Culture forum meeting - Dortmund 11-13 June 2009.pdf ...

Culture forum meeting - Dortmund 11-13 June 2009.pdf ... Culture forum meeting - Dortmund 11-13 June 2009.pdf ...
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Dortmund –A City with TraditionDortmund lies in the Ruhr metropolitan area, the industrial heart of Germany.With over 586.000 inhabitants Dortmund represents the biggest City in aregion which is home to altogether over 5,3 million people and ranks 6thamongst all German cities.Dortmund can look back over a history spanning more than 1.100 years. In themiddle ages Dortmund was the only free imperial town in Westfalia and one ofthe most affluent and most important members of the Hanseatic League.In the mid 18th century the face of the town started to change: with coaland steel as a basis, a modern industrial town started to emerge in which notonly a middle-class cultural lifestyle developed but also a strong cultural andeducational labour movement.The old industries in the Ruhr Area saw the beginning of their bitter decline40 years ago. All the Dortmund collieries were shut down. Since then the townhas found itself in a situation of radical economic and social structural change.The economic mainstays of the new Dortmund have been provided by thefounding of the Technical University, the settlement of companies in the IT,microsystems technology, logistics, media and insurance branches.Over recent years creative industry has been developing in a very diverse andpromising manner. And it is the smaller and the medium-sized companies whoare proving to exert the main revitalising influence on the cultural and creativescene.Witnesses to Industrial Culture –Witnesses to Structural ChangeThe DASA, the second largest technology museum in Germany has proved tobe immensely popular, as has the “Zeche Zollern“, the art nouveau-style collierynow used as a museum and as a venue for many festivals after undergoingcomprehensive restoration.The new building of the city library by the famous architect M. Botta on theother hand, as well as the opening of the new Concert House testify to the newDortmund.In addition to these old and new places of impressive urban development Dortmundalso boasts the classical cultural infrastructure of a major city. The free culturescene has developed in a very broad and differentiated manner, e.g. with stages fortheatre and cabaret, a jazz club, a centre especially for groups active in the culturaland creative industry.Dortmund’s reputation as a festival town in the Ruhr metropolitan area ischaracterized by the International Women’s Film Festival and the European FringeFestival “off limits”.The “scene” Festival is a unique platform in Germany for presenting the art andculture of a particular European country.European Capital of CultureRUHR.2010 and Dortmund UFor Dortmund just as much as for the other 52 local authorities in the Ruhrmetropolitan area the year 2010 represents a very special occasion yet also anunusual challenge.“Change through culture – Culture through change“ – that is the slogan of theEuropean Capital of Culture RUHR.2010. And as the planning stands Dortmund issetting the best example for this process.The City’s most significant project in the Capital of Culture year will be the openingof the Dortmund U. This 7-storey warehouse tower block, once part of a brewery,is being converted into a European Centre for Art and Creativity. In the tower rightin the City centre, the City Museum for modern art, new media art, a film institute,a cinema and scientific institutions will all find new homes on an area coveringapprox. 20.000 sqm. One of the floors will be dedicated exclusively to culturalcommunication and interaction in an effort to support cultural education andcreative potential.So, as the pitman would say:“Glückauf“ – Welcome to Dortmund!City library, designed by Mario BottaFoto: Gerd P. MüllerIllumination - Phoenix WestZeche Zollern II/IVMuseum for Art and Cultural Historyjazz club domicilThe Dortmund UOperaLichtkonzept: ROSTLICHT · Bodo BrauerFoto: Holtappels/HudemannFoto: Anneke Wardenbach 2002Foto: Stadt DortmundFoto: Stadt DortmundFoto: Anneke Wardenbach 2002

