FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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WITHOUT CONSENTNext they unilaterally create (without your knowledge) a socalledLegal Trading name for you. The first document that yousign with them solidifies this. Whatever name they haveprinted on that first piece of paper, will be your TRADINGNAME with them from here on in. It is important to remember,even at this stage they are acting in FRAUD and their intentionis to blatantly deceive and trick.If you knew this was happening i.e. The BANK were creating aLEGAL FICTION or TRADING NAME for YOU … would you havegone ahead and dealt with these Gangsters? Maybe you wouldhave, maybe you would not. Either way they did not disclosethese FACTS to you. There was NO FULL DISCLOSURE!Any perceived contract they feel they might have withyou now, is already VOID and UNENFORCEABLE!!!What are the Constituent Parts of a VALID CONTRACT?1. Consensus Ad Idem … “meeting of the minds”.a. Man to Man is OK.b. Legal Fiction to Legal Fiction is OK.c. Legal Fiction to Man … UNLAWFUL & ILLEGAL.2. Genuineness of consent e.g. THE AGREEMENT MUST NOTHAVE BEEN INDUCED BY FRAUD OR COERCION.3. A WET INK signature by YOU a real-life Man or Woman inblue ink. (Blue represents real-life).4. A WET INK signature by the 2 nd . Party, real-life Man orWoman (in blue ink).5. A WET INK Signature by an independent real-life Man orWoman as a Witness (in blue ink).~ 69 ~

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