Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies


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52ABSTRACTS OF SIKH STUDIES : JAN-MARCH <strong>2006</strong> / 537-38 NSunimpressive, do not meet the demands <strong>of</strong> the youth who want tolook at every thing in their modern context. If some people still adoptsymbols <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> identity they soon shed them because <strong>of</strong> their weak faith.Gurbani, teachings <strong>of</strong> which even scientists have started appreciating, doesnot preach blind faith, which with little effort gets effaced.REMEDIAL MEASURESWe should counter the bad effect created by our ignorant andselfish leaders on the <strong>Sikh</strong> psyche by their undesirable conduct. Weshould, therefore, exercise utmost vigilance at the time <strong>of</strong> selecting/electing our leaders. For this purpose, sincere <strong>Sikh</strong> scholars shouldcome forward in a big way to educate the people to ensure election <strong>of</strong>persons <strong>of</strong> unimpeachable character who are competent to lead thecommunity and <strong>of</strong>fer strong resistance to anti-<strong>Sikh</strong> efforts. They shouldbe prepared to face any challenge to the <strong>Sikh</strong> Panth. If our leaders areclean with unflinching faith in <strong>Sikh</strong>ism, dilution <strong>of</strong> Rahit Maryada canbe stopped by timely actions.The work <strong>of</strong> Dharam Parchar, the SGPC and the Takhts shouldbe entrusted to <strong>Sikh</strong>s, who are competent to handle it, and whounderstand and practise the spirit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong>ism. They should also befree from narrow political influence and personal considerations, andthey should have the courage to discontinue any Brahminical dilution<strong>of</strong> Rahit Maryada in Gurdwaras and other institutions where there isparkash <strong>of</strong> Guru Granth Sahib. Discourses on <strong>Sikh</strong> Itihas, RahitMaryada and Shabad Vichar by qualified scholars should be arrangedso as to create lasting effect on the sangat. TV channels should beliberally used for this purpose where <strong>Sikh</strong> problems should be freelyand fearlessly discussed. No siropao should be given merely on politicalconsiderations. For, it smacks <strong>of</strong> gaining some personal favour fromits recipient at the cost <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> interests. Such practices createdisenchantment in the <strong>Sikh</strong> sangat.Alarming as the present situation is, let us not feel dejected. It isa temporary phase, and ours is a community <strong>of</strong> Charhdi Kala, destinedto follow the course <strong>of</strong> sarbat da bhala, chartered by our great Gurus.For lasting effect, the <strong>Sikh</strong> intelligentsia should come forwardand jointly formulate action plans and execute them with the help andcooperation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> masses who yearn for this.¤

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