asscciation for mexican cave studies box 7672 ut station austin ...

asscciation for mexican cave studies box 7672 ut station austin ...

asscciation for mexican cave studies box 7672 ut station austin ...

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July 30: The next morning we paused <strong>for</strong> a few min<strong>ut</strong>es abo<strong>ut</strong> a kilometer fromPurifieac!on <strong>for</strong> a first glimpse of our quest, the Cueva de Infiernillo entrancewhich is situated in a cliff face 35 • aboft the head of the Canon deInfiernillo. Looking west across the valley fro. this point (towards Sotanode los Novios), Terry spotted a road that comes down from Dulces Nombres toa settlement called La Jcya and a mine. Possible <strong>cave</strong> entrances were notedon that side of the valley. Next we stopped in the far end of the villageof Ejido Purificacion (La Curva) <strong>for</strong> a few min<strong>ut</strong>es to chat with that very fineold gentleman, Senor Antonio Grimaldo and to inspect the (now) famcus airplanedoor pigpen. Senor Grimaldo remarked that it haem.' t rained in abo<strong>ut</strong> threeweeks; mentioning that a waterfall comes o<strong>ut</strong> of the entrance of Infiemllloduring times of heavy rain. After a few refrescos we drove down to the end ofthe logging road and began our 2-1/2 hour descent into the arroyo with 20-30kilo backpacks. There is no trail and the hillside consists of loose karstblocks covered with dead oak leaves. Fiendish thorny vines caught on clothesand backpacks and caused occasional cases of tanglefoot. Returnees beware:THAT SILENT MENANCE, POISON IVY, IS EVERYWHERE! General consensus was that apriority on the next trip would be to establish and mark a good ro<strong>ut</strong>e down thehillside. The arroyo was a welcome change and we were surprised by a smallcold spring gurgling o<strong>ut</strong> of some talus which provided enough water to sit downin. The entrance was close by and in another 15 min<strong>ut</strong>es we were at the bottomof the cliff admiring the 20 X 25 m entrance 35 m up and contemplating the cold2 m deep spring fed pl'~ge pool at its base.Jeff, Peter and I did the climb to above the entrance and Peter rigged his45 • Goldline which barely reached a ledge by the entrance. The view was fantasticand cool brisk breeze blew o<strong>ut</strong> the entrance. After packs were hauled upTerry, Sheila and Tom prusiked up and we backpacked through impressively largetrunk passage (over slipper] breakdOwn) to our predetermined basecamp 500 minside the <strong>cave</strong>. This was the beginning of five days underground.August 1: Two survey teams were <strong>for</strong>med to start on tha day's work. Peter, Jeffand Sheila began to survey up the left.. <strong>for</strong>k of the main passage while the otherteam of Tom, Terry and myself mapped up the middle <strong>for</strong>k. The middle <strong>for</strong>k wasyour basic booming trunk passage with passage width up to 20 m and ceilingheights ranging up to 25 or 30 m in some places. and abounding with promisingside leads. The middle <strong>for</strong>k initially trended downwards to the level of theentrance and then gradually up <strong>for</strong> the remainder of the survey. The last 150m we surveyed up tiers and cascades of dry flo,~stone and rims tone d3DIS thatcontrasted nicely with the dark grey scoured ~alls. A brisk breeze was blowingtowards the entrance and was especially strong in one ?lace where the ceilingheight dipped to 3 m. The terminus of our 8 hour, 666 m survey brought uS intovoice contact with the other crew and Terry climbed up another flowstone slopeto establish visual contact. They shot down 35 m from a balcony to a <strong>station</strong>Terry established. They had mapped 714 m in their survey, which was a rehashof a Greater Houston Grotto survey, necessary to get a running vertical profileand add passage details to pinpoint locations of numerous side leads. Totalsurveyed length in the <strong>cave</strong> was 1988 m.August 2: Day 2 underground again saw two teams in action. Tom and I returnedto the middle <strong>for</strong>k to photograph and to complete the final'l46 m of the mainpassage loop left from the previous day's survey. Sheila, Jeff and Peter mappedin the Confusion Tubes, which proved to be fairly complex. The Tubes are a24

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