FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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================================================================Beneficium invito non datur. A privilege or benefit is not granted against aperson’s will.<strong>You</strong> have to agree to everything of your own free will. Nobody can coerce orforce you to do anything against your will. Like IVOR FITZPATRICK trying to getme to contract with them against my will and against the LAW.================================================================Beneficium non datum nisi propter officium. A remuneration is not given,unless on account of a duty performed.The BANK OF IRELAND have not provided me or anyone else with anymeasurable performed duty, nor are they entitled to any remuneration.================================================================Boni judicis est causas litium dirimere. It is the role of a good judge to removecause for litigation.The BANK OF IRELAND have no cause for litigation. Woe betide them, to takethis matter to a “Good Judge”.================================================================Causa patet. The reason is obvious.The BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society have not provided documentaryevidence to support their allegations. The reason is obvious. None exists.================================================================Chirographum apud debitorem repertum praesunitur solutum. When theevidence (or voucher) is found in the debtor’s possession, the debt ispresumed paid.If the BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society have evidence or a voucher,why then do they not produce it? Because that would be proof that the debt isexpunged and that no loan and no evidence of a loan exists or took place.================================================================Chirographum non extans praesumitur solutum. When the evidence of a debtis not in existence, it is presumed to have been discharged. -- With no evidence… thus it is discharged.================================================================~ 64 ~

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