Datganiad Cadwraeth Clawdd Offa Offa's Dyke Conservation ...

Datganiad Cadwraeth Clawdd Offa Offa's Dyke Conservation ...

Datganiad Cadwraeth Clawdd Offa Offa's Dyke Conservation ...


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10 <strong>Datganiad</strong> <strong>Cadwraeth</strong> <strong>Clawdd</strong> <strong>Offa</strong><strong>Offa</strong>'s <strong>Dyke</strong> <strong>Conservation</strong> Statement 10<strong>Cadwraeth</strong>’ yn sgîl ceisio nawdd Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri(CTL).1.8 Yn ôl canllawiau’r CTL (tudalen 3) mae Cynlluniau<strong>Cadwraeth</strong> yn helpu i ddangos dealltwriaeth o holl agweddau’rased ac y bydd y pwysigrwydd hwn yn cael ei gadw. Maebellach angen Cynllun <strong>Cadwraeth</strong> cyn llunio cynllun rheolimanwl neu gynnig prosiect penodol, ac mae English Heritageyn argymell hwn fel offeryn rheoli treftadaeth, p’un a yw’ngysylltiedig â chais am CTL ai peidio.1.9 Defnyddir <strong>Datganiad</strong> <strong>Cadwraeth</strong> fel cam cyntaf wrthasesu safle yn llai manwl. Nid yw’n galw am ymchwil newyddna’r gwaith arbenigol manwl y mae galw amdano wrth lunioCynllun <strong>Cadwraeth</strong>. O’r herwydd, mae’r <strong>Datganiad</strong> <strong>Cadwraeth</strong>yn cynnig golwg ragarweiniol ar arwyddocâd strwythurhanesyddol ac amlinelliad darpariaethol o’r egwyddorioncadwraeth sy’n berthnasol i’r henebyn hwnnw. Gellir eiddefnyddio i godi ymwybyddiaeth sefydliadau perthnasol abuddgarfanau o’r materion rheoli allai godi. Gellir ei ddefnyddiohefyd i helpu wrth ddiffinio cwmpas Cynllun <strong>Cadwraeth</strong> llawn.‘<strong>Conservation</strong> Statement’ has emerged from the HeritageLottery Fund (HLF) application process.1.8 According to the HLF guidance (page 3) ‘<strong>Conservation</strong>Plans help to demonstrate . . . a clear understanding of allaspects of the asset and that this importance will be retained’ .A <strong>Conservation</strong> Plan stands before a detailed managementplan or a particular project proposal, and is now advocated byEnglish Heritage as a fundamental tool of heritagemanagement whether or not linked to an HLF application.1.9 A <strong>Conservation</strong> Statement is a more basic ‘first stop’site assessment without the new research and detailedspecialist input which a full <strong>Conservation</strong> Plan involves. Assuch a <strong>Conservation</strong> Statement offers a preliminary view ofthe significance of a historic structure and a provisionaloutline of the conservation principles applicable to thatmonument. It may be used to raise awareness of potentialmanagement issues among relevant organisations andinterested parties as well as to help define the scope of afull <strong>Conservation</strong> Plan.Pam fod angen <strong>Datganiad</strong> <strong>Cadwraeth</strong>1.10 Mae arolygon cyflwr archaeolegol dros y degawddiwethaf wedi dangos bod difrod difrifol a pharhaus oganlyniad i erydiad ar hyd llawer o Glawdd <strong>Offa</strong>. MaeEnglish Heritage a Cadw wedi noddi ‘Menter <strong>Clawdd</strong> <strong>Offa</strong>’yn ddiweddar mewn ymateb i’r sefyllfa yma. Prosiect ywhwn sy’n ceisio hwyluso cynlluniau rheoli ymarferol ar yclawdd, a llunio dull strategol tymor hir o drin cadwraeth yrhenebyn.1.11 Canlyniad dilyniant cymhleth o ddatblyguhanesyddol yw <strong>Clawdd</strong> <strong>Offa</strong>, fel y gwelwn ef heddiw. Maeyna angen clir i ddechrau diffinio’r holl elfennau sy’ngwneud y clawdd yn henebyn gwerthfawr, cyn y gallwnlunio polisi rheolaeth cytbwys ac integredig. Hefyd maeangen sefydlu egwyddorion cadwraeth priodol i’wdefnyddio wrth gynnal cymeriad arbennig yr henebynhynod hwn. Mae proses ddadansoddol o’r fath hefyd yngalw am ddealltwriaeth drylwyr o gyd-destun cyfoes yclawdd a natur y pwysau erydu sy’n effeithio arno.Why a <strong>Conservation</strong> Statement is needed1.10 Archaeological condition surveys over the last decadehave shown that <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong> is suffering serious and ongoingerosion damage along much of its length. In response to thissituation English Heritage and Cadw: Welsh HistoricMonuments have recently funded ‘The <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong> Initiative’,a project aiming both to facilitate practical managementschemes on the dyke and to pull together a longer-termstrategic approach to the conservation of the monument.1.11 <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong> as it appears today is the end result of acomplex sequence of historical development. There is anevident need, before a more rounded and integratedmanagement policy can be formulated, to begin to define allthe elements which make the dyke valuable, and to establishappropriate conservation principles against which the specialcharacter of this highly distinctive monument can bemaintained. Such an analytical process also requires athorough understanding of the contemporary context of thedyke and the nature of the erosion pressures acting upon it.Cynnwys y <strong>Datganiad</strong> <strong>Cadwraeth</strong>1.12 Mae’r <strong>Datganiad</strong> <strong>Cadwraeth</strong> yma’n cyflawni’r canlynol:• mae’n crynhoi ein dealltwriaeth o bwysigrwyddarchaeolegol a hanesyddol, ac arwyddocâd ehangach<strong>Clawdd</strong> <strong>Offa</strong>The contents of the <strong>Conservation</strong> Statement1.12 This <strong>Conservation</strong> Statement fulfils the following:• it summarises our understanding of the archaeological,historical and wider significance of <strong>Offa</strong>’s <strong>Dyke</strong>

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