FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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For Clarity …For William Corcoran and Ivor Fitzpatrick, this letter offered them away out of illegally and quite unlawfully trying to create a contractwith us.They have no authority and if they assumed authority we haveclearly rebuked and withdrawn it.They would need and require by LAW our specific and explicitlywritten authority to engage with us on any level, which we did notand do not give and never will.The letter clearly and plainly lays out in “Black and White” that theywill be “guilty of HARASSMENT and Blackmail” if they pursue andpersist in this unilateral action.They were also in possession our “Personal and Financial Data” towhich they had no legal and/or lawful right or rights what-so-ever.We sent this as a registered letter to William Corcoran on or aboutthe 19 th . March. We have not to date heard sight nor sound of them.We do not expect to, unless they wish to unleash the wrath of theDATA PROTECTION COMMISSIONER and THE LAW SOCIETY.Having said that, we have now decided to report this incident to theLAW SOCIETY anyway. This may well save many other victims fromhaving to deal in any context with these LEGAL THUGS.We have just incorporated a copy of that letter within thispublication also, and if we get a written response in time, to ourcomplaint from the LAW SOCIETY, will publish that also … ; ¬ D.~ 39 ~

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