individually controlled transmit,receive, line status, and data set interrupts. Since uniqueinterrupt vectors may be assigned to each port, it is easyfor you to identify and locate the interrupt source. Also,a priority shifting scheme prevents continuous interruptsfrom one port from blocking interrupts fromanother.Features■ Four RS232E serial ports■ 16-byte FIFO buffers■ Interrupts with unique vectors for each port■ Programmable baud rate (up to 128Kbps)(Consult factory for custom rates up to 512Kbps)■ Individual modem control signals oneach channel■ Handshake lines (RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI)■ Line-break and false start-bit detection■ Industry-standard 16C550 family UART includessoftware-compatible 16C450 modeBenefits■ 16-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction forimproved system performance.■ Each serial channel provides full handshakesupport to simplify interfacing with modems.Thee IP500A provides four 232 communication ports with FIFO buffers for reliable data transfer across serial communication lines.SpecificationsRS232E Serial PortsConfiguration: Independent, non-isolated serial ports with acommon single return connection and configured as aDTE device.Data rate: Programmable up to 128K bits/second usinginternal baud rate generator. Consult factory for custombaud rates up to 512K baud.Max. cable length: 15 meters (50 feet) typical, limited to acable capacitive load of 2500pF.Character size: 5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.Parity: Odd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits: 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffers: 16-byte receive FIFO buffer and 16-bytetransmit FIFO buffer.Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun, parity, framing error,or break interrupt); received data available (FIFO levelreached) or character time-out; transmitter holding registerempty; or modem status (CTS, DSR, RI, or DCD).IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 0 wait states (255nS cycle).Channel register read/write: 1 wait state(375nS cycle).Interrupt select cycle: 2 wait states.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C.Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 300mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: 75mA maximum.MTBF: 3,055,730 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-21F, Notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP500AFour RS232E serial ports.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Customized Industry Pack Modules† 4860-xModified IP500A with user-specified crystal/baud rate.† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.3.686MHz or 14.745MHz models may be purchases as singleunits, other frequencies require a min. qty. per oder of two units.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageSee accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-450B Printed in USA 3/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP501-xSerial 422/485CommunicationThese modules provide an asynchronous serialcommunication interface for your system. They havefour asynchronous, full-duplex RS422B serial ports.Since the transceivers are compatible with the RS485standard, you can also use a full-duplex RS485 interfacefor multiple driver support. However, for true halfduplexRS485 operation, use the IP502.Software-configuration quickly sets the baud rate,character-size, stop bits, and parity.For more efficient data processing, each serial port isequipped with 16, 64 or 128-character FIFO buffers onthe transmit and receive lines.Features■ Four asynchronous, full-duplex RS422B serial ports(full-duplex RS485 )■ 16, 64, or 128-byte FIFO buffers■ Programmable baud rate (up to 512Kbps)(Consult factory for custom rates up to 1Mbps)■ Individually controlled interrupts(unique vectors for each port)■ Handshake control signals (RTS, CTS)for each channel■ Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)■ Industry-standard 16C550 family UART includessoftware-compatible 16C450 modeBenefits■ Failsafe receivers guarantee a high output state whenthe inputs are left open or floating.■ Internal diagnostics help detect faults.■ FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction for improvedsystem performance.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Large, 128-byte FIFO buffers reduce the processing burden on the CPU to increase the overall system performance.SpecificationsRS422B Serial PortsConfiguration: Four independent, non-isolated RS422B serialports with a common single return connection.Data rate: Programmable up to 512K bits/second usinginternal baud rate generator. Consult factory for custombaud rates up to 1M baud.Interface: Asynchronous serial only.Character size: 5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.Parity: Odd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits: 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun error, parity error,framing error, or break interrupt); received data available(FIFO level reached) or character time-out; transmitterholding register empty; or modem status (CTS). Multipleports share the IntReq0 line according to a shifting priorityscheme based on the last interrupting port serviced.UARTIP501-16: Texas Inst. TL16C554FN or equivalent.IP501-64: Startech ST16C654CJ68.IP501-128: Exar/Startech XR16C854IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Channel register read/write: 2 wait states (500nScycle).Interrupt select read: 2 wait states.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP501-16/64/128) or-40 to 85°C (IP501-16E/128E/4861-xE/5024-xE).Storage temperature: -40 to 125°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: +5V (±5%): 650mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA (not used).MTBF: 7,150,212 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2..Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP501-16Four serial ports with 16-byte FIFOs.IP501-16ESame as IP501-16 plus extended temperature rangeIP501-64Four serial ports with 64-byte FIFOsIP501-128Four serial ports with 128-byte FIFOsIP501-128ESame as IP501-128 plus extended temperature rangeAcromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Customized Industry Pack Modules† 4861-xModified IP501-16 with user specifiedcrystal/baud rate.† 4861-xESame as 4861-x plus extended temperature range† 4988-xModified IP501-64 with user specifiedcrystal/baud rate.† 5024-xModified IP501-128 with user specifiedcrystal/baud rate.† 5024-xESame as 5024-x plus extended temperature range† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.3.686MHz or 14.745MHz models may be purchases as singleunits, other frequencies require a min. qty. per oder of two units.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageSee accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-136 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP502Serial 485CommunicationThese modules provide an asynchronous serialcommunication interface for your system. The IP502has four asynchronous, half-duplex RS485 serialports. It provides a cost-efficient interface to RS485multi-driver networks which support up to 32 nodes.However, for full handshaking support, use the fullduplexIP501.Software-configuration quickly sets the baud rate,character-size, stop bits, and parity.For more efficient data processing, each serial port isequipped with16-character FIFO buffers on the transmitand receive lines.Features■ Four asynchronous, half-duplex RS485 serial ports■ 16-byte FIFO buffers■ Programmable baud rate (up to 512Kbps)(consult factory for custom rates up to 1M bps)■ Individually controlled interrupts(unique vectors for each port)■ Line-break and false start-bit detection■ Industry-standard 16C550 family UART includessoftware-compatible 16C450 modeBenefits■ Failsafe receivers guarantee a high output state whenthe inputs are left open or floating.■ Internal diagnostics help detect communicationfaults.■ 16-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction forimproved system performance.The IP502 provides a cost-effective interface to RS485 networks. A variety of features add flexibility to handle more applicationsSpecificationsRS485 Serial PortsConfiguration: Four independent, non-isolated RS485 serialports with a common single return connection.Data rate: Programmable up to 512Kbps using internal baudrate generator and carrier 8MHz clock. Consult factory forcustom baud rates up to 1M baud.Interface: Asynchronous serial only.Max. cable length: 1200 meters (4000 feet) typical. A signalrepeater can extend this limit.Character size: 5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.Parity: Odd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits: 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffers: 16-byte receive FIFO buffers and 16-bytetransmit FIFO buffers.Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun error, parity error,framing error, or break interrupt); received data available(FIFO level reached) or character time-out; transmitterholding register empty. Multiple ports share the IntReq0line according to a shifting priority scheme based on thelast interrupting port serviced.UARTUART: Texas Instruments TL16C554FN.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Channel register read/write: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).Interrupt select read: 2 wait states.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C.Storage temperature: -40 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 300mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA (not used)MTBF: 7,642,747 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP502Four RS485 serial ports.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Customized Industry Pack Modules† 5027-xModified IP502 with user specified crystal/baud rate.† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.3.686MHz or 14.745MHz models may be purchases as singleunits, other frequencies require a min. qty. per oder of two units.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageSee accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-137 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP511-xIsolated Serial 422CommunicationIP511 Industry Pack (IP) modules provide an isolated,asynchronous serial communication interface for yourcomputer system.Large FIFO buffers on the transmit and receive lines ofeach serial port enable more efficient data processing.When the buffer is full, an interrupt is sent to theCPU to read the data. To match your budget andperformance requirements, you can order 16 or 64-byte(IP511-16/64) buffers.Features■ Four asynchronous RS422B ports■ Isolated serial ports■ 16 or 64-byte FIFO buffers■ Programmable baud rate (up to 512Kbps)(Consult factory for custom rates up to 1Mbps)■ Individually controlled interrupts(unique vectors for each port)■ Line break generation and detection■ False start bit detection■ Industry-standard 16C550 UART includingsoftware compatible 16C450 modeBenefits■ Isolation protects computer system from groundloops and transient signals.■ FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction for moreefficient data processing.■ Internal diagnostics help detectcommunication faults.■ Priority shifting scheme prevents continuousinterrupts from blocking other ports.Large, 64-byte FIFO buffers reduce the processing burden on the CPU to increase the overall system performance.SpecificationsSerial PortsConfiguration: 4 independent, isolated, full-duplex,RS422B ports.Interface: Asynchronous serial only.Data rate: Programmable to 512K bits/second. Consult factoryfor custom baud rates up to 1M baud.Character size: Programmable 5-8 bits.Parity: Programmable odd, even, or no parity.Stop bits: Programmable 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits.Data register buffers: Double-buffered (16C450 mode) or16/64-byte FIFO buffered,Interrupts: Receiver Line Status, Received Data Available orCharacter Timeout,Transmitter Holding Register Empty.IP511-64 includes interrupts for received XOFFsignal/special character.Receiver input resistance: 12K ohms minimum.Differential input threshold: ±0.2V.Bias resistors: Not required (driver always enabled).Output short circuit current: 250mA maximum.Termination resistors 120 ohms, socketed.Maximum cable length: 1200m (4000 ft.).Port power requirements: Isolated +5V ±5%, 5mAtypical, each port.UARTIP511-16: Texas Inst. TL16C554FN or equivalent.IP511-64: Startech ST16C654CJ68.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O register read/write: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).Interrupt select read: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C.Storage temperature: -40 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 160mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).MTBF: Consult factory.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP511-16Four RS422B ports with 16-byte FIFOs.IP511-64Four RS422B ports with 64-byte FIFOs.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Customized Industry Pack Modules† 4984-xModified IP511-64 with user specified crystal/baud rate.† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.3.686MHz or 14.745MHz models may be purchases as singleunits, other frequencies require a min. qty. per oder of two units.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageSee accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-427 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP512-xIsolated Serial 485CommunicationIP512 Industry Pack (IP) modules provide an isolated,high-performance serial communication interface foryour computer.Large FIFO buffers on the transmit and receive lines ofeach serial port enable more efficient data processing.When the buffer is full, an interrupt is sent to theCPU to read the data. To match your budget andperformance requirements, you can order 16 or 64-byte(IP512-16/64) buffers.Features■ Four asynchronous RS485 serial ports■ Isolated serial ports■ 16 or 64-byte FIFO buffers■ Software-programmable baud rate(up to 512Kbps)■ Individually controlled interrupts(unique vectors for each port)■ Line break generation and detection■ False start bit detection■ Industry-standard 16C550 UART includingsoftware compatible 16C450 modeBenefits■ Isolation protects computer system from groundloops and transient signals.■ FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction for moreefficient data processing.■ Internal diagnostics help detect communicationfaults.■ Priority shifting scheme prevents continuousinterrupts from blocking other ports.Large 64-byte FIFO buffers reduce the processing burden on the CPU to increase the overall system performance.SpecificationsSerial PortsConfiguration: 4 independent, isolated, RS485 ports.Interface: Asynchronous serial only.Data rate: Programmable to 512K bits/second using internalbaud rate generator.Character size: Programmable 5-8 bits.Parity: Programmable odd, even, or no parity.Stop bits: Programmable 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits.Data register buffers: Double-buffered (16C450 mode) or16/64-byte FIFO buffered,Interrupts: Receiver Line Status, Received Data Available orCharacter Timeout,Transmitter Holding Register Empty.Receiver input resistance: 12K ohms minimum.Differential input threshold: ±0.2V.Bias resistors: 560 ohms pull-ups.Output short circuit current: 250mA maximum.Termination resistors 120 ohms. Installed in boardsockets (removable).Port power requirements: Isolated +5V ±5%, 15mAmaximum, each port.Maximum cable length: 1200m (4000 ft.).UARTIP512-16: Texas Inst. TL16C554FN or equivalent.IP512-64: Startech ST16C654CJ68.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O register read/write: 2 wait states (500nS cycle)Interrupt select read: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°CStorage temperature: -40 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power:+5V (±5%): 160mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).MTBF: Consult factory.Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP512-16Four RS485 ports with 16-byte FIFOs.IP512-64Four RS485 ports with 64-byte FIFOs.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software accessories for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageSee accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-428 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP520Octal Serial 232CommunicationThese modules provide eight asynchronous serialcommunication ports from a single IP carrier slot.Software-configuration helps you quickly set baud rates,character-sizes, stop bits, and parity. Signal support forRTS/CTS handshaking is also included.For more efficient data processing, each serial port isequipped with 64-character FIFO buffers on thetransmit and receive lines.The data ports generate individually controlledtransmit, receive, line status, and data set interrupts.Since unique interrupt vectors may beassigned to each port, it is easy for you to identifyand locate the interrupt source. Also, a priorityshifting scheme prevents continuous interruptsfrom one port from blocking interrupts fromanother.Features■ Eight RS232E ports■ 64-byte transmit FIFO buffers64-byte receive FIFO buffers■ Interrupts with unique vectors for each port■ Programmable baud rate (up to 230Kbps)■ Individual handshake lines (RTS, CTS)on each channel■ Line-break and false start-bit detection■ Industry-standard 16C654 family UART includessoftware-compatible 16C450 modeBenefits■ High-density design lowers per-port costs andsaves IP carrier card slots for other functions.■ 64-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction forimproved system performance.■ Each serial channel provides handshake support tosimplify interfacing with modems.With eight serial ports per module, the IP520 provides a high-density solution to reduce costs and use fewer card slots.SpecificationsRS232E Serial PortsConfiguration: Independent, non-isolated serial ports with acommon single return connection and configured as aDTE device.Data rate: Programmable up to 230K bits/second usinginternal baud rate generator.Max. cable length: 15 meters (50 feet) typical, limited to acable capacitive load of 2500pF.Character size: 5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.Parity: Odd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits: 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffers: Double buffered or 64-byte FIFObuffered, mode selectable.Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun, parity, framing error,or break interrupt); received data available(FIFO level reached) or character time-out; transmitter(FIFO level reached); or modem status (CTS).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP520-64) or-40 to 85°C (IP520-64E/5018-xE).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: +5V (±5%): 340mA maximum.MTBF: 3,000,012 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA-4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA-4 1996.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Channel register read/write: 1 wait state(375nS cycle).Interrupt register read/write: 2 wait states(500nS cycle).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP520-64Eight RS232E serial ports.IP520-64ESame as IP520-64 plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Customized Industry Pack Modules† 5018-xModified IP520-64 with user specified crystal/baud rate.† 5018-xESame as 5018-x plus extended temperature range.† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.3.686MHz or 14.745MHz models may be purchases as singleunits, other frequencies require a min. qty. per oder of two units.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageSee accessories documentation for additional information.Industry Pack ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-239 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIndustry Pack ModulesIP521Octal Serial 422/485CommunicationThese modules provide eight asynchronous serialcommunication ports from a single IP carrier slot.Software-configuration helps you quickly set baud rates,character-sizes, stop bits, and parity.For more efficient data processing, each serial port isequipped with 64-character FIFO buffers on thetransmit and receive lines.The data ports generate individually controlled transmit,receive, line status, data set, and flow control interrupts.Since unique interrupt vectors may be assigned to eachport, it is easy for you to identify and locate the interruptsource. Also, a priority shifting scheme preventscontinuous interrupts from one port from blockinginterrupts from another.With eight serial ports per module, the IP521 provides a high-density solution to reduce costs and use fewer card slots.Industry Pack ModulesFeatures■ Eight asynchronous, full duplex RS422Bserial ports (supports RS485)■ 64-byte transmit FIFO buffers64-byte receive FIFO buffers■ Interrupts with unique vectors for each port■ Programmable baud rate (up to 921.6Kbps)■ Line-break and false start-bit detection■ Failsafe receivers■ Socketed termination and bias resistors■ Industry-standard 16C654 family UART includessoftware-compatible 16C450 modeBenefits■ High-density design lowers per-port costs andsaves IP carrier card slots for other functions.■ 64-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction forimproved system performance.SpecificationsRS422B Serial PortsConfiguration: Independent, non-isolated serial ports with acommon single return connection.Data rate: 921.6K bits/second, maximum.Max. cable length: 1200 meters (4000 feet), typical.Character size: 5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.Parity: Odd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits: 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffers: Double buffered or 64-byte FIFObuffered, mode selectable.Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun, parity, framing error,or break interrupt); receive/transmit FIFO level reached orcharacter time-out; Xon/Xoff or special character detected.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (IP521-64) or-40 to 85°C (IP521-64E/5028-xE).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: +5V (±5%): 340mA maximum.MTBF: 3,532,745 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2.IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA-4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA-4 1995.IP data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt select(INTSel*).Access times (8MHz clock):ID PROM read: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Channel register read/write: 1 wait state(375nS cycle).Interrupt register read/write: 2 wait states(500nS cycle).Ordering InformationIndustry Pack ModulesIP521-64Eight RS422B serial ports.IP521-64ESame as IP521-64 plus extended temperature range.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Customized Industry Pack Modules† 5028-xModified IP521-64 with user specified crystal/baud rate.† 5028-xEModified 5028-x with user specified crystal/baud rate.† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.3.686MHz or 14.745MHz models may be purchases as singleunits, other frequencies require a min. qty. per oder of two units.Acromag offers a wide selection of Industry Pack Carrier Cards.Software (see software documentation for details)IPSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packageIPSW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packageIPSW-API-WINWindows ® DLL driver software support packageSee accessories documentation for additional information.■ Extended temperature ranges deliverdependable operation in extreme conditions.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-244 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Industry Pack ModulesIP560 CAN Bus Interface ModulesP1IPBUSModel IP560-i with optional isolationCONTROLSTATUSADDRESSFPGAID ROMCONTROLSTATUSINTERRUPTVECTORSADDRESS& DATASTBYENSTBYENERRERRCHANNEL 0TXSJA1000RXCANCONTROLLERISOLATEDJ1+5V +9V VBUSDC/DCCONVERTERVBATTDIGITALISOLATORTJA1043CANTRANSCEIVERISOLATION BARRIERISOLATEDJ2+5V +9V VBUSDC/DCCONVERTERVBATTCANHCANLP2CONTROLLOGICADDRESS& DATASJA1000CANCONTROLLERTXRXDIGITALISOLATORTJA1043CANTRANSCEIVERCANHCANLCHANNEL 1ISOLATION BARRIERTwo CAN bus channels with optional isolation ◆ NXP SJA1000 CAN controller with TJA1043 transceiverDescriptionIP560 modules provide two independent CANbus interface channels. Each channel has aNXP SJA1000 CAN controller with a TJA1043transceiver. The advantage of this design is thatit allows reporting of bus fault conditions directlyfrom the TJA1043 transceivers. It also has theability to transmit, receive and perform messagefiltering on extended and standard messages.Using CAN to network controllers, actuators,sensors, and transducers provides many benefitsto system developers. First, the ready availabilityof multi-sourced components and tools cansignificantly reduce design time. Next, the small,light cables used by CAN help lower connectioncosts. Additionally, CAN has fewer connectionswhich improves reliability.CAN is ideal for the following applications:• Marine control and navigation systems• Elevator control systems• Defense vehicles• Production line control systems• Machine tools• Large optical telescopes• Medical systems• Paper and textile production machinery• Packaging machineryKey Features & Benefits■ Two complete CAN bus interfaces■ NXP SJA1000 CAN bus controller withhigh-speed TJA1043 CAN transceiver■ 1000V isolation, channel-to-channel andchannel-to-host (IP560-i models)■ ISO 11898 compliance for Part A (11-bit) andPart B extended (29-bit) arbitration IDs■ CAN 2.0B protocol compatibility (extendedframe passive in PCA82C200 compatibilitymode)■ Data rates of up to 1Mb/s■ Supports both 8MHz and 32MHz IP operation■ 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C operatingtemperature range■ TXD dominant clamping handler with diagnosis■ RXD recessive clamping handler with diagnosis■ TXD-to-RXD short-circuit handler withdiagnosis■ Bus line short-circuit diagnosis■ Bus dominant clamping diagnosis■ PCA82C200 mode (BasicCAN mode is default)■ Extended receive buffer (64-byte FIFO)■ 24 MHz clock frequency■ PeliCAN mode extensions:– Error counters with read/write access– Programmable error warning limit– Last error code register– Error interrupt for each CAN-bus error– Arbitration lost interrupt with detailed bitposition– Single-shot transmission (no re-transmission)– Listen only mode(no acknowledge, no active error flags)– Hot plugging support(software driven bit rate detection)– Acceptance filter extension(4-byte code, 4-byte mask)– Reception of ‘own’ messages(self reception request)■ Undervoltage detection on VBAT■ Listen-only mode for node diagnosis andfailure containmentTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-615b

Industry Pack ModulesIP560 CAN Bus Interface ModulesPerformance Specifications■ CAN BusConfigurationTwo independent CAN bus channels.NXP SJA1000 CAN controller with TJA1041 transceiver.ISO 11898 standardSupports the standard data and remote frame as wellas the extended data and remote frame according toCAN specification 2.0 Part A and Part B.IsolationIP560: Non-isolated. Logic and field commons have adirect electrical connection.IP560-i: 1kV DC isolation.Maximum data rate1Mb/S.■ IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)rMeets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt Select(INTSel*), Memory (MEMSel*).Access times (8MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 3 wait state (750nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 2 wait state (625nS cycle).Access times (32MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (63nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 5 wait state (250nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 2 wait state (156nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E models).Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.PowerIP560/IP560E+5V (±5%): 92 mA typical, 110 mA mA maximum.+12 Volts (±5%): 0.12 mA typical, 0.2 mA maximum.IP560-i/IP560E-i+5V (±5%): 123 mA typical, 275 mA maximum.MTBFContact the factory.Ordering InformationIP ModulesIP560Dual-channel CAN bus interface module.IP560ESame as IOS-560 plus extended temperature range.IP560-iDual-channel isolated CAN bus interface module.IP560E-iSame as IOS-560-i plus extended temperature range.Carrier CardsSee www.acromag.com for more information.Software development toolsSee www.acromag.com for more information.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2009. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 10/2009.

