7th Grade:History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond - TCI

7th Grade:History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond - TCI 7th Grade:History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond - TCI

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Content<strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Beyond</strong>, developed by Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (<strong>TCI</strong>), allowsstudents with diverse learning styles to “experience” history. Based on the principles of Multiple Intelligences,spiral curriculum, <strong>and</strong> cooperative groupwork, <strong>TCI</strong>’s powerful teaching strategies offer students many forms ofaccess to historical content, including solving complex problems in groups, learning social studies skills in pairs,<strong>and</strong> reliving key moments in history through experiential exercises. <strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Beyond</strong> contains eight units covering Europe during medieval times, the rise of Islam, the cultures <strong>and</strong> kingdomsof West Africa, imperial China, Japan during medieval times, civilizations of the Americas, Europe’sRenaissance <strong>and</strong> Reformation, <strong>and</strong> Europe’s entry to the modern age. <strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Beyond</strong> contains thirty five lessons that tightly integrated classroom activities, reading passages, <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardsbasedassessment. Each lesson revolves around a graphic organizer that helps students make sense of, <strong>and</strong>remember, key historical information.Student Experiences<strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Beyond</strong> provides students with many opportunities to be successful insocial studies. <strong>The</strong> program incorporates a variety of teaching strategies <strong>and</strong> taps into students’ multipleintelligences so that all students, even those who are challenged by linguistic skills, learn <strong>and</strong> truly underst<strong>and</strong>important moments in our world’s history. Because content spirals from basic to more complex, students arechallenged to think critically <strong>and</strong> often at a higher level than with traditional social studies programs. A set ofcolor overhead transparencies offers large image stimuli for students who are visual learners. An audio CDsupplies aural inputs for students who learn via musical-rhythmic intelligence. Placards designed to be posted atstations around the classroom provide students with an opportunity to do cooperative/collaborative grouplearning with other students.Assessment<strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Beyond</strong> offers a variety of ways to measure students’ underst<strong>and</strong>ing ofhistorical content. <strong>The</strong> Interactive Student Notebook pages can become part of a portfolio showing a student’sprogress through the year. An assessment in the Lesson Guide for each chapter measures learning of key terms,historical information, <strong>and</strong> critical thinking issues.OrganizationEach of <strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Beyond</strong>’s thirty five chapters are arranged into lessons. <strong>The</strong>lesson starts with an overview, objective, <strong>and</strong> material list for the teacher. A simple Preview activity starts offthe lesson. This “Preview” is designed to motivate students <strong>and</strong> help them drawn on prior knowledge <strong>and</strong>experience to access the lesson’s content.Suggested replacement for the next PP: <strong>The</strong> lesson then employs a graphic organizer found in the student edition<strong>and</strong> reading notes in the students’ Interactive Student Notebooks. <strong>The</strong> graphic organizer gives student a visualmetaphor <strong>and</strong> inspires them to think carefully about what they have read as they record main ideas in a form thatengages both their visual <strong>and</strong> linguistic intelligences. Graphic organizers help students see the underlying logic<strong>and</strong> interconnections among concepts. Reading notes guide notetaking <strong>and</strong> lend structure to the chapter reading.<strong>The</strong> next element of the lesson uses the Graphic Organizer found in the Student Edition. This provides a visualmetaphor to further organize learning. Reading notes are then distributed to students. <strong>The</strong>se are designed aroundthe graphic organizer, <strong>and</strong> guide student note taking. <strong>The</strong> Reading Notes lend structure to the chapter <strong>and</strong> helpstudents underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> record information on the main ideas.Finally, students participate in a classroom activity based on one of the multiple intelligences. <strong>The</strong>se multipleintelligence teaching strategies incorporate six types of activities: Social Studies Skill Builder, ExperientialExercise, Problem Solving Groupwork, Visual Discovery, Response Groups <strong>and</strong> Writing for Underst<strong>and</strong>ing.Each strategy concludes with a “Processing” assignment that challenges students to use higher order thinkingskills as they reflect on the lesson. <strong>The</strong>se Processing assignments could be essays, poems, advertisements,annotated diagrams, mosaics, or a host of other differentiated assignments.