<strong>Dortmund</strong> –A City with Tradition<strong>Dortmund</strong> lies in the Ruhr metropolitan area, the industrial heart of Germany.With over 586.000 inhabitants <strong>Dortmund</strong> represents the biggest City in aregion which is home to altogether over 5,3 million people and ranks 6thamongst all German cities.<strong>Dortmund</strong> can look back over a history spanning more than 1.100 years. In themiddle ages <strong>Dortmund</strong> was the only free imperial town in Westfalia and one ofthe most affluent and most important members of the Hanseatic League.In the mid 18th century the face of the town started to change: with coaland steel as a basis, a modern industrial town started to emerge in which notonly a middle-class cultural lifestyle developed but also a strong cultural andeducational labour movement.The old industries in the Ruhr Area saw the beginning of their bitter decline40 years ago. All the <strong>Dortmund</strong> collieries were shut down. Since then the townhas found itself in a situation of radical economic and social structural change.The economic mainstays of the new <strong>Dortmund</strong> have been provided by thefounding of the Technical University, the settlement of companies in the IT,microsystems technology, logistics, media and insurance branches.Over recent years creative industry has been developing in a very diverse andpromising manner. And it is the smaller and the medium-sized companies whoare proving to exert the main revitalising influence on the cultural and creativescene.Witnesses to Industrial <strong>Culture</strong> –Witnesses to Structural ChangeThe DASA, the second largest technology museum in Germany has proved tobe immensely popular, as has the “Zeche Zollern“, the art nouveau-style collierynow used as a museum and as a venue for many festivals after undergoingcomprehensive restoration.The new building of the city library by the famous architect M. Botta on theother hand, as well as the opening of the new Concert House testify to the new<strong>Dortmund</strong>.In addition to these old and new places of impressive urban development <strong>Dortmund</strong>also boasts the classical cultural infrastructure of a major city. The free culturescene has developed in a very broad and differentiated manner, e.g. with stages fortheatre and cabaret, a jazz club, a centre especially for groups active in the culturaland creative industry.<strong>Dortmund</strong>’s reputation as a festival town in the Ruhr metropolitan area ischaracterized by the International Women’s Film Festival and the European FringeFestival “off limits”.The “scene” Festival is a unique platform in Germany for presenting the art andculture of a particular European country.European Capital of <strong>Culture</strong>RUHR.2010 and <strong>Dortmund</strong> UFor <strong>Dortmund</strong> just as much as for the other 52 local authorities in the Ruhrmetropolitan area the year 2010 represents a very special occasion yet also anunusual challenge.“Change through culture – <strong>Culture</strong> through change“ – that is the slogan of theEuropean Capital of <strong>Culture</strong> RUHR.2010. And as the planning stands <strong>Dortmund</strong> issetting the best example for this process.The City’s most significant project in the Capital of <strong>Culture</strong> year will be the openingof the <strong>Dortmund</strong> U. This 7-storey warehouse tower block, once part of a brewery,is being converted into a European Centre for Art and Creativity. In the tower rightin the City centre, the City Museum for modern art, new media art, a film institute,a cinema and scientific institutions will all find new homes on an area coveringapprox. 20.000 sqm. One of the floors will be dedicated exclusively to culturalcommunication and interaction in an effort to support cultural education andcreative potential.So, as the pitman would say:“Glückauf“ – Welcome to <strong>Dortmund</strong>!City library, designed by Mario BottaFoto: Gerd P. MüllerIllumination - Phoenix WestZeche Zollern II/IVMuseum for Art and Cultural Historyjazz club domicilThe <strong>Dortmund</strong> UOperaLichtkonzept: ROSTLICHT · Bodo BrauerFoto: Holtappels/HudemannFoto: Anneke Wardenbach 2002Foto: Stadt <strong>Dortmund</strong>Foto: Stadt <strong>Dortmund</strong>Foto: Anneke Wardenbach 2002

