FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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NO MON NO FUNMost people, including myself for some time (approx 40+ years),were living under the illusion that the BANK had money. This is whatwe would have called in terms of CONTRCAT LAW – “ValuableConsideration”. That the BANK are operating fairly in commerce andin their vault is a big pile of “real cash money” and that they back this“real cash money” up with some tangible and solid asset, such asGold or Silver.THEY DON’T!• THEY DON’T HAVE any Gold …• THEY DON’T HAVE any Silver …• THEY DON’T OWN any Assets …• THEY DON’T HAVE any Real Substantial Sums of Cash either.Just ask them … go in and ask your local branch or regional or areaBANK manager today. Ask him or her to be straight with you …In other words when you are conned into transacting a deal withthem, they have NO VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. When you signtheir document, all that happens is that they create digital money.YOUR SIGNATURE facilitates them to CREATE DIGITAL CREDITS.<strong>You</strong> have given them a VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. <strong>You</strong>rSIGNATURE created the CREDIT. THEY HAVE GIVEN YOUABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL – NO CONSIDERATION, NO LOAN!This may take YOU some time to digest … try reading it again.~ 71 ~

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