Resource MaterialsGratis Items To Be Provided And Under What ConditionsUser’s Guide with Reading Toolkit, a CD-Rom of digitized resources of the lesson guides, student notebook,transparencies, <strong>and</strong> assessment builder, <strong>and</strong> Lesson Guides 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 are provided gratis to each teacher withpurchase of program. In addition, along with each Student Edition purchased, you will receive one InteractiveStudent Notebook gratis.Available Ancillary Materials<strong>The</strong>re are no ancillary materials with this program.RESEARCH DATA/EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS**<strong>The</strong> <strong>TCI</strong> Approach—a series of instructional practices that allows students of all abilities to experience keysocial studies concepts—has been implemented by schools throughout the nation. <strong>The</strong> input gathered from theseschools shows that <strong>TCI</strong> programs engage students in active learning, provide opportunities for students to use<strong>and</strong> improve critical thinking skills, encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, <strong>and</strong> arenarrowing the achievement gap. Data suggests that school systems that implement the <strong>TCI</strong> Approach have seena bump in assessment scores rates in history. In a recent study, researchers found that students in <strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>!classrooms using active learning principles, scored higher in critical thinking tests than their peers in traditionalclassrooms. In a Masters thesis study, it was concluded that students in <strong>TCI</strong> classrooms reported higher levels ofenergy <strong>and</strong> awareness in class. Teachers report higher levels of retention among <strong>TCI</strong> students <strong>and</strong> a greaterunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of broad historical concepts than students taught using a more traditional approach. Objectivethird party reports on the effectiveness of <strong>TCI</strong> products are available upon request.

Basal ISBNBasal Title:Publisher:1-58371-376-X<strong>History</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>! <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medieval</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Beyond</strong>Teachers' Curriculum InstituteBasal type: P1 P2 E1 E2Copyright: 2004Edition: 1st<strong>Grade</strong>(s): K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Subject:Readability: 6.5-7.5Social StudiesVerify that the information above exactly matches the information provided on/in thebasal itself.EvaluatorsDate of evaluationIs there a Teachers Guide indicated for this ISBN?Directions: Complete one form for each basal resource you review. Evaluate the basalresource according to the criteria below. First, determine the extent (STRONGEVIDENCE, MODERATE EVIDENCE, or LITTLE OR NO EVIDENCE) to which thenumbered criteria (1, 2, 3 …) are met by the resource. [Consider the bulleted items inmaking this determination.] Based on these initial ratings, assign a rating for the majorsections (A, B, C <strong>and</strong> D) Use the comment section under each major section to give thereasons for your ratings. After completing sections A through D, determine whether toRecommend as a Basal Resource or Not Recommend as a Basal Resource, <strong>and</strong>write comments about your decision. Finally complete section E indicating the extent towhich the free-with-purchase/gratis items <strong>and</strong> the ancillary items as groups (notindividual items) support the basal.YesIf any of the major categories A, B, C or D has a rating of Little or No Evidence for thequalities considered for the category as a whole, Do Not Recommend as Basal.<strong>The</strong> rating of major category E should not be considered in determining the rating of theother four major categories.Overall Recommendation:Recommend as BASALOverall Strengths, Weaknesses, Comments:

CRITERIAThis basal resource ….A. Encompasses KY Content St<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> Level Expectationschoose from list1. Includes the 5 str<strong>and</strong>s of social studies to the following extent: choose from listHistorical Perspective ------------------------choose from listGeography --------------------------------------choose from listEconomics --------------------------------------choose from listGovernment <strong>and</strong> Civics----------------------choose from listCultures <strong>and</strong> Societies -----------------------choose from list2. Addresses content-specific enduring underst<strong>and</strong>ings * choose from list3. Addresses content-specific concepts <strong>and</strong> skills * choose from list4. Makes explicit connections/ integration among str<strong>and</strong>s choose from list5. Strengths, Weaknesses, Comments:* Use the appropriate pages from the Program of Studies for reference.B. Incorporates Other Related Concepts <strong>and</strong> Skills choose from list1. Incorporation of content from subject areas other than social studieschoose from list• Promotes interdisciplinary teaching <strong>and</strong> learning through incorporation of skills <strong>and</strong> contentfrom other subject areas2. Balanced <strong>and</strong> Unbiased Representations of People <strong>and</strong> Perspectiveschoose from list• Presents a balanced <strong>and</strong> unbiased representation of people <strong>and</strong> perspectives on issuessuch as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, environment, business, industry, <strong>and</strong> politicalorientation; is free of stereotyping or bias of any kind• Reflects the pluralistic, multi-ethnic nature of society, past <strong>and</strong> present, with a wide varietyof examples in both pictorial <strong>and</strong> written content• Is free of factual errors3. Connections to Literacy choose from list• Employs a variety of reading levels <strong>and</strong> is grade/level appropriate• Provides opportunities for summarizing, reviewing, <strong>and</strong> reinforcing vocabulary skills <strong>and</strong>