DrAft AgenDA:There are two thematic topics of the <strong>Culture</strong> Forum Meeting,<strong>11</strong>th –14th <strong>June</strong> in <strong>Dortmund</strong>:According to the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009 the <strong>meeting</strong> willbe dedicated to creativity and cultural policy and will be offering some outstandingreports on this subject – especially on a regional level.The Ruhr Area will be the European Capital of <strong>Culture</strong> 2010. The <strong>meeting</strong> will fosterthe aims, the strategy and the main projects of RUHR.2010.thursDAy, <strong>11</strong> th <strong>June</strong>Venue: Jazz club ”domicil”welCome to euroCities <strong>Culture</strong> <strong>forum</strong> memBersfriDAy, 12 th <strong>June</strong>Venue: <strong>Dortmund</strong> Town HallCulturAl poliCy AnD CreAtiVe inDustriesExamples, developments and results of innovative and creative processes onEuropean, regional and local level – critical statements, questions and answers.the europeAn CApitAl of <strong>Culture</strong> ruhr.2010:A regionAl strAtegyThe master plan presented by the RUHR.2010 Company –statements and comments by Liverpool, Vilnius and Turku.eXCursions – ”the olD AnD the new DortmunD“Guided bus tours to historic and new hot spots of creativity, business and culture.gAlA Dinnerby invitation of the Lord Mayor of <strong>Dortmund</strong>generAl informAtion<strong>Dortmund</strong> enjoys a central location in the eastern part of the RuhrArea and is easily accessible from all parts of Europe.By Air:<strong>Dortmund</strong>: ca. 30 minutes (by bus and local train)Dusseldorf: ca. 1 hour (by train)Cologne/Bonn: ca. 2 hours (by train)Frankfurt/Main: ca. 2.5 hours (by train)By trAin:<strong>Dortmund</strong> is served by the German and international Inter City Express high-speed train network.The ICE also connects all the above airports with <strong>Dortmund</strong>.hotels:Room contingents with special rates have been reserved for the EUROCITIES <strong>Culture</strong>Forum Meeting. All hotels are close to the conference venues. If you would liketo take advantage of these, you can book directly online using the link below: registrAtion enDs: <strong>11</strong>th mAy 2009ContACtIf you need any further information to the EUROCITIES <strong>Culture</strong> Forum Meeting especiallywith respect to events, excursions or travelling to <strong>Dortmund</strong> please contact:CulturAl DepArtment of the City of DortmunDKleppingstraße 21-2344122 <strong>Dortmund</strong>Phone: 0049 (0) 231-50-2 24 19Fax: 0049 (0) 231-50-2 24 97www.kulturbuero.dortmund.deCoorDinAtion offiCe:Svenja Förterer: sfoerterer@stadtdo.deSabine Schemetzko: sschemetzko@stadtdo.deNH HotelwelcomeeuroCitiesC u l t u re f o r u m<strong>11</strong>th – 14th <strong>June</strong> 2009D o r t m u n d g e r m a n ysAturDAy, <strong>13</strong> th <strong>June</strong>Venue: <strong>Dortmund</strong> Town HalleuroCities AnD eu news<strong>Culture</strong> <strong>forum</strong> worKing groupsResources for cultureAccess to cultureYoung people and culturepolitiCAn´s rounDtABleContriButions AnD reports from <strong>Culture</strong> <strong>forum</strong> memBersUBrinkhoffstraßeHoher WallS ECentral StationRWE-TowerKampstraßeWestenhellwegHiltropwallHansastraßeMercure HotelHansastraßeBrückstraßedomicilReinoldistraßeTown HallKle pingstraßeKuckelkeSchwanenwallBrüderwegOstenhellwegOstwallClosing sessionFeedback from Working Groups and a look aheadto the next <strong>Culture</strong> Forum Meetingthe DortmunD uPresentation of the European Center for art and creativity,under construction for 2010.DortmunD <strong>Culture</strong> wAlKPlaces of interest:Concert Hall, Reinoldi Church, Mario Botta Library,Museum for Art and Cultural History, House of Artists …sunDAy, 14 th <strong>June</strong>eXCursion to ruhr.2010 monumentsWilhelmstr.BeurhausstraßeNeuer GrabenHohe StraßeSonnenstraßeSüdwallSaarland-Impressumherausgeber: Kulturbüro stadt <strong>Dortmund</strong>, Kurt eichler (verantwortlich)redaktion: svenja förtererfoto titel: Berswordt-hall, gpm fotoKommunikationskonzept, layout: <strong>Dortmund</strong>-Agentur in Zusammenarbeit mit gerd schmedesDruck: <strong>Dortmund</strong>-Agentur, 02/2009RuhralleeSHaltepunktStadthausstraßeMärkische StraßeIbis City HotelHainallee5123

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