Moab Happenings August 2011

Moab Happenings August 2011

Moab Happenings August 2011


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www.moabhappenings.comThis is a group of classic, technical trails connectedtogether for more than 26 miles dropping 7,000’ feetfrom the La Sal Mountains to the Colorado River atHighway 128 (with plenty of climbs inbetween totaling2,000’). All in all, The Whole Enchilada is a delicious,spicy blend of varied ingredients that make up a wildlytasty ride.Burro Pass is “The Jalapeno” of this ride. It’ll burnyour lungs on the700 foot, 20%grade climb fromthe trailhead tothe pass, thenburn coming outas you descend1400 feet throughloose rocks androots with steep,tight switchbacks,eventuallycooling off tosweet ridingthrough tall fir, up through aspens, then alongside MillCreek (with 5 crossings) to Warner Lake.Hazard County is “The Green Sauce”. It’s spreadover the top andspicy enough tomake you screamout “Yee-Haw!”After a short climb,the trail opens upto a fast threemilerun with anumber of optionalopportunities forgetting some air,down betwixt thecows and oakswhere the trailbecomes tighterand twistier as itcarries you in and out of aspen groves. This section is afavorite that leaves a good taste in your mouth and 1000feet lower.Upper Porcupine Singletrack (UPS) (via a shortconnecting stretch of the Kokopelli jeep road throughburnt trees) is “The Smooth Creamy Cheese Sauce”consisting of a melt-in-your-saddle blend of windingsingletrack with rolling slickrock among the pinions.There are, of course, a number of tech sections to remindyou that this meal ain’t for the kiddies.Lower Porcupine Singletrack (LPS) makes up“The Beans” of the meal. It causes fits of pressure andTRAIL HAPPENINGSTrail of the Month: The Whole Enchiladapuckering as you make your way though the sometimessandy, foliage-lined canalswhich can suddenly openup and put you on the edgeof a cliff or the openingof The Notch. There arenumerous places to testyour skills, courage, sanityand helmet.Porcupine Rim ismost certainly “The Meat”of this more-than-fillingride at about 11miles and 3000feet descent to theriver. You havea nice selectionof meats. Beef: Advanced riders with a side ofdownhill bikes wrapped in armor with a largedose of chile to boot. Pork: Those of us runningour cross country gear hoping that we end theride with some, but not too much, hot saucedripping from our knees and elbows. Chicken:Intermediate riders who are smart enough toget off their bikes on the truly scary parts eventhough they feel like a chicken. And Vegetarian:Beginners talked into riding a trail and findingthe experience, other than the views, largelyindigestible. The trail is peppered with loose rocks atopTrail Mix is an advisory committee to Grand County in the development andmaintenance of non-motorized trails. The committee represents non-motorizedusers including bikers, hikers, equestrians, and skiers. Many governmentagencies and private citizens make up the “mix” that makes this group workso well. Come join us on the 2nd Tues. of each month from 12-2 at the GrandCenter (500W. 182 N.). Everyone is welcome. Contact Sandy Freethey 259-0253 or find us online at wwwgrandcountyutah.net/trailmix/. You may alsoreach us at moabtrailmixinfo@gmail.com.<strong>Moab</strong> <strong>Happenings</strong> • <strong>August</strong> <strong>2011</strong> • 3Bslickrock on the jeep road, with mouthwatering drops, shorthot, steppy climbs and places to drop off a cliff (on our lastride we saw someone fall off their bike and tumble withinabout six feet of the edge of a sheer cliff). Something foranyone to sink their teeth into.Additional “Must” Ingredients:The Trail Mix staff and volunteers are “The Chef ” whocut, blend and cook the ingredients into a delicious ride.Shuttle Operators (check with local bike shops) are“The Servers” who keep you from having to do all the workof shuttling yourself. If you shuttle yourself, add a coupleof hours to get back to the trailhead to pick up your car andget back.Tour Operators are “The Tortilla”which wraps all the yummy ingredientstogether to make “The WholeEnchilada” a much more satisfyingmeal, by making sure parts of yourenchilada don’t fall out into your lap.So, savor the flavor--you’ve justeaten The Whole Enchilada! Or maybejust some of it, saving the rest for later,because sometimes you just can’t do itall at once.For bail-out (spur trail) optionsalong The Whole Enchilada, visitUtahMountainBiking.com.Too much stuff tocarry home?There's an easier way.IN OUR NEW LOCATION375 SOUTH MAINOn the corner of Main and Grand in front of City Market

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