Industry Pack ModulesIP570 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Interface ModulesCHANNEL 0ID ROMACONTROLSTATUSCONTROLADDRESS& DATADDCµACE1553BC/RT/MTBRT ADDRESSP1IPBUSADDRESSTAG CLOCK INTAG CLOCK OUTCHANNEL 1P2INTERRUPTVECTORSACONTROLLOGICFPGAADDRESS& DATADDCµACE1553BC/RT/MTBRT ADDRESSOne or two 1553 interface channels ◆ DDC Micro-ACE controls 1553 interfaceDescriptionIP570 modules offer a choice of one or twochannels to interface sensors and other devicesto a 1553 bus.MIL-STD-1553 (1553) is a digital internal timedivision command/response multiplex data bus.It is a military standard which has become oneof the basic tools used by the U.S. Departmentof Defense for integration of weapon systems.MIL-STD-1553 describes the method ofcommunication and the electrical interfacerequirements for subsystems connected to thedata bus. Since its introduction, MIL-STD-1553applications have extended to systems integrationof flight controls, propulsion controls, and vehiclemanagement (electrical, hydraulic, environmentalcontrol, etc.).MIL-STD-1553 is designed for use in one of threeforms:Bus Controller (BC) – There is only one BusController at a time on any MIL-STD-1553 bus. Itinitiates all message communication over the bus.Remote Terminal (RT) – Up to 31 remoteterminals can be present in the system.Bus Monitor (BM) – A Bus Monitor cannottransmit messages over the data bus. Its primaryrole is to monitor and record bus transactionswithout interfering with operation of the BusController or the Remote Terminals. Bus Monitoris often configured to record a subset of thetransactions, based on criteria provided by theapplication program.MIL-STD-1553 is ideal for these applications:• Missile system testing• Air traffic control system testing• On-board aircraft system monitoring• Satellite test systems• Aircraft simulatorsKey Features & Benefits■ One or two complete dual-redundantMIL-STD-1553 bus interfaces■ Supports both MIL-STD-1553 revision B andMIL-STD-1760 transceivers■ All channels are transformer coupled■ Data rates of up to 1Mb/s■ Supports both 8 MHz and 32MHz IP operation■ DDC Micro-ACE controls 1553 interface- Fully integrates 1553 Rev A/B Notice 2terminal- Supports transceiver power-down options- Supports enhanced Mini-ACE architecture- Supports multiple configurations with 64KRAM: bus controller, remote terminal, or busmonitor- Supports 1553 Rev A/B Notice 2 andSTANAG 3838 protocols- MIL-STD-1760 amplitude complianttransceiver- Provides highly flexible host-side interface- Compatible with Mini-ACE and ACE- Provides highly autonomous bus controllerwith built-in message sequence controller- Offers choice of single, dual, and circularremote terminal buffering options- Provides selective message monitor- Includes comprehensive built-In self-test- 16MHz clock- Software libraries and drivers availablefor Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit),VxWorks ® and LinuxTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-618

Industry Pack ModulesIP570 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Interface ModulesPerformance Specifications■ MIL-STD-1553 BusConfigurationOne or two dual-redundant MIL-STD-1553 Rev. A/BNotice 2 bus interface channelsData memory64K RAM per channel.Maximum data rate1MHz.■ IP Compliance (ANSI/VITA 4)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Data transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt Select(INTSel*), Memory (MEMSel*).Access times (8MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 3 wait state (750nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Access times (32MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (63nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 9 wait state (344nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 8 wait state (313nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E models).Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.PowerIP571+5V: 0.3A typical, 0.6A maximum.+12V: 0A maximum.–12V: 0A maximum.IP572+5V: 0.6A typical, 1.2A maximum.+12V: 0A maximum.–12V: 0A maximum.MTBFContact the factory.Ordering InformationIP ModulesIP571Single-channel MIL-STD-1553 bus interface module.IP571ESame as IP571 plus extended temperature range.IP572Dual-channel MIL-STD-1553 bus interface module.IP572ESame as IP572 plus extended temp. range.Carrier CardsSee www.acromag.com for more information.Software development toolsSee www.acromag.com for more information.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2010. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 10/2010

