horace mann school parents association

horace mann school parents association

horace mann school parents association


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HORACE MANN SCHOOLPARENTS ASSOCIATION231 WEST 246 th STREET • RIVERDALE, NEW YORK 10471February 27, 2011Dear Horace Mann Parents:Pursuant to the Constitution of the Horace Mann Parents Association (“HMPA”), the 2011Nominating Committee has been formed to nominate candidates for HMPA officer positionsbecoming available at the close of this academic year. The HMPA serves a valuable purpose inbuilding community and fundraising within the <strong>school</strong>. The success of the HMPA is dependent onthe hard work and dedication of parent volunteers. Serving in a leadership position provides theopportunity for many rewarding experiences in support of our mission. For this reason, we ask thatyou consider one of this year’s eligible positions, which include:HMPA Executive Officers – President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, andSecretary (two-year terms); and Assistant Treasurer, (one-year term, automatically accedes toTreasurer)Middle Division Officers – Chair (and/or Co-Chairs), Vice-Chair/Treasurer and Secretary (two-yearterms)Nursery Division Officers – Chair (and/or Co-Chairs), Vice-Chair/Treasurer and Secretary (oneyearterms)New Officers assume their responsibilities at the final HMPA Meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2011.The responsibilities associated with each position are as follows:The Executive and Divisional Boards each meet a minimum of two times during the <strong>school</strong> year.The Division Chair may call special Meetings. The duties of the officers, outlined in the ParentsAssociation are as follows:Executive Board President – shall preside over the Executive Board and each <strong>school</strong> division.The President shall appoint all Committee Chairs and all Members at Large of the ExecutiveBoard. The President shall serve as Parent Trustee on the Board of Trustees for the duration ofthe term of office.Executive Board 1st Vice-President – shall assume all duties of the President during the latter’sabsence; and shall perform other duties as the President shall assign, which may include chairingthe Nominating Committee for the election of the officers of the Parents Association.Executive Board 2nd Vice-President – shall assume all the duties of the First Vice-Presidentduring the latter’s absence; and shall perform other duties as the President shall assign, includingoverseeing the Parents Association Annual Benefit.

Executive Board Secretary – shall keep the minutes of the Executive Board meetings, and shallbe responsible for all correspondence and the sending of notices for all meetings of the ExecutiveBoard. Secretary shall be responsible for sending weekly email communication to the parent body(Sunday e-blast and PA section of the Across the Divisions newsletter)Executive Board- Assistant Treasurer – shall aid and support the Treasurer, who is thecustodian of the funds of the HMPA. The Assistant Treasurer shall assume the position ofTreasurer at the end of the year’s term.Division Chair – shall preside at all meetings of the Division; shall appoint all Committee Chairs,Grade Representatives, Class <strong>parents</strong>, and coordinate meetings and activities.Division Vice-Chair/Treasurer – shall assume all the duties of the Chair during the latter’sabsence and shall perform such other duties as the Chair shall assign. Shall be responsible forworking with the Executive Board Treasurer to monitor and implement Division budgets.Division Secretary – shall keep the minutes of the Division Board meetings, shall be responsiblefor all correspondence, and shall be responsible for sending notices for all regular and specialmeetings of the Division Board. Shall be responsible for keeping Executive Board Secretaryapprised of upcoming divisional activities and events to be included in weekly e-blasts.In order to be eligible for a position on a particular division board, you must have a child enrolled inthat <strong>school</strong> division for the duration of the term of office. If you would like to be considered as acandidate or would like to nominate someone for one of these positions, please complete theattached application or submit the name(s) of nominees to Ellen Hefter, 12 Lawrence Lane,Harrison, NY 10528 or heftere@yahoo.com, no later than March 31, 2011. Please note that inkeeping with the spirit of cost consciousness and environmental awareness, this notice is beingdistributed electronically and will not be mailed out in hard copy.For your information, the nominating committee shall consist of the following people: Chris Holo,Patty Manoff, Ellen Lowey, Joanna Sirulnick, Robin Kaplan, Stephanie Sladkus, Lise Fritz-Bart, Susan Katzke and will be Co-Chaired by myself, Ellen Hefter and the 2 nd VP, ShariTurner.I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the opportunity to have served as HMPAPresident for the past two years and express my profound gratitude to those of you who have beenso generous with your time and talents on behalf of the HMPA in the past. It has been an incrediblyrewarding experience for me personally. I would be happy to discuss any of the positions you maybe considering at your convenience. Please feel free to contact me at 914-925-2333 or email me atheftere@yahoo.com if you have any questions or comments.Sincerely,Ellen HefterPresident HMPA

Application for Positions on HM Parents Association Board2011-2012Name:________________________________________________________________________________Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________________E-Mail:________________________________________________________________________________Name(s) of child(ren) at HM and grade(s) entering in 2011-2012:Position for which you are applying:_____________________________________________________________________________________Please indicate any other positions you would consider:______________________________________________________________________________Please describe any <strong>school</strong> activities and positions, including dates, in which you have been involved:_____________________________________________________________________________________What do you think the role of the Parents Association is in the life of the Horace Mann Division in which youare seeking a position?Please provide a brief summary of your background telling us of any experiences you feel are relevant tothe position you wish to hold:.Please Fax to: 914-925-0110 or email: Heftere@yahoo.com or send this form to:Ellen Hefter, 12 Lawrence Lane, Harrison, NY 10528. Please submit form my March 31 st .

Application to Nominate a Candidate for a Position on HM Parents Association Board2011-2012Your Name:___________________________Telephone #_____________ E-Mail ____________________Nominee Name:___________________________Telephone #_____________ E-Mail ________________Position for which you are nominating candidate:Please describe why you believe this candidate would be suited for position:Please Fax: 914-925-0110 or email to Heftere@yahoo.com or send this form to:Ellen Hefter, 12 Lawrence Lane, Harrison, NY 10528. Please submit by March 31 st .

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