FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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================================================================Clam delinquens magis punitur quam palam. A person who does wrongsecretly is punished more severely than one who acts openly. 8 Coke 127.The BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society have not been honest and openand have never tried to answer our questions. They have secretly colluded withIVOR FITZPATRICK to attempted robbery, fraud and extortion. They will pay afair price not just to me, also to the Sovereign People of Ireland.================================================================Confirmat usum qui tollit abusum. One confirms a use who removes an abuse.We are using our property openly, and reporting and removing the abuses ofthe BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society. None other have a higher claim.================================================================Contractus ex turpi causa vel contra bonos mores nullus est. A contractfounded on a wrongful consideration or against good morals is null.There never was any Lawful and Legal consideration provided by the BANK OFIRELAND / ICS Building Society. This they have proven to be unable todemonstrate as per our legal and lawful notices and requests.================================================================Cuique in sua arte credendum est. Everyone is to be believed in his own areaof expertise.The BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society have indirectly that they knowthey are acting and operating in FRAUD, because they will never provide theevidence that they know will condemn & convict them. “Their own expertise”================================================================Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti. It is a fault for anyone tomeddle in a matter not pertaining to him.This is where IVOR FITZPATRICK & COMPANY SOLICITORS are at fault with theLAW. They are trying to meddle in matters not pertaining to them.================================================================Deceptis, non decipientibus, jura subveniunt. The laws help persons who havebeen deceived, not those deceiving.================================================================~ 65 ~

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