FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage

FREE eBook! How You Can Clear Your Mortgage


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We initially did this out of sheer frustration. Later on we began tounderstand the psychology and the meaning of these words and thecontext behind this very powerful set of words.This is where we began in earnest to discover and study the LAW!Obviously this is only heresay, as they say … one of my businesspartners passed a message on to me from a call they had receivedfrom a “manager” at the BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society. Hewarned that “we should appoint a solicitor to deal with this matter,because if it ever came to court, that NO COURT in the land wouldpermit me or us to present a case to the court, that it was only byappointing a solicitor and a barrister that we could legally present acase in court”.That is a self-damming indictment by the BANK OF IRELAND / ICSBuilding Society of how well they know the “Court System”. It is ofcourse YOUR LEGAL and LAWFUL right to present <strong>You</strong>r case andrepresent <strong>You</strong>rself in court with or without appointing a member of“The LAW Society” to represent <strong>You</strong>.Of course it has been found by many thousands of lay litigants /people here in Ireland, that there is very little, if any equity andjustice remaining within our court system for a Lay Litigant or Man orWoman that wants to bring a case to court.The BANK OF IRELAND / ICS Building Society know this of course,otherwise they would have at least tried to answer our questions,and present evidence to support their wrongful allegations. Insteadof trying to intimidate and bully me and my business partners intoappointing a Solicitor and Barrister to defend something that doesnot require defending … as there is no evidence and case to answer.~ 23 ~

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