asscciation for mexican cave studies box 7672 ut station austin ...

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8San Cristobal Chiapas, March 28, 1975A continuing report on the exploration of Sumadero Yochib, a large rivercave near Tenejapa. Since the Christmas trip Barb Larson, Mark Stock, and BobRanney had been back to Yochib and explored another 300 feet downstream to a5 foot pitch that needed a bolt to pass. So 1n March these three, plus MikeBoon returned and descended the 5 foot pitch and the next two pitches of 6 feetand 8 feet. These lead to a 90 foot pit broken by a brid~e halfway down. Herethe stream makes a right angle, turns along a cross joint (see sketch). Thisdrop temporarily halted exploration but a return trip descended this drop andprogressed to where a 40 foot pitch bypassed another waterfall. A short swimlead to a 20 foot pitch beside the next waterfall where more swimming lead toa large chamber. Beyond this chamber the stream runs through boulders to a 20foot chute. The chute can be bypassed by traversing to the ri~ht, dropping toa ledge, and then down to a relatively level area, named The Bad Dreams Section.Here the stream has to be crossed using the ladder as a belay while climbingacross a sill above the rapids. Another short traverse leads to a 50 footdrop into a pool. At this point Pete Thompson flew in from Canada to join thegroup. The reinforced group then did the drop into the pool, crossed over thehead of another waterfall, bypassed the tenth waterfall using a dry slab toreach a cable ladder drop into the race above the 11th waterfall. Here there wasa distinct change in the character of the cave, and the stream funneled into anarrow gut leading to a waterfall that could not be bypassed with a single bolt.Instead a tricky climb is needed to avoid the force of the water. On this climbPete Thompson managed to fall 15 feet into a shallow ~ravel floored pool, spraininghis ankle.Beyond the pool, the river flows over the 13th waterfall and into a narrowchannel requiring a multi-bolt traverse. Somewhat discouraged, the group returnedto camp set up in the Big Chamber where Thompson laid up for two dayswhile Larson and Boon surveyed and detackled. The group felt that a big pushwas not in order as prior' to the fallon the 12th waterfall, Mark Stock haddropped 20 feet on the 2nd waterfall pitch and bruised his knee. This fall wasnot serious as it occurred in sight of daylight, but the two injuries and thepowerful current of cold water that could not always be avoided created a demotivatingmental climate. It was d~cided to push the cave on a return tripwith fresh bodies. It is fortunate that Yochih is being explored mostly byCanadians as ordinary cavers are not familiar with the cold and wet.Mike Boon as told to Bill RussellThe February Cleve-O-Grotto News contains details of a trip to Chiapasby George Tracy, Angie Hodonsky, Mike Shawcross, and eight others mostlyCa~adians, ~ut reported on by Sasha Hafez, a Cleveland Grotto cav;r attendingun~versity ~n Canada. The group visited E1 Chorreadero in a park near TuxtlaGutierrez, passed a group of cavers from HcMaster University, and then visitedthe well~decorated, easily traversed Cueva de Rancho Nuevo in the pine forestnear San Cr~stobal. They next went cave hunting near Tenejapa where they locateda new cave, Sumidero Chicja, and mapped for about 1000 feet. They returnedto Cueva de Rancho Nuevo for a New Year's party where they met a group ofFrench Canadian cavers in identical caving uniforms. From here they drove southto Guatemala and back to Canada.

9CHE~-VEN-SIL-MUTSYSTEM\+--1000 ft.--f sump~sumpresurgence,-.( HondonadasumpsumpCHEN-VEN-SIL-MUT(126 m. drop)f+- 2500 ft':"".--~~~~I-----------------One Mile -------------~lo~~1-600 ft.-+jamHOYA CHEN(SI~K)sump~ 4-vovriverMore on Chen-Ven-Sil-HutRanney and Stock explored the passage found by Larson and Donovan upstreamin the river that flows across the bottom of one of ~~xico's largestpits, Chen-Ven-Sil-Mut. This passage lead upstream for about 600 feet to alogjam. A party from the Alberta Spe1eo1o~ica1 Society explored the sink endof the same system from the Hoya Chen entrance for about 2500 feet to a logfilledsump. One kilometer upstream from Joya Chen a -4600 foot cave was exploredafter diving through a sump later drained by digging.SUMIDERO DE YOCHIBEntranceft.700 ft.deep\_-~3000 ft.__'l

