keppelite february 2013 issue - tj giavridis marine services co. ltd.

keppelite february 2013 issue - tj giavridis marine services co. ltd.

keppelite february 2013 issue - tj giavridis marine services co. ltd.


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Nurturing Communities 39Warming heartsWhether it was reaching outto the elderly or engagingyouths with special needs,Keppelites took time to bondwith the less privileged thisLunar New Year.BRINGING SMILES TOTHE ELDERLYKeppel Care Foundationdonated $100,000 to theCommunity Chest’s FestiveCare and Share Campaign,in aid of social serviceprogrammes supportedby the Community Chest.To build on Keppel CareFoundation’s <strong>co</strong>ntribution,Keppel Volunteers andKeppel Young Leadersteamed up to bring cheer tothe residents of Bright HillEvergreen Home, a nursingfacility for the aged whichKeppel Volunteers Liow Lian Kiaw (left) and Yvonne Wong (right) made festive lanterns withMadam Chua Seok Hwee (centre), resident of Bright Hill Evergreen Homeis under the CommunityChest umbrella.More than 45 volunteersrallied to usher in the LunarNew Year with elderlyresidents of the Home on21 January <strong>2013</strong>. Volunteersworked hand-in-hand withthe residents to make festivelanterns and other LunarNew Year de<strong>co</strong>rations, anddistributed ang pows, goodiebags <strong>co</strong>ntaining orangesand chicken’s essence to allresidents of the home.Yvonne Wong, Manager(Knowledge Management),Keppel Land, shared, “MdmChua, a resident, keptsaying gan en (‘grateful’in Mandarin) to me and Isaid the same thing to hertoo. I am grateful to herfor reminding me of howimportant it is to appreciatethe elderly in my life.”Teo Wei Kiat, Director ofCommunity Projects, KeppelYoung Leaders, and ProjectManager, Keppel Shipyard,added, “It was a pricelessexperience for me to seethe faces of the elderlyresidents light up when wegreet them. Keppel YoungLeaders looks forward tomore <strong>co</strong>llaboration withKeppel Volunteers to buildup a culture of volunteerismamong young leaders ofthe Group”.FESTIVE MAKEOVEROver at the Katong branch ofthe Association for Personswith Special Needs (APSN),Keppel Volunteers organiseda “best-dressed cai shen (Godof Wealth)” <strong>co</strong>mpetition,which brought out the bestof the students’ teamworkand creative flair.The activity, which waschaperoned by KeppelVolunteers, saw eightclasses of students <strong>co</strong>mpeteto dress the best cai shenwith <strong>co</strong>stumes made withcrepe and cellophane paper,glitter, <strong>co</strong>loured tape andempty red packets.Keppel Volunteers teamed up with young students from APSN Katong School to usher in the year of the Snake with a cai shen dress-up activityThe cai shens then paradedtheir <strong>co</strong>stumes on stage,to loud cheers from all.CEO of APSN, Mr KennethTham, Principal of the APSNKatong School, Mdm LimCheng Liew and Presidentof Keppel Volunteers,Mr Kwok Yan Hoe, judgedthe <strong>co</strong>mpetition. <strong>keppelite</strong>Keppelite I February <strong>2013</strong>

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