Contract 2007-2011 - American Guild of Musical Artists

Contract 2007-2011 - American Guild of Musical Artists

Contract 2007-2011 - American Guild of Musical Artists


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egin three (3) weeks prior to the first performance <strong>of</strong> that ballet. Four (4) weeks priorto the first performance <strong>of</strong> a ballet, a basic list <strong>of</strong> casting for Corps de Ballet, Soloists,Understudies and Alternates must be posted.(10) <strong>Artists</strong> may be required to rehearse new ballets on tour onlywhen there is less than a three (3) week rehearsal period in the City <strong>of</strong> Origination afterthe tour and prior to the engagement in which the new ballet is to be performed. Suchrehearsals may be scheduled only in instances <strong>of</strong> residencies <strong>of</strong> not less than one (1)week. For such rehearsals <strong>Artists</strong> will be paid at the applicable straight time rehearsalrate. All other provisions with respect to rehearsals shall apply.(11) Those Dancers who will be required to be in complete costumeand make-up for a Dress Rehearsal must be notified at least four (4) days in advance.For rehearsals where costumes are required for lighting checks only, a reasonablenumber <strong>of</strong> Dancers per type <strong>of</strong> costume need be available and those selected shall benotified <strong>of</strong> that fact four (4) days in advance.(b)Holidays(1) Holidays which fall within a rehearsal period must be paidholidays without work, and will not be considered Free Days. If <strong>Artists</strong> agree to rehearseon such holidays, they will be paid the Penalty Rate per hour in addition to their weeklysalary. Holidays which fall on regularly schedule Free Days are not to require anadditional Free Day during that week.The paid holidays will be as follows:New Year’s Day January 1,Independence Day July 4Easter SundayVaries from year to yearThanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in NovemberChristmas Day December 25On Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, rehearsals will terminate at3:30 P.M. There shall be no rehearsals on either Christmas Day or New Year’s Dayduring Performance Weeks.(2) For the purposes <strong>of</strong> rehearsal time, but not for the purposes <strong>of</strong>performances, Memorial Day shall be treated as a holiday so that if a rehearsal isscheduled on Memorial Day, then artists and stage managers shall be paid as if theyworked a rehearsal on a regular holiday. No holiday pay is otherwise due for work onMemorial Day. Classes shall not be called before 6:00 P.M.27. PRINCIPAL STAGE MANAGERS, STAGE MANAGERS AND ASSISTANT STAGEMANAGERS(a) The Employer agrees to engage at least one (1) Principal Stage Managerif the company consists <strong>of</strong> ten (10) or more <strong>Artists</strong>.4847-3313-3571.10 25

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