keppelite february 2013 issue - tj giavridis marine services co. ltd.

keppelite february 2013 issue - tj giavridis marine services co. ltd.

keppelite february 2013 issue - tj giavridis marine services co. ltd.


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12 Sustaining Growth...<strong>co</strong>ntinued from page 11.The Group’s <strong>co</strong>nsistent growth in earnings and creditable ROE and dividend are testament to its financial strengthSuccessful deliveries madeby Offshore & Marine in thequarter reflect our strongtrack re<strong>co</strong>rd of qualityproject execution. Withre<strong>co</strong>rd deliveries expectedin <strong>2013</strong>, we will <strong>co</strong>ntinueto focus on enhancing ourexecution, engineering anddesign capabilities to sustainour market leadership andfurther distance ourselvesfrom <strong>co</strong>mpetitors. We will<strong>co</strong>ntinue to increase theefficiency of our yards aswe pursue our Near Market,Near Customer strategy.InfrastructureThe 800MW expansion ofthe KMC is on track for fulloperations in the middle of<strong>2013</strong>. With the increasedcapacity, Keppel Energy iswell-positioned to meetthe growing demand in theSingapore energy market. The<strong>co</strong>mpletion of the expansionwill see us operating one ofthe most efficient plants inthe market.K e p p e l I n t e g r a t e dEngineering (KIE) has recently<strong>co</strong>mmenced work on theWaste-to-Energy (WTE)<strong>co</strong>mbined heat and powerplant in Poland. We willleverage on our proven WTEtechnology and experienceto ensure successful deliveryof this project. In light ofthe challenges faced in ourEngineering, Procurementand Construction <strong>co</strong>ntracts,KIE will be more deliberateand selective in its pursuit ofnew projects.We will <strong>co</strong>ntinue to expandour portfolio of energyefficient district <strong>co</strong>olingplants and selectively pursueFacilities Management andOperation projects locallyand overseas that providesuitable margins with limiteddownside risk.Keppel Tele<strong>co</strong>mmunications& Transportation (KeppelT&T) <strong>co</strong>ntinues to strengthenits presence in China withthe Sino-Singapore Jilin FoodZone International LogisticsPark and the up<strong>co</strong>mingdevelopment of KeppelWanjiang International ColdChain Logistics Park in AnhuiProvince. These two projectswill further boost KeppelT&T’s capabilities in providinghigh quality and reliable foodlogistics <strong>services</strong>.Keppel T&T has also expandedits logistics footprint intoIndonesia by partneringPuninar Logistics to provideintegrated logistics <strong>services</strong>for the <strong>co</strong>nsumer productssector.PropertyOur home sales in Singaporehave moderated with theabsence of new launches.However, the sale of 115homes in the quarter fromour existing stock is healthy.In our overseas markets, wesold about 730 homes inthis quarter, primarily fromour properties in China. TheChinese property market maytake a while to fully re<strong>co</strong>veras its new leaders are notexpected to remove all theproperty <strong>co</strong>oling measuresso quickly.On the <strong>co</strong>mmercial front,w e c o n t i n u e t o s e ehealthy interest in qualityoffice spaces, with strong<strong>co</strong>mmitted occupancy ratesfor MBFC Office Tower 3 andOcean Financial Centre.Keppel REIT <strong>co</strong>ntinues toproduce good returns from itsportfolio of quality in<strong>co</strong>meproducing<strong>co</strong>mmercial assets,registering strong growth of79% in distributable in<strong>co</strong>meand maintaining an almostfull occupancy rate.Alpha Investment Partnershas successfully raisedmore than US$700 millionfor the Alpha Asia MacroTrends Fund II, reflecting the<strong>co</strong>nfidence of institutionalKeppelite I February <strong>2013</strong>

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