February 2012 (.pdf) - Para Publishing

February 2012 (.pdf) - Para Publishing

February 2012 (.pdf) - Para Publishing


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2A. <strong>Para</strong>StoriesSTORIES/INTERVIEWS/INFORMATION WANTEDNEED STORIES to flesh-out your book? List your wants here. Focus on a single topicand provide your contact information. Write tight. Conform to the format so we canCopy\Paste and do not have to edit. Send your listing toDanPoynter@<strong>Para</strong><strong>Publishing</strong>.com Put “Stories Wanted” in the Subject line of your email.There is no charge for listings.WANT TO CONTRIBUTE YOUR STORY? Contact requesters directly.Do not send stories, etc. to Dan.STORIES REQUESTED:1. I NEED STORIES about how you started with a goal and while pursuing that goalyou altered it to succeed in a new goal that you may not have encountered if youhad not taken action. (For example, Dan Poynter started as an author of books onparachuting and became an expert on self-publishing.)Please provide a brief summary of your story and provide your contact information andsend it to Michael Erwine at erwinemg@yahoo.com.

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