FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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6. Full Disclosure. ANYTHING that is relevant or pertinent tothe deal must not be withheld or retained. Including the factthat the BANK has no money with which to make anhonourable and valid contract.7. Valuable Consideration. This simply means that the BANKmust possess something of real tangible value with which toput on the table in return for YOUR MOST VALUABLESIGNATURE. Just imagine if the BANK didn’t really have anymoney to loan <strong>You</strong> or legally or lawfully transact the deal?Well they don’t.8. Certainty of Terms.The terms must be crystal clear. Terms and/or Terms andConditions alone DO NOT CONSTITUTE A VALID CONTRACT.All these constituent parts MUST BEPRESENT in a VALID CONTRACT!This is called CONTRACT LAW, and is so because it is THE LAW. Thereare many more subtle and deep issues within it. Although once youreally get these solid principles you cannot really go too far wrong. Itis clear and totally unambiguous.Having said that, most Solicitors, Barristers, Lawyers and Judges veryoften do not know the LAW, or just simply and illegally choose toignore it. Once you have read and understood these simplefundamentals, you will now know more than them and can start toapply the LAW of CONTRACT for yourself, to validate your owncontracts in the future or decide which perceived past dealings werenot valid in terms of the LAW of CONTRACT …Solicitors, Lawyers, Barristers and Judges all come from a place ofFear, Intimidation, Threat & Violence. Don’t be Bullied any longer.~ 70 ~

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