Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies


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RAJ KAREGA KHALSA ?55religion and <strong>Sikh</strong> life. The daily recitation <strong>of</strong> Raj Karega Khalsa ringshollow in the absence <strong>of</strong> any systematic, institutional and organizationalefforts at <strong>Sikh</strong> empowerment.How should the <strong>Sikh</strong>s bring about a complete rejuvenation andrenaissance <strong>of</strong> individual <strong>Sikh</strong> psyche as well as a social and religiousreformation and empowerment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Sikh</strong>s in the real sense. Presidingover the concluding session <strong>of</strong> the International <strong>Sikh</strong> Conclave, DrSukhmandar Singh, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> civil engineering at Berkeley, SantaClara Campus, USA and a visiting pr<strong>of</strong>essor at Cambridge UniveristyUK, suggested the emulation <strong>of</strong> a Jewish paradigm for the revival andempowerment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Sikh</strong>s as a Corporate Community. The Jews, likethe <strong>Sikh</strong>s, have been hounded out, persecuted and almost led to anedge <strong>of</strong> total extermination by the forces inimical to their religion anddriven out <strong>of</strong> Europe through centuries <strong>of</strong> repression and tyranny.They, like the <strong>Sikh</strong>s, have passed through all the phases <strong>of</strong> persecution,organised state repression and violence <strong>of</strong> Hitler’s concentration campsand gas chambers, genocide, destruction <strong>of</strong> their homes and hearthsand migration to America and a tiny-land-locked desert patch <strong>of</strong> land <strong>of</strong>insecure homeland <strong>of</strong> Israel, surrounded by a host <strong>of</strong> hostile Arab countries.But instead <strong>of</strong> falling into the pit <strong>of</strong> pathetic helplessness against theirimpending extinction, the intellectual and the religious among themassembled together for a brainstorming stock-taking <strong>of</strong> their plight andfor finding out a strategy to rejuvenate and empower their brutally batteredcommunity to make their presence known in the new world. The onetool, that they all agreed upon for Jewish empowerment, was the tool <strong>of</strong>education. For this, they decided to create a Jewish Education Fund (JEF)for educating each Jewish child and lend special financial assistance tothose who were meritorious and brilliant among the younger Jewishgeneration. The fund was created and the programme for Jewishempowerment through education started in right earnest.The results are there for all <strong>of</strong> us to see. The Jews, not onlycontrol the biggest economy and all other wings <strong>of</strong> the Americansociety but have won the highest number <strong>of</strong> Nobel prizes in severaldisciplines announced so far. They have, through their command overeducation, science and technology, made the parched desert land <strong>of</strong>Israel into fine economically sustainable dairy forms and agriculturalforms called ‘Kibutz’. They have created the resources and technologyto live with dignity despite a massive Arab hostility.

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