Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies


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MAJ GEN NARINDER SINGH – A TRIBUTE103Medication did not help much. Operation on one knee led to pain inthe other, and walking became difficult. His activities were nowconsiderably reduced. Besides, his wife, too, was confined to bed,and this exerted extra mental strain on this very brave soldier.As time went on, he started missing his attendance at the IOSS,where he was the Vice-President. In August 2005, he got acute urinetrouble. Family affairs now started weighing on his mind. His secondson’s divorce and subsequent marriage to a Philippino also causedacute mental strain. Finally, this very brave soldier and Panthic scholarand avid <strong>Sikh</strong> Sant-Sipahi succumbed to physical and mental pressures,and breathed his last on 10 th October, 2005.The <strong>Sikh</strong> community has lost in him a true Human Rights workerand a valiant fighter for <strong>Sikh</strong> Rights. He was an enlightened andintellectual activist, whose absence will be sorely felt by the <strong>Institute</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>, Human Rights Organisations and the <strong>Sikh</strong> Panth as awhole. May his soul rest in peace and may Guru Sahib grant his devotedfamily the strength and fortitude to tide over the demise <strong>of</strong> this giant<strong>of</strong> a man!¤The Lord is near, and is the perpetual companion <strong>of</strong> man.Lord’s Omnipotence is pervading all the forms and colours.My soul neither emaciates, nor repents and nor does it bewail.Imperishable, Unshakable, Unapproachable,And ever safe and sound is my Husband.– Guru Granth Sahib, p 376inkit jIA kY sd hI sMgw ] kudriq vrqY rUp Aru rMgw ]krHY n JurY nw mnu rovnhwrw ]AivnwsI Aivgqu Agocru sdw slwmiq Ksmu hmwrw ]

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