Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies

Jan-March 2006 - Institute of Sikh Studies


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WORLD SIKH CONVENTION99and Dr Sukhmandir Singh.Many useful points were discussed, a few <strong>of</strong> which are listedbelow:a) Subscription by Gurdwaras needs to be based on membershiprather than on income.b) Priority be given for membership to Institutions / Organisationsrather than to individuals. This was agreed to as already envisagedby us.c) General Body should meet more frequently than at four yearlyintervals. This would be given deep consideration.d) The diaspora membership in the Governing Council should beincreased. USA and Canada need to be given at least 10 seatseach. We need to examine this in detail again.e) SGPC has been given 60 seats. This need to be scaled down toallot more seats to the diaspora. However, quite a few delegatesfelt that SGPC, being the premier <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Sikh</strong>s, must berepresented appropriately.f) Core Committee members were invited by all delegates to visittheir respective country to personally address and enrolorganisations especially Gurdwaras and prominent <strong>Sikh</strong> Societiesas members. Personal visit would lend special impetus toestablishing the sway <strong>of</strong> the ISC globally. Delegates promised todo the necessary spade work to make these visits worthwhile anda success. This was gratefully accepted.CONCLUDING ADDRESSDr Kharak Singh then rose to address the august audience. Hehad already taken active part in the detailed discussions and elaboratedvarious issues raised. He gave the audience an assurance <strong>of</strong> sincereand concerted follow-up action to implement the Resolution and thepoints raised by honourable delegates. He announced that an ad hocworking committee with the Action Committee as nucleus would beformed to finalise the Constitution as per acceptable suggestions putforth in the conclave. ISC Headquarters would now be established ata suitable location in Chandigarh and that we will work towardsenrolment <strong>of</strong> maximum members. He exhorted delegates present toact as Regional representatives <strong>of</strong> the ISC and enrol membership abroad

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