PMC ModulesPMC230A-816-Bit D/AAnalog OutputPMC ModulesPMC230A modules have eight 16-bit D/A converters(DACs) to provide highly-accurate analog voltageoutputs. A unique two-piece board design bringsthe proven reliability of Acromag’s Industry Pack (IP)A/D modules to a PMC format. An IP230A moduleis embedded on a PMC interface card that maintainsmaximum performance and transparentcommunication to the host.Jumper-selectable output ranges give you the choiceof unipolar or bipolar voltage output. And for greaterflexibility, the PMC230 module accepts conversion starttriggers from software commands, or from externalsources for synchronization to specific events.Featuresn 8 analog voltage output channelsn Individual 16-bit D/A converters per channeln 10µS settling time (100KHz throughput)n Three output ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0 to 10V(jumper-selectable)n Two trigger modes(software or external trigger)n External trigger outputn High load capability (5mA output current)Benefitsn High channel density saves card cage slots.n Internally stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.n Flexible output control allows single cycleupdating of individual channels or all channelssimultaneously.n Hardware jumpers allow output range selection onan individual channel basis.Independent D/A converters on each channel provide better performance and smoother operation.SpecificationsAnalog OutputsOutput configuration: 8 voltage output channels.D/A Resolution: 16 bits.Output ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0 to 10V(jumper-selectable).Maximum throughput rate:Outputs can be updated simultaneously orindividually.One channel: 100KHz (10µS/conversion)Eight channels: 100KHz (10µS/8 ch).DAC programming: Immediate (transparentlyprogrammed to DAC output); simultaneous (inputlatches of DACs are loaded before simultaneouslyupdating outputs).System accuracy: 0.0061% of 20V span max. corrected error(i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with output unloaded.Output at reset: 0V for bipolar output, 5V for unipolar.Output current: -5 to +5mA (maximum).Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1(mechanical height exception, see Page 102).Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.Two-piece board design (see Page 102).32-bit PCI Target: Implemented by Altera FPGA.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.PMC Module Write Cycle: 1000nS typical measured from fallingedge of FRAME# to module write complete.PMC Module Read Cycle: 1000nS typical measured fromfalling edge of FRAME# to falling edge of TRDY# providingvalid data.Access Times: 1000nS for all registers.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC230A-8)or -40 to 85°C (PMC230A-8E model)Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 100mA at +5V. 140mA at +12V.225mA at -12V.MTBF: 662,291 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC230A-8Eight high-resolution voltage outputsPMC230A-8ESame as PMC230A-8 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminals5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsPMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-609 Printed in USA 7/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC33016-Bit A/DAnalog InputPMC330 mezzanine modules provide fast, highresolution A/D conversion.The PMC330 has many features to improve your overallsystem throughput rate. You can scan all channels ordefine a subset for more frequent sampling. Burst modescans selected channels at the maximum conversionrate. Uniform mode performs conversions at userdefinedintervals. Both modes can scan continuously, orexecute a single cycle upon receiving a trigger.“Mail box” memory allows the CPU to read the latestdata in 32 storage buffer registers without interruptingthe A/D converter.PMC ModulesFeatures■ 16-bit A/D converter (ADC)■ 8µS conversion time (125KHz)■ 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V input ranges)■ Individual channel mailbox with one or twostorage buffer registers per channel■ Programmable scan control■ Four scanning modes■ User-programmable interval timer■ External trigger input and output■ Programmable gain for individual channels■ Post-conversion interruptsBenefits■ “Mailbox” memory eliminates scanninginterruptions for optimum throughput.■ Data register indicates new and missed(overwritten) data values in the mail box.■ Programmable interrupts simplify dataacquisition by providing greater control.Advanced memory management techniques allow the PMC330 to operate with minimal interruption of the A/D converter.SpecificationsAnalog InputsInput configuration: 16 differential or 32 single-ended.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input ranges: ±5V, ±10V*, 0-5V, and 0-10V*.* Requires ±15V external supplies.Data sample memory: Individual channel mailbox with one ortwo storage buffer registers per channel.Maximum throughput rate:Only one channel can be updated at a time.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)[66KHz (15µS/conversion) recommended]16 channels (differential): 4.2KHz (240µS/16 ch)32 channels (single-ended): 2.1KHz (480µS/32 ch).Programmable gains: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x.A/D triggers: External and software.System accuracy: ±3 LSB (0.005%) typical (SW calib.,gain=1, 25°C).Data format: Straight binary or two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: Vss -20V to Vdd 40V withpower on, -35V to 55V power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.32-bit PCI Target: Implemented by Altera FPGA.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Access Times: 8 PCI Clock Cycles for all registers.To avoid Mail Box RAM read and write contention, a MailBox read may be issued a retry termination.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC330)or -40 to 85°C (PMC330E model)Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 71mA at +5V. 14mA at +12V. 10mA at -12V.MTBF: 1,745,521 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC33032 single-ended or 16 differential inputs.PMC330ESame as PMC330 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminals5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsPMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-287 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC341SimultaneousA/D ConversionAnalog InputPMC ModulesPMC341 modules provide fast, high resolution,simultaneous A/D conversion of eight channels.These modules have sixteen analog inputs which aresampled as two eight-channel banks. Eight A/Dconverters (ADCs) permit simultaneous conversion ofall eight channels in a bank. All 16 channels share twogenerous 512-sample memory buffers. Conversion ofeach bank requires only 8µS, and all 16 channels can besampled in just 16µs.Flexible configuration options give you extensive controlover the conversion process. The channels or bank to beconverted, timing, scan mode, and other parameters areuser-programmable. Interrupt support adds furthercontrol to interrupt upon a programmable thresholdwhen the memory is full.Features■ 16 differential inputs (±10V DC input range)■ Eight 14-bit A/D converters with simultaneousmulti-channel conversion■ 8µS conversion time (125KHz) for 8-channel bank■ Two 512-sample memory buffers■ Data tagging for channel identification■ Programmable conversion timer■ Programmable channel conversion control■ External trigger input and output■ Continuous and single-cycle conversion modes■ Interrupt generation for memory fullthreshold conditionsThe PMC341 is ideal for high-speed data acquisition. Large memory buffer reduces CPU interactions for increased overall performance.SpecificationsAnalog InputsInput configuration: 16 differential.A/D resolution: 14 bits.Input range: ±10V.Data sample memory: 512 sample FIFO buffer.Max. throughput rate:Eight channels can be simultaneously acquired.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)8 channels (same bank): 1MHz (8µS/8 channels)16 channels (high & low banks): 1MHz (16µS/16 ch. atmaximum 2.2K ohm source resistance).A/D triggers: Internal timer, external, and software.System accuracy: 2.4 LSB (0.014%).Data format: Binary two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: ±25V (power on),±40V (power off).Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.32-bit PCI Target: Implemented by Altera FPGA.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Burst Read of Memory Buffer: 3 PCI Clock Cycles per sampleread.Register Access Times: 8 PCI clock cycles, typical.Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC34114-bit A/DPMC341ESame as PMC341 plus extended temperature rangePMC341RSame as PMC341, except with rear I/O connectorPMC341RESame as PMC341R plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminals5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsPMC Modules■ Precision calibration voltages stored on-boardBenefits■ Simultaneous channel conversion and on-boardmemory enable megahertz throughput rates.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC341)or -40 to 85°C (PMC341E model)Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C (all models).Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 100mA at+5V. 15mA at +12V. -10mA at -12V.MTBF: 2,943,878 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-288 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC408High VoltageDigital Input/OutputPMC ModulesThe PMC408 monitors or controls on/off (high/low)status for up to 32 devices. Each channel can be used asan input or output. A unique two-piece board designbrings the proven reliability of Acromag’s Industry Pack(IP) modules to a PMC format. An IP408 module isembedded on a PMC interface card that maintains maximumperformance and transparent communication tothe host.Input channels can be configured with interrupts for achange of state or level detection of any bit on up toeight channels. The TTL input threshold includeshysteresis for increased noise immunity.In order to ensure safe, reliable control under all conditions,output operation is “fail-safe.” That is, the outputsare always off upon power-up and are automaticallycleared following a software reset.Loopback monitoring of critical control signals is easysince the input and output circuitry are connected intandem to each channel.Features■ 32 digital input and/or output channels■ 0 to 60V DC input range,60V DC low-side switch outputs■ Outputs sink up to 1A per channel■ TTL-compatible input threshold with hysteresis■ Change-of-state/level interrupts (up to 8)Benefits■ Buffered inputs include hysteresis to increasenoise immunity.■ Interrupts are software-programmable for achange of state or level detection.■ Loopback monitoring enables self-test and faultdiagnostics to detect open switches or shorts.■ High impedance inputs prevent loading of theinput source and minimize current.The PMC408 provides an easy method to perform loop-back monitoring of your critical control signals.SpecificationsDigital InputsInput channel configuration: 32 non-inverting buffered inputswith a common connection.Input voltage: 0 to 60V DC, maximum.Input signal threshold: TTL compatible. 1.5V DC with200mV of hysteresis, typ. Limited to TTL levels of 0.8VDC (max. low level) and 2.0V DC (min. high level).Input response time: 250nS minimum to 375nS maximum.Interrupt: Change-of-state and level on channels 0-7.Digital OutputsVoltage range: 0 to 60V DC, maximum.Output ON current range: 0 to 1A DC, continuous per channel(10A total for all channels combined).Turn on time: varies with load (320nS typical).Turn off time: varies with load (500nS typical).PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1(mechanical height exception, see Page 102).Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.Two-piece board design (see Page 102).32-bit PCI Target: Implemented by Altera FPGA.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address RegisterSignaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V TolerantInterrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.PMC Module Write Cycle: 1000nS typical measured fromfalling edge of FRAME# to module write complete.PMC Module Read Cycle: 1000nS typical measured fromfalling edge of FRAME# to falling edge of TRDY# providingvalid data.EnvironmentalOperating temp.: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E version)Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensingPower: 70mA at +5V. 10mA at +12V. -12V (not used).MTBF: 958,506 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC40832 bidirectional input/output channels.PMC408ESame as PMC408 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminals5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsPMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-289 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC424Digital I/O(Differential & TTL)and Counter/TimersPMC ModulesThe PMC424 digital I/O module provides 24 differentialinput/outputs, 16 TTL input/output channels, and four16-bit multi-function counter/timers.The 16 TTL input/output channels can be programmedas an input or an output on a channel basis. The 24differential input/output channels are programmed asinputs or outputs on an 4-channel port basis. All inputchannels can be enabled for change of state, low, orhigh level transition interrupts.Four 16-bit multifunction counters/timers can beconfigured for pulse width modulated output, watchdogtimer, event counter, frequency measurement,pulse width measurement, period measurement, or oneshot pulse output. The four 16-bit counters can also beconfigured into two 32-bit counter/timers. Aconduction-cooled version is also available.FeaturesDigital I/On 40 digital input/output channels:- 24 differential input/outputs- 16 TTL input/output channels (15 ch. for 434R)n Programmable change of state/level interruptsn Input signal filtering debounce logicCounter/Timern Four 16-bit or two 32-bit counter/timer channels(control lines shared with 16 TTL I/O channels)n Six operating modes:- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counter- Frequency measurement- Pulse width or period measurement- One-shot and repetitive one-shotn TTL-compatible thresholdsn Power-up and system reset are failsafeThis module saves money and PMC slots by combining differential I/O, TTL I/O, and counter/timer functions on one card.SpecificationsPMC424CC for conduction coolingDifferential Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 24 bidirectional non-isolatedRS485/422A differential signals. Direction is controlled asa 4-channel group.Differential driver output voltage with 50 ohm load:2V minimum, 5V maximum.Common mode output voltage: 3V maximum:Minimum input resistance: 12K ohms.Termination resistors: 120 ohm termination resistornetworks are installed in sockets.TTL Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 16 bidirectional TTL (15 for 424R)transceivers with direction controlled independently(shared as counter/timer control signals).Reset/power-up condition: All channels default to input.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold, low to high: 3.5V typical.Input signal threshold, high to low: 1.5V typical.Input response time: 10 nanoseconds, typical.Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range: -32 to 32mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Turn on time: 10nS.Turn off time: 10nS.Input Interrupts40 channels of interrupts are available for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event type.Debounce: Selectable for each channel. User-selectable(5.6µS, 50.4µS, 408.8µS, or 3.276mS).Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: Four 16-bit counters can beconfigured into two 32-bit counters.Counter input: Each counter has an IN A , IN B , and IN C port.These TTL input signals control start/stop, reload, eventinput, external clock, trigger, and up/down operations.Counter output: Each counter has one output signal. TheTTL output is used for waveform output, watchdog activeindicator, or 1.6µS pulse upon counter function completion.Programmable as active high or low.Clock frequencies: Selectable for 20MHz, 10MHz,5MHz, 2.5MHz, 1.25MHz or external up to 8MHz.Minimum I/P event: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum pulse measurement: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum period measurement: 200nS (debounce disabled).Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 100nS (debounce disabled).Board crystal oscillator: 20MHz.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC424 / R) or-40 to 85°C (PMC424E / CC)Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: 1,596,123 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Power: 216mA at +5V, typical.Continued on the next page.PMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-350b Printed in USA 3/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesBlock DiagramI/OINTERFACEPORT DIRECTION CONTROLFPGAPCI BUSINTERFACE24DIFFERENTIALINPUT/OUTPUTCHANNELS120 SOCKETEDCHANNEL 0PORT DIRECTION CONTROLPCI BUSLOGICDIGITAL INPUTOUTPUT INTERRUPTLOGIC120 SOCKETEDCHANNEL 23DIGITAL INPUTDEBOUNCELOGIC+5V4.7K SOCKETEDR28 (D24-D31)CHANNEL 24 DIRECTION CONTROLCHANNEL 2416-BITCOUNTER #1PMC Modules16INDEPENDENTDIGITAL TTLINPUT/OUTPUTCHANNELS+5VSOCKETED4.7KR27 (D32-D39)CHANNEL 39 DIRECTION CONTROLCHANNEL 3916-BITCOUNTER #232-BIT COUNTER16-BITCOUNTER #316-BITCOUNTER #4PMC ModulesCRYSTAL32-BIT COUNTER20MHZOrdering InformationPMC424: Digital I/O and counter/timer modulePMC424E: Same as PMC424 plus extended temp. rangePMC424R: Digital I/O and counter/timer module withrear I/O connector.PMC424CC: Digital I/O and counter/timer module, extendedtemperature range and conduction-cooled with rear I/O connector.Software (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-350b Printed in USA 3/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC464Digital I/O andCounter/TimersThe PMC464 module provides 64 digital input/ outputchannels and four 16-bit multifunction counter/timers.Sixteen digital I/O channels can be programmed as aninput or an output on an individual channel basis. Theother 48 digital input/output channels are programmedas inputs or outputs on an 8-bit port basis. All inputssupport change of state and high/low level transitioninterrupts.Four 16-bit multifunction counters/timers can beconfigured for pulse width modulated output, watchdogtimer, event counter, frequency measurement,pulse width measurement, period measurement, or oneshot pulse output. The four 16-bit counters can also beconfigured into two 32-bit counter/timers. Aconduction-cooled version is also available.PMC ModulesFeaturesDigital I/On 64 digital input/output channels:- 16 individually programmable channels(15 channels for 464R- 48 channels configured on an 8-bit port basisn Programmable change of state/level interruptsn Input signal filtering debounce logicCounter/Timern Four 16-bit or two 32-bit counter/timer channels(control lines shared with 16 TTL I/O channels)n Six operating modes:- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counter- Frequency measurement- Pulse width or period measurement- One-shot and repetitive one-shotn TTL-compatible thresholdsn Power-up and system reset is failsafeThis module saves money and PMC slots by combining digital I/O, and counter/timer functions on a single card.SpecificationsPMC464CC for conduction coolingDigital I/OI/O channel configuration:64 bidirectional TTL transceivers.Channels 0-47: Direction controlled on a port basis.Channels 48-63: Direction controlled independently(shared as counter/timer control signals). (48-62 for 464R)Reset/power-up condition: All channels default to input.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold (channels 0-47):Low to high: 2.0V typical.High to low: 0.8V typical.Input signal threshold (channels 48-63):Low to high: 3.5V typical.High to low: 1.5V typical.Input response time: 10 nanoseconds, typical.Interrupts: 64 channels of interrupts for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event types.Debounce: Selectable for each channel. User-selectable(5.6µS, 50.4µS, 408.8µS, or 3.276mS).Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range (channels 0-47): -15 to 64mA.Output ON current range (channels 48-63):-32 to 32mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Turn on time: 10nS.Turn off time: 10nS.Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: Four 16-bit counters can beconfigured into two 32-bit counters.Functions: Pulse width modulation, watchdog timer, eventcounting, frequency measurement, period measurement,pulse width measurement, and one-shot/repetitive.Counter input: Each counter has an INA, INB, and INC inputport. These TTL input signals control start/stop, reload,event input, external clock, trigger, and up/down operations.Counter output: Each counter has one output signal. The TTLoutput is used for waveform output, watchdog active indicator,or 1.6µS pulse upon counter function completion.Programmable as active high or low.Clock frequencies: Selectable for 20MHz, 10MHz,5MHz, 2.5MHz, 1.25MHz or external up to 8MHz.Minimum I/P event: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum pulse measurement: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum period measurement: 200nS (debounce disabled).Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 100nS (debounce disabled).Board crystal oscillator: 20MHz.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC464 / R) or-40 to 85°C (PMC464E / CC)Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: 1,750,590 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Power: 160mA at +5V, typical.Continued on the next page.PMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-351b Printed in USA 3/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesBlock Diagram48DIGITAL TTLINPUT/OUTPUTCHANNELSI/OINTERFACE88+5VSOCKETED4.7KR21(D0-D7)+5VSOCKETED4.7KR26(D40-D47)PORT A DIRECTION CONTROLCHANNEL 0PORT F DIRECTION CONTROLCHANNEL 47FPGAPCI BUSLOGICDIGITAL INPUTOUTPUT INTERRUPTLOGICDIGITAL INPUTDEBOUNCELOGICPCI BUSINTERFACE+5VSOCKETED4.7KR28(D48-D55)CHANNEL 48 DIRECTION CONTROLCHANNEL 4816-BITCOUNTER #1PMC Modules16INDEPENDENTDIGITAL TTLINPUT/OUTPUTCHANNELS+5VSOCKETED4.7KR27(D56-D63)CHANNEL 63 DIRECTION CONTROLCHANNEL 6316-BITCOUNTER #232-BIT COUNTER16-BITCOUNTER #316-BITCOUNTER #4PMC ModulesCRYSTAL32-BIT COUNTER20MHZOrdering InformationPMC464: Digital I/O and counter/timer modulePMC464E: Same as PMC464 plus extended temp. rangePMC464R: Digital I/O and counter/timer module withrear I/O connectorPMC464CC: Digital I/O and counter/timer module, plusextendded temp. range conduction cooled and rear I/O connectorSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-351b Printed in USA 3/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC48x Counter/Timerwith Quadrature■ PMC482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTL■ PMC483: Four 16-bit counters – TTL, andFour 32-bit counters – RS422PMC Modules■ PMC484: Six 32-bit counters – RS422Several models with a variety of configurations provideup to ten counter/timer channels for counting events,generating waveform control signals, measuring pulsewidthsor periodic rates, measuring quadrature position,and monitoring operations.Support for internal or external triggering simplifies thesynchronization of operations to specific events. Counterfunctions can use internally generated clocks or anexternally supplied clock.Features■ Ten 16-bit counter/timers (PMC482 only) orsix 32-bit counter/timers (PMC484 only)■ Two 16-bit counters can be combined to create one32-bit counter■ Available with both TTL and RS422driver interface (PMC483 only)■ 16 bi-directional digital I/O■ 20MHz clock time base■ Single counter/timer modes:- Event counting- Frequency measurement- Period/pulse-width measurement- Quadrature position measurement- Square wave/pulse train generation- Time/period interrupter- 32-bit counter/timer- Pulse width generation■ Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefits■ Most configuration is handled by a singleregister which minimizes programming.■ Pullups are socketed for easy adjustment.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.These modules are very flexible and available in several varieties to accommodate a broad range of counter/timer applications.SpecificationsCounter/TimersCounter/timer configuration:PMC482: Ten 16-bit TTL countersPMC483: Four 16-bit TTL counters,four 32-bit RS422 countersPMC484: Six 32-bit RS422 countersOther I/O mixes can be made available as specials.Clock frequency: 20MHz.Field I/O: Front panel SCSI-3 connector.Speed (with 20MHz internal clock):Maximum output pulse/square wave freq.: 200nS.Minimum event pulse width: 100nS.Minimum pulse width measurement: 100nS.Minimum period measurement: 200nS.Mode accuracy (with external clocking):Waveform generation: Period is ±62nS.Watchdog: Timeout occurs within ±1 clock cycle.Pulse/period measurement: ±1 clock cycle.Internal clocks: Programmable 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20MHz viathe counter control register.External clocks: Supported on a per-counter basis via clockline. Maximum frequency 8MHz.Interrupts: Supported for watchdog timer time-out, eventcount complete, pulse width or periodic rate measurementcomplete, pulse wave complete (one-shot mode), successivewaveform generation (continuous).Triggering/gate: Programmable via register write or externaltrigger. Minimum pulse width 100nS. Line may be usedfor gating of counter.Counter trigger: Interface for triggering counter functions.Input level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.Counter input: Interface for events and pulse/period measurements.Also triggers load of watchdog timer register. Levelis TTL or RS422 differential digital.TTL compatibility: V IH = 2.0V and V IL = 0.8V. inputs arebuffered and include 4.7K pull-ups to +5V.Counter output: Level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.Electrical/Mechanical Interface: Single-Width Module.32-bit PCI Target: Implemented by Altera FPGA.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Register Access Times: 8 PCI clock cycles, typical.EnvironmentalOperating temp.: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions)Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: Consult factory.MTBF: Hours at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2PMC482 1,744,259; PMC483 1,727,707; PMC484 1,708,729Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC482: Ten 16-bit TTL countersPMC482E: Same as PMC482 plus extended temp. rangePMC482R: Same as PMC482 with rear I/O connectorPMC482RE: Same as PMC482E with rear I/O connectorPMC483: Four 16-bit TTL counters, Four 32-bit RS422 countersPMC483E: Same as PMC483 plus extended temp. rangePMC483R: Same as PMC483 with rear I/O connectorPMC483RE: Same as PMC483E with rear I/O connectorPMC484: Six 32-bit RS422 countersPMC484E: Same as PMC484 plus extended temp. rangePMC484R: Same as PMC484 with rear I/O connectorPMC484RE: Same as PMC484E with rear I/O connectorSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsPMC ModulesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-429 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC730Multi-function I/OPMC Modules• Analog Input• Analog Output• Digital I/O• Counter/TimerPMC730 mezzanine modules provide a variety of I/Ofunctions on a single plug-in card. These new highdensitymodules perform both high-speed and highresolutionA/D and D/A conversion and alsohandle digital I/O and counter/timer functions.Now you can conserve your precious PMC slots and stillget all the I/O functionality you need. The PMC730 isdesigned for extreme versatility with many deluxefeatures to meet most applications. However, thePMC730 is still very budget-friendly. A conductioncooledversion is also available.FeaturesAnalog Inputsn 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±3.3V, ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V ranges)n 16-bit ADC with 512 sample RAMn 10µS conversion time (100KHz)n Interrupt upon ADC memory threshold condition(user-programmable data sample threshold)n User-programmable interval timerAnalog Outputsn Eight analog output channels (±10V range)n Individual 16-bit DACs per channeln 1024 sample FIFO for waveform generationn 12.375µS settling time (80.8KHz throughput)n Interrupt on user-programmable FIFO thresholdDigital I/On 16 TTL bidirectional input/outputsCounter/Timern One 32-bit counter/timerThe PMC730 combines analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer functions on a single high-density module to save PMC slots.SpecificationsPMC730CC for conduction cooling.Analog InputInput configuration: 16 differential or 32 single-endedchannels multiplexed to a single A/D converter.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input ranges: ±3.3V, ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V.Maximum throughput rate:One channel updated at a time.1 channel (maximum): 10µS16 channels (maximum): 160µS32 channels (maximum): 320µSData sample memory: 512 samples shared by all channels.A/D trigger: Internal timer, external source, software.On-board timer: One user-programmable timer for analoginput acquisition control.System accuracy: ±3 LSB typ. (SW calib., gain=1, 25°C).Data format: Straight binary or binary two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: -40 to 55V power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Analog OutputOutput configuration: 8 single-ended channels, eachcontrolled by its own independent D/A converter.D/A resolution: 16 bits.Output range: ±10V.Maximum throughput rate:Outputs updated simultaneously or individually.1 channel: 12.375µS8 different channels: 12.375µSDAC programming: Via independent channel registers orthrough shared FIFO.Data sample memory: 1024 sample FIFO shared by allchannels.D/A trigger: Internal timer, external source, software.On-board timer: One user-programmable timer for analogoutput control.System accuracy: 0.0076% of 20V span max. error corrected(i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with output unloaded.Data format: Straight binary.Output at reset: 0V.Output current: -10 to 10mA (maximum).Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 16 TTL transceivers, input/ outputdirection selectable on an 8-channel basis.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold:Low to high: 2.0V typical.High to low: 0.8V typical.Input response time: 250 nanoseconds.Interrupts: 16 channels of interrupts for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event types.Debounce: Individual debounce selectable on eachchannel. User-selectable (4µS, 64µS, 1mS, or 8mS).Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range: -15 to 64mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: one 32-bit counter (requires useof channels 2 through 5 of digital I/O section).Functions:Watchdog timer, event counting, pulse measurement,period measurement, output waveform generation(pulse width modulation, continuous pulse, single pulse,continuous waveform).Continued on the next page.PMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-326b Printed in USA 3/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesBlock DiagramP1PrecisionCalibrationVoltagesRange SelectDIP Switch512 DataSampleMemoryJ1/J216 DI/32SEAnalogInput32InputMuxInst.AmpADC16-bit ADCADCControlLogicPMC Modules8AnalogOutputChannel 8to 15Digital Inputs orDigital outputs88DAC8Independent16-bit DACDAC Trig. InDAC Trig. OutADC Trig. InADC Trig. Out1024FIFOBufferDACControlLogicCh 8Ch 9ADC Trig. OutDAC Trig. OutPCI BusInterfaceandInterruptLogicDigitalControlLogicPCI BUSPMC ModulesChannel 0to 7Digital Inputs orDigital outputs orCounter/TimerInputCounter outputOutputCommonPullup Supply8+5VCh 0Ch 1Ch 2Ch 3Ch 4Ch 5ADC Trig. InDAC Trig. In32 bitCounterTimerControlLogicSpecifications (continued)Counter/TimersContinued from the previous page.Internal clock: Programmable 1, 4, 8MHz.External clock: 3.4MHz.Input voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output voltage range: 0 to 5V with 4.7 ohm pull-up.Maximum of 0 to 35V with external supply.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 5V Compliant, 3.3V Tolerant.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC730 / R) or-40 to 85°C (PMC730E / CC)Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 120mA at +5V. 95mA at +12V. 70mA at -12V.MTBF: 929,541 hrs. at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC730Multi-function I/O module with front I/O connectorPMC730ESame as PMC730 plus extended temperature rangePMC730RMulti-function I/O module with rear I/O connectorPMC730CCMulti-function I/O module, plus extended temperaturerange and onduction-cooled with rear I/O connectorSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector, 68 screw terminals.5028-432Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both ends.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-326b Printed in USA 3/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC520Octal Serial 232CommunicationPMC ModulesThese modules provide eight asynchronous serialcommunication ports from a single PMC carrier slot.Software-configuration helps you quickly set baud rates,character-sizes, stop bits, and parity. Signal support forRTS/CTS handshaking is also included.For more efficient data processing, each serial port isequipped with 64-character FIFO buffers on thetransmit and receive lines.The data ports generate individually controlled transmit,receive, line status, and data set interrupts. A globalinterrupt source register provides interrupt statusindication for all eight channels to speed up interruptparsing.Features■ Eight RS232E ports■ 64-byte transmit FIFO buffers64-byte receive FIFO buffers■ Programmable baud rate (up to 120Kbps)■ Individual handshake lines (RTS, CTS)on each channel■ Line-break and false start-bit detection■ Industry-standard software-compatible 16C550configuration registersBenefits■ High-density design lowers per-port costs andsaves PMC carrier card slots for other functions.■ 64-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction forimproved system performance.■ Each serial channel provides handshake support tosimplify interfacing with modems.With eight serial ports per module, the PMC520 provides a high-density solution to reduce costs and use fewer card slots.SpecificationsRS232E Serial PortsConfiguration: Independent, non-isolated serial ports with acommon single return connection and configured as aDTE device.Data rate: Programmable up to 120K bits/second usinginternal baud rate generator.Max. cable length: 15 meters (50 feet) typical, limited to acable capacitive load of 2500pF.Character size: 5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.Parity: Odd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits: 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffers: Double buffered or 64-byte FIFObuffered, mode selectable.Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun, parity, framing error,or break interrupt); received data available(FIFO level reached) or character time-out; transmitter(FIFO level reached); or modem status (CTS).EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC520-64) or-40 to 85°C (PMC520-64E).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: +5V (±5%), consult factory for current specifications.MTBF: 2,848,670 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 3.3V and 5V compliant.Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC520Eight RS232E serial ports, front I/O connectorPMC520ESame as PMC520 plus extended temperature range.PMC520RSame as PMC520 except with rear I/O connectorPMC520RESame as PMC520R plus extended temperature rangeCustomized PMC Modules† 5085-xModified PMC520 with user-specified crystal/baud rate.† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.Minimum quantity per order is two units.Software (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsPMC ModulesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-386 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PMC ModulesPMC521Octal Serial 422/485CommunicationPMC ModulesThese modules provide eight asynchronous serialcommunication ports from a single PMC carrier slot.Software-configuration helps you quickly set baudrates, character-sizes, stop bits, and parity.For more efficient data processing, each serial port isequipped with 64-character FIFO buffers on thetransmit and receive lines.The data ports generate individually controlled transmit,receive, line status, data set, and flow controlinterrupts. A global interrupt source register providesinterruptstatus indication for all eight channels to speed upinterrupt parsing.Featuresn Eight asynchronous, full duplex RS422Bserial ports (supports RS485)n 64-byte transmit FIFO buffers64-byte receive FIFO buffersn Programmable baud rate (up to 1.8432Mbps)n Line-break and false start-bit detectionn Failsafe receiversn Socketed termination and bias resistorsn Industry-standard software-compatible 16C550configuration registersBenefitsn High-density design lowers per-port costs andsaves PMC carrier card slots for other functions.n 64-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction forimproved system performance.With eight serial ports per module, the PMC521 provides a high-density solution to reduce costs and use fewer card slots.SpecificationsRS422B Serial PortsConfiguration: Independent, non-isolated serial ports with acommon single return connection.Data rate: 20MB /second, maximum.Standard crystal limits data rate to 1.8432Mbps.Max. cable length: 1200 meters (4000 feet), typical.Character size: 5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.Parity: Odd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits: 1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffers: Double buffered or 64-byte FIFObuffered, mode selectable.Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun, parity, framing error,or break interrupt); receive/transmit FIFO level reached orcharacter time-out; Xon/Xoff or special character detected.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC521-64) or-40 to 85°C (PMC521-64E).Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: +5V (±5%), consult factory for current specifications.MTBF: 2,321,047 hrs at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2.PMC ComplianceConforms to PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.3 andCMC/PMC Specification, P1386.1.4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register.Signaling: 3.3V and 5V compliant.Ordering InformationPMC ModulesPMC521Eight RS422B serial ports, front I/O connectorPMC521ESame as PMC521 plus extended temperature range.PMC521RSame as PMC521 except with rear I/O connectorPMC521RESame as PMC521R plus extended temperature rangeCustomized PMC Modules† 5086-xModified PMC521 with user-specified crystal/baud rate.† Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering.Minimum quantity per order is two units.Software (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories software for details)5025-288Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsPMC Modulesn Extended temperature ranges deliverdependable operation in extreme conditions.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-387b Printed in USA 09/09 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PCI BoardsAPC33016-bit A/DAnalog InputAPC330 boards provide fast, high resolutionA/D conversion.The APC330 has many features to improve your overallsystem throughput rate. You can scan all channels ordefine a subset for more frequent sampling. Burst modescans selected channels at the maximum conversionrate. Uniform mode performs conversions at userdefinedintervals. Both modes can scan continuously, orexecute a single cycle upon receiving a trigger.“Mail box” memory allows the CPU to read the latestdata in 32 storage buffer registers without interruptingthe A/D converter.CompactPCI BoardsFeatures■ 16-bit A/D converter (ADC)■ 8µS conversion time (125KHz)■ 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V input ranges)■ Individual channel mailbox with one or twostorage buffer registers per channel■ Programmable scan control■ Four scanning modes■ User-programmable interval timer■ External trigger input and output■ Programmable gain for individual channels■ Post-conversion interruptsBenefits■ “Mailbox” memory eliminates scanninginterruptions for optimum throughput.■ Data register indicates new and missed(overwritten) data values in the mail box.Advanced memory management techniques allow the APC330 to operate with minimal interruption of the A/D converter.SpecificationsAnalog InputInput configuration: 16 differential or32 single-ended channels.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V.Programmable gains: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x.Maximum throughput rate:Only one channel can be updated at a time.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)[66KHz (15µS/conversion) recommended]16 channels (differential): 4.2KHz (240µS/16 ch)32 channels (single-ended): 2.1KHz (480µS/32 ch).Data sample memory: Individual channel mailbox with one ortwo storage buffer registers per channelA/D triggers: Internal timer, external source, and software.Internal timer: One user programmable timer fordata acquisition.System accuracy: ±3 LSB (0.005%) typical(SW calib., gain=1, 25°C).Data format: Straight binary or two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: Vss -20V to Vdd 40V withpower on, -35V to 55V power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C(E version -40 to 85°C).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 230mA at +5V (275mA maximum).PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated December 1998.System base address: This board operates in memory space. Itconsumes 4K of memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Ordering InformationI/O BoardsAPC330Analog input boardAPC330ESame as APC330 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminals.5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsCompactPCI Boards■ Programmable interrupts simplify dataacquisition by providing greater control.Approvals■ CE marked, FCC Part 15, Class BAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-329B Printed in USA 1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PCI BoardsAPC341SimultaneousA/D ConversionAnalog InputCompactPCI BoardsAPC341 boards provide fast, high resolution,simultaneous A/D conversion of eight channels.These boards have sixteen analog inputs whichare sampled as two eight-channel banks. EightA/D converters (ADCs) permit simultaneousconversion of all eight channels in a bank. All16 channels share two generous 512-samplememory buffers. Conversion of each bank requiresonly 8µS, and all 16 channels can be sampled injust 16µs.Flexible configuration options give you extensive controlover the conversion process. The channels or bank to beconverted, timing, scan mode, and other parameters areuser-programmable. Interrupt support adds furthercontrol to interrupt upon a programmable thresholdwhen the data in memory exceeds the set threshold.Features■ 16 differential inputs (±10V DC input range)■ Eight 14-bit A/D converters with simultaneousmulti-channel conversion■ 8µS conversion time (125KHz) for 8-channel bank■ Two 512-sample memory buffers■ Data tagging for channel identification■ Programmable conversion timer■ Programmable channel conversion control■ External trigger input and output■ Continuous and single-cycle conversion modesThis board is ideal for high-speed data acquisition. A large memory buffer reduces CPU interactions for increased overall performance.SpecificationsAnalog InputsInput configuration: 16 differential channels.A/D resolution: 14 bits.Input range: ±10V.Maximum throughput rate:Eight channels can be simultaneously acquired.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)8 channels (same bank): 1MHz (8µS/8 channels)16 channels (high & low banks): 1MHz (16µS/16 ch. atmaximum 2.2K ohm source resistance).Data sample memory: Two 512-sample memory buffers.A/D triggers: Internal timer, external, and software.Internal conversion timer: User-programmable delay betweensimultaneous conversion of 8-channel banks. Maximumdelay is 2.09 second interval.System accuracy: 2.4 LSB (0.014%).Data format: Binary two’s compliment.Overvoltage protection: ±25V (power on), ±40V (off).Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C(E version -40 to 85°C).Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 265mA at +5V (320mA maximum).PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated December 1998.System base address: This board operates in memory space. Itconsumes 4K of memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Ordering InformationI/O BoardsAPC341Analog input boardAPC341ESame as APC341 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminals5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsCompactPCI Boards■ Interrupt generation for memory full thresholdconditions■ Precision calibration voltages stored on-board■ CE marked, FCC Part 15, Class BBenefits■ Simultaneous channel conversion and on-boardmemory enable megahertz throughput rates.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400-327B Printed in USA1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PCI BoardsAPC424Digital I/O(Differential & TTL) andCounter/TimersCompactPCI BoardsThe APC424 provides 24 differential input/outputs,16 TTL input/output channels, and four 16-bit multifunctioncounter/timers.The 16 TTL input/output channels can be programmedas inputs or as outputs on an individual channel basis.The 24 differential input/output channels are programmedas inputs or outputs on an 4-channel portbasis. All input channels can be enabled for change ofstate, low, or high level transition interrupts.Four 16-bit multifunction counters/timers can beconfigured for pulse width modulated output, watchdogtimer, event counter, frequency measurement, pulsewidth measurement, period measurement, or one shotpulse output. The four 16-bit counters can also beconfigured into two 32-bit counter/timers.FeaturesDigital I/O■ 40 digital input/output channels:- 24 differential input/outputs- 16 TTL input/output channels■ Programmable change of state/level interrupts■ Input signal filtering debounce logicCounter/Timer■ Four 16-bit or two 32-bit counter/timer channels(control lines shared with 16 TTL I/O channels)■ Six operating modes:- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counter- Frequency measurement- Pulse width or period measurement- One-shot and repetitive one-shot■ TTL-compatible thresholds■ Power-up and system reset are failsafeApprovals■ CE marked, FCC Part 15, Class BThis module saves money and PCI slots by combining differential I/O,TTL I/O, and counter/timer functions on one card.SpecificationsDifferential Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 24 bidirectional differentialsignals. Direction is controlled as a 4-channel group.Differential driver output voltage with 50 ohm load:2V minimum, 5V maximum.Common mode output voltage: 3V maximum:Minimum input resistance: 12K ohms.Termination resistors: 120 ohm termination resistornetworks are installed in sockets.TTL Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 16 bidirectional TTLtransceivers with direction controlled independently(shared as counter/timer control signals).Reset/power-up condition: All channels default to input.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold, low to high: 3.5V typical.Input signal threshold, high to low: 1.5V typical.Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range: -32 to 32mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Input Interrupts40 channels of interrupts are available for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event type.Debounce: Selectable for each channel. User-selectable(5.6µS, 50.4µS, 408.8µS, or 3.276mS).Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: Four 16-bit counters can beconfigured into two 32-bit counters.Counter input: Each counter has an IN A ,IN B , and IN C port.These TTL input signals control start/stop, reload, eventinput, external clock, trigger, and up/down operations.Counter output: Each counter has one output signal. The TTLoutput is used for waveform output, watchdog active indicator,or 1.6µS pulse upon counter function completion.Programmable as active high or low.Counter clock frequencies: Selectable for 20MHz,10MHz, 5MHz, 2.5MHz, 1.25MHz or external up to8MHz.Minimum I/P event: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum pulse measurement: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum period measurement: 200nS (debounce disabled).Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 100nS (debounce disabled).PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated December 1998.System base address: This board operates in memory space. Itconsumes 4K of memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupts requested on Interrupt A.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (APC424) or-40 to 85°C (APC424E)Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 216mA at +5V, typical.Ordering InformationPCI BoardsAPC424: Digital I/O and counter/timer moduleAPC424E: Same as APC424 plus extended temp. rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsCompactPCI BoardsAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400-360B Printed in USA 1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PCI BoardsAPC464Digital I/O (TTL) andCounter/TimersThe APC464 provides 64 TTL digital input/outputchannels and four 16-bit multi-function counter/timers.All 64 I/O channels, when set as inputs, support configurationfor interrupts on either a change-of-state or ona high-to-low or low-to-high transition. A debouncetimer is selectable to help filter out false transitions.Four 16-bit multifunction counters/timers are configurablefor pulse width modulated output, watchdogtimer, event counter, frequency measurement, pulsewidth measurement, period measurement, or one shotpulse output. The four 16-bit counters can also beconfigured into two 32-bit counter/timers.CompactPCI BoardsFeaturesDigital I/O■ 64 TTL digital input/output channels:- 16 individually programmable channels- 48 channels configured on an 8-bit port basis■ Programmable change of state/level interrupts■ Input signal filtering debounce logicCounter/Timer■ Four 16-bit or two 32-bit counter/timer channels(control lines shared with 16 TTL I/O channels)■ Six operating modes:- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counter- Frequency measurement- Pulse width or period measurement- One-shot and repetitive one-shot■ TTL-compatible thresholds■ Power-up and system reset is failsafeApprovals■ CE marked, FCC Part 15, Class BThis module saves money and PCI slots by combining TTL I/O and counter/timer functions on one card.SpecificationsDigital I/OI/O channel configuration:64 bidirectional TTL transceivers.Channels 0-47: Direction controlled on a port basis.Channels 48-63: Direction controlled independently(shared as counter/timer control signals).Reset/power-up condition: All channels default to input.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold (channels 0-47):Low to high: 2.0V typical.High to low: 0.8V typical.Input signal threshold (channels 48-63):Low to high: 3.5V typical.High to low: 1.5V typical.Interrupts: 64 channels of interrupts for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event types.Debounce: Selectable for each channel. User-selectable(5.6µS, 50.4µS, 408.8µS, or 3.276mS).Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range (channels 0-47): -15 to 64mA.Output ON current range (channels 48-63):-32 to 32mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: Four 16-bit counters can beconfigured into two 32-bit counters.Functions: Pulse width modulation, watchdog timer, eventcounting, frequency measurement, period measurement,pulse width measurement, and one-shot/repetitive.Counter input: Each counter has an IN A ,IN B , and IN C port.These TTL input signals control start/stop, reload, eventinput, external clock, trigger, and up/down operations.Counter output: Each counter has one output signal. The TTLoutput is used for waveform output, watchdog active indicator,or 1.6µS pulse upon counter function completion.Programmable as active high or low.Counter clock frequencies: Selectable for 20MHz,10MHz, 5MHz, 2.5MHz, 1.25MHz or external up to8MHz.Minimum I/P event: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum pulse measurement: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum period measurement: 200nS (debounce disabled).Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 100nS (debounce disabled).PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated December 1998.System base address: This board operates in memory space. Itconsumes 4K of memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupts requested on Interrupt A.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (APC464) or-40 to 85°C (APC464E)Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 160mA at +5V, typical.Ordering InformationPCI BoardsAPC464: Digital I/O and counter/timer moduleAPC464E: Same as APC464 plus extended temp. rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsCompactPCI BoardsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-362B Printed in USA 1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PCI BoardsAPC48x Counter/Timerwith Quadrature■ APC482:Ten 16-bit counters – TTL■ APC483:Four 16-bit counters – TTL andFour 32-bit counters – RS422CompactPCI Boards■ APC484:Six 32-bit counters – RS422Several models with a variety of configurations provideup to ten counter/timer channels for counting events,generating waveform control signals, measuring pulsewidths,periodic rates, or quadrature position and monitoringoperations.Support for internal or external triggering simplifies thesynchronization of operations to specific events. Counterfunctions can use internally generated clocks or anexternally supplied clock.Features■ Ten 16-bit counter/timers (APC482 only) orsix 32-bit counter/timers (APC484 only)■ Two 16-bit counters can be combined to create one32-bit counter■ Available with both TTL and RS422driver interface (APC483 only)■ 16 bi-directional digital I/O■ 20MHz clock time base■ Counter/timer functions:- Quadrature position measurement- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counting- Frequency measurement- Period/pulse-width measurement- One-shot/repetitive■ Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefits■ Most configuration is handled by a singleregister which minimizes programming.■ Pullups are socketed for easy adjustment.Approvals■ CE marked, FCC Part 15, Class BThese modules are very flexible and available in several varieties to accommodate a broad range of counter/timer applications.SpecificationsCounter/TimersCounter/timer configuration:APC482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTLAPC483: Four 16-bit counters – TTLFour 32-bit counters – RS422APC484: Six 32-bit counters – RS422Other I/O mixes can be made available as specials.Clock frequency: 20MHz.Field I/O: Front panel SCSI-3 connector.Speed (with 20MHz internal clock):Maximum output pulse/square wave freq.: 200nS.Minimum event pulse width: 100nS.Minimum pulse width measurement: 100nS.Minimum period measurement: 200nS.Mode accuracy (with external clocking):Waveform generation: Period is ±125nS.Watchdog: Timeout occurs within ±1 clock cycle.Pulse/period measurement: ±1 clock cycle.Internal clocks: Programmable 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20MHz viathe counter control register.External clocks: Supported on a per-counter basis via clockline. Maximum frequency 8MHz.Interrupts: Supported for watchdog timer time-out, eventcount complete, pulse width or periodic rate measurementcomplete, pulse wave complete (one-shot mode), successivewaveform generation (continuous).Triggering/gate: Programmable via register write or externaltrigger. Minimum pulse width 100nS. Line may be usedfor gating of counter.Counter trigger: Interface for triggering counter functions.Input level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.Counter input: Interface for events and pulse/period measurements.Also triggers load of watchdog timer register. Levelis TTL or RS422 differential digital.TTL compatibility: V IH = 2.0V and V IL = 0.8V. Inputs arebuffered and include 4.7K ohm pull-ups to +5V.Counter output: Level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.Digital I/OI/O channel configuration:16 bi-directional TTL transceivers.Direction controlled as 16 independent channels.PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated December 1998.System base address: This board operates in memory space. Itconsumes 4K of memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temp.: 0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions)Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 320mA at +5V, typical.MTBF: Hours at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2APC482 1,744,259; APC483 1,727,707;APC484 1,708,729Ordering InformationPCI BoardsAPC482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTLAPC482E: APC482 with extended temperature range.APC483: Four 16-bit counters – TTL,Four 32-bit counters – RS422APC483E: APC483 with extended temperature range.APC484: Six 32-bit counters – RS422APC484E: APC484 with extended temperature range.Software (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsCompactPCI BoardsAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400-358B Printed in USA 1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PCI BoardsAPC730Multi-function I/OCompactPCI Boards• Analog Input• Analog Output• Digital I/O• Counter/TimerAPC730 I/O boards provide a variety of I/O functions ona single card. These new high-density boards performboth high-speed and high-resolution A/D and D/Aconversion and also handle digital I/O plus counter/timer functions.Now you can conserve your precious card slots and stillget all the I/O functionality you need. The APC730 isdesigned for extreme versatility with many deluxefeatures to meet most applications. However, theAPC730 is still very budget-friendly.FeaturesAnalog Inputsn 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±3.3V, ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V ranges)n 16-bit ADC with 512 sample RAMn 10µS conversion time (100KHz)n Interrupt upon ADC memory threshold condition(user-programmable data sample threshold)n User-programmable interval timerAnalog Outputsn Eight analog output channels (±10V range)n Individual 16-bit DACs per channeln 1024 sample FIFO for waveform generationn 12.375µS settling time (80.8KHz throughput)n Interrupt on user-programmable FIFO thresholdDigital I/On 16 TTL bidirectional input/outputsCounter/Timern One 32-bit counter/timerApprovalsn CE marked, FCC Part 15, Class BThe APC730 combines analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer functions on a single high-density module to save PCI slots.SpecificationsAnalog InputInput configuration: 16 differential or 32 single-endedchannels multiplexed to a single A/D converter.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input ranges: ±3.3V, ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V.Maximum throughput rate:One channel updated at a time.1 channel (maximum): 10µS16 channels (maximum): 160µS32 channels (maximum): 320µSData sample memory: 512 samples shared by all channels.A/D trigger: Internal timer, external source, software.On-board timer: One user-programmable timer for analoginput acquisition control.System accuracy: ±3 LSB typ. (SW calib., gain=1,25°C).Data format: Straight binary or binary two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: -40 to 55V power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Analog OutputOutput configuration: 8 single-ended channels, eachcontrolled by its own independent D/A converter.D/A resolution: 16 bits.Output range: ±10V.Maximum throughput rate:Outputs updated simultaneously or individually.1 channel: 12.375µS8 different channels: 12.375µSDAC programming: Via independent channel registersor through shared FIFO.Data sample memory: 1024 sample FIFO shared by allchannels.D/A trigger: Internal timer, external source, software.On-board timer: One user-programmable timer for analogoutput control.System accuracy: 0.0076% of 20V span max. error corrected(i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with output unloaded.Data format: Straight binary.Output at reset: 0V.Output current: -10 to 10mA (maximum).Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 16 TTL transceivers, input/outputdirection selectable on an 8-channel basis.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold:Low to high: 2.0V typical.High to low: 0.8V typical.Input response time: 250 nanoseconds.Interrupts: 16 channels of interrupts for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event types.Debounce: Individual debounce selectable on eachchannel. User-selectable (4µS, 64µS, 1mS, or 8mS).Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range: -15 to 64mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: one 32-bit counter (requires useof channels 2 through 5 of digital I/O section).Functions:Watchdog timer, event counting, pulse measurement,period measurement, output waveform generation (pulsewidth modulation, continuous pulse, single pulse,continuous waveform).Internal clock: Programmable 1, 4, 8MHz.External clock: 3.4MHz.Input voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output voltage range: 0 to 5V with 4.7 ohm pull-up.Maximum of 0 to 35V with external supply.Continued on the next page.CompactPCI BoardsAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400-331c Printed in USA 5/09 Copyright © 2006 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