8San Cristobal Chiapas, March 28, 1975A continuing report on the exploration of Sumadero Yochib, a large river<strong>cave</strong> near Tenejapa. Since the Christmas trip Barb Larson, Mark Stock, and BobRanney had been back to Yochib and explored another 300 feet downstream to a5 foot pitch that needed a bolt to pass. So 1n March these three, plus MikeBoon returned and descended the 5 foot pitch and the next two pitches of 6 feetand 8 feet. These lead to a 90 foot pit broken by a brid~e halfway down. Herethe stream makes a right angle, turns along a cross joint (see sketch). Thisdrop temporarily halted exploration b<strong>ut</strong> a return trip descended this drop andprogressed to where a 40 foot pitch bypassed another waterfall. A short swimlead to a 20 foot pitch beside the next waterfall where more swimming lead toa large chamber. Beyond this chamber the stream runs through boulders to a 20foot ch<strong>ut</strong>e. The ch<strong>ut</strong>e can be bypassed by traversing to the ri~ht, dropping toa ledge, and then down to a relatively level area, named The Bad Dreams Section.Here the stream has to be crossed using the ladder as a belay while climbingacross a sill above the rapids. Another short traverse leads to a 50 footdrop into a pool. At this point Pete Thompson flew in from Canada to join thegroup. The rein<strong>for</strong>ced group then did the drop into the pool, crossed over thehead of another waterfall, bypassed the tenth waterfall using a dry slab toreach a cable ladder drop into the race above the 11th waterfall. Here there wasa distinct change in the character of the <strong>cave</strong>, and the stream funneled into anarrow g<strong>ut</strong> leading to a waterfall that could not be bypassed with a single bolt.Instead a tricky climb is needed to avoid the <strong>for</strong>ce of the water. On this climbPete Thompson managed to fall 15 feet into a shallow ~ravel floored pool, spraininghis ankle.Beyond the pool, the river flows over the 13th waterfall and into a narrowchannel requiring a multi-bolt traverse. Somewhat discouraged, the group returnedto camp set up in the Big Chamber where Thompson laid up <strong>for</strong> two dayswhile Larson and Boon surveyed and detackled. The group felt that a big pushwas not in order as prior' to the fallon the 12th waterfall, Mark Stock haddropped 20 feet on the 2nd waterfall pitch and bruised his knee. This fall wasnot serious as it occurred in sight of daylight, b<strong>ut</strong> the two injuries and thepowerful current of cold water that could not always be avoided created a demotivatingmental climate. It was d~cided to push the <strong>cave</strong> on a return tripwith fresh bodies. It is <strong>for</strong>tunate that Yochih is being explored mostly byCanadians as ordinary <strong>cave</strong>rs are not familiar with the cold and wet.Mike Boon as told to Bill RussellThe February Cleve-O-Grotto News contains details of a trip to Chiapasby George Tracy, Angie Hodonsky, Mike Shawcross, and eight others mostlyCa~adians, ~<strong>ut</strong> reported on by Sasha Hafez, a Cleveland Grotto cav;r attendingun~versity ~n Canada. The group visited E1 Chorreadero in a park near TuxtlaG<strong>ut</strong>ierrez, passed a group of <strong>cave</strong>rs from HcMaster University, and then visitedthe well~decorated, easily traversed Cueva de Rancho Nuevo in the pine <strong>for</strong>estnear San Cr~stobal. They next went <strong>cave</strong> hunting near Tenejapa where they locateda new <strong>cave</strong>, Sumidero Chicja, and mapped <strong>for</strong> abo<strong>ut</strong> 1000 feet. They returnedto Cueva de Rancho Nuevo <strong>for</strong> a New Year's party where they met a group ofFrench Canadian <strong>cave</strong>rs in identical caving uni<strong>for</strong>ms. From here they drove so<strong>ut</strong>hto Guatemala and back to Canada.

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