FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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= COMPOUNDED FRAUD == CRIMINAL EXTORTION == PRISON TIME =All BANKs have kind of normalised FRAUD by misleading US and bymisguiding US into signing their documents and papers. They haveFRAUDulently misdirected US into believing that they are operating alegitimate business. They also believe in their heart of hearts thatthey will never be prosecuted in the Irish or UK courts for theircontempt of YOU and CONTRACT LAW and the LAW in general.Let them all be warned now that Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh andthe people of this world are fast awakening to their deception, manyout of necessity and self preservation and many more out of a keensense of morality, equity and fairness.When a bank commit FRAUD, because they have done this so manytimes they feel they have a right to continue. They do however knowwhere to stop. They stop at what we call committing “CompoundFraud”. By issuing an Invoice and Validating it with a Signature, theywould be attempting to legitimise the crime of FRAUD. They havethen crossed the line into EXTORTION, by the act or practice ofobtaining something or compelling some action by illegal means.The BANKs and many senior BANKing officials know where to drawthis line. A line once crossed that will lead them directly into thecustody of the GARDA and a serious investigation by the FRAUDsquad, which may well lead to a prison sentence or worse.If even one BANK official gets caught for this, then the whole systemwill crumble around there very ears. So we say, carry out <strong>You</strong>r“Social Experiment” today if not sooner. They may justslip up, issue an Invoice and land themselves where they belong …~ 76 ~

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