PCI BoardsBlock DiagramP1PrecisionCalibrationVoltagesRange SelectDIP Switch512 DataSampleMemoryJ1/J216 DI/32SEAnalogInput32InputMuxInst.AmpADC16-bit ADCADCControlLogic8AnalogOutput8DAC8Independent16-bit DACDAC Trig. InDAC Trig. OutADC Trig. InADC Trig. Out1024FIFOBufferDACControlLogicPCI BusInterfaceandInterruptLogicPCI BUSChannel 8to 15Digital Inputs orDigital outputs8Ch 8Ch 9ADC Trig. OutDAC Trig. OutDigitalControlLogicCompactPCI BoardsChannel 0to 7Digital Inputs orDigital outputs orCounter/TimerInputCounter outputOutputCommonPullup SupplySpecifications (continued)PCI Bus ComplianceThis device meets or exceeds all written PCI local busspecifications per rev. 2.2 dated June 1998.System base address: This board operates in memory space.It consumes 1K of memory space.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32, 16, and 8-bit data transferoperation. 32-bit read or write accesses implemented astwo 16-bit transfers.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C(E version -40 to 85°C)Storage temperature: -40 to 85°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 245mA at +5V (290mA maximum).MTBF: Consult factory.8+5VOrdering InformationI/O BoardsAPC730Multi-function I/O boardAPC730ESame as APC730 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Ch 0Ch 1Ch 2Ch 3Ch 4Ch 5ADC Trig. InDAC Trig. In32 bitCounterTimerControlLogicAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector at both endsCompactPCI BoardsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-331c Printed in USA 05/09 Copyright © 2006 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

CompactPCI BoardsAcPC33016-bit A/DAnalog InputAcPC330 boards provide fast, high resolutionA/D conversion.CompactPCI BoardsThe AcPC330 has many features to improve your overallsystem throughput rate. You can scan all channelsor define a subset for more frequent sampling. Burstmode scans selected channels at the maximum conversionrate. Uniform mode performs conversions at userdefinedintervals. Both modes can scan continuously,or execute a single cycle upon receiving a trigger.“Mail box” memory allows the CPU to read the latestdata in 32 storage buffer registers without interruptingthe A/D converter.Featuresn 16-bit A/D converter (ADC)n 8µS conversion time (125KHz)n 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V input ranges)n Individual channel mailbox with one or twostorage buffer registers per channeln Programmable scan controln Four scanning modesn User-programmable interval timern External trigger input and outputn Programmable gain for individual channelsn Post-conversion interruptsBenefitsn “Mailbox” memory eliminates scanninginterruptions for optimum throughput.n Data register indicates new and missed(overwritten) data values in the mail box.Advanced memory management techniques allow the AcPC330 to operate with minimal interruption of the A/D converter.SpecificationsAnalog InputInput configuration: 16 differential or 32 single-endedchannels.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input ranges: ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V.Programmable gains: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x.Maximum throughput rate:Only one channel can be updated at a time.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)[66KHz (15µS/conversion) recommended]16 channels (differential): 4.2KHz (240µS/16 ch)32 channels (single-ended): 2.1KHz (480µS/32 ch).Data sample memory: Individual channel mailbox with oneor two storage buffer registers per channelA/D triggers: External and software.Internal timer: One user programmable timer for analoginput acquisition control.System accuracy: ±3 LSB (0.005%) typical(SW calib., gain=1, 25°C).Data format: Straight binary or two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: Vss -20V to Vdd 40V withpower on, -35V to 55V power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C(E version -40 to 85°C).Storage temperature: -55 to 100°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 290mA at +5V (350mA maximum).CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.2 and PICMG 2.0, R3.0.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation..Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Plug-and-Play: The system maps the base address into thePCI bus 32-bit memory space.Ordering InformationI/O BoardsAcPC330Analog input boardAcPC330ESame as AcPC330 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector,50 screw terminals5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsCompactPCI Boardsn Programmable interrupts simplify dataacquisition by providing greater control.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-330C Printed in USA 06/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

CompactPCI BoardsAcPC341SimultaneousA/D ConversionAnalog InputCompactPCI BoardsAcPC341 boards provide fast, high resolution,simultaneous A/D conversion of eight channels.These boards have sixteen analog inputs whichare sampled as two eight-channel banks. EightA/D converters (ADCs) permit simultaneousconversion of all eight channels in a bank. All16 channels share two generous 512-samplememory buffers. Conversion of each bank requiresonly 8µS, and all 16 channels can be sampled injust 16µs.Flexible configuration options give you extensive controlover the conversion process. The channels or bank to beconverted, timing, scan mode, and other parameters areuser-programmable. Interrupt support adds furthercontrol to interrupt upon a programmable thresholdwhen the data in memory exceeds the set threshold.Features■ 16 differential inputs (±10V DC input range)■ Eight 14-bit A/D converters with simultaneousmulti-channel conversion■ 8µS conversion time (125KHz) for 8-channel bank■ Two 512-sample memory buffers■ Data tagging for channel identification■ Programmable conversion timer■ Programmable channel conversion control■ External trigger input and output■ Continuous and single-cycle conversion modesThis board is ideal for high-speed data acquisition. A large memory buffer reduces CPU interactions for increased overall performance.SpecificationsAnalog InputsInput channels: 16 differential.A/D resolution: 14 bits.Input range: ±10V.Maximum throughput rate:Eight channels can be simultaneously acquired.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)8 channels (same bank): 1MHz (8µS/8 channels)16 channels (high & low banks): 1MHz (16µS/16 ch. atmaximum 2.2K ohm source resistance).Data sample memory: Two 512-sample memory buffersallows writing to one buffer while reading from the other.A/D triggers: Internal timer, external, and software.Internal conversion timer: User-programmable delay betweensimultaneous conversion of 8-channel banks. Maximumdelay is 2.09 second interval.System accuracy: 2.4 LSB (0.014%).Data format: Binary two’s compliment.Overvoltage protection: ±25V (power on), ±40V (off).Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C(E version -40 to 85°C).Storage temperature: -55 to 105°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 265mA at +5V (320mA maximum).CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.2 and PICMG 2.0, R3.0.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Plug-and-Play: The system maps the base address into thePCI bus 32-bit memory space.Ordering InformationAcPC341Analog input boardAcPC341ESame as AcPC341 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5028-378Termination panel, SCSI-2 connector, 50 screw terminals5028-438Cable, shielded, SCSI-2 connector at both endsCompactPCI Boards■ Interrupt generation for memory full thresholdconditions■ Precision calibration voltages stored on-boardBenefits■ Simultaneous channel conversion and on-boardmemory enable megahertz throughput rates.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-328B Printed in USA 1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

CompactPCI BoardsAcPC424Digital I/O(Differential & TTL) andCounter/TimersCompactPCI BoardsThe AcPC424 provides 24 differential input/outputs,16 TTL input/output channels, and four 16-bit multifunctioncounter/timers.The 16 TTL input/output channels can be programmedas inputs or as outputs on an individual channel basis.The 24 differential input/output channels are programmedas inputs or outputs on an 4-channel portbasis. All input channels can be enabled for change ofstate, low, or high level transition interrupts.Four 16-bit multifunction counters/timers can beconfigured for pulse width modulated output, watchdogtimer, event counter, frequency measurement, pulsewidth measurement, period measurement, or one shotpulse output. The four 16-bit counters can also beconfigured into two 32-bit counter/timers.FeaturesDigital I/O■ 40 digital input/output channels:- 24 differential input/outputs- 16 TTL input/output channels■ Programmable change of state/level interrupts■ Input signal filtering debounce logicCounter/Timer■ Four 16-bit or two 32-bit counter/timer channels(control lines shared with 16 TTL I/O channels)■ Six operating modes:- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counter- Frequency measurement- Pulse width or period measurement- One-shot and repetitive one-shot■ TTL-compatible thresholds■ Power-up and system reset are failsafeThis module saves money and CompactPCI slots by combining differential I/O,TTL I/O, and counter/timer functions on one card.SpecificationsDifferential Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 24 bidirectional differentialsignals. Direction is controlled as a 4-channel group.Differential driver output voltage with 50 ohm load:2V minimum, 5V maximum.Common mode output voltage: 3V maximum:Minimum input resistance: 12K ohms.Termination resistors: 120 ohm termination resistor networksare installed in sockets.TTL Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 16 bidirectional TTL transceiverswith direction controlled independently (shared as counter/timercontrol signals).Reset/power-up condition: All channels default to input.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold, low to high: 3.5V typical.Input signal threshold, high to low: 1.5V typical.Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range: -32 to 32mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Input Interrupts40 channels of interrupts are available for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event type.Debounce: Selectable for each channel. User-selectable(5.6µS, 50.4µS, 408.8µS, or 3.276mS).Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: Four 16-bit counters can beconfigured into two 32-bit counters.Counter input: Each counter has an IN A ,IN B , and IN C port.These TTL input signals control start/stop, reload, eventinput, external clock, trigger, and up/down operations.Counter output: Each counter has one output signal. The TTLoutput is used for waveform output, watchdog active indicator,or 1.6µS pulse upon counter function completion.Programmable as active high or low.Counter clock frequencies: Selectable for 20MHz,10MHz, 5MHz, 2.5MHz, 1.25MHz or external up to8MHz.Minimum I/P event: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum pulse measurement: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum period measurement: 200nS (debounce disabled).Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 100nS (debounce disabled).CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.2 and PICMG 2.0, R3.0.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupts requested on Interrupt A.Plug-and-Play: The system maps the base address into thePCI bus 32-bit memory space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (AcPC424) or-40 to 85°C (AcPC424E)Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 216mA at +5V, typical.Ordering InformationCompactPCI BoardsAcPC424: Digital I/O and counter/timer moduleAcPC424E: Same as AcPC424 plus extended temp. rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsCompactPCI BoardsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-361B Printed in USA 1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

