Contract 2007-2011 - American Guild of Musical Artists

Contract 2007-2011 - American Guild of Musical Artists

Contract 2007-2011 - American Guild of Musical Artists


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(f) The Employer shall have listed in the program distributed to theaudience, or have announced to the audience, the names <strong>of</strong> all <strong>Artists</strong> who appear inprincipal or solo roles. Where changes <strong>of</strong> Dancers who appear in principal or solo rolesoccur in a performance, an announcement <strong>of</strong> the change shall be made to the audienceby one to two methods (the method employed to be the choice <strong>of</strong> the Employer). Anannouncement <strong>of</strong> the change will be made from the stage or by a slip inserted in theprogram. Where changes occur and the Employer fails to announce the change <strong>of</strong> castto the audience, the Employer will pay to the replacement <strong>Artists</strong> the sum <strong>of</strong> FiftyDollars ($50.00). Under no circumstances will the provisions <strong>of</strong> this paragraph bewaived by AGMA or the Artist. The Employer and the Advisory Committee, acting onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the Dancers, will determine which roles are considered announceable if a castchange occurs.In the casting list <strong>of</strong> the company program, and in ads and publicity, all <strong>Artists</strong>will be listed exclusively under only one (1) <strong>of</strong> four (4) categories, i.e., “Principals,Soloists, Corps or Apprentices.” Listing in each category will be alphabetical and inidentical size type with no boxes, stars, asterisks or other individualized billing.(g) The sign-in sheet must be posted two (2) hours before half-hour call.Once an Artist has signed in, he/she must not leave the theater.(h) In the event <strong>of</strong> a cast change, the Employer must notify each Artistaffected not later than two (2) days prior to performance, except in case <strong>of</strong> emergency,in which event the Employer must notify each Artist immediately.(i) All Principal Dancers shall be entitled to a schedule to be delivered inwriting to each such Principal Dancer on the earlier <strong>of</strong>:(1) the first day <strong>of</strong> any period <strong>of</strong> rehearsal in preparation for anyperiod <strong>of</strong> performances, orperformances.(2) fourteen (14) days prior to the first performance <strong>of</strong> any period <strong>of</strong>(j) Such written schedule shall set forth each performance assigned to thePrincipal Dancer for each Performance Week for a period not to exceed four (4)Performance Weeks following such first performance <strong>of</strong> a period <strong>of</strong> performances.(k) For a period <strong>of</strong> performances in excess <strong>of</strong> four (4) weeks, a schedulesetting forth the relevant performance shall be delivered in writing to all PrincipalDancers at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the first performance <strong>of</strong> the fifth suchweek <strong>of</strong> performances and for each successive week <strong>of</strong> performances.(l) If an understudy call is made, all understudies for the ballet shall bepermitted to attend the rehearsal regardless <strong>of</strong> overtime or penalty, provided suchunderstudy is not already scheduled for a rehearsal <strong>of</strong> another ballet at the same time.Each understudy shall receive one (1) hour rehearsal or the completion <strong>of</strong> the Runthrough,whichever is longer.4847-3313-3571.10 28

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