Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies


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108ABSTRACTS OF SIKH STUDIES : JAN-MARCH <strong>2006</strong> / 537-38 NSSO SAID GURU ANGAD DEVA REVIEW BY HARDIT SINGH *Author : Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Dr Harnam Singh ShanPublisher : Punjab Govt, Public Relations Dept, ChandigarhPrice : Not mentioned; Pages : 132The book, So Said Guru Angad Dev, by Dr Harnam Singh Shan, awell-known scholar and theologian on <strong>Sikh</strong>ism, is indeed, as captionedby the author, A Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the Thought <strong>of</strong> the Second Prophet-Preceptor<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Sikh</strong>s. It has been published by the Government <strong>of</strong> Punjab incommemoration <strong>of</strong> the birth-quincentenary <strong>of</strong> Guru Anand Dev ji(1504-1552).It contains foreword by Captain Amarinder Singh, Chief Minister<strong>of</strong> Punjab, who has highlighted the achievements and contributions<strong>of</strong> the Guru in regard to the recording <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Jan</strong>am-Sakhi <strong>of</strong> GuruNanak Dev ji (1469-1539); fashioning and formalising the Gurmukhiscript, introducing sports (Mal-Akhaara) for physical fitness along withthe spiritual advancement <strong>of</strong> community, and strengthening GuruNanak’s tradition <strong>of</strong> the maintaining <strong>Sikh</strong>ism as the faith <strong>of</strong> thedevoted householders. Guru Nanak Dev ji on appointing Guru AngedDev ji as his successor, had particularly asked him “Purkha Panth karna”,to establish a Panth <strong>of</strong> saint-soldiers. Guru Angad Dev himselfdisplayed this saint-soldier spirit when be admonished the Mughalemperor Humayun (1530-1556) on his fleeing like a coward to Iranafter his defeat by Sher Shah Suri (1540-1554).In this small but nicely produced book <strong>of</strong> 132 pages, its learnedauthor has brought out the holy personality <strong>of</strong> Guru Angad Dev Ji, allhis sayings (original in Gurmukhi with their English translation and* Brig (retd), # 1380, Sector 33-C, Chandigarh

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