CompactPCI BoardsAcPC464Digital I/O andCounter/TimersThe AcPC464 module provides 64 digital input/ outputchannels and four 16-bit multifunction counter/timers.All 64 I/O channels, when set as inputs, support configurationfor interrupts on either a change-of-state or ona high-to-low or low-to-high transition. A debouncetimer is selectable to help filter out false transitions.Four 16-bit multifunction counters/timers are configurablefor pulse width modulated output, watchdogtimer, event counter, frequency measurement, pulsewidth measurement, period measurement, or one shotpulse output. The four 16-bit counters can also beconfigured into two 32-bit counter/timers.CompactPCI BoardsFeaturesDigital I/O■ 64 digital input/output channels:- 16 individually programmable channels- 48 channels configured on an 8-bit port basis■ Programmable change of state/level interrupts■ Input signal filtering debounce logicCounter/Timer■ Four 16-bit or two 32-bit counter/timer channels(control lines shared with 16 TTL I/O channels)■ Six operating modes:- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counter- Frequency measurement- Pulse width or period measurement- One-shot and repetitive one-shot■ TTL-compatible thresholds■ Power-up and system reset is failsafeThis module saves money and CompactPCI slots by combining digital I/O and counter/timer functions on a single card.SpecificationsDigital I/OI/O channel configuration:64 bidirectional TTL transceivers.Channels 0-47: Direction controlled on a port basis.Channels 48-63: Direction controlled independently(shared as counter/timer control signals).Reset/power-up condition: All channels default to input.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold (channels 0-47):Low to high: 2.0V typical.High to low: 0.8V typical.Input signal threshold (channels 48-63):Low to high: 3.5V typical.High to low: 1.5V typical.Interrupts: 64 channels of interrupts for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event types.Debounce: Selectable for each channel. User-selectable(5.6µS, 50.4µS, 408.8µS, or 3.276mS).Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range (channels 0-47): -15 to 64mA.Output ON current range (channels 48-63):-32 to 32mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: Four 16-bit counters can beconfigured into two 32-bit counters.Functions: Pulse width modulation, watchdog timer, eventcounting, frequency measurement, period measurement,pulse width measurement, and one-shot/repetitive.Counter input: Each counter has an IN A ,IN B , and IN C port.These TTL input signals control start/stop, reload, eventinput, external clock, trigger, and up/down operations.Counter output: Each counter has one output signal. The TTLoutput is used for waveform output, watchdog active indicator,or 1.6µS pulse upon counter function completion.Programmable as active high or low.Counter clock frequencies: Selectable for 20MHz,10MHz, 5MHz, 2.5MHz, 1.25MHz or external up to8MHz.Minimum I/P event: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum pulse measurement: 100nS (debounce disabled).Minimum period measurement: 200nS (debounce disabled).Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 100nS (debounce disabled).CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.2 and PICMG 2.0, R3.0.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupts requested on Interrupt A.Plug-and-Play: The system maps the base address into thePCI bus 32-bit memory space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C (AcPC464) or-40 to 85°C (AcPC464E)Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBF: Consult factory.Power: 160mA at +5V, typical.Ordering InformationCompactPCI BoardsAcPC464: Digital I/O and counter/timer moduleAcPC464E: Same as AcPC464 plus extended temp. rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportPCISW-LINUX: Linux support (website download only)Accessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsCompactPCI BoardsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-363B Printed in USA 1/06 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

CompactPCI BoardsAcPC48x Counter/Timerwith Quadrature■ AcPC482:Ten 16-bit counters – TTL■ AcPC483:Four 16-bit counters – TTL, andFour 32-bit counters – RS422CompactPCI Boards■ AcPC484:Six 32-bit counters – RS422Several models with a variety of configurations provideup to ten counter/timer channels for counting events,generating waveform control signals, measuring pulsewidths,periodic rates, or quadrature position and monitoringoperations.Support for internal or external triggering simplifies thesynchronization of operations to specific events. Counterfunctions can use internally generated clocks or anexternally supplied clock.Features■ Ten 16-bit counter/timers (AcPC482 only) orsix 32-bit counter/timers (AcPC484 only)■ Two 16-bit counters can be combined to create one32-bit counter■ Available with both TTL and RS422 driver interface(AcPC483 only)■ 16 bi-directional digital I/O■ 20MHz clock time base■ Counter/timer functions:- Quadrature position measurement- Pulse width modulation- Watchdog timer- Event counting- Frequency measurement- Period/pulse-width measurement- One-shot/repetitive■ Extended temperature option (-40 to 85°C)Benefits■ Most configuration is handled by a singleregister which minimizes programming.■ Pullups are socketed for easy adjustment.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.These modules are very flexible and available in several varieties to accommodate a broad range of counter/timer applications.SpecificationsCounter/TimersCounter/timer configuration:AcPC482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTLAcPC483: Four 16-bit counters – TTLFour 32-bit counters – RS422AcPC484: Six 32-bit counters – RS422Other I/O mixes can be made available as specials.Clock frequency: 20MHz.Field I/O: Front panel SCSI-3 connector.Speed (with 20MHz internal clock):Maximum output pulse/square wave freq.: 200nS.Minimum event pulse width: 100nS.Minimum pulse width measurement: 100nS.Minimum period measurement: 200nS.Mode accuracy (with external clocking):Waveform generation: Period is ±125nS.Watchdog: Timeout occurs within ±1 clock cycle.Pulse/period measurement: ±1 clock cycle.Internal clocks: Programmable 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20MHz viathe counter control register.External clocks: Supported on a per-counter basis via clockline. Maximum frequency 8MHz.Interrupts: Supported for watchdog timer time-out, eventcount complete, pulse width or periodic rate measurementcomplete, pulse wave complete (one-shot mode), successivewaveform generation (continuous).Triggering/gate: Programmable via register write or externaltrigger. Minimum pulse width 100nS. Line may be usedfor gating of counter.Counter trigger: Interface for triggering counter functions.Input level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.Counter input: Interface for events and pulse/period measurements.Also triggers load of watchdog timer register. Levelis TTL or RS422 differential digital.TTL compatibility: V IH = 2.0V and V IL = 0.8V. Inputs arebuffered and include 4.7K ohm pull-ups to +5V.Counter output: Level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.Digital I/OI/O channel configuration:16 bi-directional TTL transceivers.Direction controlled as 16 independent channels.CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.2 and PICMG 2.0, R3.0.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit datatransfer operation.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Plug-and-Play: The system maps the base address into thePCI bus 32-bit memory space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature:0 to 70°C or -40 to 85°C (E versions)Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 320mA at +5V, typical.MTBF: Hours at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, notice 2AcPC482 1,744,259; AcPC483 1,727,707;AcPC484 1,708,729Ordering InformationCompactPCI BoardsAcPC482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTLAcPC482E: AcPC482 with extended temperature rangeAcPC483: Four 16-bit counters – TTL,Four 32-bit counters – RS422AcPC483E: AcPC483 with extended temperature rangeAcPC484: Six 32-bit counters – RS422AcPC484E: AcPC484 with extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXW: VxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNX: QNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WIN: Windows ® DLL software supportAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288: Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432: Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector both endsCompactPCI BoardsAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-359 Printed in USA 6/05 Copyright © 2005 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

CompactPCI BoardsAcPC730Multi-function I/O• Analog Input• Analog Output• Digital I/O• Counter/TimerCompactPCI BoardsAcPC730 I/O boards provide a variety of I/O functionson a single card. These new high-density boardsperform both high-speed and high-resolution A/D andD/A conversion and also handle digital I/O plus counter/timerfunctions.Now you can conserve your precious card slots and stillget all the I/O functionality you need. The AcPC730 isdesigned for extreme versatility with many deluxefeatures to meet most applications. However, theAcPC730 is still very budget-friendly.FeaturesAnalog Inputsn 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±3.3V, ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V ranges)n 16-bit ADC with 512 sample RAMn 10µS conversion time (100KHz)n Interrupt upon ADC memory threshold condition(user-programmable data sample threshold)n User-programmable interval timerAnalog Outputsn Eight analog output channels (±10V range)n Individual 16-bit DACs per channeln 1024 sample FIFO for waveform generationn 12.375µS settling time (80.8KHz throughput)n Interrupt on user-programmable FIFO thresholdDigital I/On 16 TTL bidirectional input/outputsCounter/Timern One 32-bit counter/timerAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The AcPC730 combines analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timer functions on a single high-density module to save cPCI slots.SpecificationsAnalog InputInput configuration: 16 differential or 32 single-endedchannels multiplexed to a single A/D converter.A/D resolution: 16 bits.Input ranges: ±3.3V, ±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V.Maximum throughput rate:One channel updated at a time.1 channel (maximum): 10µS16 channels (maximum): 160µS32 channels (maximum): 320µSData sample memory: 512 samples shared by all channels.A/D trigger: Internal timer, external source, software.On-board timer: One user-programmable timer for analoginput acquisition control.System accuracy: ±3 LSB typ. (SW calib., gain=1,25°C).Data format: Straight binary or binary two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection: -40 to 55V power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz): 96dB typical.Analog OutputOutput configuration: 8 single-ended channels, eachcontrolled by its own independent D/A converter.D/A resolution: 16 bits.Output range: ±10V.Maximum throughput rate:Outputs updated simultaneously or individually.1 channel: 12.375µS8 different channels: 12.375µSDAC programming: Via independent channel registersor through shared FIFO.Data sample memory: 1024 sample FIFO shared by allchannels.D/A trigger: Internal timer, external source, software.On-board timer: One user-programmable timer foranalog output control.System accuracy: 0.0076% of 20V span max. error corrected(i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with output unloaded.Data format: Straight binary.Output at reset: 0V.Output current: -10 to 10mA (maximum).Short circuit protection: Indefinite at 25°C.Digital I/OI/O channel configuration: 16 TTL transceivers, input/ outputdirection selectable on an 8-channel basis.Digital InputInput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold:Low to high: 2.0V typical.High to low: 0.8V typical.Input response time: 250 nanoseconds.Interrupts: 16 channels of interrupts for high-to-low,low-to-high, or any change-of-state event types.Debounce: Individual debounce selectable on eachchannel. User-selectable (4µS, 64µS, 1mS, or 8mS).Digital OutputOutput voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output ON current range: -15 to 64mA.Output pullups: 4.7K ohm socketed resistors.Counter/TimersCounter/timer configuration: one 32-bit counter (requires useof channels 2 through 5 of digital I/O section).Functions:Watchdog timer, event counting, pulse measurement,period measurement, output waveform generation(pulse width modulation, continuous pulse, single pulse,continuous waveform).Internal clock: Programmable 1, 4, 8MHz.External clock: 3.4MHz.Input voltage range: 0 to 5V DC.Output voltage range: 0 to 5V with 4.7 ohm pull-up.Maximum of 0 to 35V with external supply.Continued on the next page.CompactPCI BoardsAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-332c Printed in USA 5/09 Copyright © 2009 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

CompactPCI BoardsP1PrecisionCalibrationVoltagesRange SelectDIP Switch512 DataSampleMemoryJ1/J216 DI/32SEAnalogInput32InputMuxInst.AmpADC16-bit ADCADCControlLogic8AnalogOutput8DAC8Independent16-bit DACDAC Trig. InDAC Trig. OutADC Trig. InADC Trig. Out1024FIFOBufferDACControlLogicPCI BusInterfaceandInterruptLogicPCI BUSChannel 8to 15Digital Inputs orDigital outputs8Ch 8Ch 9ADC Trig. OutDAC Trig. OutDigitalControlLogicCompactPCI BoardsChannel 0to 7Digital Inputs orDigital outputs orCounter/TimerInputCounter outputOutputCommonPullup SupplySpecifications (continued)CompactPCI bus ComplianceMeets PCI spec. V2.1 and PICMG 2.0, R3.0.Data transfer bus: Slave with 32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bitdata transfer operation 32-bit read/write accesses areimplemented as two 16-bit transfers.Interrupts (INTA#): Interrupt A is used to request an interrupt.Plug-and-Play: The system maps the base address into thePCI bus 32-bit memory space.EnvironmentalOperating temperature: 0 to 70°C(E version -40 to 85°C)Storage temperature: -40 to 85°C.Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing.Power: 245mA at +5V (290mA maximum).MTBF: Consult factory.8+5VOrdering InformationI/O BoardsAcPC730Multi-function I/O boardAcPC730ESame as AcPC730 plus extended temperature rangeSoftware (see software documentation for details)PMCSW-API-VXWVxWorks ® software support packagePCISW-API-QNXQNX ® software support packagePCISW-API-WINWindows ® DLL Driver software packagePCISW-LINUXLinux support (website download only)Ch 0Ch 1Ch 2Ch 3Ch 4Ch 5ADC Trig. InDAC Trig. In32 bitCounterTimerControlLogicAccessories (see accessories documentation for details)5025-288Termination panel, SCSI-3 connector,68 screw terminals5028-432Cable, shielded, SCSI-3 connector at both endsCompactPCI BoardsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-332c Printed in USA 5/09 Copyright © 2009 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware AccessoriesOrdering InformationTermination PanelsFor technical illustrations see documentation.5025-288DIN rail-mount panel with 68 screw terminals for field I/Oconnections and SCSI-3 connector forI/O board connections.5025-552DIN rail-mount panel with 50 screw terminals for field I/Oconnections and 50-pin connector forI/O board connections.5028-378DIN rail-mount panel with 50 screw terminals for field I/Oconnections and SCSI-2 connector forI/O board connections.Cables(specify x = length in feet, 12 feet max. Three standardlengths -4, -7, and -10 which are available from stock.Custom lengths are available but will require extra leadtime)For technical illustrations see documentation.5025-550-xFlat cable, unshielded, 50-pin female connectors at bothends. Recommended for digital I/O applications.5025-551-xSame as 5025-550 above except shielded. Recommendedfor best performance with analog I/O applications.5028-187Round cable, shielded, 6 ft. long, SCSI-2 50-pin connectorto 50-pin ribbon female connector.5028-432Round cable, shielded, 6 ft. long, SCSI-3 connectors atboth ends.5028-438Round cable, shielded, 6 ft. long, SCSI-2 50-pinconnector at both ends.Transition ModulesFor technical illustrations see documentation.TRANS-20080mm VME64 transition module for AVME967x IP carriers.Brings 200 I/O points from backplane out four 50-pinSCSI-2 connectors at rear of card cage.TRANS-C10080mm cPCI transition module for AcPC8635 carrier. Brings100 I/O points from backplane to two 50-pin SCSI-2 connectorsat the rear of the card cage.TRANS-C20080mm cPCI transition module for AcPC8625 carrier. Brings200 I/O points from backplane to four 50-pin SCSI-2 connectorsat the rear of the card cage.TRANS-C4610Air-cooled CompactPCI transition module for AcPC4610Eand AcPC4610CC. Repeats field I/O signals of PMC modulesfor rear exit fromCompactPCI card cages.TRANS-C4620CompactPCI transition module for AcPC4620E andAcPC4620CC. Repeats field I/O signals of PMC modules(Slot A & B) for rear exit from CompactPCI card cages.TRANS-C5200CompactPCI transition module for AcPC4620E &AcPC4620CC designed to be used with the PMC-LX/SX orthe PMC-VLX/VFX/VSX modules. Converts the 2.5V rearI/O signals to 64 5V/3.3V selectable open-drain I/O.TRANS-C5201CompactPCI transition module for AcPC4620E &AcPC4620CC designed to be used with the PMC-LX/SX orthe PMC-VLX/VFX/VSX modules. Converts the 2.5V rearI/O signals to 32 RS485/RS422 I/O.Acromag offers a variety of cables to complete your system.Transition modules simplify I/O connections in the rear of a cardcage. From left: TRANS-200, TRANS-C200.AVME9670 with TRANS-200, 5028-438, and 5028-378.AcPC8625 with TRANS-C200, 5028-438, and 5028-378.Hardware AccessoriesThe 5025-552 termination panel and 5025-550 signal cable makefield I/O connections to the APC8620 carrier easy.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.TRANS-C4610 and TRANS-C4620TRANS-C5200/C5201Attach up to four 5025-552 panels and 5025-550 cables to bringI/O connections out the front of an AVME9660 carrier.Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-441d Printed in USA 4/11 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware Accessories5025-288 Termination PanelTB21 2J1PIN 1PIN 68TOP VIEW282-2223.40"(86.36)TB1PLACE MODEL/SERIALLABEL HERE.ModeL:Serial:SIDE VIEW7.1"(180.34)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68TERMINATIONMARKINGS2.7"(68.58)FRONT VIEWNOTE:DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MM)5025-552 Termination Panel5028-378 Termination PanelPIN 26PIN 50PIN 1PIN 25SCSI-2 CONNECTOR(50 PINS)Hardware AccessoriesTERMINATION MARKINGSHardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400-441b Printed in USA 9/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware Accessories5025-550/551 Cable5028-187 CableHardware AccessoriesHardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.comAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.8400-441b Printed in USA 5/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware Accessories5028-432 CableTOP VIEWP22 METERS(78.72 INCHES, +4.0 / -0.0 INCHES)P1PIN 34PIN 68PIN 34 PIN 68PIN 1 PIN 35PIN 1PIN 355028-438 CableTOP VIEWP12 METERS(78.72 INCHES, +4.0 / -0.0 INCHES)P2PIN 25LATCHSPRINGPIN 50LATCHSPRINGCOPPER BRAID SHEILD, BEIGE PVC JACKET.COPPER, ALUMINIZED POLYESTER SHEILD PLUSUL TYPE CL2, 25 TWISTED PAIRS 28 AWG STRANDEDPIN 50PIN 25MOLDED HOOD ANDSTRAIN RELIEF, BEIGE(.050" [1.27 MM] PIN SPACING)D-SUB CONNECTORMALE 50-PIN HIGH DENSITYPIN 1PIN 26PIN 26PIN 1P1P2Hardware AccessoriesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-441b Printed in USA 5/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware AccessoriesTRANS-200Industry Pack Transition ModuleAVME967xTRANS-2005028-438 CableJ1TB1IP DIP CTB25028-378Termination PanelIP BIP AVME64x BackplaneHardware AccessoriesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-441b Printed in USA 9/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware AccessoriesTRANS-C200Industry Pack Transition ModuleACPC8625TRANS-C2005028-438 CableJ1TB1TB25028-378Termination PanelcPCI BackplaneHardware AccessoriesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-441b Printed in USA 9/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware AccessoriesTRANS-C100Industry Pack Transition Module3.150 (80.0)A22F22SLOT ASLOT BJ2A1F13.937(100.0)TP1GNDP1NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS).ACPC8635CompactPCIBackplaneTRANS-C1005025-552Termination PanelD1P3P1BAP2 P4F1 F25 F1F22J1J2A1A25 A1A22A22A1F22F1J2TP1GNDSLOT ASLOT BP15025-550 or 5025-551 CableHardware AccessoriesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-441b Printed in USA 9/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

TP1GNDHardware AccessoriesTRANS-C4610PMC Transition Module3.150’’ (80.0)AcPC4610EPMC Carrier CardCompactPCIBackplaneTRANS-C4610Transition ModuleF1 F25 F1F22A1 J1 A25 A1 J2 A22A1 A22F1F22J2TP1GNDSCSI-33.937’’(100.0)A1 A22F1F22J2TP1GNDSCSI-3NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES (MILLIMETERS).TRANS-C4620PMC Transition ModuleTRANS-C4620Transition ModuleSCSI-3SCSI-33.150’’(80.0)TP1F22A22J5F1A1F22A22J3F1A1GND9.187’’ (233.35)AcPC4620PMC Carrier CardCompactPCIBackplaneTRANS-C4620Transition ModuleHardware AccessoriesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.F1 F25 F1F22 F1F22F1F22A1 J1 A25 A1 J2 A22 A1 J3 A22A1 J5 A22A1 A22F1F22A1 A22F1F22J5J3SCSI-3SCSI-3Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 441b Printed in USA 9/08 Copyright © 2008 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

TP1GNDHardware AccessoriesTRANS-C5200/C5201PMC Transition ModuleTRANS-C520xTransition ModuleSCSI-3SCSI-33.150’’(80.0)TP1F22A22J5F1A1F22A22J3F1A1GND9.187’’ (233.35)AcPC4620PMC Carrier CardCompactPCIBackplaneTRANS-C520xTransition ModuleF1 F25 F1F22 F1F22F1F22A1 J1 A25 A1 J2 A22 A1 J3 A22A1 J5 A22A1 A22A1 A22F1F22F1F22J5J3SCSI-3SCSI-3Hardware AccessoriesAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400-441c Printed in USA 4/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