concepts at multiple levels of difficulty for a variety of learning styles.• Integrates reading <strong>and</strong> writing in the student text• Uses vocabulary that is age <strong>and</strong> content appropriate• Identifies key vocabulary through definitions in both text <strong>and</strong> glossary4. Connections to Technology choose from list• Integrates technology <strong>and</strong> reflects the impact of technological advances5. Strengths, Weaknesses, Comments:C. Supports Best Practices of Teaching <strong>and</strong> Learning choose from list1. Engages Students choose from list• Includes content geared to the needs, interests, <strong>and</strong> abilities of students• Engages <strong>and</strong> motivates students using components such as real-life situations, primarysources, simulations, experiments, <strong>and</strong> data gathering.• Includes information <strong>and</strong> activities that assist students in seeing relevance of concepts totheir own lives <strong>and</strong> experiences• Provides a variety of strategies, activities, <strong>and</strong> materials to enhance student learning at theappropriate learning levels2. Promotes Inquiry, Research <strong>and</strong> Application of Learning choose from list• Provides opportunities for inquiry <strong>and</strong> research that includes activities such as self-selectingtopics, formulating authentic questions, gathering information, researching resources,observing, interviewing, evaluating information, analyzing <strong>and</strong> synthesizing data, <strong>and</strong>communicating findings <strong>and</strong> conclusions.• Requires students to use higher-level cognitive skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, etc.)• Provides activities <strong>and</strong> project for students to deepen their knowledge <strong>and</strong> cultivate <strong>and</strong>strengthen problem-solving <strong>and</strong> decision-making skills• Provides opportunities for application of learned concepts• Uses a variety of relevant charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, <strong>and</strong> other illustrations toinvite <strong>and</strong> motivate students to engage in discussion, problem solving, <strong>and</strong> other higherorderthinking skills• Emphasizes conceptual underst<strong>and</strong>ings that invite students to predict, conclude, evaluate,develop, <strong>and</strong> extend ideas to support reasoning3. Uses Assessment to Inform Instruction choose from list• Includes multiple means of assessment as an integral part of instruction• Provides evaluation measures in the teacher edition that supports differentiated learningactivities4. Strengths, Weaknesses, Comments:

D. Has an Organization/ Format that Supports Learning <strong>and</strong> Teachingchoose from list• Presents chapters/lessons in an organized <strong>and</strong> logical sequence• Provides clearly stated objectives for each lesson.• Uses text features (e.g., titles, headings, subheadings, review questions, goals, objectives,space, print, type size, color) to enhance readability.• Makes use of various forms of media (e.g., CD’s, recordings, videos, cassette tapes,computer software, web-based components)• Includes clear, accurate <strong>and</strong> appropriate illustrations <strong>and</strong>/or graphics that reinforce contentst<strong>and</strong>ards.• Provides clear explanations of illustrations• Incorporates a glossary, footnotes, recordings, pictures, <strong>and</strong>/or tests that aid pupils <strong>and</strong>teachers in using the book effectively• Uses grade-appropriate type size• Includes user-friendly electronic materials that are easy to operate <strong>and</strong> allow user control.(Students can shift among activities.)• Includes media that are durable, easy to use <strong>and</strong> have technical merit• Is accompanied by a teacher’s edition that offers clear <strong>and</strong> accurate background information• Is constructed in what appears to be durable <strong>and</strong> able to withst<strong>and</strong> normal useStrengths, Weaknesses, Comments:E. Has available Ancillary/ Gratis Materials choose from list• Coordinates teacher resources easily with student material (e.g., accompaniments included,student pages shown, instructional technology indicated).• Are well-organized <strong>and</strong> easy to useStrengths, Weaknesses, Comments:

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