Datganiad Cadwraeth Clawdd Offa Offa's Dyke Conservation ...

Datganiad Cadwraeth Clawdd Offa Offa's Dyke Conservation ...

Datganiad Cadwraeth Clawdd Offa Offa's Dyke Conservation ...


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33 <strong>Datganiad</strong> <strong>Cadwraeth</strong> <strong>Clawdd</strong> <strong>Offa</strong><strong>Offa</strong>'s <strong>Dyke</strong> <strong>Conservation</strong> Statement 33clawdd fel y mae heddiw. Trwy hwn y sicrheir cadwraethhirdymor y gwrthglawdd. Yn wir, mae cynlluniauamaeth-amgylcheddol, megis Tir Gofal yng Nghymru aStiwardiaeth Cefn Gwlad yn Lloegr, yn cynnig cyfle pwysig iddatblygu rheolaeth ymarferol ar ddarnau hir o’r henebyn.6.11 Yn yr un modd, efallai fod mynediad y cyhoedd sy’ngysylltiedig â Llwybr <strong>Clawdd</strong> <strong>Offa</strong> yn bryder o safbwynterydu’r gwrthglawdd, ond mae hefyd yn arf hollbwysig o ranhybu ymwybyddiaeth yngl~n â Chlawdd <strong>Offa</strong>, cyfrannu tuag atei werth cyfoes, a bod yn sylfaen i gefnogaeth acymwybyddiaeth gyhoeddus sy’n ofyniad pragmatig (ynghyd âdymunol) ar gyfer cadwraeth gynaliadwy’r clawdd.exists today, and through which the long-term conservation ofthe earthwork will be secured. Indeed, current agri-environmentschemes, such as Tir Gofal in Wales and CountrysideStewardship in England, present a major opportunity to developthe practical management of long sections of the monument.6.11 In the same way, public access linked to the <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong>Path may be a concern with respect to the erosion of theearthwork, but it is also a fundamental tool in raisingawareness of <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong>, contributing towards itscontemporary value, and underpinning the public support andawareness that is a pragmatic (as well as desirable)requirement for the sustainable protection of the dyke.Problemau maint6.12 Mae 105 km o Glawdd <strong>Offa</strong> yn goroesi fel gwrthglawddffisegol. Mae goblygiadau pwysig adnoddau a logistegynghlwm wrth hyn, ac angen cadwraeth ymarferol i ddatblygusystemau effeithiol sy’n gallu ymdopi â chydlynu,gweithredu a chofnodi llawer o gynlluniau rheoli unigolgwahanol.6.13 Mae maint y clawdd hefyd yn golygu bod angen iagweddau rheoli fod yn bragmatig a chynaliadwy yn y tymorhir. Er bod gwaith atgyweirio difrod presennol yn amlwg ynbriodol mewn rhai achosion, yr allwedd i gadwraeth effeithiolhirdymor fydd monitro effeithiol er mwyn adnabod dirywiadposibl yn gynnar, ynghyd â rheolaeth ‘pwyth mewn pryd’rhad a rheolaidd sy’n rhwystro datblygiad problemau mwydifrifol.Problems of scale6.12 105 km of <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong> survives as a physical earthwork.This carries a major resource and logistical implication, and apractical conservation need to develop effectiveorganisational systems which can cope with the coordination,implementation and recording of many different individualmanagement schemes.6.13 The scale of the dyke also informs the need formanagement approaches to be pragmatic and sustainable inthe long term. Although major repair of existing damage isclearly appropriate in some instances, the key to effectivelong-term conservation has to be effective monitoring toidentify potential degradation at an early stage, coupled withinexpensive and regular ‘stitch-in-time’ management whichprevents more serious problems developing.Partneriaethau6.14 Gan ei fod yn croesi 2 wlad, 6 ardal Awdurdod Lleol,amrywiol gyd-destunau amgylcheddol a nifer oberchnogion (preifat yn bennaf), mae gan nifer o gyrff acunigolion ddiddordeb rheoli yng Nghlawdd <strong>Offa</strong>. Mae hynyn amrywio o ffermwyr unigol neu dirfeddianwyr, ifudiadau gwirfoddol lleol ac asiantaethau llywodraethgenedlaethol (gweler adran 8).6.15 O ganlyniad, mae’n bwysig datblygu system gyfathrebueffeithiol a phartneriaeth a gytunwyd rhwng ystod amrywioliawn o gyrff os yw cadwraeth hirdymor y clawdd i fod ynllwyddiant.Partnerships6.14 As it crosses 2 countries, 6 Local Authority areas,numerous environmental contexts, and multiple ownerships(mostly private), <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong> comes within the managementinterest of many different organisations and individuals. Thisranges from particular farmers or landowners, to localvoluntary organisations and national government agencies(see Section 8).6.15 There is consequently a significant issue of developingeffective communication and agreed partnership between avery diverse range of bodies if long-term conservation of thedyke is to be achieved.

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