Hardware AccessoriesModels PMC330, PMC341, PMC424, PMC464, PMC48x, PMC520, PMC521, PMC730, PMC-AXxxx, PMC-DXxxxCMC BEZELIN FRONT PANEL0.075" (1.900mm)SEE NOTE 10.108" (2.743mm)SEE NOTE 4COMPONENT SIDE OF PMC MODULECOMPONENT SIDE OF PMC CARRIER/CPU BOARDPMC MODULECONNECTORS0.800" (20.32mm)INTERBOARD SEPARATIONPLANESPMC MODULE P1 CONNECTORIN FRONT PANELFLATHEAD SCREWFLATHEAD SCREW0.532" (13.500mm)SEE NOTES 2 AND 3PMC CARRIER/CPUBOARD CONNECTORS1. The usable space on the solder side of the PMC module is 0.075” (1.900mm) perPMC Mechanical Standard P1386.1. This PMC module is within limits.P12. The total height off the PMC carrier/CPU board is 0.532” (13.500mm) perPMC Mechanical Standard P1386.1. This PMC module is within limits.2.913(74.00)FieldI/OInterfaceJ1J23. The maximum component height for VME and CompactPCI is 0.540” (13.720mm).This PMC module is within limits.4. Distance to interboard separation plane is 0.108” (2.743mm).The desired spacing is 0.100” ((2.540mm) for VME and CompactPCI.PMClogicinterfaceconnectorsDimensions are in inches(millimeters)Component side view5.866(149.00)Models PMC230, PMC408, PMC440CMC BEZELIN FRONT PANEL0.138" (3.500mm)SEE NOTE 10.045" (1.143mm)SEE NOTE 4COMPONENT SIDE OF PMC MODULECOMPONENT SIDE OF PMC CARRIER/CPU BOARDPMC MODULECONNECTORS0.800" (20.32mm)INTERBOARD SEPARATIONPLANESFLATHEAD SCREW FLATHEAD SCREW 0.595" (15.110mm)SEE NOTES 2 AND 3PMC CARRIER/CPUBOARD CONNECTORSPMC MODULE P1 CONNECTORIN FRONT PANEL2.913(74.00)FieldI/OInterfaceP1J1J21. The usable space on the solder side of the PMC module is 0.075” (1.900mm) perPMC Mechanical Standard P1386.1. This PMC module exceeds this by 0.063” (1.600mm).2. The total height off the PMC carrier/CPU board is 0.532” (13.500mm) per PMC MechanicalStandard P1386.1. This PMC module exceeds this by 0.063” (1.600mm).3. The maximum component height for VME and CompactPCI is 0.540” (13.720mm). ThisPMC module exceeds this by 0.055” (1.400mm).*4. Distance to interboard separation plane is 0.045” (1.143mm).The desired spacing is 0.100” ((2.5400mm) for VME and CompactPCI.PMClogicinterfaceconnectors* Adequate clearance must be determined for the application.Hardware AccessoriesDimensions are in inches(millimeters)All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Component side view5.866(149.00)Hardware AccessoriesAcromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-295-0310 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • solutions@acromag.com • www.acromag.com8400- 441c Printed in USA 05/10 Copyright © 2010 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice

I/O ServersIOS-7400 Industrial PC with I/O Module Carrier CardI/O ModulesCompact, fanless PC ◆ Intel Atom CPU ◆ Four plug-In I/O module slots ◆ Conduction-cooled chassisDescriptionAcromag’s Industrial I/O Server is a ruggedindustrial PC with truly integrated support foruser I/O. A built-in carrier card interfaces upto four plug-in I/O modules to the CPU. Theembedded computer supports video, audio,Ethernet, serial, and USB devices. A wide varietyof I/O modules provides mix and match flexibility,high channel density, and a clean cable interface.The I/O Server’s fanless design employs advancedthermal technology and high-performancecomponents to accommodate a wide operatingtemperature range -30 to 75°C. Conductioncooling plates and thermal pads wick internalheat away to the aluminum enclosure whereexternal cooling fins dissipate the heat.Units are shock/vibration resistant and sealed toIP40 standards to ensure long term reliability in avariety of applications.This combination of an industrial PC with fullyintegrated I/O offers a compact, yet powerfulmonitoring and control solution. Unlike manybox PC systems that offer few I/O connectionoptions or limit you to a single PC104 card,Acromag’s I/O Server brings I/O modules insidethe chassis. A tight footprint is maintained, fourplug-in I/O modules of any mix are supported,and high density connectors provide clean signalwiring.ProcessorIntel ® Atom ® N270 1.6GHz CPUPC InterfaceVideo: VGA up to 2048 x 1536 displayAudio: speaker out, microphone inMemory–DRAM: 1GB DDR533Memory–SSD: 2.5” 16GB solid-state drive optionMemory–removable: CompactFlash card slotSerial ports: 1 x RS232, 1 x RS232/422/485Ethernet ports: 2 x 10/100 BaseT (switched)USB ports: 4 x USB 2.0 (2 with high retention)I/O Module CarrierCapacity: Holds four I/O modules, 200 I/O linesConnectors: 4 x 50 Pin SCSI-III/O Modules (sold separately)Analog I/O: A/D, D/ADigital I/O: state, level, differential, counter, timerSerial I/O: RS232, RS422, RS485 communicationFPGA: Altera ® Cyclone ® -II; TTL, LVDS, RS485 I/OEnvironmentalPower: 9 to 32V DCOperating temperature: -30 to 75°CApprovalsCE, UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2Key Features & Benefits■ Rugged, industrial PC with fanless designdelivers high-reliability operation■ 4 plug-in I/O module slots provide easy,low cost interface to instrumentation■ High-density, interchangeable I/O modulesenable mix and match flexibility■ 20+ I/O modules available for a wide variety ofanalog, digital, and serial I/O functions■ Thermally-controlled chassis meets extremeoperating temperature requirements■ Compact, shock and vibration-resistant designApplications■ Industrial machine control, factory automation■ Military and homeland security systems■ Aerospace, marine, and ground-based systems■ Transportation, mining, mobile servers■ Outdoor signage, kiosks, display systems■ Building management and control■ Test & measurement, data acquisition, SCADA■ Scientific research, simulationTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-542d

I/O ServersIOS-7400 Industrial PC with I/O Module Carrier CardPerformance Specifications■ Processor SystemCPU<strong>Embedded</strong> Intel ® Atom ® N270 1.6GHz.System Memory1GB installed. 200-pin SODIMM socket, DDR2533MHz up to 2GB.System ChipsetIntel ® 945GSE / ICH7M chipset 533MHz FSB.BIOSAWARD 8Mbit Flash BIOS.Ethernet ChipsetIntel ® 82562GZ 10/100Mbps Ethernet chip.Display ChipsetIntel ® 945GSE.Display VRAMDVMT 3.0 support up to 224MB.Display ResolutionUp to 2048 x 1536.Operating SystemSupports Windows ® XP <strong>Embedded</strong> and Linux.■ Interface ConnectionsVideo1 x VGA connector. Resolution CPU-dependent.Audio1 x speaker out. 1 x mic in. AC97 2.3 compliant.Hard Disk Drive / Solid-State DriveUser-installed option, 2.5” HDD/SSD PATA.Removable Memory1 x CompactFlash slot.Serial Ports1 x RS232. 1 x RS232/422/485.USB Ports4 x USB 2.0 compliant ports.Ethernet Ports2 x 10/100 BaseT (unmanaged switch).Power Supply Connector(on rear of unit)■ I/O Module CarrierI/O SlotsHolds up to four Acromag IOS I/O Modules.Thermal ControlConduction-cooled I/O modules.ConnectorsSCSI-II 50-pin connector for each I/O module.■ Physical & EnvironmentalDimensionsSize: 11.8” x 3.0” x 7.3”(299.7mm x 76.2mm x 182.9mm).Weight: 5.95lbs (2.70kg).Operation and Storage TemperatureOperation: -30 to 75°C (-22 to 167°F)Storage: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F).Operating Humidity0% - 90% relative humidity, non-condensing.Shock Resistance50g rms per IEC-68-2-27, half-sine, 11mS duration.Vibration Resistance5g rms per IEC-68-2-64, random, 5-500MHz,1 oct/min, 1hr per axis.Power RequirementsSupply Voltage: 9 - 32V DC ±10% @ 60W max.Power Usage: Depends on configuration. 30W typical.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.FCC ComplianceFCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A Digital Device.MTBFContact factory.Internal Solid-State Drive(user-installed option)CompactFlash Drive(on rear of unit)Ordering InformationIndustrial PCsEach unit holds four I/O modules, sold separately.IOS-7400Industrial PC with Intel ® Atom ® N270 1.6GHzIOS-7400-WINSame as above plus licensed Windows <strong>Embedded</strong>Standard 2009 image installed on CompactFlash cardI/O ModulesMore than 20 models available, sold separately.See www.acromag.com for more information.Software SupportSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOSSW-DEV-WINWindows ® Win32 development package. IncludesCD-ROM with API development software, exampleprograms with source code, and Win32 DLL driversIOSSW-API-LINUXLinux function libraries software for I/O ServerAccessoriesSee www.acromag.com for more information.5028-378Termination Panel, DIN rail-mount, 50 screw terminals,SCSI-2 connector5028-438Round cable, shielded, SCSI-2 50-pin connectors, 6 ft.PS5R-SD2460W power supply, 24V DC @ 2.5APS5R-SE2490W power supply, 24V DC @ 3.75AEthernetPorts x 2USB Ports x 4I/O Slots x 4Serial Ports x2Audio OutputMicrophone InputVGA VideoField I/O x 4Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

I/O ServersIOS-7200 Industrial PC with I/O Module Carrier CardI/O ModulesCompact, fanless PC ◆ AMD Geode CPU ◆ Four plug-In I/O module slots ◆ Conduction-cooled chassisDescriptionAcromag’s Industrial I/O Server is a ruggedindustrial PC with truly integrated support foruser I/O. A built-in carrier card interfaces upto four plug-in I/O modules to the CPU. Theembedded computer supports video, audio,Ethernet, serial, and USB devices. A wide varietyof I/O modules provides mix and match flexibility,high channel density, and a clean cable interface.The I/O Server’s fanless design employs advancedthermal technology and high-performancecomponents to accommodate a wide operatingtemperature range -40 to 75°C. Conductioncooling plates and thermal pads wick internalheat away to the aluminum enclosure whereexternal cooling fins dissipate the heat.Units are shock/vibration resistant and sealed toIP40 standards to ensure long term reliability in avariety of applications.This combination of an industrial PC with fullyintegrated I/O offers a compact, yet powerfulmonitoring and control solution. Unlike manybox PC systems that offer few I/O connectionoptions or limit you to a single PC104 card,Acromag’s I/O Server brings I/O modules insidethe chassis. A tight footprint is maintained, fourplug-in I/O modules of any mix are supported,and high density connectors provide clean signalwiring.ProcessorAMD ® Geode ® LX800 500MHz CPUPC InterfaceVideo: VGA up to 1024 x 768 displayAudio: speaker out, microphone inMemory–DRAM: 512MB DDR400Memory–SSD: 2.5” 16GB solid-state drive optionMemory–removable: CompactFlash card slotSerial ports: 1 x RS232, 1 x RS232/422/485Ethernet ports: 2 x 10/100 BaseT (switched)USB ports: 4 x USB 1.1 (2 with high retention)I/O Module CarrierCapacity: Holds four I/O modules, 200 I/O linesConnectors: 4 x 50 Pin SCSI-III/O Modules (sold separately)Analog I/O: A/D, D/ADigital I/O: state, level, differential, counter, timerSerial I/O: RS232, RS422, RS485 communicationFPGA: Altera ® Cyclone ® -II; TTL, LVDS, RS485 I/OEnvironmentalPower: 9 to 32V DCOperating temperature: -40 to 75°CApprovalsCE, UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2Key Features & Benefits■ Rugged, industrial PC with fanless designdelivers high-reliability operation■ 4 plug-in I/O module slots provide easy,low cost interface to instrumentation■ High-density, interchangeable I/O modulesenable mix and match flexibility■ 20+ I/O modules available for a wide variety ofanalog, digital, and serial I/O functions■ Thermally-controlled chassis meets extremeoperating temperature requirements■ Compact, shock and vibration-resistant designApplications■ Industrial machine control, factory automation■ Military and homeland security systems■ Aerospace, marine, and ground-based systems■ Transportation, mining, mobile servers■ Outdoor signage, kiosks, display systems■ Building management and control■ Test & measurement, data acquisition, SCADA■ Scientific research, simulationTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-541d

I/O ServersIOS-7200 Industrial PC with I/O Module Carrier CardPerformance Specifications■ Processor SystemCPU<strong>Embedded</strong> AMD ® Geode ® LX800 500MHz.System Memory512MB installed. 200-pin SODIMM socket, DDR200/266/333/400MHz up to 1GB.System ChipsetAMD ® CS 5536.BIOSAWARD 4Mbit Flash BIOS.Ethernet ChipsetIntel ® 82551ER 10/100Mbps Ethernet chip.Display ChipsetAMD ® Geode ® LX800/CS 5536.Display VRAMShared system memory up to 254MB.Display Resolution1024 x 768 @ 85Hz.Operating SystemSupports Windows ® XP <strong>Embedded</strong> and Linux.■ Interface ConnectionsVideo1 x VGA connector.Audio1 x speaker out. 1 x mic in. AC97 2.3 compliant.Hard Disk Drive / Solid-State DriveUser-installed option, 2.5” HDD/SSD PATA.Removable Memory1 x CompactFlash slot.Serial Ports1 x RS232. 1 x RS232/422/485.USB Ports4 x USB 2.0 compliant ports.Ethernet Ports2 x 10/100 BaseT (unmanaged switch).Power Supply Connector(on rear of unit)■ I/O Module CarrierI/O SlotsHolds up to four Acromag IOS I/O Modules.Thermal ControlConduction-cooled I/O modules.ConnectorsSCSI-II 50-pin connector for each I/O module.■ Physical & EnvironmentalDimensionsSize: 11.8” x 3.0” x 7.3”(299.7mm x 76.2mm x 182.9mm).Weight: 5.95lbs (2.70kg).Operation and Storage TemperatureOperation: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)Storage: -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F).Operating Humidity0% - 90% relative humidity, non-condensing.Shock Resistance50g rms per IEC-68-2-27, half-sine, 11mS duration.Vibration Resistance5g rms per IEC-68-2-64, random, 5-500MHz,1 oct/min, 1hr per axis.Power RequirementsSupply Voltage: 9 - 32V DC ±10% @ 60W max.Power Usage: Depends on configuration. 30W typical.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.FCC ComplianceFCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A Digital Device.MTBFContact factory.Internal Solid-State Drive(user-installed option)CompactFlash Drive(on rear of unit)Ordering InformationIndustrial PCsEach unit holds four I/O modules, sold separately.IOS-7200Industrial PC with AMD Geode LX800 500MHz CPUIOS-7200-WINSame as above plus licensed Windows <strong>Embedded</strong>Standard 2009 image installed on CompactFlash cardI/O ModulesMore than 20 models available, sold separately.See www.acromag.com for more information.Software SupportSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOSSW-DEV-WINWindows ® Win32 development package. IncludesCD-ROM with API development software, exampleprograms with source code, and Win32 DLL driversIOSSW-API-LNXLinux function libraries software for I/O ServerAccessoriesSee www.acromag.com for more information.5028-378Termination Panel, DIN rail-mount, 50 screw terminals,SCSI-2 connector5028-438Round cable, shielded, SCSI-2 50-pin connectors, 6 ft.PS5R-SD2460W power supply, 24V DC @ 2.5APS5R-SE2490W power supply, 24V DC @ 3.75AEthernetPorts x 2USB Ports x 4I/O Slots x 4Serial Ports x2Audio OutputMicrophone InputVGA VideoField I/O x 4Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-220 Analog Output Module12-bit D/A ◆ 8 or 16 analog voltage output channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.The IOS-220 outputs analog voltage signals todrive up to 16 devices. Each output channel hasits own 12-bit D/A converter (DAC). IndividualDACs are faster, and they eliminate glitchestypically caused by the re-acquisition process ofsample and holds found on multiplexed outputboards.Individual channels also have double-buffereddata latches. You can select to update eachoutput when it is written to, or to update alloutputs simultaneously. Simultaneous outputsbetter simulate linear movements in motionprocesses.Key Features & Benefits■ 8 or 16 analog voltage output channels■ Independent 12-bit D/A converters per channelwith an 11.0µS settling time■ Bipolar voltage (non-isolated) outputs:-10 to +10 volts■ Double-buffered DACs■ High load capability (5mA output current)■ Built-in calibration coefficients■ Outputs reset to 0 volts.■ Internally stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.■ Software provides easy selection of transparentor simultaneous output modes.■ Double-buffered DACs allow new datato be written to each channel before thesimultaneous trigger updates the outputs.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-220-8Eight voltage outputsIOS-220-16Sixteen voltage outputsI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-543c

IOS ModulesIOS-220 Analog Output ModulePerformance Specifications■ Analog OutputsOutput configuration8 or 16 single-endedD/A Resolution12 bitsOutput rangeBipolar, -10 to +10VSettling time11µSMaximum throughput rateOutputs can be updated simultaneously or individually.One channel: 11µS/conversion.Sixteen channels simultaneously: 11µS/16 channels.System accuracy0.025% of 20V span maximum corrected error(i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with the output unloaded.Data format (left–justified)Bipolar Offset Binary.Output at reset0 volts.Output current-2 to +2mA (maximum). This corresponds to aminimum load resistance of 5K ohms with a 10Voutput.Short circuit protectionIndefinite at 25°C.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*): DAC data, control registers,DAC offset and gain calibration coefficients.ID read (IDSel*): 32 x 8 ID PROM.Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access Times (8MHz clock):ID EEPROM read: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).DAC channel data write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).DAC offset/gain coeff. read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Control register access: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°CStorage temperature-55 to 100°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF4,094,686Power+5V: 33mA typical, 45mA maximum.+12V from P1: 150mA typical, 200mA maximum.-12V from P1: 133mA typical, 180mA maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-231 Analog Output Module16-bit D/A ◆ 8 or 16 analog voltage output channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.Each output channel on the IOS-231 has its own16-bit D/A converter (DAC). Individual DACs arefaster, and they eliminate glitches typically causedby the re-acquisition process of sample and holdsfound on multiplexed output boards.Individual channels also have double-buffereddata latches. You can select to update eachoutput when it is written to, or to update alloutputs simultaneously. Simultaneous outputsbetter simulate linear movements in motionprocesses.Key Features & Benefits■ 8 or 16 analog voltage output channels■ Independent 16-bit D/A converters per channelwith an 13.0µS settling time■ Bipolar voltage (non-isolated) outputs:-10 to +10 volts■ Double-buffered DACs■ High load capability (5mA output current)■ Built-in calibration coefficients■ Outputs reset to 0 volts.■ Internally stored calibration coefficientsensure accuracy.■ Software provides easy selection of transparentor simultaneous output modes.■ Double-buffered DACs allow new datato be written to each channel before thesimultaneous trigger updates the outputs.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-231-8Eight voltage outputsIOS-231-16Sixteen voltage outputsI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-544c

IOS ModulesIOS-231 Analog Output ModulePerformance Specifications■ Analog OutputsOutput configuration8 or 16 single-ended.D/A Resolution16 bits.Output rangeBipolar, -10 to +10V.Settling time13µS.Maximum throughput rateOutputs can be updated simultaneously or individually.One channel: 13µS/conversion.Sixteen channels simultaneously: 13µS/16 channels.System accuracy0.0305% of 20V span maximum corrected error(i.e. calibrated) at 25°C with the output unloaded.Linearity error±2 LSB (maximum).Data formatBipolar Offset Binary.Output at reset0 volts.Output current-5 to 5mA (maximum). This corresponds to a minimumload resistance of 5K ohms with a 10V output.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*): DAC data, control registers,DAC offset and gain calibration coefficients.ID read (IDSel*): 32 x 8 ID PROM.Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access Times (8MHz clock):ID EEPROM read: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).DAC channel data write: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).DAC offset/gain coeff. read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Control register access: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 100°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBFConsult factory.Power+5V: 45mA.+12V: 200mA.-12V: 180mA.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-320 Analog Input Module12-bit A/D ◆ 20 differential or 40 single-ended channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.The IOS-320 monitors 20 differential or 40single-ended input channels.A jumper offers a choice of three input voltageranges. Using the software programmable gain,you can easily customize the input voltage onan individual channel basis. The control registerprovides further flexibility with the option ofsingle-ended or differential inputs and controlledchannel selection. Software or external triggersenable synchronization of data acquisition toexternal events.Key Features & Benefits■ 20 differential or 40 single-ended inputs■ 12-bit, successive approximation A/D converter(ADC) with an 4.5µS conversion time■ 200K samples per second maximum systemthroughput rate■ Three dip switch-selectable input ranges:-5 to 5V, -10 to 10V, and 0 to 10V■ Programmable gains of 1, 2, 4, and 8■ Built-in calibration references■ Software or external hardware inputs cantrigger A/D conversions for synchronization toexternal events.■ On-board, precision voltage references enableaccurate software calibration of the modulewithout external instruments.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-320Analog input, 12-bit A/D, 20D / 40SE channelsI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-545c

