Kinetic Molecular Theory Project

Kinetic Molecular Theory Project

Kinetic Molecular Theory Project


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Step 1: Your project must:Name:Period:Date:<strong>Kinetic</strong> <strong>Molecular</strong> <strong>Theory</strong> <strong>Project</strong>Due: Friday January 14, 2011Keep this paper and turn it in with your project.1. Describe a water molecule as it changes between a solid, liquid, and gas (in a realistic order).2. Explain vocabulary: solid, liquid, gas, melting or freezing, condensation or vaporization, molecule, energy.3. Explain how molecular movement changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas.4. Explain how thermal energy relates to the molecular movement in each phase.5. All projects must be school appropriate!6.This is an INDIVIDUAL project – no partners!Step 2: Select ONE project from below to demonstrate your knowledge. Circle your option.Option 1: Children’s BookWrite an 8 page children’s book about a watermolecule changing into the three phases ofmatter.Each page must include an illustration (picture).Each page must have 2 to 4 complete sentencesthat demonstrate your knowledge.Children’s book must have an additional coverwith a creative title.Illustrations must be in color.Can be created on the computer.Option 3: CD (or Tape)6 songs to represent the characteristics of :Solid, Liquid, Gas, and three of the six phasechanges (melting, freezing, condensation,vaporization, sublimation, or deposition)4 page CD insert (in Color!) can be created oncomputer. Insert must have: explanation foreach song. How do the songs represent theterms? Why did you choose these songs?Front cover related to <strong>Kinetic</strong> <strong>Molecular</strong><strong>Theory</strong>.Back cover that lists the songs and artists.Option 2: Comic StripDesign a comic strip that describes a watermolecule changing into the three phases ofmatter.Must have at least 8 slides (squares).Must have captions for each slide thatdemonstrate your knowledge.Must be in color.Must be visually appealing.Write an additional paragraph(s) (8sentence minimum) explaining how yourcomic demonstrates the phase changes.Option 4: VideoFilm and edit a video that describes awater molecule changing into the threephases of matter.Video should be 2 to 5 minutes in length.Write an additional paragraph(s) (8sentence minimum) explaining how yourvideo demonstrates the phase changes anduses the vocabulary.

Vocabulary Grade Checklist:I used theword:I gave detailsabout theword:Solid Liquid Gas Melting or Freezing Vaporization or Condensation Molecule EnergyI have accurateexamples of :Solid, Liquid, and GasExplained how thermalenergy changes during:Melting or FreezingExplained how thermalenergy changes during:Vaporization or CondensationExplainedwhat amolecule isExplainedwhat thermalenergy is<strong>Project</strong>Rubric:VocabularyAssessmentGrade 20 ptsDemonstratesunderstanding (used andexplained) all the termscorrectlyA P PP U NEAccurately explains howthermal energy causesphase changes and wherethe energy comes from.Demonstratesunderstanding (usedall and explainedsome) of the termsAccurately explainshow thermal energycauses phasechanges.Demonstratessomeunderstanding(used mostand explainedsome)Demonstratesminimalunderstanding(missing most ofthe words or mostof theexplanations)Understandingnotdemonstrated(Allexplanationsmissing orwords misused)Content Knowledge Grade Checklist:I explained <strong>Molecular</strong> Movement of Solids <strong>Molecular</strong> Movement of Liquids <strong>Molecular</strong> Movement of GasesI explained Thermal Energy of Solids Thermal Energy of Liquids Thermal Energy of Gases<strong>Project</strong>Rubric:ContentKnowledgeAssessmentGrade 20 ptsA P PP U NE<strong>Project</strong> isexemplary inexplaining howthe movement ofmolecules changesin each phase(solid, liquid, gas)<strong>Project</strong> correctlyexplains howmovement ofmoleculeschanges in eachphase (solid,liquid, gas)<strong>Project</strong> attempts toexplain howmovement ofmolecules changesin each phase(solid, liquid, gas)<strong>Project</strong> inaccuratelyexplains howmovement ofmolecules changesin each phase (solid,liquid, gas)<strong>Project</strong> does notexplain howmovement ofmoleculeschanges in eachphase (solid,liquid, gas)Craftsmanship Grade Checklist:My project:Has artwork that shows I have puteffort into my project.Has ideas (story lines, explanations) that show I have put effortinto making my project.<strong>Project</strong>Rubric:CraftsmanshipPractice Grade20 ptsA P PP U NEArtwork and ideasgo above andbeyond for thestudent.Artwork andideas are nicelydone for thestudent.Artwork or ideasneed improvementfor the student.Artwork and ideasneed improvementfor the student.Artwork andideas are verylimited forstudent.

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