Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies


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GURU GRANTH SAHIB – THE PERFECT, PERPETUAL GUIDE...37Guru Granth Sahib provides an excellent framework <strong>of</strong> Man’sequality and respect for women. But among the <strong>Sikh</strong>s, the castesystemand cruelty to women continue.The Constitution <strong>of</strong> India is a great Law for the entire country,but there are always conflicts in States. Also, there are Centre-Stateconflicts and conflicts among States – witness Cauvery, Punjab Waters,Bluestars, anti-<strong>Sikh</strong> carnage in Punjab and anti-Muslim carnage inGujarat.The above examples are a clear pro<strong>of</strong> that there has to be a change<strong>of</strong> heart and internal revolution in Man to provide the basis <strong>of</strong> thefollowing two principles :– I must do unto others as I wish to be done to me.– There must not be hiatus between what I say and what I do. Mydeeds must match my words.There is no doubt that Guru Granth Sahib is the greatest guide inthis respect. Even if it could mean personal boasting, I would notmind risking my honour by detailing some <strong>of</strong> the most effective resultsthat I have seen in my own life by trying to adhere to the teachings <strong>of</strong>Guru Granth Sahib. I have lived in five foreign countries and travelledto many more, and nowhere did I face any conflict, any animosity, anyalienation. Quite the contrary, friendliness, oneness, love, welcome,understanding and harmony were always my companions. I shallexplain further.Since we are the direct disciples <strong>of</strong> Guru Granth Sahib, it isincumbent upon us to show the Guru’s universal love and harmoniousunderstanding in our personal conduct. The messages that we giveeven in our gurdwaras in India and abroad, are that we are haughty,quarrelsome, selfish and power-hungry, and we do not mind going tocourts against our fellow-<strong>Sikh</strong>s. In my efforts to live the Guru’s dictatesin life, I found that I was accepted as everyone’s own, whether I livedin Cairo (Egypt) or Belgium or France. In my personal relationshipswith my fellowmen everywhere, I tried to live and explain the Guru’suniversality, and I found, to my pleasant amazement, that the reality<strong>of</strong> Guru’s following message was evident everywhere :Sabkau meet ham aapan keena ham sabna ke sajan.(I have made everyone my friend and I have become the friend <strong>of</strong>

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