IOS ModulesIOS-320 Analog Input ModulePerformance Specifications■ Analog InputsInput configuration40 single-ended or 20 differential.A/D Resolution12 bits.Input ranges (dip switch-selectable):Bipolar -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V (See Note 1), orUnipolar 0 to +10V (See Note 1).Note 1: Range requires ±15V external power supply.Clipping occurs with ±12V supplies, typically to ±9V.Maximum throughput rate200KHz (5µS/conversion).Only one channel updates at a time.Programmable gainsx1, x2, x4, x8.A/D triggersExternal and software.Maximum overall calibrated error at 25°C:See below.Max.ADC RangeInput Range PGA GainError ±LSB(volts)(%span)0 to 10 1 0 to 10 3.2 (0.078)-5 to +5 1 -5 to +5 1.8 (0.044)-10 to +10 1 -10 to +10 2.8 (0.069)Data format (left-justified)Straight Binary.Input overvoltage protection±32V powered,-35 to +55 unpowered.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz)71dB.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz)71dB.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access Times (8MHz clock):All functions: 0 wait states (250nS cycle) exceptControl register write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle),Read ADC data: 2 wait states (500nS cycle).Conversion Request (write): 1 wait state (375nS cycle■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 105°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensingMTBF719,999 hours at 25°C, MIL-HDBK-217F, Notice 2Power+5V: 210mA maximum.+12V from P1 or +15V from P2: 25mA maximum.-12V from P1 or -15V from P2: 25mA maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-330 Analog Input Module16-bit A/D ◆ 16 differential or 32 single-ended channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-330 modules provide fast, high resolutionA/D conversion.The IOS-330 has many features to improve youroverall system throughput rate. You can scan allchannels or define a subset for more frequentsampling. Burst mode scans selected channelsat the maximum conversion rate. Uniform modeperforms conversions at user-defined intervals.Both modes can scan continuously, or execute asingle cycle upon receiving a trigger.“Mail box” memory allows the CPU to read thelatest data in 32 storage buffer registers withoutinterrupting the A/D converter.Key Features & Benefits■ 16-bit A/D converter (ADC)■ 5µS conversion time (200KHz)■ 16 differential or 32 single-ended inputs(±5V, ±10V, 0-5V, and 0-10V input ranges)■ Individual channel mailbox with one or twostorage buffer registers per channel■ Programmable scan control■ Four scanning modes■ User-programmable interval timer■ External trigger input and output■ Programmable gain for individual channels■ Post-conversion interrupts■ “Mailbox” memory eliminates scanninginterruptions for optimum throughput.■ Data register indicates new and missed(overwritten) data values in the mail box.■ Programmable interrupts simplify dataacquisition by providing greater control.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-330Analog input, 16-bit A/D, 16D / 32SE channelsI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-546c

IOS ModulesIOS-330 Analog Input ModulePerformance Specifications■ Analog InputsInput configuration32 single-ended or 16 differential.A/D Resolution16 bits.Input ranges±5V, ±10V*, 0-5V, and 0-10V*.* Requires ±15V external supplies.Data sample memoryIndividual channel mailbox with one or two storagebuffer registers per channel.Maximum throughput rateOnly one channel can be updated at a time.One channel: 200KHz maximum (5µS/conversion).[66KHz (15µS/conversion) recommended]16 channels (differential): 4.2KHz (240µS/16 ch)32 channels (single-ended): 2.1KHz (480µS/32 ch).Programmable gains1x, 2x, 4x, 8x.A/D triggersExternal and software.System accuracy2 LSB (0.0030%) typical(SW calibration, gain=1, 25°C).Data formatStraight binary or two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protectionVSS -20V to VDD 40V with power on, -35V to 55Vpower off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz)96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz)96dB typical.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)ID PROM read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O space read/write: 1 wait states.Interrupt select cycle read: 1 wait state.Mail box I/O read: 1 wait state. 3 wait states ifongoing internal mail box write.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 100°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBFConsult factory.Power+5V: 65mA typical, 200mA maximum.+12V: 14mA typical, 20mA maximum.-12V/-15V: 11mA typical, 15mA maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-341 Analog Input ModuleFPGAI/OINTERFACE PRECISIONP2CALIBRATIONVOLTAGESCONTROLLOGICID SPACEIDENTIFICATIONBYTESDATA BUSLOGICINTERFACEP1INST.AMPS/H & ADCCH0 & CH8DATASERIAL TO PARALLELCONVERTERINPUTMIXFIFO BUFFER512 SAMPLESANALOGINPUTCHANNELSINST.AMPS/H & ADCCH7 & CH15DATAINTERRUPTTHRESHOLDCHANNEL ENABLEREGISTERSADDRESS BUSHIGH BANK TIMERREGISTERCONTROLCONTROL BUSEXTERNAL TRIGGER INPUT OR OUTPUTCONVERSIONTIMERINTERRUPTLOGIC AND VECTORANALOGCOMMONBLOCK DIAGRAM14-bit A/D simultaneous sample & hold ◆ 16 differential channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-341 modules provide fast, high resolution,simultaneous A/D conversion of up to eightchannels.These modules have sixteen analog inputs whichare sampled as two eight-channel banks. EightA/D converters (ADCs) permit simultaneousconversion of all eight channels in a bank. AFIFO buffer holds the first bank’s data while thesecond bank is converted. Conversion of eachbank requires only 8µS, and all 16 channels canbe sampled in just 16µS.Flexible configuration options give you extensivecontrol over the conversion process. The channelsor bank to be converted, timing, scan mode,and other parameters are user-programmable.Interrupt support adds further control to flaga FIFO that is full or filled to a user-definedthreshold level.Key Features & Benefits■ 16 differential inputs (±10V DC input range)■ Eight 14-bit A/D converters with simultaneousmulti-channel conversion■ 8µS conversion time (125KHz) for 8-channelbank■ FIFO buffer with 512 sample memory■ Programmable conversion timer■ Programmable channel conversion control■ External trigger input and output■ Continuous and single-cycle conversion modes■ Interrupt generation for FIFO thresholdconditions■ Precision calibration voltages stored on-board■ Simultaneous channel conversion and on-boardmemory enable megahertz throughput rates.■ Programmable interrupts simplify dataacquisition by providing greater control.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-341Analog input, 14-bit A/D simultaneous sample & hold,16 differential channelsI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-557c

IOS ModulesIOS-341 Analog Input ModulePerformance Specifications■ Analog InputsInput configuration16 differential.A/D Resolution14 bits.Input ranges±10V.Data sample memory512 sample FIFO buffer.Maximum throughput rateEight channels can be simultaneously acquired.One channel: 125KHz (8µS/conversion)8 channels (same bank): 1MHz (8µS/8 channels)16 channels (high & low banks): 1MHz (16µS/16 ch.at minimum 2.2K ohm source resistance).Data sample memory512-sample FIFO memory buffer.A/D triggersInternal timer, external, and software.System accuracy2.4 LSB (0.014%).Data formatBinary two’s compliment.Input overvoltage protection±25V with power on, ±40V with power off.Common mode rejection ratio (60Hz)96dB typical.Channel-to-channel rejection ratio (60Hz)96dB typical.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)ID space read: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).FIFO buffer read: 2 wait states maximum (500nS),1 wait state typical (375nS).Registers read/write: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).Interrupt read/write: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-40 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBFContact Factory.Power+5V: 76mA+12V from P1: 7mA.-12V from P1: -6mA.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-408 Digital I/O ModuleHigh voltage digital input/output ◆ 32 bi-directional channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.The IOS-408 monitors or controls the on/off(high/low) status of up to 32 devices. Eachchannel can be used as an input or output.Input channels can be configured with interruptsfor a change of state or level detection of anybit on up to 8 channels. The TTL input thresholdincludes hysteresis for increasing noise immunity.In order to ensure safe, reliable control under allconditions, output operation is “fail-safe.” Thatis, the outputs are always off upon power-up andare automatically cleared following a softwarereset.Loopback monitoring of critical control signalsis easy since the input and output circuitry areconnected in tandem to each channel.Key Features & Benefits■ 32 digital input and/or output channels■ 0 to 60V DC input range,60V DC low-side switch outputs■ Outputs sink up to 1A per channel■ TTL-compatible input threshold with hysteresis■ Change-of-state/level interrupts (up to 8)■ Buffered inputs include hysteresis to increasenoise immunity.■ Interrupts are software-programmable for achange of state or level detection.■ Loopback monitoring enables self-test andfault diagnostics to detect open outputswitches or shorts.■ High impedance inputs prevent loading of theinput source and minimize current.■ Individual outputs sink up to 1A DCcontinuous. No deration of output currentrequired at elevated temperatures.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-408Digital input/output, 32 high-voltage bidirectional I/OI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-558c

IOS ModulesIOS-408 Digital I/O ModulePerformance Specifications■ Digital InputsInput channel configuration32 non-inverting buffered inputs with a commonconnection. Input signal voltage range:0 to 60V DC, maximum.Input signal thresholdTTL compatible. 1.5V DC with 200mV of hysteresis,typical. Limited to TTL levels of 0.8V DC (maximumlow level) and 2.0V DC (minimum high level).Input response time250nS minimum to 375nS maximum.InterruptsChange-of-state and level on channels 0-7.■ Digital OutputsChannel configuration32 open-drain DMOS MOSFETs with common sourceconnection.Output ON current range0 to 1A DC, continuous per channel max. (10A totalfor all channels combined). No deration required atelevated ambients.Turn on time320nS typical (varies with load).Turn off time500nS typical (varies with load).■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access Times (8MHz clock)1 wait state (375nS cycle).Interrupt handling formatAn 8-bit vector is provided during interruptacknowledge cycles on D0 - D7.UpdatesTwo 16-bit read/writes to update all channels.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage-55 to 125°C.Relative Humidity5 to 95% non-condensingMTBFContact factory.Power+5V (±5%): 50mA max. +12V (±5%) from P1:8.5mA max. -12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA (not used).ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-409 Digital I/O ModuleDifferential digital input/output ◆ 24 differential I/O channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.The IOS-409 provides 24 differential I/O channelswith interrupts. Each channel is programmableas an input or an output on a bit basis, in anycombination. All channels can generate changeof-state(COS), low, or high level transitioninterrupts.Each channel uses a robust RS485/422Atransceiver that supports bi-directional datatransfer in one direction at a time (half-duplex).Differential data transmission enables reliable,high speed communication across distances of upto 4000 feet, even through noisy environments.Differential transmission nullifies the effects ofground shifts and noise signals which appear ascommon-mode voltages on the line.Key Features & Benefits■ 24 digital input and/or output channels■ Output channels support readback monitoring■ Socketed termination resistors■ Ruggedized RS422A/485 transceivers■ Interrupt support on all channels- change-of-state- high or low level transition■ Positive and negative current limiting■ Parallel I/O for up to 24 bits■ All channels programmable as inputs oroutputs.■ Differential data transmission is ideal for highspeed,long distance communication in noisyenvironments.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-409Digital input/output, 32 differential bidirectional I/OI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-559c

IOS ModulesIOS-409 Digital I/O ModulePerformance Specifications■ RS485 TransceiversBus common mode range-7 to 12V.Channel configuration24 independent, non-isolated RS485/422A serial portswith a common signal return connection.Data rate250K bits/second, maximum.Cable length4000 feet, maximum. Use of a signal repeater canextend transmission distances.Termination resistors120 ohm resistors installed in board sockets atnetwork endpoints only.Differential output voltage5V, maximum. 1.5V minimum (with 27 ohm load).Common mode output voltage3V, maximum.Output short circuit current250mA, maximum.Rise/fall time250nS, minimum, 800nS, typical. 2000nS, maximum.Receiver input impedance12K ohms.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access Time (8MHz clock)0 wait states (250nS cycle).Interrupt handling formatAn 8-bit vector is provided during interruptacknowledge cycles on D0 - D7.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°CRelative Humidity5 to 95% non-condensingPower+5V (±5%): 50mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: Not used.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.MTBFContact factory.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-440 Digital Input ModuleIsolated digital input ◆ 32 port-isolated channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-440 I/O modules provide 32 optically isolatedinputs to safely monitor a wide range of digitalinput voltage levels.Isolation protects your computer system fromnoise, transient signals, and field wiring faults.The inputs are grouped into four 8-channel ports.Ports are isolated from the logic and each other.Change-of-state interrupts are supported usingpaired channels. Debounce eliminates spuriousinterrupts from noise and switching transients forerror-free edge detection.Closed-loop monitoring of critical control signalsis easily accomplished using the IOS-440 inconjunction with Acromag’s IOS-445 digitaloutput module.Key Features & Benefits■ 32 port-isolated input channels■ ±16 to ±40V DC or AC peak input range■ Interrupt support for each channel■ High speed processing (0 wait states)■ Programmable polarity of event interrupts(low-to-high or high-to-low transitions)■ Programmable debounce■ Input hysteresis■ Reverse polarity protection■ Software configuration (no jumpers orswitches)■ Software configuration allows “on-the-fly”changes without removing modules.■ Pins are compatible with IOS-445 outputmodule for loopback monitoring■ Loopback monitoring enables self-test andfault diagnostics to detect open switches orshorts.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-440-2Digital input, 32 port-isolated channelsI/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-560c

IOS ModulesIOS-440 Digital Input ModulePerformance Specifications■ Digital InputsInput channel configuration32 optically isolated inputs.IsolationLogic and field connections are optically isolated.Individual ports are also isolated from each other. Inputlines of individual ports share a common connectionand are not isolated from each other. Logic and fieldlines are isolated from each other for voltages up to250V AC rms 250V DC on a continuous basis (unit willwithstand a 1500V AC dielectric strength test for oneminute without breakdown).Bipolar input voltage range±16 to ±40V DC or AC peak.Input low-to-high threshold±6.8V typical.Input response timeOn to off: 15µS typical.Off to on: 10µS typical.Interrupts32 channels configurable as below.High-to-low transitionsLow-to-high transitionsChange-of-state (two inputs required)DebounceSelectable for 4µS, 64µS, 1mS, or 8mS.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)0 wait states (250nS cycle).UpdatesRequires four 8-bit reads to update all channels.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 150°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBFContact the factory.Power+5V (±5%): 150mA maximum, 65mA typical.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-445 Digital Output ModuleIsolated digital output ◆ 32 port-isolated channels (solid-state relays)DescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-445 modules provide 32 isolated solid-staterelay outputs to safely control discrete devices.A major IOS-445 advantage is its flexibility. Themodule supports wide range bipolar (AC or DC)voltage switching. Each port can be configuredfor high or low-side switches. The outputsare TTL-compatible when configured as lowsideswitches using on-board socketed pull-upresistors.Isolation protects your computer system fromnoise, transient signals, and field wiring faults.Outputs are grouped into four 8-channel ports.Ports are isolated via solid-state relays from thelogic and from each other.Readback buffers simplify output statusmonitoring. And for easy closed-loop monitoringof critical control signals, use the IOS-445 withan IOS-440 input module.Key Features & Benefits■ 32 bipolar solid state relays■ High/low-side switch configuration■ Port-isolated output channels■ ±60V AC/DC voltage range■ High speed processing (0 wait states)■ TTL-compatible■ Failsafe power-up and system reset■ Output readback function■ Socketed pull-up resistors for low-sideswitching applications■ Current-limited solid-state relays■ Unique ground reference points for each portpermits AC and DC switching on one module.■ Pins are compatible with IOS-440 input modulefor loopback monitoring.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-445Digital output, 32 port-isolated channels (SSRs)I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-561c

IOS ModulesIOS-445 Digital Output ModulePerformance Specifications■ Digital OutputsOutput channel configuration32 isolated solid-state relays support AC or DC (high/low-side switching) operation.IsolationLogic and field connections are optically isolated bysolid-state relays. Individual ports are also isolatedfrom each other. Output lines of an individual portshare a common connection and are not isolated fromeach other. Logic and field lines are isolated fromeach other for voltages up to 250V AC or 354V DCon a continuous basis (unit will withstand a 1000VAC dielectric strength test for one minute withoutbreakdown).Voltage range0 to ±60V DC or peak AC.Output ON current range140mA maximum continuous (up to 1A total per port).Turn on time1mS typical, 2mS maximum.Turn off time1mS typical, 2mS maximum.Output pull-up resistors4.7K ohms, socketed.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)0 wait states (250nS cycle).UpdatesRequires four 8-bit writes to update all channels.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-40 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBFContact the factory.Power+5V (±5%) all outputs on: 400mA maximum.±12V (±5%): 0mA (not used).ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-470 Digital I/O ModuleTTL-level digital I/O ◆ 48 bi-directional channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-470 I/O Server modules provide 48 generalpurpose,bi-directional I/O points to economicallymonitor and control a large quantity of digitaldevices.Each channel has interrupt capability fordetecting low-to-high or high-to-low transitions.Change-of-state interrupts are supported usingpaired channels. Debounce eliminates interruptsfrom noise and switching transients for error-freeedge detection.IOS-470 outputs are full-featured. They havesocketed pull-ups and provide closed-loopreadback status monitoring. TTL level thresholdsand 15mA sink capability allow a direct interfaceto standard relay racks. And for safety, outputsgo to a failsafe state upon power-up/resetwithout any instantaneous toggling to preventfalse alarms.Key Features & Benefits■ 48 bi-directional input/output channels■ TTL-compatible inputs■ CMOS-compatible open-drain outputs■ Interrupt support for each channel■ Input debounce■ Electronic overvoltage protection on individualchannels■ Open drain outputs with socketed pull-ups■ Output readback registers■ Output readback capability eliminates the needfor additional input channels to verify theoutput channel state.■ Output channels do not “glitch” after a powerup/resetto eliminate false alarms.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-47048-channel digital I/O module.I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-562c

IOS ModulesIOS-470 Digital I/O ModulePerformance Specifications■ Digital InputsInput channel configuration48 buffered inputs.Input voltage range0 to 5V DC.Input signal threshold1.5V typical.Input response time135nS.■ Digital OutputsOutput channel configuration48 open-drain CMOS outputs.Output voltage range0 to 5V DC.Output “ON” current range0 to 15mA DC.Output pull-ups4.7K ohms pull-ups installed in board sockets. Withpull-ups removed, integrated 47.5K ohms nominalpull-ups are present.Turn on time125nS, typical.Turn off time3µS, typical.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)0 wait states (250nS cycle).UpdatesRequires six 8-bit read/writes to update all48 channels.■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 150°C (all models).Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBFContact the factory.Power+5V (±5%): 160mA maximum.±12V (±5%) from P1: 0mA maximum (not used).ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-480 Counter/Timer Module16-bit counter/timers ◆ TTL and RS422 channelsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-480 models, available in a variety ofconfigurations, provide up to ten counter/timer channels for counting events, generatingwaveform control signals, measuring pulsewidthsor periodic rates, and monitoringoperations.Support for internal or external triggeringsimplifies the synchronization of operationsto specific events. Counter functions can useinternally generated clocks or an externallysupplied clock.Key Features & Benefits■ Up to ten 16-bit counter/timers (IOS-482)■ Available with both TTL and RS422driver interface (IOS-483 only)■ 8 or 32MHz clock time base■ Single counter/timer modes:- Event counting- Frequency measurement- Period/pulse-width measurement- Quadrature position measurement- Square wave/pulse train generation- Time/period interrupter- Pulse width generation■ Most configuration is handled by a singleregister which minimizes programming.■ Pullups are socketed for easy adjustment.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-482Ten 16-bit counters – TTLIOS-483Five 16-bit counters – TTL,Two 16-bit counters – RS422IOS-484Five 16-bit counters – RS422I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-563c

IOS ModulesIOS-480 Counter/Timer ModulePerformance Specifications■ Counter/TimersCounter/timer configurationIOS-482: Ten 16-bit counters – TTLIOS-483: Five 16-bit counters – TTLTwo 16-bit counters – RS422IOS-484: Five 16-bit counters – RS422Clock frequency8 or 32MHz depending on IP bus speed.Field I/OFront panel SCSI-3 connector.8MHz carrier operationSelectable internal clock frequency:0.5, 1, 2, 4, or 8 MHz.External clock: 2MHz maximum frequency.Minimum input event: 125nS.Minimum pulse measurement: 125nS.Minimum period measurement: 300nS.Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 125nS.32MHz carrier operationSelectable internal clock frequency:2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 MHz.External clock: 8MHz maximum frequency.Minimum input event: 31.25nS.Minimum pulse measurement: 31.25nS.Minimum period measurement: 150nS.Minimum gate/trigger pulse: 31.25nS.Mode accuracy (with external clocking)Waveform generation: Period is ±62nS.Watchdog: Timeout occurs within ±1 clock cycle.Pulse/period measurement: ±1 clock cycle.InterruptsSupported for watchdog timer time-out, event countcomplete, pulse width or periodic rate measurementcomplete, pulse wave complete (one-shot mode),successive waveform generation (continuous).Triggering/gateProgrammable via register write or external trigger.Minimum pulse width 125nS. Line may be used forgating of counter.Counter triggerInterface for triggering counter functions. Input level isTTL or RS422 differential digital.Counter input: Interface for events and pulse/periodmeasurements. Also triggers load of watchdog timerregister. Level is TTL or RS422 differential digital.TTL compatibilityVIH = 2.0V and VIL = 0.8V. inputs are buffered andinclude 4.7K pull-ups to +5V.Counter outputLevel is TTL or RS422 differential digital.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz or 32MHz clock)ID space read: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).Registers read/write: 1 wait state (500nS cycle).Interrupt read/write: 0 wait states (250nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°CRelative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.MTBFContact the factory.Power+5V (±5%): 480mA maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-520 Octal Serial 232 Communication ModuleEIA/TIA-232EINTERFACEEIA/TIA-232ETRANSCEIVERSP2TxDLOGICINTERFACEPORTRxDRTSDATA BUSP1ACTS+5V +5V+5VADDRESS BUSCOMPORTSB-GCONTROL BUSTxDPORTRxDRTSPORT I/OUART BPORTSE -> HUART APORTSA -> DCONTROL LOGICGENERATOR&ID INFORMATIONHCTSI/OACKNOWLEDGECOMSIGNALCOMMONCONTROL LOGICCOMMON+5V +5VSUPPLYFILTERINGP2 PINS 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36,& 41-50 ARE SIGNAL COMMONCOMMONBLOCK DIAGRAMGNDHigh-density serial communication ◆ 8 EIA/TIA-232 portsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-520 modules provide eight asynchronousserial communication ports from a single carrierslot. Software-configuration helps you quickly setbaud rates, character-sizes, stop bits, and parity.Signal support for RTS/CTS handshaking is alsoincluded.For more efficient data processing, each serialport is equipped with 64-character FIFO bufferson the transmit and receive lines.The data ports generate individually controlledtransmit, receive, line status, and data setinterrupts. Since unique interrupt vectors maybe assigned to each port, it is easy for you toidentify and locate the interrupt source. Also,a priority shifting scheme prevents continuousinterrupts from one port from blocking interruptsfrom another.Key Features & Benefits■ Eight EIA232 ports■ 64-byte transmit FIFO buffers64-byte receive FIFO buffers■ Interrupts with unique vectors for each port■ Programmable baud rate (up to 230Kbps)■ Individual handshake lines (RTS, CTS) on eachchannel■ Line-break and false start-bit detection■ Industry-standard 16C654 family UARTincludes software-compatible 16C450 mode■ High-density design lowers per-port costs andsaves carrier card slots for other functions.■ 64-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interactionfor improved system performance.■ Each serial channel provides handshakesupport to simplify interfacing with modems.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-520Eight RS232 serial ports.I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-564c

