FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society) had supreme power andauthority.Q. Was he aware that we were actively engaged directlywith the BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society in settlingthe matter, & that his and IVOR FITZPATRICK & CO’sinterference in this private civil matter was tantamount toharassment, fraud and extortion?His response was that he was doing his job and that they, IVORFITZPATRICK would drag us kicking and screaming through the courtsif we did not pay up TODAY!With that, he demanded there and then to know my name. Hebarracked down the phone at me, trying to bully me into giving him aname and address and telephone number.My response; was to calmly advise him that “we would respondin writing to him today”, as soon as he hung up the phone. Withthat he slammed down the phone.Again … a damming indictment of the corruption, that is endemicwithin the BANKING and LEGAL profession and professionals in this,our modern Ireland.WILLIAM CORCORAN’s behaviour and attitude does not fairlyrepresent that of what we call “normal” people in our society. Mostpeople known to me in business, social, cultural and family circles aredecent, hard working and conscientious. And there are still some inthe professional arena that fall into this category. Is there hope yetfor WILLIAM CORCORAN & IVOR FITZPATRICK & CO SOLICITORS?~ 35 ~

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