IOS ModulesIOS-520 Octal Serial 232 Communication ModulePerformance Specifications■ EIA232 Serial PortsConfigurationIndependent, non-isolated serial ports with a commonsingle return connection and configured as a DTEdevice.Data rateProgrammable up to 230K bits/second using internalbaud rate generator.Maximum cable length15 meters (50 feet) typical, limited to a cablecapacitive load of 2500pF.Character size5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.ParityOdd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffersDouble buffered or 64-byte FIFO buffered, modeselectable.InterruptsReceiver line status (overrun, parity, framing error, orbreak interrupt); received data available (FIFO levelreached) or character time-out; transmitter (FIFO levelreached); or modem status (CTS).■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)ID PROM read: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Channel register read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Interrupt register read/write: 2 wait states (500nScycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Power+5V (±5%): 340mA maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.MTBFContact the factory.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-521 Octal Serial 422/485 Communication ModuleRS-422BINTERFACEPORTARxD+RxD-TxD+TxD-R T+5VR BR TNOTE: TERMINATION RESISTOR (RT) ANDBIAS RESISTOR (RB) SIPS ARE MOUNTEDIN SOCKETS AND MAY BE REMOVED IFREQUIREDDATA BUSADDRESS BUSLOGICINTERFACEP1R B+5V+5V+5VPORTSB to GCONTROL BUSPORTRxD+RxD-+5VRTPORT I/OUART BPORTSE to HUART APORTSA to DCONTROL LOGICGENERATOR& IDINFORMATIONHTxD+TxD-R BRTI/OACKNOWLEDGER BCONTROL LOGICCOMMONCOMMON+5VSUPPLYFILTERING+5VP2 PINS 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36,& 41 ARE SIGNAL COMMONCOMMONBLOCK DIAGRAMGNDHigh-density serial communication ◆ 8 EIA/TIA-488/485 portsDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-521 modules provide eight asynchronousserial communication ports from a single carrierslot. Software-configuration helps you quickly setbaud rates, character-sizes, stop bits, and parity.For more efficient data processing, each serialport is equipped with 64-character FIFO bufferson the transmit and receive lines.The data ports generate individually controlledtransmit, receive, line status, data set, and flowcontrol interrupts. Since unique interrupt vectorsmay be assigned to each port, it is easy for youto identify and locate the interrupt source. Also,a priority shifting scheme prevents continuousinterrupts from one port from blocking interruptsfrom another.Key Features & Benefits■ Eight asynchronous, full duplex RS422Bserial ports (supports RS485)■ 64-byte transmit FIFO buffers64-byte receive FIFO buffers■ Interrupts with unique vectors for each port■ Programmable baud rate (up to 921.6Kbps)■ Line-break and false start-bit detection■ Failsafe receivers■ Socketed termination and bias resistors■ Industry-standard 16C654 family UARTincludes software-compatible 16C450 mode■ High-density design lowers per-port costs andsaves carrier card slots for other functions.■ 64-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interactionfor improved system performance.■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-521Eight RS422B serial ports.I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-565c

IOS ModulesIOS-521 Octal Serial 422/485 Communication ModulePerformance Specifications■ RS422B Serial PortsConfigurationIndependent, non-isolated serial ports with a commonsingle return connection.Data rate20M bits/second, maximum.Maximum cable length1200 meters (4000 feet), typical.Character size5 to 8 bits, software-programmable.ParityOdd, even, or no parity; software-programmable.Stop bits1, 1-1/2, or 2 bits; software-programmable.Data register buffersDouble buffered or 64-byte FIFO buffered, modeselectable.InterruptsReceiver line status (overrun, parity, framing error, orbreak interrupt); receive/transmit FIFO level reachedor character time-out; Xon/Xoff or special characterdetected.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)ID PROM read: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Channel register read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Interrupt register read/write: 2 wait states (500nScycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.Power+5V (±5%): 340mA maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.MTBFContact the factory..Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-560 CAN Bus Interface ModulesP1IPBUSModel IOS-560-i with optional isolationCONTROLSTATUSADDRESSFPGAID ROMCONTROLSTATUSINTERRUPTVECTORSADDRESS& DATASTBYENSTBYENERRERRCHANNEL 0TXSJA1000RXCANCONTROLLERISOLATEDJ1+5V +9V VBUSDC/DCCONVERTERVBATTDIGITALISOLATORTJA1043CANTRANSCEIVERISOLATION BARRIERISOLATEDJ2+5V +9V VBUSDC/DCCONVERTERVBATTCANHCANLP2CONTROLLOGICADDRESS& DATASJA1000CANCONTROLLERTXRXDIGITALISOLATORTJA1043CANTRANSCEIVERCANHCANLCHANNEL 1ISOLATION BARRIERTwo CAN bus channels with optional isolation ◆ NXP SJA1000 CAN controller with TJA1043 transceiverDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-560 modules provide two independentCAN bus interface channels. Each channel hasa NXP SJA1000 CAN controller with a TJA1043transceiver. The advantage of this design is thatit allows reporting of bus fault conditions directlyfrom the TJA1043 transceivers. It also has theability to transmit, receive and perform messagefiltering on extended and standard messages.Using CAN to network controllers, actuators,sensors, and transducers provides many benefitsto system developers. First, the ready availabilityof multi-sourced components and tools cansignificantly reduce design time. Next, the small,light cables used by CAN help lower connectioncosts. Additionally, CAN has fewer connectionswhich improves reliability.CAN is ideal for the following applications:• Marine control and navigation systems• Elevator control systems• Defense vehicles• Production line control systems• Machine tools• Large optical telescopes• Medical systems• Paper and textile production machinery• Packaging machineryKey Features & Benefits■ Two complete CAN bus interfaces■ NXP SJA1000 CAN bus controller withhigh-speed TJA1043 CAN transceiver■ 1000V isolation, channel-to-channel andchannel-to-host (IP560-i models)■ ISO 11898 compliance for Part A (11-bit) andPart B extended (29-bit) arbitration IDs■ CAN 2.0B protocol compatibility (extendedframe passive in PCA82C200 compatibilitymode)■ Data rates of up to 1Mb/s■ Supports both 8MHz and 32MHz IP operation■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature range■ TXD dominant clamping handler with diagnosis■ RXD recessive clamping handler with diagnosis■ TXD-to-RXD short-circuit handler withdiagnosis■ Bus line short-circuit diagnosis■ Bus dominant clamping diagnosis■ PCA82C200 mode (BasicCAN mode is default)■ Extended receive buffer (64-byte FIFO)■ 24 MHz clock frequency■ PeliCAN mode extensions:– Error counters with read/write access– Programmable error warning limit– Last error code register– Error interrupt for each CAN-bus error– Arbitration lost interrupt with detailed bitposition– Single-shot transmission (no re-transmission)– Listen only mode(no acknowledge, no active error flags)– Hot plugging support(software driven bit rate detection)– Acceptance filter extension(4-byte code, 4-byte mask)– Reception of ‘own’ messages(self reception request)■ Undervoltage detection on VBAT■ Listen-only mode for node diagnosis andfailure containmentTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-616d

IOS ModulesIOS-560 CAN Bus Interface ModulesPerformance Specifications■ CAN BusConfigurationTwo independent CAN bus channels.NXP SJA1000 CAN controller with TJA1041 transceiver.ISO 11898 standardSupports the standard data and remote frame as wellas the extended data and remote frame according toCAN specification 2.0 Part A and Part B.IsolationIOS-560: Non-isolated. Logic and field commons havea direct electrical connection.IOS-560-i: 1kV DC isolation.Maximum data rate1Mb/S.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt Select(INTSel*), Memory (MEMSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 3 wait state (750nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 2 wait state (625nS cycle).Access times (32MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (63nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 5 wait state (250nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 2 wait state (156nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.PowerIOS-560/IOS-560E+5V (±5%): 92 mA typical, 110 mA mA maximum.+12 Volts (±5%): 0.12 mA typical, 0.2 mA maximum.IOS-560-i/IOS-560E-i+5V (±5%): 123 mA typical, 275 mA maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.MTBFContact the factory.Ordering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-560Dual-channel CAN bus interface module.IOS-560-iDual-channel isolated CAN bus interface module.I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.Software development toolsSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-570 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Interface ModulesCHANNEL 0ID ROMACONTROLSTATUSCONTROLADDRESS& DATADDCµACE1553BC/RT/MTBRT ADDRESSP1IPBUSADDRESSTAG CLOCK INTAG CLOCK OUTCHANNEL 1P2INTERRUPTVECTORSACONTROLLOGICFPGAADDRESS& DATADDCµACE1553BC/RT/MTBRT ADDRESSOne or two 1553 interface channels ◆ DDC Micro-ACE MIL-STD-1553 terminalDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.IOS-570 modules offer a choice of one or twochannels to interface sensors and other devicesto a 1553 bus.MIL-STD-1553 (1553) is a digital internal timedivision command/response multiplex data bus.It is a military standard which has become oneof the basic tools used by the U.S. Departmentof Defense for integration of weapon systems.MIL-STD-1553 describes the method ofcommunication and the electrical interfacerequirements for subsystems connected to thedata bus. Since its introduction, MIL-STD-1553applications have extended to systems integrationof flight controls, propulsion controls, and vehiclemanagement (electrical, hydraulic, environmentalcontrol, etc.).MIL-STD-1553 is designed for use in one of threeforms:Bus Controller (BC) – There is only one BusController at a time on any MIL-STD-1553 bus. Itinitiates all message communication over the bus.Remote Terminal (RT) – Up to 31 remoteterminals can be present in the system.Bus Monitor (BM) – A Bus Monitor cannottransmit messages over the data bus. Its primaryrole is to monitor and record bus transactions,without interfering with the operation of the BusController or the Remote Terminals. Bus Monitoris often configured to record a subset of thetransactions, based on criteria provided by theapplication programMIL-STD-1553 is ideal for these applications:• Missile system testing• Air traffic control system testing• On-board aircraft system monitoring• Satellite test systems• Aircraft simulatorsKey Features & Benefits■ One or two complete dual-redundantMIL-STD-1553 bus interfaces■ Supports both MIL-STD-1553 revision B andMIL-STD-1760 transceivers■ All channels are transformer coupled■ Data rates of up to 1Mb/s■ Supports both 8 MHz and 32MHz IP operation■ DDC Micro-ACE controls 1553 interface- Fully integrates 1553 Rev A/B Notice 2terminal- Supports transceiver power-down options- Supports enhanced Mini-ACE architecture- Supports multiple configurations with 64KRAM: bus controller, remote terminal, or busmonitor- Supports 1553 Rev A/B Notice 2, STANAG3838 protocols- MIL-STD-1760 amplitude complianttransceiver- Provides highly flexible host-side interface- Compatible with Mini-ACE and ACE- Provides highly autonomous bus controllerwith built-in message sequence controller- Offers choice of single, dual, and circularremote terminal buffering options- Provides selective message monitor- Includes comprehensive built-In self-test- 16MHz clock- Software libraries and drivers availablefor Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit),VxWorks ® and LinuxTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-617c

IOS ModulesIOS-570 MIL-STD-1553 Bus Interface ModulesPerformance Specifications■ MIL-STD-1553 BusConfigurationOne or two dual-redundant MIL-STD-1553 Rev. A/BNotice 2 bus interface channelsData memory64K RAM per channel.Maximum data rate1MHz.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*), Interrupt Select(INTSel*), Memory (MEMSel*).Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (250nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 3 wait state (750nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle).Access times (32MHz clock)ID PROM Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).I/O Space Write: 0 wait state (63nS cycle).Interrrupt Select Read: 1 wait state (94nS cycle).Memory Space Read: 9 wait state (344nS cycle).Memory Space Write: 8 wait state (313nS cycle).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.PowerIOS-571+5V: 0.3A typical, 0.6A maximum.+12V: 0A maximum.–12V: 0A maximum.IOS-572+5V: 0.6A typical, 1.2A maximum.+12V: 0A maximum.–12V: 0A maximum.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.MTBFContact the factory.Ordering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-571Single-channel MIL-STD-1553 bus interface module.IOS-572Dual-channel MIL-STD-1553 bus interface module.I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.Software development toolsSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOS-EP200 Re-configurable FPGA Module with Digital I/OJTAG-reconfigurable Cyclone-II FPGA ◆ 48 TTL, 24 RS485, 24 TTL + 12 RS485, or 24 LVDS I/O linesDescriptionIOS Modules plug into the 4-slot carrier cardthat is integrated within the I/O Server. Differentmodules can mix or match in any combination tomeet the I/O requirements.The IOS-EP200 series of I/O modules providesa user-customizable Altera ® Cyclone ® II FPGA.The module allows users to develop and storetheir own instruction set in the FPGA foradaptive computing applications. Typical usesinclude specialized communication systems overRS422/485 networks, test fixture simulation ofsignals over TTL-switched lines, and analysis ofacquired data using specialized mathematicalformulas such as those developed withMathWorks MatLab ® software.The FPGA on Acromag’s IOS-EP200 modules cancontrol up to 48 TTL or 24 RS485 I/O signals ora mix of both types. Another model interfaces24 LVDS I/O channels. User application programsare downloaded through the JTAG port or via thebus directly into the FPGA. A pre-programmedinternal CPLD facilitates initialization by actingas the bus controller during power-up and whilethe program is downloading. This bus controlleris limited to functions necessary for power-upand downloading. After the program downloads,the FPGA takes control of the bus and the CPLDdisables.Key Features & Benefits■ Altera Cyclone II EP2C20 FPGA■ Four models available:IOS-EP201: 48 TTL I/O linesIOS-EP202: 24 differential RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP203: 24 TTL and 12 RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP204: 24 LVDS I/O lines■ FPGA programmable via JTAG port or bus■ Local static RAM (64K x 16) under FPGAcontrol■ LVTTL external clock connected directly to theFPGA■ Supports 8MHz and 32MHz bus■ Programmable PLL-based clock synthesizer■ Example FPGA design code provided as VHDL- 8MHz bus interface- Digital I/O control register- others■ Hardware support for DMA and memory space■ -40 to 85°C operating temperature rangeOrdering InformationIOS ModulesIOS-EP20148 TTL I/O linesIOS-EP20224 differential RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP20324 TTL and 12 RS485 I/O linesIOS-EP20424 LVDS I/O linesSoftware SupportIP-EP-EDKEngineering Design Kit (one kit required)I/O ServersSee www.acromag.com for more information.IOS modules plug into an I/O Server’s integrated carrierTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-566c

IOS ModulesIOS-EP200 Re-configurable FPGA Module with Digital I/OPerformance Specifications■ FPGAFPGAAltera Cyclone II EP2C20.FPGA configurationDownloadable via JTAG port or bus.ClockCypress CY22150 (or equivalent).Generates frequencies from 250kHz to 100MHz.Input/output signalsIOS-EP201: 48 TTL linesIOS-EP202: 24 differential RS485 lines.IOS-EP203: 24 TTL lines and 12 RS485.IOS-EP204: 24 LVDS lines.All models: LVTTL external clock input.Bus clock frequencySupports 8 and 32MHz clocks.ID space8-bit data.I/O space8 or 16-bit data.Memory spaceWired to FPGA but not supported withexample FPGA design firmware.Interrupt supportTwo request levels.DMA supportWired to FPGA but not supported with example FPGAdesign firmware.Logic interfaceCPLD maintains ID space and two locations in IO spacefor FPGA configuration. Remaining IO space and INTspace are defined by the configured FPGA.Example FPGA programVHDL provided implements bus interface to IO, ID,and INT space. Requires user proficiency with VHDLand Altera Quartus ® II software tools. See EngineeringDesign Kit.Data RatesTTL: propagation time 6.3nS maximum.EIA485: 20MB per second.LVDS: 100MHz.■ Data TransferData transfer cycle types supported:Input/output (IOSel*), ID read (IDSel*)Meets IP specifications per ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (R2002).Access times (8MHz or 32MHz clock):ID space read: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).Register read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).Interrupt read/write: 1 wait state (375nS cycle @ 8MHz).■ EnvironmentalOperating temperature-40 to 85°C.Storage temperature-55 to 125°C.Relative humidity5 to 95% non-condensing.ApprovalsCE; UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D.MTBFConsult factory.■ Engineering Design KitEngineering Design Kit: Provides user with basicinformation required to develop a custom FPGAprogram for download to the Altera FPGA. This kitmust be ordered with the first purchase of anIOS-EP200 module.Kit on CD-ROM includes:• Schematics (.pdf)• Parts list and part location drawing (.pdf)• Example VHDL source file (.vhd)• Example assignments file (.qsf)• Example configuration file (.hex)• Programming guide (.pdf)Only one Design Kit purchase is required. User shouldbe fluent in use of Altera Quartus design tools.Additionally, user should also purchase either theIOSSW-DEV-WIN (Windows DLL driver package) orthe IOSSW-API-LNX (Linux Libraries). These programsinclude important driver support programs to assist intransferring developer code between user’s processorand EPC20 FPGA.Tel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USAAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOSSW-API-LNX Linux TM Libraries (I/O Function Routines)Application Programming Interface (API) ◆ Function routines and demo program ◆ C source codeDescriptionAcromag’s software development tools greatlysimplify the interface between the I/O boards andyour software application program. The Linuxlibraries are supplied as “C” source code. Theselibraries provide easy-to-use function routinesthat quickly integrate with your application.Function routines are ready for use “as-is,” butthey are also easily customized for your uniqueapplication.Demonstration ProgramThis powerful program lets you fully exercisethe libraries and your hardware before runningthe actual application. These diagnostics willsave you hours troubleshooting and debuggingyour applications. You can set addresses, set upregisters, read real-world inputs, or drive outputs.The demonstration program steps you throughthe exact functions that are called in yourapplication.Key Features & Benefits■ Easy installation procedure■ Readme files with step-by-step instructions■ Programming tools for most Acromag I/Oboards■ Demonstration Program■ Source code provided to ensure maximumflexibility in implementing your driver■ Verify operation of your I/O modules witha demonstration program to ensure properhardware operation before attaching yourapplication■ Software and manual provided on two CDsOrdering InformationModelsIOSW-API-LNXLinux libraries for IOS modulesTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-577cAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

IOS ModulesIOSSW-DEV-WIN IOS WIN32 Development PackageApplication Programming Interface ◆ DLL drivers ◆ ActiveX controls ◆ C source example programsDescriptionAcromag’s software development tools greatlysimplify the interface between the I/O boardsand your Windows-based application program.This package provides DLL driver level supportfor Acromag’s line of IOS module products. Inaddition, “C” source demonstration programsprovide easy-to-use tools to test the operation ofthe module.This software is used to develop customapplications that interface with the IOS Carrierand IOS Modules. It should be installed on theDevelopment System (rather than the I/O Server).After creating an application on the DevelopmentSystem, it is deployed to the I/O Server.Applications interface with the IOS Carrier andIOS Modules through exported DLL functions.DLL functions use the Windows _stdcall callingconvention and can be accessed from a numberof programming languages. In addition to theDLLs, the software includes an ActiveX controlfor implementing interrupt notifications inprogramming environments that do not supportthe use of callback functions. Several example C,Visual Basic .NET and LabVIEW applications areprovided with source code.Key Features & Benefits■ Easy installation procedure■ Help files with step-by-step instructions■ Support for all Acromag IOS modules■ Demonstration programs with C source code■ DLL driver level support for desktop andembedded Windows level programmingenvironments■ Drivers and user manuals provided on two CDs■ Designed for use in conjunction with I/O ServerIOS-7x00-WIN models that have pre-installedWindows <strong>Embedded</strong> packageOrdering InformationModelsIOSSW-DEV-WINIOS WIN32 Development PackageTel 248-295-0310 ■ Fax 248-624-9234 ■ solutions@acromag.com ■ www.acromag.com ■ 30765 Wixom Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 USABulletin #8400-578cAll trademarks are property of their respective owners. Copyright © Acromag, Inc. 2011. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in USA 5/2011.

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